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Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Mar 1921, p. 3

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INN H! Co. hurt ‘2 : Sewmg Machme: Repaired Called : for md Delivered Highland Pn'k :oooooooocoo- WWW) ; Telephone 715-R I OOOOOUOOOOOOOOOIOOCIOO OCOOOOOOOOOOIOOIOOO AD makes of watches. clocks md Jewelry for. called repaired and delivered Telephone 265 .0000... 50.... ; 41 5!. Johns Avemn : : mouLAH) PARK ILLIMH~ ' O .IOOOOUOOIDCOODOOOOIIOOOO. .o..‘OOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOODO Watchmaker and Jeweler Sixteen Years at Schneider’s 364 Central Avenue ....ooooooooo00.00.0009... 0 TELEPHONE "7, . suit, Bulk Bldg flau' 1/ . E. Waterhouse URI DR. J . W. SHED!) ML. WATSON DENTIST Mu max. flhrhland Park T'Iephom GO DDOQIODOOOOc. [If \ I IS! D EN'I‘IS'I‘ .03....0000000. Mu NICHOLS VOOQHuoooo. i’ “These harms. ‘the short and lim- pre animals of thv pmr.’ thrive by the {banana on the West Coast. Han, > “The Yaquis with the federal troops ‘i are termed 'Manws.‘ or 'tamo‘ Yaquis; ’ihnsp in the Mile. wild and hostile. iare the 'Brom-hos.‘ The latter are a vagrant lbt, robbing ranches for food [and animals. carrying‘ rawhide drums iand water gout-(is. wearing nndals of igmn mwskin‘iiving by their wits. ’l'rnssed hr hunger, they subsist as we“ on harm as beef. “0! these Indiana (lu- S.000 anui‘t. with their crude llacntete hm farts. their weird ceromnnml masque rianws and their warllko' tarimrlc. are easily most rompir-uou». Many are enlisted with [hp federal army or employed as mnrh hands and mine or railroad la~ borers. President Ohm-gun who has Just. -ibeen installed a» «hie! executive of the Republic of Mexico, rules over a popuixtion or man}- tongues. This multiplicity of isnguages is not due to wholesale immigration as in the Unit- ed States. but to a failure to “Mexiv canize" a large part or the Indian .popuiation. The causes of many of {the revolutions which‘ have disturbed ithe progress of Mexico can be traced [to this diversitv of tongues and the idlflerences in thnught and ideals that ineppquarny follow. : “‘lrrnm Sonora tn Yumtan, more: jthuu fifty separate dialects are t ispoken." writes Frederick Simpicli in ‘ a (-nmmunimtiou to the Nutlmml erâ€" ' ‘ grimhic society. "All the inhabitants of the West Coast. hmrpwr. with the exceptiun of some hi)! tribes of Indians can un- der<tnmi Spanish. “-mqfi” I MEXICO: A MODERN BABEL t‘\ {mm “ll‘uwx “t'l' .‘m‘ H iiH-s‘mn H QAA A A AAA- A A fiHflllllllmmllllllIIIIIII"II"Ill"ll"HumIII"mu""ll""mmm"mummm"fl"I“mmmmm"muummmu"Hum""HulmflnulmuulmW AAAAA“‘..V m 5| u of [he mum 1'1“ JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILé IIIIIIII THE HIGHLAND W PRESS. mgmxb ism FM my m . wr, Hn- Pygmy n.» thsmm m {xiv hut-v gl‘nltK, an ,1' ”1‘, (mu-u: "qwummnus Hm \.§tl.’v\ 7"” N" r? ‘4:va mm Nani" [1» here dwells a Inst trH-v- ,le' \e'l'y Imll)!‘ :' (N; \Y‘..." N n!‘ ~‘zl\:‘:t‘* is knmn: in but hm for this Irlbe has mwvr M-vn Hm-«L ‘upllf‘tvd.’ or m‘vu owlmmvd v1 51 1s nMv-r. rwrhum. mm. H'w A7,- '«2\. H mug. mnn [w (h:- lzwf ‘ugmvm HI lht- Amm‘h’rm "'HH‘ Srrts, UNI”! gr...ri_"m-.‘. Tlli‘\l‘ ~11'21lxm' [:9qu n lurwly, (Shark) inâ€" ‘t‘ "Mimi. and tho-j. mmnm 'il rm-k ,t‘nllwi 'l'ihuru}: run wild, We 'the wild Hesopotamlu.‘ We will then have objections filed for you to the application of the such portion of your taxes as are illegal, without any If your taxes charge of‘the ca further expens are reduced then, in addition to the initial fee above se a sum equal to 255'; of whatever may be saved. If you desire to object to the payment of the illegal part of your County Collector your tax bill, and then send such tax bill (both real- should fill out and at the same time forward to the undersimed the r We have been advised that a s iectable in 192]) ai'e illegal. and t tect their rights before payment i The association will look after We will examine and audit an) payment of the portion thereof Whi eaek$100. 00 or fraction thereof a: assessed is $30900 or more. Mom of HM. Wild mm) an- -7"1' '5 An My post office a ldress is I inclose herewith bill for In general taxes (both real and personal) for th , e year 1920, together with my check for $ . . in payment of your initial fee for preliminary costs in investigating my taxes. It. is understood that if my taxes are not reduced, 1 am to pay nothing further, but if my taxes are reduced, then I agree to pay such counsel 8’ sum of money equal to twenty-five per cent, of whatever may be saved me. Gentlemen Lake County Tax Payers Association, (Not Inc.) "0 11h mum, L ”n anr .‘vu Indians. some n! bl)\"\ Nd [-l.‘ Hm u". May” Hr» 'un mnvlms . R'vH-mhenisw! hrnnth n- fairly fuming” ’0 the \n .-r. .. {hmht The hr Pygmy 1h» lhnhumn 2mg, an .1‘ ”1‘! (mu-um Hm \.§tl.’r TM» in (’121.~<i" [1% \Y‘..." N, 1 108K frHu- n!‘ sznuutw m- is knnun in but t‘wv nnd urruu‘s. ”"31”"! h ~01”). of [Irv anu! R .ur MH' . [A'- at‘ run advjsed that a substantial part of the general taxes levied in ai‘e illegal. and that collection thereof can be‘ prevented if tax shin-u. n-.-.____,‘4 - lid Asses or '"nd ”mt um Ix< hostile )wad from ‘ "‘9 “OLQ‘NWX Wuwrs~ of the Gulf of Ime n! whom? Camomxa. Ami all down rhls~ coast runs. znhnhu Th9 name of ‘.hurun is spoken with u! um Ymms 1‘ “If"? 0! Y‘-- *huuldvrs, fur these Mn' . [.\-- SPH‘ are ”In us and klhu-e, it 1. In; Hmiixml, "“““ WNSIH‘:\ Um! lung .zgo they trusml hvlp-‘ \wro canntlmls.” and plan“: payment is made (“W hm'n Our hth‘k 01 u vulnpnm which was 20 den-10p u minim: «jmlru. Can You Aflord' to Loco? “Ho“ mm )1 women haw \ou S: (15de ”w ('mpluu r. ”W uanUX Sonu- years mm :1 )wmg urr' whu had n'ul n-d :. [Irnfit an .1 ‘mnuil run! (Mme den! upplimi for udvit'v to M“ Pmphuvr. :1 mm: of mun} millions Mm was noted for mkim; l‘hum'es un npw entt-rprisvx. Thy ytluhg man was mn~ sidi-rin; muking 2m 'i‘nu-sxuwm in the httx‘k 01 u vuuqmm \Almrh was ubuu: m den-10p a mining rmlm. Man Who Knew the Ropes Talked Commen ~Sense. .mJ M. u... you may aeuu us, so mat you may pay the legal part promptly and resin which attorneys employed advise are illeg‘Ql ; you to pay us in advance thwefor $1.00 for «f assessed against you up to $300.00 and in flat sum of $5.00 in all cases where the taxes: A PAPER MILLIONAIRE her the interests of any tax any tax bill you may send l Attorneys are specialists on Taxation Co-operation is the best way. CONTRACT 'hafpvnr mnv kn unnnd Secretaries‘William Wright » Oflices )A E. Smith. 8.8 ‘ MW you saved 7" H..- umoum wab . ILLINOIS gal part of your tax, you should obtaih from the office of the ,x bill (both real and personal) to the undersigned at onqe; and undersigned the contract, together with check for initial fan ‘sxgnea the contract, together with check for initial f'ee‘ LAKE COUNTY TAX PAYERS ASSOCIATION, (not -pay9r upon the following basis: s, so that yQu may pay ithe 5 nos." L. renal-Md. “It is the l(‘- vumulution of about twentyflve years of spnculatlon and the par value at ‘lha stock azzrvmnwx sewn)! million‘ dollars. of course. 1 did not buy it at 113 par value: some or it cost me aboul wha! you are asked to pay for the stock you are» thinking or buying and some of it less. If it is mining stock you want. ynu can hire an ex- prmn wagon to can the box and its contents to your home and you will (be :3 paper multimillionaire. {or you ‘ can have it 1! pm will lake it awly. ‘am Wright, Waukegan,~lll. . Smith, 8 Sheridan Road, Highland Park "Can you afford to lose nr' was me next question. "Nu." (be young man replied; "it Is all I have except my Maury." "Cum? with the." the finulwlez‘ said. He led the young‘mmu m :1 vault ad- }olnlng the office where ucoumants and clerks were at work and pointed to a pixie M: in a corner. 80:? Fail of Disappointment. “That m is x‘N‘ of mining and all s not." 1.. renal-Md. “It is the l(‘- tuned. the total beiilg but a few drod donuts. Yours truly. Lake Counts for the year, 1920 (col -payers take proper legal steps to pro hun- i The Wain: man took m;- (ex-player's advice and a few years Inter hold 3 substantial financial Interest in a pm perous real esxaxe firm. "The time will come, it shun don ‘ when you will have an opportunity 0- lnvesx In some human; mm which you are (mum and 1:: which you will have something to my M’ management. Keep your money w you can control It; don't me It to strangers to play with. «x “1 can afford to uke chums, ta Ln the long run I am thud of the $3139.71)!!! you are no! in my clue 1nd shguld play safe." vemmems untn yoi have it‘d-unto! enough capital so that you on do" (u low. («It the chances are About mu to I that you will lose. ‘ Go Slow and Plly Bah. "Pu: your money In “PM! f‘uflth-n hnndw mommended by loll-t reliable bank. must company or onw’ “My ndvice to you, however. In .- kéep out of mining and of} and b ‘, Ill. mc mu m which you .' to my M‘ your mom w : don't the It to 1111. aka chums to am thud of the PAGE

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