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Highland Park Press (1912), 15 Apr 1920, p. 10

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us PAGE Ell FOR SALE â€"â€" 20 lot: ad on High Street ne: block north of Exmoor movements in. Will 6! single lots. Small 9: MJnnce on time. Joa th‘Vvss M. R'.. T’rvss uffit‘t'. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US WAN/”:1, m RENT f9.“ COALE SON COALE 8K SON FOR SALEâ€"400 shares Coronado (‘opper ('0. Stock at $1.00 per share. Will dwnle. Same selling at $2.00 in New York, Must: have cash. Address 0. A.. Prcss office. 7 pd FUR SALEâ€"â€"Chil<l'~' bed and mat‘ Hess. Tel. Tim-R. T pd FOR SALE â€"~_ 5‘ room house with â€"â€"~ .-l..-...ul FUR S:\LEâ€"â€"Chll(l'i bed and mat‘ Hess. Tel. Tim-R. T pd FOR SALE â€"~ 5‘ room house with screened in porches, 1 large glassed and screened sleeping porch. Gas, electric light am! hot, water heat. Luge lot. on Ravine drive. No aggnts. Tel. 806-J. ; I pd FOR SALE -â€" 2 thoruughbred Dur- oc-Jersey sows. Registered. Address S-‘Z. Press 05369; T pd FOR SALE 4 Brown wicker ba- by. carriage. hair mattress. wind shield. etc. Fine eondition. Tel. Slfi-W. " â€".l FOR SALE ~ House of 11 moms. “ hams. hut wax," heat. Garage. ()n .\ attractiw mrner. Would rent. Terms ~ _.- an...“ 1m FOR SA LEVA [000 ft. usmd Spam ver ma: ”‘0“ water boiler. Practical- ly as good as new. Go to any dealer and ne ml! ask; you $350 to $400 for new rmiler. T; H. Decker and ('«u. T91. 201 7 FUR M! {-x'.’ m good car «'3‘ FOR SALE-I~:\ U yer an: Iron water 1y as good as new. H 7L .. F ( ) K Barnes '2 ori 1163. FOR SALE .. Der good conditinn. Cheap appointment caH Mrs. Momine hotel. FOR SALE â€"e “Inner iterator. stone lined. no fectly insolated. ‘like ne‘ FUR SALE â€" Modern 7 room house in Highltnd Park. Bath, gas, furnace. cchttic lights. One block from Sheridan road. Paved street. All newly decorated and painted inside and out. Can be sold with large or small grounds with shade trees. Im- mediate possesaion. Price with small grounds. 34,000. One half cash. Ad- dress owner H. ;C'. Homing. 19 Liber- FOR SALE 9â€" Delivery horse. for information cull Calvert’s greenhouse,‘ Lake Forest. ‘ 6 d FOR SALE .â€" Lugeportable gar- m. Hu all of the desirable fea- tunl of a pain-on; building 1nd in, Mon it can be taken down and ended by an body. Price reason- able. Address« 2. Press oflce. . 5t! _ .\T TH E L‘OMMl'NlTY SHOP We haw for saie in the Thrift de- partment a cottage organ in good condition. couch. Spring millinery. and plenty of shoes in good condition and all sizes. We want two tuxedo suits, sixes 36 ul‘ f‘m‘ in good condition. Tel. 544. . ty 5L, Waukegm. 11113; Tel. 15l2-3 ”Um FOR RENT. â€"- A five room com- pletely furnished bungalow between Glencoe .and «Hubbud Woods. Pos- seuion given; May 15: to October. Address H. S. 31.. Box 2l8 Highland Pnrk. Ill. , 6â€"9 pd FOR RENT -â€" Garage. 33‘: Or- chud lane. Tel. 776-R. ; '. FOR RENT â€"â€" Furnished rooms. single or for light housekeeping. Convenient to transportation. Price; reasonable. 9‘32 N. St. Johns Ave. Tel. 1289. T pd. FOR SALE â€" Hatching ages from my selected stock of Rhodé Island Reds. $1.25 a setting. Fall at 439 Oakwood ave. or tel. 841“. T pd FOR SALE â€"â€" Small furnace one \vmtvr. Perfect condition. 1107. WANTED‘ Position u hwn man or gardener elper nr general work around plies Address‘Y Press of; fice. ; « 7 Joe Minom. 1M (Hymn-u Av: Tel. 518. wmm FOR RENT. FOR SALE FOR SA LF 1 107. EUR SALE FUR FOR SAIJ years. 33-00 per mo. Owner H’RE INSURANCE sn'mnox WANTED SALE SAL!" [Maxim , w 18 South Fin! Sized SALE 4 wheel scrapers «I and took. “99 Deerfielni av 15 If .E ,.. Overland roadster imun am! running urder. . T. H. Deckur. Tel 201. FOR. SA LE Apply t â€"â€" 20 lots 50:180. locat- Strect near Prairie. 51. r Exmoor Club. All Im- I. Will 5811 at once or Small payment down. me. Joe London. Phone l7 '. w Upright Smith Tel. 650. T Detroit electric in neap for cash. F"or Am. F. B. Hussey. 7 pd small cottage and tn V. T01 TlU-RA‘ Hm (I 'K'ld’x‘k mattress. wxnu ion. Tel. SIG-W. 7 pd ;roit electric in D for cash. For . l". B. Hussey, 7 pd ier chill" refri- no setms. per new. Tel. 1308; O 511'" SHOP i the Thrift de- orgnn in good . ADJL’DICATION NOTICE 1 Public notice is hereby given that; the Subscriber Executrix of the 135-. state of Emma M. Montgomerywz‘de- ceased, will attend the County Court, of Lake County. at a term thereof to: be holden at the Court House in Wau- 5 kegan. in slid County. on the first: Monday in June next, 1920, when4 and where all persons having cla‘imsl against said estate are notified .andl requested to present the same to said? (‘uurt for adjudication. Palmer A. Montgomery; Waukeuan, lll.. March 29. 1920. nun eggs used 'f v3.1 1ytl 8, The man who puts on his best clothes and rides out in his speedy . automobile may think he attncts 1d- ‘miration but he would win much more if he would stay at home, put on {his overalls. and clean up his “ck yard. '6 WANTED RENT .â€" Builder wnnu room. rivate bub preferlzfli commencin one. State Sim locality. A dms H. Press 0 cc. hf WANTED TO RENTâ€"seven nupm house with ‘2 baths for June. July. and August. Moderate prices. E. R. Bea-hon. Tel. Drexcl 1805, (‘all be- tween 8 and 10 a. m. ' '7 WANTED â€"- May lst. thonmghiy experienced maid for general housv- work. Small family. Best wa es. Weekly vleanim: done. Address yrs. (Hidden. Moraine hotel. 0‘: pdtf “'AVTFD . Rxm'rienve-d nmk, WANTEDSTO RENT -â€"â€" 2‘. or 4 rooms. furnished. includim: kitchen for July and August. Address T. l“. Newhall. 37‘? HonieWuod Ann 1 \i‘ A NT El) T0 1; Li Y om! hand sale. Tel. 1 H -\.V l A l l u Responsible young maxriod wuplv want to mm or buva house at mod crate who in Ravinia u!‘ Highlm‘ Park Parh puswxwr dosired. A'xl- house m- ruonh. H" ruon‘h‘ 11W gamma (ioocl wam-s.‘ Nu laundry. Mn. \V. S. Furrl'st. Tel. H. l’. 491. A \V'AXTl-llkllirl for general huuSu work. Apply .‘ll". .lnhn Gourlcy. Tel. H. P. 902:. 7 pd WANTEIXâ€" Laumlress 2 days n wevk. Electric washcr and manglo. ”.13 ()akwood AH‘. Tel. 336. l- WANTED ,,, An cxperiencml sou lml maid. Tel. 23”. .le‘s'. R. (l. Jill'â€" .nd maid. Tel ubscn. WANTED -â€" nr man and v Laundress 2 d; room house or May 15. TM. 1 WANTED -, [.ally clothes lruncrs and girls over 16 years. Good wages. Reliable Laundry. Tel. 178. , 'l We pay the highest. price for sec- ond hand or cast off clothing. We aisn buy army clothing. Tel. Evan- ston 1576. charges reversed or send pustal can! to H. Nakutin. 809 Defiip- ster street. Evanston. Iii. .â€"Lr team work kinds. Tel. LOSTâ€"Platinum wrist watchmn black ribbon. Initials L. H. A. on athe back. Finder call H. P. 339 for :reâ€" ward. 6 LOSTâ€"near St. Johns and Central aves.. "The Boy's Life of Edison." Finder please can Deerfield-Shieldb High School, Tel. 105, or leave book at Press office. ‘7 pg] The sporting crowd nre exempli- fying the Back to the Soil movement by laying out the aforesaid soil Virith baseball diamonds tennis courts and golf links. ' WANTED TO RENT OB BLTY§ WA NTED NOTICE r5 7 pd. WANTED â€" 4 burner warm-fro am on BENT 1H: nun-an stonjfz E W-H-s§,|i$h!!!@ so. '- II‘G-OI CM cute“ “Madman." \xm-in TOAREXT Lit-33 hr ‘.\ ."-( \:‘ )0" y; 3‘1Ihuw3 k 2.1: x431”. nm N your nu HT ‘ur summon. four masu-r twu 01' three baths. I} m and bath. sleepzng porch Addn‘s» R. J. Press . and Probe! Yours." by Wourln; M ISCELLA N EOUS in? WANTED M has”): I?“ -â€" Moving. drawing and I am prepared In do’all 768-31. '1‘. E. Nail. - i'unk and second girl wife. Family of adults. days a Week Tcl. 393g _ LOST fiat xperwnvm um‘urn sm Time . «rm» \ <mail 5': 1. r f3 muffin” porch 3nd range vaudny< only lhv l’Ulll man vlews wflh joy the first sigm of winter. “One smallmv 4100:! no! mum‘ 3 Hum- nn-r"â€" -nur l|\‘l'\' gum- u-h'e-t hat make a full. Hmn‘u-r. IIH' [uu‘lk-nlnr nne [Illl‘l‘lmvtl luy Murionu .lum-s on hvr July :rip m H!» ('H)~<“(‘I:argv il. ph'nw, and Q-ml Iln' Mi] [0 Mr. J, Jnlmmn Jum-N”â€"~â€"wu~' unlucky from pul‘vlm ‘1 July :r plvnw. Jnlmwn HH- ~[:|I warl'xm} 3mm; fond of rulu-zu years n: Mario have Iikl‘ I‘flm rousun Hmuqh J. Juhnmm Jun-u». film.“ in 11?. Nu- merous ungum lu-nring his mnno ped- dlml tho- ulnH mnuuodiu fruln Imuw tn huuw m the \‘vry mum (ily “IH'N‘ the \‘n-lH-I hm “nu purrlmm-d. JIII)‘ is tln- hn-iKIH ul' HIP Ive- mam-n. June-s. pPN‘, didn't llkv h) Iw I'vmindwl uf lmmer dun m I'mm- 'l‘lnn 'lw MN. “Omrngvnuxf .hh’l I'nr :I hit 01 puvk- ..3::inz:.7.. .TT. 3.3. :7 7......r. 1.7. 1...: .75.} _:;: 73.37.. 3.. ::I. _ :7... ::.:::_u :T mu Minn-Mn .lumw (liqlh' “(mMH'l lm‘w :m'ml had, \mx :Hul In-r! th: " .- ~il;1H wit!“ 9nd of :ln- HUT rII Even Iinn- Mun-mm the hut .\m} \quM nose knows, we‘ll prvlulhl) mu er have such :I glnrlmh' \m-miun M Ihls again. mummlv; po,‘npll' m-en'v gmnfl to offrr us a mmngt- (or mnhin: mery yPnr. And ”3 lUllL'h It) lulu‘ In lw rmnlmlwl Hull lull :H running, PYHI if ll i! 1“" momlh nl'f' \\'lu-n if ~Ium~ .‘lw'll buy a xlmu «um. I snppuiv“ Bllly Jon“ hld peddlwl vegetable! Irouml the nvlghborhoml during Ihe sumnwr of 1918. the prmlm-t of‘llln own garden. The prom‘ hml nened Billy n 350 ”her” hand. His enter- prise had been oncoumgml by the hm: lly. . Even Mur'sma had I'nm'wiml u to be "the thing to do." But in the sum- mer M 1919. for some rvuson which was enlirvly beyond Billy" underv Itunding. It “us not It all "the thin: to do." Only Mr. Jon» uppron-dA “Billy Is all business" In- “null! boast. So when lhl‘ M'lon of NW lmuse nf JOHPS‘ warning I lurgt- hzukot of (wisp \‘PRt‘hlhlPfl. knm-kHI u! Hm nMP door of the anoll (-nltuge- ”UP morn- Ing simultmwunsly wlth Hu- passing of Murlenx und the hut. summhing nn the opposite xldolof the rum! seemml to haw pllxrotwd Mul‘imlu‘s unmi- tlon. This nmneuw‘r lliuln't zvt h)- BHI)‘â€"~-nmhing did. He whim! It to the long score he alrv-Idy vhefiflwd nnlnst his sister. nnd lnswered the summons to "(fame In." as one well used to the premises. Billy took 3h» (-hnir nflervd him by Mrs. Lovell. Blhim-ss was good h"?! the anells being um- of the fmv fam- iHm- thereuhmn: “ho had no garden of Hu-ir (mu Aim there “ml Amy. 1w” _\’v:ir‘~' older than Hllly. and pretâ€" ty. Gh‘k of his n\\‘n ago [)0er Why: he had many flaw in 2” tn roach HIP maturity where thew like ‘mn younger. "lfin't thnt your siqer. the 3M In the: him-k velrm hut \vhn ju~l drow' by?" questioned Amy. "Um." xrumml Billy; "shr won‘t [peak to me when I'm but sell'm thing's. Says 'It Isn't the thing to at this yvur.” 8m)": mimicry was pct ,\m.\ Only a Lonely Fisherman His - . irst Offering By DORA MOLLAN didn‘t-Ilka lln' hut juq nu‘ lhix‘hn-n :lllII nmmr -' 11H <.<v«-r'luul nr llnl «lll't Iilu- it (liqlh‘Y kn" mml |n Hu- In-I "Ruhr! wrtlflm- In! Hu'~ mutlwr ~for the II‘.(‘H:I muld stand H. \Q‘I') )UIIIIL'. as Ml‘i. HM‘ .\Ir~. Jones hurl \«m _\1\llll;.!. she wns g, \\'l.:H mltlvd l\\'o 1's ugv 'Illhl perform» lllmll lu'r‘ Hlnlher's .â€" "ur Iu-I' Ilwliking (II? r0“ «h HI Ill ~Mrvhu' HIIIIIH'I‘. .\ n-u rim: “( hmd- lint and 3‘ ~hc- Iu‘rfi "Well. I wash you nould tell you slut-r ‘H Asn‘l the thing to wear valve! gnu) In sun-Ir) . huts tn July either. zmd ernu of disugn-euhh the (‘IHJ u{ \m "Ami Mlhmi. Bill} mnwu be trunk», HH' and a f1-Lnn- her rum. \x;.~ reurho-‘I HIII'I: I morning~~ :uu not Ann. :n whrn III» In: “El. Ila-pmlml ('luh .\i|\ .1 811an Hun .A should :m‘wn: Ulflld‘ \\-~t-- ,_ will: thw In-\ ”I“ ,;.Av~' u; clru r “nu-hm; n~ ‘mk i-n-l» up uH‘I uh [hr I'm-n\_ \;|\\ l'. " ‘.~ -~ ..'.|-d llu- lmnm nun Hun-I. mu- ,. .n \‘n- 1‘1"!!an :m 'ilHlN'l \\r. .h»- in! JOIH'K IH‘III'I Wat-[mu hzzn \“u w u SUHM' :Ilnl -l..I~‘ ll wxw . ,. ll.» , u!)- jw't “hit‘ll‘n rurn-ll ;:,-<.: wm‘ 2.1m, [il' u Him: :ummu! Hu- ..~.1.-. ."m drill, H Ill“) HIP \\ 011, l‘rphuo- Hu' I-|\¢'I and rock and Hulk “lll‘xlvh: ;.\\.|_\ The IUIH'I) n~lwrmun leum; ”My, was «onuunml \th unxmu) The next morning ulnlv liquun; m an. «x- Cllcd lnh‘ of llw Ill) slm‘mun nl‘mppcur- ancv 01' Mr mm win-l hul H-lnlwl by Marlena 10hi~ynungvr1i~lq~r he mmlo a slum-“d gums [hut lln- wunmn had been grunnmi lim In- mnnt 'ho- ut- tllng wrl. “(:01 string Imam 1h Inuoum'wl .\lr~ Lm larch of her porkeil» hbitunny mlslald. (in Hue ~ulm- murmn: Hill} :muu'rv‘d the u~|ml \lllnmolh‘ um! uulkmg lnlo Lowell's Lih'lwn. “hum! u lxu'xr lnnkn of (T1911 \l"|'lll’|h“ un Hm mhle. Billy turm'd to Amy. "You won‘k be. reminded of full any "ml”? by (In: lid“ .1 my thunk.“ he Imuurkod; "and Ibo! Won't get another n3!" 0". not If dad; I)“ to pay (h? bill." “Billy Jonv~"~Amy '1uolu-d 3! him with sunplrium (gymâ€""u hut human“ to It 1'" “I muld tell yonwhut I won‘t A fellow'll do :1 Int for a girl he Ilia.” wu- BHI)‘~ ro-ply. uttered In I m.- ln‘ \‘oiI‘P. Amy finned upon ht- lwoell)" United Stat/es sen-tor: must be pop- ulnr u I lot. 0! their constituents If- fecuomtely demand their pmcncu in their home towns during the com- BIII)’ mmlvln‘t dH'ld. nflonvnrd 'hk‘h n‘vmrli he uppredlled moot. Amy‘s ulnar) mall» nr the dollar his mother :uw him “him she wormed (he truth um n! him. But Ms loaning Ins “mum Hu' smile‘ in 1 ing Great indignation at the pro-poet. of a vhmen' strike in uprated by people who threaten to tie up the nilrolda. Intending bridegroom: are nnx iously asking what then “ldonblc' spring gowns coat. “Rest. Rooms" now provided in many pines. but a 10! of people consider the place when they m em- ployed m ere-ad for that put-pm UH Th0 .. )13 u lnnt‘l} I) 'h h,_’ 11 ~ ‘mk ‘1 hr I'm-n\_ \;|\\ Lt‘u\\ Imn lln'l mun :»I| mlmw'l '5' In‘mln \Vul‘ r :Illll‘l..lv ll ‘ “luvh :4 run.- 4lst St. and Ashland Ave” Chicago Oakdale Market 1257 Onkdale Ave. CHlCAGO To the dad», of this community: North Side Ha III h .' HI HIV in lrrx I‘ll lu \\ Plenty of Dressed Beef, Veal, Sheep, Lombs, Fresh Pork Cuts, Certified Hams and Racon- on hand at our plant coolers. «’ Send us your order orâ€"â€"as present dondi- tions are impeding deliveries somewtjat â€" drive in yourself to our ; The roads are good. We can promise prorr a fulfillment of your requirements. Come um]- r HUI' ll -‘ xhw murnhnx." ho Lun-H down-HIM In kfilnmk. IhlL‘h Sb. Wholesale Markét In I:ll\\ mm. llkl d .‘vu'r. Hallo-HI, UH'IINN'U ml! q'lmn mlr, lllhll‘ In .00... 0.. 0..O...0.0000IOOUOOOOOOQCOOOOOOOO000...... or to any of our branch houses .0.0000COOOOOOO0.0.I...0.0.00......‘0000. Instm-tinn in embroiacry is given 10 vougg worm-n by Commun‘fl! Serum («mm m many American umw Thd (lanes :n- held in (“1‘ clubs sc'ool room. and ommunilv H'ouscs.‘ All womt‘n art elici’le for the (Luau which 3 cute many embroidery expenl The vim" shows Class in union, win foreign Ian mg” 1nd Enghsh amid?- mestic cargqmy are at r subject: in (nub: to womcr} “1 Ameri emu. to"; a under Ky 5pm: “mm Fulton Market 851 Fulton Street ‘5' CHICAGO West Side Thor Washing Machine Apex Vacuum Cleaner Telephone ROBERT GREENSLADE AN 5513301053)? CLASS F you have battery trouble and can- not get to the garage, 'call us up. Our service car will- call for battery, recharge and repair, it necessary, and you will find our work satisfactory and the prices right. Becker Battery Service demonstrated In your home 5 North SLJohns Avenue ALL MAKES OF BATTERIES REPAIRED, RENTED‘, SOLD SOLD 0N CASH (IR TIME FIFUENTS 9229 Balfimore Ave. South Chicago Free of'Charge Phone Yards 4000 '.pt service and in and see us. South Side 386 Centnl Avenue Phone 31 NEARBY ms NOTES £0F LAKE cou NUMBER! "The I-Ifizw thruugt 710" ‘ ‘ disruw‘ pm" 1111' nm‘i Inn I the LON wum) math” W” ‘ 1)’ sup-"liilfi‘rl‘iv gun? hIKhVUI.‘ Frnpl “inn-H of publit "HR" yupefintvlidvm ‘ ham (; Edl‘l‘m. good rum}. In5 and I Luau? ‘ the guxrflw 1. MI)“" ‘ H “21-min.- ('It)’. bald‘hh‘ Hum: npprm way in whnn 7mm l‘ :) g~ handWarm-«11“.: u! 3m Idan road "lhwum Hm xmlv Hreuh \h’lmyh [ha a!) {an uf (be erH xyumvtx “l' Mm hovu-nv Hm' I“ ‘1 3M) u-nVuvu-n Hm! an: («AM 9.. Pin-H ’4»! 'm mv \ho ha‘ffnm. Hum: 1r» h “Vas‘flm ‘1‘.l ”)1 on.) '8} J 93 mm and mum) m- upemum Hm wusfdended upon AI will he I’kk‘ I? «HUT 1n um nm the («unity-and shun «m w IT regard Tm ‘nm thu \‘hmndm. 1: pavedgunr the Om‘pllun u (the rhurt lb"; I H‘rnuy} /,|I.v 1 what: is Ouvny tm- sin-hunt“ u hr #0:“ Th1 \Vluk‘ A rpih'v "‘7' Hunt"! N" mnon 11h" Manda} ,3” rmplv)"$ ““ .hunw n =1 ‘lmk a? U" hour. MI N hwmu Mmmh) urfls Airplane (‘0. Adupth Light: SaV'mu Han. Mu 19%“.- Pire in \ort h Gamma Monday giant ‘3 "7‘ “51110! ID"- V‘ In!“ rfifl‘I '\ “MUNPKU In 51‘0““ "Th! ”M. v' " - \Hh E er| (2:! hr tutu-r. n.- mv ,mhaul-u. uf uurwhdlmny \urmm-m alnuflfl general puhlv ' fawn “1 1mâ€" lifln “vine pun and 1 “mm m m “the! {nv'xur'ua‘ and but how; “am ”w phn ‘An mum of dnyll‘hl :r the (wt-mug hut q and Ku’demny \r firth-rum. u hour egrher H. mm mummy u enough (-nm-vrnr Could he nnu for thl plnn. (hp strufl nanny pan)" vould 4hungr \heu vb. w Conform Wirh (rum: rvquwm au‘lm QORTH am At.“ mar. A M. n" vnytu-rwus 1mg”, I out m fin Adam ermxruwnh hujldm'. m: Thxmm). Ann \‘u urn-u; Nurth‘ t‘hman, mmng our!) Mun of Manda) morning, inc 1. In.» 4.! than $1,000 U ihK I 1“,, 4.: awn build)“. and tinmhr Jmu Hurt I mm pt; hr. m-pannwm npprnh In \’ the {th Hurt Y5; - ' marshll :u' o\[n-v murmI-i V‘ {1}": hi?” (101" ”x w H“ by AM v dumm- Ht s31: Man. PAVE SHERH) \\ no TLQ (‘lh ”no: \10\ ES ( UM k U”, HI ni‘hm Hum: nmwm‘ M ho Whhlx 7.)”! “ I) ':t ‘ .an .e‘prnxmmzm! u! Dn\vl\y Sl' d"h1~uur Hm Hull .".'\' a! thmyr Ihn a!) iN‘Ihu“ m ad‘s“ PM {lulu vtx ,» \m‘l hovu-nv Yhn' m ‘t ' w-‘I -n'\nrH\ Hm! thhnj'l‘ln‘ ‘ him" ’4»! 'h: "'\ :1 I, Hum Ht Ivhl min 1 ( yxsm‘mlh “an no fin m ‘ht up] K) huh! lunar} ('hhln hrnwo mm) anmnt' soak-M (In) H $1.2M ’n ronm-y hwy Huh (Ink ('0. Aduph ‘ In". [‘1 v.» H): hr Hh tmrnyu v“ 5<l'hf DH 1 UM Hrm n"; ”I: mat“! "It upe'nlmn h! .l) [IKE ll _’ Kur',’ wax u .V' a \llpa 'JH MAM!“ w. m M uyl I'nhl “hr! 1 Il‘ 0W I" hm .hl [l

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