wwwywaWMs-m llltJHVOOl), ILL. WM44“???~1"!“§’°§°+‘3“l°‘l*l“l~l«1' A Rat That Didn't Smell After Being Dead for Three Months l\‘,"‘. :I‘ ‘VKE’H \ l 1w ~ R.N-"1.1Ulfl‘h"vll wllri -Knllr‘z Rm'vfuJ‘iwlb ‘- +44»? - E. W. Gsell Harder Hardware Co. Northwestern Department Store I To the Ladies of A I sort nut tin: good. the int and the pour athlcu-K and zlll‘w‘uh- wu'h tn his nwn @355," ht WM): in, “We shall hch‘ the must ~killt'ul Hi all thew sports but they will nut in! nf the \vzn'horso \uricty plzii: mi diffvrvnt that «:mx \tulc uxm after leaving the university. The surprise test will make that impossible." I shall not pm'mit under this new plan a young man with any serious weaknvsx totry for the fzmtliall team. Nu yuungstcr may make a try for the 'vzu‘sity unless he shnws a physi- cian’s t'l'l‘llï¬L‘utC approving it. Thus, We shall draw strict lines but rest Sun: I m \h Harry Einhom 56 Sou(h Marv St ( HM \m» Wa‘u Regan Rug (‘0 Tnllorod to Mount: SPECIAL APRIL SALE IOHN I’E.»\R(‘E 125 N. St. Johns \xenue Phone 385 Highland Park Ill. J. 81 L. Garag’e at 1326 Victoria‘St" North (‘hicagm Ill. Have reopened their business Rug Weaving 21nd (‘arpet Cleaning All work guaranteed Send ~vour carpets m or write $72.50 To the Ladies of Highland Pnrk Special l'ricn on ESTHI .\TES Ff RN [SHED Perumal in \ Iro +++++ot~z~>~z~z~-:»:»:~:«£-:~:~:«z~z«'«'wz~4- . A Rat That Didn't Smell After icing Dead for Three Months uintcr and Docoratnr WRAPS l'lqueline TI. 1†SUITS Mr. Motorist PAGE 811 anoline l‘ ornu-ri} Koon‘s (Qar It'phuno Are you just aching to get your hands on that steering wheel again? ET’S hope the old bus L is all right but if she don’t crank or won’t ï¬re, don‘t cuss â€"â€" the battery is probably discharged. " I'HH We charge all makes, and a charge such as we giVe means a lot to a bat- !ery that has been stand- ing idle. We don‘t just ~huut the currs-m in. Nursingv» it ought to walled. for mzmv times mag on: perm £15 ii â€3' HIS .t‘t us Ir) it (“1(- «n W .x @3443 l‘LLl't, H) 13"“, uught to for mzmy times than. \Vc watch 111:0 H while ('ill‘t‘ wzl 1 1 pu- \Y L‘ ut H Developing Stars l‘iH-vtux‘ Evans talked Uf the dr- w-lupmvnt Hf fuotlmll and basketball mz-tvriul In the <anu- way, declaring that it 1< 2| lung emd sluw prnn-ss and [lmt rl‘ww kugn-r-uthletes czmnut lu- turrml nut‘ in :1 wasmx. "(kw rm- the mun-rial in rough form and 1 “ill uum‘untx-c that uur plzm xvii sort nut tln: good. the in- diffvrvnz and thy prmr athlcu-K and zlll‘w‘uh- wu'h tn his nwn (1355," he WM): 1“, "\V2’ shall hch‘ the must U Director of Athletics Dana M. Ev~ ans of Northwestern University is \vufkinp: nut 11 new plan of physical exuminutiun nf candidatcs for Varsity {(mtlmll and other exceptionally fast and hard sports which. uuthm'itlt-s chum. will mean a substantial stop fm-uard in thv gcneml prugmm 0f 1)h_\',~'i<'ul ~uporvlsiun all American culâ€" My xpnl'lS. Thc plan will be put intu «*Zrm‘l mm wan-nu if apprmwl by tlu‘ l'm'Hlty uthlvtlus «mnmiltve. The 11l:.n vmlu'urw u x‘chvmz- fur Director of Athletics Has Novel Scheme for Examination of Candidates for Sport Teams EVANS EVOLVES NEW PLAN U‘. r}- 1m FOR N. A ATHIHICS all [ht-5v spurts hut Hwy nf thv \vzn'horso \uricty \tulc uxm after leaving :ity. The surprise test 1m 1H: 11' AKH 1\‘,\ {J 21! ll â€1 I!) the ('2\U\(‘ «m «n it"ru- map '»r «IL-mi vitizen- ‘mm wt‘ Hn- pro- m-wrrmt, The hm My 1 1 :thvh-s a: girl mun: [' “ill in m}: r purl («'Hn \\ PM, m 31:1 lyr'l- 1m [’illiï¬n 3M mr'xy ap- Uw Local .ndx‘ L whvmz- fur 's and for [In m: frwluz-nt LI m1 pm knlm-y 1- and m Mn that [wrmzmv im huh pro- The Lu- I, Khllll‘} â€19‘ Hm (H d] \xhni M! O... I... Sheridan Bldg, Highllnd Put Telephone 874 ' I do an honest day's work 3 .g 3° at very reasonable prices. 3- MW x:z~--+~ Wo+~++++++++w TEE HIGHLAND MB! 'gmovdncchEsé Shh Bunk Bldg WW~WW ’ 3 Telephone m-R 3;! 60 N. First St. Highland Park .0.0000000000IOCCOOOOOOOOO Tel. 410 0..OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOi... Electrical ‘(‘ontractors Office 597 DR. C. C. (‘HADWICK DENTIST EXCAVATING, BLACK DIRT, MANURE TEAMING SERVICE Sewing Machine. Repaired, Called {or md Delivered. Highland Puk 15 S. St. Johns Ave Telephone 265 All make. of wutchu. and clock: Jewelrytor culled repaired Inddelivered Cement Contractor H. W. Huber Electric Co. J. Smith Watchmaker and Jeweler Sixteen Years at Schneider's 364 Central Avenue DR. WATSON DENTIST W. E. Waterhouse SEN TAZIALI JUNK Telephone 275 653 W. Park Ave. Dealer in PHONES Highland Park HI send .‘ FLU; LL] Residence 490 Hilblund Park A" _ , - “s '" with: ut difliuulty. uh‘ may he camu-d. evujim'ntcd. «Ir otherwisr conserved for use when fresh fruiet is not available. Became the care pf thv homo fruit naru‘t-n provides fm‘ (‘nnponiul and pru- ï¬iablc spare-time m-k‘upation. which is in nudity uk-I'i-atiun Fur than» \x'hu my joy sue-imr things gg'uw. â€HIMV-L'H‘WH :rua' 1'5 ilwimhlc, ~Dt‘l'lllliM4 hf â€Us ‘I'Hilt'tl Slultw pnrtmvm n!" Agrn-qun-m Ih‘ruuw I! nmhm thvf 1m uh {I and m thv iu-u, pupil/Iv mndilim. 1m mm [9w mm!) h.†tluit v :1: M1 )1 “(mid “Hun M tiq‘pl'ivwi h. mi in [w pun hzwt‘l'. Ilmmsr. if [hr nuqunt \‘al'ivtns n-llrh-(L u wmimzh'u: ~umrly uf fr of \sm‘u'inr qt} :H I} mzu Iv roumdles~ uf mmku ]\!i(t‘> kuusr an) \mplus may ' .10 \1 >(‘ U" RICKSUNS FUR GR()\\I.\(£ l’Rl'l'l‘ I! â€(HIE “ARDEN :mn nun n!" (‘hriu‘urn mm Him» In “oldim: thz- «um vmvy that â€W :il’llly 1mm yuunu nwn. Whnlv Hm 1.: Ililt‘l't'b‘xlh‘ [\iswn‘w. rule- niixtim-num suw High 3481)! nudism, dmy :md wrvim mummy. Ammm is On un \Hl‘vlt'\ mu! Hal f'urlinx: 0! thv Imrinnnairvs Club, huMim: a Li}: n-uninn and varniwll uf farmer ni\':1l nt'svrvit'c men and wmm-n at the ('uliscum May 5} and 4. "5mm" I van not b« with yuu.†the wn'vlms mid. “The scrviw uf our Wire Frqm Gen. Wood Amerivzm servicl- and American duty tolerate no “both nnr breed nor birth" according to a Wireless reâ€" (-oivvd yestvrday fmm General Lennâ€" ard Wood, now in the Paciï¬c on route to the Philippines. The message was ruw-ivmi by Arnold Juerns, president: of thv Imxzinnnain-s (‘lnh knmnm “I 'l‘hvrv will in: :1 hi}: Aim-i'icanizzi- tinn angle. Arnuiil .luci‘ns, president «if; tho [gt-uiunnairus ('lul» announced Inw (lay. Judge K. N- l.andi.~ and Frankf (â€mm-fowl will speak (Ill patriotic top-i HS, in :i tvnâ€"niinutu intvrmissiun each; might. Forty th¢usand tickets alreadyl have liven said. 3 The First Field Ar-l tillory will havoi, two French 75's on] ('X- exhibit. with ithe same crews whichl manned them in“ France. l Spwial {rev iattrai'tions, dancing aéts, music, wrestling. and other at- tractions are billed. fm'mm‘ .wmiu- men and “'nmvn tn he held in the (‘ulisoum May 3 and 4. The show “in be A combination Cir- rus. muntry ifair. Madri-(h'm and danw, on both nights. Earh pus! is lakinu runnmsidns. the pron-eds to be divided Lctwm-n Hw Post and the [A-gizmmin-‘s (L'Iuh. which is running Hn- >hmv fur the benefit of vmpluy- mvm. hospitalization, and olht'l' Work among: ~nl(}i(-z‘s,’, sailnrs. marincs, and} nurws of thv ciéty. Fifty posts of thy American Legion, Vrtcrans Fun-inn) Wars and Spanish War Von-nuns, haw joined forces for the ï¬rst big reunion and L'arnival of FIFTY LEGIONPOST IN BIG CARNIVAL “Im II «\‘vry I": 1hr \m ‘ In! you; f‘l'um {hr-third «m. I :talml 3 121171;: I! «Him-h uiv} 1h \T ('(HJSEI'M MAY 3 AND 4 "irst Big Reunion Will Be Held in (‘hicagn Next Month; Com- bination Circus. Madri Grams and Fair Last Friday, the weekly General AsM-mlnh \\‘a‘;< given m'rr In an Arv Imr Ha} pmm'zun. I‘our members of Mr. M<.\utt.~: Hutu: 13' mIlss mm four tall» upprnpm'atu In the mansion. \(xt I'rirIzm LIw \ssunbl) will be uwiun mu M "I Imn ‘5) Day.’ " The ymmnmrm \viII Im [H'HIHHI Ivy the Buy Swut: uf Highland I‘m‘k. On Friday, April 22, classes will be suspended during the afternoon to allow the tedchers to attend a meet.- lng of the North Shore Branch of the Illinois State Teachers Association in Evanstun, and to make possible the rehearsal of ihe musical organizations which will perform that evening at the Annual Spring (‘nncurL \\ whapdn}. durum: L 1111- me-h Huh I nl' ".‘ltrlh’iuul' l't mid. “The son wuntr)‘ prnhihits. In knuw ‘that An n n!" (‘hriu‘urn an Hl\ '1' Adm-ulun‘vr» l' H ."nth H)" In! [1h {Ir L1H, }!(?.\f~llll(‘ ('nlltilllu! [in hum!) h.» tluit HUM “(Um M‘ «irpl'ih‘ti if pun husvd. n‘ulty. or may he camu-d. ul‘ otherwisr Conserved for nswmm rule-mt: IVn‘ h'Iiu'h rtanrilluj 1va \‘un, 25 qmlu m-IehmtmL a?! or mun wrmmly i> u hu-l‘lwhl Hun Mm mum-mi Im n gt [ting I'M Hf M‘oryâ€" Emuw n~ Hum >ll(>\\' In min 1. «wry mri'f hm km “'1 y: u Why DH ‘lirm Hans YH'VI \ww you†ht‘h (h: TIM H U†HHIHHV HIHHI s. [I is -\ll|\'l'i\:ln {hw svvlnn pm"- ‘siH yum-n! an Hirhnn." a play hus n-zuis during A vast i> pivkwi rims. \x‘husv tul~ qmlv m-Iehrutvd \imhlc my 5!;1105 “I. (Li I'M nf M‘oryâ€" >ll<>\\' In min Yuu knnw In puâ€" tho â€Mus 'Hn w] PH)†I'nn) mv [w DU 1‘ in Ho I. H. JORDAN COMPANY By taking advantage of the “station to station†long distance telephone rate out of town calls can be made more quickly and at less expense. For instance, the day “station to station†rate for a threeâ€"minute conversation between: Chicago and Cleveland is $2.05. The same call can be made in the evening, 8:30 p. m. to midnight, for $1.05. From inidnight to 4:30 a. In. the costis but 55 cents. “station to station " “Hike of the curxcnl issue of the ' §et acquainted with the Money and Time Saved Drugs . Phones: Highland Park 144-363 Pea‘se ESTABLISHED 1354 le money and time saving vice. explained on nge X the Telephone Directory Qt Mnintamed CHURCH media: ( 1y In 1‘ between nounce 1 of hours! Tel. Hi; RI‘ CHRI