man an? 121 _.-‘~..;-si~ Hood made . the ï¬rst Kattle King-v __.l “L... -_J_ .3... -..__‘._..L__-_ LL“ Lake Shore Ci‘éémery C. B. HANSEN, Proprietor . B U 7711‘]? «EU GS "411:1 R ( H RINES Telephone 57 [’asquesi Bros. Motor Express Co W31 Fork Sheridan Aucnue Phone 2 us That m)! be your ex‘xrxtnce. (00, btoluse not a smgie pgr leaves the W plan: wuhom full Lnspecuon Sturdy. gm}. “re-tread soles ,ome :0 heavy blaxk upgers bv Hm Hood Pix!» {Made m all! sues {or all ‘ kindjofhard ,4†«(mice They †3‘2 ieaden, haxe put our best mto the‘KattleKing. Our best In J:- slgn m matcrxal and always m updo-datccomtmction. It us an ideal overshoe and fully re resentati» e ofthe name 44909 ~â€" a name on footwear u ich you can make your buying guide an4 guarantee. The stundy Kant.~ King sales of gray txre- tread stock give months of hard wrar The hem-y brown fledce linin keep the feet warm. [mk for the name #009,» Ask "f8: Kattle Kings b€L1U*8 they ï¬t well. clean easilyand cost least for tht season 5 wear. (Md any den/tr or 'un'lc m. I never knew how - rubber! ould bc‘ ’ White Roc_ nearer; to“ Highland: Park and Chicago REST P058181}: SERVICE. «Sn-e a trial Finest Qualify Home Dressed Poultry Thar wdlhe and thouaiands of 'wearers know that: the HOOD PRESSURE PROCESS stiH make-3 it outwear all imitations, 9?.“ HOOD RUHBER PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. wnsnowi‘: m 38qu SFTTS Make and trips daily bunk-n 685 Central Avenué boots whr PASQL‘ ES] BROS Highla‘hd Park,-Hlinoi| RED BOOT Q UNITED EVANGELICAL The Watnnnpa Camp Fire girls will huld :1 cvrvmnniu} mot-ting at 10 o‘clock Saturday mm'ning, March 26. in the church parlors. A fun at- tendanvt‘ is desired. Public ndï¬c e is hcrebv given that the suhsaiber \dministmtm. of the estate of Emma Smk, dec‘pased, \ï¬iU attem} the (Tommy Court of Lake On Monday, the Rev. 5!. Bross Thomas, I). 1).. prufessOr .at Lake P‘orvst cullegv: Tuesday. the Rev. H‘m'y S. Brown, D. 11., superinten- dvnt nt' the Board of (,‘hurch Exten- sion of the I’resI-ytory uf Chicago; on Wednesday. the Rev. (‘lvland B. McAfee, D. 0., pmfessor at the Mc- ('Zurmick Theological seminary; on Thursday, the Rev. George R. Rob- (-rts, J22. pastor of the First Presby» terian church of Lake Forest; and on Friday, thv Rev. James G K. Mb (‘lux'm president of Mcl‘m‘mirk Theo- logical wminzu‘y. Mrs. Herbert R. Smith will be the Suloist vauh evening. Thc pastor left Tuesday morning for (hv annual ('nnforemze at Gene- sen, 111., to take charge m’ some of the «~xaminutiuns uf the junior preachers. The annual mooting of the Confervnce MiSsionary moiety will be held Wed- nvsday afternoon, Man-h '23, with :1 mis<innary address in the owning by rhv Ruv. A. E. Hagen. oditor of “The I'Ivzmgvlicul." Harrisburg, Pa. The cunt'uroï¬cc pamper Wiil begin Thurs- day morning at 9:30. Mr. Paul Gia- County, at a tenn thereof to be hohien at the (‘ourt House in Wanke- pan, in said Countv. on the .Irst Mon- day (rf May nexx Mil. “not! and “Mm all pmw'onx‘ haunt: (-iluims against said 0'1:ch axis notiï¬er! and roqnos 0’ Ir) {Mi-sent the same in said Court {1 r adjudi ration. ‘ I hark-.5 Sun}: A lminis‘ttator. “3311022111 Ill‘ Feb. 21st. 1931 The Bible syhool will ‘mvot at 9:30 nvxt Sunday morning. Mnrning Win-ship at '11). Thc chums which is preparing spe- cial music for the Easter service in the Sunday school will meet for rehearsal at I o'clock in the after- noon in the lecture mom of the church. The YnUllg‘ People‘s society will mmt at 7:15. l-‘lnrvnce Boyd is the lvmlvr and tlu‘ Lupiv for discussion is “Ewryduy ('om'h-sies." Th0 Dm‘vas Smitty will huld its rOK- ' ular all day meeting: an Munday in» the church parlors. Lum‘hovn wijli» he served at l'lzlx'.‘ far 35 cents hr plat». ' The “'ustmimtcr Guild will may: at 2:30 un Monday .lftcmoon at thel residvm'c of Mrs. B. A. Hamiltun.‘ 206 N. Linden ave. ' During Huly Wn‘ck the customary Sonicus win he held in the lecture room of the church at 8 o’clock in the owning. The follmixing ministers wili speak: wr will uttmd nx‘ n lay y'pprvjsvntalivo of thin lhargv. Thm-o mill lw- nu Svrlunl’l Sunday morning at this church, the congrega- tlununiting with the cungrogation of the Emnm‘liml assuoiation at 11. In the ewning huth (rungregutiens will worship in"+hi-sâ€"â€"â€"church, the Rev. Sclxltwrh, pastor «vi the church of the Evangelical asalxiatiun, pmathing both morning and vvom’ng. ‘ 'l‘lu- pastor wxpmts to be blame in time tn mlco Charm" of tl‘v special I’:l<.~iun “'ka xi-r‘nwu to l»- hvld in H ls whm'rh {um 'l'mmlux t.» Friday \DJ I'DICYI'ION NOTICE Gail, Attnmpy Rm: .1. H. Hem/Iv, I‘tncmr 1y public. is (‘X sharp. The $3. Rn-ning hvld in » Friday vial Serâ€" The most surprising: part uf work of this kind is that it is done on (he ï¬vst ordinary pine wood panels, yet the calm uï¬'ect.5 brought out are startling iwurpaSsing beauty. In richness of tone and color they are even hamlsumer than the ï¬ner grades of Circassian walnut. It is a†in ‘thc calm, and here is where the DuPont- llurrisnn Bridgeport and Chicago Var- nig-zh company combination is bound to he heard from in the paint world. \‘Iost alarming uf a“ the shortages recently repmud has Ixen the skirt shortage Here is an exhibit of wall and wood coloring hithcrto considered the henitage of kings and princes, nuw within flue rem-h uf 11H property nwners. After hearing a run} jazz hand some penple fet-I like asking where they} got thhir liquor. 5 .' The superfluous ofï¬ce holders are Xnoking forward with‘ dread to the time whrvn â€my haw in go to wurk. There is I'm/mistaking the possibili- ties uf what can he done in beautify- ing the interior of a home and at minimum mst aftvr «eing this ex- hibit. The 48’s gave a candy and popâ€" corn sale which netted them $10.95. The committee wishes to thank the pupils of the Elm Place grammar school for their generous contribu- xions to the European} relief council the starving children of centra Eur- ope, amounting now to. $650. . We thank the children for their great gt-ncrso ity.†Have a Very \ttractive Window Disv ' play An unusual departure in the way of showing interior wall decorations and wood ï¬nishes is shown in the exhibit of DuPont in the window dis- play of Wm. Witten, 360 Central Ave. Our library is being incrkascd. New books Were purchased Saturday. Some of the books were written by Col. James Barnes, who spoke at Elm Place school recently. The Parent- Teacher association mveting will be held this afternoon The fuurth grades will entertain with music and poems. Both eighth (fades are giving a mock trial. The following is a portion of a let. her received from Mrk. Howard C. Phillips thanking the children for the money receivad for the European rvliuf fund. Friday afternoon the Elm Place school orchestra gave its ï¬rst con- cert. The four pieces played were Fox and Geese, For He’s a Jolly Good Follow, America. and A German March. We are certainly pleased with our orchestra. â€"-- Edgar Eistuntaedt, ? ()ur pets are increasing in num- ber. We now have about ten. Mr. and Mrs. Ring Dove and son are renting spam the 18 room, and the goldï¬sh children found a home there, MN), in a glass house. Mr. Mud Tur- He. who lives, in the 5th grade room. has. come out of his underground win- tvr home in the sand. He is dieting, but was persuaded to eat a light lunch Ihl' nther day. The 68's ‘under the direction of! Miss Duty. The 68’s under the direc-i tion of Miss White are working on‘I lhvir Rubin Hood play. They hope; 'to have it ready soon. § It is a Wonderful spettacle to see. \snuc i< in the “wt and Jupiter"" in the cast. On a line with Regulus, Alpha of Leo Major, and Jupiu‘r is {he wonder planet,'Saturn. It is not as bright as; either of the other plan- vtn‘ nu-ntioned. About sunset look at the western sky. Yuur eye is attracu‘d by a bright star. It is not a star but the planet Venus is in the west and Jupiter in Iation of Pisces. In the west in the ('onntvllï¬tion Loo Major is the giant planet of our solar system, Jupiter. On March 6, a. skunk cabbage was lvmught to school and is in the lower hall. It is the ï¬rst‘ flower to bloom in the spring. It is a‘ speckled flgwer blooming close to the ground. 7 - ‘Dmmld JIrClure. The 51h [412;de have been out on a ï¬eld trip. They saw {a good many birds, some of which are: horned lav-k, kill deér, red-headed Wood-pock- cr, robin, rod-winged blackbird, Eng- ligh sparrow, sung sparmw and blueâ€" bird. Saturday I saw a bluebird sitting on a wire by the railroad. Tuesdny, March 8, I saw a flock of blackbirds. They were flying toward the swamp. When I was starting out for school I saw a sapsucker and a killdeer. â€"-â€"â€"Earl Ludlow. Saturday, while I was out looking for birds on West Park ave., I 39w three bluebirds, three meadow lax-ks, and two robins. ‘ The bluebirds Were on a fence but when they saw us one flew on a stump and the uther two were in a tree that was near by. The meadow larks were on the golf ï¬nks. The meadow lark has just a short tail and has a note sounding like this, â€tscvr [st-0r." “Th: ymr’a at the wring And day‘s at the morn; Morning': at seven; The “(M's dew pearlad; The lark’o on the wing; The M113: on the thorn; God’s in His Heaven All’s right with the world!†E. I. dul’ONT de NEMOURS COMPANY EdiWwChkf. Mary Gm: A'su‘ataut Editort,83‘Clau ‘ 'hc ymr’a at the wring Lad day‘s at the morn; lorm'ny’: at seven; 'hc Manda: dew pearlad; *he lark’o on the wing; ’he M1130 on the thorn; fod’a in His Heaven It’s right with the world!†-«~Robert Browning CHURCH smvxcns: Sunday 4. m. a 10:45. Sum Schoo! Q mediate}! touching WM Evening Testimonial Some. .4 hi 2" Highland Park Fuel Comp FUNERAL DIRFXITORS FOR 67 YEARS 612 DAWS STREET PHO. ‘EVANSTON, ILL. ' EVANST! 612 DAWS STREET PHONE . ‘EVANSTON, ILL. ' EVANSTONMB 1 CHICAGO PHONE 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE. RANDOLPH 1346 1347 C. H.;-JORDAN COMPANY 102 N. ls! St. HERMAN DENZEL, Preiident Telephone Building Materi announceï¬hat they iaill be in a position to take care of 3†kinds of Garage and Service Station Carlson’s Motor and Garage Evans'ton Battery Station CentralBattery Station Bull: of toll!!! Ford Star! with the evn-d'pmdlblc Ford .otor trun- nhlint pain-t tn the Aluminumvbnnn Iron- drive, with dew-135k rim and pneumatic urn, front and rear, tanker with the luckudnl linpfldly, have holpcd to give the Ford Ton Trick the Iowa: pu- nibh our-lint and munch-me cut. It I: (In {"31 priced one-M Inc an the Quiet. Add to than pruucal nor-in our afar-“rd“ organization, which insures "cry 1nd "me: of Genuine Perl para Andi-tilted Foul nectar-hf». so “at the Ford Truck need new" be out o! mflci. '1‘!» For} One-Ton Truck has a" “delivery tech" for Gianna .1 Maine.- bouu, hula-s. {snoring ccrponlhnl, cu. Thou-Ida of "men “tut In it: «enemy of operation And mutant": Thu (:11 the Paul I red “nous-in" in their basin-a. .L-k In In n my a! the “Fordâ€"t Bushn- Purity." Road that plouod "men ny. To an up; Servimbility. flexibility. power. dIr-bmly. Iowan an: and wanting cosh. service, nfl “taller. uc the Ford â€than wflch a! down “mum and will help ya cut your “ka" cork." H and 13 North St. Johns Avenue - Phoné Highland Park 1099 Coal Solvay Coke V 4 Automobile Overhauling and Repairing A. G. McPHERSON Ford Tpn Truck Cuts De- livery Costs Telephones Highland Park 120 - 121 Telephone Highland Park 266 C Willi‘ï¬â€˜â€œ D THE UNIVERSALCAR HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. 522 Central Avenue on and after March 15th ESTABUS RED 1 .54 Branch of .....O..‘ :,..OOO... Cemen‘ EXCAVATI Harder N orthwestel I do “all u veryéfl office 597 Elecm SEN 15 S.