PAGE One of the prettiest home Weddings of the season took place at the rosi- deuce of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bletsch, Moraine road, Wednesday, June 16th, when their son, William S. A. BleLsch, was united in marriage to Miss Alice Sexson of Chicago. The bride's dress was of white geomette crepe. She wure a veil which was held in place Sexson of Chicago. The bride's dress was of white geomette crepe. She wrote a veil which was held in place with a wreath of lillies of the valley and she carried a shower bouquet of the same ï¬uwu‘s. The bridesmaid. Miss E. Stockerud; wore a dress of shell pink georgette and carried a bouquet of pink roses and lilies of the valley. Charles E. Bletsch, bruth< er of the groom, actcd as best man. The Reverend Walters of Rogers Park perfomwl the cerenmny. The parent- al hunw was a veritable bower of (luWuri. The wedding was folluvvcd by a sumptuous dinner served by a catar- cr. The ynuns: couple lrft in' their murim: var fur :1 honcymtmn arip. On their return (my will mx-imy :hcir new 'nnmc 31:39:) Moraine mud. why Good Lady Clothes lroners, per week Flat Work lro'n‘ers, per week. . SOCIAL ACTIVITY The pricm are t-mfe zu Hume. SYNC 50mm. am». Um 5's. $60“. Prices FOB. Detrnit. Electric Startin "an H‘ quipment $75.00 extr \X 1LT! >8 [Azunden’rs and Dry C/mm'rs Cali Telephones l78-179 and likt'Wi ‘ I . end If .\I INSIST 0N GENI'INE FORD PARTS Telephones Highland Park 120 HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. 1d maintain 'F‘ uuring \' t‘ Mis \"UH 110 \V '9p' m min: ['nm‘ W n I'nm'tNt Bt'x'illh‘t' HIV that H7! ’ L n 3'“ H1 . v , \vulvs Sedan. U1 *1 WI HUN}. (‘ar V'flUL" >0 1h )1" )UI‘ snnalolc and the L' m. smallâ€"think ['11 c the proï¬tably m-rk Fun neighhwrs (hes it not up ql «111' is \‘nlll‘ Humanity \J Announcement is made of the mar.‘ i'iaize uf Miss Helen Murray and Mr." Charles Harrison “'hlt‘h timk place Saturday. JUNO 19. at tllv linmc (vfl Sat. and Mrs. Hayes on Vine avonuu. The bride wuru a drosx nt‘ bended blutn satin and georgette crepe. Shev was attendrd by Miss Elsie Sodman ofl Highwood who wore a dress of old rose organdie. \Ir. Carl Dimick of Fort Sheridan sen’cd the groom as‘ best man. Fullnwing the ceremony the; young: couple left for a short weddingl trip to Twin Lakes. l 7",- 4) râ€"fo fhe Sgaundrq kll Monday evening the Girls duh held its last Full. nf Corps ity hull.“ it (im ity hUUH- IHX‘ 1| DIKU. lulunuflx U) party on the beach. Miss Swindcll. the secretary. will have Friday tn nth-ml the Y. W. (’X , uunferonw at Dova Lakv. Iluwnp my. Mich, Ir: Bz-nmn Hark-tr she will N jnined by Miss Florence Mcï¬ath. My dolezah- wprewntmu the High YOUNG WOMEN'S PATRIOTIC LEAGl'E OF HIGHWOOD -\ fttl‘ Variety in serum: VD )H TI‘UL' k lunabnut value 120- 121 it IIVQ‘r cit-ck Thursday, tho this will meet at the Commun- 'wx‘ u hike. folluwoJ by a $21.60 $17.25 t- must 1“ Kirk Fm‘d th my cu after! to up (‘hus $51)†IH II High School meeting until Sunday school meets immediately af- glcr the morning service, and is open '10 pupils up to the age of 20 years l‘lu- Wednesday evening meeting. .i'i:i.‘h inr'ludei testimonies of Chris flint Science healing is at 8 o'clock Services are held in this church every Sunday morning at 10:65. - You are cordially invited to make th" "‘31â€"“ use of the reading room at 887 Cen U? mxmmil)‘ w» from ‘ww thv (1(th huok~ W‘ x Ems-mm NEWS mm§ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Sr.. and daughter. Faith, and Mrs. Goldn‘ng left, Wednesday for Boulder, Colo., where they will spend the summer. A reception and pound party was given Mr. and Mrs. Ora Davis in the Uniu-d Evangelical church Tuesday th-ninm Mr. Davis is the new pagujr‘ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Labahn had as their guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James lluught-rty and two daughters, Wilma and Margaret, uf (‘himmr Mr. and MN. George Labahn nml «laugh» nor, lrma. nl' Evanston. Mrs. Fwd nyvr and Alum \n-n- Il! wit}: tunsilitis lent week. Mrs. .l, (X Wullf of [rung l'ark tun“ llw gut-‘1 of Mrs. K. Kllh'kt’l'lmr- Mm Chi- .\I|1~. Kl-n! and dauphin; .‘Jll\\nuku-. \pruL 1hr \u-ek Mr and Mrs, \Vilhnm Kent \ ulnuflï¬mr \Hh hum 1« Mn. WxHium Hm-vhum, \‘ .lunr Nth. (hr KM“ Hut-11.x! ‘1 Mr. 1 Ir Stan lHL' uwmm’ IN. 2 fur thy «mum-r, .lnhn and ('hurhw Hum Trulu. Irvmg‘ Whltcomh, Fontmm- \x'vrv thc urzulu \Vllmnl M‘hmvl. Ml‘>. “1'qu Bwkmav mi 1hr K. L. 1'. If. u! h\'l' } [hl‘ll' 9 gulch»! \n-ddmg .‘\IHH\1‘I\2I Saturday. Miss Khmlhcth thhvlt \\M~ uuwt nt' her cumin. .‘vIrs. ('uh-b H. an! Marsnull, of (‘hivagu Sutuni Mr. and er Imuh Rummc! Suuth Bend. INL. annuuncu the bi of a sun, The l‘mgrvssivc vluh of [hr \\'11~ mot Sch‘ml 15 giving 11 bazaar. bakery sale and (Janu- on Rvdhcï¬cr‘s farm Saturday evening.‘ - A three pivu- or» chestru will furnish the music. ML William ()sterman spvnt the week and with William ()stvrmnn. Agnes Pvu-rsun is wur Ulllcc of the prvsidrnt People's hunu- in (hit-am» Sermon |1\'I‘.i\, .VlL‘. H! )h‘ “Ilium thh'l Mr. :ani M: rm] avmuo. which is open every wm-k day frnm nino o'clock in the naming until six o'clock in the eve- By H. I". C. There are thousands of honest up- right people who get their living in public utilities. as well as thousands more who pay their wages in order that service may be rendered. And these {lery wage earners, al- though they ore connected with pub- lic service. in fact the Chicago Tele- phone company. are in reality, the ab- solute essence of the business. I hold nu brief fur any utility. It is just a nameâ€"rhuman beings make it up. Red Moodvd American nu-n and wunwn make telephone service pussi- Mc and a girl who answns a sub scrihcr's ("all h m worthy of honest (reatmcnt as any uthQ‘l‘ girl in any husincss, «him: any other kind Hf Wurk.‘ ' im: thv uuml \lenvs'luy' Subject for next Sunday's Lesson -rnmn. “('hriMmH Scienvc." ;\ millinn duliur, worth of tq-h-phrm' uppamtm by ltM'lf is merv mum-r, but vnthusv human inturost in a huh py bunvh of men Installing 3M ken-[v 1m in repair all kinds of {Mvphunr w-[ixipnwm 4'! 1 Wm]! thnux'umh n" u:- vrm'tiv Kiri: npcratimr the linm {HT {\Mllir gum} and new! and. hvhnld â€W "ih‘ of Win- mu! metal llVr and Pm“- Ltmse kalwl n-main \ch and m-rw- H' And 3“! phnnb ( , r‘m‘lsv .\n invx‘vusvd rule 1: an necessity to acoumplish Lhis m _\' 1h! 11 ‘ne-y SI) Xhut HE I'MHK'l‘k l) Mr. M ‘H UI‘ iH' (â€Til lci‘ \Vll \‘ {UH H _\1[\. hr 1. ‘2‘. \h-ddmg UH SIMPLE FACT he Mvalhmw in-u’ Nnrlhrrr Ml npt-rutuh and [h thv Tk‘lt‘PhHlu‘ Hm- publlc m-mL Ipun)’ asks .1 mm rah-r to pay the 2H rah-r to pay the h. irnm whom n i run the industry. H'Ilh Anthony KIML u- I:|\lt‘l“,~ Sl‘h {'l’! _\'\‘|H(“ M‘H'l inn 1.x \nn‘kmu n (hnsuzu W111: p sun is Working: in 1hr prvsidrnt uf {M UM ()sterman of ('hlmgu and with 1115 brother. .\lr~. Philip memvl Patrh'k. Suliuul‘. u u!._ \\:\.~ Hu- gun Buckman ~ u! hvl’ hon Mm )nL' ( », Mi“ nrd luazw .Ir' Saul? \“wil mmwrwu'} an nbsuluh Lhis result. MI “h bran-<1 HHU'H' ‘muiay‘ {"111sz x1) i with n]: Fx'ui imam] “('lhl. h hi“ I'Iulv mm†1|“ UHH‘Y‘ 1“ I \Illlplgh} UN ’I‘vl“ â€h M H lvirkh uni U11 Uh 1h. uh- I!) I†1H “lhh' M‘Nt“ Sunday. Murnim: 5r MN. F, 1). Even lhv mwtmg uf the Y l'il‘ly at 7:13. I‘ruycr meeting a! “'vdm-sday night. Sn-nn- punplr will do W0†In “am until (he mn-rlmunu-tvr gas below 901 before starting anything on $Xillll(‘l{ (‘ht‘um-d ‘hat $23.00fl,000 n: gums: mi hr spent on the comma campaign! an1 the way things have worked :02 thr crowd that spent the loan; far. ~ uumM u-om the he!“ chance of. (‘luimmi ‘hat 325.00" hr spent on the mu an1 the way things far. thr crowd that : mum-y “no“! 511‘!“ thy winning. mad just as soon a talk pulitics. but It i ed that they nuke I their political belief LIVE BALL ITS MAQE_OF ' 'Elve RUBBER and GOULD!“ _ w.H.Sa|is§!_r!00- no. a†P. 8:“?! _â€"-â€"â€"â€"'â€"_â€"â€"’i THE RUBBER 310!!! 1“! BY name. A «1‘ p0 yplc as soon R LWE’ HOUSE in... runn- I1“ low 1...“ “Why so sad. tonight, my dear?†d ost of “Because Springtime is coming an . m ‘ had flowers planted sine; last fall,. whxlle we heat garden coming up early In the Sprmg.ed agn st“ to see our beautiful home surround y I 7...! ‘n-nn‘Iin "reen, flow ers,r roses. ï¬nes, and a beautiful law n." nu'c WI“ lw Evert-It V“ "no“? could it be possible to have short time" anu u lK'duunun In" In. “Well my dear. you do not need to be sad. It is no matter that we have not had our plants started early planted last fall. We can have our place made beaut a short time.“ , . A.,: a “1â€"1: Anni .‘IIVI u ‘.... “Coming out on the 5:10 this experienced landscape gardener man Is Interested in his work and man IS intercsu-u Ill Illa wu-n uuu -v--- _ 7 , “Good! As he is honest and experienced. why not call him on the phone and arrange to have him come over Sunday morning to discuss this matter with us?" They did. And they are satisï¬ed. plc w111 gr! hopping mn as they begin In x It is nut ye‘ ru‘nrd. like many mnvorts tn A dialogue between nuns! I'N’Pl“ on “Hm-k m-xt M at 11:00- will speak at TELPPHUNE .bll O0.0.0....0.0... O vuvrâ€"â€"_ ,_ . n I ‘ â€" O...I..00...0.0... - .", WHY DON’T YOU ? Ofï¬ce and Yards. Ulne avenue HEN COAL hmnds c01 PITTS TON ANTHRA CITE Tm W Purl “I mannanaannanaanailaaac. a. o. 3.8. a. c. 3. Phone 402 on form. uw IIBIIIIE’ ‘IIIIIIIIIIIII __. ‘ . g ».4 .z A _ . .1 . . J Thor Washing Machine or Apex Vacuum Cleaner Building Material Highland Park Fuel Compaq; Telephone 102 i m 5:. mm mm mm. 1W 33; ROBERT GREENSLADE A Story of’SPI'iflé Mr. Commuter and his wife MUTUAL COAL CO. nun-vâ€"â€" V a pool and fountain. Hemonstrated ‘ in your home Free of Charge 301.0 (m as†on mm M mmrs JAMES COLLINS. Auro Puma EN COAL sold according to value, our brands commanded premium prices Our Famous Brand .his evening. I heard of an honest. ner named Fiori. I believe this and- could solve our problem.†oal Solvay Coke H IUHWQOD, ILLINOIS untied by trees, shrubs, ever- nd fnuntain. a rustic tea house this UflEflNflRV SURGEON AUTO PAINTING"? of Highland Park sad. It is not a serious Larted early, or shrubs made beautiful within rk done within a LIMOUSINE. mm IOADS'I'I'RS. mum and Commercial Cm at lusonablc hives M oudgram and Lettering 386 Cent“! Avenue nix no 31.3mm Avon! bu rm. «qu Phone 22 Savb' brand mm Ndrthwest Cum†Emmflflmgm ANIEI 'ge can 'ves N. First 81. “ï¬lm“ .N'llVr J /\7;l{r, Sun.) 63b Slolnt AVQVJJ' Hughlnnd Pork Hlmmo GRO( EIH 410 (‘ert ahk‘} Trh’phxï¬u JUNK TAU I; Dealer in \I'Et (m 1x )I' (M