oving m) pres»; d Purl It 300 a New in Now nor “EDS HSDA Y. J 1’ NE 29 ‘Cl’f‘t'fi. ;\ l’mmnuunt picturv. Sundasâ€"Sn-lzzuck News-$nap shut ‘IRYN mnHu Hondu-J’atho Review-The Humps TIES!) \Y. “NT: 28 \H Am1><EU .m. \L( )UKDU‘I sl'NIMY. Jl‘NE 26 6:30 P. HUNDAY. Jl’NE -7 7230 l'. \JIYHS‘TUL adults 27c; war tax “mum under 123; 13¢; war tax Mrmm Silks and Ann Forrest in A (Jr-HEY" Mk'lfnrd Prmiuvtion mm -~' nw De Luxe Theatre 5 hillfrv-z Tel. Highiand Park In addition to the transportation of freight and express between Highland Park and Chicago We are pleased to an- nounce that we are now prepared to do long distance moving of house hold goods and furniture. \ [mturv denim-d to rank as (me of THE FHTH HEALER" MK‘IE'H SECRETS xtm- Ncw Pasquesi Bros. Motor Express Co. North Shore; Trust adult adults VJ .\'H\‘uk u iand Park 227 Chicago Tel. Fra WE MOVE ANYTHING ANYWHERE 393 Central Ave. Telephone33l mtvrtainmcms on the ramuunt picturv. wk News-$nap shut Raymond W. Schneider White, Green and Yellow Gold Engraved General Checking, Deposit Commercial Business Sheridan Road Rings 70; war tax :h' 13c; war tax 2c hp uixrevtilm of ‘evh of tom's and I'athr (‘ummh‘ Wedding LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS PROGRAM FOR NEXT WEEK 6:30 P. NI.’ Frar 7:30 P. M. “THE MAGS war (ax \Vzu‘ tax $150,000.00 NOTICE 30 l’ 30 l’. .‘l Jeweler the )l.’ Frank Mayo in it “THE MAGNIFICENT BRl‘TE“ (A State Bgnk) Admissinn adults 37v; war tax .‘Kc (‘hildren undvr 1'3; lfic; war tax 2c Screen Ycrsiun of Mauriu- Tuur nvur‘s rum] Amm'irah Racing Drama "THE (‘l)l'NTY FAIR" AH star supporting cast, 25> ram l'turm‘s 23 hundreds pf pvoplu Also Comedy FRIDAY. Jl'l.Y l. SATI'RDAY, Jl'l.\' 2 An writing adventure of the uppvr and underworlds. and romance run» ning riot with mystery. Directed by William P. S. Earle. Admismon adults 21L: war tax l‘hildrcn under 12; Elk; war tax Eum’m‘ ("Brien in A swiit and thrillimr drama of life in the big woods. Directed by Ruben Thurnby. A Universal Prmluctmn. Also Mutt and Jéfl' (‘ommly TH l' RSI);\ Y. J 1‘ NE 30, and Central Avenue Chicago Tel. Franklin 124 "THE LAST DOOR" AI Pathe No“ a ompany and 7:30 P. M 7:30 I‘. .\I 30 I'. M ('I?VL Rhlula Hf [hr Salvatinn Army at \'uuk¢-)::m mnfurrml with the :3 Mann? cummillm- of tho >Luu-rvisurs last Qweek and asked the (‘ummmee L0 f-cummond $5.000 Iowan! tho w~r . The mmmittm- explainmi that thvy, did not hth- the mum-y 10 do thatéand under the law wuuld have no 1 ght to do it anyway. They add~ ed. lowm’er, that they Would rumm- mvna that delinquent children of the mudty bc diverted m thr farm for v.â€" v -"‘r awaygfn m the namu rvfnrnmtm'y unnl therefurv thvse farms are in nu way classéyd as rofm‘matury SChUOlK Thé'pmpc-rty in qm-stinn is of suf- ï¬cient! slu- to accommodate abuuz 200 childfen. Wherever the Salvation Army, has established homes of this sort ihvy hun- oquippetl the pnrpm’ty in ride shape. In the Russo pmpcrty zm-nmling to nfï¬u-rs of the organization thvyfhuvv n plum-v that is unusually well filmed for their purposvs‘. Th3 Hussi- farm has on the cm! Slilt‘lnf 1hr mad running nurth and south. t1 Hip-re are six similar farms in the L'nitgï¬ Status operated by the Sal~ vatiori Army and tlu- one in Lake ('oun " is expected in take carv of all the giihlrun in lllinois “'hn might come Aimtle-r the arc of thv Salvation Armn’. THE gGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND max. ILLINOIa Optluh‘on the 33:; acre Buuu farm at Fox I .‘e and plans to uperatc there in the n'ar future, providing the sale goes hrnmzh. a children's h1>nw~~u placdgwhore boys and girls can he cared ifur, taught farming, and house- kt‘tijx. Thg; Sahatx’on ~\1m\ has optiuhgon the .‘i'ï¬i‘ ) aue Bus: 333 TAXI; OPTION 0N LAND CHI ; REN’S HOME AT % KE BLUFF PLANNED ,lAcre Busse Farm May :39 Site of Salvation 3 Army Institution § For Illinois vndeaxhr all along tn km-p mkrn an ()n Jum- lbth $42,000,000 wu paid [0 holders of UK First Liberty Bonds and \‘ivtury Notes in the Seventh Federal Rvsvn'u DistricL This is the svmi-unnual interest due nn the two in‘ues, of which worth “as subscribed {or in this district. $42,000,000 PAID keep and that the county could and would pay for their (xpenses. That means a vacation trip to Yellowstone Park. I'll say it is worth while." Why not insure for yourself as important a vaca- tion next year. by starting a savings account here to- day. IN THIS DISTRICT A young bookkeeper u as asked this question a few davs ago. “Yes," she replied “dux ing the past yea! each month I put $25 00 m the This is the season of vacations. Have you planned to make yours worth while? E' Highland Park State Bank i (The Highland Park State Bank) 'acation Worth While MI J. It". $30 or 8100 Bond, Treuury oï¬ciuln pum! nut, need not be deprived in! an uppnflunity to let their intemt money make money {or them. Postnutcr Dooley announces that coupon: dill be 'l‘hc- Home of Sumxn Depouiwn- Holden of large blocks 0! ma. iowr- ! accepted as cub at the Pout 0mm in ities are akin; udvmun o! the low Q puma-n: for Treasury Saving: u~ market me on Liberty Bond‘ andfelritiu which are hand in denomim. purchasing more of the Govenmntgtiona o! from 25 cents to 81.000. The Bonds with their interest covjpons. ' 86 stamp and the 325. 8100 tnd 31,000 Every coupon clipper he ‘he :ume :Certiflcum yield 4 per cent compound~ opportunity. Even the holdchof' a'ad quarterly. Thousands of Liberty 550 or 8100 Bond, Treuury oï¬ciulr‘ Bond holder: are converting their in- put!" nut, need not be dcprivrd 301' In ‘ tempt coupon: into Tmsury Sav- uppnflunity to let their intemt money ‘ ingr securities “rice I your, realiz- make money {or them. Poatnutcr ing that i! i: the safest investment Dooley announces Hut couporu dill be , in the World. J. I. APPIL VI.- PM“! PAGE fE‘Xrï¬ifpa'TF-ï¬â€˜ff‘.