‘00... on... lrde 11V ards 11"» (FA 1d De Luxe Theatre ‘I\I)\\. H'Rll. ll \IONI).\\. APRIL 11 Admission: Adults L“ Children under 1'2. 9 Twentv-three and a half Hour’s Leave \\ l-il)\fl\l) \\. \l'llll, ll \dmx. \llhlfi :m: \\ [‘l l-L\D\\. \I‘RII Admin-L nder 1'.’ \dmlssmn: .‘hlldren COMPLETE PLANS FOR WORLD-WIDE CAMP_A_IGN Final plans for the series of Inter- ihurch World Movement conferences. which will he held in every county of Illinois between April 5 to 9. were completed in Chicago Monday after- noon. These county conferences will mark the beginning of an intensive rampaign which will culminate with the eight day simultaneous ï¬nancial campaign beginning April 22') for raising lllinois'. quota of the $336,- 777,572 for the general work of the churches participating in the Inter- \ Thumas H. Ince Production 1,, s Mlnr pfctures. ((HH(\ REACH and \V‘lfl'ï¬ï¬‚ 5Hl'M\\'\Y In I! What Becomes of the Children? General Banking Business Real Estate Loans Savings Accounts North Shore Trust Company |ml(.‘l.A.~‘ MAC 1‘ DORIS \IAY Phone 160 GEORGE 61. ROCK. Mu Palace CashMarketGrocery Why Pay More. Rulï¬trguins. All Quality Good. Puritan, Clear Brook nr Brookï¬eld butter . Baby beef liver, young and tender. lb. ...... ‘ hum Beef tongue in sweet pickle. lb. Beef hearts, ï¬ne for pickling. H. ...... rolled. no waste, 1b ()Iivilo 01' Palm Olive soap, the bar - Luck oleo Bunch-us rib roast, Jelke's famous Good Dri I‘Tiw's Hakim.r Powder. large vans. pm )lazola. Douglas or stsun ()il. quart i-an Calumet Baking Powgi'er. lb. can VVVVVVVV Fancy Florida Oranges, per dozen ....... Fancy Spanish Onions. large and trim. H». Zion (‘ity ('ottmze Cheese. alwziy< gum! \{4 M‘L‘f. H rnm- rib roast uf til-YURGE wiy THE SHARK It’l' (A Sun. Bull) N. W. Corner Centrd Ave. cud Sheridan Rd. Special Saturday Sale, April 10th. pot roast. n21 {rnmx (‘ LAKE FOREST. ILLINOIS PROGRAM FOR NEXT WEEK ». m ‘20v 20c. war tax 90. war tax \\ \ LS“ in Safety Deposit Boxes LEAN and 6:15 P. M. ‘l‘lll “SHAY. AI’RII. l5 7:00 I‘. .‘l. 7:00 P. 31. Admission: Adults :00. war tux 20: 22c war tax 1c; 22c ChIIdren under 12. Se. war tux 1c: 10:: war nu 10: 10¢ Lorna TILFORD In 7:00 I'. \l 20: 22c 1c: 10c 38c 35c 40c 71c I) 10c SPECIALS Admissson: Adults. Chndren under 12 FRII):\\ . \I‘KIL 16 \.\’I‘l lll).\\. .\I'I{Il. I7 .\lh!\l<,\'lfln (‘hmlrnn l ‘l \l)\\_ \l'llll. l‘ .\ drama or love intrigue nnd pil‘\|0n .\lsu \‘ml-n-VH Movies. shoulder cut. 1b At the conference in Chicago Mon- da} afternoon. Rm. R Calvin. Doh- son formerh pastor of the Highland Pmk Pn‘sbyterian (-.hurch gave ï¬n al instructions to the leaders of the ‘25 teams of speakers who have vol‘ unteered their services {or these mumy meetings. Each team will be made up of 5 members. and sonn church Movement \"vul rnmt mumy meetings. Each team will be made up of 5 members. and sonn of the best known church Workers in Illinois, ciergymen of the various deâ€" nominations and many prominent members of the laity, men and we men. will be included. H’H' Hy Veal roast. chuiu- Veal 0r lamb stew choice cuts, 1b. d ‘ ‘ " unsung. ll» Native flank steak the lb. .......... vans Pork steak. out from the 'ham. 1b.’ ....... Veal breast Oscar Mayer's aproved frankforts, lb. ...... (‘alves'ihrains. eat like sweethreads. 1h Good SOONER 0R LATER HUMAN PASSIONS THE GAMBLERS OLD KENTUCKY )mmlf“ nn: ,\<lult< :0“. war tax ‘_‘«‘-»-'.’2(' \ unm-r 1’.'. 1N". war tax 1P~-â€"!OC “\RRY WORRY In Luck milk. large \ Vl'l‘ \ S'l‘l“.\\'/\ “’1‘ In Adults. 20:. war tax 2c nder 12. 96. wax tax 1c 0“’I“.\' MOORE III I) I‘ Solznu-k pwturo 533-535 Central Ave lo ("H ï¬IH Free Delivery lnin HI 38c 33c 30c 28c 39c n- L‘f‘ «16¢ tho) 3| If IS I'. \1 20c 7 3C "It I‘ 12c 10c l The young people are attending in large numbers; it is urged that the young married also attend and that means everybody that likes to forget about the trinls and tribulations of life and con enjoy a real decent good time; its a mighty good tonic to the brIln-f-gged business man and equnl- ly as good a stimulant to the houseâ€" wife who, with clubs, home and kind- red things to look after, ï¬nds enjoy- ment in watching the young people, or, better still, renewing youth by dancing with the younger set. There is nlways a lot of laughter and cheerfulnesa in the dances and ‘as our dances let us young. old end middle aged. participate in them; then, too. it is a mighty good thing to have some of the old rones on hand to lend color to the scheme and some discipline. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND pm, munots WANTED â€"â€" 100 married couples, fathers and mothers preferred. to at. lend the Deerï¬eldehielda high school dance at our community service and partake of the evening's fun as a dancer or a locker-0n. An enjoyable evening guaranteed. Address th‘ manager in person any Saturday night. COMM U N [TY SERV ICE The dances are well attended and a great success but in View of the {act that our town owns them and controls them let everybody absorb some of the good times the young people are having each Saturday night On An» ril 17 the Highland Park Woman's club will give their annual dance and the community dance will take a va- cation for that particular evening. The anli club’s program for Tuesday, April 13. has been changed because of the inability of Mr. Wal- lace Rice, the lecturer engaged. to return in time from California. In his place the program commit- tee has secured Mrs. C. Housman White. a dramatic interpreter of m- tion‘al reputation. who will present J. M. Barrie's play. “Alice-Sit-by-the Fire." David Starr Jordan of Leland Stan- ford university. California. wrote of Mrs. White: “Mrs. White is in- deed an artist. I have heard nothing so perfect as her reading. Her superb enunciatiun. her every gesture and each little detail upon which the art of reading depends are perfectly har- 5000042 {WW-C(WDO Important Notice The next regular meeting of the Highland Park Woman‘s club‘will be held in Witten hall, Wednesday, April 14. at 2:30 p. mV. instead of April 13th, as formerly announced. abilitivs of the girlsi Miss Louise MC» Donald has charge of the ï¬fteen High School girls who form the glee club. vwhich has provided entertainment at l the various Association functions. and ;the orchestra is working faithfully land experts to be ready for sewice ihefore very long. monilcd. Mrs. White has mure than talent; she has genius." This is to be an open meeting to whxch every woman’s org-niution of Highlnnd Park. the aninin club. the Ossuli club. the (‘atholiv Order of Lady Foresters. the Eastern Star and the Dnughten of, the American Rov- olution. are cor-jially invited. V. \\ Lectures for the girls are frequentâ€" ly given and Dr. Morrell who has given several talks on sm-ial health. has been one of rho most popular speakers, Parties for Wounded soldiers from Fort Sheridan have been frequemly given and these men have made up a large proportion of the 1928 persons who have attended the Association parties during the past your Another useful wurk cunduvwd by the Association is the ï¬nding nf em- ploymom fur the “'unwn and girls who wmv to the I'meS rem-king Work. and hundreds hmv [we-n helped to places in thv hnmes and stores of our community. Many rclmives of men at Furt Sheridan haw hm-n helped to ï¬nd rooms in u'hin-h tn nay. ln order in pnn‘ltlt' (and food at a regs-unable rust for the mani‘ who de» sirc- it. the Blue Triangle (-lfeterin and lmardim.r home has been estab- lished with the aid of the War Work council (If the Y. W, (‘. A. The local board was ahlo tn start thin work last October and it has proved Fuur {Niche-rs luv? :1 uroa! sun‘es.» rum.‘ in thv hmuw niul many othrr lPHt'hf‘T~ are regular putrunsi Many {HMS and nurws frnm Fnrt Sheridan are annexed by thy good food and fume cooking. townqunple come in yunsl‘lo'rfll‘l!‘ numlwrs and the plnce i: s“ (‘rnwdvd ihat therv is urgent neml of larger quartrrs m accommo- dau- Il‘ll‘ L‘:.‘..|lu regular KUt'itS. oh...“ i; tho iHIIImpr (‘Imo serVPs the hurty support and help of our Highland Park people. \"u'it- nrs In the Association room: on tho corner of (‘entnl uvenhe And Pint (tree! ure moat conlldly welcomed. 0 g HIGHLAND mum CLUB § , . : l’l : Fridny, 23rd. R p. m.' vargc F. “wllry, llluslruwr and Fntlhni and (‘arUmnHL in Fun, Fm! Tuvalu). 27m, 12:30 “Huck (‘wuh ('lulu Lunchvnï¬ Mot-ting. Blcrnon n! Ofï¬- Annual refs Friday, 30m. it p. mi Cabaret» Supper [have and Vau- deville. Annual Mating and Election of Weâ€. ' Remember thy. chnngo of duke Finally thrn- is the summer cnmp H. P. WOMAN‘S ('Ll'B OSSOLI CLUB mimu-d frmu Page \. WORK IN HIHHIANI) PARK married couplely DANCE at Druce Lake twenty ï¬ve mil. northwest nf Hnghland Park when the Association nwns an attractive cottage 1n idenl surroundings Forty girls Pnjnyed two weeks outings there last summer and many more lre pl-nmmz to go next summer and in eagerly looking forward m the trip. These are the pnncxpal Activities n! this useful organization which deâ€" serVPs the hurty support and help of our Highland Park people. \“u'it- nrs In the Association 'YOOBII on tho corner of (‘entnl uvenhe And Pint (tree! ure moat cord‘dly welcomed. Fm! Tuosda). 27m, 12:30 “Huck (‘wuh ('lulu Lunchvnï¬ Annual Mot-1mg. Blu‘nun u! a‘loor Plans of the Proposed New Grade School Building for District 107 DcAL! â€1 Pl {7 AG"QOBP THE report is authentic that after a long - ‘ journey, sometimes hard and discourag- ing, but always full of hope and interim, they arrived safely in the promised land. Who arrived? Not those recent excursion- ists who, only two weeks ago, bought their tickets, for there is no short out, no fly by night route, to that wonderful land. The arrivals are those who, ten to twenty years ago, secured their passports at that same window in our savings department; those who early struck the trail and never wavered; those who made steady progress by working and saving and sacriï¬cing; those are the ones now basking in the sunshine of that wonderful land of competency. Young man and young woman, this bank is bound to arouse your interest in, point the sure and safe way to and picture for you the blessings ofâ€" THAT WONDERFUL LAND OF COMPETENCY. Let us start you on the journey. Highland Park State Bank THE HOME OF SAVINGS DEPOSITORS FRANK J. BAKER J. M. APPEL C. F. GRANT That is the Massage from? the Land of Competency .UDOUOUMU on)?†unZOOr UC: r? k 151.. )ZU U)DX. Fr. 3 President PUSH n The optimist rule's the world. A m pessimist nc-vrr madc- nn)‘ money The- mm-c-rn I am man-ring IX‘IH‘VO-l that it pays tn Iw optimising: I believe {or inslnnu- that pur Imr- Iy tnwn needs murv man In my Imr I also heliI-vc- that (-onscirntioun wry \‘ive is nppru-mtwi by nur people, I an: rvru’m thc- hnmv owners in our town want to NW murr pond gar- denn, want In (in mort- unrde-nlnu and ‘- expert mum-mug. I an: hrrr in do i it. gonna > I um the serum! of nur people. I go nut of my way m achleVr n-sulu nnd sriw absolute sutisfnrtmn. The hit 0! snow will melt m n dny or m. and vu- will begin tn think of Y‘PHNle amhhu In NH fun- a. my luwnx. and pllnlmgn. All I ask l.‘ tn dance to quote prima- M)’ “*s«)' stock sills use-l! l! u U! the hlmvmmu Mu. well dug and gulf-Mood to be free {rum dim-he. l deliver free. I plant at count. I guarantee m-rrything but (-verxrwns Ind I will do that for . lmnll nddi- tinnal charge. Drop into my ofï¬n- u 515 Ca-ntnl 'nvcnue. or all up nu 1‘ every Sundn) Sundny school ter the mornil to pupils up 1 The \Vcdneu which includel lion Science I You are (‘0‘ use of flu m ml Avenue. week dny In morning until Jinx. Vice-President Qua: Room H. l‘. 64 and my representative or myself will all at your home. \‘c-ry truly yours. 0, (‘. DOBRRll-JR. Adv Services are held in this church every Sundny morning at 10:“. Sundny school meets lmmedintely a!- ter the morning uervmo. 1nd in opeï¬ to pupils up to the lye of 20 years. The \Vcdnesdly evemng meetinz. which includes testimonies of Chril- lion Science healing is It 8 o‘clock. Subject for m Sermon, “AN‘ S: and henth Rel]? The \Vcdnesdly evemng meetinz. which includes testimonies of Chril- lion Science healing is It 8 o‘clock. You are cordially invited to mnke use of flu reading room at 387 Cell- â€11 Avenue. which is open every week dny from nine o'cléck in we morninz until six O'clock in the eve- Cashier Landsrlpo Arrth-cl. FanSWr CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HOLMIS X Yuma - AQCHITZCTb next Sunday} Lesson SIR. “Lu-avg 5111(er Pm: stvnu CHbCA‘C