LA DE you“ mt. acmry ES gamer rrge chine apron-00.000. .ASS 931 9; up (ten; , and Ave. ‘Cd {1 - Ll Avenue ’ .' Cxx'nmulï¬tY ' “4:“ m gifls' '1: 11’? eligible (E pxcfure ngl h and do- m warmer} in; nick auspice; . The Htgblatw P111~W72t°e NEARBY NEWS NOTES V OF LAKE COUNTY NUMBER 8 TO I (‘urtis Airplane (‘0. Adopts Day Light Saving Plan. Mys- terious Fire in North Thu-ago Monday Tin» pump»: of Sheridan rum! through Zion ('ity was the problem discussed um- day thi< week wh n the road and bridge committee nf the Lakv mumy board uf supervisors. togvthm' wuh (‘harlvs Russell. counâ€" ty supvrmécndent of highway", mot state hxzhway nfl‘u-ials in (â€hit-ago. Frank Bennett. stale commissioner of public Works; 5. E. Brm‘dt. state superintendan of highways. uml Wil- ~A ,. â€nun-a] state highway Hfl’itials in (â€hit-ago. Frank Bennett. state commissioner of public works; S. E. Brawtlt. state superintendent of highways. uml Wil- lian‘. G, FAWN. president of several 20ml roads assot'iatiuns ln (‘hicagm and a lmostor (if good roads all oven the statv, \veru among those present. Mayor Wt Ill (â€lendenln of Zion Pity. said that there appears to he no way in which Zion City itself can ti- nunce the proposition of paving Sherâ€" idan road through the mile and a half stretch through the city because much of the adjacent property is vacant. He said, however, that he felt reason- ably convinced that arrangements could he made for the city to pave vhn half mile stretch through the of the adjacent property is vacant. He said, however, that he felt reason- ably mnvim-ed that arrangements could he made for the city to pave the half mile stretch through the city prnpvi‘. it was derided at the meeting that the only way in which the rest pf the pavement could be put in would be by ~‘tatc and county cwuperation and this was decided upon. An effort will be malle It once to see how far the county" and state can an in this regard. The fact that Sheridan road is paved with the exception of the one short strip through Ziun (‘ity is what is causing the stremmus efforts to solve thu‘pmblem. The Waukegan plant of the (‘urtls Airplane mmpany has adopted the Daylight Saving plan as a result of action taken by the forty emplnyes Honda}: Ninty-three per cent of the employos voted in faVur nl‘ the change u~ a result of which the clock at the plant “’lll be turned one hour ahezul Sunday night. The new irhetlulu will lwmmx- effective nu.“ Monday morning and will remain in vï¬'evt until the last Sunday in 0thâ€" bor‘ Leo Dailey. general manager plant. is enthusiasxir «Nor th( osition and would like tu see into effect by Waukegan. In speaking of the enmloyvs of said: “The result of this vote can be taken as an indica‘ overwhelming sentiment : general public in favor 0 light saving plnn and I W( general public in favor of the day- light saving plnn and I would like to see other faétories and‘ business houses adopt the plan. An extrn hour of daylight in the evening for sports and gnrdening is preferable to en hour earlier in the morning and if enough concerns could be lined up for this phn, the street railway com- pany would chenge their schedule» to conform vith trafï¬c requirements.†NORTH CHICAGO FIRE A ï¬re of mysterious origin broke out iii the Adam Grzegorzewski ston- building on Thirteenth and V'ictoria‘ ptreeta, North Chicago. during the early hours of Monday morning, caus- ing a loss of about $1,000 to the building and damaging the stock to the extent of $1,200. 3 Jesse Hurt. Chief of North Chica- go ï¬re department stated that it appears as if the ï¬re was incendiary. Chief Hurt has notiï¬ed the chief ï¬re marshal and expects that a deputy marshal! will be sent’to North Chi- cago within the next few days to con- duct an investigation into the mys- terious ï¬re. LA! ufrluua “It. The ï¬re was discovered in full Haze about 5:30 Monday morning by Anton Dude-k. who lives a short distance frum the store in question. He sent in a call for the ï¬re depart- ment. The North Chicago depart- ment weed to the scene at breakneck Speed. When they arrived the interior of the store was a mass of flames. The department checked the flames Withm ï¬fteen minutes after their u- rivnl. ' the building a it kg"; "\ V E SHERIDAN ROAD There was no MOVES (‘LOCK AHEAD wral manager vf (ht-f asKir «Nor the plumâ€"g d like tu see it put; nthvr converns in~ this vote, I believe. an indication of the ntiment among the the vote the local taken by plant, he“ [HIGHWOOD TO HAVE , - NEW FIRE TRUCK At the regular vity election nf High- ; wand. gheid Tuesday. the bond issue ifor $8.500 to purchase a new ï¬re ; truck ik-m‘riod by a vote of 146 to 65. Bond lsgue Wins In Tueadu s Elec- tiqn. Arthur H. Swamon [R fonts ()scnr Swan When the new truck arrives. High- “um! will not have to depend upon Hmhlaml Park {M 9111- protmtion as in tha past The. 5.96qu ward was the only one that had twu candidates for alder- man. .Arthur H. Swanson receiving 71 and ()star Sw‘n 64 votes. Swan- mn wnn by svven vnu-s Theivnte is as follows: First ward. E. I’.fSpeHruan, men 21, women '9; total 80. No opposition. Sechnd ward: Arthur H. Swanson. nn-n 39. wdmcn 32; total 71. Osuy' Swan. men 35. women 29; to- tal 64‘, losing by seven votes. Thu}! ward: “'illiam Rudolph, men :‘.‘..’.. Women 12;; total 45. No apposi- tion Wum'an ..... Seculfll “'ard Men 3 ...... an'lp . . . . Third"? Ward Men '3 ....... \K'nmén BHQKI issue First/ward Men ....... Total . . . . .......... 1-16 65 As Mill be seen by the ï¬gures quitt- a little npposition to the bond issue >pruw up in the second ward the otheiï¬ wards. however. strongly favor- ing fl. ' ‘ SES$U E HAY AKAWA IN ‘é'rHE BRAND OF LOI’AZ' Fridq) and Saturday. Emma Dun- nhnd 1nd Henry Harmon in 'OId lady 31“ \latinee Th}: fullnwing program will "no shown at Pearl Thxauc next Week: Sunday. D. W. ‘rifï¬th presents “Thé Greatest Question." Mink \vn- m-tt .mmedy: Mundny, Sessue Hay» kn“: in â€The l’zaml Lupaz ' Intcr- national neWs, Suprvmc Lolnt‘d); Tuvalu). Dorothy Gish in “Whon “arf Ellen (nun-s ï¬n T0\\n,' [nu-l- natidnal Vaxs nutty-Spiral tomuh; \le'nésdny, Madgefliennetb' in Mr latcs't pivturv. “Th€'Bli)0niifi§ Anglia" by Wallm-o Irwin. Paramount magar zinfland Christie comedy; Thursday. Willjani Runners in his latest and bi-st pirtju'u. “Water. Water Every- whei'e," The (lumps and topics of 1hr day,‘: also Celebrated comedy; Friday and: Saturday. Emma Dunnand and an'i'y Harman in “Old Lady 31." a sci-«gm version of Rachel (‘rothcr's famjnus stage play, Burton Holmes and; Mutt and Jefl’. Matinee at t‘vu thirty Saturday. ATTEND PHOTOGRAPHIC ' LECTURE IN CHICAGQ PIEAINTIFF hits. Harry E. Simpson was grant- $1312.50 by the jury in the case I 'inst the ProgressiVe Cleaners bits that was held Monday after- n in before Police Magistrate James H fDufly. The suit for duntges ms in " ituted by Mrs. Simpson some time a “ when she alleges the company hi! returned a coat to her with the litiing badly burned. 3‘ H; G HWOOD P. T. A. TO GIVE BENEFIT DANCE “The Highwoml Parent-Teacher as- ’iation will give a May dance in Oak Terrace school Friday eve- ‘g. May seventh. These dancing ï¬fties are given for the purpose of Ivinz needed equipment for the I “A "Wuha- "I - gnaw â€umnh’fafl' HFF WINS IN SUIT FOR DAMAGES foHowx 5 program wm m-i “ht-atrc next Week: )rifï¬th presentsI westiun.†Mark 8011-; :ndny, Sessue Hayau hand Lupaz." Intcrw Suprvmc comedyï¬ y Gish in “th-n} ws ï¬n Town," [nu-la" amt;- Spiral comedy; i ‘arry «M m! (m- nnnnr< mm .H'Hllnxu- during the umnm: n-nmn. Mr. “'1ka is In he thv ('IIKCh. A tennis club, using the» high ~‘chunl cuurts is ah‘eudy formed. 5"» {Hr then- an- <ix mn-mhers and It will mum he a qurstion uf hmiting mumr lwrship on account of court spin-«Wm 13an nt once, Our cummunny wrnw (lunu- «'«n- 36 13 Against 2x COMMUNITY SERVICE ' - IS ORGANIZING CLUBS MAY PARTY IS I’LANNED'LNEW ROADS ARE PLANNED Elaborate Preparations Arc der Way for Party to h Given on Saturday. May 8th decorated with (‘ommunity anix-r insignia will snon be much in m4- dvnnn. Thu ï¬rst pmctive Is to M- 'l‘hursday p. m. and being compost-d of live win-i from ï¬fteen to cighlm'v: years of age. they conï¬dently emu-r1 [u makx- [hr Suburban Louguv nn‘l ‘arry ufl' all the hnnnr< mnl pcnnnm: I'Hv'lmr tha- runnm: wnmn. Mr. ka Our cnmmunlt)‘ \‘l'l‘\l('l‘ (lunu- (â€h- tzuvs next Saturday cvcmnu :L thv high whom]; it you h’n'v Lat utttwl- ml. (To ML You will hr ï¬lll'pr‘K‘H' ta le-arn that we have a lot of your: [NW p10 in this town from IN to To ynztrs 01' more that can dam-«- and that knuw htm’ to have a good time and “km-p smiling all the time." ('vme nut and sov them gather together vvmy Sn:- urvlay night without initiatmn v-r nth- vr g-remnninl. Thc dance given by the Highland Park Woman's club was a perfect community affair Ind it is the desire of the management of the community service Saturday night dance to mike our dame" ‘he equtl or better. Prepuationl are Well under my (Continued on Page I) ORCHESTRA AND GLEE CLUB GIVE CONCERT. HIGHLAND PARK. Alli! to Mt Mm“ Fund of The University of (‘hicngo Glee (‘lub and Orchestra will give a c'on- cert at the New Trier high school auditorium on the evening of Satur- day. May lstf for the beneï¬t of the endowment fund of Simmons col- lege of Boston, Mus. The patronesses Will he Mumme- Emory (‘ubb Andrews, E. V. L. Brown; Ida Lainl_Barr01l; W. Wal-' lace Heals; Reuben D. Coy; Eli Fel- senthal; Ralph C. Hamill; Ralph H.‘ Hobart; Charles F. Harding. Jr.; Al-E box-t 8. Long; William P. McCyack» en; John R. Montgomery; John 01m- stead; James Roy Dunne; Francis W. Parker: James 1". Porter; Marcus D. Richards; _Theodure D. Rockwell; Arthur H. Vail; L. Harrth'aidner. Tickets are being sold by Miss El- ‘eanor. Robson at the New Trier hll'h ‘school lunch room; Miss Margaret Coy, Glem'oe, telephone 325W; Mfl. Francis W. Parker. 11:, Bubbly Woods, telephone Winneth 507; Mm Margaret Ridlon. Highland Park pub- nonbmy; mu SM Kcuh. Nag: ’ropoud Home Sin-Io- Conan o! m 1'. be Held at New Trier 'ï¬LxQé-my “Wm will he Mesdnmfl ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 1920 tor Hiiklunl Park Woman's C1 CW lncx In...‘ _--‘-_ W > [ins Mamntrlmontha' coum in lump): e 325W; Mn.§Gregg busineu‘ «um in Jr., Hobbs [Ind has now .ocepmd . pa eth 507; Mm Itenogrlpher for the Public Ind Pnrk pub- complain their .Emsï¬m 4 ROAD OFFICIALS MAKE ANNUAL REPORT Report ShoWs (â€ount) Much in Need of New Roads; Some I Townships Almost lmpassahle 'I‘hv full-mum: xvpnrt wm read at I Inn-Hm: uf (hr Lulu- (‘uunty Road ()ï¬icmh nsmx-mxi n, hu-M m Ltlwrty- Ville, on April H I! \uu «ununh-di and arranged by Thwn (ï¬nk F. I} Hublmrd. ui‘lrztmf Ivy 1hr Highway: ('nnnmqum-h and [mum mum m â€w ('nunt)‘. and \wn rlrrmml lv)‘ [hr .-\>NI'HIU(IH nf ~ufliurn! mum->1 (u the pulnln- (w ask flux :1 lw L'IVPH quu‘r m tln- r muty [LIHH‘I‘ 'l‘hv re pvt is cullsillvrwl wiry auurnlt, and vonmlns. bollulvs mhc-r um-ful unfatrm. aflon. the total milruug uf all klmlu of roads in the mum); 1hr (Mal milw am- of all (lir' rumly lmlh Impnwn-ll und unimpmuwl, â€11‘ mm] mllrum- of :1] hard Hurfnvml. and all Sun Aid n Ids. Tbv fulluVHnL' '5 (hr ~ul-«1mu'r u! the report. l W0 have â€I the- yummy I? hm'rmlnpmj In all. rumprnum: u tulnl vmlc-uyr, nutU wlr of mvurpurulml vxtiw and luwns. uf 77“? miles. “N'fullHWs: Antioch 30; Av n Ml; lhntnn 2l;‘ 1 uln 74; l)t‘4'rï¬t'lll 1111; Frvmnnt TM} (irant IL’); lake Villa :‘w‘ly; Lulwlty-L nllv T"‘~; \1wpml GU; \‘rnmn '19; \Vurrvn 45; “Iulmuun LIT; \Vn-M Deorhold 316; ï¬lm-Mr Bl; l'jln TH; Wau- mmln :10. Tht'rr 15 ï¬l‘g HlllQ" nf ummplnn'odl H'ulmvmnl m1 l"U-"‘ ‘) l PNEUMONIA RESl’l/I‘S . IN DEATH Tl'ESDAY Funeral for Fred Harlin; And Highland Parker to be Held Friday. Burial ll “coney'u Fred Gafling for lthirty-two year: a resident of Highland Park. pmod a'ny on Tuesday morning at his m- idcnce, 307 N. St John: Ave. The cause of his death VI: pneumonia. Mr. Gal-ling m born in Germany "VentyJVvo 76an ago and emigrated w‘thh country in 1884. Bun-Iain: a few year- In New York. he mud in Highland P111: in 1888. In 1878 h. muffled Mina Marie Schroeder vb died in 1906. Three children “I. born to them. hm of which did in childhood. his sole surviver being Mr. Ernest Carling of St. Johna A“. Mr, Curling in upright. honut. Ind endeavored to hve In peace with I†his fellowmen. His surï¬ng chat- Icur wu nknqwledued by maybe" IKKI "â€"5. _‘._., o! the Evangelical [.mhenn ch‘urdl, who enlrustnd him with the once of trustee for many yclrx Funeral services will be held FH- day at 1 o'clock at his lnu rnidcnee. and at 1:30 It the Luthcrnn church. thence to M0000"! cometary COMPLETES COURSE ‘ AT GREGG COLLEGE Mus Harem-e .Khudwn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Knudoon. McGovern St... hll completed I til mnntha' mm in [NWT-phi it the cut-MRO- and ', lh" ~u'l\1hh<‘l l'lks 3312mm or NAnbNAL 1 L w. (. AOO‘IVENTION A haw just ruurnu‘ from (levevi ‘glnml. (L \thn {hl\ WWI!!!“ the llocal uswcutiun us «icknlea to the autumn] come-Minn of the Young Woman's ('hrisu-n Aum'ution. The‘ mnvmuon was called upon 10 um? hum of flu ulnmnl Important. u» up wtlre futun of the mnWmPnt. pd iu import-nu- “q Ihtreued h) {an that, nuing m 1hr w.“ [Du-re d bun no national 'lhelmg am“: 1915.1)unnx â€no“ but ï¬n» yrara the Association bu been (am-d upon to do gignnuc wrwicng, not only lmonn the younx womm of thus mun- try, but Inmong 1hr \wng Wumm of the- world because of conditions ‘hkh developed from ï¬le Grout War It hu now taken it: pbc-t nmon‘ the {on most uncarin- nthII to cope Iith modern problems conï¬ning women in ever) wnlk of life *d I: more and more being called upd In ‘hmnpion â€an†best met-.reau ‘- Thn-v mam imam-spinn- up hrfurr 1-H“ mnvvnhun for d 'auun, {he‘prw i u Fin! “man: in Fur inn Held In; ( ltwclund. lutl Holy-[atom El- pl-i- Association) Aim ‘ 51.. u L. Olrxnn. M} cm man ‘ , - pm "i “win! and Mrs. Sq-AN m nerlll MT- Inn‘si? .(n‘ldu:|‘:ls of Pr‘ohe retnn uf thc- lliuhllnd ’uri Y. W L! _ A., haw just riturn ‘ from Cleve i 3|: Surf‘s! 0f â€W .4“. .. .k .. m .\ m.wnmd the} Evening i Thr Rm John H. S‘huah, who forI lthr- â€â€˜0 Wu \un hu- who‘d as ImmI-‘h-r uf Ihc I'M-mt†chunh ha»! :n-«mu-«I u (all hum the Fun (1"hun': ll inf the anngrluul )uanouutlofl In "tn‘ntnr. IN and wil’ «MAW upon hm; iduh†thIIr 1hr «Kory! (If Ma) f The Rm RUM-m)†Schluerh I, Exrmluntn «If Nnrlhvfl‘ï¬ern and hf tht‘ Dunno-Inn] IIu-nlokml sumnun . huh ‘M‘fh nppmnlvd [0 MI {hr \‘uran {‘3‘ mad:- h) Mr. Sch'nb'u du-pnrhn-ni :Ml SIhlutrlI I-(I'\(-d . . Y, M. (‘ A ' :nxn'unry uI (imp Grant and lflll'! urn-d H> u I'hnplnm u-vrrwus REV. scams RECEIVES mu T0 smtAmn. ILL. ‘Tl-IAMSTERS ST IKE “(n ‘ AMH‘ABI Y SETTLE!) . h ( I’ulur 0' [Chem-Ln (7. rd! to Fred! Fun-NI Sermon . nth). Ru. Srhloerb to Fill Yuan! Thr trunnion urm-d m wurhg € Monday morning: If r havmx mun-d! Itheir dilï¬cultiu witl‘ the employersu 3A,meo(‘lnu o! repnï¬ntuivn of lhel ilwo group- wu he in the can of: the H‘xhlund Purl: l company on lSundny Ind a wage‘lynle Irreod upâ€" Mr‘ Srhunb ham muffle a bum hum hm hf {nrmiy I’Urlnfl;hlh >uy in this «11) and H u yn-aflj nun-tu-d that hr shuuld hnvr Kn lewr nl {hm tinu I 9 “on erumcd to We“ Mondnp; PI) u 1mm «4 335.00 l‘rr wfln The men will rec‘ive $36 I week from new on. pmVWnc they work every day. If u mii‘ do.- not report for votk. he will match: no pay for the ï¬lm he ll not ding. A dol- lu Ill hour will ' paid for over- There wen no bu! feelings on éither side, and the nflnir wu very Imkubly utded u the summon of all romrnod. Aifew o! the men did no( repon for Vork loudly. w new men were him-d to ï¬ll their pin-em ' FIVE WEEKS ILLNESS RESULIS IN DEATH Mn. Holdrkl mi“ Granddaughter. l | Hm in jum- ‘Mrs. Strnh Hod ck. who put few months 9 been her gnnddaughtvr, n. H. died yesterdny If!» mm fol ï¬ve werknfl illnnn 'Pf u can of dtmm. i She "u 77 you-Ii old Ind was born in Lexington. Ky. Bhu- hnu undo hrr home in Lllnycttc‘ lnd.. since 1x71. In Hedrick luv to sun'iVe her four children? {our mum and ~1'Ill APR 37 Srhwub ‘IIH pn-ud n Sum Mir, Curl â€an \' gt'nerlll M‘ d ’uri Y. W. ( a ‘ from Cleve ck. who {or the 9 been viuitinx n. H. G. Forâ€, 00h folluwmg a 'Pf u complication n Home of her trial to Take fave ‘, WW3 CLUB DANCE A DEUGHTHIL AFFHR DECOR ATIONS BE A l 'TlFl ~l. The Yea-[mun and durum gym-n by the Highland Putt Woman'r duh exâ€" ceed“! the expectations of members and non-numbers alike when ch doors of the hum- rymnuium swan; open to some {our hundrod dam-0n Ind sped/1101‘ lust Suturday mm Highland Pnrk is fonunnte in haviu an orgumuuun Lh-t an no men-sh {ally cngineer an iï¬air of suvh pru- portions on so bush a sale. I! W†evxdem that no expense- of labor or mom-y war hparul m (alter inc [0 NW rumfm‘l. (-nnvemem-e and mum perm of the most. ynucal In the staging of [hm delightful event. 'L‘ndemably well (lulu-ted attention was given to the decontlny scheme. A vast gurdon vulh whltr llnlw and full brllhnm hued hullyhmk: a.- the r'prmmpal flnvu-y was 1hr snllsfyuu resulll Light; \u-n- vumralc-«l under .uurlamls of sum-1 pols und pawn \an-s and thr same yrnrrfua flnwvnt Iwen- uM-d u\‘l'r the uhhwny.» Palm: and {vrm \A'rrr lmnlwd [u rum-val (he urrhestrn um: I. {mm Al lmrkgrnund Hm 1hr lIIHn-sses who wvlrnmw! the ; nan-H.» § The (‘Iub “us “(mun-‘1 I.) mung tour mnyor, My Hastings am: h): wife many the gum†Mr Hasllng‘n A-lmo: nn-nm-ui in shah llu' hulmr to our mnyor, My Hastings am: m: Wut many the gum†Mr Hasllng‘n (-gme propnrui an shah flu humor of (hr evrntnu l») wading a grand mun-h pn-fnuny \ha- (-ohllon with the PIHPBIdl‘Hl Mn: (‘lan-nu- Thuyel. Mr. Bourniqm had plannrd sunu- mil IUH') and other mun-sung hrum fullowing (he mnnh, hut 1h: (row “as much larynx than hr ham rxpwtad and he felt usaun-d thl- eny'ymrnt of th t-w-n'mu wuuld he mterfc-rwl Wth by sending all (he Hm‘latnn tn Un- Kuller) Ind dwuimx Iln (Inncrn m Mllllll gruupt pm I! War (lmulvd u» luu'r general dummy lhnmglmu'. thc- «wrmm: Th( surplnn prummm' hr :1 muumhn-m pumhu: n-nu- Burk, of thr pimp home of the nyhlami Pan «luh, T'Hb [)Hlllrl'. ï¬ax.km1 Hdr by ï¬rm MM ru-(uln'. ‘1 drawn by Anhnm't Arthur of Highland Palk. may...“ tun of lhx- \(‘l‘_\ u‘lnr ur; h umtmnplau-s Hu- rmnmai mi (N old rvsldem-v nu“ un xhr- Huh pmper ty Ind rn-«tinu Hw III-yo mudvm rluh house “huh vnll M available» for vn’u- and uunmumu purpusrx. Mr, Brown I: deeply mtrrmud in (hm develupnu-m uf Hwhlnnd "ark ï¬nd both he and Mr Burk haw ‘mv- en generuusly of (hr-H ‘N'sl vflum 10 further the work. Alton-ï¬ver it wu a du'ndedly Inc» ceuful event und mm m artivb chm-re are m be congratulated. BUT“ NOT“ DIED SUDDENLY YESTERDAY VII-oral Ruth Louiu Booth. 23 you. old daughter of Mr. and NHL Wllhun 3000! of North Second street. died yesterday afternoon n Mary Thump- wn hoepiul, (â€Pm-ego, folluwmx a few days' illness of uremic pol-runny. She w†horn m thi- my Alums! thh. 1897. Ruth i! a girl well known in this mmmuml)‘ She was I very cheerful girl and nlwuyr vnllmg to do uny usk set before her She: lived at horm- with her parenu Ind was All way: ready to du nnythlny In her power {of I tuner nr brother She w“ I member of the l'nm-d Plum gelic-l Sundn y whml Besides her fanr an lures three thl'rp. .\ “'ylct of FL ShI-ndul Hunt! and six hrthon. of Newton, Kan. Brnj; “'ylct of F1. ShI-nduvx. 1115.0 and Elk] and six hrthon. “’Iillunt. .11.. of Newton. Kart, Brnjumm uf I‘hl (ago. John. Fred. Edward mm :, (vim brother. Arthur, of thu at), n- «d: vive her. Fun-n] mica will be how Sat? uni-y deer-noon n twelve unny at W home with burinl in Booehill, cc. n1 sum... Will 30 new su- umy u 1“qu ï¬lm: I! FI-ily Ream: ummuLfl) purpusrx. deeply mtrrmud in l uf Hmhlnnd Park Mr Burk haw ‘mv- tf (ht-i! YWH vflum l‘nmmm' mwufl to pumhu: 'v) Lam hr plupnm'd nl-‘W {and Pan \M-man‘a ï¬shkml n1 mlhn VOLUME 10 UTE If! 23 yuro old Mn‘ Wullinll 1 street. died Mary Thump- “0mm! a few pol-(gums. I ('i‘)' Auruxt rl I'M} known I- UN» 1 very yr vnllmg to her 8th lived L! Ind was All nhiny In her mother SM l'nm-d Evan ni Hw'lhll sht- _Y Mr» Martha ‘ â€1. 1115.0 and Wnilmm. .11.. jumm uf rm mi mm :, (vim p Hi), 2.. ad: g, g. . “M‘metrawâ€"a MIN-11 new )- \M-man‘a n n: mlhn “no: pain. 1 h Blnwn ~ [In nmhl rumination. ma} nf 1h? 'luh vaerv yo mudvl‘n n available» p purpusrx. rm-rnud in Hand Park k haw ‘mv- YWH 0‘â€de udedly mt» .- In ad“. ulued. mnnAV ,-'.\ xv"? tr 1 p; v‘, a». E S