Sunday, 8 p. m.. Evening worship. A: this service, which has been changed from 7.30 to 8 o'clock. there wiil be a series nf slides shown on the Cary system 0! religious instruction. 1! will be of interest to know how oth- er mmmunities are winging religious truths near to their children and nur- turing them in the n-liginus life. Wednesday, 7:30 p. 1., midweek prflyvr meeting. Although taxes are said to take $250.00 out of each family income. a lot at people are too busy to read the political and congressional news to see what their representatives m d0â€" tng with their money. b " ‘ ' l'n}. ht'!‘ mocha, two brothers Mauri w o EBEXEYER EVAAGHLICALE 0 0f Deerï¬eld, and Raymond of m QCâ€: 30‘0QO‘D‘O ;WW l:.m«l Om. and a sister Mabel Her Sunday, 10 a. m.. Chun‘h school..‘-lrl‘k~"v 0f Deerï¬eld. . Tim session of the school will be esâ€" “1- and ‘1“ Wm Galloway 3i pevially gluyoted to the missionary nuunve the birth of a daughter I. work carnal nn by the svhouls of Lake dd“ 1.9}, 13 , mum '. ‘ I; \ Snnyllav. 11 a. m. Divine Worship MK and Mr5~ Peter Dahmer ‘h’ Subjectv‘xk Half Hour on Mount Her- 5‘99"“th birth 0‘ ‘ 50“, Wednesdab mun Ann “nod “as imstcss tu twvlve «If hvr frnuuds 4; a Washington's birth- day lunv'nmn an Tuvsmly, in honor of hc-r hrthdny annivez‘xury, Table dec- oratmns were in reel. white and blue, *" 'n *z Emma! ke-“pivs as X'uvurs. Mr. and Mrs. Mary M. Butier on trx'mincd the S. B. Club at Cht‘il humc Satunfny {-x'omng. Mr. and Mn. P, I. Nee of Evanston entertamwi' swoml Highland Park pu-pie at dlmer Monday cvuning in h<~rmr of Mr. and Mrs. Elmvr J. Malm- taunt {in} NW» Hun 01:5 afre~moon M: Hour: (L-vn Friyn‘ls ins! ‘ Sunday Mn‘s Rmh Bletsch entertained 25 guys,» Lnt \‘v‘vdnesday evening in h: n-,r Jf Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Malm- Ilms', w‘m» mm: recently married. PAGE TWO MN Miss Margaux Bock will be hostess nu! I’hi Bum tomorrow evening hm mm“ in Sm‘ond st. flavor! It‘s 1:: ranked Luge: STE-"é § RE CIGARETTE - , I o , M v, t ,J \ // 1M, 1/)“; “(.L» No cigarette has !‘he same deiicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Becauseâ€" SOCIAL ACTIVITY Fro} an: H umi rwl The Reliable Laundry We give your rugs the same thorough cleansing hy the same process that we give your daintiest zmd most delicate garmentï¬. ()ur delivery trucks pass your door daily. Frequent Cleaning Keep Rugs Sanitary Your rugs and carpets may be enough to walk on â€"â€" but are they enough for the children to play on? Martin was hust tu fifv rm (‘hxuaqu at dinm-r Send [1' Tu he‘on the safe side have them clean- Luzmderc’rs and DH Cleaners “ill be hostess to dub at her home: Phone Us. Telephones 178-179 M. Butler en‘ Club at their i G \‘GHLICAL g Edna Miller. 15 year old daughter of Mrs. E. F. Miller, died at her home Thursday morning: after an illness of diphtheria. Burial was in the Northi t'wM cemetery Friday. She is Surviv lny ht'!‘ mother, two brothers. Mauriw of Deerï¬eld, and Raymond, of P0. - lancl. Ora. and a sister. Mabel Hoh- nur- Jean Penis celebnted her birthday angjvetsaryh'lthursdayt j The Ladies' Aid society of E Paul's, Evangelical church will be e tel-mined at the home of Mrs. WI Huhn nekt‘Thursday afternoon. There will be a phblic installati n of ofï¬cers of ,Lhe Royal Neighbo in the community house Thursday e - en'mz‘. Mrs. R. was? â€r Ravenswo$d was the guest of r mother, Mrs. C. W. I’uttis, Thursday}. , Mr. and Mrs. Carl JAxn'derson enter tainod at dinner Sunday evening. Cov urs were laid for twelve. \h' and Mrs. Peter Dahmer ah- nmmce the birth of a son, Wednesday. 1'â€) lb. The Dun-as humu is quarancin'rd mm the mumps. "The bottom of the “‘urld." {da- turing Mary Miles Minter, will be <hnun in motion pictures in the thol vnmly hall Thursday waning b nmg Mrs. (K H. .Iuhnsmn and daughts‘r [)rvruthy altL-nded a progressive 9m . n- party in Libertyvillq- Friday cw.“ ‘\ (iwrgo Washington party Was Kin-r! at the Ridge school Sutun‘ny vvvnmg, Games and drawing won- thc I'uuturvs uf the cwning. Mrs. S. Ann-s celebruhui hcx' Tdth Mrihduy unmvvrsary at her homv inn Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. 'J. Bin}:- ham uf ('hivugo wore the nut uf turn um-sts. .\li.~ses June and Martha Kah'h attended a ~hmmr given at the hojm- Of “hi Emlyn RnNs uf Evans tun; znn Saturday uf.tvrnmm Mr. and MI'S. Hiram “whim «mar (aim-J in hmmr of Mr. li‘vP-ins' M1111 day nmrivrrmry at t'm-ir hnmv Sntur day vwnmx‘h Mr. and Mrs. A. lfurhctt and Mr. and Mrs. ()iishy uf l'lncakn and Mrs. William Robins uf Milwtu kw. \nre tho nutrnf-Luwn gum-u 1h “(1K “nu 311's. Gmruv Go Imam vidtud m Shermcniilt- riday. .\{:'~. 1 1M ny-r unturtmnmi *1 1‘ vvf Imi m Fx'uiay aAn-rnmm V V 'WV‘VD § DEERFIELD NEWS ITEMS 3 'Hm Y: um; Mutrnnx' club wul lie“! n the hnnlo at. .\Ir~ Rutter? Urge» ~‘lmh- uf llxghhmd I'ark Thursday af‘ Dunn-m Reeds has the Mr [h‘nmhvt HI Murray nr’ ‘ hl"21;f:y xv» t'rw L"Lh'.~[ ul' hlx duuuim-r. ,\lr< f0 fhe aï¬undrq I" Mr. B. H .iu H Int-3m clean elem 1110113â€le .\l~ a num m hon thinâ€: frnmdi p ,,V_._ -__-Vq 'â€" ‘ waLle BUBEBT, luck of deg-ion. ,. Adminhtntor.f It In chap" to uh!!! a an" job .. Wnukegnn. “1.. Feb. 14, 1921. . flan to in him. Inybo In h In Al 1TB. S. Gail Atty. 61-2-pd; peg in the mug hole. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Subscriber. Administrator of ’the Estate of Her-mu: Bubert do. lceased. will attend the County Court of Lake County, at I term thereof to be holden It the Court House in Wau- kegnn. on the ï¬rst Monday of April. inext. 1921. when and when :1! per zsons having claims min“ nid es- tate are notiï¬ed Ind requested to pre- sent the same to aid Court for adju- udicntion. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND Pins. mom Thu lax Kappa In 'I‘uvsdnys. En-nmng 4 ‘30 p m “Ruin-«days. Ilnuny 9:3“ 3. m I'Ivvnsnm: and Afl'in-M 5:00 p: m Thursdays, 'Huly ('unmlun Inn 9‘30 3. m vansnng 4:30 p.m Hnly Week Im mMumn Lu nlhvr wr \‘it‘l'il Mundn}, 'I‘mw'duy, \lem'vin) Hnly ('ummuninn 9:308 m (:Imd Friday, the Throw Hnurx 13:00 In 3:04! p. m I‘h.» Nam; Shun» Sunday smug Inatxlulv “hit‘h ii hrM on the 'Xu«~ day c-vvnings in Len! in Trimt)‘ par [sh huum' f-rmp‘s tnguthvr Mum! 1| hundn-d “nrkvn undv'r lhu lt~nv1vr~th uf {hr RM' l'yrus M. AIH’FK'W‘ Hf S: Tmmthyk ('hurrh. ('hlcnun. Thwy mmo frum thn- Nnrlh Shun- «intrum. Enlist n on 1hr wulh and \Vau'rmunn on th- Imrth. _ Mrs. Fred Lnbahn “tended I bun- m party in Evan-ton Tuesday. score was 5 to 16. Anita (‘urtis of Ouk Park. niece u! Mrs. Robert Mow-dc. entered the (U) grnde Monday. Most of the pupils who have burn ulm-nt on account of mvules hnr n» lurne-d to school. The Dcerï¬eld grammar schuul huyI played against tb- Deerï¬eld fresh- men Friday afternoon, and the tram. mar school boys were winners. The score was 5 to 16. The- girls of the {our upper grade-s an- taking up sewing under Mm: (5r:- ham's supervininn. The amides made will be on exhibiuon In the future. OOOOOC’OOOOOOOOQOQOOOQOOOO‘. Sundayr~~ Week Daysâ€" Mundnys, H SCHOOL NOTE By Eugeni. Wntier The Deerï¬eld Humps defence! the Highland Park Meteor: It bash-Hull Monday by a score of 10 Lo {1. Mr. Thomas. 15 nging the buys 01 the four upper grndm u vuurw m manual training. â€My ('ummum-u‘. ('hun-h Svhmll \Iutlns and Lxumy Holy ('ummumnn ï¬r Mummy 1Trimty» HVRHsnng l‘hl \‘vnwm: and uddrt-ss :Hh-r Pin-r1, “upth‘mi hu lnxt mm-tlnL: uf :sz Ih-lm uf Trimty ’ V “H‘IHYHL FM». 2“ TRINITY (7" CBC" Hui at 110-12 rum-s m Tnmty < h \Y Tum .0 ’AI'!‘ HX a h Svrvh v My during m nil tiny! «wpuru-nu ,n in H hr1<tmn .\' 3}an i\\:|r‘ A_\' nit-rt â€NHL†“'mi pay: my attention to Mini: (1-0ny in; Worxh only a weak substitut- tor thi tho probkn ‘thmh. and luck of Ion. tori: toudmini tho‘hyhe t'mi The man with hid: in 1:11.31) M The beut‘w‘ny tp equal) Moldaner 81 Humer Through the expansion in our cleaning and dye- ing department we are in a position to give you Our car will stop and call. Orders for pressing coming in before 2:00 o’clock p. m. will be delivered the same day. 6 North Sheridan Road Remember: Cleaners and Dyers Pressing The best work at reasonable prices. N0 order too small. No trip too far to go. PROMPT SERVICE . A ‘mtomgt [rent form the hind. ly “on ad the emitting Frostingâ€"â€" it I: so unusual. Phone 54 Call 54 for service when your Clothes needs attention Put that Thoma A. Edinon It 7‘ M 01:39. {spit happyymlegs be h_ _,J A,