tï¬twd‘ lab. as’ 95 NH mVhHlHHllHlHlHlll ifllllllllL'llllllllllllllï¬‚ï¬ 75 stmus ch the ‘anston ' on this i let the 'e to you ston. ,ursday, lain Dav) :dows of '71 ay “ams (5‘s .4... and ncreaSc then is C are I ne ft) rks most his the \N ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE AND .‘IILWAL'KEE RAILROAD, ITS SI'CCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. THE RIGHT, PERMISSION AND Al'THORITY TO (‘ONSTRI'CI \IAINTAIN ANI) OPERATE A RAILROAI) IN. ALONG AND ACROSS CERTAIN STREETS AND PROPERTY IN THE CITY OI" HIGHLAND PARK, COl'NTY OF LAKE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. BE IT ENACTED BY TH E COI‘NCIL OF THE CITY ~0I“ HIGHLAND PARK. CUI'NTY OI" LAKE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Section 1. That in consideration of the acceptance of all the terms, con- ditions. provisions and limitations hereof. and the undertakings by the Chicago. North Shore and Milwau- Kt‘l‘ Railroad, its successors and as- signs. at all times hereafter, to com- ply With all the terms, conditions, provisions. limitations and considera- [inns herein contained, the right, per- mission, consent and authority are hereby given and granted to the Chi- t-ago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad. a corporation organized un- der the general railroad laws of the State of Illinois (hereinafter called the “Grantee"l and to its successors tin-I assigns, to locate, lay down, con- struct, use, maintain and operate a razlrwui. with all necessary connec- tion; side tracks, switches, cross- n\'\‘r<. turnsouts, poles. wires, cables, trvilv)‘ poles and supports within the corporate limits of the t'ity of High- Tai.d Park, County of Luke and State of lilint 3". as follows, toâ€"wit: A.l \ll ii tracks :ls are now existing used .eiiii maintained in the City of Hmhfaiul Park lvy the Grantee and twin): nit-re fully described as follows: The private rightâ€"of-way from the South ('ity Limits but“; the Center line (if the County line Road to the in- tei’sw'tion of Kincaid Street and St‘ Johns Avenue; thence «r the Westerly t\\'enty-ti':e ‘33» feet of what is now St. .luhns Avenue In the North lim- of Cedar AVenue; thence in private right-of-wny from the North line of Cedar Ave< mie to the North line of Ril- xim- Avenue owr. under or zit-ross intent-dine streets; thence on the ‘vVester‘ly "Exhibit A," and made a part hereof. . The further right, permission and authority is given and granted to the Grantee to lay down, construct, main- ur avenue t-rossing, or that may men:- after cross said right-of-way and the right-uf-way ut' the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company; and furthcr that without the consent of said city no power house, coal yard or 4.. n, n“. Morphing. storage. load- I Each of the four several precintts of sai in and for each of said precincts. ’ d City éhave been --- . In“; ______ Jl‘ In zum [or can." vn WI“ r.--_,,,, , ‘ First Precinct: City Hall. Cornet of Central Avenue and Green Second Precinct: Methodist Churéh. Corner Noonith Avenue an: The poll of said election will be[opened at 7:00 'go'clock in the 1 By order of the Council of thei City of Highlahd Park. f;§L-x1t}'-fi\'x- (25) {Wt of St. Johns Avenue and private right-of-wzxy to the Â¥S_0uth line of the Chicago Northwesâ€" tern Railway Company's sta- tiun grounds; thence on the Westerly twentyâ€"ï¬ve (25) fen-t of St. Johns Avenue to an intersection with the Nurthwesterly line of St. .Iuhns Avenue at a point where St. Johns Avenue angles northeasterly approxi- mately One Hundred Fifty (150) feet North of Elm PlJL't; theme on private rmht-ufâ€"way to the north City Limits of Highland Park. over. under, or across all intersecting streets, said rightâ€"ufâ€"way being shown on plat hereto attached, dated March 17th, 1921, marked ks fur the switching. storage, Av Notice of Special Election ing or unloading of can shall be here- after constructed by said company, its successors and assigns within the present limits of the City of Highland Park. Scctiun 3. \V hemvm- during the lifé of this grant, the "min line tracks in the (it) of Highland Park, of the (hlcago and Northwostern Railwyn its sucu-ssors or Assigns. shall be low- erad or elm ated bringing about what is commonly kmmn as “grade separ- atipn,†the Grantee herein, in»: suc- 00519.0“ or assigns at: the order: of thu (oumil of said (ity shall there- upOn simultaneously at its own ex- pense, also lOWer or elexate its tracks to the same gradt and for substam [13“) the same distance and locaâ€" tion. In case of the elevation or lower- ing of Grantee's tracks, at the order of [the Council, as above, the term of this Ordinance shall be extended and enlarged, as hereinafter provided, and in addition the Grantee shall be pennitted to operate as many as four (4) main trucks thrnugh the entire length 0“ said (‘ity, pr'ovided its low- ered ur elevated right-ofâ€"way per- mits of suvh operatium Section 4 Permission and authority are hereby granted to said Grantee. its successors or assigns to operate its 1ars upon said tracks by elettri- 11t3 or Some other moti1e power equall3 as 11111111 and noiseless pro111l- 1d no steam lmomotiue shall he used and permission and authority are also hereby granted to said Grantee its successors and assigns, to set poles within the rightâ€"111111113 herein grant- ed and to string wires thereon for the purpose of suppl3ing electrical 1ur~ rent for 21113 railroad purposes of the Grantee. its sU1 111ss11rs or assigns, pruâ€" 11dp1l h1111"1.e11r that no poles shall he placed on any street intersection and that in all streets shall be placed on an average of one hundred 1111111 feet apart. and at su1'h points as said Grantee and the proper authorities of the (‘it3' of Highland Park shall determine. Within 111115 (1) year from the. date of the acceptance of this Or- dinzmee hy the Grantee. it. the Gran- tee, shall install (1r'mitiental metal or ’1'1111111‘1-te trolley poles for use on its right-ofâ€"way from ï¬lm l‘lï¬ee to Laurel Avenue; and Grantee sh..ll in- stall sueh ornamental or 1-1-1111'1-te poles from Laurel Avenue to Sheridan {.otld and from a point two hun- (lnhl 1 3'00) feet \111th of Roger “ll liains A111nue t1) :1 point the hundred .301!) feet South of Roger \\illii1ms Ant-nue at sueh time' as St, Johns Avenue is improved with pavement hetiween said Laurel Avenue and Sher- 11121411 Road. and hetWeen said des1ribed points North and South of Roger \\ il- liains A1enue. as aforesaid. (Grantee further Agrees that after thu’ expiration of the (5) 3ears from thd date of acceptance of this ordin- an¢e in all renewals of trolle3 poles on the East side of its private rightâ€" of 113 where thq same" shall abut a street, it will henceforth use, in such renewals, ornamental metal or 111m- crqte trolley poles.» The use (if what is commonly known as the “Third Rail ' fdr the transmis- sioh of electricity is hereby express- ly iforbidden. $ection 6. The tracks of the Gran- teeg shall be Constru‘ted and mainâ€" tained with “tee" rai s weighing not less than sixty-ï¬ve (65) pounds per lineal yard, and the rails on St. Johns Avenue between Laurel and Centre: Awnues shall be so laid that the to? sutfzme thereof shall be flush and on (A: a level with the uppet surface of the strbet where laid. » \ Section 7. Nothing contained herein shall impair or abridge the right of said City to dig up or open up any portion of any street ï¬ntersecting the said right-of-way of said Grantee, for the purpose of laying, repairing or taking up sewer. water or othvr pipes, ap urtenances. ï¬xtures or property be nging to the Citx, but said City shill have such right at all times. and in case of exercising the same, said Grhntee shall. upon reasonable no- tich, at its own expehsc, protect the tracks and the rightsfhcrehy grumml sh ll in no way interfere with the ri hts of any other company now UK- is up: or hereafter acquired, to lay ur co struct pipes. mains or conduits. untler said tracks at such street intur- sc‘tions. the right to krant such priv- ilei'es being hereby dipressly resc'rv- edsby said City. Prévided, howvver. thï¬t such Company shall pay to said Gi’pntee, its successor}: or assigns. the coï¬t of protecting and supporting its tr cks and restoring the same to their f0 mer condition. brantee agrees that it will pay its p ! portion, based ï¬upon railroad ri ht-of-way width. of all the ex- pebse necessary to dmin into the city Notice is hereby given to the voters of the (‘ity of Highland Park that Special Election will be held in and for sald City on. for the purpose of submitting to the voters. for their approval or rejection. an ordinance as follows: Saturday, Jilly 23rd, 1921 nue and Laurelta Place. in the morning and will continue open created and designated an eleciion district Section Hi Said Grantee, its suc- cossurs or assigns. in the construction and operation uf its said railroad. shall restwrv all streets, pavemrnts. sidewalks, pulilic grounds. water and sowar pipe and all uthvr public im- provements, whenever the same are damaged or impaired by said mnâ€" strurtion or upcratixn in a L'Untllllun vqually a< good as the condition ex- isting prior to such damage or im- pairment. at the expense of said Gran- tee. its successors or assigns. and up- on its failure or refusal to do so, the same may be donv by the said (‘ity and said Grantee. its successurs or assigns shall luv liable fur the cost then-0f, and shall pay [hr same to said (‘in on demand, and said Grantee, its sucu-ssnrs or assigns, shall also when- ever said right-ul-way is located up- wn the straits of said City. remove all snow und in.- frhm its tracks in such manner that no part of said snow and ice shall be deposiu'd «in the tram-led purl [if the- higthy, siï¬rwalku ur .xtru-t (‘I‘HNHIHLL Thc (lra’ntee ugh-cs to Construct and maintain in good mn~ (lillnn strm‘ts and Sldealks (Tuning its right-nfway. Sm'txun 'J. The (irnnu-c shnH In. [wr- mitu'd undrr thls Ordinance to carry passengn-rs and thvir huggnm‘. vxpn-ss. milk. m-wspupm's‘, mm] and puv‘knge freight. and undrr suuh n-asunnblv n-gulatium. 21> may {rum time to time be impnsml by thv (‘num'il «If Highland Park. shun ulm ln- wnmt. {ml In vurry fn-lght, sewagv system thv suknxuys undn both the Urantrr's‘ right-Of-WE)’ and the right-uf-wuy of the: (‘hicngu and Nurthwcstrrn Railroad Company. Swtiun M. me-pt Luv-ring «vr «It-valir trucks. u» 111 this ()n THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS :t\>l):n\. ~ in “whom :my ï¬rm gruumh mud i5 1 Park. Wherever any street crosses said right-nfâ€"way of said Grantee, and right-ofâ€"way of the (‘hicago and Northwc-stern Railway Company, the said Grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall, when ordered u» do so by thu Council of Highland Park, construct. maintain and operate suit- able railway gates. Section 1‘3. As a Iurtner consnu- orution for this grant, the Grantee hurt-in for itself, its successors and as- signs, agrees that the Council of the City of Highland Park shall have the right to open streets across the right- ofâ€"way of the Grantee herein, its suc- cessors and assigns. within the cor- poratv limits of the (‘ity of Highland Park without payment of any sum for occupation to said Company when said streets are also opened across the right-ufâ€"wuy of the Chicago and Northwvsti-rn Railway Company, and that thv Grantee hon-in. its successors and assigns, shall. at all times during tht' llft‘ of this grant. permit the (‘ity of Highland Park to lay any W. qu-pt 1n raw Hf the vr «le-valinx of \lranlm-‘e 111 this ()rdlnzmw prnvnird 11 further consid- nuo to tabu- un ur 1v! 0" pauengen. All var: or trams of (1er shall come In a full stup brfun» cronsmg Lauri-l Awnm- and no cars at {rams of cars «hull (‘russ Laurr} ur («-ntral Avr- nut-a' a! a gn-utrr spa-d than nix (6H milm per huur St't'Uun H. Should Mud Guam. its sum-esmrs ur assigns fail to comply With any of thr terms, cunditiom. re- strictions and prmisiuns of this ur~ dimmer, the said (ll) of Highland Park. through its (ountil may, at its uptiun. ut any time, therenfter, declare the rights and privilege: how- by granted terminntrd and forfeited by giving sixty (“Oi days written imtu-i- thcnmf tu said (irunw. or to II! sUtt‘t‘SStfl'b‘ ur nsxigns u the else min lx- and at thi- expiration of sixty ('30) days from the receipt of aid nnticr ii) Mild Grantw or its auc~ via-«sun or assigns, all in. ur their rights and privilc-mm. in this Ordin- HINT griintvd, rhull (’I‘MM‘ and termin- ate and he {urcn-r null and void, l’rm'ided. huwi-H-r. that it hhhll lie the duty (If the (‘ity of Highland Plrk, through its (‘uunt-il, to briefly state in said nntiw when-in Mild Gruntee. nr it~ sucu-ssuri- or mourns, have failed tn mmply “1â€) (hi.- ordin-ncr and said Grantee, its ~urcossnn or assigns. as thv ram- mi.) lw shall haw ihc right. within NIHl sixty H‘iUl days named in Milél nuti-v. tn torn-rt nr n-nic-dv thi- lirrlu'li ur nut: comâ€" Third Precinct: Gen. H. Koon‘s Store. 47 S. St. John's Avenue. Fourth Precinct: Lindholm Residence" 1453 Ju‘son Avenue. until 5:00 o'clock in the evening of Silurduy, July 23rd. 1921. nr n-nn-dy lhr hrrm‘h ur nut: comâ€" plmm-d nf. and m (‘urw the same shall in. v-Irrwtcd and rvnn-du-d win)- 111 yald lune. the tht uf furfeltun' for such breach or acts shnll heconw â€mm-rutiw. hut ~urh dlwhargv uhall no! he (-onnruod m a rrlrusu of any mm Hf {urfmlurv Hu-rn-nfu-r “'ht'n t'xvrs'lsvd as prundui in (In: urdn» amu- fur sulm-quvnt Iurrxu'hm or act» m \lnlflllnn of any ..{ Ihc trrln~, pru- \I~:un~ ur rmtrlcnulw uf Ihh Urdu)- h! divvt Hut 1 Set-Hun ltl Grant-w ~hull ill‘tllt'hh‘. «nun tn ln‘ tluli-ntul. for street yurywmw. {we and elem «If all ana and int-ainxl»ram-e.~ of mery klnd. a >ll‘lp wt lzxml fitt_.~,~i\ :04?! feet 1n \‘ltllh {rum the “(wt line (If Kmeaid Mia-rt tn the South line (|{ t'edar A' I nun. the \Vestt rly lmr Hf which is thux‘tm-Il ill) feel memurwl at right aan'lex rhnterl} uf :uul puinlltl tn the li.':>'t(-rl_\’ line of St. Johns Avenue, m nuw lm‘ati-d, cxm-ptinx at all times the intersecting stnrts, nwl all in flt‘ eurtlant-e “1th .‘Iul “Exhibit 1‘" here- to attached. Section 17. Grantee >hall dedicate 01‘ cause tu he dedicated for street purposes. a strip nf land eleven (1)) feet wide from the Nurth line of ('edar An-nue to tne Suuth line of Beech Street parallel and adjacent tn the East line (if said St‘ Johns Awnue all in acmrdanve With "Ex- hil‘it ("' hereto attached. Section 1H: Grant-e shall also llt't'll to the said (’ity all that part uf Lot One (1) in Block eighty-seven th'Tl and all ()f Ihthé' part: of the Westerly one hundred ï¬fty (150i feet of Lots ()m- (I). “Hi 12!. three (3), and four (4). in Block Seventyvnine (79! lying Easterly uf a line one hundred thirty-six (136» feet Easterâ€" ly of and parallel to the East right-uf-way line uf the (hit-ago and Northwestern Railway t’umpany ly- ing North and Stuth nf (‘edar Ave- nue. and Grantee amen to asaume and pay all liens and mrumhranrea. it any. upon all meh prnperty. Section 19 l'pvn the compliance by the Grantee “1th the terms and provisions of Seetmm 13. H3, 17 and 18 hereof, and simultaneously with said compliance, all that section of the street or highway knuwn as "St Johns Avenue" anti nther lands an folloWs: H Mr. ‘FH‘I nmrkmi The Wo'sh-Ily forty 14“! for! (hen-of. extruding: {rum thv Suuth lHlIII~' of "mi St, Jnhrh AH'nuo m HM- North 111W Hf Kxnxzmi Strvrl, and all «If «31:1 M .In-hm Awnur frnm 1hr u-ntvr hm- (f Kin- vuhi 5‘1le tn {hr Nnth hnv uf ('n-dur Annuw. MM the Westerly Hurt) hn- 177:! fret nf mm 5'.‘ Juth Avenuv (mm 1hr 5‘“th Lmr «f ('0‘!- ur Au'nuu- (H â€W H-ntt-r Rmr nf â€Huh ~er1-l. uh-i ml that pan 1 “â€41 SK. .Iuhns Awnue “m! uf u lme (1Q‘>('rllÂ¥(‘d. (n :‘rh'M‘ an My mum hm- nf Bum") Strt‘ftt pnuiuu-J. “'03! m’ a line paruiltl “’Hh and sixtyrmm. um I've! Hutu-â€" l)†uf [he- I‘lastery rightwf- way limo (If (hr (.‘hl‘flï¬u and N¢rthwestern Railwny ('omâ€" party. «mu-114mg nunheriy ‘HVINIu‘. u «up nf land {any 1". “N10 f'llll [hr an’th hm- IM‘H Trm- .‘\I".LJ‘ {Ir ‘ht‘ Han! anaud Stu-M. lymu Enslnrrly 'gailr! In â€W [.hwvhl Hush-Hy N Juhn~ .‘ux-nur, rxclusn'r [lnrhwll mm dvdn-atvd fur urpnws, u†m m'vnnimuw- \th rrtu uttnchmi «lntmi lqltrunr)‘ 1‘31. and made :. purl hvrm'f Aria-d "PJLIMI l 0T t‘uUN' precinct and the following phces hue been by the Council. denigrated places of electï¬n H 1mm shall duh imhruu-d, fur w nf land {any Hunted; the runner uu' m rat†In mid .wt-tlom of aaid St. Johns Avâ€" q-nm and :«altl other lands hereby \flt'hll'd, lit-mg unnm'ei-u-ary and no longer required for public use after the dedication as provided for in Sec- tions l.'~_ Ni. l7 and lh'. the public vulture. t'onvenienc‘e and safety hen int: heat conserved by the vacatioh and (iiuwntinuance of said sections of and highway as aforesaid. Section 20: Grantee ahall pay one: half Hg) the costs of paving St. Johns Avenue with good and aubatan- tinl ltnrk paument on concrete base. all of standard Ipwiflcatlont- thirty t 2“) {wt in width, or other type of :hilnltnl not «f greater (mil. from 'Ilm l’lm-e to Central Avenue and 1mm Laurel Avenue to Sheridan Road. formerly Cllled “Highland AVâ€" t-nue", together with all street in- terseetiona, and Grantee shall also pay one-half (‘1) of the cost of all pavement of Bite character neceasary between (‘entral and Laurel Avenues together with all street intersections in addition to the paving heretofore dom- in said block by said Grantee; and the Grantee shall alao pay one-halt (‘al of the cost of paving said St. John Avenue with good and subatantial b 'ck pavement on con- crete base. all 0! standard speciï¬ca» tion tWenty-ï¬ve (25) feet in width or other type of pavcntent not of great- or mint {mm Beach Street to Lam- bert Tree Avenue, together with all street intersections. the coat of all of which may be assessed against the railroad right-ofvvay in the same manner as the balance of the cost thereof is assessed against rivate property, or at the option of t e City the Grantee shall and agrees to pay its proportion of the coat of said im- provements in annual installment: in the same manner and in the aame proportion as to both principal and in~ term“ as though specially assessed, said inatallments to be paid to the (‘ity of Highland Park on the 2nd day of January. during each year the assessment Is in collection. dmll .4 land fauna-n (14» 1M unit. nu-asurrd a! right an- 1110‘!- u. (hr East hm 4" 51 .lnhn- Avrnue, mdurrd {mm 1hr leh, 10 t (I North 11va uf ('mlnr AveHUv and “(burn my thvn'tn. and exu-ndmu fynm Hn $0th line !n (he erlh hm of (‘miar Avvnur. um all as shuwn (m Exhxbn "1 mm. a part honnfumi hrn-tu «flatbed. and dIU'd Fv’vrull‘)‘ 12th, 19:31. lw. and 1h¢.:ihme horn-b) HT!’ \luuh-‘I; Ihc‘ “1".th UM' \vf (-arh of Grantee agrees to replnce the ride- walks nuw laid on St. Johns Avenue. lwtwm-n Beech Stu-ct and Lambert Trm- Awnue thh the name rharacter u! ndrualk as and when directed ly [hr (‘nuncil of “ill (it): Su-(um :11: Said Grantee, m suc- rrsmrs and warns. shall light with clvlnr lm'unm'mnx light: each of the xuluways which are new or way here-{tn N mnltructml by It, and exhall nlsn furnish and mumuun not to rxu-ed vightven HM mranlll-vcent «reel lights. which Hull lw lm-ulrd n the (my of Highland Park may ,{rum time to time order. 1nd eu‘h lith: or cluster of lights shall he of the «hu- sour and candle power of 11mm 1nd lichtx in general use throughout the (‘ity of Highllnd Purl: in lxko lo-‘ union. Section 22 .m n vxpenxw from said renter lim- u! Beech Slrwt produced. three hun- dred ï¬fty-thru- and twenty sew-n hundredth: 1353.270 {wt to in point of rurvr. thence Northerly nlonu a vun'ed line convex West": ly with I rudiua of two hundred nixty ï¬ve ind ï¬fty- she-n hundredth: (265.5†feet a distance of one hun- dred fift) â€"one and eight trnths 1151.8) feel more or Ian to an intersection of the i-lnterly rixhvof-wny line u! the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railrtnfn it no: exist-i, being the Westerly line of St. Johns Avenue And also a strip of land fourtmn (H) feet wide, meuun-d It right angle: to the Bust line of St. Johns Avenur and Idjolninx there- u! land fouflmn (14) feet u ide meuurmi It ï¬ght nnxlel to the Emt line of St. Johns Avenuv and adjoining (ht-ro- In, nuu uvcupiod by 3 th~ 141'" (16’ {out mblir alley M'lwvt'n lulu 1‘wa <12! and Thirteen 113); 3130 a Hrip to, no" («u ied by the fol- lowing n-m streets or pub~ lu- highway†Muslim-n und Au and 1130 I strip of l-nd fourtren (1‘) feet wide, measured at right angle: to the Hunt line of St. John: Awnue and adjoining then- lu. no! octupied by I pubhc highwuy, lying between on}:- Jul [mu 0m Hundï¬â€˜d and wu-nt) three (173) and one Hundred right) (180» of the \‘uuth Highlund addition to Highland Park: Aim) 3 ltrip Gunter yhul! at its mnalrud a run! r'cd EDWARD A. WARREN. City Clefk. 05 AT’I‘EST: L. A. “ARREN (it) cm it I-thD Jung. .‘.rd. A. D. 1921 "ed PASSED Jum 17m, A. I). â€*2! i All 0! the rights and privileï¬u jgrlnted by this erinance, and all a! {the duties 1nd obligations im ‘upon the Grantee thereby. sh.) cm «and to And inure to the beneï¬t of and ‘he binding upon the successor-I lhd ‘nnignn of the Grantee. Section 110: Said Grantee I :to pay to thr said ('zty of Hith Park the ('nu’. uf printing And pubâ€" IJ.VL.'â€"._ at In I ‘ H cvmrnl concrvte reaming “‘1â€, catph beams and drums. and nuke the n - esury ï¬ll at the inlemt-(‘Uon of 9 “nine and SL Johns Avrnue south to! Cedar Avenue, to the extent 1nd of the dmenm‘uns shown in the and proï¬le hereto attached. W Much 17th. 1921. and made I ' berm! and marked "Exhibit D." ‘ Section 2:5 Grantee-shall I! t. own expense construct a reinfo cement concrete retaining WI“, amt-II basins and drums. and make the canary ï¬ll on the Easterly side of L Johns Avenue at intersection o! R;- vine North of Roger Williams Avon“... to the extent and of the diluent! shown in the inn 1nd roflle ham Attached. daturhhrch 1 th. 1921. and mnde - Part hereof and marked “Ex- hibit I). ' ' Sediun 24: The Gunter Agni. that when necessary and ordend ho to do, by the m r authoritiel o! (‘ny of High In ‘Pnrk. it will, at in Section '25: If at any time, suit- :wquem m tnn ()0) years from the date of 011- within ordinance, one subway Hm]! be built under the trunks uf thy t'LIrago and North?“- rm Reflux) (‘ompuny nw-r any sin-9t. or sidewalk. mm or hen-afar (ms;- inc thv rm :uflwu) of said (bru- pnny. us huu‘l‘ssum m usximw. vulh- m the sand (‘1') «1 Highland l‘arkxtbe Mud (lruritw. m AUA‘H'SN'Y'.‘ and at- signs shall lhrn‘upuh. when urde so to do I!) the (‘uum-xl of mud (‘11. . at â€S (Mn I'HI'HM. aim «unstruc! on the Mme- Hr‘rvl (‘I‘UsHHï¬' a whway of like gradq- and dmwmguns. and of the name hm‘ym and mum and uf the Name (halm‘trr and quality 4{ Work and maternal Any Huh subway ahq'" be- lm-au-u between meuln Avon“ and Rug†\hlliunm Awnue. The pnn‘inuns of lhh svvtinn are indé- pendent of the st-allwi "grade 59 - amnion" herrxntmmro referred to n Sortiun 3 hereof. Serhun 27: In {he matter 0! l 0: â€Julian and auimn grounda ('f Gr. - we at Roger Wllliams Avenue. Grapâ€" toe alum-s that within three (3) years from the dau- of the accept-nee of this ordmnnw, It will construct And mlinlam ;. (on! passenger lubwdy under in trukr. at or near said Rog» er Williuma Avenue, and mnke And maintain («ruin other improvements. a†n shtmn and provided for upon Section 28: The dedication and not!- veyanm or pro flies hen-in pmv‘idgd for to be m: e hv the grantee. I conditioned upon {ï¬e vacation: of pot ticmz of highways, RF herein prow- ed for. nnd it is agreed that Inch nested portion: of highway: I ll be and bemme the property of I“ n smmn and provided for upqn a wrtmn plat dated April 26th, Iâ€, mnde a par! berm-f and mnrked “Ex- hibit E". together With the speciï¬ci- tions locompnnying and a part ‘0! said plat. Section 29: The rights and privil- eges hereby (ranted are gnnted [hr the pqiod of thirty (30) yen" ! the date of the pccepunce by Guntee u! this Ordinance, â€we â€ï¬t in the event the tracks of the‘Gnnbe Il‘l' elevnted or lowered, as herein pro- vided for, then and in such can period of time for which the rig-bu and privileges for which this ordh- nnce If? granted, shall be during the co rate existence of the Gnnm. an it: pucceuun or “aim, or any extension: thereof. ' All of the rilthhs .nd nriviinL. Sectinn 1:0: Said Grantee I to pay to (hr said ('zty of High! Park the ('nu’. uf printing And pubâ€" lishing Hus Ordinance, and I†n :- nary npc-nw: legally Incurred maul (’ny In runnectjun wnh the amt-J m1 rlw‘lir‘n submitting this ()rdimlce lo a vuu- of the penple of hlid Cay, as rmwin-d l,_\ law. Smtnln 31; Thu franchise and GT- dinnm-r hhll“ no! Mummy rï¬â€˜vctive In- It†within thirty (20! dAys diet the nppruvnl then-u! by me votertfof rand (fly, it is xm‘opu-d in '1'“ by MM (‘hir-ugo North Shaw and il. waukrc Radrnad, or m successors and “mmâ€. ‘ I swr‘m M‘ HASTINGS Major. {hr