Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press (1912), 10 Mar 1921, p. 4

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"My” 3:193:91: .. Six .‘rhmhs “rue Months lstl‘ has mown m Lev»; that hr posed m hih‘ Tue cabinet apwfimxcnzs :‘arc 111(112110111 and guaranh-c 11111 01'â€" 111391 ' adm1n111’1at'01151 f 1119 1am 1h drpmtmnnu of 1101': 1'111111‘111 “1‘. 1141111111: bids-1111i does no; 161111 1% hi 5 {We-1191113501 HOUR-11 tn 111., II) 5111119111111 :tii’ru " 111111 men m 11.51 1.11:1.“ 11111111) 111,- is “11111111 to share the rtsponsihilities of his ufiice ~11 far as the 12111 pt'l'!’"".". 11'11~1 1119.11 11f;‘.1‘1€\1 ability, uni to m‘kc 171111115111 111111 the leadmm mimia v« 1‘ 1118 3211101121'0 man is grvuf 11111111111 111 adminis- ter .1 111.1 01.1 irrsun 121.1 the I.u1 (1.101111 01 11 111- «111% ~\t*111111(1111 :1 111111131” 111111111 iike th'}; Lnited States. and 11 111.1 11111211151: he 111‘ tea-muted to do this dry thing that 311.\\11wn, 1:19:11 as 111- is. fai1ed and lost 11 1e corfiidcnce Ut the 1.1901111; .«uvw “u- .-.,. V“ 7,7,7, Vv , , , ‘ . The Inaugural Adéesis almost of necessity deals in generalities and avoids debatable ’ nestions, but it i patriotic, constructive. optimistic and tonic in; its tone and temper. it sets forth a sturdy Americanism which r fuses to be inVOlved in entangling Europâ€" ean alliances hut on ‘ e other hand, it displays a willingness to evaporate with other nations tor th Welfare nf’tlie world, for the lightening oi the hurd ns of tnil’itaris and for the establishment nt‘ permanent peace. endorses the movement tn retlut'e military and naval expenditurqs: for armament and miviwates the estah- lishn‘ent ot' a “writ! spurt tn settle internat‘i-mnl disputes. “We \\'L)"-_ll,l net haule an America living within and for herself alone," the Premdent Writes. "hut we would have hei sell-reliant. independent. and everi mhlcr. .‘tronger and richer. Believing in our higher standardalreared through constitutional liberty and maintained opportunitj. We invite the World u the same heights." Ami enntinuingr hid outline of progca he says, “I speak for administrative efficiency for lightened tar urulens, for snund com- mercial practices, for hdequate credit f ilities. fur sympathetit' concern for all agriculthral problems, to he omission of unneces- sary intert‘eience of government with business, for an end to govern .tent's exmrimdnt in business and for more efficient busi- ess in government administration." ‘ntered as second class ‘t‘C ‘ The phrasing of thd address is at times awkward and obscure and in this partieulariit is in marked contrast to the masterly rhetoric of the state p as of Mr. Harding‘s predecessor and the delightful clarity of he utterances. It would be easy to pick samples of verbal infelicities. perhaps the most striking is one which has already beeii commented on}, it is as follows: “No one justly may deny the eq ality of opportunity which made us what we are. We have mis aken unpreparedness to embrace it to be a chalienge of the reali y, and due concern for making all citizens tit for participation wil give added strength of citizenship and magnify our achievem ts." What this means it is impossible to say, it may be that the resident has been misreported, let us hope so, but in any case the kiosing paragraph of the address is so fine that it atones for any 0 all foregoing defects and it deserves to be written in letters of go] and to be preserved for all time as an ex- ample und an inspiratién for American statesmen. It is as folâ€" lows: l “I accept my part (' shaping the America of tomorrow) with singlem‘mdedness of pu pose and humiiity of spirit. and implore the favnr and guidancezof God in His heaven. With these I am unafraid and confidentl' face the futuqe. “ i have taken the 5919mm 0th of office am that passage of the Hub Writ wherein it is sked ‘Whm dotih the Lord require of thee but In do jiisr‘sy and to 0V0 merry and tn walk humhly with thy God T" This I plight to (0d and Country" For Teénporarily Idle Funds :1 ‘ JHL AND PARK TRUE , a £12; SAW INGS BANK ‘: ‘Sxdel vzzinns ; i use; monw Eowcwr large or small. and wusn [0 Hau- than! in «dc-keeping during temporzln nun- the :wt rcmmmend uur u-rtiticules of dun ear m) 1m 9 masmtx'r HARDINU‘S I.\' To (Rinse who have accumulated sums of r. hard! {1); his mus he‘d hue 1:” [hr qtluli‘ivs necwsur) for imam Park Press H9 I'tlirzg: . ; ,,,,, V. ., . . \ hwngo Adve i‘wq'r ‘3“ LL Jmmwm. 'l‘c-L Wa‘ 2:35!) 021 lele‘houes {highland Park 557 and 508 {the 8 ’» svmcmmm RATES bane: Maréh l, 1911, at the post office H1 A.‘ in’ lt’X‘. \ . ink of Peésonal Serwc ‘k, Ldlne £ r large or small. and wish to \Vf’ dew Fiend: nauun r1: nf .hwrcd inmmc .!A\¢'\K oivm‘ 5.) great a pupulzn' inwkimz {*1 ‘er fame we}: .~‘?'Ipo~r\.rlnus zulmin- z"? :Lttentizm ut' Yhu px'vwm mimin~ 21‘ at he has m Mr sun! and «low ' ’IL and cummml .\EÂ¥!!>t‘ and \w mâ€" W ruiencv that the pmsplv hsz H:- THURSL TM M -\R inois H V . . I‘.vxi!<)!‘> '3‘)" JUN! S”\ \(‘t‘ [‘2le 3 Advertising Mal ago: UDEZLL, at Highland withheld thv Hiram nw'l Iiw RAI. \1 at. Highland H N .75 I - » 1, Miss Lydia Gatling spgnt the Wed: 99nd in Lake Fax-est as the guest of Uldna Kelley. \ Mrs. AnnetteiJones who spent the {pastéfew months in quifornia, is ex- ;pécted home abdut April 30. ; Mrs. J. D. Fidder and son Raymond ‘lspont the week and at Diken, 11L, vis- ;iting her brother, the Rev. C. C. Unangst. Mr. Unangst wu tot-mesh? {pastor of the United Evangelical ‘church of this city. ;‘ The Woman's fore/ign Missionary {society of the M. E. church met at gthe home 01’ Mrs. A. W. Yowell on TUt'Sdfly afternoon. Twentywne mem- bers won- ndmi‘tpd m the society. Reâ€" ,frvshnwnts were- served. '(‘hr (‘. P. Mortals have leased the A. L. Running house on Ravine ave. ‘fm' hm wars and will muvc into it fur {Wu _\‘4 alunfl May .‘-I:u iun (kn-ling cmvrminvd five (mi-nth at lum'hwm on meiuy m hunvu‘ Hf hm I‘lth birthday anniverâ€" sa 1‘)“. hm! Em Hm H) .\lv.-. :uul Mn. Williznn 1‘."sz have tnlmn the A. Ahprtrnmlv} :lpanmc'nl v-n 1.x:uulrx 21w ‘ \lrs. .lulm llormrln-rm-r who hm ln-ml in llw Highland Purl; hospital I‘m' Smuiuy guvfl; n1 Hrs: nary muo qu-Ih-uhu-r nI‘ Prulriu :n‘c. 11ml Shmhon \x'hn undcrwem an “mum-m fur ulcers uf thr stomach n! th«- lllqhi'uul Park hvspital two xxw‘m am» 2.» vol-3' much Improved and hm n-tm'm-d to his home. My; \‘wl‘ Huknnscn went last week in szhirxglnn. I). U. whom he at- Iv‘zuhw: (hr nmugnrmiun wrunmnies. 1‘“ M. ('busu has returm-d tn My». FA M. ('busu has returm-d tn (‘hwngn nftvr a month xpvnt in High Mm! Park with friendfi. MIX. Hum-5' H. Liikt’ i“ on ”10 {Wk 31‘? lhh wka ‘23“ Alice \Vhitv whu has been th mum! uf lwr sir-(0r. Mrs. H. H. Scllcr)‘ mp pink (w; months. left Tues- dsu t'm‘ hm‘ homv in Uvnwr. (‘01. ‘-h. and Mn. l-Ihm-rr Stun» and \MH \HH. [Chm-I". J12. (If l‘hicago *n‘ :w Saturday g‘uv>h of M‘r. and .\ r5. S-‘r H. "murwi. Mr. Shane 15 Mrs. (Km- ? Mr, and Mrs. William'Guyot and {family ander. and Mrs. George lerne spent Saturday in Evanston ias the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. E Ymhuch, 'i Mrs. Harry Haskel of Chicago was 5th» guest of her sister. Mrs; M. C. 5(‘wnnnL Mummy. v"!ui"uii\r<i wwrui nut at town guests nwr iii“ \m-k end. Mi» Ahw Bake-r of ("1ch spent deu)‘ iv Highland Park visiting: I'rwndx J Mr, MM .\11'.\. .inhn F. 1., (‘urtis haw i'Murni-ii i‘v‘nm a several weeks. «my 2n Chamiivx‘, Ari'L. Mn. Roy Page of I’vm‘iu is visib mg her mother, Mrs. William M. Wright fur a wwk at the Edngater Beach huh-l. Mr. and Mrs. Wright will it‘élVU fur“ Fluridu on the 15th of March fur u. tWU weeks" fishing nip with Mi: and Mrs. Warren Wrighi and Mr, and Mrs. H. 0. Reno. Frnm llwn- \hu-y will go [0 their Texas rum-l1 fur u mnnlh, rvlurning to High- lJUHl l‘nrk on May l. Mr. and “INK (ivurgc Suutl’iard of Raga-r» Park huvu returned from 21 tm: nmmhs' stay in (‘ulifurnia and 4le Spending this week with their «laughter. Mrs. T. M. Wilder. The Rev. and Mrs. Rolland W. Suhlum'h are the happy parents of a daughter hum Sunday evening at the Highland Park “()spiml. The Mim‘x Margaret and Corneiia ltwk spent Sunday in Chicago visit- ing frivnds. Mrs. \V'iese of Milwaukee was the Sunday guest of Mrs. L. F. Schmitt. Mrs. Ball of Ridngaml drive is \‘pvnding‘ this \wek in (Z hicago visit- ing relatives ‘ Little Margaret Lih‘kt.‘ who under- wvnt an ope-ration for appendicitis recently at the Highland Park hos- }Htalis uhhAtolx*around agahm Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schneider, Jr., of Keuusha. were the Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Schneider. Dr. and Mrs. George J. Hinn and family spent Sunday in Chicago as the guests uf Mr. and Mrs. K. Ger- lath. THE HIGH? Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Dickinson and children of Des Plaines spent Sunday in Highland Park as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Abercromby. Mr. A. Spengler of Chicago wag the Sunday guest of his brother, Mr. Wet-nu Spengler. Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. William Folsom have returned from a month's sojourn in Miami, Fla. m i~1 hum: ‘ r‘ (21H K11? Rum i< \l mkduwu. Mr. and Mr m \~... \xm-n- Hr \yn Hugh MUFJHMHE 1;, H. Hrflxfl has -‘\}"IYIW' 2‘ ‘ Hivn‘W‘ lst‘nlht'l‘ «mm-d by l'ctur .‘(L‘ncn u hinnd Muck «A: lh- 1;.(11 hm gum In ”NH!“ .\\?u n hr will \Iiil hi~ aunt . A‘ Ruin-NH uf (Monroe aw. ml wvnrul nut of town guests \Vx-vk end. Miw Bake-r of ("1ch spent iv Highland Park Visiting: uhn Hormfln- rm-r “ha has hv Highland Park hospital :N \ight d 1% undergoing h wrv mmh imnruwd and HM! In her humo mmuh Pride of (‘himfzo was 1_\' gmwt nf Mrs‘, Mary Ehro \ 'tmmv \».Lh >C3Hl L fmu. x» ll'H' HF! lit-1x \fi'iti‘Y'tilfl \w iwus Ellyn-w at )11.( . AV I'er wshh-nt hf this (My, ‘H: “.1 MW hunw 0f his sun, Kum 1r Yakima, Wmh, < Win-VHF): frnm :I nm'vmh {pr IS Hm ‘ \ \\ ill: )1! Ls Owing built by Peter Sit HM .H u‘ .\ in \(h’nwv nn- ”H n'sun i< qunmn M1} \\ w U Iv“ gum h»! w (hr 5:1 (hr \\ “(UH WW“ ‘ on the K‘Ifi HI w M: V\'\ K r1]! Mr; r~B|11 9! 2mm dd ' is on a b neu trip in Hinnenpol Minn. w 1 1: Mrs. rave Zahnle who madam ' gar) opera 1: fit Mm Highly Pnr {hospital I st Week is getti along nicely. ; ‘ : ‘ ; Mr. and Mn Mun-1y Boeaa finvé' Lake!) the Spungkr bgngalow on Glen;- coe ave. ; ‘ , 1 Mr; and; Mrs. B. A. Leisenring of Ravinia h d as their Sunday guests Mr. and rs. Sc‘hn idsr and Mr. and Mrs. Keecfier of Chxcago. 1 A ‘ Francis'bnd Ruth Lenfesty ’whq‘ have been confined to their home {on the past few weeks with the mumps; are gettin along nicely and expect to be onto quarantine in a few days“ Mrs.'Gx-anisden of Sheridan, “1.. is visiting 't the Rev. R. W, Schloerb home, on éentral ave. Miss Mai-ion Hicks, whois teaching in Springfield. 11].. was the week and: guest of her parents. Mr. and, Mrs. J. G. Hicks of Glenview‘ a‘ve. Air. and Mrs. Fred Schaefier have rrmcd Mrs. Elisha Morgan’s. hougw on E. Vine ave. andfiwrivll mow in u})ul;tnAi):l'-i-i L VMrS. Morgan is leavâ€" 111;: for \Vus‘finmon. D. (X. when! shv ADVISORY BOARD ; PLANS STATE FAIR will ll‘\id( r Fully as great an ufi‘urt is to be de- ;\'I)t(*’d in Lhe show again this year, land a number of special attractions ‘are being arranged for the fair. The general premium awards will total $150,000,. an incrhse of $10,000 over ‘last year. Under the provisions of :the ('ivil Administrative Code, the lfuir is suppuru-d entirely by approp- iriaiious from the State Treasury and ‘all of its earnings are paid directly linto the Treasury. TO BE HELD AVG. 19-21 Walter W. Lin‘dley of l'rbzu Appninted General Manager of State Fair By Gov. -l.cn Small :~1111m:21uld “1., Mann 1. ~~ Waitvr \V Iinlcy uf [.1'11111121, rvwntly up. 11111111111 135-111-1711 manngm 111' the Slatv 1.11r 1:_\ (hm mm Small. and the new 411111- 12111" A(1\11~(1r\ [maul mu vunk- 11119: M11 (he (111111134 11.1.111- 1111!! faix. 111111,.“1213: u L‘nnfvrenrx 1» n- 111.“ week mm 13. M.Du\1<on. 111 1 1111* of agri- <~1111uw. 'l'thv fair v.91} ‘ held Aug» u<t 1‘12]. and 11 is inu..dcd tn prh- 11111- ‘fnr 11 .un unusumly attractwo pmgrmn. Din-«tor Dzn'ison. whu has- bcon in churgv u,f the fair for a numlmr of _mu‘s, will (wow-rate 315 head 0f the dn-partmcnt of which the fair is a di- i'is'um, with thq new fair manager, who has long been associated with the fair in several capacities. The new advisory boa rd. many mem- bers 0f which have been interested in the fair for years, organized by elm-ting B. H. Heide of Chicago. sec- retary of the National Live Stock show. as president and Robert R. Ward uf Benton as treasurer. Gen- eral Manager Lindley was elected sec- retur)‘. 1 GOVernor Sma11, who is regarded as 10119 of the greatest living authorities on how to conduct and build up a suc- cessful fair. has been identified with the lLlinuis State Fair for a number 101' vvms as director. board member {and mas-idem and is taking a deep crest in the. success of the first lW-w-.v- it has been decided to make the night hurse show the evening attrac- tion at the: Mir again this year. This show in the past has earned a reputa- (ion of being one of the leading shows of the country. The Horse‘ Show ('hmnivlu said of last year's Show that it was. at the Springfield fair “that the Vx'vstern season may be said to have reached. its highest point of ex- collence. inn-nest and impmjanceffl Governor Small asks lhe director in charge of ther horse department of the last fair was in charge of last yum-'s Show. in cooperation with General Mariam-r Davison. and the show exceeded all others in the western circuit, both in the class of its entries and in attendanw. The. Horm- Shaw Chronicle praises very highly lmth Governor Small and Mr. llavisnn. - , {air under his adminixtratiun as gov- smut. F. l. DI' PONT DE NEMOURS COMPANY \ Great Display of (‘olors W hat is without exception the most beautiful line of wood colors and fin- ishes ever shown in this city, is the DuPont line now on exhibition in winv dow display of Wm Witten, 360 Cen- tral Ave. The apparent value of the products of a great paint house are here clear- ly demonstrated by the beautiful re- sults obtained on the ordinary pine wood surfaces, in comparison with other high priced woods. In perfect harmony with these finishes are also shown the flat wall and decorative colors, combined with a system of in- terior wall decoration, surpassing in its beauty and simplicity of applica- tion. r Public notice is hereby given that the subscriber, Administrator, of the estate of Emma Sack, decanted. will attend the County Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court Home in Walke- gnn, in said County, on the first Mon- day of May next, 1921, when and where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to present the same to said Court for adjudica ion FLAâ€"1.... ¢_-| ‘. A J_.1_:-L_ALA_, It is on this class of work that the DuPont great line stands alone and has never been surpassed by any paint and color “manufacturer. Char'les SEckIAdministrator. Waukegan, 11L, Feb. let, 1921. E. S. Gail, Attorney. 52-3 Upholstering in YOUR HOME. 85 yum experience. Call J. S. Low, Waukegan 1606. lodadv ADJ UDICATION NOTICE ‘zma ROBERT w. PEASE. Pharmacist Why Wearoldyl’uded waists and dresses when. in a fei minutes. our pégic Dyes will make them look like new? We hafié Dyes also for Easter Eggs. They are easily handk‘d. and the colored Eater Eggs win delight the iittk folks. “ill make ideal Easier gifts. Phone 23 BUBBLE BOOKS Central Battery Station ALBERT LARSON, Stationer Evaqstop Battery St’afion (bur perfumes, toilet waters. and dainty face puwders Formerly Schumacher’n make Dandy Presents for the Kiddies ‘ EARL W. GSELL ‘1‘: Telephone Hiéhland Park 26.6 CWMJD 522 Central Avenue Come to US for it. Pharmacist Branch of Phone 5 67 Wâ€"thcblmdadodmo!“ (when. and invi‘bly. inflymodwiththehmomOdot Ask {a I'm Panda Janice] Telephones 144-363 st-XDAH 5‘10”).in A (3:11 Frun TL‘FSDA‘ Pathu WEDNE Admisslol Children qu "BR Cho! t i V6 Pri for 1e:

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