ST ATI T If rm ("Hut pl 1" ‘ Allurm-s hencrnl m In Stan/4 \Hornw ‘mltl plums vhr TH ‘Hâ€" usessw; Highland Pal as: :. held afte r' of 3* lat!» land «anrs. i away}, 32:) of tor l1“. Hun! TAXATYHN. Board :f RVVH‘“ creasr aswwmu cepz .n» pmvidm Hon. \ \ Smuh Stank :\'-’nrw-y Dear S‘r mum) Mark. in »,-x:m:dm~: taxes Against thv latds am! lots in and city. in 19'2†rxtcndui mm: on suuh inr (Tuned us‘wsmh-nz mm'e by the\ board hf rM'h-w in l‘JlEL You rvfcr to an npimur‘ “HIM-H"! by {hr Suprvmé- “nur'. 2' FM [my hewm‘wr term, In Mr ("L-v 4' IN-upiw w\' rrl V. Vail. et al. ir. whfl: tnv umrt H‘ ‘flwt hv~M< tho- uv'inr: 1? trn Men-‘3 ' rmiuw m in- vrmh x Q"\- ,:«~!<<z1 \ulm' Hf the ('0l‘.\"l‘E.\'> \VIH KNUWIT'I. ADDRESSES H. ". “X ('l‘l'li Urph <T'\TPI â€E“ II I INHE Lam IH-gmr'mvr‘: Sprmgï¬wld Edwar‘! I Rrumfakc, Att'y. Gem-ml 7 January 4. 1920 SWMM. \\ lief “-va ma) F. 93 \Y {‘ru; thin [‘98 920 mï¬m HI \'I‘HI.ETI(' (V‘Ll'B GIVES M \5'0l'F. BALI. MAR. hal! tn ï¬lth‘r‘ 31 1- ‘3'?an Mann Inlcrl lldk on “11nd? .zt Upon _ H 4. \lm-tm: I m sd |_‘~ \2 l‘nzw an“ m »\'"l'1\\'\. The “I nr in 1919. turfy [n'r cent '7!)[1Ct“ha\’1111:!>t't‘n giwen tn. rs. in cumplum- mm par 9 of the Ht-Hml‘ m‘i» \‘hnp {urd's‘ Stain!» 1917 rm'l'Lp . Y1);l\t|tlt‘l‘ 11 ‘MArr‘h mncrnl m Idler to prnL’I‘un uHmn m >llh>13nn \! ‘t H‘ 6(th hv~M< tho- mi 1‘ rmiuw m in- v<<u \ulur Hf the mid 5113. ‘.\:l~ mvuL ‘41:! Nun's! M 1w H m H 'rL-asmg the- ;ntxis m the rxty of aux-bu! Iv) tho In: Park Athetic club} wmdv hall St. Pat-i '1')". 17,) in Athleticf h“ awarded for th(-‘ ,‘he- public is invited um [hr me-vtmg J‘mor‘w With the - nu p-W'Qr In 1r. 4.? (\rngvrty, M 5 Vulutr, lrvn n? (‘vn- ~f wmr uf' Ih§ . Tn any\\h1 Mv thought «>1 r :t-vrlriclu‘n ar~ yitalhzmi then [ Thu t‘rmVivtiH.‘ w' vi help \Vzr M had the [I‘wus- .n â€m“ 'Izmtz will nww 7111.1] bird hxnht' \‘L‘Y’ BRUNDAGE an‘ fanxr ~mtemont HM- Imam! U Lghtfu km (W «3% Interewtinx’ vw Ilturslu» ! buH room .24 and -) \. \V'ins‘tnr‘. ‘vnmpunivd \yl-d wnw rug v'uv h m Mun'h 1 3 that the : taxes Hutchin Adopt“! In V. H A . ,i n 1m [.m' 1"1‘11111y â€wrung. h-h. :1.» [Wu \wil chuwn plays 1111<ix~r [hp able diâ€" irm‘tmn 11f Mr, ()livor Hmsdell, were ipresenu-d m the Lnn-bln School. The actors \wrc frmn ('himgu Th1 Iiixi 11|11\."Hi.~ I)cbt,' ' lasted nniy Lulf :111 hour but p41rtra:vv(l im- Lpn skin-11 a beautiful Lhzmgv in heart in a peasant man and wife who, wvro runspirnn: In mi: 21 frn n11 Into the (onmm'iuw; the auxhor had artistkâ€" ally wuvon thv tim- 111d low-11d of Ju- i’da» [Si-arioik ymrly \'1~:11 tn this earth \le Jum.-,- “Aunts ““1 "\(mp... KGIUI. A!" «.ufl 1.. {:m. (‘UHSPH'IHL' In H (‘()Inpw\iitl(bli, thé ally wm‘on thv (“in lm-ariolk yr «:1; ('hrirmun E The Inn-Hunk zwhir M‘llem mshnrun A :‘rxlu‘m ohm-rvrr {rum thcaxu whn NI" â€w Mm- recrnUy m va ank (fly, \uu-s hm belle! "hat m. ï¬ner pictun-n uf wxld hf: m me upon haw ever been mmiu By «pr-«.31 arrangement wuth [hr (.vogru» phlval suvioty 0f ('hlcagn. Hm Hau- wzu ablv tn wcun- one of â€Ir {our dates allutvd by (‘1)1‘ Buf'u‘5 In (Thir vagu. Admission by tickm. Much (‘rodu hue Miss EWing for Se curing This Talent for l’.~T. A. Lad Friday Evening PLAYS A'l‘ LINCOLN M‘HOOI. BIG _Sl'(‘(‘ESS .\' EXT (‘UMM l'Nl'I‘Y MITSH‘ALE Mi» ( J! (ML-nu: “34> HI give-I): “1 ‘rqf pizm from Mr Her [ha puTsuM I;k‘(‘~‘h(‘r phi: «- mmtxmt Musim IT: â€in Au>L nun,†K. \lusit'u‘; (‘lu'ux 4. :mn nf (hr ~zum- m'runizatinn she" A rlntIUSYtdKQ‘rnup meeting will he. {mi HH’ tint [H‘I'Iv fur Ihm bust sungs $110M '13. “then ha‘xl‘Tuésday (‘Vcningtlï¬YthC “ORKERS GIVE mhmmwi by a “‘umul‘ Compowr VIM-arxh 1.3. undnr the auspipts of thek CARD PARTY BIARC] Miss Rnimzstm 1.x at present living: (‘athulic Order pf Foresters of North- in Highland park I‘ern Illinois_ Then- will by, a good‘ The Mystic Work-N 0f the ‘ Thc NHW Dhmmm fn! thxf (‘0?(91’1 split-gram. ‘r'bcaklflg ‘E‘Qd' refreshments will ziw a can] party Friday mu m â€â€œ3 weeks YI‘VSSWL’WCH Tht- mmmlttoc m charge of March .11, in Masm‘iv hull Re Hunk-ales at {hollthc mfaix ('rynï¬ist of .Iuhn ¥‘. Hitkev menu Wi‘l h 'e-thd A .nun A .| . I 5 - ‘ . g A“ E James Int-rung and J‘ .1, Bonï¬re. sion f9? vciH h“ charged. “‘11! l'w gnu-y“ There arv to lx- YVVU (‘vntcr thi~ nmnt‘h. Ir m (quantum puipul Hf NH At Yht 5'th rtl‘.‘ ('nrrm' -ut 1:3; Mi», Huih hv -- " ""1“ nwmtwr uf ti)»,x .wuvt u w‘h Ts nu mm}! nrhlrwmrm tn hm * ‘; <L1H 044111 sniv hf Iickv? “.IL'vv. -.~ui up a stage properly :1! .131!" JH’t rl‘.‘ ('flrrlt H Tm \wfu “6611117., \‘1 HM In.“ E Tumum‘ .‘vh ml}- (um! Robimonpi'ianisl‘ m pear at (‘ommunity (‘enter Next Week Friday I!) ht ~ rL-a-iVL-d her onï¬r Ir». Fannie thnï¬'w wurvtiml <tudie> 1 i lkmlur Ktit‘kbh “W r and 'I‘hornalv! Am :1[‘]‘\'2U’(d as um lrl. \nm .m Symphony nrr'hwim‘ u'mnsnn was 1mm in southern 1m! ha: hwn odmutm! (-xciu- thi: s‘tatw. Htmp! for her nu lt-ssnns WIM her mvthvr. rL-a-ivL-d her onï¬re training: 5». Fanniv thnï¬ivM 'lnilm‘. nrvtival <tudie> have been (‘lu [Ur n-mnjz, Mun? haw we we v A Elm} Robin“ md 'I‘hornalv! Attorrtrnm. won ï¬rsï¬ t “on: _\'\‘:n‘~ :mu 5hr thr middiu wmtoru piano: 5 1hr Nzninlml devmhun (If: ‘lu'm. Ir: xiw ‘mé‘t vumpnti ' wrunizatinn she A u 1hr bust Songs “10M (hr ~zum tint pH'I‘ Hunk- lmtwwr; play whim'wi by \inlin :mt 'uhmth'dljv “my 'wh<)<.‘i!i)lll\i$i> 'M’l‘n ‘wml-h v.2» Hu- m H '1 “as? :1 w h duh-(l 'nrt-nt-Tmu-ht-x 1n n. rlr‘v g-hnU}; thix par _\'\‘:n‘~ ML’“ thr midrib flu- Nation: gx (ummun i 311w luwnw‘ mu! It then: x'nuz 1hr mytn-a- "1 nf Mr Wright. {in u Sthtwi. that the cum- HLYMHV indulwtod. x! Th! lN‘. \\ \' 1‘ “('1 )1†I‘m Hui 'l‘h. runny musicak- hi {hr (011th h H. thv audi» <11rv uf hear- nn. pianist. whn u)“ irt. with thl‘ Mi I'll A uru {or lnszuz Satirical Hit]. b myrrh-d ,h ‘ Hu- muhf, '1‘ hey MAR. 11 FPO-I Ill ut-ufmnvn â€momma†)V! r uï¬ k) .- anpzmr played stt" rat“? uh r [Wt pl been (‘m‘l Uh In! Uh it )wr‘ml 111.1 . y Jur)u Numu tum nut iupn ////,i in! Kaffly hid @‘fl tum WW ' ixn th “Ir-(u ' i ‘ , M; 'wlukm- elwtnr nulwn' nysu-m WNW†"‘0‘" "U“W‘i Ind uh" â€I! (1‘- UV- numhor .1! m'mdvnu Ind lives lost lhcsoun dinner wu om In excellent inn timl rmlway “'11.- iio-crvaswl about ,pI'Otrlm WI)- Kn‘rn. The {murmu- iï¬fty 111T ant. ‘trvu, Mr! Frank F111. gun . (thurl wvh.’ Mlss- llypvn, nN'umplnlt-d by hr! mother. rung several longi- r Thr il‘MN'lfl‘lll'l “as read a letter ifrnm 111:» n 1.. (llt'sen, Chairman 1111' (hr ('1111-5 t‘nmmitlet-‘uf tbr llikh- WhK‘h culled {0'1“ unlit“! Ipplnuu. :luml l’arl; anun‘s clulv. Tho lt-ttcr Jqu‘lbbfltï¬. rvproncnflng "“3 WP†istutml thni tlw anank club. actinx‘nmrv thus. spnkt- 1111 “Washmgtun. iwith Utlwr club.‘ in this city. â€2"“ 111-,thu Bow" Virginia Sr-wcumli. rop- wustigatmx tho muse 11f thv present resenting the Soninr class. spoke on ‘hizh scnst nf mmnmditios in High-.““'HShinmnll. 1hr Mam" Margaret iluml Park and tin high mst nf (lo-illay Spoke for the Juniur_clas.= on .liwn S“l"“\l<t'. I! asked that tho Bus-ii Slhuol Spirit ' and Elizabeth Jaegcr 1mm; Mm‘ .~ assmiutinn aid in this in.itth-nsh11mn 11-pri-so.ntativo spt k0 uni ‘ustigmiun. Ac-‘mniingly reprt~511nu1-i“\\hat “( ()Wl to «1111 Mothers." The ith'tS oft-31h of tht mai'n linu of bus- ‘ program (losml l») .1 ftW more songs lllt‘SS 111 the tit) were appointed tuilvy Miss llypos 1111] the guests ad Hum-t with 11 committco from the m), ijourrwd to the hays" gymnasium. Ilene :mu‘n's t-lulm. and uxpluin the mats tht PUPHS Kï¬Vt‘ exhibitions in SW8d- Iin their respyclivv lint-1., This moot ish exercises, vaulting and marching. iniz will pmhably be held Man-h 1.), Between names a folk dance was giVâ€" 5 Th! assmiation passed :1 1t~solution I m. The program tnded with a very raising} tht mimthl) (luvs from $100Idt-liizhtf11l 80111 dance by Helen d9 Anâ€" tn $1.5 iguera 1 1 Th» Highland Park (we 11 today in the nmm a aH-nur', fm‘muflv mumh :i'a‘ tickzt oiï¬vv of thv( ;S'nnn- mm Mihxauku l hww mmvu‘n will humil‘ :lim vf L'!‘m‘ul‘i('< I’t‘tc -n. lumsmn ls â€M p“ pr! 11mm “In-rating u imi‘ar ‘zmslun 2m mm“ mm. =>=.<<>< «earâ€"L =><m 2â€"34 JAGâ€"had 311:5 (Illh “(It I\\ \Vx-stcrr: l'ym yvï¬oniny by Thv '{J‘lenlnï¬ Haunt-l2: “Wm (ht ’ and tho vity authuritios starfm ri\'(‘u. h) dbtributv Un'm. I'l‘husv WhU T0 quntml HM rumba were informe< that it mull not hv 2 mm 0d out of or (it-r hu' mmt want 1t: 'urn. I)r.I‘ F M. humans wa~ flu iur‘ny man. H( M: < given “:H-â€˜ï¬ Dr. Frank \L Inuuls Man: Had to l‘ a: 217.5: :3... â€5:2,? :m._.z<,: .32.: NEW GROCERY WILL OPEN HERE TODAY MARCH 15 DATE OF FORESTER? MEETING 'c-ler (Gmwgnuses of EVansum Shirts Store in St. Johns AV‘i-nut- \Ionster (Group nesting in With-n Hall Promises to besz Rh: Affair nli! 'l'hen Tickets Will Be Sold‘in 'l‘empomry Ufï¬ge 'in “'vst- o-rn l‘nion Building The' 1|‘l'ill tlk'kt‘t r Nurth Shun- :m 0; «Hi n-nmin t Thvn‘ \K'h \vn» quihr a scramblv fur 1hr nnm'rwr. "31» H." Tm-sdn)‘ \vhvn rit). \‘vhiclo: liu-nsv p'luu-s arâ€" ui tm- vity authuritios starfod ibun- thvm. I'l‘husv who ro- thv rumba were informed LIHTHIUIH r!m\¢“1’\ 05 \ “ill H?“ v in High The Im‘zllm Had to B0 “ranted In Order Park groceryv will . mum at 7 ' .Idhns mumivd “5/ the 10- »f tvh‘w .w-ugn North aukw railway. The l handh- n L-nmpletc I’t‘tcl‘ -(;k‘(ll‘j:0US(“S r. 110 has (‘ DTP“?! finer ( Ilighlar mtv Hf 1h" ('hfl'll‘ ‘j Mllxxnuku- ruil- tmpurm‘ii} in thv I:. v! \\‘:i~ tfn‘lurwl x m’ (In railway. i~ 1hr Lucky is! I'lvlk , ‘ uf' HH- lh I’ (ï¬â€˜nmflimm sun Rmu IT\I{\I\(. [H' l’ n z; w H e ,l’riscik’z} i'urvrr at thv piano. Mifs Hnyri has a wunriurful \‘Qioe ’an/l ()sw'li has h-cn Very ï¬vrtuhatv n bring." :xhle- in secure nor faT this ‘m'vusion. 8hr hm appéarcd in High» :L-md Park a number of‘times and thnso who haw heard her will be inâ€" ;tvrvstui in hmring her mum. 3 Tm- hostess of the afu-rnonn will be thv l’rm‘dcnt and the Board of ‘sDirm-Iors. The program is in charge 17M ono'of ()ssoli's past presidents. I‘This will not be a guest day, only $members of the club heirs: invited to Eattend. "Svhuol Spirit," and Elizabeth Jaegcr, the Fn-shnmn representative. spnko on “What We ()wv tn nur Mothers." The program closvd by a few more songs by Miss Hypos .md the guests ad- journod to the hoys' gymnasium. Ilene the pupils gave exhibitions in Swed- ish exefcisvs, vaulting and marching. Betwwn games a folk dance was giv. on. The program ended with a very (lolmhtful'solu dance by Helen de Anâ€" 2'09â€}. 0880].] TO CELEBRATE ITS 27TH ANNIVERSARY Joyfl‘ibbetts. rvproncnung the mph nmn- thus. spnko nn “Washrnmnn. the Bow" Virginia Nr'wcumh. rop- rosvnting the Senior élass. spoke on “Washingtnn. â€1» Man;" Manure! Day spoke for the Juniur_class on Thy 0530“ Club wiH (-(‘lvbratv its twenty-xumntk mmivs-rszn‘y no“ Tuesday nfn‘rnmm. Them will I'm a musical prnuram n-ndt-rvd by Emma I’utton Huyd arunmpzmivd by MES l’riscik’z} i'urvrr at thv piano. To Be Shown Wednesday and Thurs- da) of Next Week. Mun- day. “Wing Tn)" Thy following max-ins will lw shown at. Pearl Theatre nvxt Week: anizhl, “Billions" from the French drafna by JeaneJnso Frappa: Friday, “Love. Honnr and Behavef" Satur- day, “Play Things of Broadway;" Sunâ€" day, “Thn Sacred Flam‘bf‘ Monday, "Wing Tuy." “The Son of Tarzan;" Tuesday and Wednesday. Charles Ray Musical l’rugram to be Given by Emma l’atwn Iloyd Next Tues- day Afternoon CHARLES RAY IN “NINE- TEEN AND PHYLLIS in “Nineteen and Phyllisf‘ Thursday, “The Mountain WOman." from the story, “A Pagan of the Hills," by Charles Neville Buck; Friday. Max Lindvr in “ï¬cVL-n Years Bad Luvk;" Saturday.:W'illiam Rogers in “Boys \Vill be Box-s." Mntimm at 2:30 Sat Saturday. :“I “H†be Boys urday. Tumo‘rr-nw evening. March 4, High- land Amliatod (‘uum-il North Ameri- can Union will hold a (-uvhro party in Witten hall. Tirkets may bP prucurvd from any of the members. The pub- lic is invited tn attend The Mystic Workers of the “'0er will giw a can] party Friday evening, March .11, in Masonk- hall. Refresh- ments will in se-erL A mm†admis~ sion fee vsiH h“ charuvd. CARD PARTY AIARCH lllllhgg;;t-linvenï¬tï¬Â§'ilil {Vzive‘ a dance in th{' high thool gymnasium. This is an e Mystic Workers of the World annnnfl aflair given for the purpose giw a can] party Friday evening,_ of purchasing new equipment for the :h .11, in Masonir hall. Refresh- department. Tickets are now on sale 3 win in se‘rVu-d‘ A mm†admis~ and e‘v’eryone should make an exert U. EITCHRE PARTY TOMORROW EVENING .hn) almdy mm mun} inc-nth 1n mum â€ï¬rth“ Park who .n ver) rind of â€HM u» morrruhon over lb: 1'“ (11111111111111!) to an and hear her phom n-lgnvctqun â€Irwin your H mm. Th1 chnrrh “1H undoubtedly may of rebmry 10th. nhtlw V IN ï¬lled to uverflmnnp 11nd thou lax" 111 whxh you mu: mummy 5011!! an 11mm (1 to mm: The Bulfd of Review Gm yen enrly. T undated their union of last year. 1 putting the 3071 increar mu '1- ‘ ' J 1901 so the oh'ecton will not be (.HE MUSICAL PROGRAM I abh to (4415†:Juyment lhih chf ‘ AT REGI' l AR MEETING a1 a matter of fart 1)“ Board did i not take an) action t†nttempt tn vd ‘ ‘ , .1dau 1L1: mvalid and Illegal 1m rage 0' MW†M‘r â€em" Ema) ’0‘" 'i0',. made in 1919 in the \aluatiun in The regular meeting of Campbell Chapter No. 712 0. E. S. was held last evening. Following the business meeting a short program Wu: given. the entertainment committee. -in charge. A duet’was played by Muriel and Pauline White of Glencoe. followâ€" ed by two *selectiuns “The Kerry Dance" and “Because" sung by Mrs. Virgil (I. Musser accompanied at the piano by Mrs. W. J. Brown. Little Lois Larson very cleverly danced Aniâ€" tra's dance, Miss Salome Brand play ing for h( r. Mrsï¬ll. (i‘. Bruidert and Miss Charlotte Brand favored the chapter with 2 selections, “Tannhaus- or Man-h" and “Walse from Faust," followed by 11 Trovatoro by Pauline White. Dudley Edwards in his usual clever manner sang two 54:11:35 “Ma- tilda" and "'1‘an l’rrtty Crvaturu" ac- companied by Miss Brand. This pru~ 2mm was so greatly appreciated by the members that it is hoped that a similar one will be given in the near future. Eastern Star Member: Enjby‘ifle- lightful Emminment Lu! 7/ Evening WOMAN’S AUXILIARY TO MEET MARCH 17 To Hold All Da} Meeting at Fresh): Ierian ('hurch. Will Sen {or Local Hospitav The next all day sowinz‘mectinz of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Highland Park hespital will be held on Wednesday. March 16. at 10:30 in the Presbï¬orian (hum-L1 There is still a large amount of “ark (0‘ be done fun. the hospital and the chairman of the sewing cummiuee is anxious to ï¬nish what is already smrtad before undertaking: the layâ€" pttes which will be given when nec- essary to patients occupying the free bed for maternity cases which the auxiliary supports. ‘ .mn. Thr chnrrh \nH undoubtedly be ï¬lled to uverflmnnp and thou Wishing “at! an whim-d to Cumr early. It is hoped that a 187m- percentage of the members will ï¬nd it possible to be present at this mL-eting. They are requested m bring their (vivn luncheon and ('nï¬t‘v will be guru-d. The last meeting on Frb. 11‘. Wm Wd) attendéd and a numtwr hf curtains and dish Lowol's were ï¬nished and taken to me hospital. The girl scouts are 51150 Wiping: with the 51-wâ€" ing and they hm’e- mkm; the {my mv. ers and napkins‘ tn «ms; stitch. Thmr ‘assist'anqe is much appreciated. Niï¬â€˜u'u' P... u. “,4 Han ï¬nn- ST. PATRICK’S DANCE f TO BE AT HIGH SCHOOL? Thursday evening, March 17. St, Patrick’s day. the Highland Park ï¬re in" Matt»! 0‘ 1h! mun mu Anon". 313' Wall 1 O 'ï¬hur in thx- A dance will be g‘iwn m: Hasn't is an Monthy. Mirth 2%, m Witu-n had, rurpose under the auspices of Highland Park for the lodge No. 4416;110:431 Order of M00943. on sale Refreshments will be served The ‘ effort pubiie is cordially im'ned \0 he prey ent.- - Highland Park property involved in me case of Peopli vs. \ail, and no record appears of sudh action or on tempted action. ï¬either did th( Board of Review attempi‘tozli‘alidaw m H legal action in any place i‘ï¬â€˜rhe county except. Waukegan. . \‘ There has been current in tho city a great deal of mis-infonnatiom which undoubtedly has misled a frat number of people. 'I‘herefon- at this time it is very ï¬tting that a clear statement b9 had of (m. who]: tax situation. By the decision uf the Supreml Court of Illinois, it was decided thlt the horizontal raise of 302‘.- in High land Park. Lake Forest 'nmi Lemin townships in the munty was illegal, i valid and void; The 30'? horlzon ta raise meant in 1919 an average .01 18“} in the actual taxes paid Th:- ((‘ontinued (m Pagl- 10) mew LICENSE ms . ‘ARE AT cm mu The new HighlandaPark city license tags for vehicles arrived Tuesday. xmi over 100 have alregfly beer issued The numbers are arranged as fr hows: from 1 to 30,’trueks; 50 to 77», motor ryvles; 100 to 200,,1ight ‘d'eliu-ry vars; 200 to 300. pleasure cars owr 3:.“- h:-rse power; and 390 to 700 plem; n cars less thanâ€"35 horse poww. Rebate ls Being Paid 0n l'nex pired Portion of Term (pf the Present Vehicle ' License ['R’GEALL T0 Gm THEM The city authoritiua an \ngcvst ing that everyone owning a vehicle in this city provide hims’elf with one of the new tags. Tags may be sewn (d by paying the 1921 license fee. Al- though thc‘prosent licenses do not expiré until April 30, it"is urged um new ones be secured immediately. A rï¬'hato will be paid fur 1m. urexpired term. 'l’lw action of tlw m'tyin‘ providing the new license is memly aimed for thw lrnvenicnz-e of the local mofnrists. Highland Park whit-Ms bearing the «qty ,lievnsa plzm- will rm: be males:- ml by flu» ('hicaun police authuvilim (‘ars wilhuut any (-izy llvcnsc plate arr- being Ahppurl daily 2? Chlrago, and their (lrlvrw are l‘fmdtâ€"d wrilten imtmctions to appear :2: (MM. One Illghlaml Park wuman was raved a trip to a (‘hicapw murt Mrnday, only mung}: llw (-fl‘nn hf the tuna} huth Kim‘s. HUNTâ€? :M. an M “MCI L. 0. 0.2M. TO HOLD EASTER DANCE 2!]