Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Jul 1921, p. 12

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(an EDISON Phonon-39m. Edison records, disc and cylindcr, pinnoa. player pianos player piano roll: for sale. Open eve to 9 p m. ROY‘ 10‘.) S. Genesm A! “f Advertise-mu Inst 5: pibliculion. Phone I? 18 South First Street , HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS “ [wmm ER RENT. FOR SALE I Henry K. Coale Sol Highwmni. i-xi sewer. “ah-1' i". Kaunia. Beautiful ravine M, .3 block {rum debut. 30') {tv frnn'. hy Ln'vrug Ma‘mm- Rand North End. 8 10X R R \V'ubâ€"xh-r A VACANT LOTS Watzkv-qun h» COALE 8x SON i“-£SS {30 {vet deep ‘14 m 52.. 132\1 L Jnhns .-\\'¢ Real Bargains In nun: Bum}: \u-nue ’ux'itan Malt and Hops Liptnn's Tra. best 111' all (risen ur Snowdrifr. 3 ll»: fur "hase Sanbnrnk hulk mm. 3 [mm of Lamb, >h<~rt cut, spw-ml PAGE TWELVE t'rxmt wry; l I'MI‘K :lhmy PHONES 1560-1561 533-535 Central Ave. Palace Cash Market Grocery aIAy ”All! Opposite Depot FOR SALE Liberty Six ! ”Hide fu' Aw une 100 ft mm. m] Lamb m‘ x'val stow MK. '00 \30'1 h h‘t‘ A. G. McPherson Son «nap U¢)\ 2 With Cord Tires tu Lu- $455 less than the price of September 1920 be. Open evenings :enesm at . Wnuke- «I? tf a<t ‘M mwy hurt cut 22%c Dlld {or belon- Highland F'ur Highland Park, Illinois H‘m-mb 100 111‘! betwm-r' f‘r «(unna- while wf fig: nni Mun-d nu! in Telephones Highland Park 120-121 impruvvments «in»! ativu GEO. G. ROCK. Manager at» 3 1 £85.00 ck UUIIvl With Delivered to you Cord with freight and Tires 36%c! v." h it both and 63c 15¢; war tax paid. Specials: nup 3mm 0‘) ll) Rum Eu mm: IUR M; airy. min-.1 ea. «9: (n I.(J\' I‘ ( 1.051 ‘ FUR <11}: kiln-n. ,uuw'h inc. ::1~ [id-A £1an IUR SAY F. U lfi/h Uh TUR and Inn 8111! au- It 0 (Ii FOR SALE HH< VHI. \Hu ,1 UR H \TIUN W \.\' TED J Hum ‘« ion-d snunmx WANTED. Iv zinim: urn .mui huhh’ and MD 1h 35%c H :51 ‘ k n“ h Hut! vxj h :7“ .. . J -l‘ 1\[§ km! rm.“ iii-1N1 \ \I E" 7K 1' H l' 4.": (Jr in?“~ mul \l H HH~ m‘rr's Hf [an [1! \Ivlhniels aw I’hur. HE until Ucuflrr fir1L Sevrn room 0. fuur bedrooms tun furnished, sk'q'1-imz porch worm-nu! [hing ft frnm Lake Mr" I. A Pvre-lra dan R'l_ Highland Park. H pd. \l,E R (ruin; Uhik'kl‘n H FOR n: Fenian CAL buvr “8rd Phone H 1'. Sh‘ »\ {flu-r Furn i~hmi r H “1 Rm CI) ‘\‘ chnufimr and r-d‘ Ref Address 311‘ TH DUUKII< -3‘.‘3 Hwhm-Syphnn r. P 1H6 m'mM piann in ' f'vr infnrmuliun m‘rr-a uf mm“ Ht nutlful mm RENT furniture L‘uU n buxury in A l THU") A‘A'VIKI' Ml“ ("n-nth-mvn prcfvr l nrnnm- Anvurn mnlv Hnmt- men :Iu- Kuxinia su- l9 23%c 26%c 30c 99c 75c 57c 89c 35c 40c 1‘3 pd 40c 49c l9 pd. {run-rut“,- l9 H. .m' ISIH) C011 11' pd l mvndi- I‘Jp-i 191x! ,... .vnxulm'l.‘ lin Bible Vin.“ Livn‘t mluh ch:- in l‘nrk. Prenlrytvri-n Church. at Sunday Phune HS‘J fur particuln NOTN'E or night 737-.1 or I wish In :umnuncc tn the [wu- plc n!~ Highland Park that I have started a taxi servivo. Fur prnmpt service either day v‘ln _‘....,“.u. u.. uurm pmmo a highly developed modern necropolb; pom tun! car! for entim urea; Ipednl individual lat drw-lr-pment For inform-{ion cull Owen Ten- ant Smith, 1157 “Without Iva. Wimv Tel. nffice: W“. 640: residence: Wil. 777-I. Accel- aiblo Ivy Itoam, rlchr-ic and Auto-cub. (7t! Slal- Bun Windnw and door ”ram made and filltd Put-ch wurk I upocially. Home. fumed and rum-d. Woll- horcd. Atmctin duh cement us»: and blues (ur nlo, Can finish in any colur daired‘ Zion Inuitulionl and lnderiu Zinn, III. S L! “ NORTH SHORE CEMETERY ,, Dr- Cm- .. v54 unnlnnl , V . U" Ind Eighteenth :2. North C hug W1” filuu :It "(‘hvrr) ”nu )( Dog- ult)‘ H ”nu 17m.» 4,, furmK ('nH H r m '17,. “ .\\'I‘EI) m Expvricnred white laundrms. 2 dun a “(n-k. Haw “ash- ing machinv. Ref. Tel. 933’. 19 W \N'l HI) } ir-l “In.“ Jaundrfi- 'uhlll'v “I”! yaw! rn-{e-rvncvx {ur 1 ur 2 ; Ilzu‘ I‘o-l u |- .. run-:â€" \V DR. C. C. CH.\I)WI(‘K DENTIST ’) hhng .In). in \\ Summer Tutoring in Latin. S. H. Newhnll Ph. D. Head of Latin Department in local High school Telephone 776-J. â€"3.‘i7 Orchard Lane. Mb] HUN W ANTED It.» 1:, tan "id uwmt ”kw dandy ptnitu-n thi‘ uummvr “121 do M-x «Hut nf unrk lnqunr at I'rm‘ Uflmr HR! 1' \\ \.\'I!'lf) \\ \}. 1 HI (‘U-up: DIV If (he \\ ah \\\\Il*1 (nlilnzuh‘t‘ ur {hut HUM!“ uhhnnm‘r :mmm! the vxcmsiu- and uhmwrsmr)‘ «run-h from thv q-xhaufl jrilw Eh I)“ huur in [Pu «my hHHH'-U\\Ht'li murmurs are so uporutmi .4; uur rul- «hnu- Arm-ts that thvir xlrn‘vh urn sthwt tn urn-st and finu A unglc urinal fur violation of ('IthI uf thrw ordinances would stop thumv ’l‘hrn why must the pubhr wmmm In put up uith this dmlwlicnl ~tu-nrh Ulh nasty, noxmus. NEEDLHSS nnlsr" n’ (‘hrrlj Hauw ,un! w-ulh .- rr" and UunJfi' n! In L'I‘I )‘H '1-tc Mr and .\lr1 Arthur N Jr rmHenLâ€" of Hlxhhunl I'ux'. uwm! 1er n \N'X‘EII \NH‘II) iS. F. Newhall Writes 0 n Let- } ler to Press Calling . tten- \.\' H'Il| Iivvz‘y clty or larm- umn. In (hm-w timm’ must, in thv naturr nl‘ Ihmux he sub-'rrt to unnnudnilc- 11-m-~. hut [hr unvanhly ruckc-t of ”an uthI'TWL-‘l' ”ML! tuwn of Highland Park 1~ h. u Lnrm- (-xh-ht n\.-Idn!>10. "ul' .wun 1hr rffmt Hf th aulumw’wiv 'n‘mu- I‘Juturrz‘ \\r:~ In [vrmiuw n XHJH’hlln' In nwuly “whims :u 1“,.“va nnd today «aw-z) ru‘ uf standard mukr. If nun-- quy run. i3 prm’tn‘nll} nm»«-l«~> u Lnrm- (-xh-ht {hr :‘YYUII nf I‘Jutun‘r urn 1. II \IIHN \5K\.\IFI* . A 'V -‘ (HIII‘IL‘ run-J ‘v '- ah.“ hvlpu h \I" k 1': 5mm 2 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND mm, more CITIZEN OBJECTS or 1099. J. A. Bench Son Simeon F Nmshnll Thy l‘rrss duos nut holii-u- that 1! MM be necessary In arrest zinyimd} cnfurtfi this nrdinunw. ()ur 1w» :Ill' law abiding and \H' lN'Ill‘YQ tht'lr HIU‘Dtiun i~ (“Heed tn 1! by pnlik‘l' or city authorities. they \s'ii! win-rate to avnid this nuisance. ) “"‘il|¢~u‘l.)“ \Iu/Ik . TAX] SERVICE «(v :umrnm-nl Rum-r \\ IHimn- muth-r." In nmdc- hon (mun... pm“. fur U'I- nrh‘ mscmmxfiofi [UN \\'A.\ E H» IUN \\'-L\ ”51) IL.- M an) kin-J ”,u m: \ue cnner (1 u call phumv zvsidvme (11y hm ordmrm tion to Needlefis'Noise HELP WANTED (Lu-u! w Membrn h \n nuiflt‘ ('ri prawn-rum 7 » 0.. [viru' cal! ll much» 1.4: Vuin "Uh-did In TO OPEN CUT-OUT Hllhlul Put R. 7r Highllnd Plrk '1 M“, 1., pm. um [Inn (hi‘ uummvr “in lnqunr u! I'rmu Uflmr Ru! In uxprrwnmi val! ur “It“. (‘nnn-Qu‘ K4" '1 v ”L15 ummhfi Hw iP‘y "rume nut ‘11 Wh an :H‘ru.~( \‘h‘lulhlll Hf lhh in High hm] 9 ‘1' next Inn 19 Luululm H, In. {he (lum- (ba-ru- lug Nmshnll Hm’n- that ”H! :myh '. ()ur p Chime M"! n \le thf ”pd lrl kIle‘ 'Hu! .qM 12am H the (‘hurch of tho lmmacula cvptmn. and interment was Mur)".~ n-meh-ry. Hz)!” 'l'wid. :23, an rmployi- M the hunn- uf Ruln'rt 5. Churchill. Green Bay ruzul, (in-d Saturday morning at the- Highland Park hospital‘ Sor- nmw “err hrld Sunday murning at the (‘hurch of the Immaculate (‘un- Dun-mg the month of Jum' there m-n- 21 met-tings held at the Com- munity (,‘q-nu-r. These consisted of committee meetings. meeting! of Highland Park organizations, one re- vital. and one party {or the American- mmnn classes. The lttA-ndanoe It uvtiviliw held in the Center for the mnmh was 350 The gross transient uttrminbw uf those taking ldvumage of lhv srrvim- of thr ('q-ntpr wan nhmu' DIED S.\Tl'Rl).-\Y The first dunm- for members of the \‘\K'2A[l<~nal camp \HH he held at the Fur! m-xt Saturday night. ('hnpq-runs and purinrrs will hv furnished from thr “mm- at the Fort. On the follow- uu: Saturday mph! It is asked that Highland Park furnnh the partners vnd thnsr whn ml! volunteer an- askwl tn .wnd thn-xr namés to the (‘en- u-r. ('hapvruns will he announced in m-xt Wm-k's inue. (In Thursday vu-nmu. July H. the (’nmmumty Sorviu- film callvd “Play and he Happy" WI“ be shown a! the! Pearl lhl'utn'. The-re will b:- nu ex- tra udmivmn chlrgrd for this {ea-f lun- and all arr urged to Um 11 House all day was uhm-rvcd at ”W (Rntrr on thy Fourth. Refresh- mvnh \w-rr wrud to all comers. In >5Hte of ‘hc- wnrm womher the .\mu-rn':mizatmn classes are {urging "he-ad mth a good nth-ndmwu Help h ”twin-«i intht‘ way Hf teachers. and (how uhu arr “1ng tn vnluntver for Hm nurk xhnuld make it known to Mus t‘hundlvr, ur'tht- wvretary. alkmg “F a [01.11 NHL “'H 1H IN MEMORIAM ' Q Schm-{a-r In sad and rm-mnr) uf my dc-ar son who Hunt-n July 1?. W20. Mnthur, Rm“! npllm mum a \T TH E HOSPITAL :95. The lttA-ndanoe It d in the Center for the 50, The gross transient F thuw taking ldvunmge of th- ('vnmr was about utul attendance of dose \K'ntch the uttrndnm‘v ' MARIO CHAMLEE The non..- records; 1000" â€"}“ *r ‘1 lO(‘(-1-/.'. Ur 1001 2â€"7-A Pg: IOWJHEIep x: 10(”‘3--'~‘c 5‘21 Free from mechanical affect. his voice pours out with all i and powerâ€"a marvel of the recording art. It'luyt The Season '3 Sensation at Raz'im'a Hear Him There Tonight, Thursday, July 7th, in “Riga/elm, " and Sunday Night, July 101/1, in “Lucia" ‘ v THE BRUNSWIQQWER co” CHICAGO ' n» ~) Imm (avalh-ria Runiczna vi) m Hahan. _ QUCSIJ 0 Que“: (Mid the Fair up; {ram Rmulrfio (Vfidi) Ad I, L :11 Italian 1e) I: (521 L3 Cut/ha of (-hu You Alcnc est cht Day tarnc jacobs Bond . ..... Max-wad LRL .u’ha ‘ .. \‘ch 1h: Play) «‘2 I» r‘mmzfllu) m Italnn. ‘u t"L\ llp‘ arr IJLC Crxm- ~) fmm ('avalh-ria Runiczna in SI 1m: Brunswick dealer will gladly play for you any 0 “II p Any phonograph can play Brunuoicb Record: Many nn-n who llw busy to help m Lhr kitr found It yum-awry u» time thrrem unce the h m-su began O’eryGichl Ulrnn- Mrtcnlf A married couple (without children) wants to secure rooming accommodationsfrom some private and in every way desirable family. Two bed rooms, private bath preferred. Board not necessary. Possession desired as soon as possible and to continue at least till Septem- ber lst, preferably longer. Full and satisface tory referencts cheerfully given. Answer R17. care Highland Park Press. giving your telephone nqmber, address and full particu- RECORDS ONLY WANTED â€" ROOMING ACCOMMODATION: William Witte: Announcement UM‘ kiwhén WorVk- The entire stock of Paints, Vai» nishtx, Brushw, Sponges, Chamois and Wall Paper will be closed out at greatly reduced prices. Sale from July 9th to July 23rd. I WISH to announce to my custom- ers that on August 15! I will di's- continue my Retail Paint Store but will continue as before doing Contract 'work of Painting. Papering and Decor- ating. V In .peud much the home hr?“ buyi: 360 Central Avenue 0!th 1M5 ”L lam-M God (at a Cullen 1W Luci. (Noapnhzua 1 ‘ lm35â€"LOR 1| Mint Trsd‘u-In‘. ' k} Ric-g £5 Sufi)! Martha (Flutnuv) Ad ”I, ,» Hui. IWIFYOW Eye: ”an Tnld ye So‘ lamâ€"Wu Armand x\v';:'p runny) hum Tow; (Hats 1 M Julian. 10024â€"4: Lnotvan ix (“lye "War We" Shining) (Rm: 7 3:; {5n " 10916â€"H‘Arrpafi (X Telephone 624 havr John Burn uyhs .zn-d and tin simp- lyâ€" und n rmnun paw! h. m )u- awn Moonshine i.â€" h pm” subm u for sunshine and _\'nn !,«\1'! find M: in a home. 5 s miturai by: e CHAT: LE brinian MIDSl M! by u“ tho: The) uh ('1 (“'d cum?! awn ir LN" in}! 1hr” "3‘ “grfurnmm‘t peljfl'r71""““ umpr rill'lnl hdnt'" Nu! KinKM‘H‘ 9. MIN“ Fund! (-hinmnm- M wry, Wm mu‘ uf HII' I'm'g" y‘all»: in-Hh” Many A1 )_‘;.\Xni “rush “1"!“ (“flu-nu: th‘ l'Aiqul'ig V “n” h h w I Tim \1. m rrwvir-F m in: am : M. and on (Uni (‘nnm-r‘ l’y1 chvstru. } inn-nil IV uh“ “In {(7‘ AM}. 1117. NIPIMII‘ 5 ( hmuv- Hm: 'Hu Thl‘ :Mto program wi an )Eluslruu of UN- nrt'he dnrfw. h'ld Thin («ruin prfu‘hlmi d‘Amvn " I! wrnonv, n! elm-rm.“ :1 dc “L8 Smurf Seen-1 uf S sum-d .‘nlu‘ Sunday. 01-11. l-anlm (insumi (If provmusl) ) niny. mnmm Miriam Cool (-1 "Iduls." ‘: : “mun-«l The pm; day.“ Is tn “Aida ;" W “Manon " Thursday will he m4 Kiwn undt-r Mn. Marx Mel‘lvuy. m4 of that day. pruyram h] ON'thlru u! Tm- nuisl bh' hhn“ ()1 ('uhmu} Mud Of Hlinun 1 Sumla), .luj tun whom} i‘ drn: u! lhq .N‘A‘imnh (If to Um“: gnu-‘5‘ ( K)O-VHU, h! :U’u: Unplun bib” Hf Hu‘ 0th 54le SAMl'l-ZL vam- howl‘ mm “'hl‘t v" I) hld 71mm in “hlt‘uyo Mn vmh fur Ihm). bfind of .l 01 \A‘. R K "fine. K Pg"). er .M , "M h}! Mutt. Ind M H Th! but!“ )UJHH" I rH (‘1 HM ‘Df‘lflily MBER 1 #30! 0| M; M) ‘ “$11M k‘ mmmi '«hu V n. .1 hr t y ru ’7' “In Ni

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