pus: in m mr .7 ‘ernment will its :0 which the Ge!- entit‘led, but it won‘t KH‘S III-Ilï¬ tht Paultn‘ mi? it†yur gar- ‘U garden can ‘etables Park, Illinois III-IE R 1 NES » treaty since ROYAL ARCANUM HOLDS MEMBERSHIP CONTEST w‘; OPPOSES LAKE FOREST . . .. 'p. g..; “j 'a'. Twelve (undldates Infllifled 8K lilt- I-(mn 11 him than . Dxxtfltt 105. IS m rvcexpt of the tollnwmz Meeting Monday‘Eve. (011- letter from Mr. Hoffman, asslsmm test Opened [‘81) 9 10 'Supen'ntehdént of schmxls fur the (‘lnse April 30th ‘slatv .‘f [Hmmy a ll vu:,, : 'l‘hz- zit": guns m Ihv battle bv- [Ween Lukq’ Furcst and Highland Park ('uunvil. Royal Arcanum. were ï¬red (m Munda)‘ last when the "Sum shine B-mstvrs" dcm‘m- Kean) 0f thv nunh 9m“ mnfvn'wl the degree up on u via» ’f Hx'elvc. in a Very imprw» L'nmxm-nrcd r‘ Aprli thirtivt‘r bert Larwn a the raptains ThK‘X'P H :{ mntvsi nn iwtwvvn Luke Fun-5i and Highland l‘aik which L'nnHHt'YU't‘ti February ninth and ends Aprii thit‘tivtit. Mr. I“. B. (ii'wn. AL her! Larwn and Ht-rman Denzd lan- the raptains fur thv Highland Park ('ounvil. It is believed that "Frank" has been pi‘nmuted to cohmc] in vivw of Monday's action. but he is not sleeping UP. thc job as he fully real izes that Fitzgrrald. Wyman. Brick- neH and the star kneeling knight. Brother Mikhail. are hard men to NUMBER 7 Thc Ordvr has paid outwonsiderably mm- mm. hundred and six million dollars to beneï¬ciarias and of this Highland Park has paid for its own momben fifty-«mo thousand dollarx which cunw promptly L0 twenty homes and was the means of keepiné the families together. In addition six thousand dollars was paid to the ben- eï¬viaries of members originally be- longing to Highland Park Council, who had transferred to Winnetka, and ten or twelve thuusgnd was paid to beneï¬ciaries readinf here who \wrv members of other Colmcils. The Order has been pronounced 110 per mm solwnt by the insurance com- boat miiï¬iuhvl‘n of ank and (Unnecticut. Grand Vice Recent W. .l. O'Neil. Grand ()rature Georgy“ Ruth and Grand {‘nmminvemen Wendemuth And ('lvurs. wvre presvnt and added tn the enjoyment uf the meeting. Brother Ovordier nf Lincoln Park ('uuncil i> «:aptain’of thc Bennsteh [wince [ram and Ahd himsvif proud. Rufrvshnwnh vnnsistm: .ny \‘nl’frc. ï¬rm-n». 'l‘hv YR“ delegation irnm Hm rd this meeting: um- ;mu said thry \VHUltl William Grant. sea-(- William Grant. Stu-rotary of Highland Park ('num'il has helm a. member of the ortlvr for forty one of the} furty three years of its existmxco and will be pleased to supply any information desired. He also has on hand appli- ratinn Hanks fur any who wish thcm. “STRONGER THAN DEATH" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY \‘9 HHUHM‘ Adapted by Churles Bryant from Crest. Novel of Anglo-Indian Life by I. A. R. Wylie Pearl Theatre will present the fol- lowing program of pictures next week 1 “v" "syni Sunday, Eugene O'Brien in “His Wife’s Money.†3 Chester Outing picture and Fox Sunshine comedy; Monday, Charles Ray in, “The Hick." International NeWS and Supreme comedy; Tuesday, “The Third Gen- eration." with a nouble Brentwood cast, International News and Spiral comedy; Wednesday, Bessie Barris- ,,-. . A,-_|‘I cast, lll\ClHuLAU-|un .‘.,v._. __,,, _ , comedy; Wednesday, 3955‘? BarrISy The Herald Examiner is cmuluctini.r C31? in ‘A Woman Who Understood." l a limerick contest in the Sundav odi- Pai‘amount 51383sz and Chr‘istie ! tinn of the paper. In the ï¬rst run< comedy; Thursday. Z“ S“ Pitts in ‘ tést which was held on April 4th Miss "Seeing It Through.†The GumPS-[Elizaboth Morrison. (laughter of Mr. Topics 0f the D333 Celebrated come-1am] Mrs. J. C. Murrisnn of 2:30 Ruv d)’: Friday and Saturday. Nazimoval vino (Iriu‘ i'cm-ivwl thv ï¬r<t prin M in ’5thsz Than Death," adaptedhme hundred dollars. from the great novel of Anglmlndiani 5“va lines H,- a limerick an. L,†life by l. A. R. Wylie; Burton Helm?S ; on and thc object is to add the law and Mutt “"‘1 Jeï¬- Matinee at 21?“) 3 line. and of mursu the host unv rv- Saturday. *voives the prize. Following is ihv -â€"â€"â€"’“â€"""_ limerick \\‘hi(-h appeared in the April ATHLETIC (‘Ll'B GIVES 4th edition and [ht' line which Miss DANCE .\T HIGH SCHOOL1 Morrison added to iti . 1 Down in "Pill“‘ul‘c the “mm-n arr The Highland Park Athletic duh: wild Will give a beneï¬t dance in the Deer- And thv llu‘l': 2m- thu milih-st of " ' ' ‘ 74Aâ€) mvvnnn<iulll lillili: “mu-sun...D ...,..V tumuri'uw evening: {Friday}. This af< fair h a beneï¬t. mainly for {he purâ€" Dnsv â€f purchasing new equipment, Ali luau-hall fans will be interested in 'Kr‘nvwin: that Highland Park is to 211mm have a baseball team and it is hhpnl that they will give their hearty summrt Lu the team in making this imam have a na huprd that they suppurt Lu the dance a success. kid-Shields hi1: w MM doughnuts and in- vrvax! n- furnish-<1 by Messrs. Guyut :m w-nv. Thv \'!\'lt01'_‘ imiuding location {rum Evunqm‘. pmnnunu ‘his meeting: nnc m' thv host We (1 said thry \VHUltl ('ule again. MI illinm Grant. secretary of Highlan beneï¬t dance in the Deer- hiazh school zvmnasium i Mzuehrhusetts‘ New Bryant from the The HighlanhW 1'03 m ('VL‘I‘ Mr. WEST RIDGE MEETS STATE REQI’IREMENTS West Ridge svhoul' is one of thr three .best schools in District 105. has recently been remodeled and mud ernized until now it has all the con~ veniénces and equipment of a city school. The former room has been enlarged and redecorated. an addition which houses a modern steam heat ing plant, a kitchenette. toilets and a light. airy cloak room has been made. A deep well, a forte pump and pro“- sure tank make it possible to have hot and cold running water in the lavutur» ies and kitchenette. Electricity for lighting purposes and cooking adds still more to the comfort and mm- venience of the school. ‘ There are very few rural suhuols in the state which met-ta the requireâ€" ments for recognition ~ as superior schools. Lake county has several such schools and it is hoped that with ithv addition «it more playground. : West Ridge L‘Hl‘. take its plat-u alilutl‘; tht-m. W. J. Htl’fman Writes Letter Ranking It u< Superior One Room . Rural Schnol ' Bum-d nl‘ Uiroczurs. District 10$. Lake (bum) Dear Sirs: In company with the county super intendent I made an inspwtion nf yuur school in (lvturmino whether n met with the requircmcnh‘ for rm'm: nitiun as a superiur une~ronm schnul. I found one of the best schools that l have seen in my round of inSpection over the state. The only reasun that it cannot be recognized as a superior school now is the smallness of the playground I am infnrmed that it is the purpose of the honrd t0 pur- chase additional ground. As soon a; this is done. ihq- school can he rem)! niuul as superior. You are ceretainly tn lw mnlzratulatml upon tho exu'lr lem srhuul which you are conducting. Yours sincerely, \V'. J. HOFFMAN. Assistant Supt. Thv \\ (-51 Ridm- ('ummumty clu‘m under the leadership of D. M. Blaziex: has nlm‘olupmi a umm‘umty spirit whlch i~' \‘L-x'y hvlpfu‘ both to (h‘ rnmmunity and thu srhrml. The ('111' has ï¬nished paying fur thu schww‘ has finished paying fur thu schml pizinn and has purvhasml a new \'i«- zmln for [hi- pluyxi'uunll. llvvnmu parties for >[)(‘t'lal days. weekly dang-inn: rlasses umlvi' (ho. direction ‘ Mrs. Humphrey. schoul omvrtain- ï¬rms under the dirovtinn of Miss N. (irau- “'riuht. and Sunday school alsn under the direction of Miss “'riizht urt' uniting other actiVities uf rho cluln Thv Board is indeed for- tunate in being: able tn retain Mix.- Wright as ti-achvr. She is enthusias- tii- as a leader among the people of ~thc' («immunity and vitally intorostcd in rural eduvatiun. Visitors are always welcome at West Ridge. Anyone intereï¬ed in schools or school work is cordinlly in- vited to call at any time school is in LOCAL GIRL SUCCESSFUL IN LIMERICK CONTEST Miss Morrismi is a suphomore ut- tendim: the Deerï¬eId-Sbields High school. Highland Park is real proud of her success in winning the ï¬rst prize of the ï¬rst contest. Is That "Bill" is an Child. Miss Mox’riSun is a icth Morrison Wim First Prize in First Contest Held by Herald and Examiner v5 \ml [111‘ mason for this Saw a Dulxmare Mis 5. Bill" is Still “Anti‘s Springï¬eld “linois April _,1920 103. mmlA I - con~ l l city been dltiun ‘ heatr and a made. 1 pure. we hut vutur» :y for adds: l mm- uhuols *quiroâ€" poriur uveral t with rnuml. lmu I'll, Uh Suturuiny tlu‘n- \\':I\‘ ulsn lu-ltl -; 1hr zmmml ell-mun for nne town>hi]. truslm- uf whnols. 'l‘vm rundhlntv» \wru plan-ml in nomination. .Vlr. \an tor ('wpt- uml Mr. .lnhn Bl‘ll. 'l‘lu lnlllt'sl <l4'\\'ll\pwl 3R1 \‘nh‘! In “lull 'luml l'nrl\ and m; in th-rlh-lll. ul' \‘lllt'll .\lr. ('upv rm-q-n‘ml H} m Highland Park and 'Zl m Dvorrlvld and Mr. Br†If)" m Highland l‘zu-n :u‘xl 13m Hm-H‘u-ld. Mr. ('npr “inning l‘)’ 2233 \W‘tt‘s. 'l'hmv urr lhrw N'h'nrl Irmtq-vs in llt‘l'l‘llt'ltl tun'nshlp. um- lu-inu‘ l'lQ‘ttlfll annually. Thur <lutln~> cumist m (-lm‘tim: a tawnshxp nu.» urvr nf schools. ï¬xing lxi> xumgwlzw {inn and auditing hi.~ am‘uum» 1‘hi"PTQ’Sllh'nllBl pnnmry on Tum «lay. April fl. drew out unly n lxull: \‘ntv ll‘. [rm-mm hmushlp. unly I'vTI‘ lmllnh’ in all ln-inz ruil. Hf. [Ha-n Lvnniu‘ll “owl n-vmu-(l Hill, Frank () lmwdt-n 235‘. Julme Ml. and 33 .wul tvrlmr, Thu \uu ll} wmlmh Wm :n Y'uiln\\>. ()wr :woon “'le A WEEK OF ELECTIONS BRINGS LIITLE INTEREST Wuher (‘npe Made â€l‘ruStec For This District: Mam) More Votes Than l'sual huM fwx’ (hr purpww nf mvmlwx' m’ thv huzu'd h l'nrm'ixih Truwhiduo l mutr n'a~‘l TL! 11‘. HlL’hlqul ii lh-mlix-lil “Nil 30 in Lulu- ]659 in all; 'I‘hv l\('\\' lmu )[flanA‘d un )lninln)‘. April t'lm'tion of MIX hu J. (in Ilt'lll. Mr. William M. Rm: rim-{inn uf (INN. Mr. \ lul' um] I)! tul‘y. )II' h (uh 1rd llh 31h uh IulMl I‘l 191 H0 :0 The clwilun nf pn-shlrnt and fun lllt'llllbl‘l'h ‘4' {hr Ilm l'lm‘v svhnul lmzntl, in «lHtrnl 1H7, will lw hrM Kl Ilu- svluml lmusc on Saturday. April 174 The pulls “ill lu- upt-n {rum 2 In .3 n'vlm‘k. The «nullitlnuw uh" MY. El ll, Moth-l for pn-snlcnt. Mrsz (Ecurgc (in-cm- and Mr. (h-nrgr R. Jones fur nu-mbers uf the board. The election fur president and two momlwh‘ fur srhnul district 10H Will fll<n lu- held Saturday afternoon. Fur» thvr notiu- of this elm-lion will he found elsewhere in this issue. 1'2†Un Saturday, Apnl 1H, 1hl BRONCHIAI. PNEUMONIA RESULTS IN DEATH Edvard Wlhlmnn Died in Highland l'nrk (Mix-h.) Hospital Sutur- da)’. April Tenth Mr. Edward Wahlmnn. aged 28. died Saturday. April 10th, at UN Highland Park hospital, Highland Park, Mich. as the result of bron‘ vhial pneumonia. Thx- remains were shipped hero for burial. ‘1 Hot! n“. undnp High Funeral sandals were held in Pri- ur's undertaking: parlors Tuesday af- Iornmm thh Rm‘. “wk of the M. E. church nï¬iciatinp, Intvrmonl Wm manic in Mcmnrml Park (-cnwtery. 3111 Wahlman Ivan-s 2| xislcr. Lillian. and u hrnthr-r. Arkhur. nf this «My. tn .\l 1“ ('yrus and u hrnthr-r. Arkhur. nf this «115'. II >urvivo him. Mr, Wahlman served wnh {he arm. overseas. H;- had just been dischnru mi frum flue .Iorx‘iu- about :1 mumh. HIGHLAND PARK. MODERN \VOODMAN GIVE «cum PARTY TOMORROW Minn ‘Friduy. April M. in With-n hail. Thi< party had ln-cn prevmusl)‘ piannmi for April L’nd. but owing: 1U ‘hv fact that this was Good Friday. the uï¬'air was plh‘pnflod until April 16th. The_ puhln- is mrdinlly invited to attend. .‘II' Anson (fl Mona \ \\. Rr34i mul )lr. ('yru: nr 1hr tht‘I‘ mvmhmx 'I‘iw Mmhrrl: \\ H L'iw- :1 ran! I \H‘.’ and Y. hr he DEIIR!“II'LI,I) T1)“ \Sllil' [Hm «\[m'm hr .»12!_\' vmulhluu- n L' ll‘H-H't'tl ߠ{hr \ Hmhlamd Park, UT 3W 1!! I‘ukn- I“-‘rl'(‘\1 The m-w lmurd wn,‘ .\re (‘asl "r. “buhnvn of Ann-rim an! party tnmorrnw ew- w April M. in With-n Ivowdrn IN DEERFIELI) \\ RUNS . J. (in-r us pron M. Many as Audi “VI-1N)“ as Sm'rv (2 Morgan. M: 1 Mr. ('yrus Adam ILUNOXS. THURSDAY, APRIL 15.4920 IE‘I H0 I‘ â€W m'mml H'It ‘zJ S)‘IH'11]~ hutril‘l “fl! vim-um; um \uu't'mi Nil f' Lukr F0! “'ood John-.un M \V N \\ .'I II N . Hutu“ HUI“ Luke 16 1h. â€h H) ‘28. ! TEAMSTERS' STRIKE NOT YET SET’I‘LEI) Uifl‘rrvnw l'wlvu-rn Homand~ at l n um and Uflrr u! Employ-n |~ \rr) Small «mummy :H'v .‘\lmul Mnr twamsten m n-whlutlu ~ ply and Tr: Alt-IL†I «hm. (‘1 H~l|v«-r~' \ Ixnmy huxr :vmrnmx U3 \KHYK. quI lankmg >ull~rmlur§ :ul.m,oxm~ntl, 'l‘vumstc-rx vn plw)wl by MmuuL ‘1 lynn. ()‘Knrmm unli Him" Lumber «mummy un- huvk at work Alum! Mm“ P; l'.’ ~Io~1rKMr> hum (ht trunnion umnx, u‘nfhrlI-d “21h rop- Y't'~(‘¥11ull\t~ [f m. Kurt}; Shvm- Sup MY and Tram (txnwiw‘ “xv-«mun; mains to .irnmnd uhllv Hu $6 a J“) .uzrs. 1m- trr plopusnl hm lawn l “1101!. WWW h-n:n.~(m‘.~' ~ In mum-n! alum: ‘ht iinr \ll'lkO- an -H HE"! 1m: st'm'msrz PLANNED FOR S.\Tl'Rb\\' NIGHI‘ \l vm In-n nnd a by the Th.- “hm 17.53.57 7: Fr. 32â€"; 7.; r; :7 ::V:::.7 c. :17: :6 S ('r'HH -\H 1m 0 Thu)†millu' “1H L’uvrt,‘ Hf Iht L’Ut'5IS Hf the q-u-nmu. Mr,» “T t . Shipnrs and M "Min whn hah- Yht- ‘smpnu ny parth u“: ~ A sh- I'TMI Had NHL -. Hf thn- mvrzmu \Rliï¬ful'hil) n ’murniquc MM H‘lH‘d upwn "4 Mus†ht'glns In play early and stay latv ('nin whn han- 2hr ‘smpnw' (â€Hun- uf thn- mvrzmu m ‘hunn- rrpurt all m \misfux'tux) H‘adlhvsn. MI Alvur ’murniquc and the mush-inns am he H‘lH‘d mum in fumikh all {hr rest nworzsaly (n mnkr- 1hr Hmhlnnd Park Woman's duh «lam-r our m linut-r long m the minds of (how ix» :nu-ndnme. ALLIANCE FRANCAIS GIVE BENEFIT CONCERT m One of the most brilliant («inverts uf the sew-um will lw that to be given on Monday i-w-nmg. April 19. at Dr chest?“ hull. “hon Alfrwl Minot, thc French pianlsl. “'hu nu-ntly (rt-fled suvh u fuim nu wlmxl at thv >_\'mphun_\' â€invert; .lai'qut‘! 'l'hil-aud. tho Fromh vinlmnt, whn has been attracting hum‘ audit-Hwy all over the «Mummy and Julia l'l:m-'wn, llH‘ Swwlisli wym‘mm. Ilwu- lu-uuty nf \wmr m lxlllHVX] I All muw lovr‘rI. Alfred (‘ortoL Jacquou Thibuld 1H \mm m meu 1 wnll mnkr up {in Will Innkr up 2hr pn-grnm l The wnu-rl h M be gum: under: 1hr dirt-(tiny. of (hr Allmnn- Frnn ‘a Cairo, and tho [Ir-womb u!“ M- used! Inward making the From}: Iihrnr)’ hf: 2hr Al‘ninnu- ;; thnruughly usable 11., 'nrary fur From-h ~tutlrllt~ and rnLhu»' mu.» “1' xh» ‘11). Ml» Rah-‘1 Kin. c..i\l"|' 1~ thmrn: n ~f Lin- pruL’TflIHr snixwy 1~ thmrntnn rl-mnxntov --f 2hr tuna Milan H. HuHx'rt. prf~ executive munvil of th: in chmuv uf th- Ynku-t ‘he winvvrt urv brim: dollar h» 1w: fifty. :u Luke l‘huwi nznr rum: “1†Lu un' Suturrin) u hard fwhm; hm hm! ï¬ft y dollar! Tickets nuy be bought in urcuu» tn hall. Tivkets may him. be ob- tained from Mn. H. 1" sum.- uf Hum land Pa rk‘ --AIIV. vithm Juli: (‘laumn ‘o b. on Program It ()rrheutn Hall the 19 min-n nf HighlandN l’nrk “oman‘s ('Iuh Repnr! all in Hemline“ for Big \ï¬nir "I H. S 1.3m unvnnuwx 1| [1 H \U ’tl “1H but»)! Ln Pun! Lâ€" 1'1†zngM. m n-mhnws fur Ihc- ya) wher larw uttendnncr :~ .mith-d Urkvt rolurm‘. IDX' r} ,1- . “sun tut S‘Ll‘u u \\ m \lhl 1H 1 mph-yer“ mm min II [rm â€le r~ In 1 nit 11ml! HHLH HM «inuhtiq uml hm ham‘ lil'nrd H'H’ and u pm rmh‘ prulmym «1qu 1 )I' hurt?) MH' mm “H asurknzv Hn-m) H11 bo bought ax Orche- Linn mm‘w a mun Em I,“ ugn-vmrnl 'l'hr dltTn-rrnu 1w unum Thr men k strmum s'lfll')‘, lap sin xru.L' luanlI and Mn pH‘Hdl‘nl uf H10 C. 13 of 1hr Alha \L' 24 \‘( Mfr rn-d Un-m ua'uh uh gnu-.1 mm v’~ 1hr Hyhi qull mfv HM Uhh' 3‘ [hm ill}: ('11 HI hq Lt .1 camera! Mn-Io Snu- II. \Vuuk" r3. Drivers HI-UH‘ thn. t‘.‘ \1p ()1sz pllun cmnr ‘1Aumv Hw Swat!- {or .mi for um“ E mu» for Mn. F mu mum; ‘1 Myhe \mmu-tl ‘ â€-th- .x‘htiunr lh {hr 1 muk 11‘!“ and mti mp won (3N 111' [H 'unu mu! Ill THE LOCAL ANTLERED HERD lNSTALlS ITS NEW OFFICERS PRESENTED WITH A BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN FLAG John O'Keefe Acumen Chair of Exalted Ruler for Another Year. About Three Hundred Present. Tom sth Furnithed the “Big Eats" hula) r\ runny April 91h. the ofï¬ce†v! Highland Park Lodgt- H I" U E. wen- Inatnllmi by Past Ex- alted Ruler. Wilham M. l-‘r-sor. who motor- H! {mm Blue Inland. anh at am? of “wa1 mrmlwn 0f hls lodge. Thr â€(ï¬n-rs Insulled were Exalted Ruler. Juhn ()‘Kede; Eva-cm- 0d Lending Knight. Thus, E. Welth; Er tu-nwd Loyal Knight. George C'. Kenry; Et u-cmed l. (- c ! u r111: Knight, Ansel E. Knight, Ansel E. Smith; Secretary. Ed- mn Mvsmngvr: Tums urrr. (learn: I" Bock: TINY“ “(*(ul’plt Grunt: Truatnw. Elmer E. l‘luwy. t'hmrmnn. H “C Huber. SH-rennry and (Qt-vrpr F. Howdm [human Tllr) “tn met It. W'hm‘llng l) u nirlrunuun of Hughllnd Park Elks “nu pub-(mi Hu-nx tn {ht-1r cluh rmm. a subsumull and mmptmy wuru dinner “fl.“ waiting for them um! lu whwh lhvy did full justice. A: mm- thirty about forty Win-s. nmlln-nl, sitters 1nd swath-rut of Hzr members vu-rt- admitted and pn‘» .wntul the Lodge with a beluhful. luryc American Flng. ln presentiny w hero- ‘('hnrity' Jusuw and nmmeny hch. In. (hm nhd \n- will urite your fault: upon 1hr sands. "Au-opt thlr from our hands with my very best wirhen." This part of the prognm came a I complete surprise to than precast. und helped 1; makz the evasion one long 1» be remembcnd. ln act-opting the gift. Exalted Ruler ()‘Keefe in a humorous vein‘sut- . .1 ll 1 ,,A __A__L Li... .9“ A "Yuur www. mothers. Han-h and r\\H~thaTh~. {m â€11- past year hau- lmJu-Ii wnh {mar upon ynm‘ Mort~ “'l‘hvy hMr been su :mpn-sstd and uramimi vut); the results Lhal Hwy mah (n shrm their upproclunon m :. mm†\lay Hm! you may be encuur armi and Hmmlutml [n {unhvr endvn \n1' 1:: thAY :N-fu! and dcwrrwmv un MR. DAVIES ADDRESSES COMMUNITY SERVICE Develop-en! ol Can-unity Service In Winaflkn Explained u Mod- iu Monday .1 (‘Hy Hnl \er) impinng meeting wn held for the thirty qwmbt-rs of the Communi- 1y Servn'o- board. Mr. Davies of Win- nrtkn Hume up tn talk mumntely of the dz-u-lupmrm u! vommunily «r» \‘H‘l‘ m \\ innrlka {mm m: most hum» Mr lwumnmu with a plant ~wcmlmr 1y fur lc-n- mh-qulh‘ ‘han nur uwn nn (‘cntul uH-nur to the present run» ph'h' rlulu housr. play grounds. mum. ripul gulf I'1vurM'.-})HM'.IIH ground}. \<»|lc-) lni. and H'npn tnm‘lh. “nth uï¬rlnl Highland I’m-L and the- I'm}. Board mkiny a}! nmmnihvn Hf Hw movement {or mmmun'ny lmoï¬l an thr)‘ an- doing and (ht-n- i» no n-asum why «Mr growth should nut he Isun' and perm-hem l’hnns‘ an- uh {nut fur the unrnmuv l’hnns‘ an- uh {nut fur the unrnmuv :inn If lmys‘ Hui-n which ‘1‘“ makr pruvx-dm: for ~uprrvn-od p111) :mv; thlQ‘HC‘ {m imp of all “3103‘ The damn hl lbw Hugh school are verumly yummy ‘hl‘lr popularity each work With than uf dancmg pr pennities, They haw ‘uwomo entire 13‘ set! wpportmg thru the mall {re of twenty-ï¬ve (-enh and it I: uniâ€" ï¬cent that In! week seventy-ï¬ve per test of the boys intruding were an civilian clothes. lufltflnn W‘Bmwn mninuim Mdnday waning in the city hull, MR. JOH.‘\~ H'K EEFK' ('hnrity' Jumcr and Brotherly Lon.’ his high enthuhun for this pin- of community service 1nd w all branches»! the work are dev oped and opcrninx as well u his dqnn- men! than will be I perfect organs intion for community welfare in out. city Mr. Hun-in. the midcm secs-flan.â€" nporu undiminiuhod attend-nee at. the Centre rooms. Each week (mt truck loads of wounded men the brought down from Fort Sheridan for m and I nod-l hour. The Wed- neuhy nikht parties In source! of weekly rem-wed joy and delight for the young people. T0 DON OVERALLS IN FIGHT AGAINST H.(‘.L. lmpnvd by the newnpaper «(count- uf the new "overall" club, org-nil- 0d rc-cently at Birmingham,. Al... which has - membership in that «my of about 3,000. Herman Schwery ha: made plum for the org-munch uï¬n Slmfllf society In Highland Park to help ï¬ght â€It vu-r mvroasm; h (' (of L. llnmnn hm appumm! lamsdt chamr member, and 1:- m-u rudy w reed“: tpphcauonn All mrmlu'm will substituu- (werulh 10 m at dimry wearing apparel. Mn: wxll at tempt. in thin mum-r. tn reduw' clothing upenm. Thou- impressed in the propultion are enmua‘lut'w in their â€union an: a nice p-ur of ufloud oven"- u: both hobby VOLUME 10