‘ld get NC EI- 000000.0000.0000000000000900. The kids may run all m'er _\'um‘ :3 Ann planttd with seeds. but revuflc that t'm- ball has to ho fit-Mm! hl‘f“ the .mnm reaches the haw. \V'mlo it is awful to $1M: for a party dress. WI am: reminded that agood run only costs $1.09; Opportunities to Save BU TTER--EGGS--MARGARINES I - Storage 8 Van Co., Chicago Radle ' Motor Express; Ins 3843-51 Lincoln Ave. All Phone-z Wellington 3835 Festive brand earlyJune peas .. 16: 7 tall cans Savoy evapordted milk 986 2 large cans Savoy kidney beans 35c Mongola toilet paper, 6 rolls 25c (‘ream of Wheat, large pkge. L 27c 2 large cans Dr. Price‘s Baking. Daily Express Senice 11; all North 5 Moving and Commercial Hauling to I Indiana Towns. in 30“ “He Radius wi Powder White Star grape juice, bottle 10 bars American Family wash- ing soap Large can extra fancy pineapple Thor Washing Machine Telephone 555 We carry a complete line of sc‘ratch feeds, egg mashes. chick feeds and mashes. grit oyster shells etc. Our prices are the lowest. quality consid- ered. Apex Finest Quality H oma; aemonstrated in your home 83an 1868 GROCERY S is awful to have tn pay party dress. Women friends A that a good working ap- POULTRY FEEDS SOL D ON CA SH B. HANSEN; Proprietor Vacuum Cleaner 685 Central iAvenue H North ‘5hore Tow I15 luling to Michigan lllin Radius wllï¬h l'ull loads )kg'e‘ Baking: bottle ly wash~ sliced a! ()R mm; PAYMENTS Ol" pity Hf :‘c spturday Q‘IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIO nws in~w The big boy who licks all [hr 5mm: kids on the playground is of mun. Hy attending to the duty of main- .ining order. ; Dressed Poultry 386 Central Avenue Northwest comer of Centnl Ave. Highlmd Puk. Illinoh pk" VUHPIQ' whn deplnn- the > .‘pund their evenings 'nf'ernnons at the m cm: â€I in {ht garden Illinois. \V innmsin a nd MEN'S (TRAVATS We have a complete line of “nifty" necktiesâ€"neckties for every manâ€" from‘ "snapp_\' color mmbinatiom for the \ mung fellow to the more subdued color tones for the older men Prices tango upxxard from 50c 41L ment wort h and c select from RUGS It will he to your advantage tu come to our rug department and inâ€" spect the stuck that we have. You the “once aver your while. V‘ (mrflete stock Our price~ MEN'S SHIRTS Iflflï¬ï¬ï¬‚flfllfllllllfllflflflmflflflBE The svhonls of lhslrivt 108 Will i‘lnst' Friday. April 16. in urder that the teachers may attend thn- Lake Shun- Division uf the Illinois State Tem-hers' association. which will he held at Oak Park. This H the ï¬rst meeting of this division. it formerly having been a part of the northwest Ilivisiun which holds its meetimb in November each ycnr at Elam m AurnrzL THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, mm P. The nnnunl school election for lhr district will be held Saturday, April 17th. for the purpose of electing a president to serve om» year and twn nu-mhors uf the hoard In servr lhre-i' (‘1! r5 The ï¬rst meeting uf (he Gurnlon ('luh of Highland Park will b0 hold :51 the humv nf Mrs. S. M‘ Hastings. '31!†Billy uu-nlw, at 10:30 a. m rm l‘mulu)‘. .\pl'll 20th .\lr~'. A, l". Merrill Will haw- as hn' ~I;lw\‘«'l "Planting" the (lardrn." Ilitp uf y'vur {nun-h The \‘L'ul‘lt't. yelln“. whxtv, lvlnk'k. uml umnm- nf thi- lwrriwl shrubs mmlr a wry striking eï¬wt in our plantings, (-spwiully when balanced by judiciuus Evergreen planting).r with a sprinkling of white barked birch". I hope to we the day when lovely Highland Park in I haven for hirds. squirrels and butterfliesi Besides the human voice, in there any sweeter music thnn bird melody? A Liszt ur Wagner t‘nuld not improve upon the sung of the nightingale. A: beautiful and as inspiring as the strains of “l‘aisuval†are. they do not compart- With the mellow, flute-“k? tunes of Ihk‘ nightingale's throat. I urgv you again in join the greIl movement going on all over the Unit ml States. planting trees, shrubs. EV- orgrvcns. FUNK“ \‘llit'S~â€"â€"ln other wm‘ils tn lllflkt' thru- l'nitml States a lwlh‘l' and Invln-r pluvo to ll\‘t‘ in. l~ thvrt- nut alrvndy in nur tmui n tvndt-ncy for lwtter hlnnting. fur lwlter wrwt'v. unn- you an: mun-mom mum (-1! States. plan! orgrvcns. hm wurtls In main fl [M'Ih‘l’ {NM |( I~ Ihvn- n‘ [0“ n J plantmx T... :224 "iii. 67.7.1. :3: I. :J. :5 3:35... :: r....:,_:.:: 32:: :4: s... (T) â€":\dv 1nd Fin! sued Ind>t :llu which to 9 upward $1.50 HERRIHI) SHRI'HS “ARDEN (‘Ll'li H In :nttrm! (ha-m, l’lunl hrufm [hut :n'v huh-n \\‘IK|I the full and durum par\ 41-: Thv Inmh wxll Illu- fur thus! prm-uh- mum-rs Imlmn ~lnm-,~ muh-r the \EH \r {n un-t ~ hm! .\ )uulx lmHmlEK will certainly need rugs of one kind or another this spring and you can't afford to waste the time. energy and money necessary to buy your rugs in Chicago. especially since we h'm'e them right here at your door._ We have (‘rex and Deltox grass rugs. Wiltons. Velvets, Axminsters and others in all xizes. We also handle congoleum mattings. stair runners, etcâ€"all at prices that yuu ('qnnut heat either in Chicagu or elsewha'v. PLAID DRESS GINGHAMS 2 for 32-in. wide plaid dress ginghams m all of the Imest color mmhinaflions. tn clear at. yd, .47c 27-111 iety ‘ nr mnrv Hm: huh I all thmr mtnu > 1| IN Lil in. wide ginghams in a great var‘ ' of colors. very special at yd. 37c I Yvro-stEr m. H mm" H‘ ï¬rs o 9 PRFSBYTERIA N CHUICH Then will be a may no“ Satur- day uftermxm at 2'30 o'clock for the Children of the ('rudlv Roll and BP- Kinnen‘ I)?pfll(mvnl of flu- Bible Kinncrs' deplrtnwm uf the Bible school‘ The Bible school wnll begun :1 9-30, The meet. Purdy in: u 11:00 “III-MEIIQW I’DANIEL Al FAY Tel.“ 3‘! I'\I'\7I'\( I'4I‘1.R,IA.\I 1W. 4\I’ Bible school wnll begun :1 9'5â€, morning :wrnu- M11 begin u H. hnm- w I urn-n [(thqu "If/Th "NRA J SI’ILIAI I) 635 Shot ie Avon-u Highland Park. Illinoi- \H W IRENE] 1k (mnmnhu )hllllt‘ 1H9 Unlon tervicu will be held next Sunday morning sud min. u both . of vhkh the R". J. I. Kettle rill; preach. The palm of this church rill L be in AW .1 0» Anna] Con- hum-o â€colon it therville. Ac- cordingly the member: of this church ‘ will meet {or woulï¬p Lu 10:15 I. m. with lhe mngnï¬llion of the United Evangelical church; ll 7:30 in the evening the (W0 congregation: will meet It Ebenezer church {or the eve mng worship. The Sunday mhool will mn-t n ulull on Sundny morn- mg The unnatural report read by the pulur at [hr Sunday evening ur- \we gave who! of substantial growth in Un- work of the conxregation dur- mg the pan conference year. The (-hun-h uaw an average of 83.“) for misnmnn, and an average of ‘39.)0 per member {or all purpose:- during per nu-mber for all the year Jun ending INTERC H l‘ RCH WORLD HOV EM ENT ENDORSED Ilinhup The Rt. Rm. l'hap. P. Andonon. D, 1)., Epmcopal Bishop of Chicago, yer ’ lerday rxpresud hu hearty sympathy wuh the plan; and purposes of the' lnlrrvhurch World Movement. the‘ thmy denominations of which will in augurau- on April 25th an eight day campaign to ram. $866,777,572 for ‘he- world nreds of those denominav tiun.‘ HI-cauale of ‘he fact that the Epm‘npal (hurrh was In the midst o! a NIIIOYLWHR’ vampaizn of Its own when the lnLen'hurch Movement was luumhed. Hm denomination ha: not 1 lm-onu- a part of the movement. (Brent Hatmfm'lmn wan expressed by lead- "The nucceu of one ll the nucceu (If all.’ naid Biahop Anderaon “Noth- mg WI“ stimulate the (-hun-h more than m 591 that othtr denominations are being stimulated. I feel that the atimulating influences' of thc- lnterchurch World Movement ulll haw a highly beneï¬cial eflect In the ranks of all chriatianiainx and‘ II\-Ilixing agencies. Becauae of this. l am Very glad to [he the Movement my full support and to ‘iah it tier) :aucceaa. l hau- no doubt that the ‘ Episcopal chunh Iould also haw been enlisted in the Movement but for the {act that our mum campaign In “1‘“ under way when It was organiz wâ€"mâ€"uâ€"v... “7â€"... WH'.II EpiscopalI:oooooooooococo-000000.000 : Philâ€. I' 3]: : C O O O 0 DR. (3. \’ NICHOLS ' : Dunn ’ : 0 g, 0 : sum-nwmmw-m Partlllhota : O0....COOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCCC .OOICCOOOOOOOOO00.0.00'... : TELEPHONE an . ,: : DR. 1. w. SHEDD 5 : hams? . z u at. John- Ann. ' : : HIGHLAND rum [union : 0.....00000.0........’.... INK Ullll' I ’l-ll v- VI" .- . satxnfmtmn wu expressed by lend en uf the Inun‘humh however. over - “mgé'. the far! that the Ephcopfl curch has i W“. lulu-n arc-nun u. expnms In full I. nymputhy with the aim! the Inter- my“ church hll m View, 1"" ‘.° . ed Bishop Andonmn'n endorsement of 1hr Inlen'hurch resulthd from his lt- u-ntmn hnvmu been called to the no 1|an uf the gnu-min): council of the Rpm-opal chun‘h nude pulnln m New York by the RL ReVA Thomas J, Gail- ur. presiding bishop u! the Prom-sum Epuwopnl church In the l'niwd Hut»: «If Ann-nu. expmumg hq-uny sym- pathy “uh the purpuM-p of the In ten-hurch mement. The text of Mishap (inllnr's hukment {olluwx "Thr pn-ndmx hiahup and vnunul haw hum wnh Intern! of the prop rl-n uf lhe Inu'n‘llun'h “'qu MOW» mom un-l hupc lhnt, the Namm “'Idr «Impamn (‘ummntuc of this churvh and (he authnntu-I of the Varï¬oun din» t(‘>('.‘ “ill furnzsh tn the hurwy con bempluted by the-[nterchun‘h World Movement, such information concern- ing the work of thin Church A: may be desired. Inasmuch. howver, As our own Nation-wide campaign in still In procreu. the prodding bishop nnd council feel that they csnnot uke any ofllc‘ul part or â€name any ï¬nan- cinl responsibility in the lntcrchurch World Movement; while It the same time they assure the letden of that Movement of their hearty sympathy with the purpoau m hnve in View, and of their pr-yg-h th-x (ind "I“ bins the Movement to the extentinn of His Kingdom and the higher wel- fare of mankind."_ The Immediate rank of thin atti- tude of the Episcopal denumination it in Mlu-wd will be to bring large number.- of the ï¬lth Ind We 01' mu ('hurch mu. uitivc support uf thr ti-rchnrih :unfrlrnq- n! pantom- thrrr uf (his vuwpi-rahvv 9mm wa~ hhlIMH m the {act that Ilrtw minim-n u! thr 4 Rpm-c1.“ rlvryy in â€If dHK'i‘M' w New York menlly nun-Hded the In- lrvhurvh ('unfov'c-m‘o nf pastoral ‘hrrr n! thr s-ugL'm-xivn uf RI. Rm. (‘hnmu Sumnvr Hunk. ID ’1‘. Bldxup 1.’ "u ()w-nulls ('luh‘i 5mm: furnu check utmvagnnre. If then- In: gut-menu N*('(um« fushmaa: rrybody WI“ C(xh‘idl‘r thew hi“ rxrminu and :«zxrnmhr Pouplr \Un- n “if“ 1: {mm j. :w r “in be (v nzplaix~lnrln a {ma ynun . tau“ their rmplomn me but men i rompcliflor andllrnnl gï¬u hup Alderman. l). D- of Dictate ol' (‘hinxu Apprmn Plun- Ind l’urpoun of “or! 0.000000. : SIM-Mn 3m. mun-u run : Telephoto 87‘ O 0......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... OOOCOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCQ’O I â€"â€"â€"_ p Sun. 4. ‘rhlum Purl Thu-t .‘ : SAvmn Rank B‘du, k. : Tbu'bun C" I HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOI‘ 00000000090 mun-a- ans-anneal DEW†: Stand-n Buildup "IMP-rt w: :oooooooooooooooooooooooo: oooooooooooooooooooouoooo To Build or Tum. Driven Set a J°$IPH.DILNAVI "OaIOOOOIOOOOOOOOOO0...... c.0000..000000000000000000 . as}. 'tI..oIâ€"= .51 21-05 H Now 000......OOOOOOOOCOOOOOQOO I MELODY wooos nuns-v co, Tel. 410 â€Wire 1-“? Hulda? r , ’8' Wr do n In m. dn nr (outrun Cull up N m in" 10 MA SH DR. WATSON DENTIST N. First St. Highland Hark Mmy ’i’em’ Elm I]. IIOCEWOOD DRIVE To»... HM C. M. HATER PAINTING H. P. 115 DR. A. L. LEE . DENT!" . Smith? JUNK h A (non T|ME m PH'NF YOl'R TREES' ANDSHRUHS - Mum"- l‘ldoc-bo Wad Dealer in Ind "Nor-(Inc