am IHHI NUMBER “2‘3 SUCCESSFUL FIRST mom KI" RAVINIA (hildren‘s \\ ild Flower Carnival {0 Bo UiVen Thursday. Augus‘ Fifth. at the Park ’R(\(.‘R.\.\I.~' H M E: PLE '\.l q- \‘nntt‘l‘ hr {"3in Thu lnumr! .HH \ucive [u ‘y cents am fl“! ELgI‘L‘HgHi‘ Park “1†Liga- liiy and the red funncr information see Byï¬vld. 843 S. Linden a l ht: v1" WHXEM yummun . Huv‘m‘f T *1 ,U 3| It“ ,t‘\~un Hf \\ “'Jmtj. f Th: IN \' d 11 m- ".urL'e U Kit ,4 M \1 tum lr'. xnuru‘c n!‘ \hc‘ t'm‘ ‘lliltll't‘ï¬â€™i flower‘ lm'm.;l park on August 'Ehxn' l}:ll‘lll. yhairman. :pl.‘ mmtumw on display: mat} Shh!» afu-r Friday." Flm; nmir'rmls will also (l :1 Hh-mhrr of the wmv mm In explain the pm‘ a 41‘}. m-lp puSSllWlO. The he \«-I')' \implc, costing y cents and thc flowers I Park will he the wild nd the red clover. For ,‘mation see Mrs. Arthur 5. Linden av. Tel. 345. Mathew W HE ()1 H It m: L1" 0 IL‘ r1 E F‘i..\Y thv \Hld i'iower~ L} U Ti)? Highlanh Park Frags vzn' ‘ M KW? mm 5‘ HUNT; I) “It t-; human}. N1'\\ York NC \\ ||\ Ll I‘l-pvatv H‘dox‘ (h'l‘ Thv B ASE!) MANY(‘H.~\Ml’lONS(‘OMI’ETE Mlihpuii‘lx VF 486*.†n“ l’nWt’nl imwiliium ma ImVi.< pin): pcl’zb ‘luz'm-amp q}, wring: uttm’fliea. Shznx'vun H px-ru lUI‘ nan £1 1' H _______._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"--â€"* 'TLlFE SAVING CREW 'EXATDDR TDDRREY TYDN {REPUBLICAN RALLY TD , BY DUDLEY ATDDRE BE AT PEARL THEATRE CHDSEA LAST SUNDAY Three Du) Tournament Maged at Bob 0' Link This Week. Finals to be Played Tomorrow \n stew! .\l‘ I‘mmui ~3. pd Dmuw “X 1», \\ nth-r. â€I \V thv ï¬fth I»; \Vpstmurrizuui \\ l‘lh '2‘}; “MM-Ll:(;Il.l.l£'l“l‘ UHCH ,‘xlumnn \lhll’l “‘1"! Tln [H N EXT Frida) and Saturday. Constance Talmadge in “The Lou- Ex'pert." Matinee \11 hm of SL Anthonv" by (‘1 Paramount Ana-ax", (‘hrumc comedy. [‘arzu zine; Thursday. Kathe ald m "Passion's I‘layx National Production. B. dy. The Gumps, News Saturday. Constance “The Love Expert." I Hm L1' .\ “In dent nl‘ Lllnilhl ‘12“ H u gun. I‘jxm‘ Uth- 1903 mulull \EH l'urk WEEK’S PROGRAM .\T PEARL THEATRE Huh \n-nts Hign \\ (uni cm? Tndu) Hr} â€1', i} h» 2 xrriud HIT gun-min: ll ssm W tinn ll .ï¬llt‘lm' tz-rmn-x Edi-U :I'L't‘ll “U Hulhmx: nk‘fnjlcd ul'. hu‘ult‘!‘ (If â€H" Then 2‘ \\ x-n l] I'LL th‘ lut‘valcd :\V l) in the {ULer H10 hnnul'~ 4!! .14 I) \rth \\' \ H 1mm \\ IAIN.) runnvr up Hu- «(qu “mu, “hix h H \\ hn «h U ULI M} \\ In] 1H I'lldll \IM \J at {W0 (In-en Bu). p, IHI'k mf- t; l) UH urduy Hi .‘It 'M' prt M m i 'l‘l'ESI)A Y EVENING. he‘ll \i‘l Nncrul Dickson of “I. Natiu (Suurd and “irks Alice Thompson. Attorney. Will Speak ,\I!<~ Timmy“, ~-;wukm. vntlrn-I) pnlnuul K|L1§'>'ltrl (lw “mm 3‘ ‘.~1 '|“\ hu ()l' H LE FAMILY IS HIT BY I [l‘ iwxll he c-vemnc \L-fllxv» xun. lï¬ThursdayI. Frldny aml Sun inights. A sperm! u-rmun n" ".V tinge 'has lwvn pnparod for £0an fmeetinu. Sunday uwmm: will he 'l‘hreo Members of Family .\re .UTected: .‘lr. Quayle In Huspiml Qmu'ln ST. JAMES (‘Hl'RfH (‘ONIH'CTS MISSION en-ry mnx'mnu .n 3 " “XML‘ 'I‘hvrr WI“ he c-vemnc wrnw» mmght 4Thursdayv. Fndny aml Sunday nights. A spa-ml wrmun up, "Marv. tinge" has been prrparod for mmght's meeting. Sunday m-umm: will he the closing of the nnsswn. All catholic! and nonmatholics are inVllt-d to It- tend these services. vv- mmkuM H mow!) max. masons. Im‘MlIn I1 “~an ll “11H Ihl Unix H l\ â€Winn All I"! Mummy u rout u» ll \Pl :m 1‘): ‘\HL'U.\! {hm-It 1 v \RI\ \\'|\\‘ \ |1\mH;\\‘} ,UII m x-r} nth'mtun- \um \vnh th‘HJ \\ x] H'pV'PN'Ht 'm I 1 H BY ILLNESS National Ynung Men’s (‘Iuh Equipg Mun. Alice hers wiih New l'niforms: e)’. ‘\ False Alarm Saturday I'h UL: \l'G. 3"I'WELVE GIVEN PLACES FIFTY mn-mlu‘! .1! ms; H an Mm m gin-I \‘hlh lhlgr hcld V'lL'ht- hug f! H\ ll! talk 3h" [‘Q H l‘ l) 2) HM .\. I'famm-h gr: u t'umrmmz hrlli ‘h-‘nur Hoksn THURSDAY, JULY 29. 1920 SH)I'\KIIIIH my \uln HI ll HI 7'? {lilHUl L In plum (]\1‘ “ML 1 Itmet-d ' m duh Huh mil: H†ill'v il'tll Platforms of Republican and Hemtwrutif ’urlih‘ An- Discu-Ased "M "NH "-cL'.’ ..‘ â€A "1-"lwy ll.†an Nluw Ir!†puï¬xsnr qu-«w‘rxu- wue erl nul. and (hr rulmu “as mihrrm h. bun m. women pmvut we“ xnfnrmm nun! anvr! upon thg puhucu! llue‘huvn u.’ â€it duly. and many 0! lhrm wrn an admit in indicating lhmr person-l prrfervnr fr! u to (‘untnbuu much m {hr m- tem“ of the proarnm. Reg!!! "I gemnlly expressed that this in the clone of the. perica. \\\r<' me l'l‘lZENSHII’ CLASS “(H.Ih' I-‘INH. MEETING 1'qu? “Ill“! '14 Jnin m‘in Hag ui'u’ ‘V‘v! VH‘L' {hut Ruth-at x: mm “:1: own Mammy ~Hux- H. Yh: ‘mrgu- lift- 1": 'v â€H Yung Monk l‘.’ Hymn. .luhn Muonvy, il-rmhl 14mm, Stanley \‘A‘uvfrry. Frank-L- Rohr. an. R, H. Fuzz-1n, Fri-d }vv-(i Hul‘uyhrl’. and 1.0:!"- .rngm >1!anan .\lx~ h: uphill In} Mr . H 1hM’. Harry R R ‘11:“ r! Hui nu plum Th. h Sundu) h\ gum. 1‘.“ 3‘ mm) Hurry .\. Luthu-r, ‘ H Rntwl'ls. â€lm Ann)" Mu-tm, "Th1 n." MI". Frank R ' Mm PEN.†Hutu- Nu'.m1..~;†Mb Mn I \[:('l H." m 11' ‘HQ' nu'm aqua! ~UH> W my turn haw .~ hevMLnl ~\\r.h .hx l “f!†“in! a: ~i|\ â€1K {.1 (hr in (he Prhfl‘ Sunday “\(H Mn “My Ihnx MOOSE Lanai T0 BE mm SHORE TOWNS ~ INSTITUTE!) HERE T0 scan ASTESIAN mm Supreme Ofï¬cer» will be in High land Park Honda) fur Installation l‘ur- pmaes Ir. 1- >pnlxN‘ tn n prhtuul: 1 .. 1 In! nf ruin-m of Hmhlmm link \nlmi), 1hr Smurmr Lung. â€f Loyal Urdrr of MUUM‘ hm munmx xmxslnn fur n huipzr 01' that trulv In» in mrtxlulufl H. â€11- m") A 1m .lzm) mrvlim; “:h Purl-1 .H '.rl\'~ hull la»! Mun-tn) !\¢lnl.fl_ 15ft) t-rmy H| ultnx‘mm: 11 up! (‘harlrl' In“. :\ flail.“ 1 â€n I my “[15 1n IIIUMHIHM ll‘iLu Moon-heart. by l'lstrut Sup Prvn'nL Thr Loyal Urdu ..1 Hm»: I» Hunul {ruhlmh mun-l). « â€1r uhnh- lam IAN “01111. huvlng an um: \‘np In all [bl-.m- Mu Invmlwls. 'HW Mun“ 1m; Maw for mu. fr‘ 1 mm! Slut“. ( man!“ l\ HID»! ht ml uxpcnm \‘I\\Y ELH‘TRH‘ WIRES FHA, IN WIN!) SNRM rll)‘ “J,~ \ll’l H Ill"). (‘ATFH 41 LB. CATFISH IN TECA'I‘UNICA RIVER (\An \QI’t‘ 1.751 R‘ lnmfll. nwr, WIS Inr) u..." ..._. ï¬shing I: am uf m- mule-st spur“ Thn- 1111’. Which flirted in an we m the world. for the) brought hmm- hour-r. destroyed I huh-l. Your More“ 3 AL“). (1th which they fauxhyhmldmp. I lure elevator and wave- Thia ï¬sh was not caught m u not. but ‘_ house. It could euily have been cx~ with I “rule book. Thu wand: like I timishpd at the start, bud there been a My story, but it isn’t for Ur. and 9 any "at. x l__..a n- mmmmfld out twu‘e I, †In. Ywhwmcm;m uptown. vi: ; y-n [rims u dtlu'u. I! ‘ 1| U‘l‘4 P'Mu)‘ vuwnny «r m-parlnn-m \linguL-h a ï¬n \HH pu)‘ H “In { $91M. wuklj» ih-Jt‘x'i'h \Zu'd MIR â€NJ“ \\I) |’\Rk UFO \? Mt anvl Mr.- AH-v-n \ngu-y hf r»! «L rrlurnrd )1-Mruin) {run HIIIH dun \\ :11 ()N CHARTER ROLL EXPERIMENT IN WATER \AHrh 11!: 1‘ th‘Y Yr“ I!\\q~rl uynlu' 1h“ v1; \ $01“ In, Ly .mnu-d m 'ks' ï¬-hmu [up «w lha- TH‘I- nwr, Wis The-y dun) that I! um- 01 â€w ;nt'ale-st tpurh world. for the) brought horm- cuï¬nh Vhich they gauxht. â€in: MM“ lndyv> m â€10 ».~‘ (uLudh. and wh‘rrm‘er m1 IAN lhruuxhnut the 2 an nvurcgntr mn-mbvr» [bl-.m- “Mm-:- uf “00,000 hr 51mm nflunh n meet I mu. {rum I†walk: 1r. ,5 Hf «quality and mutual I! (rather onnhy In the nh)‘ tn family nnd luyal .- .mdmui mnulplw that unhntmrm Thv local I)‘ H *hk hlni m (‘Alil‘li( b0“- \vukl;.. “'11“ 31mm†fun. A mn'nd H-mnmu-r “‘lll M Mr]. IllqunH-d lm‘turr or. by l'lstrut Supervxrnr [unï¬t 9! m and I ~44 H. â€11- m!) Kim: \\n~ Pml-i ." Mun-Lu) â€HULK . ultnx‘mmv 11 H; x\ flail.“ 1 â€n \1lu»~ rhr'Hl H flu-l1 lull? L! Indy? l~ inst: Hrnmr sun-M and n it“: (N High- nm. A: the ad- .‘H ' . f \\ hm um \\ u! k mu l1 1 .. mun lh- \ l'uxk and “ml! '.« (I u! [ht h- {In ~- unm pl'l’ Mm h‘Mrrmty , muunu-x qu 1h: flu met-1 wrung HM H)» hum» 'lnnd "an. a! mum. tn Md‘nmwl uhlt‘h Wm \‘rry hilly unsi‘u- hand I.» m tho‘ :mpm'tm nun} I'hv "MM [H Hluhlzm II?" \" It YI‘V'!‘ “nu“.v m~ IN \(Y Int»! Sevnnni l1} . ()m- Hundred and Eightyh‘ Thousand Dollars Set .\side for Work This Year VHV‘I in-rv \1 mil :11 Sumnmlmny. xt n noted that the hand inn commu-d and nutlmt-d nu) :mpm'tmt impvm‘t-nH-nu {Hr 1hr <~vm~ my put. a.» (“Mu“): Pint »â€" The umntructiun (It a M!» u: trontnmt plant in “'nukeg-n at the n-nd of Gillette A". Ind thc- Inkc. In run! about $186,000. Bomnd'A modiï¬cation «I (‘0 u. iutmg will? settling tanks in Higlr land Park and the construction of an additional l-(‘IIKP hettllng tank here H nl liq-Hm» Hun two amnnwxahum 1hr lrgal drpm‘lnwnt n npmuymamw $6.3M {my 1hr turrem year Thr gram; mm) uf tho parlnn-ht (hm n shc-“n In! "ounlmy th: Wm >\'\\('l d.‘ palm»: .~ :1. “kukruan m.‘ iV'uIL .H'w IN: L-yal («pun “ Big [Ham lkslroyu Hon-l. " oral Stores and harm > 7. Grain Elevulur and flu mu hnpn abut-:11 inuh‘and 1:31.: In P. H H ((IM'MLTE mun I.\' “(H (‘I’H 1m you“) d \Ahll‘h HRH DEPT. CALLED 1‘0 PRAIRIE VIE“ \( 13!: he m-pa v 1 1m '12 \l M h. nut.†m '. A! 'hhmw Mu ,) 1w, 5 Mn» HI-L- ': Tm, .Un‘c “ml f,†111' Mu. [hr ' I!) (1 “Lu .ug‘. T.’ x ' 'm urmanzmr SIT»! (" \Mi mu \ 3-4031†,xu).~-| !' 1":‘51‘ } m' l'nr'o \HI! (-anlrlhuu 3200 ‘umi i’m‘k lvmnn-n nmr. m ‘y'm 131,â€: H! Um (“Ht-chm! u? Um an 'd n.†(h \( “but \A '5’; h l unUlle‘ hr Mm! “A†kindly nah!) (hr 1 nu 'm,“ F Hmk ’Im- i» {In cunnwnny .‘mk o Nu..- m that nil-Re (hie! â€(n-knu- mnrird In: men Into wi Mundvx, h-m my um- hero for the prolwtlun (,1 Highland Park. Ind taking the Mhm mm Hu- rmull truck, rurhwi lu "111.1,: \nrvt “mu-WW. the ï¬re hm? mu! m Man. um! lhvre IMNI no Whit-x “ha? ("'01, lhvn- WM little (hr mm 4 MM do in W m and out twu'e "my ‘0 M pnh'ie “m- 9H \unh NM“ 535mm) mum-u ~xx )‘vms nym unlu'HHLL“ Ill". w. l A mm â€It publuuhnv Tmluy npyh-wuntlm. mwhnnhw n1 i102]. Had the Saunas} Huurd hm wnwthnw tanmhk- m nrh n |> m hupw u! execut- h - i» {In cunnwnny link of Uh maria hewu-en (Wm-am» Ind M11. m A“ Ihom- “'h() are “WP L-qvu' mnds wxll Pu awn-«led :1 1 Hum 1’I?‘ :numy plul: W 11' of 875.000 my. 1m ymzu £1! ‘.l| laht nivhi 'm mun m. um «hilt-d lo l‘xmrn \ w“ n rxlmgumhmu :1 [arm I! c-nmnhuu 32m â€A lqum-n nmr. (“Hm-(mu u? Um t ! prohmnmr) Work .mz. mvmhxntiom In “way: «input run :1 En-xlm m nuhlnutrwv hrduy lu ‘H rk 'H VOLm 10 U~i M An!) Mm" \(l .- nmr. art In .4 HM amount ‘ . unuxlvuu- u, it!) (hr tram-- :v \\.‘\},n â€my“; pl ‘1 H.1"hlz' “'u'du M n-umn l'hlru'i M Kart \Hl ht MAW“ M Six all yin! .n'v and Magi \1 “(H Thor