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Highland Park Press (1912), 27 May 1920, p. 6

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‘w‘wmm PAGE SIX PAGE SIX The Highlanh Park Press nationai renown Thew is no plan- in Amerim and prnlxaivly “qu anywhere else where such beautiful mu‘h‘ is provided in the midst of surrnundinzs of suvh natural vharn: l: :s .4 glorlfivd amuwmwnt park appealing only to the real lovers of mush" a Ear/Jen m‘fdelights for the judicmus and the artistlr. It is a tnbuu‘ to the appreclative- mts'c uf the mums lovers of (‘hlcagu and the North Shnrv that an (mtnrnriw m «lmmuly undertaken has proved at his; a finanvml Him-ma and Md; fair tn h- a permanent pluw nf summer on: We are 3.1 under a. debt nf m'zmuuh- :n the men and women and In par- ncular [u Imui.‘ Evkstgjn. prvsuirm. “no year after year have stood be,» hmd Ravxnxa Park and have madv good the dent-m of tho Q-arly yegrs until now the undertaking 15's prnvul suu'vss. Nothing also has dmwl s-x muvh E.» rmu- t'm- musivu! flan‘lard.‘ uf (‘hitugw and the mth- “on. We Jr!‘ assured that the musxu {hlS <ummer. hath orchestral and opera tic. will he of a higher order than ever before and that (hr sveh‘on W111 cnn~ tinuc fur full ten weeks. beginnznz .hxm- 'lfi. The I‘hxt'agu Symphony 0n 'mwtm wiH return In ax under the directmn 0f Rivhard Ham-mar. 21li Human: Pan}. and Scuttx .m'l n‘hvr \vpll known the Mann-13in“: wmpxny \\':H An: thrnusrhuu! {Eur emin- sow HIGHLAND PARK ~TRUST SC SAVINGS BANK :hmr nynh‘! 'vadv r Entered as second lnz~ {AVHN‘ VISIT US WHEN YOU CAN 3! <ETA \\ 4;! 821‘: mpany A T OTHER ‘TIWIES BATVK BY :MAIL iwzth u MN p IV ‘ pwa is [hr K 33> m 1H R \\ |.\'I \ [AR HT L'DI'II :‘h'iiitii‘b Hmhlum! Park 55 Pph‘ THY [.L 1nd PAYL Cuunty. Hlinots .-\«", of March '11”. t‘m Fir cumpartg.‘ wtlr ed Hm's Hl‘ L" !‘ \! H EILEJJIEHEIIEJIQJLDJIEHE p l'}\' l'\Rl\ \\ ark m‘hna 1L {‘11 11 lw-‘l mtm Q he'nct'uvtn m mtiun pornh H' H m: i HIL iv 11' A11 uum Ernie! D'J lht‘l thnn 1911, M the post office a! h 3. H79. ‘ m USU It u h UM he t'h. and \w urge all < mum! and help uf who have made Us :1 vn-ry way pusmhh uni {hat FUELL. at Highland urzlm L \\ th \RR\ PAUI at! M HHJH t' I'!‘ lhfafih wndmls. 1unté- mtg l} tin-r: w 1)) an}: m‘ (".8 quantum. In bx‘ {it"(i 'rvam- {heir uhhc mm". \\' its :xt'tu‘x In! mu nia y H' ll (11h 1v A“ our Hf ”It“ us all l1 I um AND mom ms I THE HiGHLAND PARK pm, HIGHLAND pm. ILLINOIS . '1“ xvu-t “who! M. Muum. xu-., .... uxmnwi Mum- and an muting tin-ir- ~1~'r1. M" \\1ih:m.\RWMa XI]: .\lx1'tn‘ |":m’rh hux :le In 1',“ m\l1l‘ MH‘Y‘A, uI‘ IIH‘HHHT Hf 1hr mum i HM Muthrx M|\~ Hul‘rz l‘u-urdsh-y W!!! by Hm \\.-k vml uuwt IN MI. and Mrs lid 5 Bud”. tt' 1 hwnun ”'1 .\'.l‘ .md.\11~ .\ 19.“ n!‘ .\-‘l'.h l".x~l ‘rw: 1h- tu- mg»; pun-my. of a Izmrhh 1'. inn”. Sn? ‘xwtuy. May “221141‘ )1;‘\ . ":zu km-Pnu t' ('hn‘zwu >pun \'l\ (‘K ['8 pm HI H" "' \u'q-k r?“ \\.‘1\ 1;"; ~!\lt‘l'. M!‘ '1“ H ,\'. H ”'le Mrs. J. Mvfireunr Adams ha» re turned from the suuth when- >ht qwm thv puxtvwimn-r. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Mursr um xmuL'hLvrx' “vrv thk' Sunday Kllt'5[> n Mr. and Mr: ('hurh-~ Imnu uf ('hx mun. fnr'nwrly cf Ihh’ at}: Mr. AH!“ K Rh mar Alum Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brown urv I'v-mv'm! vnlm‘utulatiuns uh the Mnh m' a .mn. Imrn Thursday. May "J“th, at (hr Highland Park hnspimil .11? 2:. 1:57 .17. >41 2, :2. 3,2: :1. £322.: (42.7,. :n: N: 2? _: _H~#,_.....x.(. Mn. H-n‘zuv \V, Sht‘llhul' :HHI dzmuhtvy‘s “'1“ 11'1“" Junv i‘mi (IL-uh”. l'mh‘ Tin-y uxll mrupy a tam- in thv (mm-z. umynn tlurim: «gunner months \\ {W mut'm-x .\ piunu I'm-ital “1H ‘tu- ulvrl: at I'm- ln lmmu rum-momma. n; In) I-lim Plan «hm! nudnurmm on SaL 11y ll'luVHi mother, who puswd I :mlay ufturmmn. Jum- 3th. at flfiflflnm- year mm. May 26. 1919. by thv Juninl' pupils uf Miss Ih-len- Hat daughter. 1-20 Taylur. dirm'tor of Hw Highland Park Munch U! the C: Iumhia <Chuul nf‘ L'phnlsterinz in YOUR HOME xmz‘iu: Th0 public H m-zwhul‘ly mvit- l yeah! experience. C." J. S. mi m attend. twaukcgnn 1606. 10 “-3: \1 Watch fvr thv duh II)‘ ('irvus In 1w giV nay"< \‘luh nn a mm t1 The St‘nim' via“ play n Snun‘day x-vam: at H My h |\ H Mr. \\ .\1 («'LV \l\‘.\ 111 1:1 Mix \\‘ In attend M I L‘ (m ll ‘1 Uh ll I; 1! h .\l )1 \ ‘, ul H l‘lll t‘l‘» Hillukwlh Shwlux :1 Mn H: 111mm) (x MIN. (hung happy nun-n! ,‘vlw‘uizu. Mm‘ M Mn H lulu u nuhr .Al girl \\‘ h \\ U‘ \va i». M y' N SK John- m'vnm- ,,H,,, mp .“J‘t'II MM H‘K‘r lg! \\ Q' duh- Hf [ht Mg Sn be given by {he “'0 a numnlighl nigh! ix tl \V, Shun I'Hl“\ h‘t IN“ 1101’! 1143‘ H'VH mall sun of (M- u {pw days this Hf \lrx. ('harlm‘ the m'w [untm n Sent! “ho ~p0n Hymn. 1‘ 114., hun- mv \'1~11im: tht-ir .\lt Mva Mm‘ lTIh ‘nm :1 ~h \lllv. K} ll (mu ivmu-l .mn-nolums \ 1~ 1m uH-rlm: 1mirruum- thru- H H nsilinx Sunday M qn-ndim: MI n’k \HH hr L'l\ U n-Lu‘fin With L. 1~ t'prtmi “My: an' \l I'\ 1(1 HI (‘hgt‘hw (lurk M 1M niu park :my H Qunzlty n-Km n St hulh‘) HlL'l \h I}! M: ‘H H and i‘ POSTMASTER EXAM. , 1‘0 m: HELD Jl'Nl-l 15 {ht nt 1H HT .\m)ln'unt [numty first '\ MW “-2" Mrs. J. H. Kenxle. Wife of the pn- tor of the United Enngehcnl ('hurch. is: spending {Wu wwks With her 31’s- u-r- m Km'kfurxl and Rm'htllo. and will nth-m! {hr mrnmnul spun-vs at Shu'luml, “1.. her “H hmnr. To Fill Vacancy in Highwood. Will Hold Examination in Highland Park A! the I‘vqmut uf {hr I'nst Shun-r General the l'nltvd Sums CIVH 5'er \‘h'c (‘unmnssmn hfln unnnunn-d an vxmmnathm (u lw held at Highland Park. “1.. un June 10'». 1920, for (he pnsllllm uf pus! IIIH‘IU'T a! Highvnmd. H1 Th1: nfiiw Nu "1‘ annual t'nmr 1~(-!1~:UXHP Hf $123M“ “1:!wi (‘ummuniu Senice Athletic Huh \Vin~* Game 7 m L Tu I’ll!) North End\ DEFEATS GLENN”: |.\ FIRST (33le 0F SE \SON H21 Mm vi "4 Mann. -~ 5 Hlmivl‘ H 'I 'm-I l h-n \V (er’lu-x Lulzdh Ff Shvuhm (Hrlh'ut- Hut-flrlvr s: Rudulph rf (‘lm‘e-y H» Stu-kum c .‘LWHCI' A‘f Su-hcr '2?! Schrm-der I Hirachner l (‘unrad p \\'il<nn p Sumiuy (ht M1 START RESI‘RFACINU 0F SHERIDAN ROAD Work wa> begun lust \n-vk «m the rmurfm'mu u! Sheridanruml unnh ”I ('rmral uu-nut (‘rushml rm'k lm< lw-n dumped on the Mn-vl for several blm‘ks. and the job will be completed in a shurt 0th This stretch‘nf pavvmt'nt is nboul twcmy- two you“ old. aml is still in good condition. \Irx. Minnie Stupc-y ll. Emma rum-mhrnnn'o uf my ‘ 1y ln-lm‘wi mother, who passed a‘ one year mm. May 26. 1919. Herr daughter. l-ZLhr 1H Ful HUI Thh tt-um plays the North Ends F.\zm~tun on ‘ho same field nox! nwim‘ m the second learn» game uf it'l‘k ‘ll \'M|‘Mll m'urmull \\ H \ptl t» muM “mn'v Iravhwi their 1 yrm' MI! MN thmr M!- Huhn m Hm duh» uf tht‘ b \MK‘: .1 \\t'lL' HYmh'I‘. 10p"! . [H] ("11; M 1x mammal :u‘h HH Yr. 011‘! 11H. III M l'lH'r('( SHIUW f {hr I'nst Mzhu-r 0 Punk IIY (:mv lmlf “an My! u‘ {rum tm NH th UH um .pplh uh (hr pm 10 tf-udv «u‘l‘lll‘> Hit 11*HH 11 UN LHHIL' 11H H H U H U 0 l) l» U (I (l 35 De Luxe’ Theatre SUNDAY. MAY )0 Szlfi l M(I.\'l)\\'. MAY 3| 7:00 I’. AJHH.‘~IHH Adulu, 2.3V; var lax, ‘mldrvn mun-r 12. 13c; war nu. Muk Scnmu'n Production "IN)\\\ UN THE FAKM'" ('thH-n undo-r \VI-ZILVESIHY. Jl'NE 2 7:00, I‘. M, [\(hnh-lul. Adulu, 201". “’II' uu.‘2c t'hxldrrn undrr 12. 2k“. war uni 1c “ ilnm Fox prmnl.‘ ., Shirk) Manon in "\1 0 l. I. Y A N D l" A \hnrnnnc t-upuvntinu ronwdf . AIM Mun, and Jefl and Unn'eml 'l‘l ESH\\ . Jl \l~ \dmiflsinn Ntw~ H: Phon. Special Saturday Sale, May 29th Choice Mean. Fancy Croatia and F nah Vegetablea. Free Delivery: All orden for Saturday menacing ddfvgry Inuat be in Friday Palace CashM‘hrket Grocery \\ m Hm Hm'f (“hum ‘h-ur Bum-k pun Mink Laura; M- Fnuu ul‘ Smmdrxfl, thr Hx ‘ .lrlkr'r (amour (hnki Luck “ll-0, Hu- H). Fancy Willow Twig apples. the lb Funry oranges. very juicy. dam-n . V I'm! Tnaflues. (“urn Flakes 1nd Shredded Wheat, pkge. SI‘GARâ€"Hnnullud. Brown. Bod und Powder“! 7 Ulrm h l’lllhv Melody WoodS qursery C0. O. C. DOERRH'IR. Lanflscapc Architect Forester Manager. Grass Seed by; the carload and by the pound. In fact every thmg for the garden a; ien low prices. Kindly get our fi‘gun 3. Very trilly yours, Melody Woods Nursery Company "HH'THFL'L FOLL‘" Star) by Olive Thom-- lrmh-«i by Alan ('rmlumi AIJBI‘ZRJLWIJARSON 7~â€"â€" A .m:- A; 1"!“ ‘m'klui IlsL' f 0 '0‘ IN :H IIIIII'I OPPOSITE TNF 160 GEORGE G. ROCK. Mgr h" rm ()Ihe Thom-n In 1:01 Adults, Greeting Cards in! 1 ~n>nuliunal mmw‘x mlnr pu'mnw‘ 1nd Sc GENTS forlGoody'ear Non- kinkable Lav/:1 Hose, 19 cents pox foot $180. 00per 1100 feet. Ideal Gasoline Lawn Mower (may be demonstrated at our Sales Yard). ' LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS PROGRAM FOR NEXT WFEK fun 256 W) for all dccasions 5‘ STAfJONER \A‘Hr \Aflr ' 32V: Gzlfi l' um, BC UL\. 2C (55¢ ”may w rui nus u'unmt; JHI'fi H ‘ , ruBMoA-m Menu/m mu .4 SPECIAL: Dec 1' . Hal») bvr.’ In I" ways fro-.- L. I Nahv» lu' m-ui plan (N ur Mn)“ squall-L (hr Hr I») ”w Hrlp 1,., “MM. IN‘ fluur.’ drum) fn-H laryn- THURSDAY. Jl'NE 3 Admin-Ion, {Adult}. 204‘: wu‘ ux. l'h‘ldn-r. undw 12. 9c; wur ux. flurry T. Morey in Hum“. “’58 4 7:00 P. M. Adminmn‘ Adult:. 20"; wnr uu, 2c (‘hildn-n under 12. 91; war tax. 1c Mary M-rIAren in “THE I‘NPAINTEI) WOM AN" mfl'knn. 1H}: 5 A \'i(1y1'aph {vatnnn din-(10d Paul Srardon Admiuinn Adults, 250; War tax, 3(- Vhildren under 12. 13c; war tax. 2. Known. McDonald in "THE BEAl'TY MARKET" ,A drum: of Society Mu Futy Arhuckle in "Back Sage" \lu. 1.4-”) Sc-nmv Life." u-unx'k hulk hurt-n A l'nivernul pwturr Mm ('hrutu- vumody, am y pllmapph 1.0105 lh «101ml ‘Jw HI lam “THE DARK EST HOI'R' 533~535 Control Ave ~ ham-d The 5'1an 22c ‘2'}C 35¢ 15c ChURCH snkvn‘m s ”humus. (nllnwlhy “em mum anwd by General Real Estate Lo North Sho CHRISTIAN S‘ 1‘1 low», I , v guy adJuzutbli anti Boys and yurlfi ham )3 u! Lus‘ N. W. Corner Roller I’m/t 7'141’0’ ("(1710 hum. NM '1" u w u r Yard (gllfldl HUMM hultf our Hr“ “7 HARD ADI Safe! ‘ni‘ “Ixu

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