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Highland Park Press (1912), 12 May 1921, p. 8

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J. H. Keagle, Pastor , The pmsn‘am for the week is as fol- lows: Any 0!)“ th dbub‘.‘ UN H‘C‘A'Lli I": the autumuhilu industry snuuhi be u.- mmded uf thv ncu-sCity uf raplacing all thus;- that m-c mmshcd up in ar- ndvnts every day PAGE EIGHT '"Bâ€"il'ale study classes Monday night at 8:00 o'clock. érayer meetings on Wednesday night at 7:45. followed by a meeting of the Sunday School Council. filmy nigh't the Board of Stewards will meet at the parsonage. Sunday at 9:31) a. m. the Bible ichool. Th5 is a busy placc and new scholars are coming in every Sun- day. Yuu will fiml a welcome. Morning <ermun by tht pastor, sub~ ject, "H-AV to go on to Perfection." Endcawr Smiety meets at 7:00 p. m. Subject "How to Enjoy Ones Work," iwi by Miss Wallie Ritter. Evemrs: <nm: an‘i sermon. You are invited m mmc and brim: a friemL The sew-nth and eighth grades with Miss Hmhiurd made a trip to the Wauke; u‘. t‘atx on brinlax They also vislted the law favtury at Zion ('ity .mv! H2. ‘zu'nthuuw a! “Hulkcum‘ OF'NORTHERN ILLINOIS Maybe it’s too strong to say it’s a poem, but it: sure a. tasteful brand. It: sur- fnce is delicately browned, its interior isn't hard~its HOT. Electric Toasters Public Service Co. TOAST $5 for Your Vote â€" COUPON _ HARRYV‘fifi'anLLIX! New Customers Before 24th YOUR order forasuitwil} be a vote. and I will allow you FIVE DOLLARS for it. of? these prices. $39, s49, 359 EVE! Just {1 self srrl a-NI wan R» r _. ,, _ u-{u-y- w“. ynu P‘Y‘fiPI . " 'LI. \ R: ‘ YT: v. .1 'iuua y‘ u' .\l-\DE 1“ emu yup miy S m. in“; EXTRA Tuul. ‘ .\ 1’le HARRY MITCHELL hmp of augustâ€"honest- the ordinary species, man- ufactured in the ordinary way and delivered some- as delicately flavqred u a times cold, sometimes charred black and alwags [y do you like that kind of toast?fithew Broduct of wholly differentibrreed . the Eloctric Tpgter is a It ’s 1648 E. Jackson Blvd. Monthly Payments rb 'xtra Trousers lh ‘ m a UM 'akc xtfor you right on the dining-room table Made to Order Worth $5 to You SUITS Chicago . I “‘2! snow a pn~'c. whtch l‘x) ORDER sun tun or 354 ”U 'W‘Ith FREE I fixed at the sum of Four-Hundred ATTEST: ($40000: per annum. E. A. WARREN. That the salary of the (ity (lcrk (my (‘lvrk he and {hp same is. hereby fixed a‘ (he Passed. May 61h, A, D, 19-31, sum of Three Thwusand Thru- HunA Approval May 7th. A. D. 1921. llrud Dollar‘s $(Z;i_‘)00.00) pvr annum. That the salary of the Corporation (‘ounst-l he‘nml the same is hereby-.;..;..;..;..§..;.+.g..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..g.. ;;....;.,..;..g..;. fixed at the sum Hf Tvm Thousand. D0llur> (324000.00) per annum‘. . , ‘ That tho salary (if the ('ity Trt'flS« J O H N I) E A R ( E urer lw and. the same is hereby fixed at the sum of Six hundred Dollars ' ($600.00: per unnum. Painter and Decorator That thulsalary of the (‘ity (ful- lector he and the same, is hereby fixed at the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety - nnu Dollars {$1891.00} per annum. That the salary of the City Mar- shall be and the same is hereby fixed at the sunyuf One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($1800.00) per an- num. The Church School will meet at nine thirty next Sunday morning. Morning worship at eleven o'clock. Strangerfi are welcome. The Young Peoples' Chorus will meet for rehearsal at three thirty in the afternoon in the Lecture Room. The Young People‘s Society will meet at 30V?" fifteen. Miss Bernice Tucker will lead the meeting. The topic is “Religion l’ays." That the sainry of the Mayor be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of Sixâ€"Hundred Dollars ($600.00) per annum. That the salary of each at the commissioners he and it is hereby fixed at the sum of Four-Hundred ($400.00! per annum. That the salary «vi the Assistant Marshal hu'zmd the same is hereby fixed at the $Um of ()m- Thousand Six Hundred Fm‘ty - {hrm‘ Dollars ($1643.00! [wt-r annum. That zhu ballary nf I‘phce Officers Number Hm», Twu and Number Three 1m am] :c is‘ghcrvby fixed at the sum of ()m- Thousand Fiw Hundred Eigh- twn. IMHars 131318.!)0) per annum. Tha’ thu salary uf thc (‘hjef En- gineer uf the Water Works be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum nf TWH Thomsand Fifteen Dullars ($2013J'V0; ph' annuny That the salary of the First As- sistum Engine” at the Watvr Works he and the Fame is hon-by fixed at the mm Hf [)nv Thuusand Six Hunâ€" vix'mi F\v1"__\'<sv\'(-H Dnllaz‘s ($1647.00) M’x' {U‘Y um The clusing meeting v!" the Hush- laml Park Chapter of the Westmin- ster Guild will he held at thg home of Miis “’right in Libertyvillu on next Monday. Th0 members will moo-t at the ("(-nnnunity (‘enter at ten thirty o'clwk and go by automobiles [u Lllwnyvillv. Thcl‘t“ will he a hum-t lunchcnn :11 um- u'vlm‘k. .\.\' ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF CITY OFFICERS AND CERTAIN, EMPLOYEES F THE (‘ITY OI“ HIGHLAND I‘A . AILLI~ NOIS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COI'N- (‘IL ()I‘} TIIF. (‘l’I‘Y OF HIGH- LAND PARK: SECTION lâ€"That the salaries of the fullowim: (‘ity (Minors and rm- pioyes. for the fiscal year beginning May Ist, 1921. and ending April 30th, 1922. be fixed at surh sum as is pro- vided for by this ordinance for such ofiiu-r «yr empioyu for the discharge of the duties of such office, as re uired under the Ian's of the State of II inois, and the ordinanm-s of the (Tity uf Highland Park, during thv term of his afl‘iue or empluyment. and that such officer or omploye shall receiVo no further compensation from the City of Highland Park for the duties 0; such office during: the term thenu o . l’i‘ayvr nlwtim: at eight u’t-lm'k U“ Wt-(lm-siliiy t-vvninu in thv Lecture Rimm ut‘ the churi'h. The Second Lake t'uunty Yuung I‘t‘!!!)lt‘l> Cniifei‘riivc will ho hc-ltl iii Lilci'tyvilk' on Saturday. May 28th, iiiit‘vi the tlll't‘t'llull ut‘ the inkv (Hwy Suinlii' \Xnmil _\<:uci.it' 'l. Thv iipcning session will be held in the M. H. Chum-h at 9:30 AA M. StamL arrl Time. ll. A. Waite. Young l’cu- pl«;'< \\Hl'l\‘(‘l‘ with tllt‘ Intvrnatiunzil Surinlziy thiml Association and Mn. F. F.‘ Northmtt. ii girl‘s leader of “'lllt' »,~xpvriviicu will be thy principal speaker: Lil. the (lily Thy conferenci- lrl fur yuum: people lwtwcen the ages of l3 and 24 and their leaders. Regisâ€" tration sliiulil l-v made early with Rwy 1“. Wright «4‘ Lilwrtyvillt- as the nunilwi- is limited tn 7H)“. or Svrwx‘éu' Thv szdh “ith Mrs. J (H Sunday, 5 unis; _\', Sumhly, chnuml LI 1' ;\ T! I)! 1H 11 itlu l‘}‘ mu 1' shim Aid hn ( a. m. (‘hurch School. 2L m, Murning Worship p. In Evening Worship , >~ p. m. .\Iid\\'vekthy- T h y «xf the Second As- ut the \szth Works is halv‘ m x'm-d at ”H mmui I‘m» Hundrul Hun (SI-"u. JHH pm M vx' 1hr Muir» HR at \' Hm wicLy [Ht‘k‘tS (Mia: Fay, ('cntrzfl 21w my 1mm 3*12 v \me' Works 3? H II” 11x. U H a y sistant Fire Marshal in chnrge of the Fire Station '(during the duy) be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred Forty- three Dollnrs ($1643.90) peg- unm‘JmA. of One Thousand 51x nunureu runy- three Dollnrs S$1643.00) per nnnum. That the sa ary of the Second As- sistant Fire Marshall intgharge of the! Open . Fire Station (during e night) be and the same is hereby fixed at the! Charge . ' , sum of One Thousand Three Hun-1 . drcd Eighty Dollars {$138000} per Account annum. That the salary M the (lent-ml Here Helper in the \Vfltt'r Dvpurtment be and the same is lwrvhy fixed at the “The‘ Best Store on the North Shore}, sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Eight Dollars ($1405.00) per annum. That the mlary 01‘ the man in Wankegan Illinois v c v , ALA l “"1””-.. l.‘.l:.‘....nol.â€" ;. ,3 t 9 5 .,..;. 40:403. 0 w-MwmwMâ€"z- 5H- That the salary M the (icneral Helper in the \Vfltt'r Dvpurtment be and the same is hvrvhy fixed m the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Eight Dollars ($1408.00) per annum. That the mlary 01' the man in «harm» nf the Garbage Incinerator Plant by and thv same is hereby fix- rd at the \um of ()m- Thuusumi Three Hundrw! 'I‘Wentth Dullars ($1325) per annum. That the salary of tho Uuildmg Inspm‘tur In- and {M same is hereby fixed at tho sum of Twu Thnusand One Hundn-d linllurs I$2100.00) per un‘ H um That the salary of tlw (‘ity Hall Janitor shall be aid from the Sul- ary Fund provide for in the Depart ment of Public Pmpvrty. SECTION 4â€"That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with {his ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION râ€"'I‘his ()rdinancv shall he in force and effect from and after SEVTIUN L’w-Thut {hr sulnrws pmâ€" vidml for in Section 0m- of this n!" dinanw shall be dm- and payable in semiâ€"monthly instalhm-nts un the First and Fifteenth day 01' each month fur thc preceding half month of their sorn‘w. during thv term of their office. That tht' salary of the Fun-man of Streets and Public Impmvvments‘shall be paid from the Salary Fund providâ€" t-d for in the Department nf Streets and Pubhv Improvvmrnts. That the salary of the man in m-hanre of tho Garbage Incineratur and ("ily Toamstvr shall be puid from the Garbagv Fund. That the salary nf the (ity Treas- ur-u. (ity (ullectwr and (hivf (lvrk shall be paid from the salary of Of- ficers Fund provided for in the De- partment of Accounts and Finances. at the Fire Station and the Building Inspevtur shall he paid frum tho Sul- zxry Fund pruvidml for in the De- partnwnt of Public Health 6’: Safety. ('orporntiun Counsel. (‘ity Marshal. Assistam (‘ity Marshal. ('ity Pulice ()riicors, Ste-nugraphor and Sanitary Inspector shaii be paid from thv sai- nry of Officers Fund provided for in the Ih‘partmont of Public Affairs. Thut the salary ur‘ the Foreman of Suwer and Water MaIns, Chief Engiâ€" nm-r at the Water Works. First. Sec- ond and Third Assistams m the Water Walks General ’1l’][)('l‘\ In thm Water Departmvnt Dav zind \Ight FIrcnwn at the Fire Station and the Building Inspevtur shall he paid frum the Sn]- SEX‘TIUN li~~That the- salary of the Mayor, (onupissinnurs, __(‘it_\:‘ (‘lt-rk, THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS ESTIMATES FURNISHED Telephone H. P. 1039 SA MUEL M. H A'STINGS, Mayor the (‘ity Hall from the Sul- in the Depart - 14“? -++ CONSIDER BIDS FOR GREAT L \KES HARBOR Effort Made 10 Award (‘umruvt fur (‘onstructiun of New $100,000 Harbor Annihrt .1“ arc! (h. Silk Jersey Petticoats and Bloomers “HUN” T ht Thaw Annunl May Sales bring the mean»: by which one my ful- fill the requirements 0! the {nmily and the home at saving: of a very substantial non. The alt-a imludc llounewum. Ind (luck-n took. Women's, Misse- and Children's Apparel. Boys' Clothing. Piou- goods. Draperies. Hosiery. l'nder- wear. Notions and Shoes. Only merchandise of our usual high- xmndtrd quality find a place in then-w ulm. Assortments arc ll- wlyn compleu- Is the rum“ 0! spa-ill pun-ham constantly arriv- ing. Prices are the lowest in yearn. Turkish “HUI Tml‘rl'a‘, 231M “(ru- blr h-rry towel. full blwu'hvd \Vov- M) with «‘ulurrd border \lnv Salr 29c May Shiv 13L I-‘unt‘y Turkish Ruth Tnu‘dx. ‘JRC. Heavy. (inunh- tc-rry. Jacquvn-d patterns. l’mk, bluv and yellow. Sumv have silk stripes. 98c May Sak- Towels Everyone knows the; quality of Daisy. 36 inches wide. full bleached, frée from dressing (limit 10 yards to customer). May Sale . , . , . . . . . . 4 . . . . .. “14¢: Our Annual May Sales Huck and Turkish May Salr vLJL Turkinh “HUI TUIHL HH‘v-ZZK» 40; in. site. Manchu! purv whit». huuhlv thread terry. Mav Shiv 49c Hosiery In the May Sale ”1'1,“st NIH; Lult li4l~f'. 35¢ Pair Guaranteed tivkel un erry pair. Highly mvrcoriu-d_ Black, whm' and mlur~x Muv Suh- 35 ' C pair (Hr/M Fm: Rib 3 pairs fur SH formrrly suld at white and brown May 5111“. pair Slum Hh I’d" inch yvrtalcs of firm. plum- wouw. Dark and light Krnunds. May Salv prix'o yard 19C \R-ry flm- quality, mcludvd nn- plaids. new checks, Largv patterns. May Salv priw‘ yard Dress Ginghams 250 Yd. M. 1'“ (1'5 Toile-dwNm'd 11nd M :H] Satin and Taffeta Frocks In the May Sale $15 32 In. Dress Gingham 36% c Yd. Dress Percale. 19c Yd. Now in Progress Throughout the Storej .f \nlry yum! gnu] \hr )dtu'uutx ‘nnu 51£AV Sal“ mrmt {pairs for 31.00 Hihln (I Hm”; .‘Ht‘ SUN) A \‘ulm‘ that at (15C pmr, Bluck, ken» soft finhh. striixw and unit-1y of Bring Daisy Muslin at 14c Yard 36%c Hum May Sale Cotton Goods 34c unfit-(Lvnh x u-rtam h. ; n and Mlxu for thu k-(mstrmiwn m’ lhrm- weak watrrx of H\r(‘(' typos rubblr mnuwi rock fillvd. pilr‘crxlm with rum-nu .lrru) m a“ [In- Mrmht ( f «'hunyrsduh t9 HR Tht yur Rod Scul brands and ('hm'ks. .\ {H‘mnu'dl Nhtetingr'. 350 Yard Bleached. 72 inches widu (1mm 10 yards m (-ustomcn May SHIV. 9 C ‘ Yurd , ( wvnrinx May S:- Of Particular Importanceâ€"A Group at $15 Is a group at $1.3. Duvetâ€"de-Laine. Triculinv, Tinse‘ltone Jud ('amt'lshnir are among (hr fuhru-s nonvd. The popularity of the 61!! and Mandarin sleeve are emphasized in this asmrtment and 1N lhnmghnm Thy inw prmm: )3 (hr main“ of a very special pun-hm. May Sale Here are ( oats and W raps far superior in every wav to “hat one would expect to find at these prices Thev are fashioned of the finest woolens, perfect in workmanship and charming in mode. aA remarkable \alue in each instance :1 y MLInrh $21.75 Sah- pnu- yard m‘ul Coats and Wraps " Hi L'He BHUUJH'” Pmrhnr H H’umy‘k' Ha‘mi 1h: h [{r‘lm‘n Shé‘t‘hny Inw wruu'. 5p]: (“RAH-V 1 )‘urd AH! For Women and Misses L Three Other Groups I‘t'nl [H‘I‘lfil a! New pix-mi.» $3.98 \\ my. )Jw splendid $15 35c 25c 15c $39.7 5 1H grli'id gurtah and mnyhnm Ma \uth [nu-R11 and vrvlvraak t\§::"m:(:ixl| 98c Prlln- Ind-km: (mum! aprons z \ a In ”It flesh color. made of bro- tadui materials with elastic girdle {1“qu A $3.50 value 51 98 May Sale Apronh SPECIAL AT $1.49 Mn) SUN? ‘ l TIE BACK APRONS 98c May Sale Comb Amt rimm Boaun (arm-ts made “1 Huh (ulur Herringbone {out}! .‘le'ud with Mightylpm) Awnge ’{f31""s'2i5"" $1.49 SPECIAL AT $1.98 POLY I’RIM APRONS vammg npruns ..f fink l'fi'T' « :.h- of culun-d strtpvd ‘ and 31%“ urm! path‘rn: un 12):}?! muunds‘ < awfully {this} M}, Ma) Sula , ‘ 59c Th1 project wa» adwrusvd but ~ummc-r but the work was halted b9- rauso none of the bids wen- 11nd" flu mtimatr of the engineers. Thy Mann vwn (Irpuhw by UN“ pngmrunng m-pannwm [HIHH “W' Hrva: Lakrs. (I W Park“ L‘ "M“ “f Hm hurrau m thHlL’v u! the im~ pm \‘rmem. SuHu [{rd Spread. $4. 913 â€"‘ Larm» Sm», perfect bleach. luv trous finish \arn Cumentionnl path- rns. cut (or-hers s4 9 May Sak- Sprung Vulk‘b m cunning mlurings and designs. Very fine weave Lurgv choice in the May Sale, at 69‘ M m; éll' $69.75 $ Y) rais- the q, of any i1 Mrs, huh"! 285! Thursday The teacher! Rut). Rind“ wading m the fivld inst Frid‘ \wm second in and Alice “‘3 ‘ The wrifilw V‘ Faust. A dame w1| upnum, Frldl) «mint-her A Huckleberry Twmn'e‘ famO nume. will N rat? Svhofii P LIBERTY V Treasury War "VIM handy" us fill the war. com vestmelfl with county. The I jut sent out amber of “ Illinois durill Libenyvme county '“h ' on two moat the “let {0! nuts. Wnukefl“ with l mu! months» 1n Zmn U .mounted ‘1” worth were i The {onl her of II first um beinx I!" dun om fiixhhmd 1’! Lake ForeQ Libertyvillo North (luau Zion ' , “'aukegun Fort Stu-nit 0 A K TE? The lad naming m ‘heir dilu‘h neighbot" -

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