Mr. and Mn. \lur\' Uberndurf- er Return t0 Haw Charge â€f ’l‘hundu} Afternoon (THILDREN’S PROGRAMS ARE ESPECIALLY coon THE WEEK .\'1‘ RAVINIA {WA raphi ‘ 3!, the auctP‘* \‘lflh J11) “)0er _\I NL‘MIIH r. Nurthmmr «'ountry (‘Iuh 0anâ€" ed Jul) 3. Opening Dinner Dance to be July 16 l.0(‘;\|l HUM" (‘Il'BS HUM) .H‘LY 1 EVENTS 141. WinmwN Du \\ M Th 3.141;“ 5.2.? =><m Elm 7.1.? 1.1571530: in M H ."l Entertainment \! Herrmr \l'ly~. Saturday, Sunday \wn- unusually lvusy f Ihv gulf clubs. A! EKâ€" .- annual conteat fur the Mumnrial trophy was ~' llmkv with u not of \ in the class handicaps ...) \. T (C lutz. T» 0; >4- <1V . :qwigm salesnmm Hr mm is being con- .\1‘ Pitt-12mm garage. It M. with all comm-mien- rth rooms for men - Y‘(\\' <alesrnom will :u- North wing of the z in St. Johns avo- .ka mun \\ HI \ ‘Ix .\1 '. L‘ 11111;. Jug» Snurday, July . owning. My 10. ng'tc-nn .uwia 1H 1.2mm 11. M‘u' H H July ~ {am-v \ \‘teenth ,Ull \\'H\' ‘8! F‘r.‘ r'hups u'tistx >5" «1"??- Tl). h. former amzm-ur away with low huh-s with rounds nu hiMrt-n \('('I H "I t T he Higblmm Park , Preï¬s ‘irst in the mixed and MN. J. B. Arthur \wa'v socâ€" f\\' \\ ‘Tlxu Mi (WINE-i will b0 Manx ()hu‘nr 9. Thou- \Vnu uftrnmux; v n H} acquznntmi [1'1 \V'wl! M ldt‘i‘n umm rhu ht H (hlvst day no hundred UH ('usv 2m am» Special From Waukegan. This Mum 1'11 nt- ing 10:30 kn.~\\'Â¥' of the > and uponâ€" The ht H 1d Hearing Has Been in l’rogresanupnfly furszottvn. <1 For TWO Dans in granted that a Mr“ (‘ounty (‘ourt \Vhrthz‘!‘ it mum s \'.;I 7,... [}u-y'oi.~h;11‘(i1_\'£i {1U} vt' {Minx m 19110 m lhv L‘ltlt'n‘ uf ' :Llw Fun-4 and Hmhlund Park, and in the tmvnships of \anun Lake Villa “numnda, and Newport 'l’lu Nmth Show 'umtmx l)l>trl(t milk-M's admit that thv 10 Du] u-nt ‘.\ «tr-r rzn 1~ illegal and that the hul- uril‘t «)2 ..‘.l ls Sulxju't In lhv Mullnu Plums,“ n!. th- JUN 18.“. 'l'h [m m Yil‘T. TAX ()BJECTORS WIN SEVERAL NEW POINTS ll aim held that the legislature had \ululuted the action of the (‘ounty Buzn'd in the millinn dollar bond Issue The t ï¬ght un \l.\.\' DROWNEI) IN THE LAKE SYNDAY Resident of (Thiulgn Went Duwu in “uter I he Feel Deep; Death “as Quitk Y?.rly per ',_1U211{HY1 .mdc n: 110 1nd void. H To Be Shown Tues. and Wed. Sat. Constance Talmadge in ; “Such a Little Queen" ' NOR“ \ TA] \1 AI)( E IN “THE PASSION Fl 0“ ER" “Playthings 01! Destiny"; Tomorrow. Wallace Reid in "The Charm School'f; Saturday, Dodglas McLean in “The Home Stretch'f: Sunday, Monte 81119 and Mable Ju’lienne Scott in “The Jucklins" from the novel by Opiu Read; Mondayh Bert Lytell in “T39 Man Whu"; Tuesday and VVe(hl(mla§', Nnrma Taimmlge in “The Passion Flawer"; Thursday. H‘ pc Hampton in Brgimtinl: trnight the fullmvin}: pivturvs will be shown at I‘carl Theatrv: Tonight. Anita Stewart in “The Hair"; Friday, Roscoe Arbuckh in “The Travelling Salesman"; Satu; llay. Constance Kinney in "Such 2 Little Queen". Matinee at two thï¬' ty. Saturday. ; Rutcs \\ill be raised on the ('hida- ;:u North Shore and Milwaukee elec- n'iv railroad commencing July 1-1, gas :1 result of the decision handed down by the lntersï¬ate Commerce commisâ€" sinn that the present intrastate mï¬cs in lllin».i< were "unduly discriminat- vl‘)‘ lThc followihg changes will made: Cash fare on train 2233:: per luket fare 1. i; 0 per 133‘ridu mm H xcopt to ( hitago) I!!! ANNOI'NCE RATE RAISE f 03' NORTH SHORE LINE m 1Uâ€"l‘lfll‘ (Mk-ago m tinâ€"ride mt child's m1 ICE CREAM SODAS ARE COMING DOWN AGAIN kin mun (u lbs this In paper vr." dwlurrd Russell J. rnmv, Wu.- vagro high «net hauler. "Now téhat: NATURE ST Hm justice of" the public'a‘ demand i8} The \'..W. 1‘. A. seen by 3 NW, the others will {allgin- x Birds. Stars. Hmw ‘ ‘ Iunder Mrs. 'I‘ht-rv n u. line." ; evalent in ‘ Monday, July 11m Fifteen cent sodas are pr umAn .Jï¬orel Fight Insure ut '61 TU t I] [It \\ A minimum of 10 wnts will be pltcâ€" ll un wash farm~ paid an trains. On ivkvt fares there will lw u minimilm 1' seven cunts: Thcrr will be no charigc n lOâ€"ridp nr ZSâ€"ridc tickets lwtwéon ~liivagn and Illinois stations or in (he illâ€"I‘ldU monthly, 10th mile or 50 rjdv 11 Ten n-nt ice cream Sm ms. plus 1 Cent war t; {Eur largukh‘u: store llk'CUl‘llihK “It is ( Russell J. ,is morning. chx' rcpm‘w. " (lm‘lurrd '~' i‘NK'iVUVk Juli (u. l hicugu, w i\‘~l<iL'n\'e was :i' 3330 ('ustvr luv. was dimwnml zit [ill‘ bathing h hvrv Sunday, .\n inquwt was 'i‘deuy niuining. \Chivulih‘l‘ wux im- “1' :1 party that mmv nut L‘rwm (Thimgu to spa-mi day. [iv Wm swimming with r5" “3th, u frirnd, junt iwynmi thp linr‘ in watt-r aimut tin- fmft ' Suddvniy he \vvnt dawn. Mum- nf thi- lil‘d saving corps TL‘flk'th Iiw minutes after he had gwm- ii. but they won- unziiiiu tn an? «‘ ‘YHJLV was [ukvn to l‘hicugo Mnnvr was married six munths ,- tux objectors haw w un M'k-ry hand. nu. [teen (‘9 rat many following rapidly. nt sodas are prevalent in towns already. 0t ï¬ers . I harm: nf wiry-«101‘s in the hurt has born in progress for \. Thv u-unty ofl'xciub have i illx-gality of the SW per cent lid" in tuVux‘ 'l‘_\’ the Buard nunty (‘ourt thi< morning sus- xll objections to the illegal \whhurnvr l't‘nt I m tin H H M H mm nn the 355955- at} wf \Vuukvgun nlw held â€legal sudas and san- tax. appeared was in Chic-31:0 T. (lurk fl)!‘ ., ('hicugli, 3Z"‘,l| ('ustvr Hu- bathing inquw‘t was r to "8 '3 only :1 SUSY I‘mnlv, (EM m thvir will nu {pi TO DISCUSS BEACH PROBLEM TONIGHT the-r015hux‘dlyupumn _-llit'r]\l‘l>t' mm (1 my loss (ivgrve, upun Hw vaspzmvr. It 1 summrt without m‘nmiw uf nmurd. am: Hf reward. It hnnsts the MU: humus Hh‘ ('MIHUZ privzm- undertaking» It i< the friend of the church. the trintic and the charitable urganizzmnm muted in those \vhnm it expluits. A newspaper is u mrt of â€big hm takes an interest in the sucwss uf ouch. SPECIAL MEETING (‘ALLED HERRING Hun i untimn Had Lived in Highland Park Thirty Years; Funeral Services Tuesday John Nelson. for tin- ;mM thirty ymrx a resident of Highland l’ark. died SuLnnlay :11 hi\ hunic. 110 S. Second strvvt. 111- had lu-vn ill twu years. He was horn 111 Sweden .lunr .' In 1574 he Wm unitvd in marriage wih Mary Andermin in Swuden. They cann- to Ann-rim in 1591. and sealed in Highland Park. Mr. Nelson was a nit-nil'er of the local police (lepartnicnt for ten yeah. and during that time he n-ndvrod vul- uablo service to the vity. In 1911 he vntered the employ If Mrs. E. )1. \Valkins. He was :1 nit-nibt-r of thi- Swedish Luthvran chun'h. and also a mcmbcr of the Royal Arcanum. Besides the wife there survive one daughter. Mrs, Peter ()loscn. Chicago, and three sons, Niels, of (‘liivgazm Stewart of (‘ulifm-iiin. and Edward ersnn. \rlio livm 2i! llnnlt‘. Thx-rr is one grandchild. xi JOHN NELSON DIED 1‘0 'l'ROCURE VlSl'l‘lN'G Nl'RSE FOR HIGHWOOI) Funeral survim nt'tcrnunn at l\\' >trum officiating North Shore Cm itizens of Highland Park l'rgcd liusim' to Attend: Manor is ()m- (In) That Aï¬eds Every- ‘ “no The \ 'l-man's wuud lu-M n mu Tuesday m‘enir the P. T‘ In'my others leurmw] zmd sa-rvim-s n! a mum); ()ak TL-rruce St‘hlux1_ sm‘virw “iU luv fur m Mrs. 1‘0 GIVE LAWN PARTY IN WINNETKA. Jl'LY 1: The North Shl Lvmruv will gin- day afternoon. J home of Miss : “(1., \Vinnt-tka. friends. Eight 1e? $5.00. vryune 1~ urL'r-d 1 v1‘v<1vd. Th; W" min: WNW HU‘!‘ HIGHLAND I’ARK. ILLINOIS 'I‘HI'RSIL‘H l‘hv great. nbligutinn rk tumpht m ‘ A group nt‘ mmis~iun by Mr!" Ihk' hmn' (‘le ft! mZt-n mriilh‘ h sthuol «lay lld n nun-1mg m nu M'en‘nm. In: I K. MvKL-nzm \wn- lzn- m‘uflIm. Thr r T‘ A†Ult' M'hlml {Thurs ‘wvrn- prvn m z.nd tlmit‘uw! In 5 m1 8 \i~'i(ing nut .‘w Fth Shurv (‘flthuhc Wunmn': ill gin.- a lawn party. Thur» noon. July fourteenth at the Miss Su~iv Allvs, 763 Hill n-tka. ('nmv and bring yuur hmh'h “utnmn lnx‘itut xly ch at sul‘S HI t‘V Cvnwtrr)‘ \VQ'leII’l‘(‘lllb1lfIliL'h- Ming ut the "My hall, L’. Dr. ’wrgrn and L‘Hi’h \wn- Uw \Iu-nk- mg. Thr mt-mlwn of tln- M'hlml hunt and ‘ru prvn m 1111.! it was "AM-'1' 'n hrm'uro' the \ST S.\'l‘l'Rl);\Y STI'I)" CLASS {hr ( H1141! H A. thoh u CHUTN' m uwrr: and Bulb-[flies rv n (Milan. hegmnimz Hh at .K p. m. at tun» ï¬vid 'rips for mix" .~' \wn- hvld Tumdny , u'vlm-k. Rm‘. Ems Inturnwnl Wm in IX1( pr e Newspaper s At spupex‘ “in (m ifs p; ‘H I’u'iprm-Lty nr Imt. ,. ( _-rm-rpri.~v1hut (1m H HUVI‘S“ fur thc R XS hnpui her has! urtv half lH ‘N â€2| H rlu'llr' (I rn-hm HIV \‘H “It" HIS! Ark UL' MI] u )n: munitj.‘ urll‘. 1‘15!th big hruHH‘r ORGANIZE FOR THE u HIGHLAND PARK DAY 25:73:: H 1)f 1)\(' lukr f! H The Bu~1m-~~ Mum" .‘uv it< nun-Um: 'l‘m xiny \ {mi I 350 to (hv lehiumi l‘nrk hrm'y fuwl. Th‘; subjt-u uf parking ‘ in from (If 1hr new "11‘1' was «“5arwa It ww- «a quvmly mus purkrd m-nr 'hlwk trnï¬ic in SI. Jn'nm m B. P. 0. E. PHNN‘ AT \\C\l'(‘0XI)A Sl'Nl).v\\' Baseball Game mu he Feature a of All-Day Outing; Many 1" wm Aflend ,fj Sunday the memhrrs ‘ Klk‘h ludgl' will go tr» “- a big piulic and mum. “ill to mmh m (an n R 1‘1) thn aftq-xnunn 1h! re “1 ball gunk Pu-huon the RH mndn. Tm gmmm-..~ wi uwn lunchc-s. Thaw “in I‘n 1hr afh-rnunn there WM] lu- u LAM» ball game hymn-on the Elks und ‘~\ nu- umdn. Tm gmmm-m will tnkt- {Pu-n uwn luncho-s. Thaw “hm du nut m~ (1111ng m Pazxwlv-H \HH <prnd thy day «wimmmu. homing. vr ï¬shnv in lmkr “nun ndu. h! RAVINIA MAN HAS NARROW ENIU’E drnwmng In»! '1': Hr was Mummmu R8\i[1ifl Pwm'h. dn\\l\. FM}! “Hi I :m-n “ho haunt: suscitau-d thy mar .lrlh'wi. MURAINE HOTEL Hrs. Harriett Rodnu-Il Barber FELI DUWN "LIT!" Succumbs Sunday: Bud)- "1. (ED-\R Sent (0 qt. Louis 11171 “'iihnm I'zun-v. f [hr n-fnwhnn 1:1 ’u"k. nun-.mlj. l h yrs» md {n \ino» Mon :11 Heeling Tues (in) Ewning (.‘nw l'inul Sanction to the l‘ruit'cl YHHL' h! «fix ommxtln \<'h< ml part Bu! 1U I l [on], tho Mdgr, 1hr II kin-us 1m vhun-h Ul (Hher \I 3m M1» 1: l'rtal Mt! In them all, and it «lvpc RESHHCST DIES nr'xim: autumuMh-r cw vlv'cn-lr smtnr \vw- «aid that frr 11 m-nr H1" 4311“! {nus :n’» nuv. axlef.‘ \\l a? t u ('HAIRHAN MRS. \ INTENT PASSED \W \\ LAST I‘I\ I-INING U 11M H‘IH‘IH rnwllv)! NHL 87 “'me 4M 1| VI IHI H r! mm it In“! If) mil thv l‘l‘nl H.‘ H. '02. n :. part) «{ frwnds. \Aw .‘zzmbmz (h uh 1v] dun] 2hr Hut? :«1 thr (ml n! Fedar ~trw1 “x.- â€10' \undu‘;. ~tuml: In} mu! ’u-l' tn Un- hot- r “hm. hm uf (hr 1h! H¢ um rusho-d to! â€w uh- I I nf ‘ â€wt-I m lnur ~ am ‘nulanu- Th: 11 mny. St. '. \\:A~ {mind hm! hh .niuriu- Wt'rr <t Inm- tn Hr w:.~ lxu-r I‘mmw! ll. a \\ H 2H :g\ JJH nn- plh‘l rm mn- HHHT T.\|l. LIGHTS .\.\'l) S.\\ E H\ E [)1 Um Slop Speeding and Your (um-(mm (‘loH \rrc-!.~ Being Made \\ \HW I'IA \TI‘URHS um! um prrhfl m-x'linn REPORT POUR SERVICE OK TELEPHONE LINES nd suhgq Subscribers Wait Many Minutes For Short Falls; Several Complaints Heard Nunn-rum rmannnls have both hoard thx: “wk uimut 1hr local tele- phonv N‘lwlun In um: vase repm‘u-d u sulrsrrihur hiui to Wu“ )7 minuws {or r CR†to In put thruugh to (‘hi- mg†thruugh thr local uperatnr. In anothl'r instanr'l' thrw minute: won- roquin‘d to reach the manugvr'n ofâ€" ï¬re. and m 11 third four minutes wvrv mynummi m an aHrmw 10 gm ‘hr lung .11~!nnvr upvmlur. T} :we arr wnb a {\'\\' uf 1hr «mnplninb hmrd yuwm- “real-n! Immlmn nf North Share Lino Mullnn ls Much More ELKS DEF" EN US \Im nd T l urn-ml Seniors in be Held Sat urdn) at l . Ii. ('hurch. In- lrrmt-nl :n Wheeling H ntfurn» M LH xLL' H A “In '4â€) X YI‘IV pnrl\ t {‘er Yld w Hui’ :1 (hr \Vilh I EH lyhl HH' Mn! In!) )5 1H I'lllh 1H: HI H) Jr d 1m 1â€; .‘(Y U n HI): Ml‘ ‘1' â€3m“ STREET rm: RES]DEI\'('E 50:.“ L 1H \Rk BEING l‘SEI) x mwrl “nuance â€In! 9. {Lu Hf parading nur Hw-Uh uptr‘.‘ which i: n u! am 111) urdinancr H _\ unimunm- unimui Park have he- hw and N’\tl'll lmd )mn narrnmly Iwrt. p-hu hau- nrrvsh-d .1 iwfxm-n m the past ’1‘ lnhuh Highland 1,.z‘u' Mum quite lz-n- 'IfltlihhnhK In the H tut unln-s,» wmw «I! ' vf nur uty slow up uu‘d N urn-sis mudv \\ m. Hm datizm and h ‘2' (‘nntrnl nun-hue hwy-1 nu! uf the mn- ‘Im r u! S! Jnhns and ~ The no“ arrangu- (mum-n! In every r0» um: 15 “fl! oquxppod .\x-r_\‘ â€>5va A soda I. r-mm an run in (~~n- ht 1‘! m Fizzle l'h \T RURTH ULHN .‘IOND H: lxh lHu‘Ls m {I}; 5th n“ uhn‘h proh) Hm \h‘n'! “‘1! h I}! ’I‘hc-H‘ l.~ a] R1\ ; Raisrn: Hume Muff W3“ 1hn.n:n. â€MC: L'mm Him {I DOLLARS wzw'uh Hv» Min-r) fur 1h« Mi uh-un gum: and Keep unn dt'fi-ah-d 9 Monday {w It! 1‘ !I\ kt :uzh >1 HHU n More H‘unm mu m from uf n and Mll- rnlnpk'U'd.‘ «Minn and rnl nun-hue Hf the (‘vm- mmvi {Luv “n SM'K'IIUH‘ (‘1 1m» pan-mu I“ xuuw In }ITU}[H‘~S m H" gruunds. Jim! Muddy “1er In HH'H- with this Luminnp hm! y-nhhvd m a swvlvr- 1'. ' ~m: fvx tuu hours and Inn minutes \uthmn «mm: {lelm'lng or vu-akc-n'mg. Ami â€u L In «up 1hr (hmax of a spec- (m ulur yurrfornmmw M wvm to but MM. .suun-(i t»\<»sinu1('x.u duUMv. and u hnmr run‘ I'nrl «If Lakr Fun-51's 5mm runs \n-rc var-nu}. hut mun- were. ï¬ll up! the “'1ka mm five yuan held Mn night a hrr pnr mezrl '\‘l\(' 9.: â€H r m “In" am: 11‘ El) _»M!, and V yrhmi hwlnl.‘ nm“!!;:l.k. 'Hn- High} A V. H “11d..~( Yh¢ I! l'fl‘u!1!’ “ML Hu \Ht] 1“: u “w 1 “LAWN†‘L. l Hm )151Y‘. h!) \xir! WON HOLIDAY GAME FROM LAKE FOREST HITTING WAS VERY HEAVY 'I'hr \ wung Mrn'r ‘11.! u-rnwd to he lain 1mg unm-v a um 11 (If some kind 1n \hnr affair wnh \Vnuhgah 133! Sunâ€" d:r_\ Thu played A huh-m Indiffer- rm game and vwro IMM‘d nu! by the “'uukruun ninv uhrr (ht-y had come {yum hrhmd and tu-d \he .souro, But In thr hulldh) nnx-up vutb (ht-1r bxttrr rnals at Lake Fun-st ll um an entirely different glory. Snap. 1) “Lrads up" playing “m- the ‘ndrr of My dn)‘. and n swmrd that all the pent up imm- kin-ch in flwir system Hy u hnmr run‘ I'nrl «If Lakr Fun-51's Myhi runs \n-rc var-nu}. hut mun- were. :xu-mmh-d fur My 2hr {art that our 1m), xwrv playing un a slrnngv ï¬eld. The wutï¬rld “m dm-rix'mp Hilkx‘ks Hf punt“ hid dqnv'vmiun: and small mounds thm mudr an ordimry hit Llnzmt impossiblr to ï¬rld‘ 'HA Lake Fon'ï¬tvrs were worthy :ypmu‘nt'. fur they are a fan! and 4 up ~) ayL'H-gatum of pashmurs. Cour- 14mm and sportsmunhke. 1n fact. as dean playing 1: (Hum a.- lhore is on :hr Nur‘lh Short ([uml by inning)! 1V (ilader ~1rullulr Thrrrien hit. (. ludxr taking u--.rnnd . (llader fore, (-d (i, G lader m 3rd. Dufl') hit to last and tried to cut off Therrivn at 3rd tut the rhmw was wild and Thorrien mum-(l. Safe all around. Baldwin got an Inï¬rld hit and F. (Blinder Countcd‘ McCath fanned and Landiq flied out... Mot/yer hit to short. l'vnnr sacri- ï¬m-d. Swif! was out on R strikes. Mc- (‘mwrn hit nnd was thrown out at 2nd. Menu-r noon-d. L’ ('wrkin grounded out to 3rd. I 41:1th YliNd a {h (..1ilader work- .d Ktrngnn fur his- 2nd pass Ther- van ht 1n the Inlu 1d. Glndvr un ’nd. ulwh-r opt-n1) pil-fnrc-d 3rd. Thorrwn _’- " \ud Mm wuth a [Hf rr «If L’nd Un thminuu: un Pav- rlevvn) \\ INS SEI'ONI) PRIZE IN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Hdni 11"1H1n)‘ “in [mm-d mm mun. n a Hu- 111:1111nm1 Park 1. .n Hun-d as V. wu1d.~(haxmu~n.1.z; '1‘,‘t'nd(‘d (:11 mn rfl‘mls. Thur uï¬t-nnve work 1‘14 11.: “111â€â€œ was a n-u-Iunun. Th0!) n!‘ \‘b‘ the mash-:1) wtvhinp uf ,m1u151.. 1! was the Lulu-H day of n. Mar. and (hr 1mm 1.3.1 (mm out n pnrod 1“ start at I“. w'chxk but bud “:11! :nnUHd 1!: HA Mulhnp sun 311': {um “n :u't'nulfl (‘1 1111* an‘iflCx u xuuw m IIY‘UL'H‘\~' m (1H gruunds. T ht ‘ M. (‘. Team Took 14-8 (‘om test Monda); Lost to Wau- kegan 7-3 Sunda) Afternoon Afh-r'Augmt hr»! \HH dlwnntinur hi! 3% (‘e-mnl aw.. but 17: «untrw‘! “v "k Hf :mK and rrdrrnrnhng WILL l)l.\'('0.\’Tl\'{E RETAIL I’V\I\T STORE Th. {Import} hf Myr'ï¬a Nuiflw. HI rih mk- (‘f \‘mv saw-nut, “in! Ramm- Nurv. ha. lulu/n m-Id u. Mr. and Mrs. Alfrvd ('. Meyer {or $16,500, ‘hx- tinâ€"d hum: rocmdrd at (to munly u-ul T2.» [urnpnxy (' n'i'b uf um Em and v ‘l'ildtfl- Punk Brady. {urmt-rh' of H153}:- u»d and Du“ [)rnfl'prlnnhl Hf ‘Vtflhv mntry Vluh, Waynv. Nob , look swâ€" d Hum m Xh!‘ nywn Hutu (hamph n- H‘ Hv “in u rumur u]: in Huâ€" 1'!“ uknh has 3-11:_\'r11 at Hmnha. 1r ï¬n! priu um won I»} Huh ("hybâ€" yxrufvnhnhl :at tho "mat“ ‘3-1!‘ 11,-! \‘ hi! rt hut hr VOLL’ME 11 1U! fwd \S'l' W E EK x.imm \Mttrn tznl More at wxll (‘UDUHUI' 1!. WW?- mm