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Highland Park Press (1912), 17 Mar 1921, p. 7

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.1... lay Bellow >‘erncg lt Efflhi‘nd P‘ 0F]? 335 Ir} ?‘#9~9®W§§§~9Â¥ any. 1 .tfl R A: \u; ’ r . 1.53.4;“15; Emit dcn:.‘..1.ua:;icl ‘ :cs sxj‘xsus. 5 .L. $.13. 52 mm}. uy E. \\, (1‘9“ Harder Hardware (0. N'orthwestern Department Store ,.\Wm>e~vyww~wmw ooo-oououuuoooonoo o... ("h .4“. :1: O HN PEA V 1143.13?“ ' A Woman Wrote Minn, Deceml: We'll do your “shim: with it a! domustrate its efficiency. No ‘0 bu! the machine. ‘ Electtric . ‘ Washing Machines Elfi‘tl‘il‘fll ( ‘unt rm‘tors 15 S. St. Johns Ave “7hat Ifntrancing H 'aS/ier ' H. W. Huber Electric Co. ‘ublic m Wrote The Canby Newt, December 10, no Follow: Sold on 18 Modthly Payments $5 down puts a Feheral in ydur hause FEDERAL ['HH\P§ .kxh of Northcirn Illinois REQO‘UCO/ ‘9 ‘3 Here‘s an item for said male part- ner: ’I‘ihgigaving made in the wages “ The male partner in the domestic firm whla generally is called on to extend ljis approval to its purchase probably: won’t use that feminine expressibn, but he will see that the machine-.5 knows how to perform its .iob- f T That's the way it‘s designated by the heréine of la certain recent papular :ptory. of a laujtdressilggf 311g mgching will pay for jit iniws than aLyrez’uj. mg will giv§e ce Company your house if you like and thus charge for am. No obligation gJ'tha-p native is heruhy @5in that "iv Sn? srriber. .-\«iministrah'ix 0? the 'rliuzmr of Fayctre S. Munro. deceas- J. will muml the Cnunty ("ourt of Intake County. a: a term thwrenf to he widen at the (‘mlrt House in Wauke~ :pn in said County, on the first Monâ€" ifiy of June mixt,_19’.’1. when and Miners all persons having claims uiminst said estate are notified and re‘ qgwsu-d to present the same to said (but for adjudication. 2 Victoria L. Munro. Yank-mm. 111.. thy. 29“, 1921. “Um,“ Fruit they enjny, and they need it. twirwha‘éod apples. apple sauce, thor- oughly ripe banana», prunes. «frangvs, 0th _ (Hue them wgetablvs, fresh or k-gll‘tnu'd. Hpnty 41f fruits and \‘egwta- h‘nk hm.) 9. .N. A . Nu cufi'ee‘. or tea +~ not even a unit». Leave them for the grownups. Milk. Cumin, not too strong, and fruit juT-es arv tho drinks for children. an] plenty of water always. Fruit they enjny, and they need it. twirwhakod applcs. apple sauce. thor< oughly ripe banana», prunes. «frangvs, ptd mm mm.“ ,. A ‘- cups make it into soups, pix-tidings, or custards for them.- {V ho]: milk is best, of course, but, skim milk is good if there is ,a little butter in their meals (Yottama alum-"V â€". xxx, corn-meal mush, a] It akes them fit (ox-i sch< f0 play, say home «(and ist of the United Sta‘ D of Agriculture. ‘ ilk, and plenty of git, m griwqa quart each dgny; i p“ 3* 5-. “‘ ' \[Ul'DlL‘ATION "NOTICE 1b» the bow-ls mnw r‘ \x 't lxt thcm burr) of? g uithuut amending t HE m-ml mu-‘L. ‘ :u‘v {Inf-d fur thvm. i: m- right tirmu I‘utvs ~1mp§v puddings, an! arm (vain-“wily :11de u ‘ IV“ \}1H}~*~\£'h¢.‘zd Eumxd, corn bread, kmi oatmeal, :corn mm}, and (- 1:1: A‘X‘Cenvdt for Chikh’on._ Kip nmkv strong boys and girlx. ,vy must have, tun None is hum butter Besides the hutâ€" H‘mit‘ bread. do nut rv\'('l‘lunk N; “1“8th, ur in grmiws and MI. An (12;: ‘14 grand, hm, ’ haw a hm}:- ms-nt Hr 23d], tn prcvent constipatix d and (1" not dupmn The yuungsters ca 5‘25 1“" the-m huv U“ or fru. x “ .tlth‘ “(ml IY' ~~ not even a or theg, grownups Strong ,nnd fruit ‘-ot cage cheese m 1N f 'R CHILDREN ““11 them of! I: apple uuee.‘ school tad fit, ”mics Bpecial- ’3 Department ; i; possiblg, :patmn. Use lupvnd upon rs can't be “rakes them mgrulzu'. ' in the in this esh or 3 'egnta- 1:51. I upon n't 1111 influx". in the The i1lez1 of the pageant was con- cciveil bv Mayor William Hale Thomp- «011.1111 fiist he cum-mplated an exâ€" position of the products manufactured ,211111 (.istriliutcd in (111111120 with the aim of stimulating business, advertisâ€" ) ”“1111: (himgn as a “0111! market and frivinz employment t1) thousands of (mod 111\n 11nd preventing - bread line b 1* ea 11 , l, and idiom 11'} l‘] x. n1 . . ... . )‘ l‘r{)11bll(‘lt_\'. Abe response from bus1- noss 1111-11 in general was as pnthus~' insiic 11< that 115 the first small gmup“ - hub, L'i‘lunk s‘ and M, or 1115M, 1i ght :mn-d ~111:_1r ‘ Cue \ i'l‘m‘ld They l wuvts This ilL-a he submitted to a group Inf represemative (‘hixago business 11111n.Th«-11 respmisv was instantam 110115 and enthusiastic. It was given 111161119 maynr said: ““10 idea is: 110111., Hut “9 haven't 11km in enmiigh torriinry. Let‘ ts in- 1111111 tin wlmle1 Midile “est th tor- 111111} {111111 \shivh Chivas» draws.“ (hm-mans of twenty states were in- 119111! in send ryeprescntaiiws to :1 din. 1101‘ sixen at the “MCI [11821119 by the Hotel M1113 51s~oci11tinn :1 “eel; ago. 1 dozen “019 represon {1d and promiSâ€" -d In Lump” 1,1111 All linm‘ of imimtzy 1 ”THE-mm , PARK- énm “ .‘w .m' A lot of the people who are“ holler- ;ing to haw: houses built, are not lav- Hng a cent tn help build them According tn the book agents, all you have to pay for an illustrated history of the war is $2.00, and the fact that you have to put up $3.38 a Week for 20 weeks is of course a negligible consideration. The, American people are sending! over 838,000,000,000 to help the Ihn-' ing people of Europe, but they are not? contributing a cent to feed the federal' office seekers. é the-ii- 1 Although the Pageant of Progress ‘Expoaitiou is designed primarily as a 'buainess exposition, plans are being nude to present an unrivalled pro- gram of amusement and entertain- ment. Athletic sports both on land and water, an Indirn village, band: And groups of singers, and naval man- euvers by,the naval militia of all the lake states are among the entertain- ment features already being amazed” and many other: will be added. ‘ 5 John Wahl, viceâ€"president of the «‘Wahl Manufacturing company, has i taken a large space and will set up a gminiatuce plant which will manufac- ’ture Eversharp pencils in full view of {the crowds. He has also purchased .35, 000 tickets and will send one to leach of his agents. Dr. Robertson, éwho is in charge of the ticket dis- itn'bution has promised to sell a mil- glion tickets before the doors are open- . red 4 1 . Clothing manufacturers will exhibit Ethe style developments of a century; in transportation exhibit will trace pro- gress from the days of the twoâ€" w’heeler or cart to the modem motor car and aeroplane; and machinery, ‘leather, furniture and other manufac- turers, the packers, the dairy interests gand hundreds of other lines will be {represented i David Kinley, president of the Uni- ‘versity nf lllinnis, has accepted the chairmanship of the educational sec- tion, and is not only preparing an ex- hibit showingfithe great strides edu- cation has made, but is nmning subo committees to co~operate With each other section, tq show manufacturers and business xfien how {hey can make their exhibits generally educa- tional as well,as informative about their own businesses. 1 “We must expand again. Let us ’mkc in the whole country," and that :is now being donr Inquiries have al- grend1 been 1'01 eived fmm every large §1ity in Ameiita and the Pageant of Piogress Exposition “ill present ex- 1hibits showing the progress made in .c-very important industry and husi~ iness for many decades. { For exhibition purposes the Muni~ la-ipal Pier, extending into the lake f more than 3,000 feet, has been divided tinto sixteen sections allotted to Vitr-f E10113 industries A chairman of each section has been named, and is now busy distributing the space among ex-j hibitors. As an indication of the in- terest that already has been created, the building and material men held a luncheon at the Hotel LaSalle Wed- nesdny, Manh 2, and after a txxentyâ€"; minute tel: by Dr. John Dill Robert- son, health commissioner, o1ersub.; scribed the section allotted to them by several spaces -d [u mmpm-ntv. AH linm' of iznhntz'y were invited to be represented. More than 600 buginess zmd pmfcssional ‘non responded, and the emhusinsm was so marked that .thc mayor said «gain: f Minions of visitors are expected to {be attracted to Chicago this summer [as a result of the interest already dis- (played in the Pageant of Progress Ex- ;position, h: be held on Chicago’s $5,- §000,000 Municipal Pier July 30 to ?August 14. It will be the greatest fevcnt in Chicago since the World’s CO-i ‘Iumbian Exposition of 1893. Expect Minions of Visitors To Attend Monsterffixhibition July 30 To Auk- ust l4 WILL BE HELD IN CHICAGO the Muni~ School pupgls‘ deny groupfiAIus‘kzm E said ,.__v .u», unc not intereistéd in géography‘, as the book of maps is a fine‘ thing to put up betweenfthem and the teacher. 2 . mu. vluwlua Valley, Alaska," byoFH Mofiit, is- sued by the United States Geologicai Survey, Department -of the Interior, as Bulletin 714-C. «I The copper mines of the Chitina Valley are“ the largest and richegt thus far dcyeloped in‘ Alaska‘ ,Thel‘r successful development has been made possible by the completion of the Copper River Northwestern rail- road. which affords transportation to tidewater. ‘ The recent mining prog- ress in this district ,is shown in a re- port entitled “Mining in the Chit'ma COPPER MINING IN T! (‘HI'I'INA VALLEY dwscnbed in a pamphlet by Theodore ('hupin entitlod "Mining in the Met: unuskn Coal Fields and the Willow (‘reck ‘District, Alaska,” just issued by thv’ls'. 3 Geolufical Survey, Deâ€" partment of the Interior, as Bulletin 71.1-1). ,n;....,, VVIIIIXII35|U[l’ coal mining “â€"45 continued in 1919 in the Mutunuska field, Alaska, on about tlw sumo scale as in previous years. Near this field and also tributary to the Government railroad, is the Wil- low (‘rooklgold district, where large aurit‘vmus lode? are being exploit- ml‘ Those mining developments are do‘SCllDt'd in 3 Damnth In: ’mmnAn-m I‘RUGRESS 0F MIN- (r-.. -v y». LC‘IVQ Human nature is just the same in all its relatidns, ‘whether in the pur- éhases made of these great concerns, or in those. made of the ordinary re- tail store. If the big concern can get people to send across the country to buy its product, knofim only to them through publicity work, surely any store can go on to much larger sales, by telling its home folks and its neighbors what it has to 9381‘. "Inmateâ€"'- ‘ , DWI ‘t I m m“ h ' ‘ . ‘ ttthomHominW ma Atlantq soft drunk concern in- “ ‘ _ v netted it. met. $1,370,000 last year in aid County» on tho first load-y by advertising. u originally Ind of my MIMI. when andwhezun only: $60,000 capital. ‘ persona haunt claim; Wt nu ‘ An automobile corporation reports emu are notified and requested to increased sales of 313,000,009 1m present the gaze to aid Court for; yea: due to advertisinx- adjudication. ” A cereal company reports a gain Pficter Adm‘ t . ingress earning of $1,356,972, in two Gm“ ' mintn or years, due to advertising. (gage-gun, IfgzoFeby. 28’ 1921i 4 1 A food producing company which ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' mey. ' ‘ pd! reduced its advertising last year,‘ - ! shoWs profits-dropped 40 per cent. I ADJUDICATXON’ NOTICE 1‘ Human nature is just the same in: ‘ $ all its relatidns, ‘whether in the pur-§ 7 Public notice is hereby riven um. fihaang m-/)_ ‘1 AI ‘ , , ~ I‘ : , l; v ‘1] ‘ m i fume at a ' mug will find tn in- $1»;st 'wm‘afi‘ gfinit ofp ‘sdiuwufimflmof Pascal-Mt“! ‘he , may, basins” history. For mend 3m. :1. down at In. instanceâ€"g , CW:‘tlhmf-bfinto m Ah Atlanta soft drink concern in- “‘1 ‘t a” 00% 30m in W ma“ creqsed it. met. $1,370,000 hat m, in said County. on tho first no by advertising. It origin-11y 1nd of llama 1921. when antherde only $60,000 cgpital. ‘ persons having ohinn “as.“ nu- ‘9 provide fuel for Th clout» be: who The Road- of SerVice Highland Park Ticket Office Every thirtyvmhutes thereafter until: . i' 4 :50 p. m- V 5 :85 P. n. 30%? “0 P-M- ~ 6:25“... or to the v :23 P- m. ' (75:3? 1:. In. : 9' m. p. a. Theatre 6:50 p. m. - 7:55 p. m Thereafter express trains cantindgto run every lid! hour until 11:“ p. m., then 12:29 a. m. and 1:29 a. m. .Ank fottimeotahle at the ticket oflcel necessary. g Highland Park, at frequent intervals take you direct to loop “L” stationsâ€"no changing to street car, bus, or taxi n ”Anna. n. Sngincoring NG IN THE 'mmma, rm; ' z} anmmmx coring commission, continued in 1919 in 91d, Alaska, on about 5 in previous years. nd also tributary to these great concerns, Downtown to Dinner or to the Theatre For the Luncheon, Matinee, or Shopping Trip INC IN ALASKA Trains for the Business Man Consider This Convénient Schedule of‘ 1.1m, ALASKA thug they are the use of the ', Public Nntice is hereby given that 'lthe'Subscriher, Executor of.the Last ,Wil ; nd Testament of Mary S. :Bran , Deceased, will attend the 'County 'Court of Lake County, at a "term thereof to be holder) at the Court "House in Waukegan, in mid Lake :County. on the first Monday of May, :next, 1921, when and wher all per- sons having claims ngains'tr id estate are notifiedknd requested present 3the same to said Court for adjudicaa tion. “ ll 11 12 Leave Highland Park 6 :20 a. m. 6 :50 a. m. 7 :20 a. m. 7 :50 a. at. 8:36 a. m. 8350 a. m. Administmtrix, wit Waukegan, 11]., Feby‘ Leave Highland Park , Arrive in Chicago 6:20am. 7:25a.m, 6:50am. 7:55am. 7:20 a. In. 8:25 a. m. 7:50am. 8553.31. 8:36 a. m. . 9. 38 a. in. 8:50 a. m. 9: 55 n. In. And every half hour thereafter until: ’0.50a.m. 11:553.):1 1:20;; In. 12:25 . II. 1:50 a. m. * 12:55 1:. In. 2:20 p. In. 1:25 p. In. 2:50 p. m. a 1 :55 p. at. 1:20 p. m. ‘ 2:25 p. In. 1:50 p; m. 2 :55 p. In. 2:20 p. m. 3225 n, In ‘ .7--.-- .mvll‘é claims against said estate are noti- fied and requested to present the same to said Court for adjudication. Fay E. Thuma, Administmtrix, with will annexed. n ADJUDICATION, NOTICE 1‘ Public notice is hereyy given that‘ the Subscriber, Administratrix, with! will annexed of the Estate of Mary: Breakwell, deceased, will httend the! County Court of Lake County, at 8;) term thereof to be holden at the‘ Court 1 House in Waukegan, in said County,' on the first Monday of May, 1921,? ADJ (JDICA TION NOTICE Phone Highland Park 1361 28, 1921 lull-"I13 svnomun TRAVEL mnns. Suite 1315. I}; w. Mndison 8t. KW. ' cum; Wei-91m! 5819: Home. Benin 5 x. than. u [in every pemnnl “tendon. $45.00 PORTABLE GARAGES SUMMER HOME purging- run. 'HHOP

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