wd m En TO' M} \ 333†[L H L1 EV "I tre 9x909995>§ Wye/m in in Sweet \Ie". 41)) by Luben n. m w? famâ€" wnve of buried â€hutch, <ervice If a ï¬fe Y“'i may m rmla)’ H. I). 1V H). 2K (Y rea p (l h the SPECIALS Water Melons, ï¬ne. large and ripe, special at Shpboyzan or Clicquot gingeralv. per bottle ..... Grape juxce, Red Wing or Welch, qt, 73c ..... Logan berry juice, pint bottle 42c; 1-2 pt. ........ Zion City Cookies, assorted. the lb. ............... Crisco or Snow Drift, the perfect shortening. 3 lbs Choice shoulder cuts of veal. 1b. .......... Veal roast. leg 01" loin H). Veal breast for dressâ€" ing, 1h. Swift’s Premium Smok- ed beef tongues, lb. ....... Boneless rib roastbdnefl and rolled, lb. Native flank steak. very choice, 1b. Fancy sirloin steak, young and tender no... 160 GEORGE c. ROCK, up. Lhoice pot toast of native beef, lb. Chbice Meats, Fancy Groceries and Fresh Vegetables. Free Delivery. All orders for Saturday morning delivery must be in Friday Palace CashMarketGrocery North Shore Trust Company Real Estate Loans Savings Accounts General Banking Business @mm@@m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ N. W. Corner Centnl Ave. and Sheridan Rd. Special Saturday Sula, July 3rd Safety Deposit Boxes 45c 38c 35c 30c 27c 35c 53c (A Sm. Bank) Zion City cottage cheese. best of all, lb Calves' sweetbreads, SWift's best, lb. Bacon squares, Oscar Mayer's ï¬nest, 1b. ‘ .. Pork loin roast, young pig pork, lb. .......... { Baby beef liver, always good, 1b. ‘ ........... x Peacock back bacon. by the strip, lb. . .. Pork shoulder roast, very choice, lb. Lamb or veal stew choice cuts. the lb. ., 5321â€"535 Conn-l Ave. i“28c 38§c ’f 18c pint 20c 33c 79c 41c SLOO 20c 40c Although there aren‘t enough able 'bodied people tn raise and transport ' the'food crops, 3 )ut more candy stores fand ice cream joints are being named. Many people thrown out of work by abnormal business conditions, but any- way they have their rovontly purchas- ed silk shirts, And no other nntiun un 08th exâ€" presses its patriotimn by putting out the eyes of a lot of their children with ï¬re works. If the school teachers don‘t dross well. they are criticizod for havim: no snap, and if they do dress well,“ they are criticized for being extra- vagant on a small salary. Mr. Newman hns “remodeled" his timepiece so that it has two hour hands instead of cm. The two hands are soldered together so that «me is an hour slower than the other. The standard time “hand" is a gold one while the “new" timv hand is Mark. It cost Mr. Newman 21 dollar to have the extra hand put un, but is a great help as all trains on the Northwvstvm are upornted 0n stanv dard time and the city use daylight saving: time. If everybody Were equipped with a? timepiece such as the one '1‘, A. New? man, Waukegan agent of the Chicn-i go Northwestern railway company. carried, they wouldn‘t have much trou- 1 bl with the “new time" and standnrd1 time. ‘ Thd Mines Adsit. who have been HAS “'ATCH “11‘“ at 01+ Moraine since lust (all. left on TWO HOUR HANDS Wedwmdny for Munch: Bea-«h. â€"â€"-â€"~â€" 5Mual They will return in September. VNumemus complaints that speed laWS have been violated wherever the roads “mull! permit have been fro- quvnt in all parts of the county. The condition is said to he especially had up the state highways. For that rea- son it expected that for the pros» 0m at least Hanna will conï¬ne his of form to the concrete rumls. Thu fact that autumnliilists never will knnw in what part of lht‘ county he is vmrk- ing will add grvatly to his (-thrivm-y for it, will 10ml to km'p (lrn‘t'rs can" ful at all times. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS . Hanna has been swam in as deputy] sheriff by Sheriff Green to clean thei county of Speeders. He is not con-i ï¬ned to any one district. but has the free run of the county. All that is asked of him is that he prnduu- rem “Its. . The new motorcycle (‘up is William! Hanna of North Chicago. where hel established a 100 per cent record furl eï¬lciency in the same capacity, It. was his excellent record which cauawd‘l Hanna to be employed by the munty.‘ Auto drivers should beware, as such? a deputy has been named and is in. active service. ; Recent action by the Lake County? board of supervisors authorized emâ€"i ployment of a special deputy sheriff: to patrol Lake County on a motor- cycle to enforce state speed laws. s 'PARENTS or 31mm CHILD DROP CHARGES Supervisors Authorize Employ- ment of Special Deputy Sherifl’ for Speeders Following the expose Lieutenant Musil was said to have consulted an attorney for the purpose of starting divorce proceedings. MOTORCYCLE COP TY) PATROL LAKE COUNTY According t0 purported confession of Mrs. Musil she and her husband quarreled over the fact that they had no children, and when he Wont away on a vacation, returning later, she was ill and ':)l(l him she had had a son but that the child had been placed in an orphanagv. When ho.- agrood to sign the papers to get the child hack her deception trapped her and in desperation she took the P31. lasch child, it was claimed. Mrs. Minnie Brownlee, of High- wood, mother of Mrs. Musil. went. w the parents of the Pallasch boy and pleaded with them to drop the charges against her daughter. When the case came up Tuesday in they Shefï¬eld avenue municipal court. state's attorney Jnmes G, Welch uk- ed that the case be dismissed be cause or change of heart of the boy's‘ parents, who decided not to prosecutel Forgiveness came to the rescue of Mrs. Mabel Musil of Highwood, Tues- day and she will not be prosecuted for kidnnpping 2 you old Raymond Pulâ€" lasch from near his home at 2506 Clif- ton avenue, Chicago. Mr. and Mn. Pallasch are overjoyed at the return of Raymond and refused to prosecute when the case wu colled todny, The arrest of Mrs. Musil ended a city wide search for the boy. who disappeared June 4. Mrs. Musil is the wife of Chules Musil. a lieutenant in the navy. / Highwood Woman is Freed; by is Returned to the Pallasch Home Ohe put H! In lutumnhilv tire which comes m {or too little anew tion is the “he The primipal at tont‘on motnnst need giu- the waive is 3' ply to 599‘ that I†dust and dirt are xcluded from its intrrior. ere is a ‘rnthcr mmmon belief tha the "he cap is uneasential. This id!) ‘55 erroneous, fur when a up in not used there in 1 strong liklihood tbs dirt will work into the valve and wuui’dcd men at the hospital, and the The but thought of the highwly handsome pedestal was made in Chi- engineers of North America 5. Mn 6820') â€M H 500“ 33 a PM?" {0011' given to the drafting of speciï¬uuom dation is prepared. the din] will be for the "idenl section" u, be built Wrniam‘mw Placed name‘s-here along the Lincoln high- : way with funds pmvided by the Univ CARE OF AUTO TIRE ed Sines Rubber company. VALVES EXPLAINED The Lincoln Highway uni-inlet: '6 in receiving hundred: of Insulin!» Ohe plrt “1' In Automobile tire from engineer-g ln ew-ry part of the which comes m {or too little anew Unived Sum, indicating a deep imvrâ€" tiontis the “th“ The principal at. out in the project. 4 N reconstruction aides from Fort She dnn hospital. who spent the win- ter t the hotel, have presented the man gement with a hundsome sun diul to , plnced on the grounds. The dial {itself was hammered out of a solidi sheet of copper by one of the wuur’dcd men at the hospital, and the handsome pedestal was made in Chi- cago; and as soon as a proper {oun- dntion is prepared. the din] will be pernianemly placed. Mrlï¬. Rumn D. Hill and dlughtcr, Held, have gone u. Lellnd. Mich. for the summer. Th: regul-r lutpmer duneâ€. every Tues by and Fridny evenings, will be resulï¬ed on July sixth. Mob". Scotti And Bucket! of the Raviqia Open company, are at tho Moraine for the season. ML; and Mrs. N. A, Christensen and Miss Esther Christensen. who have been living a! the Moraine for thn- ms! three years, hIVP gone Hunt an a long motoring tour. When lut heard (mm they were driving through “miss and Maryland. They will be absent until some time in August. é MORAINE HOTEL No'rm Federal System of Bakeries If you have not tried it, visit us today Federal Bread is Quality Bread Today, June 30th. marks the end of the ï¬rst six months period of 1920 and noday we are crediting our savings accounts with the handsome amount stated above, viz. $6,864.51. If you are not sharing in this interest distribution, itis because you have not made astart. Beat-in mind your account is wcicomc bore and 51.00 will start you. By opening an account within the next ten days you will be allowed interest from July lst. For Our Savings Depositors FRANK ). BAKE! Highland Park State Bank THE HOME OF SAVINGS DEPOSITOBS $6,864.5 1‘ '5‘] nadvodpnd the†will be «ahead ‘0'!» Wyn-nun} of a compo-l IvyI-w wuu n‘" vâ€" ,_,, .., “hi-u. w“ As was expected. a wide diVen-ity of opinion u "turd: the :pedï¬utions for Inch an “idell avflion" h being indicated. An rapidly u pocible the oat-m. of tho Anoci-tion an» ta'b- ullting the replies and nmeuiom This advice in given by the United Sun-n tire company, but u all the )arge tire companies use the same make a! valve, the advice may be followed by pnctiuny I" are men. MANY SUGGESTIONS FOR IDEAL SECTION Sometime: there'mny be g In]: ground the ha. of the vulva stem; In thlt cue the hexagram) npt shock!) be tightened. This 1'19an! nut Mid shay: be scmod down ugh; agnimt the opening mm In vrhkb‘ the vulva Item enter: the be. The rim nut must alway- bo ocmed, tight, no that it close- the hole in‘ the rim. If thin in not done. dirt. will; work in between the tire and tube and came the tube to wear out. When ramming the plunger from the valve do not drop it into the dirt. for dust may lodge on the red rubber wuher. If dirt has worked its way into the plunger. throw away the plunger und put inl- new one. produce l lib-k. In Addition, if the cap in screwed on we“, a breakâ€"down of the valve inside need~cnuse the driver no inconvenience u the cap wit! prevent the Life {mm deflnting. anve cnpl on bicycle. motorcyclel. automobile: and trucks are all of one size. I0 if n cup in lo“. it may be easily repinred. Va Pun-bur u;;;,LOST MACHINE AND mm? .. cmmnun FOUND DANIEL A. FAY i a mac anxiety luc Snturdgy night when he run mdy to make the trip home. and found that his chufleur and big “twin" Simplex car were mutiny. After a pouch for the car, be In. Men borne in nnothcr mach- ine. Later the automobile and it; chauï¬eur were located. and returned. The laun- explained that he bad call- ed to the Exmoor club at three o'clock Sunday looming, and learned that Mr. Coulur had left. J. H. Canker. Oak P-rk. member a! the Emoor club, was «med quiet.- It in clearly appannt that the ma- jority of the engineers who have made summation: feel that a right-of way wider than those now being pro- vided in desirable if the future inâ€" crease of highway transportation it to be anticipated and provided for. Permanent monolithic paMnent is the almon unanimous verdict of those I0 far heard from. Drivcr of Mining Cu Cdls at Club at Early Hour For Owner mm Bard of ï¬fteen of the moat repâ€" resent-tin nnd experienced highway engineers And other authorities of the United Sum. The personnel of this board will be announced soon by the Auocintion. PAINTING, PAPERHANOINH Ah I) INTER“ DEIDRA 7L‘v6 All Kind; 0/ Fwd-n Rea-um WHITE WORK A SPLI IAIJ)’ W Put!“ All Work Gnu-mud m 5H6. Aâ€... Telephone 1349