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Highland Park Press (1912), 13 Jan 1921, p. 4

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.tgutns‘ whm nlu-n‘ Eugisiu tn m vzrmyix .ugzxmd. Thus. sympathy «,f and menu KK‘ The newspapers have been raisirig a fuss lately about the al- letred attempt on the part of certain neforniers to bring about a reâ€" turn ot' the soâ€"called Blue Laws. 'Flitthusizistit' lovers of personal liberty have been alarmed about possible restrictions and B. L. T. has joked about the compulsory prayer meeting. ft is time that all citizens realizedgthat the Soscallod Blue Laws are a myth. Their author was a "Ilory preacher in t‘onnecticut named Dr. Samuel A. l‘eters who. because of his political opin- ions. found it com‘ctiicnt to emigrate to England at the time of the American revolution. While enjoying his enforced exile across the sen he wrote a history ot‘ t‘onnecticuti with the purpose of puttintr in a ridiculous light the citiZeiis of the country with which Em:- land was at war. ln this history he included the Blue Laws which are causinitr some people so much cpncern at the present time. Whether he put them in as a sly joke or a deliberate slander is uncertain; but it is not uncertain that such laws have never been found in the. statute hooks ot' C‘t‘inniecticiit or any other of the thirteen colonies nor anywhere else iii colonial annals or literature. , Much more to the point was MdCutcheon's great. (artoon in iast Saturday's "Tribune" in which he indicates the offenders who cause good citizens to wonder if restitictive measures of some sort art not necessary. He pictured at sentsational movie and its mana- ger. :i dishonest doctor writing liquor prescriptions, a theatrical main-nor who puts on vile plays, a higaretteâ€"smoking “dude". a vulcarly dressed young.y woman. a gambler. and the press that ca- ters- ta iilth. These objectionable types are enough to make any-i “llt‘ "ll scams“ whom the protests ot al---u' Eut'islzitiye measures which will prevent any good citizen trt-m annoying wholesome pleasure. Their efforts are. directed against those whom Md‘utcheon pictures and should enlist the sympathy «if ex‘erytme who desires a community where children and young people will not be exposed to ex‘il influences. The Puriâ€" tans ha: t' had to suffer a good deal ofl ridicule for laws which they never t‘llf'lk'lWL We do them better hohor when we protest against the . \.-".i“!'r_" it our own time. V nus‘. that some laws could be enacted that Would help to in- it'u'e «ltt-ency. As a matter of fact the effort of the reformers ' many; are raised is not to bring' l “H‘l nuwuru [‘UHKIH5 all” hluuL Willuini Fosbemler of the local fire ilepzirtnwnt are nttendiiu.r the fircv im-n's statr t-iiivention at Jackson ville, lll. .\ The lliuhwwd Volunteer Fire dt- partnient will give a benetit dance at thc ()uk 'I‘crrn_ce school Friday 0V0- niniz. Feb. I. The Rebekah sm'ini: circle met yrs- ‘tcrdny afternoon at the home of Mrs. i'lzirn lh-Vondort‘. ' Thu Ladios Alli Society of the M. iii shun-h \\‘ill pim- a Chop Suey supper ltblllL’lll JII >l\’ o'clock in the i'lllllviill' Lruuuo rooms. Hmhwood. .\ iiEiUL’lllt-l. ltointhy Lillian arrin-d at lill‘ home of Mr. and Mrs R. (I (‘anieroii ull Tuesday, January llth. Mrs: t‘Miiicroi: was formerly Lillin ‘; Evans. , i A large, crowd witnessnl the joint ‘installation of otficcrs of Sherithn ‘lnrdge l. 0. t). F. and Sheridan Re- bekah Lodge held last Thursday the lning in their new ball on Llurel aVc. t'l'he work was exemplified in a moat iheautiful manner. Following the ceremony dancing: and a social hour iwas enjoyed. ThomIis G. Rognn has opened an ‘electric shop at 136 N. Second St. He has been in the electrical work flnr the pnst‘ltwenty five years and is well qualified to do jobhing and repairing at reasonable prices. : News reached the ofllce this Week iof the sudden death of A E. Moo , brother of A. (". Moore of this c y {and a former resident he". Which dr- ‘cured December twenty-third iin JAbcrdeen. S. Di Mr. Moore who urns employed as Traveling Auditor for the (hit-ago, Milwaukee and St. Pill D D LHJ I ..... .. ALAâ€"J-__ L‘ ,.. -0 g._ tors'.' Find half a day's work for them? (live them a meal and :end them on'.‘ Ur send them on \i‘ithout a the meal‘.’ Or call the police'.’ Vagranc)‘ is against the ordinances of our city. The law states that persons who go about from door to door hogging shall be deemed vagrants and that \‘agrancy is punishable â€"A with a tine. The method the police actually use is to take the record of the vagrant and then escort him to uhe city limits with a warnit‘ not to return to town. None of these methods is satisfactory. They leave the dangerous type of tramp abroad, passed on to the next town at ltPSt: and they provide no elements of constructive aid for cases of genuine need or reformative care for the corrigi- He. The (lttliculty in the way of effelctive action is chiefly the re- luctance of any one municipality to undertake the care of paupers who are not residents. but whether “'1‘ undertake it or not. these vagrants are a charge upon our city in the misdemeanors and crimes they commit, and in the food; clothing and money which is given out at back doors. The North Shore cities should handle this problem cooperatiVely by means; of enforceable lawns and prw per provisions for relief and reformittix'e treatment. This winter there ix‘ 2m iizt'i'vzisd in the iiumtw‘ ut' men win «unw In "Ul' ki'H'l‘S Asking! for help. Within A tmvd;1y< thrw- ditl fen-n: types of tramps have be?“ sung in Highland Park â€"â€" one. th? mun past middle-ewe who is the tint tn he laid utt' when t'actnrius reduce their Working: fumes: nu». the crippii' who is hardly to be cunsidvred emplnyuhit-z tiw third, the ynung man with shifty 051w and a £1“) turiirue. What is thv hnuaehulder tn (in with ~\uch vhf; tors? Find half :1 day's wnrk {or them? (iiw thvm it men] and :vnd them nn'.‘ Ur smut them nn Without a who mm]? Or will One year . Six Months . Three Months Entered as sex-0nd class matter March 1, 1911, at the post otficé at. Highland Albert Ltvy \I'AIIH‘TI The Htghlanh? Park Press J. Howard “1‘ Published weekly by JOHN L. L'DELL and PAUL L. UDELL. at Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois Udell Brothers PAGE FOUR renvc ‘A amcr THE BLI'E LAWS AND A§GREAT CARTOON HIGHLAND PARK TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK 1H” l’r‘mkhn. lhix Institution lvnda the “51) in menu“ and pruspvril“ thrnuu‘h thrift uf lime and mane}. l ndcr .l mndcfl titk‘ â€" imnlxcr -â€" m- wru- fuilhfulh u< financial :lL-‘cnt. adviser. :2.er :riund. The world guxe him mun) titles â€" statesman. philowplwr. wienlist. inwntnr. lmcher. He chose the mm! mudcst 0f 21“ ~ printer. His life and teachings ’pnint the way to suc- (135.“ through thrift uf time and resources. All m‘vr the lnited States. (tn January 17. people now observe NATIONAL THRIFT DAY. He crammed some usefljl work into every min- ute nt' his’zwlive life. His? birthday is celebrated not with closed shops. buti with all the activities of a busy day. i 251‘) Benjamin Franklinâ€"Printer The nhserwmc of Franklin's Mrthday. Janu 17. is Very [Hm-:11 of the man, , Chicago Advertising Manager 8th Floor. 20 E Jackaom Tel Wabash 52 H Telephones Highland Park 557 and 558 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 'l‘RAHl‘S yx TH! RSDAY .Iâ€"\Nl'.HLY 13. 1‘32] Ht'l ndcrizike it or not. thew 1 the misdemeanors and hing and money which is mre cities should handle >nt‘m‘coal)le lawx and ma» , treatment. EAT CARTOON fuss lately about the al- Mlt'll. siwnt tlw l‘Ulldflyfi With Mrs: llrntlwi'tun‘s llllllll‘r. Mm. Alylsii- ll. llastin. .\li'. llrutherton was nnu of 'ihv speakc-rs a! (h:- Ninventinn Hf an? vmism ”1' (hr l'nl\|'l'~‘ll)' of ('hicamu, MN. (I )l. Vail. Mrsi Rum-r Vail and Mrs. ll. 5‘. Vail “ill lvnve Satur- day fur Florida wherv they will spend thv I'vnmimler uf the winter. . ('lm-f Edward Hukas and Litiut, Willmm Fusln-mler of the local fin- ('ity Editor Associate (,‘ity Editor H \KR\ I'AII ( .I‘hlfl’ Editors $2.00 vas rearhwl the utfice this wwk of the suddrn death of A E. Moo , brother of A. (". Moore of this c y and a former resident he". Which dc- rurM Dwemhor twenty-third ;in Aberdeen. 5. Dr Mr. Moore who was employed as Traveling Auditor for the (‘hu-agu, Milwaukvv and 31. Pm] R. R. hm! been sent to Aberdeen 0n Thumas G. Rngnn has opened an elwtriv shop at 136 N. Sevoml $1. ”0 has lwen in the alectrical work flnr the pnsf‘twonty five years and is well qualified to do jobbing and repairing at rn-asonable prices. , A largelcmwd witnessnl the julnl installation of «Min-rs n! Sherhhn Lodge l. 0. 1). F. and Sheridan R0- hekah Lodge held last Thursdly cu» ning in their new ball on [Aurel aVc. The work wm exemplified in a moat h’l‘dfl)’ ufh-rnmm at (ho hum»! uf Thu Lmlus All! Smut-1y of the M. [C shun-h “‘1” pn‘n- a Chop Suey mmwr tnmuhl .11 >1\‘ n'clm-k in the l'utrmtn' Lruuuv l‘nnlll~. Hmhwmxl. .\ dnuuhte-x. Dummy l.il|mn 511in! at (hr hum:- of Mr. and Mr» R. (I (‘anu-rnn un TIM-May, January 11th. Mrs‘ {film-rm: was furmt'rly Lilli?! Evan» Mn. DC. I", .\th'\\\\ and llulsuhlrr. Mi» (lune. imnv 1})" 2H“: uf Ihia month fur I'umdvnn. (‘uhfu “Ht-n- thvy will <pvnn! 1hr rvmaindor of [h1- winter“ Mr. and Mn. “hurlus Bakvr n-f Huh «'hvk, Wis” spout wvoral tiny hon- lust vn-ck Vlsitinu fru-nds. Mr. and MP. Wilbur Hruthvrtun, .17., (NM {Wu «'thn-n, of Ann Arbor. Mivh. slwnt thv hulhiays wnth Mrs: Hrnthvrtun‘» mdhvr. Mm. Ahhiv H. Hastm. Mr. Brutherton was nnu of the speakc-rs a! (h:- vhnventinn Hf an? THE HIGHLAND pm Miss Lily (iallaghvr 10f! Munday {or the hoarding (LL-hm)! cunduclod by th- Slstt-rfi of tho ”fily Chm". a! Tc-chny, \vhon- she wxll take a course. .\lr~z Hnlgate of (‘hit'ugu wan the Sunday L'uvst of hm‘ \iflughlcr. er Howard Kmkut Wnu'h for (hr :n‘rxvu) of “Ki“y." Mrs. D. l" Kvllt-y and dnuuhter Ei- levu. lvft Tuesday fur Miami. i-‘lnu whon- UH‘)‘ wxll 3[)(‘IHI twa nlhd. Th} Hwhlzmd l'urk fire tfinmvnl ix mnkirtu :n'rmwe-nn-nls fur thc-ir nu mm} (lanw (n M' pivrn St. Patrick's mui‘! Hnlvl "ah duh- npt-n. ‘ " f. '-r:mt. H, \K' Hulwx'. Sum Thv- Mum's Adamsun lrft ycsturdny Mr (h-nl'uiu When they \nll xprnd lhr hulanm- of lhv wintvr. MIN: f'. R. Shun was the work c-nti Inn-s! ul' her srs'h'r, Mrs. Fred Zahnlv. ”t" 607 ()nwcntslu nve-i [mm m: t' :- UMP: r‘ n linuuhh'r. Mm Saturday, Jan \. .‘1!\. Frank Moldy Hf hrlrull. Mu‘h. :4 qwmimr mu “wks wnh hrr, an "I Mvsurs wards of itim: in the (‘. H. woe-k. M r. RuHund wt-vk With hlx W. H {mud r” Mr. and Mrs. P. de Anguerd and daughter. Virginia. spent the hitter pgn of the holidays In St. Louis \Ir- ginia went dIrmt {rum film-re to school in the east Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hamilton (I! Be}. il'VIt'VN. 0.. spvm last week wnh hor finer. Mrs. (\harlI-s Crcen am! lImth. or, Harry MI-(‘Iunu and their lerfllliOzL Watch fur th arrival of "Maya" Messrs. Burl \V'. (isell, J. B. Garnrtt, Albert Larwn. Ruin-I1 Put-v. lix‘Illo (1. St. I'otvr and Paul L. L'dI-ll \wrc the guests of H1:- KIquIIs club at Iunrhvun III “'aukouun Mummy MI-surx ('harlx-s and Kcndu” Ed- wards of Buffalu. N, Y.. who are In:-. itim: in ('hicagn. wvro the L'Urh‘fi at the V. E. Day hUIlH‘ <c\'crul days last \l r» ‘pvm ~ m an «Hwy-z Locummsomm \\. MI ill“ Hri. F '11 MI. U3" ‘ K {nthx r um! Mn H 'ksmwillv \Vht‘l'l‘ 1h.) My l‘h. Du lum‘ \nn H! ‘l!’('('r;\'l.’.\' I g-zn‘l 1w” “wt-k“ \IMI m: LU'er'plilW \h a I‘nfm. n-It. mm} ,\!.~ \! \I rn’ ”I my l‘nm‘ hun- dum- Hnll St. I‘q-h-rflmru. " ~px-nni wvcral Bram] I“ syn-mlnng mu pun-rub. Mr and Mrs. hurlus Bakvr n-f Huh I wvoral duh hon : fru-nds. Walhur Hruthvrtnn‘ ,\ min-w 2 {Du-L"), i'zlllf” :nhi :hry WI“ Hut (hr urmm: In Highland 1‘ ur' l'k-Muafi'. uurui (I (irxvuncyvv HY], (L. ];[~' arch UL H) Hf .\IT (;n‘l> ”1i h ~H‘ UH'V \\ \\ mix-L rvmgrr wt Mm w! pan-uh. .“1 L S'YM' t\[H‘I'\ (-1' Ivan today ,«-~"_. Thu) Mi” l'urllrnhi, ()rt',‘ 5mm (mmmun : (HnL’I'JI! laughtvr. i ' (Hr p hx> M4 will ~11 Upholsterinz in YOUR HOME. 85 yen: expel-fem. Onll J. 8. Low, Wink-(In 1606, lodadv Wt-dfimtdn)’ (-Vrmng (hr High school club gnu prupulnrhy Nifty." Thi- Girl Résérvep {”5 plinnim I hike fur Saturday nftvrnuon, The MisN-fi Dick u-nlvrtaim-d the Bunny” Girl:- (‘luh u their home Tumday evening. 'l‘hv (hrl Reserved entertained their mmhrns at a Mnrhvr and Daughter banquet Tuvulny cwnmu. The table: \rrn- altrartiw-ly dwuratwl in blue and whitr. the Girl Rvsn-rve colon. ()enrudc McLor-n, prwidcnt. gave the speech of welcome and Mn. (‘11:â€" lay n-spondcd on behalf of the mod» ers. Afu-r dinner the girls (mu-ruin- ml with pinno sol m song: And Girl Reserve yells. A m mher of the Buni- nmn Girlu (‘luh assisted in the pm par-tum u! the dinm'r nnd four girls frnm lhv high school sens-d. Anyone duslruu: In adopt a (hild “1H klmlly val) or erll' tn the ”mm- 209 s, Sun.- 31,, «human, (Rt'puhlir Buildinur. Thu mum} is duing u very yum! wmk worth} of {hr ~supporl of (hr mmmunny This sm'irty hi» plum! a number n! childrcn in good home:- in High land Park. The snooty had last yrnr, .1000 undrr Its can- and has cured fur mun- than ninr thounandxhildron up (u 1hr rlusc uf Ian! yuan Rev. B. B, Schlunk, dunno! nupt-r. inu-nnh-m. spt/kv on the Wurk of the Ulmuix (‘hlldn-n's- Hume und Society lu-fure 1hr “'uman's ('lub Tuesday hf- tcrnuon at the I‘p‘abyxvriun church. The children's skating party will he held at the club pond Saturday at tvrnoun at twu thirty o'clock. The pond is in excellent cumliliun and all should uVail thvmse-lvvn uf the oppor- tunity uf using ill Refn-shmenm will he urved following the skalingl le Royal Nc-luhlmn Will lmld IlH‘ll’ annual m~mllulimu of nfiivrrs thlx uwmm: 'l‘hr mqullmx “fill-m u to la- Mh. ('mlfllum of vantun. The n{ ll. vrx tu lu- installml nrr' ()rmlt. Mrs. Barber; Vin! Ural-Iv, Mm Eduardn; Remnlur. Minx anir Dunk-y; Re- rrlvol‘. .\’lr:-. Jnm- Mills; l'hlncollor, Mrs. Gallagher; lmu-r Sentinel, Mn. Mary Gill-«rt; (lulvr Senum-l. Mn. lmana Wugnnnrr. ROY A L NEIGHBORS INSTALL OFFICERS Ruin-rt (hw'mladw, Frank (JrH-m- .Immw 1‘»! "mi firm-q Kurhm: Thou .f th~ Huwn m. hum an F. l‘nrlnun ln~ KIHM nny. R. Tun-1h. John Mryvrs .nmi Ju‘vph Rufmttmi. leflun. Mun. L. Buck. "Suppressed Deflrvs." Huh, Mr. V. ('. Bullock; Ilvnnrun. M Graham Taylur: “qu. Mini ”1-2." HmnmomL Thkt'la Whll'h urt- now on sale and may be pro. xurrd fnnm Mrs. U. E. M. Kellvr. ROYAL ARCANI'M 1‘0 BOWL BOWMAN TONIGHT (Ir. Smurda) ru-mng. January" hunt) .wvuyni {ht-n- arr (n be two plays uan m the Ravmu Village hnun' by local [uh-m. Thr plays an- ".lmnt “when In Spam" by 0. SW Hruwn nnd “Sapprvued Denim" byj Swan Gladyn Ben. The as: in u f\1|l(r“’:~2”JOint Owners in S ain": ' Mrs. Mmhell In H F. Bane nun; Mix:- Du-r Mn. H. D. W;oodrufl Mnti Blair Mn. 1- D Porter; Mrs. Ful In mung alu‘lx Wrnt l'nrk nwnue recently I hollow) sew-ml large, hau- Hful (rm-s Monk Ulr mudndv (‘61 duwn, ”'1an and mum uf them uh Hum ready fur runmul. In \ww u{ the (m! that the [fun Stu!” wm-rnmmx has maugun [hr "hum: l'u-m-n-e- lh-ymnmvnt" for 11w pnwuvnhul. ..{ {unwu And (rm-p zur'uzxyhnmt Hu- «HULU‘L and IF uthr! 'nm HA n‘s AT 'R.\\ [NH VILLAGE um'srz. JAN. 22 ”ll“ Publishers “kahlnnd Part l’rua Highland l’lrk,;lH. Dar Sm: l home {or the holiday- when the taxi in which he wu riding skidded nnd ovcrtumod. pinning him beneath it Denth-{ollowed immediIu-ly. Burial Look plnce at Summitvine, 1nd. Mr. Moore will be remembered by muny here as he was Supervlsor of Agents for {he North Shore hne three year: ago. \ PRESERVE on: TREES. IS PLEA or CITIZEN An Open bum from Property (Nu er Protesting Against “salon Destruction of Trou- Juml “when m Spam" and "Sup pic-sud “r-unm" (u hr Gin-n h} [Aural Talk-n! HIGHLAND PARK CLUB é PATRIOTIC LEAGFE H. P. WOMAN‘S (‘Ll'B Y1 [rm-~- who D Ipu In Ink 1!) \1 A m; h vullll‘y and IF uthrl ummhwm mu) zrnh m' :n. «1!er m the ”H'xl Htk~ vn-n- WP” rq-mly n «nu-{u} pur- vihhml 3y lhmr tieâ€" ”,1 Hmm‘nnd l‘nrk 9. mu-rusu-d In any- twnuhfy and )u-lp “H MAI Hm L'rvn! MIMI mu! k 1! WI“. 13‘" )uur w (”Hm-Y IH'IN Phone 227-W-J (‘HURCH SERVICES: Sundu l. m. n 10:45. Sand-y School un- modiuely following; Wednesday Evening Testlmnlu Sonice at I200 FINE ART CALENDARS Mum-fined by F‘Iru Churrh of Christ. Scientist. at Highlwd Purl Pasquesi Bros. MotOr-Express C0. 1031 Sheridan Road Make round trips daily between Vrry low prices ALBERT LARSON, Stationer BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE. Give us a trial CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOH Bunch of vanston Baitery Station Highland Park and Chicago 'entral Battery Station 522 Cantu! Avenue 15 En! Washintlon St. Chicafo. Opp. Field's Smalnl I Hut (and: A I! for 6mm. Awful-um. \hmvvu "I M and Sam 0! Char-r M: Van! lug-«um. Telephone Highland Park 266 You an: Cordully Inviwd tn make use of the privileges of the CWMU Q. Bmubm/ l 15, 25 and 35C’each Hours 91L m. to 6p. m Sunday: 2 to 5 p. m. Voodo- I“. P-u‘al “*mm Cut-nu 387 Central Avenue For PASQUESI BROS. “I Milan-bum d Clml- um Nut:- Taffeta Frocks

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