SIAM 0F WWW, IMAGEIENT, CIRCULATION, ETC. _ ..- . u II AII',,I,I_,A_I UlrIll-IVI v. -â€" -...â€".__.._ of THE HIGHLAND 'PARK Pnéss published weekly at Highland Park. Ill.. ior Apr. 1920. requxred by theAct of August 24, 1912. Editor. 10m; L. UDELL. Highland Park, Illinois. Managing Editor, JOHN L. UDBLL. Highland Park. Illinois. Business Manager; JOHN L. UDELL. Highland Park. Illinois. Publishers. 105m L. UDELL. PAUL L. UDBLL. Highland Park. Illinom Wm: (H a corporation. give its name and the names and addresses of stockholders holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock.) JOHN L. UDE‘LL and PAUL L UDILL. Owners. Highland Park. Illinois. Known bondholders. mortgages. and other security holders. holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds. mortgages. or other securities None JOHN Layman†"Film 7L. UDE‘LLVand' PAUL L UDILL. Owners. Highland Park. lumms. Known bondholders. mortgages. and other security holders. holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds. mortgages. or other securities None JOHN L. UDELL. Sworn to and subscribed before me this lst day of April, 1920. , Walter Cope. Notary Public. .-' (My commission expires November 1. Iggy Noraâ€"This statement mug grade in duplicate ar‘a‘bmï¬ copies de- livered Mn" publishq “ï¬g; post-mask? _who Sl"al‘l.-°“’f'nd one copy to the ““31 Aâ€."RB’¢ {Postmaster General (Divisï¬ï¬‚i 0‘ itassihcation) Washing- (un. D. C,. and retain the other in the ï¬le of the $55: ofï¬ce. PasquesiBros. MotorEXpressCO. 1031 Fort Sheridan avenue. wishes to announce to the residents and business men of the North Shore towns that they have started 3 Motor Truck Express BETWEEN HIGHLAND PARK AND CHICAGO making the round-nix daily. and they will give the best possible» service at the lowest possible prices. ORDAN. Pr .md Trust 6‘ JORDAN , er.afId Sef'y 51h iheréfore solicit your patronage. “""(ilï¬i'jORDAN (30.. Funerï¬ll Direc‘m Chapel at each Esublishmem Complete Line of Funeral Furnishings .18 butt-Shot. Evan-Oo- M Eve‘o- 449 my. nun. cameo 1m a. uni STRETJIYDE um: :04 "in...“ nus-nu n... ma. Park In Phone 227-8w-J The \Vinehester Pattern Will Help Your Tmpshooting INCHESTER shot-shell wads (lo not allow the gas from the powder Charge to escape past them in the gun barrel. This is just one of the many reasons why a “'rxrn rts'rrzn Gun and Shells make the perfect pattern that is such a help in shooting. Come in and let us tell you about the target-pul- verizing \Vn'cnas'rtza pattern and show you the Guns and Shells that produce it. Telephone 197 510 Centnl A ‘ 11H: WINCHIJTIR'STOH HARDER HARDWARE CO. FOR SALE A1 condition. Lots of ‘ power and speed. Side seats, rear tire rack and spares. New 8 V Battery. Two gas tanks and small pump. Highwood Garage ’ORDAN. Prg. ugh.“ _ aruusm nu WILnggyjyglng Classy Cadillac Speedster OTHER BARGAINS IN CARS Telephone 254 PASQUESI BROS. 510 Centnl Avenue Alum-n! SQC'y N Eagle? Hï¬EBY 5mm mm. bids will be received for iii e in pm. meal of the mdwuy of St. John. Avenue. fro mthe Went line of ma. caid Stream to the center line of Lambert Tree Avenue, by paving with a reinf forced two (2) course ce- ment concrete pavement. all in the City of Highland 'Pltk. Com-it‘s}: City of Hignlsnu nun. mm... W Lake and Stnte of Illinois, as n w Ole in acmrtlancu with the ordinance; therefor. ' Suid bids will he received by thel (‘mmcil at its ofï¬ce in the City H3".l Highland Park, Illinois, until 5:00I o'clock P. M. an the thirtieth day of? April. 1920. at which time and piue' ‘hgflwm be publicly opened and read. ‘ (- speciï¬cations and blank pr9-i posuls will be furnished at the oï¬lce of: of the ('in (‘lvrk in the ('ity Hall of: said (‘ity :nml im: â€KL: (M Hu sun... Nu proposal or [mi “'I“ be Consid- ered unless accompanied by Check hon-in providvd‘ Thy l'num-il rum-rum the right In wit-«l any ur all hidx if xht-y tin-m 1[ beat fur thv public unod. NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT ASSESSMENT N0. 213 (‘ouncil of the (‘in of Highland l‘nrk NOTH‘E IS HERE?" (EIV'AEN that [mix will be received for the improve- ment of the roadway of First Street‘ from a line twentyï¬ve (25) fee!‘ ~wutherly from and parallel with the north line of Laurel Avenue extend- ml finm the nest. north to a line thirteen (13’ feet northerly from and parallel with the south line of Elm Place. extended from the west. ex- ('ept the present paved roadway sev- enty (70) feet wide in Central Avenue a't First Street, by paving with vitfi. ï¬ed brick on a six~inch (6-i ) Port.- land cement concrete baw‘gid on a three (3| inch llmt’Stï¬'ne mac.dgm foundation. all in 1‘1“. (fitv of High- land Park. (‘uunt‘y of Lake and State Of. mini)â€. _8>‘ ‘1' whole in accordance with thk‘ OT‘ilinam-e therefor. /' . :AL_ "Hutu†yum-m.“ H...“ V ‘53“! mills will lie received by ithc (OUN‘H at its ofï¬ce in the City 12:". . :00 â€'iIKMSlml Park. Illinois. until â€â€˜q'mck l‘. M. on the thirtieth day of .‘lpril. 1920. at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. The spvciticatinns and blank pm» posals will be furnished at the oï¬ice of .if the (‘ity (‘lerk in the (‘ity llnll ui' said (it): "‘ ‘ _»i.l The bonds. est at unpaniet r3} nu nu , ...... _‘ Samuel M. Hastings, Mayor. Frank 1.. (Money. (‘omnussiunor Arthur I}. Brown, Commissionâ€. umml nf thc ('in of Huzhlaml i'ark. per annum. All proposals or bids must be acâ€" companied by a certiï¬ed check pay- able In the President of the Council of thc ('ity of Highland Park for the sum of not less than ten (10) per vent nf tlu- aggregate of the pro- p‘osal. Said prupoml must he tl(‘ll\‘('l‘ml 1n the President of the Council in open session nf: suid (‘nunc'il at thv time "a," nu... ., .-‘.- ‘as the street lines extended of Roger ‘Williams Avenue, from the easter- ly line of St. Johns Avenue extend- ‘ed to a point one hundred ï¬fty (150D *feet east of the northWest corner of ;lot one hundred twentyaeven 1127) i-South Highlands Addition to the (‘ity :of Highland Park; and Dean Avenue ffrom the northerly line extended of ‘ Roger Williams Avenue to the south- ierly line extended of Sheridan Road, except that portion of said streets oc- cupied by the present bridges and paved roadway designated as Sheri- }:dan Road at its intersection with VRoger Williams Avenue, be improv- :_ed by an as haltic concrete pave- ment two inc es (2"! in depth laid on the existing cement concrete pave- ment. and otherwise improving, all in the City of Highland Park. (‘ounty of Lake and State of Illinois and pro» ‘ividing for the making of such im- ‘_ provement by special assessment and 3the issue of Special Assessment lBonds. the ordinance for the same {being on tile in the oflice of the ('ity 'Clerk of said city and having ap- plied to the (‘ounty Court of Lake ifounty for an assessment of the icosts of said improvement according to beneï¬ts. and an assessment there- of having been made and returned to said court. the ï¬nal hearing thereon will be had on the 24th day of April A. D. 1920. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will per- mit. _ 3‘â€" .Mâ€"_~ 508510“ (U: 51Ҡ\ uunxu uy §--‘ .. and place tin-d harem {or the open- ing of thv'samu ‘ Nu proposal or bid will be consid- ered unless accompanied by check herein pruvlded. [IL-Ari†y.“ . . The Cnum-il reserves the right to rvjoct any or all bids if they tit‘t‘nl It best for the public good. Samuel M. Hastings, Mayor. Frank 1.. Cheney. Commissiont-r Arthur (‘L Brown. Commissioner. ('ouncibuf the (‘ity of Highland Park. Sl’E(‘l.\l. ASSESSMENT NOTICE N0. 250 Nutivo ls hereby given to all per- snns interested that the ('ity (inunâ€" cil of the ('ity of Highland Park, (‘ounty of Lake and State of Illinois having ordered that the present road- ways and Street Returns as far back r,J,J A: 0A,..."- Said assessment is payable in ten (10) installments. with interest at the rate of ï¬ve (5b per centum per annum on all installments from and after date of issue of ï¬rst vouch- er. All persons desiring may ï¬le ob jectinns in said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. THOMAS MORTON. Ofï¬cer appointed to make said as- sessment. Dated at Highland Park. 111.. April 7th, A. D. 1920. 6 . .,. contractor will be paid in which bonds will draw inter- thc mu- nf live (5) per cent Highlind Puk. Count of State of Illinois, as n w Ole nm'v with 1h? ordinance rum the right In ‘1‘ if xhry durm 1[ good. is made by a new formula from r¢al whole wheat flour. Try it. Phone Highland Pirk 190 FEDER the copy everywhere Attach one to any lamp socket in any room and it’ 3 ready for business in a moment. Conveni¢nt? Rather (l) Bet-us! you know me. enter my name charge ‘hc cost. $1.00. tn me; Gen (lumen (My Name) (My Addrefl) (City) Highland Parlg apiTrust Savings 83111: n MA)... A A A Capital “0.0.0... Public Service Company (2) Federal System of gBakerigs Here's my doll-r. [want Electric Irons Whole Wheat Bread We have them bothâ€"ewe can supply you withjboth on your request wand each one of them will help the other. The ï¬rst is a bank bookâ€"â€" every woman should have her own, for the butter-and-egg dollars grow quickly into big sums when they‘re put away careâ€" fully. And the second is THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN~ the weekly book of farming. It’s a farm paper for the women and the men, the girls and the boyseâ€"full of how-to-makeâ€"money ideas for the whole family. This bank wants the women as well as the men to read All sizesâ€"Sold on Monthly Payments From all parts of the United States comes the tes‘timony of more than 600,000 farmers who regularly read THE COWNTRY GENTLEMAN. that this Great NatiOnal Farm Weekly is help- ing them constantly to make more money. It will do the same for you , for every farmer hcrc- abouts. It will lmlp both farm- ers and their wives to build 759 CO TRY GENTL MAN of Northern Illinois TH: COUNTRY Gxnmnum. Send}! tomc. John A. for Tan Count" Gtunuuu (or one you and (Sun-3 bigger bank accounts each yet. We are making it easy for our neighbors to subscribe for THE COUNTRY Gmmww became we believe in it. We want y0u to know it as we do. If you have an account with us. we'll charge it only $1.00, on your instruc- tion, for 52 big weekly issues. And if not. we'd like you to get both those books. »I 4m??- duds mu) run I†ovvf} den lanu-d “Ilh weds, but 1h flu ha“ ha: In [-6 ï¬e†the-:irunm-r “when _Khe hull $1 glans-Ila *gtivé brund‘ eprly )1 it.“ cans Savoy PVIF urge am: Savoy kn" ‘ ongola toik-t paper.,l am of Wheat, [arm urge cam-'1» Pricc‘ g Powder White Sm grape Juic ){Qbars Amer'vun Fm ;: m1: soap Large can extra {me ; pineapple i“ Noi mum" We any a compI 1 *3 g s E ISOOOOOCOOOOOOO... E Fines} ‘elephonc 555 ily Emu- 80M.“ "' ilo it Is 8““) W ‘h {by I: "fly are“ “1 amï¬ndedxhu a [00“ fly. m ’1.â€- . l “I“ g“ (“Mil liam TOVM i" 3“ M demonstratéd in your home sou) 0N GROCER Y S]