J. H. Keagle, Pastor , The pmsn‘am for the week is as fol- lows: Any 0!)“ th dbub‘.‘ UN H‘C‘A'Lli I": the autumuhilu industry snuuhi be u.- mmded uf thv ncu-sCity uf raplacing all thus;- that m-c mmshcd up in ar- ndvnts every day PAGE EIGHT '"Bâ€"il'ale study classes Monday night at 8:00 o'clock. érayer meetings on Wednesday night at 7:45. followed by a meeting of the Sunday School Council. ï¬lmy nigh't the Board of Stewards will meet at the parsonage. Sunday at 9:31) a. m. the Bible ichool. Th5 is a busy placc and new scholars are coming in every Sun- day. Yuu will ï¬ml a welcome. Morning <ermun by tht pastor, sub~ ject, "H-AV to go on to Perfection." Endcawr Smiety meets at 7:00 p. m. Subject "How to Enjoy Ones Work," iwi by Miss Wallie Ritter. Evemrs: <nm: an‘i sermon. You are invited m mmc and brim: a friemL The sew-nth and eighth grades with Miss Hmhiurd made a trip to the Wauke; u‘. t‘atx on brinlax They also vislted the law favtury at Zion ('ity .mv! H2. ‘zu'nthuuw a! “Hulkcum‘ OF'NORTHERN ILLINOIS Maybe it’s too strong to say it’s a poem, but it: sure a. tasteful brand. It: sur- fnce is delicately browned, its interior isn't hard~its HOT. Electric Toasters Public Service Co. TOAST $5 for Your Vote â€" COUPON _ HARRYV‘ï¬ï¬'anLLIX! New Customers Before 24th YOUR order forasuitwil} be a vote. and I will allow you FIVE DOLLARS for it. of? these prices. $39, s49, 359 EVE! Just {1 self srrl a-NI wan R» r _. ,, _ u-{u-y- w“. ynu P‘Y‘ï¬PI . " 'LI. \ R: ‘ YT: v. .1 'iuua y‘ u' .\l-\DE 1“ emu yup miy S m. in“; EXTRA Tuul. ‘ .\ 1’le HARRY MITCHELL hmp of augustâ€"honest- the ordinary species, man- ufactured in the ordinary way and delivered some- as delicately flavqred u a times cold, sometimes charred black and alwags [y do you like that kind of toast?ï¬thew Broduct of wholly differentibrreed . the Eloctric Tpgter is a It ’s 1648 E. Jackson Blvd. Monthly Payments rb 'xtra Trousers lh ‘ m a UM 'akc xtfor you right on the dining-room table Made to Order Worth $5 to You SUITS Chicago . I “‘2! snow a pn~'c. whtch l‘x) ORDER sun tun or 354 â€U 'W‘Ith FREE I ï¬xed at the sum of Four-Hundred ATTEST: ($40000: per annum. E. A. WARREN. That the salary of the (ity (lcrk (my (‘lvrk he and {hp same is. hereby ï¬xed a‘ (he Passed. May 61h, A, D, 19-31, sum of Three Thwusand Thru- HunA Approval May 7th. A. D. 1921. llrud Dollar‘s $(Z;i_‘)00.00) pvr annum. That the salary of the Corporation (‘ounst-l he‘nml the same is hereby-.;..;..;..;..§..;.+.g..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..g.. ;;....;.,..;..g..;. ï¬xed at the sum Hf Tvm Thousand. D0llur> (324000.00) per annum‘. . , ‘ That tho salary (if the ('ity Trt'flS« J O H N I) E A R ( E urer lw and. the same is hereby ï¬xed at the sum of Six hundred Dollars ' ($600.00: per unnum. Painter and Decorator That thulsalary of the (‘ity (ful- lector he and the same, is hereby ï¬xed at the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety - nnu Dollars {$1891.00} per annum. That the salary of the City Mar- shall be and the same is hereby ï¬xed at the sunyuf One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($1800.00) per an- num. The Church School will meet at nine thirty next Sunday morning. Morning worship at eleven o'clock. Strangerï¬ are welcome. The Young Peoples' Chorus will meet for rehearsal at three thirty in the afternoon in the Lecture Room. The Young People‘s Society will meet at 30V?" ï¬fteen. Miss Bernice Tucker will lead the meeting. The topic is “Religion l’ays." That the sainry of the Mayor be and the same is hereby ï¬xed at the sum of Sixâ€"Hundred Dollars ($600.00) per annum. That the salary of each at the commissioners he and it is hereby ï¬xed at the sum of Four-Hundred ($400.00! per annum. That the salary «vi the Assistant Marshal hu'zmd the same is hereby ï¬xed at the $Um of ()m- Thousand Six Hundred Fm‘ty - {hrm‘ Dollars ($1643.00! [wt-r annum. That zhu ballary nf I‘phce Ofï¬cers Number Hm», Twu and Number Three 1m am] :c is‘ghcrvby ï¬xed at the sum of ()m- Thousand Fiw Hundred Eigh- twn. IMHars 131318.!)0) per annum. Tha’ thu salary uf thc (‘hjef En- gineer uf the Water Works be and the same is hereby ï¬xed at the sum nf TWH Thomsand Fifteen Dullars ($2013J'V0; ph' annuny That the salary of the First As- sistum Engine†at the Watvr Works he and the Fame is hon-by ï¬xed at the mm Hf [)nv Thuusand Six Hunâ€" vix'mi F\v1"__\'<sv\'(-H Dnllaz‘s ($1647.00) M’x' {U‘Y um The clusing meeting v!" the Hush- laml Park Chapter of the Westmin- ster Guild will he held at thg home of Miis “’right in Libertyvillu on next Monday. Th0 members will moo-t at the ("(-nnnunity (‘enter at ten thirty o'clwk and go by automobiles [u Lllwnyvillv. Thcl‘t“ will he a hum-t lunchcnn :11 um- u'vlm‘k. .\.\' ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF CITY OFFICERS AND CERTAIN, EMPLOYEES F THE (‘ITY OI“ HIGHLAND I‘A . AILLI~ NOIS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COI'N- (‘IL ()I‘} TIIF. (‘l’I‘Y OF HIGH- LAND PARK: SECTION lâ€"That the salaries of the fullowim: (‘ity (Minors and rm- pioyes. for the ï¬scal year beginning May Ist, 1921. and ending April 30th, 1922. be ï¬xed at surh sum as is pro- vided for by this ordinance for such oï¬iu-r «yr empioyu for the discharge of the duties of such ofï¬ce, as re uired under the Ian's of the State of II inois, and the ordinanm-s of the (Tity uf Highland Park, during thv term of his afl‘iue or empluyment. and that such ofï¬cer or omploye shall receiVo no further compensation from the City of Highland Park for the duties 0; such ofï¬ce during: the term thenu o . l’i‘ayvr nlwtim: at eight u’t-lm'k U“ Wt-(lm-siliiy t-vvninu in thv Lecture Rimm ut‘ the churi'h. The Second Lake t'uunty Yuung I‘t‘!!!)lt‘l> Cniifei‘riivc will ho hc-ltl iii Lilci'tyvilk' on Saturday. May 28th, iiiit‘vi the tlll't‘t'llull ut‘ the inkv (Hwy Suinlii' \Xnmil _\<:uci.it' 'l. Thv iipcning session will be held in the M. H. Chum-h at 9:30 AA M. StamL arrl Time. ll. A. Waite. Young l’cu- pl«;'< \\Hl'l\‘(‘l‘ with tllt‘ Intvrnatiunzil Surinlziy thiml Association and Mn. F. F.‘ Northmtt. ii girl‘s leader of “'lllt' »,~xpvriviicu will be thy principal speaker: Lil. the (lily Thy conferenci- lrl fur yuum: people lwtwcen the ages of l3 and 24 and their leaders. Regisâ€" tration sliiulil l-v made early with Rwy 1“. Wright «4‘ Lilwrtyvillt- as the nunilwi- is limited tn 7H)“. or Svrwx‘éu' Thv szdh “ith Mrs. J (H Sunday, 5 unis; _\', Sumhly, chnuml LI 1' ;\ T! I)! 1H 11 itlu l‘}‘ mu 1' shim Aid hn ( a. m. (‘hurch School. 2L m, Murning Worship p. In Evening Worship , >~ p. m. .\Iid\\'vekthy- T h y «xf the Second As- ut the \szth Works is halv‘ m x'm-d at â€H mmui I‘m» Hundrul Hun (SI-"u. JHH pm M vx' 1hr Muir» HR at \' Hm wicLy [Ht‘k‘tS (Mia: Fay, ('cntrzfl 21w my 1mm 3*12 v \me' Works 3? H II†11x. U H a y sistant Fire Marshal in chnrge of the Fire Station '(during the duy) be and the same is hereby ï¬xed at the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred Forty- three Dollnrs ($1643.90) peg- unm‘JmA. of One Thousand 51x nunureu runy- three Dollnrs S$1643.00) per nnnum. That the sa ary of the Second As- sistant Fire Marshall intgharge of the! Open . Fire Station (during e night) be and the same is hereby ï¬xed at the! Charge . ' , sum of One Thousand Three Hun-1 . drcd Eighty Dollars {$138000} per Account annum. That the salary M the (lent-ml Here Helper in the \Vfltt'r Dvpurtment be and the same is lwrvhy ï¬xed at the “The‘ Best Store on the North Shore}, sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Eight Dollars ($1405.00) per annum. That the mlary 01‘ the man in Wankegan Illinois v c v , ALA l “"1â€â€-.. l.‘.l:.‘....nol.â€" ;. ,3 t 9 5 .,..;. 40:403. 0 w-MwmwMâ€"z- 5H- That the salary M the (icneral Helper in the \Vfltt'r Dvpurtment be and the same is hvrvhy ï¬xed m the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Eight Dollars ($1408.00) per annum. That the mlary 01' the man in «harm» nf the Garbage Incinerator Plant by and thv same is hereby ï¬x- rd at the \um of ()m- Thuusumi Three Hundrw! 'I‘Wentth Dullars ($1325) per annum. That the salary of tho Uuildmg Inspm‘tur In- and {M same is hereby ï¬xed at tho sum of Twu Thnusand One Hundn-d linllurs I$2100.00) per un‘ H um That the salary of tlw (‘ity Hall Janitor shall be aid from the Sul- ary Fund provide for in the Depart ment of Public Pmpvrty. SECTION 4â€"That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with {his ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION râ€"'I‘his ()rdinancv shall he in force and effect from and after SEVTIUN L’w-Thut {hr sulnrws pmâ€" vidml for in Section 0m- of this n!" dinanw shall be dm- and payable in semiâ€"monthly instalhm-nts un the First and Fifteenth day 01' each month fur thc preceding half month of their sorn‘w. during thv term of their ofï¬ce. That tht' salary of the Fun-man of Streets and Public Impmvvments‘shall be paid from the Salary Fund providâ€" t-d for in the Department nf Streets and Pubhv Improvvmrnts. That the salary of the man in m-hanre of tho Garbage Incineratur and ("ily Toamstvr shall be puid from the Garbagv Fund. That the salary nf the (ity Treas- ur-u. (ity (ullectwr and (hivf (lvrk shall be paid from the salary of Of- ï¬cers Fund provided for in the De- partment of Accounts and Finances. at the Fire Station and the Building Inspevtur shall he paid frum tho Sul- zxry Fund pruvidml for in the De- partnwnt of Public Health 6’: Safety. ('orporntiun Counsel. (‘ity Marshal. Assistam (‘ity Marshal. ('ity Pulice ()riicors, Ste-nugraphor and Sanitary Inspector shaii be paid from thv sai- nry of Ofï¬cers Fund provided for in the Ih‘partmont of Public Affairs. Thut the salary ur‘ the Foreman of Suwer and Water MaIns, Chief Engiâ€" nm-r at the Water Works. First. Sec- ond and Third Assistams m the Water Walks General ’1l’][)('l‘\ In thm Water Departmvnt Dav zind \Ight FIrcnwn at the Fire Station and the Building Inspevtur shall he paid frum the Sn]- SEX‘TIUN li~~That the- salary of the Mayor, (onupissinnurs, __(‘it_\:‘ (‘lt-rk, THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS ESTIMATES FURNISHED Telephone H. P. 1039 SA MUEL M. H A'STINGS, Mayor the (‘ity Hall from the Sul- in the Depart - 14“? -++ CONSIDER BIDS FOR GREAT L \KES HARBOR Effort Made 10 Award (‘umruvt fur (‘onstructiun of New $100,000 Harbor Annihrt .1“ arc! (h. Silk Jersey Petticoats and Bloomers “HUN†T ht Thaw Annunl May Sales bring the mean»: by which one my ful- ï¬ll the requirements 0! the {nmily and the home at saving: of a very substantial non. The alt-a imludc llounewum. Ind (luck-n took. Women's, Misse- and Children's Apparel. Boys' Clothing. Piou- goods. Draperies. Hosiery. l'nder- wear. Notions and Shoes. Only merchandise of our usual high- xmndtrd quality ï¬nd a place in then-w ulm. Assortments arc ll- wlyn compleu- Is the rum“ 0! spa-ill pun-ham constantly arriv- ing. Prices are the lowest in yearn. Turkish “HUI Tml‘rl'a‘, 231M “(ru- blr h-rry towel. full blwu'hvd \Vov- M) with «‘ulurrd border \lnv Salr 29c May Shiv 13L I-‘unt‘y Turkish Ruth Tnu‘dx. ‘JRC. Heavy. (inunh- tc-rry. Jacquvn-d patterns. l’mk, bluv and yellow. Sumv have silk stripes. 98c May Sak- Towels Everyone knows the; quality of Daisy. 36 inches wide. full bleached, frée from dressing (limit 10 yards to customer). May Sale . , . , . . . . . . 4 . . . . .. “14¢: Our Annual May Sales Huck and Turkish May Salr vLJL Turkinh “HUI TUIHL HH‘v-ZZK» 40; in. site. Manchu! purv whit». huuhlv thread terry. Mav Shiv 49c Hosiery In the May Sale â€1'1,“st NIH; Lult li4l~f'. 35¢ Pair Guaranteed tivkel un erry pair. Highly mvrcoriu-d_ Black, whm' and mlur~x Muv Suh- 35 ' C pair (Hr/M Fm: Rib 3 pairs fur SH formrrly suld at white and brown May 5111“. pair Slum Hh I’d" inch yvrtalcs of ï¬rm. plum- wouw. Dark and light Krnunds. May Salv prix'o yard 19C \R-ry flm- quality, mcludvd nn- plaids. new checks, Largv patterns. May Salv priw‘ yard Dress Ginghams 250 Yd. M. 1'“ (1'5 Toile-dwNm'd 11nd M :H] Satin and Taffeta Frocks In the May Sale $15 32 In. Dress Gingham 36% c Yd. Dress Percale. 19c Yd. Now in Progress Throughout the Storej .f \nlry yum! gnu] \hr )dtu'uutx ‘nnu 51£AV Sal“ mrmt {pairs for 31.00 Hihln (I Hmâ€; .‘Ht‘ SUN) A \‘ulm‘ that at (15C pmr, Bluck, ken» soft ï¬nhh. striixw and unit-1y of Bring Daisy Muslin at 14c Yard 36%c Hum May Sale Cotton Goods 34c unï¬t-(Lvnh x u-rtam h. ; n and Mlxu for thu k-(mstrmiwn m’ lhrm- weak watrrx of H\r(‘(' typos rubblr mnuwi rock ï¬llvd. pilr‘crxlm with rum-nu .lrru) m a“ [In- Mrmht ( f «'hunyrsduh t9 HR Tht yur Rod Scul brands and ('hm'ks. .\ {H‘mnu'dl Nhtetingr'. 350 Yard Bleached. 72 inches widu (1mm 10 yards m (-ustomcn May SHIV. 9 C ‘ Yurd , ( wvnrinx May S:- Of Particular Importanceâ€"A Group at $15 Is a group at $1.3. Duvetâ€"de-Laine. Triculinv, Tinse‘ltone Jud ('amt'lshnir are among (hr fuhru-s nonvd. The popularity of the 61!! and Mandarin sleeve are emphasized in this asmrtment and 1N lhnmghnm Thy inw prmm: )3 (hr main“ of a very special pun-hm. May Sale Here are ( oats and W raps far superior in every wav to “hat one would expect to ï¬nd at these prices Thev are fashioned of the finest woolens, perfect in workmanship and charming in mode. aA remarkable \alue in each instance :1 y MLInrh $21.75 Sah- pnu- yard m‘ul Coats and Wraps " Hi L'He BHUUJH'†Pmrhnr H H’umy‘k' Ha‘mi 1h: h [{r‘lm‘n Shé‘t‘hny Inw wruu'. 5p]: (“RAH-V 1 )‘urd AH! For Women and Misses L Three Other Groups I‘t'nl [H‘I‘lï¬l a! New pix-mi.» $3.98 \\ my. )Jw splendid $15 35c 25c 15c $39.7 5 1H grli'id gurtah and mnyhnm Ma \uth [nu-R11 and vrvlvraak t\§::"m:(:ixl| 98c Prlln- Ind-km: (mum! aprons z \ a In â€It flesh color. made of bro- tadui materials with elastic girdle {1“qu A $3.50 value 51 98 May Sale Apronh SPECIAL AT $1.49 Mn) SUN? ‘ l TIE BACK APRONS 98c May Sale Comb Amt rimm Boaun (arm-ts made “1 Huh (ulur Herringbone {out}! .‘le'ud with Mightylpm) Awnge ’{f31""s'2i5"" $1.49 SPECIAL AT $1.98 POLY I’RIM APRONS vammg npruns ..f fink l'ï¬'T' « :.h- of culun-d strtpvd ‘ and 31%“ urm! path‘rn: un 12):}?! muunds‘ < awfully {this} M}, Ma) Sula , ‘ 59c Th1 project wa» adwrusvd but ~ummc-r but the work was halted b9- rauso none of the bids wen- 11nd" flu mtimatr of the engineers. Thy Mann vwn (Irpuhw by UN“ pngmrunng m-pannwm [HIHH “W' Hrva: Lakrs. (I W Park“ L‘ "M“ “f Hm hurrau m thHlL’v u! the im~ pm \‘rmem. SuHu [{rd Spread. $4. 913 â€"‘ Larm» Sm», perfect bleach. luv trous ï¬nish \arn Cumentionnl path- rns. cut (or-hers s4 9 May Sak- Sprung Vulk‘b m cunning mlurings and designs. Very ï¬ne weave Lurgv choice in the May Sale, at 69‘ M m; éll' $69.75 $ Y) rais- the q, of any i1 Mrs, huh"! 285! Thursday The teacher! Rut). Rind“ wading m the ï¬vld inst Frid‘ \wm second in and Alice “‘3 ‘ The wriï¬lw V‘ Faust. A dame w1| upnum, Frldl) «mint-her A Huckleberry Twmn'e‘ famO nume. will N rat? Svhoï¬i P LIBERTY V Treasury War "VIM handy" us ï¬ll the war. com vestmelfl with county. The I jut sent out amber of “ Illinois durill Libenyvme county '“h ' on two moat the “let {0! nuts. Wnukefl“ with l mu! months» 1n Zmn U .mounted ‘1†worth were i The {onl her of II ï¬rst um beinx I!" dun om ï¬ixhhmd 1’! Lake ForeQ Libertyvillo North (luau Zion ' , “'aukegun Fort Stu-nit 0 A K TE? The lad naming m ‘heir dilu‘h neighbot" -