PAGE FOUR Entered as second class matter March 1. 1911. at the post Hmhland Park. Illinnis, undm‘ thc Act uf March 3%. 1879. There is now in sessiun at the Hague u (‘ummissiun for a Per- munwnt (‘uurt of Justice under the League pf Nations. and Elihu {out and James Brown Scott, formerly ut' our State department and mm head (It the t'arnegie Endowment for International Peace. tire prumincntly identified with the plans which are nmv apprnuching cnmplctinn. It is probable that the quiet \Vm‘l'i of this commission 0f which su lit'lo- has been writtvn. is ni‘ greater importance and means nit-r»: fur the future peace and welfare of the world than any- {himr that has lwcn undertaken or discussed since the armisticc was signed. The personnel at" the cummission is such that its rmw>fllnlt‘ll(lilll‘lll> will command instant respect and universal thing that has liven undertaken or discussed sxnce Inc armistu-t' was \iizned. The nerwnnel at" the mmmission is such that it>~ runnmmentlutpum will t-onmmnd instant respect and universal wnzidence. Thv weakne» «)i‘ the I'nrmcr Hague tribunal was that its authnrity was not gent-rally recognized and Hum not he onl'ort'etl. id that its decisions Were almost wholly academic. so that nu compulsion could be brought to hear upon any nation to await , .» ilm‘isinns. With thv hirth ut' the League ut' Natiuns a new world order is esumlished which is guing tn assume greater dominance over thv ail-airs ut‘ natinns us time goes (in. lit the (‘nuncil of the League the great pUu‘ers nnly are i‘epi‘vsvntml. lllll in the Assembly each nt’ lhk‘ smaller states has 21 seat and il \‘ttte. Thus in the (‘uun- vil Hrrut Britain and thv l'nitcd States haw with one vote, while .2: thr- Assembly with at" the great i‘nmmunweulths nt‘ the British Empm- is represvntml, us is nnly right and {air This works no hardship tn thy members nt‘ the ('nunvil since its ilt-t'isiuns (wor- l'lllt' thnse (it 'lw lill‘m‘l’ and stilmrdinzite Assembly. Eli: tnm's plan fur the selvt'tiun nt' judges for the lnCL‘l‘llIlllHll- id \"'ll’l itl‘rflitltw‘ that thvy shall be appointed by the concurâ€" ron' t'hozco nt‘ those two great rwprosentativv bodies, no jurist being itDpUHl'Hl \thn is nut improved by lmth (‘nnncil and ASSt'm‘ My wt' thv lamina This plan has been zidupted and it will give ll) 'i‘m cutirt snwh impur'iztiity and nmwr that no state will dzu‘v tn set aside tllv decisinns of such a body nt’ JUI‘ISIS and seek the vastly and hazardnns m‘hitrzimvnt of battle. such at least is our reasonable hope, ' T125 i_< the L’fl'lfillt"t step tuwzu‘tl peace and international order that has t-ver been taken by civilized natinns. and it leads us tn hope that the time i< nut fur distant whennvarfare as 21 means ut‘ ;.>t"in~_r intet'nutiniml dlflwlt‘s will l'L’ as cumpletely superseded us he» liven the (ltlell-t in the settlement nt‘ personal quarrels. There ii 1;.) !'t‘£i:u.’t wlxx lti'v‘-'I;<ll~‘lll(l nut apply tn nzttinns :1< “‘t-ll ilS EH ind; . tights. :irti ‘5.“ lrzitrnv uf Nittiom pi‘m'itles 11\ with tlm 7n- " ' “Ir .tzwl Elie- irttct'nmiwnzti iwtlitt- ti: ' ' "l 1 m:t\' lm pew-iv 1:3:I.d\' to like What J man encouragers Your Strongest “Weapon i I HIGHLAND PARK TRUST Sc SAVINGS BANK IN LII! IN lNV ESTMENT MATTERS is authentic information. ~\rmed with this flash the seam-blight of truth upon you can est only in those proposed securities, and im of certain >11er and practicability. This institution maintains for )our guidance complete up- to- date an e~tment data; and in addition. if you want it. our best ad\ice is available. {hat which wilhprotect MOVES BL'\\HI ‘1 Telephones. Highland Park 557, 658 INTERNATIONAL JI'STK‘E JUHN IN 1,. [DELL and I’AL'I. ‘ark. [.alw Mummy. [Hinnis \V A] ,‘_. Chicago Advertising Manager E}. Jmk on TM. Wabash 5212 \I’I‘REH‘VI‘IUN r {p i(‘)H.\' OLIVER \'IC: prusnlcnl . 3'31 «fcvciog‘ed g'vale whh rm: Iix‘e «:0 of public appmml.†remembering. There are pimty (\f t'sw tn praise and encourage. If yuu \ him so. Let an M». the swiety of 1 RI \ on from misguided m ‘l‘ w â€awâ€; r| YU‘. THI'RSH»\\ mg m \‘~'il'i§.m:,< cullego 110' M'Etam, Imigw. III in. 1< and arm. there is one we lack , ‘ :\{\!‘n!‘t'k'§u[i(131 INT life We shnuM it‘t him of ntztlm \zenc . the (1')- V ‘.»“‘\:HH" ‘1? “hrs: "\pv U 1.. [DELL at Highland tamh Rh HARRY PAL Ca<hlcn H'LX 2'}; [m my†need it. U‘ m: Wt!“ Ir PFC at THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS Jerome Herubc has acx‘eptrd n pun- hun w the Baalw umm‘ry. Mr. and Mrs. U B. Brand upon! the pad ww-k at Random Lnkr. \V1<, I LOCALAND PERSONAL NEWS I Sheridan Lvn Sh-rln- :mll THIHH} the T, 1‘. thlx.un~ h‘ulrh' 1 nm: for Lhm- \umnw: Alrsv .lannw (Lrurt’, hm her home at tho rol‘ln'l‘ « mad and St. -Inhn.~ aH-nm an Frvlu-ru hm .wld '1 Skukh- uH-r‘uv. and \HH n Ill \‘JIT Hm 1m H'I {ha MI sun um: U! Klwmm .\ Mr. I": m i 1y whcrc of â€11‘ M r. hr \HH l\'11\'\ ML.» â€1-H†ï¬ght but \u Ml» Hun-I‘m hmm-. 1Y1 a)“ \H lh‘l mug 'iL'I pltl‘llll\, Mr. A. H. Smith \\21\ n'allotl tn Milwaukee Tuesday. mwim: tu.thol SL'TIOUS illm‘ss of ‘m~ father. Miss .lusrphinv- Paxm: has In hrr', guest. Miss Lux’ilh' Cildvrslecdo 0f (iihlerslccdo, Fonn. “bi 31651411 15 mending a wwk'.~ 1x vun'nliun trip. Mn: Margaux May-r fun n- !‘mm :1 thaw- ww-k~' x'm-unv vw-lund, 0.. umi letxam Full x'z 'Ut II \u::v_l;1_\' w Ruym m1 (h-m _\[ [\. I I'm! .\[1 M 1‘ .\lx MI 311% MM C‘ T ('\'.> If. “N: 1,1 Mr. and MI». I ~< Imruthy ( max 2" Ir“ f‘lrl’ “ah“. ‘i Mht'r [\hll«\ numm: vmrthm ~ \Iiss Emma Wm H \ up k' U Mr» Grrlirk Mn 1:â€! “ed Ad nun HI m Sm 2min) 1r lbs 31658111 15 ~pomhnu ltzun m Kalamnzm. MM“. I) 'l' «Hf Hrs inglnnd Mia H H) .0; \ â€I; x 'I‘I mnixmu s .Jn nun-4.3 Mr. ml ~\11~. \\ H .‘tlh‘u l.\ Int 1H} “H Hf! )1 tl'm h‘tlllv uf' ‘llh )‘hh_ â€Vt k\'[,~\H'l](‘ Highland 1’ H I .‘um. burn Ttu‘mfu), Jul} “J“. and Mn \V .l Smulursnn :nni huh Ic‘fl for HR Kupidx )lirh, thv)‘ \HH quI I'm- n-mumvlrl «mum-r. Urrnard Smu'n lvf! lu~t Thun- r (‘nlnrullu Spring“. "UL, when i wmum indrrinitrly and Mn. lip-rum ! hxm'ul} 'HHlUl‘l‘n“ fun Rum". Lnkt- Luu- ‘ ‘ H( 2H IY \V L" a [110% m; it â€H .\lx uruv .-\. Huhn .m Hm Hindu. 1 1211' fulhq-r. l' u'zuiur \ mmhm .\I\ \yv Ml [mm-r vx Hole 11 :1 Hrumlu HI (I YhM‘hl IX M r gift}... .1 . 3.5.â€: Z, 51 7:...» ./.::;:,< 1:: 7:57 2....rZ/£.<._c_.. 5:13;: :27. 25:3,; ...r 3:1,]. 7.: i. “FL. stc-rvluy 'w rhruugh m Hmmb u u (hr (HI-st H l ['24er 311x 'l‘a_\|u1 H. Jun“ tm- hlrth of n uinuxhtm burn Ttk‘mffl). Jul} ‘30 h ~1er NIH I 51'\ Hulk II (ime 1' \HhIIL' ('uhfnrmu, whm. Huhhl H xr'k‘ mi I! \nn 1} r'k u I‘m'lr (wuw Elm-l Hlli hflqwndu 1 im-ugu whn npymg Lin ‘rï¬m'mw: h f Sherhim H Howar her cumin H] HHS ELM ‘rtl H Suhl \\ lhghlux m-mhnu lht‘ ‘1!“le .m‘ \ ('xlvl H‘ H'IHTH I't‘! UI'YI li‘ In Sunday when H â€\HH Wu! (Int: \\ H11 ‘U m H1 Mr. md Mn. Hoary Nienayer and‘ son Ind Mr. Ind Mn. Uthnll md’ son of Chicago wew the Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred fisher. of Hu- Edward \Vrvl‘. (umpnn) n n.1r1nwnt ~‘tnrr m Splmgï¬eld, M Mr. and Mn. Harry A l’urk'n. family nn- it their summrx 'n m Pvntwatcr, Mich. phllh In muxr mmr Huun .m...v Mr and Mrs .\. [.Imml: and {any .1); whu haw ln-rn hvmg In Highland Puv‘x for 1hr pus! fvw “'rt‘kh, vul} mukv {hru homv In Lukr Fun-s: .\Il~ Rrx Jnm-s Wrm In Mmhmn, \\1»., is“! Thundu) “hvrv Khl nllvndr u'. (hr ‘vnwml wf hI-r umh, Jmlgr .luhn N \Vm,~lu\~'_ whu Dun M-m' nhwf zmhm of â€w «prom.» mun uf “'15- Ruth Mi“ 1.2mm Hurdlny uI' men 111, n ~[n-ndmu luv “m-b curs! uf Mun Klisv laurldsrn Mr un-l Mr» “C (i. Trnnu! v'men. lsuiu-l, Jenn and Ba Ivfl Saturday {or a mntur trip H (Qullnm {cumn' Mi“ M r .\\\k' England. Tht‘ Tcmmm: ha‘n‘ hn-n m'n\1;»_\'n‘.u thn- F A. Hourmquo rrsnicm-o m H-nlrul avenue Ml~< .Hnm Johnwn of Km'kfunl l~ 1hr uuwt Hf Mrs. H. B‘ Edvurd MI» .lt'nnrth' Hum-ymm nf l'hl Hutu 1.~ the gum“ uf Mr~. Alum-xx Blunmm-M thn \vm-k Mr. and Mr» Herbert Mnrtm um! funnly nf ('huuyu \xvrv thv wm'k end mnw‘k “1' Mr. nnd Mrs Juhz. Nun-u Mrs J. Mnnm-y u md viuughttr. Arm." In)" {m \Huwuuvor‘ plum In mukr th gum MI. um? Mn Jun“ Shrahrn and )ll~. Nllll~ 21ml «luughu-r. Marv. lvnn :«nmrvun {\vr l,oul~\:llv. Pun, \erq- (hv) will VIM! .\Ii~‘s \lxlm'ml Shc-nhvn. \lrx Milton Tillman Will enter- ’nm Iln- l’hllulhu v‘lms at hi'l‘ hum.- (mum [lay rnml nml (.rmrul mun "mu xwx: Tuesday nn-nznr. .lul) 2.". H: (Hall _\lr~. I'Inlwzn'rl Small Mr :H n' mum: mnxrululuhnm on 1hr lvlrth wf n ulunulm-r. horn Friday, July 1"» .\l and Mn Kcnmvth Bm‘m-u arr \lt\llllmL \llt‘h.. “hon rlu-y wen- lrd mung [n thv :llno» of Mr. Wil lmr lh‘ntlu-Hun 31!: lh'utlxrltuv‘. ls HM I'I'('II\|‘I‘|DL' {rum uplnml frx'vr. Mr mwl Mn l‘ltlwm l". llznhn hf \Hl l'phnistormu 1n )‘onl‘w rxprriom-e Waukcunn 1'10“. PRESS RECEH ES LE'I'I‘ER FRO.“ LOCAL RESIDENT Hus at Women Cigarette Fiends Who Set Bad Example for the (‘hildren Mr; Frank h! mu mpun) HI My M Thu [(‘Il HK'ML’n “m m- MI» AMI†B Mr, l’hllnndw ? VtYrr9>t uf (‘hlidft'n .‘Hhi Iht 1v :u'v uphrH and dvanvhd Dn-rw {he pullu- gaze n well dressed Th†.vaurtnu Ll\l'l â€llx “flit" 1hr†L'lhtl‘l' \ umpul hrn' Iirpurtlm Ht unrr unumltmp ultuns (ho l'mlvd Stair.» Mr MAL n (urmrrly "mum um m â€mum H) Mumy M Ilmnvd, l (v UM Pm} w. Hvro in Hittda nity when- thr k an‘fl uf (‘hlidh-n u mh- m 21%. pul'u-«I <1 I (“I‘I'Uth umnvd, l (v nh-rtmm: \\ In Sun Mnnm-y and sun ll AH \L 1 E Maxim-mus. Mum-Hy !' Hmnland l'nrk. hzu 30 51mm wlth 1hr Nuunnul m- mnnmnv. uf I'nytnn. ,m} H - [hr \M-rk H, Ru-tm g] (Eliit‘HI \(‘mml uthnL' ‘v\' k I‘M m YUl'R HUME m H mu) ['4‘ wh. \C (i. Tnmum and Jenn and Raï¬mrl. l mutur trip thruugh 'hc Tmmnm: hax‘r u- H A. Hourmquo I’M Y' h: mr {mun whrn uhl‘ H H h nu spn-I'lï¬ MI 1ft. rv )1 VI I) ll‘\'\\ I X Nhrahrn and Van ! ‘IH Ihllhq H H Ill~ 10 tf adv y} rm! gun!» M“ \ulr nut Mr» “1 Jth {Hm} H luh Thu hnnlhwi “HIM, fun u‘k us! lht r1) H De Luxé Theatre \l \IHL Jl I.‘ MU\II.\ \'. JI l.\ MM '2 :hey m‘ver plum any om In the corn ï¬eldl. .‘x! .» urm m \«hni ll l‘l)\\. .II I.\ 15A 'I‘UN, CRA NE, PIKE ¢ ‘c- HIGHLAND LINEN} Mr .lum- ('uprk'r ALBERT LARSON I" I111} “IHium ' L _ ' Tailors 6 North Sheridan If: HIGHLAA Kg PARK. ILLINOIS MOLDANER 8t HUMER nmlvr yv-I! 1h? Hhvk In U’N' rnrm \niull Gem? Skirts HI IT. is art témake smart look- mg Golf Skirts. The smartest dï¬essed golf players on the Noï¬th Shore are en- thusiastic over our white flannel 111061631 Sans Rival. For Sunï¬ner Vacations LAKE (31’. ILLINOIS I’ROGRA FOR NEXT WEEK 6:30 ,\I. ‘ \I'lll'\l SI) \\ . Jl'l." STA'J‘ I ON ER A 3311] line of Am." 3,sz TIONER Y Yunnan w » 0‘ 'l Minimum!) Adulth. 206: “I" If†(‘lnldrvn um!†11’. â€r. \Anr nu THURSDAY. JI’L" \dmL-siun- Adults. t‘hnIdn-n umhr 1‘.‘ Miss Lindqumt had been empimw-d at the Elston home in McDaniel! aw- nm for several years. The !um 211 unit" were held Tuetdny in (‘hica- go. Ind interment m In Gnu-Ind l'lHlH‘. Jl l.\ 30 \"l‘l'lllMY. Jl l.\' 3! *ulurdn: \Intlmw. I'lrk .mmpna: {Min-nun}: an Him-v «ivrml months duration. Death \' duo 10 hl‘lfl trunblr. MISS LINDQUIST DIED SATI'RDAY MORNING Plrk mmpna \ xurnnzu-i- nf hip; l)u.~ivn(~,~.~, \H‘HU‘D and dirochxd by Don!» sun CH". \lw Mn“ and Jeff and Univore-al Newâ€. \ 1!“HV'~:.I quiu! aHranu-x \lw \Vuin': \ H \hnim, Ur- sturday ( MIN “1th \lnrlurlv him and Ia-wl- \lonl‘ “I “Tl†I!†I N's I‘VD" 'l‘lll‘ “ [\KIER VITSYN‘ITI "'1‘" I: I RON H I" \ RT" I um!†11’. â€r. war 1 Hmdlnlu Tran-ru- In AL JI’LY 29 7:30 I'. M. 11' Adults. 20c; war xnx, 2c umhr 1‘). 90. var tax, It: Mun Mac-Lawn In "H n..ny {nlh Phone 54 Lmdqum (in al â€11‘ “Ig'x 2:30 7:30 7:30 0 p, l'. l'. I" . \I M 1c é Ell-1N mm H a m 1 h) Auï¬â€˜ ltU‘mu l: U031 @nera! B Re!!! E§tatc Loa Nbrth Sho HIS 8mm: :~ Willard 5m: m wrists abm'. \ ‘licving that vi 1mtydc~m 1m ‘ “woe. m rum {I'll awnm ; ' ‘ \Vi Féee Delivery 3 2031,“ or 10 n... wit DI“ Pnce'a bakmp 1w" deï¬ large size ("IL sun r D‘rk ur hum 13 22¢ per lb. and Saturd 1b! ighland nvr, 1am y x h LUCA urn sunny N. W. Corner pecial or Snuwdrifl H N0 GEORGE Safetv (an, ~ 111 Mm YIN h