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Highland Park Press (1912), 31 Mar 1921, p. 6

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PAGE SIX The Htgblanb Park Pregs « (fell Brothers Florenu- Warner Ubert Levy tme year . , Six Months Three Months Entered as second clnss matter March 1, 1911, NUMBER In last week’s Press there was printed a report of a meeting of the Elm Place Parent-Teacher Association at which certain startling facts were set forth regarding our Illinois school sys- tem. and at which a committee was appointed to bring the matter to the attention of the public and in particular to urge our legis- tutors and school authorities to take. the necessary action to bring about a better state of affairs. It is stated that while lllinois is the second state in the L‘n- ion in wealth it is the twenty-fourth in educational rank. That the schools of the state are so inadequately supported that they are running into debt at the rate of fifteen million dollars per annum. That one hundred and sixty thousand illinois children are now being hotlsed and taught in insanitary and unsafe build- ings. That three teachers out of four are umlertrained and that nearly all are umlerpaid. I AI A...J..4;.... .‘UGIU an air: ull‘l‘l t'ul‘n. This certainly is a startling indictment and the resolution passed h); the meeting calls for emergency legislation to create: a fund of twenty million dollars fur distribution among the: schools of the state and for more adequate support of our State I'niversity and our normal schools. The mere recital of these facts, which are easily verified, ought it‘- be enough to arouse the people of Illinois to action and to we ate a public sentiment which will redeem our state from this disâ€" graceful situation and to put it where it belongs in the front rank"1 of our American Commonwealths in educational atlministration.‘ (‘heap schools are about the costlieh‘t and most Wastetul instiâ€" tutions it is possible to maintain, for since the hope: of the future lies with the children of today it is clear, that if their training for life and citizenship is neglected and skimped the inevitable result will he a disastrous one. i We are proud of Highland Park schools and they are so far in advance of the general average of the schools throughout the state that we are apt to be blinded to the conditions which exist elsewhere, and to rest in a condition of self satisfaction. And vet even these schools receive inadequate financiall support and have to struggle against conditions \thch tend to lower their itlicienc}. They are int-Vitalily affected by the conditions which prevail elsewhere an‘d l’." the unintelligent and parsimonious tharacter ot' the legislation under which they are operated. We cannot attord to have any educational systcrd short of the best and we cannot uiiord to employ underpaid and‘inadequately trained teachers ; We owe it to our children to give them event opportunity possible to tit and prepare themselves for useful and self-respectâ€" in}: manhood and Womanhood and nothing less than this should he the program of our system of public education. Finally we thank our Women's clubs. and our parent-teacher ztSSi'UClallnll> for calling our attention to the present disgraceful situation which prevails in the state of Illinois. ‘ DAYLIGHT SAVING Tllt‘ daylight saving program which. went into etfect in Chiâ€" .ago and its suburbs on Easter Sumlay'morning and which is tt ’ ‘ A - ‘ » v- u I.‘ . ublished weekly bf JOHN L. UDELL and PAUL . Park, Lake County, Illinois J." ....... . F H, ,, _ V mmtinuw until the end of October is commending itself to our peo- ple fur wry obvious rvmnns and it was adopted willinut any con ICisinr: ur disturbance. The Clocks wei’v wt ahead «me hour or Saturday night and we have 31-! tn hear of any (me who was late 1.. church «:11 Easter muming HY whu mixxed the Monday morning main in C(HISE’QUBHCE’. . Th.» wasiirv Lian ecnnnn‘h wrw since it redurds the perim alarm): \Vhivh ariificial light ls i'equired, and sim'e: it gives ax vxtv‘a limxr of daylight to the cmrking man which ht? can emplo} in {ll‘ zunle-n H1' in hvaithi‘ul rwre-aiion; Th.» wasin‘v Han cum-mm wrw since it redurds the perim alarm): “"1th arnficial light s, required, and 5mm»: it gives a! vxtv‘a hmu‘ of daylight to the cmrking man which ht? can ammo} in m gunk-n «w in hvalthful rwre-arion; T'nc «:hivf obit-{Hun tn t'm plan comes from thv farmers Wm mmp‘mm that thv Crmw {an m catch rm and to adapt themselve: In th» situariun. and that by disarrang‘ing the mural order it lynng-‘Hs mm wurkhtg (135. In L'uusoquence thk pvmual universally as it did during the war w} leasun.‘ it was estfibliahed by rhngress and Wu Us upt-ratinn. Xvwrthvlws. in spite m' minm‘ invnm‘mnvru memis atsc‘n‘ to me good sense of a majority HE is sure ultimately to be univprsaliy adnptwi. A Check on] Sperjding Few of us will ever, have our pock- ets picked, but many of us pick out own pockets. The little. unnecessary ex- penses fritter aw aw funds carried loose in the pmlxets. A checking account lives up in its name. It checks the outgo. regulhting our expenditures. The man whoipays by check doesn't wonder "where all his mnnM‘ Hues." HE KNO‘VS mon 93‘ goes. JUH\ ”men 9m mar, 20 E. Jacksoin, 'rex. Wabash 52;: Telephones Highland Park 557 and 558 ”LIH'K \uufiTON R. MAYOR men: \‘Iu l'rrsudanl ‘n‘e Bank of Persdnal SUBSCRIPTION RATES (‘HEAP SCHOOLS ma PAUL L. UdELL. at Highland THK'RSDAY. MAR”! :u Service" 'g ,... .. , Editors , City 1nd Society Editor Chicago Advertising Manager at the post olfice at Highland u \ RR‘I PM Cashier <r~ Ihi" plan cofiq the people add 1t ins-{em does nm in inr economk ‘aiihn wide ir ””3200 1.25 19221?e l. Mr. Eaison Misselhorn' of Sparta, 11].. is spending a few days with {friends in Highland Park and Lake 'gForcst. He was funnel-1y linotype gupcmtor at Lake .P‘orest. _ Mrs, Mary Rankin 0f Vine avenue lhas mowd tn Austin where she will iremain indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. G. V" Lehman have taken her hum? for ...v ._...7, ing ‘a cmnplimentafiy dinner tomorrow (Friday) at the Casino club, Cliicg- go, fur Mr; William C. Egan who is ceiebrating his eightieth birthday Ian. nivershy. Mrsi 'I‘. C. Eni’nger and daughter. Barbara. of Minneapolis, are the guests of Mrs. Erringer’s parents” Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thayer. H. F. Nevitt is buiidir’n'g a-new resi- dvnu- on Michigan avenue. ~ Hrs. Mary Wagner of Chicago is visiting Mrs. Mary Ahrens this week Mrs. Mike Dietrick of 632 Deer- tiold avenue returned Tuesday night l: um l-i‘limmund lnd. where she visâ€" litmd her duughtcxs. Mrs J. Hank and Mrs Prank \\ nnderly William 8. Forrest, Jr.. is spend- ing the l‘ aster \acatiun with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Forrest H. is a student at Andover college I l l Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Van: Schaick haw gone to Savannah, Ga.. where 'tn-y will spvnd six weeks. Mr, and Mrs. L. )1. Green and baby nf Aurora spent Sunday at the home (-t' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green on N. Hirern Bay mad. any m mumty Mrs. Amelia Juhrend who has been ill at the Highland Park hospiul for the past woek has rvturncd to her humo. The Mrs. H. F. ('low and daughter Florence. win he “16 guests of Mrs Hackney of Rogers Park. Saturday. Miss Margaret Sheahen of Oakfield, Win whu sm-nt the past ten days in Highland Park visiting friends and wlativus, has returned to her home‘. Misx Ethel Hill. who is attending :-vhunl in Milwaukvc. 5119!“ Easter \\ith her parents, Mr‘ and Mrs. A]- i'z'wl HiH‘ Mr. and Mrs. A‘ T. Schluorh and Lin}; Svhlu-r'rv of Mihvzlukcw were (hr wm-k vnd guestx qf Rm: and Mrs. 11 W. Svhlm-rh. MY. :znd Mrs (‘, ('. ankim lfo Eytxzuiay frr IVIuwnt-c, Ala. whv-n‘1 ',z-_-_\ wiil spun! :1 {MN weeks. 1 i 0 Miss Yolahdv Timmons is spending Lhi~ wovk in Seneca}, HL, ”Waiting; fril nds. ; Mr. John A_ (‘rokc whu spent the Nut wimvr in Pasadena. (33).. is ex- pvvtc-d humv Friday Mr. (Troke will *sz usmciau-d with thv Northmonr club durum: tho summcr MI<< Esthvr Hick: of (‘hnmpaigm l'l.. .-1u nt the \vwk und with hex" par- ums, Mr. and Mrs. H‘ J, Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith and Mr. 'unl Mrs. 1min); Randall have re- turned from Bermuda \vhvrt- they went the past few wovkx.‘ Raymund Shonhon who spent the Easter hnlidzxys with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. .lnhn Sheahen. return- ud tn Davenpnrt, 111.. on Tuvsduy‘ Mrs. Herbert Mead is in the High- land Park hospital where she will un- dergo an operation for gain-e. _' S U [11 ”11' 1' Mr. and Mrs. R‘ F. Jones of Junc- tion City, Ka.. arrived Monday tn make their home at 6:27 Vino avenue. Mrs. Arthurv (‘hristman and sont -\rthur of Nov» ank are spendin two months visiting “ 1th rvlativesgz this vitx. ,/ M r. and Mra. Roy Duncan an fam- ily arp mnving hen- from Ch' :go. Mr. and Mrs, H. F. (”low/5nd fam- ily wvrs- the Sunday guyéts of Mr. and Mrs. Gumlin of Lwertyvillv. Mr. and Mrs, vayy’ Nelson spent Sunday in Amtin gs thv guests of Mrs. Nelsmm's parvfits. Mossrs. Edward and 'George Oh}â€" win and Horm’an Hart left Manda) for Dayton, 9!. where they will remain indefinitely}; Mrs. Lgéter Ball and two sons of Evanstgfi were the Sunday guests of Mr/and Mrs. Albert Larson. Mr. Dan De- Nunzio and family mnvvd Monday to Chicago where they win make their future home. Mrs». W. Smith and two children we spending this week in La Salle. W. \‘i-fiting her parents. Mt”. Kirkman spent Sunday ‘i'fiwlxtrx‘k visiting his parents. Garéén cm} of; Illinqis a. giv- 11:”)an .m h- “-_‘. ; In“ _-nu III- l“v7-v ,7. . “peeved hm W tron Cal!- toad! irhm they spent the winter. In: Kon- mm in home from De Kalb, 111., and is spending this with her pdenta, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Baht. . ' > Mrs. J. H. Aynnley of Arenwu the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aynsley. Mr. 31nd Mrs. Leslie Candy and fam- ily of Chicago Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Ralph. The Press is in receipt of the inn. nouncement of the opening of Lou Gertenrich’s Sweet Shop, 2733 N. Clark St. Chicago, nah the un- agemen't of James Em former proprietor of the Highlnnd» Inn 0! this city. Eden fur (hand (anytm, [.05 Anmmlvs ,and Sun l-‘xancisco (a1. On Sundax ithey will sail tor Japan China. Fed- fcmtc-d Malay States, India and Col- funilm, (pylon, whore they will make {that headquarte'rs {or about two lwars. Mr. Smith is usswiawd with ,Lln- Gem-ml Elutric Motor company. “N. J. T Alexander who spent the pun winter in Chicago, will return to Highland Park Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Boynton is spend- ing the Easter vacation with her grandmotherfin Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kelly and daugh- ter, Miss Eileen, have returned from Miami. Fla., where they spent the past few months. Mfs. Johnson and children of Chi- cago are spending a month with hm- sister. Mrs. Esmiz, of N. Second_st. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Gibbs are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. born Sunday at the Highland Park hospital The A. L. McPhersons have rent- ed their house on S. Sheridan road forfive months to the Blaine~Smiths. Mrs. McPherson, with her two chil- dren, left Monday for La Jolla, 03]., where they have taken a cottage. Mr. McPherson Win jpin his family in Cal» ifornin late in the summer. The addition to the Y W. C. A. Cafeteria kitchen is nearing comple» tion. > Her interesting experience among the fisher folk on tlfe coast of Lab- radnr and the many humorous anec- (lutvs illustrating the simple life of those people made the evening one lung’t‘mbe remembered. The vocal music furnished by Mrs. Leonora Beck Shuster was delightful and um- vspecially appreciated fea- tuw was her gr-chrous response m the l'c-peauvd (WK-orest Miss Charlotte Brand accompanied. Take it all in all thp nieeting was wry suwossful. The attractively decorated gfmnas- ium is full of pretty things/to wear and to use, and twuhoothsAhat, draw Wundvrfully well an {39194 with good thingx to (at ~~ (-and\ ‘iwpcorn, cake bread and cookies. 1' Bumur A. Ever)" one connected with tin-(Y. W. (i. A. is burxy tnday making! he bazaar a success. / ‘ Bridal Shower T e Rainbow club gave a bridal slyfiver for one of the members. Mrs. Katherine Strayek Baca, a recent "bride, at the home of Edith Lind- blonm, last Wednesday evening. A live chicken iy/aLso offered for 25:11:“, a leg of laryfi. (-ggX. coffee and doughnuts. ,x’ '1‘ he Girl Roéerves are responsiblé fmj the bird flouses in Harder’s win- duw and hgp/e to realiu some summer camping ,fnoney out of the sale of them. ,/ HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO MEET APRIL 13 'The Woman's Auxiliary of the Highland Park hospital will hold an all day sowing meeting at the Pres- bytorian church on Wednesday, April 13th. This meeting is open to all woâ€" men who are interested in helping to make hnspital supplies and garments needed in the charitable maternity work done by the Whospital The ladies ave asked to bring their lunches and cofiee will be served A large. at- tendance is hoped for. ‘ ' , Upholstering in YOUR HOME; 35 you: experience. Call J. 8. Low. Waukegan 1808. , , lOthdv No man is independent, but there is nothing we like to talk about no much. gammmmmuuumm1mmummumumuummnmuummmm Many times a life hangs in the balance â€"â€" upou’ the action of ONE DRUG. ., . When your doctor prescribes a certain drug {of you, you want to know that you get it. The why to know this is to bring your prescriptions to Oh store to be filled We NEVER use substitutes, ' We takepride in having built our drug busing. on honesty, in QUALITY and PRICES. Come to US for it. A Phone 23 By using Highland Linen, Cranes Kid? Finish and Whitings Organdie Correspond- ence. Papers you will fully appreciate the old saying “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” Th prof!" mid-4’ flu] fill it We“: to igfomll] "fax/y .‘ M will be (M m M 1+»- :im imrml. ‘, The/Highland Park gin-own ALBERT LARSON, Station" 7 South St. Johm Avenue Telephou 1" Big Reductions in Fruit and \egembles FRESH MUSHROOMS, a pound ............. Fresh Strawberries ..................... 'low Sugar, 10 pounds . u .v ...................... vacuums Hon: Grown Aha-mu. 11c band: Frank C-nlilomn. 15: up. Ex. Fancy Ton-(net. Low price Freak 'Ro-Iin Lettuce. I W. 10-15: Kalamazoo Celery. lo and 25¢ bunch “0-: Crown Rhubarb, ”and [Se Fresh Mannou. 2 huh:- 15: Funk new M. 2 hunche- 18: Fresh Ankhokec Fro-h Tokvhcuu Pm. 15¢ 1 qt Fresh Green Bonn. 20c - “an Fruh Sula-ch. low prkc Dry Oahu. I mus II: Frat lelv' 2 vocab 15: Fred: White Tanks. 2 lbs. 15: New Cabbage. 7% pound Car-nu, 5: mid Sum Pot-toes. 3 lb. 25v I wish to announge that I am a recogmzed Mason and Plaster Contractor and an employer of union men / Tel.1157 / : FRED G. OBEE TH. count" “VI EARL W. GSELL' ”i Free Delivery for all orders over $2.00 Buy here and save money IllllllllllmmmlllHIIMIIIIIIlillllllllflllilllllllll Interim d1 madcuvddchvercdlâ€"oyw “(have Mmd‘mnwmzmusmw. Oncofhdever- Nubef fabric: nof models nrc Found m wiliawdyu; Bééfiaégiiguiu N62535~u0c038t>> 4:32.202 §_£9:( «3.3023133 €24 2:8 £3353 12.5 54353 .3}. Pharmacist Than Gingham- FYOUquHIBIeioh-ve dunnins WWW AEGIS FROCKS “Sunfish will-a curt 5‘0?!" AEGIS FROCKS Roch SIS, 225 Nari: Michigan Bivd, Chime 567 lb. for 2‘: Pine Greening Avila. I 15:. 2k yum. ”c dud . Extra Putty Dang-bu Mia, 6 to: 25¢ Y... finial, 5: lb. Ila. Nu Pot-m. lav! vrke M ms... Green Onions. Pu- Iky, Water (Trev Fruh Mun. kw India ’inr (it-m Fnh. l for 25¢ Eur: Swen Tnmrhut, O {or 85¢ Fm (JO-kin: And-I. (Vi-asap) 4 a? Guanoâ€"9F 2-4.. 9%. um... o2". =0 his»! a A: Ahaâ€"X Min? ~65 at [$2250] FRUITS Telephone 249 u; I» Aer wring 'low pri‘ Lmnn [)oflcd 9v"? st .\‘ DM Adm‘JHOI 1nd POOR!) A v-xxvx ; MONDA Adnnum (,‘hfldfi‘n “WHEN A Toma" Tl‘ ESDA‘ Admitsm (‘hudren kfluiféfi “Rid The huke“ de a“! pet ang Pam W EDS Admissim Children S1 ‘zni Y 4 I)" Pri GUY (. nn'n tive S I «4' Lox ' f Basal ban-01 (or ihu‘ Fan lam wh

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