w Hood made the ï¬rst Rattle Kipgâ€" -,,‘.L A. BUTTER--EGGS--MARGARINES Telephone 57 u-vvvr Sturdy. gt sole: mm bl" u; H0061 m. Pasquesi Bros. Motor Express Co. 1031 Fort Sheridan Avenub Phone n7-m-J WHH’E ROCK WAVSKLEY Ehave put our beg: i!~.' ‘: Auulc King.0ur best in de- sxgn. m main»! and .u v y, m up-to-date construnion. It is an ided mer‘ hm: and NEW renrescntative ofthe name #466} .- a name on footm'ar “thich you can make your buying guide and guarantee. The sturdy Kanle King soles of gray tire-Read flock give months of hard wear. The haw,- brovm fleece linings keep the feet warm. Look for the name +5009. Ask for Kattle Kings because (hey ï¬t well. clean easily and cost least for the season’s wear. 34;} any dealer or unit as. “I rive km how good rubber: could 6:," What: Rod: wearers tell FinestOuality Home Dressed Poultry us Thu ml] be your expenence.too, beans: noc 1 angle pan leaves the 4†phmwnhout full mspemon. Sturdy. gray. murud sole: onncd m heavy bl“ upper: by the Hood Proctss Made m :1! me: for all kmds of hard mm: Thzy m iudm. Highland Park and Chicago BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE. Give us a will and thousands of “wearers know that. the HOOD PRESSURE PROCESS ~still makes HOOD RUBBER PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. WATEITOWN C. B. HANSEN, Proprietor it outwear an it ations. Make round trips daily between Shore Creamery 685 Central Avenue Do you rembcr the old black pure gum boon whmh um sufl good nï¬er years and years of keepmg.’ 44†Red 8001; ac (he only red boms which wxll ad the Mme way And this clearly shows' (ht vdue ol the patented Hood Pressun Process th Boots war long and look wtâ€. PASQUESI BROS. MASSACHUSETTS Highland Park, Illinois RE D BOOT ACTIVITIES ,OFTBE E . AMERICAN RED GROSS The Chicago Chapter of theCAmeri- can Red Cross, through its Home Ser- vice Department has (since the War began) asxumed the responsibility for the dependent family of the soldier and has expended thousandgs and thousands of dollars in the readjust- ment of ~suldicr‘s into civil life after Llu- arxi'stiw. Ralhvr rucenfly. in unior that tlw Chis-35:0 Chapter might At Cantu Pk An inter letigs, to b of over}; 1‘ the city 0 branch of" will he tli (in u :zim'e mnwmmtul piou- «:I work. «(inference I" I' [Ii-1m}? who h-m‘v the public ‘huxhh hnsphuls. a worker from the Him! (5m will folluw 1m m into their Ehmm-s In >(‘l‘ that the directions nf t \Lx‘ 1M Him! Ho'x‘ \\ hu WAS 21 mm timv 7'1 v Hu- wmnzm the physii'mi “7‘0 carried out. ('lusï¬rs are bring organized in Nu- trition and Food Sula-Lion, cswciaL ly adapted to the needs of the soldiers sum-ring l'i‘nm vermin diseasvs where tlw diet is alniusf, a mutter of life and death. While these classes are especially for thv families of the solâ€" (livi‘s, they urt- opt-n Lu anyone. The l'lHSSE‘S will be held at 511. 58 E. \Vushingtun SL, (Thicagu. STAYS GRANTED Marie and Joe l’aule of Fourth Lake fame and Max Maxim of considerable-J fame near the Lake County and Cook? (‘ounty line, may not have to go tol jail and may not have to pay theirl lines as a result of the sentence im- posed upon them in the Lake Conny Court. That is they will not have to comply with the provisions of the statute for the time being, possih‘ly not until full and maybe not at allyac- cording to a recent report. Atty. Bloek appeared before the Ap- pelale Court at Ottawa on Thursday an¢sucured a writ of supercedaes di- rected to the County Court of Lake 1(‘ounty, which merely instructed the (‘ounty Court to do nothing fur- ther in the three cases in question un- trial on the sentence of the Lake review the case and announce its ï¬nal decision with reference to a new trial or The (‘ounty Court. It is recalled that} Joe Paule‘ was found guilty and Was sentenced to eight months in jail and a ï¬ne of $800. His wife, Marie, was given three months m jail and a ï¬ne of $2.r >.0 Max- im was ï¬nul $600 and given six months in jail. it was in connection with this appeal that Mr. Black appeared before the‘ Court on last Thursday 'and argued for the supercedaes which was grant- ed. Immediately after the sentence was announced the defendants took an appeal to the Appelate Court and Acmrdinzly in View of this act b3} the higher murt nothing will he done in these three cases until {all at the very uarlicst. I" Hlil Hi1 hmiri (5 THE LINGEPING, ’* ' V RECOLLECTIONS on THE BEST MEAL YOU MAY PAWKE or’ Htif! you EVER ATE. ~â€" w»LL- mmmoananm: a: ommw say we musmmon itm‘uuu-u nu; .y..y.,..........-_, -v‘ mdent family of the soldier An imavregimental league of ath- : expemléd thousandls and lctlgs, to be composed of the members «ls uf dollars in the madjust- of «very National Guard regiment in F‘suldicm inlu civil life after the city m‘ Chicago, coven'ng every i'stiw. Ralhvr recently. in branch ()f‘spert, indoor and outdoor, mt t‘lw Chis-35:0 Chapter might will he the outcome of the dinner we mnwmrntul plow u! work. mnferunce tu bc‘held under the aus- llw nlul Lhm llu- ruturnml sulr â€vices m" the Chicago National Guard u “'05 tho bnlhwl. had him! Sufr :Qmmission, Mayeh 11. at the Canton imp :1, z-e-mllllllish himself in- I tun garden, Wabash avenue and Vim wmnzumty :nul tlml the (.Wiiâ€"llluren strem. , hnpuw, Hume Sump. W'UlllLli 'l‘rupbivs will be warllml in the ln- . ., ‘4 .A “unnun waï¬EA‘FOFCS†RE STAU KAN T Uh Ll in 3.13% Em 3m»; 3 4mm manage 41m nHO< On C<.Zo: HOME COOKING MOSES BLDG. mammal: 5" UK «'I U\\1}wi. I} u']" npt‘nmi. ONE LONG SERIES OF MEALS! .11 hi Ll?_E___ IS JUST 1H a sentence oflthe Lake IN ; BOOZE CASES \\ SOME HEAL HI ppm-H \‘l\ \x‘m n- H21 H (‘Hl‘flf VII" Akin}; as hnépitul-t II cun‘d‘m‘t A wm’i; {WE thv chm'tvr ' p x m- in llll‘l'l 'l‘rupbics wiH be wardm in the in- h‘l‘ rvgimzmtal mmpetxtions to amuse a .-~piri1 uf mhletic ï¬valry as keen as that shuwn among ‘he colleges and u.:|i‘.or.~‘iti\'~'. according to Lawrence \Yhit‘mg, xhairman of the athletic «unrnmw uf flu mmmixsi‘m. Bau- built but hull. ixflï¬ke', ball, lmwiinr. :mrix mm'ts. swimming “'3“. he umum: Hi" mums \ï¬ 'hi"‘\ “1v Nn'ï¬unu' ; 1 I l g ( ! i x 1 4 i '(iumw! :dhhztus \xill (-Inxnpum'. â€We i'hton‘i In put the alhh’UU {my ILLH- mmr in a his: way in a“ the (‘himzu armiwics," said Mr. Whiting. h'nohn Glfllflï¬â€™l‘O’ ‘ HOLD DINNER MARCH 1»: A: cm» 129; 11.1'1 11H!†111 111111: way 111 an 1111; ( 111111.111 Mmruics " 511111 \‘11 Whiting 1‘111111‘11111f1r11111»1}111ncr “1’ will in- viu- Maya Thnmlmm Judge K. \1. 1.111111â€. 31115.1.111111111111111 “00d and staff, Adjt. (1011. Frank S I)i1ks1m, of the State National Guard, A: A. Stak'k, Manin A. I‘M-laney, member of the tnunnission’s athletic cumnï¬b 11111, Spurting editors. the commanding 111111111‘5 71,11†the Chicago regimen nts and 111111 per munal staffs the athletic comâ€" mittee 111 emh 1-'ompan5 in all the roginu-nts git/hr city and many others who are interested in athletics; While thon- already are under way plans for track meets and other athletic events in some of the armorios, the object of this dinnebmnferencc is to establish a permanent system of competitive athletics, covering: every branch of sport. This is what is needed to make membership in the National Guard regiments attractiVe to the young men of the city." - , The ï¬rst intervregimental track meet under the auspices of the Na- tional Guard commission will be held in the First Regiment armory, 16th street and Michigan avenub, on the owning of March 19. The details of this meet are being worked out by Maj. Ollie Steele of the First Regi- ment. Boxing rings have been furnished all the armaries and some of the com- pany champs nlready are getting into‘ shape-for the ï¬tic bouts. The Firsti Regiment has started bowlilt con-‘ tests. and the boys of the 7th are go- ing to make a feature of swimming. An instructor in this branch already has been appointed. The First ï¬eld Artillery has a well equipped gym» nasium and the members are taking a‘ \{éen interest in handball, basket? ball ‘and indoor base ball. Polo teams also will be organized. RAILROADS COMI’ELLED PAY; MORE THAN PBEYAJ}, G RATE FOR UNSKILLED LABOR The basic rates of pay for unskiHâ€"t ed railroad labor (as ï¬xed by‘agreev“ ments made under government conâ€" trol of the roairoads) are 39 to 48% cents an hour~$3.l2 to $3.88 per eight-hour day. Tlxe Railroad Labor Board now in ~session in Chicago, has declined to suspend these rates and permit the roads, as they requested. to pay the prevailing rates of wages. ‘J TO THOSE INDUSTRIES, and bear: with grave injustice upon the great body of our farmers. In their petition to the Lgbor Board with respect to wages paid to un- skilled labor the railroads said: ‘ Since your decision was made on July 20, 1920, these rates have fallen materially throughout the United States. “To require the railroads to continâ€" ue to pay wages far in excess of those paid by other industries is UNFAIR “Within" the next month or six weeks practically “be! the railways of the country must recruit their un- skilled labor for es. “It is desirable that a lat-3e part of the work for_ which' these men are necessary be boncentrated in periods when the same laboij not needed in harvesting the cropsx “We therefore ask ‘the immeQiate permission of your Board to pay for Sometimes we wonder if the actors Who make us laugh Wonder-why we do. ' When prejudice is pierxed'we stand I: chance of getting somewhere in a dispute. ,. “All ï¬xings come :0 him who waits" not. 4 flan, Org-diam»: of AflIIeï¬ca “rand feed them according to directions that will be {ur- nished you by-NORTHWES’I‘ERN DEPT. STORE and watch the eggs roll out. VITALITY POULTRY FEEDS are rapidly becom- ing the recognized standards of perfection for health, strength and egg production. , REMEMBER: VITALITY-FEEDS ARE GOOD FEEDS VITALITY IS WHAT WE ALL NEED VITALITY BRINGS RESULTS Manufactured by CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING BOOI: ,. 387 Cantu] Avenue Hours 9a.m. to 6p.m. Sunday: 2 to 6 1). ll. \ unnamed b7 mm Church or‘cm-m. Scientist. of manual Put CHURCH SERVICE: Sunday a. In. in 102‘s. Sunday School up modulo!) tailoring; Wednesdny Evening Tunmonlu Sou-flee a 8:00 U [Look Qver your lést 3 '31: S 3pnng’ s Cloth? and put g them m ï¬rst-class cbnditiom. Our prices are very low " .3 Good calied for and delivered. thawing, Repairing, Pressing, Dyeing TELEPHONE 1500 394 CENTRAL AVE Drink Milk ~ .;:: Fresh Country Bottled Milk f Bowman {Dairy Co. Are Your Hens Laying Up"[‘0 Their Full Capacity? NO! THEN (“ALL 1'!" 2 .1 Phone Number 211 (â€STE and order a bag of I //§ Vitality Egg M315}; ' , , m- ~\ V D. 0' PURDY»? SONS I“: ROSENBAUM BROTHERS You are Cordully Invited to make use of the privileges of the Depends upon your Health Your Efï¬ciency Telepboï¬e Highlund Park 9 ‘QUALITY IS W“ Drink More Mill: and!» More Efficient and ' Vitality Scratch DeNUNZIO ton-um Q79 Chicago, Illinois LISTEN Feed Catalog Free +0? nounsâ€"g has: in. mi N :4ch jut. ptn‘ d1“! the in: U4