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Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Mar 1921, p. 1

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ST ATI T If rm ("Hut pl 1" ‘ Allurm-s hencrnl m In Stan/4 \Hornw ‘mltl plums vhr TH ‘Hâ€" usessw; Highland Pal as: :. held afte r' of 3* lat!» land «anrs. i away}, 32:) of tor l1“. Hun! TAXATYHN. Board :f RVVH‘“ creasr aswwmu cepz .n» pmvidm Hon. \ \ Smuh Stank :\'-’nrw-y Dear S‘r mum) Mark. in »,-x:m:dm~: taxes Against thv latds am! lots in and city. in 19'2” rxtcndui mm: on suuh inr (Tuned us‘wsmh-nz mm'e by the\ board hf rM'h-w in l‘JlEL You rvfcr to an npimur‘ “HIM-H"! by {hr Suprvmé- “nur'. 2' FM [my hewm‘wr term, In Mr ("L-v 4' IN-upiw w\' rrl V. Vail. et al. ir. whfl: tnv umrt H‘ ‘flwt hv~M< tho- uv'inr: 1? trn Men-‘3 ' rmiuw m in- vrmh x Q"\- ,:«~!<<z1 \ulm' Hf the ('0l‘.\"l‘E.\'> \VIH KNUWIT'I. ADDRESSES H. ". “X ('l‘l'li Urph <T'\TPI ”E“ II I INHE Lam IH-gmr'mvr‘: Sprmgfiwld Edwar‘! I Rrumfakc, Att'y. Gem-ml 7 January 4. 1920 SWMM. \\ lief “-va ma) F. 93 \Y {‘ru; thin [‘98 920 mfim HI \'I‘HI.ETI(' (V‘Ll'B GIVES M \5'0l'F. BALI. MAR. hal! tn filth‘r‘ 31 1- ‘3'?an Mann Inlcrl lldk on “11nd? .zt Upon _ H 4. \lm-tm: I m sd |_‘~ \2 l‘nzw an“ m »\'"l'1\\'\. The “I nr in 1919. turfy [n'r cent '7!)[1Ct“ha\’1111:!>t't‘n giwen tn. rs. in cumplum- mm par 9 of the Ht-Hml‘ m‘i» \‘hnp {urd's‘ Stain!» 1917 rm'l'Lp . Y1);l\t|tlt‘l‘ 11 ‘MArr‘h mncrnl m Idler to prnL’I‘un uHmn m >llh>13nn \! ‘t H‘ 6(th hv~M< tho- mi 1‘ rmiuw m in- v<<u \ulur Hf the mid 5113. ‘.\:l~ mvuL ‘41:! Nun's! M 1w H m H 'rL-asmg the- ;ntxis m the rxty of aux-bu! Iv) tho In: Park Athetic club} wmdv hall St. Pat-i '1')". 17,) in Athleticf h“ awarded for th(-‘ ,‘he- public is invited um [hr me-vtmg J‘mor‘w With the - nu p-W'Qr In 1r. 4.? (\rngvrty, M 5 Vulutr, lrvn n? (‘vn- ~f wmr uf' Ih§ . Tn any\\h1 Mv thought «>1 r :t-vrlriclu‘n ar~ yitalhzmi then [ Thu t‘rmVivtiH.‘ w' vi help \Vzr M had the [I‘wus- .n ”m“ 'Izmtz will nww 7111.1] bird hxnht' \‘L‘Y’ BRUNDAGE an‘ fanxr ~mtemont HM- Imam! U Lghtfu km (W «3% Interewtinx’ vw Ilturslu» ! buH room .24 and -) \. \V'ins‘tnr‘. ‘vnmpunivd \yl-d wnw rug v'uv h m Mun'h 1 3 that the : taxes Hutchin Adopt“! In V. H A . ,i n 1m [.m' 1"1‘11111y ”wrung. h-h. :1.» [Wu \wil chuwn plays 1111<ix~r [hp able diâ€" irm‘tmn 11f Mr, ()livor Hmsdell, were ipresenu-d m the Lnn-bln School. The actors \wrc frmn ('himgu Th1 Iiixi 11|11\."Hi.~ I)cbt,' ' lasted nniy Lulf :111 hour but p41rtra:vv(l im- Lpn skin-11 a beautiful Lhzmgv in heart in a peasant man and wife who, wvro runspirnn: In mi: 21 frn n11 Into the (onmm'iuw; the auxhor had artistkâ€" ally wuvon thv tim- 111d low-11d of Ju- i’da» [Si-arioik ymrly \'1~:11 tn this earth \le Jum.-,- “Aunts ““1 "\(mp... KGIUI. A!" «.ufl 1.. {:m. (‘UHSPH'IHL' In H (‘()Inpw\iitl(bli, thé ally wm‘on thv (“in lm-ariolk yr «:1; ('hrirmun E The Inn-Hunk zwhir M‘llem mshnrun A :‘rxlu‘m ohm-rvrr {rum thcaxu whn NI" ”w Mm- recrnUy m va ank (fly, \uu-s hm belle! "hat m. finer pictun-n uf wxld hf: m me upon haw ever been mmiu By «pr-«.31 arrangement wuth [hr (.vogru» phlval suvioty 0f ('hlcagn. Hm Hau- wzu ablv tn wcun- one of ”Ir {our dates allutvd by (‘1)1‘ Buf'u‘5 In (Thir vagu. Admission by tickm. Much (‘rodu hue Miss EWing for Se curing This Talent for l’.~T. A. Lad Friday Evening PLAYS A'l‘ LINCOLN M‘HOOI. BIG _Sl'(‘(‘ESS .\' EXT (‘UMM l'Nl'I‘Y MITSH‘ALE Mi» ( J! (ML-nu: “34> HI give-I): “1 ‘rqf pizm from Mr Her [ha puTsuM I;k‘(‘~‘h(‘r phi: «- mmtxmt Musim IT: ”in Au>L nun,” K. \lusit'u‘; (‘lu'ux 4. :mn nf (hr ~zum- m'runizatinn she" A rlntIUSYtdKQ‘rnup meeting will he. {mi HH’ tint [H‘I'Iv fur Ihm bust sungs $110M '13. “then ha‘xl‘Tuésday (‘VcningtlfiYthC “ORKERS GIVE mhmmwi by a “‘umul‘ Compowr VIM-arxh 1.3. undnr the auspipts of thek CARD PARTY BIARC] Miss Rnimzstm 1.x at present living: (‘athulic Order pf Foresters of North- in Highland park I‘ern Illinois_ Then- will by, a good‘ The Mystic Work-N 0f the ‘ Thc NHW Dhmmm fn! thxf (‘0?(91’1 split-gram. ‘r'bcaklflg ‘E‘Qd' refreshments will ziw a can] party Friday mu m ”“3 weeks YI‘VSSWL’WCH Tht- mmmlttoc m charge of March .11, in Masm‘iv hull Re Hunk-ales at {hollthc mfaix ('rynfiist of .Iuhn ¥‘. Hitkev menu Wi‘l h 'e-thd A .nun A .| . I 5 - ‘ . g A“ E James Int-rung and J‘ .1, Bonfire. sion f9? vciH h“ charged. “‘11! l'w gnu-y“ There arv to lx- YVVU (‘vntcr thi~ nmnt‘h. Ir m (quantum puipul Hf NH At Yht 5'th rtl‘.‘ ('nrrm' -ut 1:3; Mi», Huih hv -- " ""1“ nwmtwr uf ti)»,x .wuvt u w‘h Ts nu mm}! nrhlrwmrm tn hm * ‘; <L1H 044111 sniv hf Iickv? “.IL'vv. -.~ui up a stage properly :1! .131!" JH’t rl‘.‘ ('flrrlt H Tm \wfu “6611117., \‘1 HM In.“ E Tumum‘ .‘vh ml}- (um! Robimonpi'ianisl‘ m pear at (‘ommunity (‘enter Next Week Friday I!) ht ~ rL-a-iVL-d her onfir Ir». Fannie thnfi'w wurvtiml <tudie> 1 i lkmlur Ktit‘kbh “W r and 'I‘hornalv! Am :1[‘]‘\'2U’(d as um lrl. \nm .m Symphony nrr'hwim‘ u'mnsnn was 1mm in southern 1m! ha: hwn odmutm! (-xciu- thi: s‘tatw. Htmp! for her nu lt-ssnns WIM her mvthvr. rL-a-ivL-d her onfire training: 5». Fanniv thnfiivM 'lnilm‘. nrvtival <tudie> have been (‘lu [Ur n-mnjz, Mun? haw we we v A Elm} Robin“ md 'I‘hornalv! Attorrtrnm. won firsfi t “on: _\'\‘:n‘~ :mu 5hr thr middiu wmtoru piano: 5 1hr Nzninlml devmhun (If: ‘lu'm. Ir: xiw ‘mé‘t vumpnti ' wrunizatinn she A u 1hr bust Songs “10M (hr ~zum tint pH'I‘ Hunk- lmtwwr; play whim'wi by \inlin :mt 'uhmth'dljv “my 'wh<)<.‘i!i)lll\i$i> 'M’l‘n ‘wml-h v.2» Hu- m H '1 “as? :1 w h duh-(l 'nrt-nt-Tmu-ht-x 1n n. rlr‘v g-hnU}; thix par _\'\‘:n‘~ ML’“ thr midrib flu- Nation: gx (ummun i 311w luwnw‘ mu! It then: x'nuz 1hr mytn-a- "1 nf Mr Wright. {in u Sthtwi. that the cum- HLYMHV indulwtod. x! Th! lN‘. \\ \' 1‘ “('1 )1” I‘m Hui 'l‘h. runny musicak- hi {hr (011th h H. thv audi» <11rv uf hear- nn. pianist. whn u)“ irt. with thl‘ Mi I'll A uru {or lnszuz Satirical Hit]. b myrrh-d ,h ‘ Hu- muhf, '1‘ hey MAR. 11 FPO-I Ill ut-ufmnvn ”momma” )V! r ufi k) .- anpzmr played stt" rat“? uh r [Wt pl been (‘m‘l Uh In! Uh it )wr‘ml 111.1 . y Jur)u Numu tum nut iupn ////,i in! Kaffly hid @‘fl tum WW ' ixn th “Ir-(u ' i ‘ , M; 'wlukm- elwtnr nulwn' nysu-m WNW” "‘0‘" "U“W‘i Ind uh" ”I! (1‘- UV- numhor .1! m'mdvnu Ind lives lost lhcsoun dinner wu om In excellent inn timl rmlway “'11.- iio-crvaswl about ,pI'Otrlm WI)- Kn‘rn. The {murmu- ififty 111T ant. ‘trvu, Mr! Frank F111. gun . (thurl wvh.’ Mlss- llypvn, nN'umplnlt-d by hr! mother. rung several longi- r Thr il‘MN'lfl‘lll'l “as read a letter ifrnm 111:» n 1.. (llt'sen, Chairman 1111' (hr ('1111-5 t‘nmmitlet-‘uf tbr llikh- WhK‘h culled {0'1“ unlit“! Ipplnuu. :luml l’arl; anun‘s clulv. Tho lt-ttcr Jqu‘lbbfltfi. rvproncnflng "“3 WP” istutml thni tlw anank club. actinx‘nmrv thus. spnkt- 1111 “Washmgtun. iwith Utlwr club.‘ in this city. ”2"“ 111-,thu Bow" Virginia Sr-wcumli. rop- wustigatmx tho muse 11f thv present resenting the Soninr class. spoke on ‘hizh scnst nf mmnmditios in High-.““'HShinmnll. 1hr Mam" Margaret iluml Park and tin high mst nf (lo-illay Spoke for the Juniur_clas.= on .liwn S“l"“\l<t'. I! asked that tho Bus-ii Slhuol Spirit ' and Elizabeth Jaegcr 1mm; Mm‘ .~ assmiutinn aid in this in.itth-nsh11mn 11-pri-so.ntativo spt k0 uni ‘ustigmiun. Ac-‘mniingly reprt~511nu1-i“\\hat “( ()Wl to «1111 Mothers." The ith'tS oft-31h of tht mai'n linu of bus- ‘ program (losml l») .1 ftW more songs lllt‘SS 111 the tit) were appointed tuilvy Miss llypos 1111] the guests ad Hum-t with 11 committco from the m), ijourrwd to the hays" gymnasium. Ilene :mu‘n's t-lulm. and uxpluin the mats tht PUPHS KfiVt‘ exhibitions in SW8d- Iin their respyclivv lint-1., This moot ish exercises, vaulting and marching. iniz will pmhably be held Man-h 1.), Between names a folk dance was giVâ€" 5 Th! assmiation passed :1 1t~solution I m. The program tnded with a very raising} tht mimthl) (luvs from $100Idt-liizhtf11l 80111 dance by Helen d9 Anâ€" tn $1.5 iguera 1 1 Th» Highland Park (we 11 today in the nmm a aH-nur', fm‘muflv mumh :i'a‘ tickzt oifivv of thv( ;S'nnn- mm Mihxauku l hww mmvu‘n will humil‘ :lim vf L'!‘m‘ul‘i('< I’t‘tc -n. lumsmn ls ”M p“ pr! 11mm “In-rating u imi‘ar ‘zmslun 2m mm“ mm. =>=.<<>< «earâ€"L =><m 2â€"34 JAGâ€"had 311:5 (Illh “(It I\\ \Vx-stcrr: l'ym yvfioniny by Thv '{J‘lenlnfi Haunt-l2: “Wm (ht ’ and tho vity authuritios starfm ri\'(‘u. h) dbtributv Un'm. I'l‘husv WhU T0 quntml HM rumba were informe< that it mull not hv 2 mm 0d out of or (it-r hu' mmt want 1t: 'urn. I)r.I‘ F M. humans wa~ flu iur‘ny man. H( M: < given “:H-‘fi Dr. Frank \L Inuuls Man: Had to l‘ a: 217.5: :3... ”5:2,? :m._.z<,: .32.: NEW GROCERY WILL OPEN HERE TODAY MARCH 15 DATE OF FORESTER? MEETING 'c-ler (Gmwgnuses of EVansum Shirts Store in St. Johns AV‘i-nut- \Ionster (Group nesting in With-n Hall Promises to besz Rh: Affair nli! 'l'hen Tickets Will Be Sold‘in 'l‘empomry Uffige 'in “'vst- o-rn l‘nion Building The' 1|‘l'ill tlk'kt‘t r Nurth Shun- :m 0; «Hi n-nmin t Thvn‘ \K'h \vn» quihr a scramblv fur 1hr nnm'rwr. "31» H." Tm-sdn)‘ \vhvn rit). \‘vhiclo: liu-nsv p'luu-s arâ€" ui tm- vity authuritios starfod ibun- thvm. I'l‘husv who ro- thv rumba were informed LIHTHIUIH r!m\¢“1’\ 05 \ “ill H?“ v in High The Im‘zllm Had to B0 “ranted In Order Park groceryv will . mum at 7 ' .Idhns mumivd “5/ the 10- »f tvh‘w .w-ugn North aukw railway. The l handh- n L-nmpletc I’t‘tcl‘ -(;k‘(ll‘j:0US(“S r. 110 has (‘ DTP“?! finer ( Ilighlar mtv Hf 1h" ('hfl'll‘ ‘j Mllxxnuku- ruil- tmpurm‘ii} in thv I:. v! \\‘:i~ tfn‘lurwl x m’ (In railway. i~ 1hr Lucky is! I'lvlk , ‘ uf' HH- lh I’ (fi‘nmflimm sun Rmu IT\I{\I\(. [H' l’ n z; w H e ,l’riscik’z} i'urvrr at thv piano. Mifs Hnyri has a wunriurful \‘Qioe ’an/l ()sw'li has h-cn Very fivrtuhatv n bring." :xhle- in secure nor faT this ‘m'vusion. 8hr hm appéarcd in High» :L-md Park a number of‘times and thnso who haw heard her will be inâ€" ;tvrvstui in hmring her mum. 3 Tm- hostess of the afu-rnonn will be thv l’rm‘dcnt and the Board of ‘sDirm-Iors. The program is in charge 17M ono'of ()ssoli's past presidents. I‘This will not be a guest day, only $members of the club heirs: invited to Eattend. "Svhuol Spirit," and Elizabeth Jaegcr, the Fn-shnmn representative. spnko on “What We ()wv tn nur Mothers." The program closvd by a few more songs by Miss Hypos .md the guests ad- journod to the hoys' gymnasium. Ilene the pupils gave exhibitions in Swed- ish exefcisvs, vaulting and marching. Betwwn games a folk dance was giv. on. The program ended with a very (lolmhtful'solu dance by Helen de Anâ€" 2'09”}. 0880].] TO CELEBRATE ITS 27TH ANNIVERSARY Joyfl‘ibbetts. rvproncnung the mph nmn- thus. spnko nn “Washrnmnn. the Bow" Virginia Nr'wcumh. rop- rosvnting the Senior élass. spoke on “Washingtnn. ”1» Man;" Manure! Day spoke for the Juniur_class on Thy 0530“ Club wiH (-(‘lvbratv its twenty-xumntk mmivs-rszn‘y no“ Tuesday nfn‘rnmm. Them will I'm a musical prnuram n-ndt-rvd by Emma I’utton Huyd arunmpzmivd by MES l’riscik’z} i'urvrr at thv piano. To Be Shown Wednesday and Thurs- da) of Next Week. Mun- day. “Wing Tn)" Thy following max-ins will lw shown at. Pearl Theatre nvxt Week: anizhl, “Billions" from the French drafna by JeaneJnso Frappa: Friday, “Love. Honnr and Behavef" Satur- day, “Play Things of Broadway;" Sunâ€" day, “Thn Sacred Flam‘bf‘ Monday, "Wing Tuy." “The Son of Tarzan;" Tuesday and Wednesday. Charles Ray Musical l’rugram to be Given by Emma l’atwn Iloyd Next Tues- day Afternoon CHARLES RAY IN “NINE- TEEN AND PHYLLIS in “Nineteen and Phyllisf‘ Thursday, “The Mountain WOman." from the story, “A Pagan of the Hills," by Charles Neville Buck; Friday. Max Lindvr in “ficVL-n Years Bad Luvk;" Saturday.:W'illiam Rogers in “Boys \Vill be Box-s." Mntimm at 2:30 Sat Saturday. :“I “H” be Boys urday. Tumo‘rr-nw evening. March 4, High- land Amliatod (‘uum-il North Ameri- can Union will hold a (-uvhro party in Witten hall. Tirkets may bP prucurvd from any of the members. The pub- lic is invited tn attend The Mystic Workers of the “'0er will giw a can] party Friday evening, March .11, in Masonk- hall. Refresh- ments will in se-erL A mm” admis~ sion fee vsiH h“ charuvd. CARD PARTY AIARCH lllllhgg;;t-linvenfitޤ'ilil {Vzive‘ a dance in th{' high thool gymnasium. This is an e Mystic Workers of the World annnnfl aflair given for the purpose giw a can] party Friday evening,_ of purchasing new equipment for the :h .11, in Masonir hall. Refresh- department. Tickets are now on sale 3 win in se‘rVu-d‘ A mm” admis~ and e‘v’eryone should make an exert U. EITCHRE PARTY TOMORROW EVENING .hn) almdy mm mun} inc-nth 1n mum ”firth“ Park who .n ver) rind of ”HM u» morrruhon over lb: 1'“ (11111111111111!) to an and hear her phom n-lgnvctqun ”Irwin your H mm. Th1 chnrrh “1H undoubtedly may of rebmry 10th. nhtlw V IN filled to uverflmnnp 11nd thou lax" 111 whxh you mu: mummy 5011!! an 11mm (1 to mm: The Bulfd of Review Gm yen enrly. T undated their union of last year. 1 putting the 3071 increar mu '1- ‘ ' J 1901 so the oh'ecton will not be (.HE MUSICAL PROGRAM I abh to (4415” :Juyment lhih chf ‘ AT REGI' l AR MEETING a1 a matter of fart 1)“ Board did i not take an) action t” nttempt tn vd ‘ ‘ , .1dau 1L1: mvalid and Illegal 1m rage 0' MW” M‘r ”em" Ema) ’0‘" 'i0',. made in 1919 in the \aluatiun in The regular meeting of Campbell Chapter No. 712 0. E. S. was held last evening. Following the business meeting a short program Wu: given. the entertainment committee. -in charge. A duet’was played by Muriel and Pauline White of Glencoe. followâ€" ed by two *selectiuns “The Kerry Dance" and “Because" sung by Mrs. Virgil (I. Musser accompanied at the piano by Mrs. W. J. Brown. Little Lois Larson very cleverly danced Aniâ€" tra's dance, Miss Salome Brand play ing for h( r. Mrsfill. (i‘. Bruidert and Miss Charlotte Brand favored the chapter with 2 selections, “Tannhaus- or Man-h" and “Walse from Faust," followed by 11 Trovatoro by Pauline White. Dudley Edwards in his usual clever manner sang two 54:11:35 “Ma- tilda" and "'1‘an l’rrtty Crvaturu" ac- companied by Miss Brand. This pru~ 2mm was so greatly appreciated by the members that it is hoped that a similar one will be given in the near future. Eastern Star Member: Enjby‘ifle- lightful Emminment Lu! 7/ Evening WOMAN’S AUXILIARY TO MEET MARCH 17 To Hold All Da} Meeting at Fresh): Ierian ('hurch. Will Sen {or Local Hospitav The next all day sowinz‘mectinz of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Highland Park hespital will be held on Wednesday. March 16. at 10:30 in the Presbfiorian (hum-L1 There is still a large amount of “ark (0‘ be done fun. the hospital and the chairman of the sewing cummiuee is anxious to finish what is already smrtad before undertaking: the layâ€" pttes which will be given when nec- essary to patients occupying the free bed for maternity cases which the auxiliary supports. ‘ .mn. Thr chnrrh \nH undoubtedly be filled to uverflmnnp and thou Wishing “at! an whim-d to Cumr early. It is hoped that a 187m- percentage of the members will find it possible to be present at this mL-eting. They are requested m bring their (vivn luncheon and ('nfit‘v will be guru-d. The last meeting on Frb. 11‘. Wm Wd) attendéd and a numtwr hf curtains and dish Lowol's were finished and taken to me hospital. The girl scouts are 51150 Wiping: with the 51-wâ€" ing and they hm’e- mkm; the {my mv. ers and napkins‘ tn «ms; stitch. Thmr ‘assist'anqe is much appreciated. Nifi‘u'u' P... u. “,4 Han finn- ST. PATRICK’S DANCE f TO BE AT HIGH SCHOOL? Thursday evening, March 17. St, Patrick’s day. the Highland Park fire in" Matt»! 0‘ 1h! mun mu Anon". 313' Wall 1 O 'fihur in thx- A dance will be g‘iwn m: Hasn't is an Monthy. Mirth 2%, m Witu-n had, rurpose under the auspices of Highland Park for the lodge No. 4416;110:431 Order of M00943. on sale Refreshments will be served The ‘ effort pubiie is cordially im'ned \0 he prey ent.- - Highland Park property involved in me case of Peopli vs. \ail, and no record appears of sudh action or on tempted action. fieither did th( Board of Review attempi‘tozli‘alidaw m H legal action in any place i‘fi‘rhe county except. Waukegan. . \‘ There has been current in tho city a great deal of mis-infonnatiom which undoubtedly has misled a frat number of people. 'I‘herefon- at this time it is very fitting that a clear statement b9 had of (m. who]: tax situation. By the decision uf the Supreml Court of Illinois, it was decided thlt the horizontal raise of 302‘.- in High land Park. Lake Forest 'nmi Lemin townships in the munty was illegal, i valid and void; The 30'? horlzon ta raise meant in 1919 an average .01 18“} in the actual taxes paid Th:- ((‘ontinued (m Pagl- 10) mew LICENSE ms . ‘ARE AT cm mu The new HighlandaPark city license tags for vehicles arrived Tuesday. xmi over 100 have alregfly beer issued The numbers are arranged as fr hows: from 1 to 30,’trueks; 50 to 77», motor ryvles; 100 to 200,,1ight ‘d'eliu-ry vars; 200 to 300. pleasure cars owr 3:.“- h:-rse power; and 390 to 700 plem; n cars less thanâ€"35 horse poww. Rebate ls Being Paid 0n l'nex pired Portion of Term (pf the Present Vehicle ' License ['R’GEALL T0 Gm THEM The city authoritiua an \ngcvst ing that everyone owning a vehicle in this city provide hims’elf with one of the new tags. Tags may be sewn (d by paying the 1921 license fee. Al- though thc‘prosent licenses do not expiré until April 30, it"is urged um new ones be secured immediately. A rfi'hato will be paid fur 1m. urexpired term. 'l’lw action of tlw m'tyin‘ providing the new license is memly aimed for thw lrnvenicnz-e of the local mofnrists. Highland Park whit-Ms bearing the «qty ,lievnsa plzm- will rm: be males:- ml by flu» ('hicaun police authuvilim (‘ars wilhuut any (-izy llvcnsc plate arr- being Ahppurl daily 2? Chlrago, and their (lrlvrw are l‘fmdtâ€"d wrilten imtmctions to appear :2: (MM. One Illghlaml Park wuman was raved a trip to a (‘hicapw murt Mrnday, only mung}: llw (-fl‘nn hf the tuna} huth Kim‘s. HUNT”? :M. an M “MCI L. 0. 0.2M. TO HOLD EASTER DANCE 2!]

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