The ordinance is the result ( Conscientious work on the part ought to show that they appre polls to vnte at the special elect ‘ We “nu“ ... .vI;\,\A$tl LILLuUna Ul HHS kind. Those who are opposed to the ordinance, if there are any, will no doubt go to the polls and cast their votes according to their convictions. Those who believe the ordinance to be in line with progress, who are anxious to see the city grow and its transporta- tion facilities develop. should also go to the polls and cast their bal- lots. p l}-‘_. The opening of St. Johns avenue to traiï¬c, where it is riow prac- tically closed by the railroad. will be of great beneï¬t togthe city. There are a number of features in the ordinance which are de- cidedly to the city's advantage. while, of course. the railroad also gets beneï¬ts. All measures of this kind are in the nature of com- promises and the present ordinance is no’ exception to that general rule. It has been a case of give and take. but as far as we can see by careful reading of the contract. the railroad has been ob- ligated to give the city as much as the city accords the road. We are of the opinion that the ordinance should be; adopted in the best interests of the city, and we believe it will be if our citizens show sufï¬cient interest in the matter to go to the polls and cast their votes. The danger in such matters always is the lack of interest shown by the voters in special elections of thiq Line has given, and is giving Highland Park, as well as other com- munities. a good class of service. It has been operatingr without a franchise for some time and no doubt it will continue to operate. whether the present ordinance is adopted or rejected; It must continue to operate, because the comfort and convenience of our citizens require such operation. That being the case, it appears to us that the logical thing is to give the company the Ordinance it seeks. so that the city may reap the beneï¬ts which will accrue to it under the terms of the contract. ‘ I It must be admitted, even by those who are opposéditopublic utility companies on general principles, that the North Shore In all matters of this kind, some opposition always will be found. Some individuals will oppose anything which might seem to be a beneï¬t to a public utility company, without much regard to the merits of the particular case. There is less, perhaps, of that spirit in Highland Park than in many other communities, for the reason that our citizens generally have a high degree of intel- ligence and are capable of judging a proposition on its merits. We believe that if the proposed contract ordinance is Considered strictly on its merits, it will be carried by a large majority. The Press has made a careful study of the ordinance and has not been able to discover a single section in which the interests of the city are not safeguarded. In fact We think it is a credit to the city ofï¬cials who negotiated the contract As far as we are able to judge the acceptance of the ordinance by the people on a refer- endum, will be a decided advantage to the city. ALBERT LARSON Plum a567 ~ While a policy of "open diplomacy." was pursued iii the negn~ tiations which led up to a tentative acceptance Hf thevnrdinance by the city and the railroad representatives, and while the full ordinance has been made public through the columns of The Press. there are no doubt numbers of our citizens who have not given the subject much consideration. Electors of Highland Park will he called upon to vote on the proposed contract ordinance of the Chicago North Shore and Mil- waukee Railroad. at the special election to be held July 23. One year ............................................ ; .................................................. $2.00 Entered as second class matter March 1, 1911, at the post ofï¬ce at Highland NUMBER Udell Brothers .. Florence Warner The Htgblanh Park Pram Published weekly by JOHN L. UDELL Ind PAUL L. UDELL, It Highlnnd PAGE EIGHT SA UCY STORIES BREEZ Y S TORI ES S.VA PP Y STORIES HIGHLAND PARK TRUST 86 SAVINGS BANK LIGHT SUMMER READING THE lance is the result of a great deal of painstaking and work on the part of our city nï¬iciais. Our'citizens w that they appreciate such work. by gning to the at the special election July 23. . JOHN OLIVER MORTON 8. “V0! HAIRY PAL'l. This is America's birthday month. Why not observe it b) adding substantially to your bank accountâ€"for strength? ()n the books of this Institution are writ- ten the records of individual citizens who are doing their part to make this community representative of America's strength and high ideals. ‘ ’ To the gzaduates of the Annapolis Naval Academv President Harding said: Pruiden I NORTH SHORE C()NTRA(_'T ORDINANCE ,7 ..................................... Editors ........................................................... City and Sbciety Editor Telephones Highland Park 557 and 558 America Uhafraid â€SKIP†,\ um The Bank of Persohal Serv-ca' Park, Lgke County, Illinois SUBSCRIPTION RATES yum to help make this n Republic -. a Repuhhc of :{ympatmx strength euls-«Anwrica unafraid." Vice Pruldent the ordinance to be in line with :he city grow and its transporta- gn to the polls and cast their bal- . .s . , : leggyâ€! a great deal_ qf‘paintetaking and BLUE BOOK GREEN BOOK RED BOOK * 'I‘Hl'HSDAY. .H'LY 11. l‘JL‘I Cuhler Stationbr The regular nun-ting of the Ruya Arcanum was held Monday vvvning. Mr. and Mrs. Raymund ()t-tzel have returned from u hum-ymnnn trip to Fremont. Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pete-rum, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yuger and Mr. Har- old Muntzor have today for Munroe. \VIS.. where they wal visit Mr. and Mrs. J. (i â€1) d. 9‘"??? WW“ fig“: * 5‘5???“ W rm: £16m PARK Puss, HIGHLAND PARK. -_.,.......-u Park Trust and Savings Bank. Elizabeth Silher underwent an op- eration for appendicitis at the High~ land Park hospital last Thursday. Sho is ru‘overing. Miss Frances listy of Boston. Mass. 'is the truest if Mrs, l‘. N. Kimball. Miss Olin-t Swallon formerly of KUFUH and a student at the Moody llililv Institute. Miss (lliu- Tortinga of Moody Bililt- lnstitiitv, Dr. Mey- ers and family and Miss Ethel Spcich- or of Waukezan were the Sunday L’tivsts of Mr. and M rs. William (luyot. Rev. and Mrs. W. l". Suhr are en- joying ii tu'o Wt't‘ks‘ vacation at Ft. Waynr. Ind. Suppers at the “Y" wq‘ll be discon- tinued for the time being. However ('hlt'kt'n (linni-rs an- proving as popu- lflr as ever, Mr. and Mrs. ('larencc l’edorscn, South Second Street. are the parents of ii iliiughtvr. lmi‘n Wednesday morn- . Ill}: at the Highland Park hospital. 3 Mrs. '1'. Daily spent the last week‘ t‘llil at l'ontiac. wlivrv her son. (lemme ‘ Martin is in l‘llb‘l'lt‘m‘. . l 15 l Harry hit-(lune. hi-ad linusmnn for, thv l’iilili'c Scrviw (‘ompany is re- con-ring from at: operation under- wvnt last Friday night :it the Highâ€"3 land l'ark hospital ' Anthtny Schinlir is enjoying a V83 i'utlun from (iUClt‘S at the Highland Park Trust and Swim†Raul: Stanley (‘url van Moses left tern trip. Tl scwrul months Mr, and Mrw (mmiwin and J‘ Kics~ ius of Chicaxu. were thv Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Hinn. Stanley (‘urr, Ty Weber and Syl- mung tn the death nf flu Frudurivk (Iiss. Ho Wu.- yoars old. Funeral wrvi Sunday in Lon): (hove. uf Mrs. H. J‘ Hum. Mrs. ank‘Hmn- and .\Ir~x Slcvvn Sionarth hun- rvturm-d hunu- {rum [,4 m: Grow wh-rr they wen- culled [Ming tn the death Hf !hrir fathvr. Mr. Frudurivk (Iiss. Ho was cightythrve The Misscs Anna [mu-null um! Theresa Tuth un- enjoying u wu-k's vaultinn in Mirhimm. Mrs. Frank Mutuhlvr's 1w†.khll'rï¬. Mrs. W. H. Md'mn nnd Mrs. F, W. Hahn nf I‘mrtu'xxliv. ('allf.. WI†hf nn- lumnrruw I'ur an vxtendod \‘Nt. Mrs. J. KH-sm and small baby of (‘hicugu arr thn' :m-sh fur ton days uf Mrs. H. J. Hum. 7.22;»..4. :. :72: :2. a 1:5. :2: 7.:.. J51, 72 .17 (4:11:35; i. 7.3 ï¬zzi :n 1: .V T 77.13. 117 flier. .57}. _::.Z..: 1:32 A 3:.3; i 1:. 75:; 2:1. 1. 2:13;. 7:1: H. Hum-r ('hm‘hw vultmi frx :77 21:2. 2:; .11... 3.7 :3;.‘; 32, :z: :7 :1; .4 :1. 3:351: :u. 5.1L 2:; :3r .3. K. Mx'Curmk‘l. uf Aururu. During thvir visit Hlt'l‘t‘ they altvmiml 1hr First Annuhl ('vh-hmtmn uf [hr “IH>“Q‘\'(']I~.-\UT'Y‘A I’n.~l. Ann-Hum I.‘ :‘iun. Thc'y ulm mutun-d {u \thnm (Rom-Va and Batuvm whvrr 1hr) rump w! for u day, along thv H \ anr. Miss Adz: Pntwh i~ qwmlmy flu» WH-k vismrg .\lr. Inn! \lr~ FrHM-h :n [M .‘II'H‘J'n 1m Mr. and Mr» I'uul W, Blunrhnrli and sun Paul .112, haw Just rmurnmi In their hnmu nn \Vzllkrr mm. hnvinu ~pcnt thv past {(-w days 2w h« 1m- guests 11'. the 'mvnn- of Mr. mu! Mn, .1 M rs. H. Mi“~ Gm \\ (wk in l Miss Lnrem- Hulwn nf ('hlvnyu \xw thy guest last Wt‘vk «f hvr ~I<1rr Mr~ H. 0. Huh-r. MI: and Mrs E. 1’ Hmpm wf (‘hn- rug†hau- nm‘ml xntn thn- l'lvnuw Thayvx‘ I'vsnhnvr mm H. VHw A\('. Mr. Juwph ('nrd P135 gunr h» \Vywn lm: for (In- n mumfrr of th: Hnnmvr Mr. I‘vrc) Prior wxl) undergo an upvratiun m Ihv Highland Park hm.» pita] tmiuy "nr uppemht-ins. \VUNi \\> l'l'xt‘lVl‘I! {rum Juhll (VKm-fr thir’ \s'wk that hr» and his “11':- un- on thy svmnd ]up 01' then juurm-y. They arr mm’ In [.05 Amy-lea, Valâ€. m vmling the Elks ('onwntinn and re- purt a must anuyqu tmw, Mr. and er Arthur HnMrn \HH mntur hvrr from Milwaukcr uu-r tho- wcck and and “1†1w [hr yuwts uf Mr. and .\lr.~. H. 1.. Mt-zuitn 3 Mr. and Mrs. Will Decker of Lib- Iertyvflle, UL, spent Sunday with Mr. ï¬end Mrs. T. H. Decker. ; The Mimcs Evelyn Foote and Ruth 3 Card have: gone to Camp Michegonne 'for six weeks. Mrs. William Harrison Jr. has as her guests this Wt'rk hvr nnnhrr Mrs. Gannon and small shim“ uf Gary, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hungrcn and son Raynmnd were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. John Kt-mpo. They are rvturmng to their hume in Bloomington (mm a trip in (‘alevrma‘ Florence Schneider is spending this week with her grandmother Mrs. Powers of Chicago. (‘urr, Ty Weber and Syl 5 left Thursday for a West They plan In M gum E. And N (' ‘IH‘HI I.ul1l~\)Ht §ANDPERSOIALNEWS outing of the Royal 1! Monday uwning. ,aymund ()t-tzel have hum-ymnnn trip to Ifâ€: dn-u ~ zm-i er H ‘UYI‘I' .\h the Simday The ('higggo North Shore and MHâ€" and tr); llix')\ mpm uf (“1‘ the- l'lmnrr Hm- Au; wrrv hold \\ dung inn x~ U1 Mn II \7.L'11l H: mung gum: ’ (50.!) JAMES H DI'FFY Not-r7 Public |Ru£din| 1! Highland Purl. lllinok Uh 1'qu Lin-billbo- 830' I. I. J Grundy. Cashier of the Shore Trust Comp-n1 Bunk. do .1 star that the nhm-e "amen! h Ln» but of my knowbdue Ind mm -. “-UK‘U‘. WI“. am. of Illinoh, cé‘unq of hu. 83‘ 8‘50ch And IWI'II ‘0 Mon an uh uh day uf Ju!y, 1342! (Sow JAMIE: u mvmm UR 10 (mm lie-51; Located ll Highland Purl. Shh 0! “Much. I! the rlmw u! bunnen on Lh!‘ 30th day of Junr, 1‘32}, I: mm" h» the Aanur of Pub- Hc Accuunu u! the Stat: of “hm-h. pununnt to llw waukeo railroad last week asked the Illinois (‘ommerco Commission for permission to operate into the N. Water street torminul of the North- western Elevated company and over the tracks of the South Side Elevnt- 0d Company from the loop to the station at Sixty-third street and Dor- vhvstmr awnur. Chicago. The Sunday night suppers a (‘ufutvria haw [won dismntmuq thv patrnnnm- has nut warrant» wntmuanu- at the prom-m mm.- Mothem ('Iuh Thr mothers (‘Iuh picnic wi hrM at Ruvinia Park. Thursday, 2%. AH mnthcrs and their far nn- Invited to attend. Special “turd Mming A mum] Board mwlmu has been unllmi fur Wednrsday morning. July 110th ut Inn u'clm-k. fur thv purpose n.’ urrunmnu the part thr Y‘ W, (I A. an- In take 1n the mummy Highland l'urk llny dvnunstratiun. A full uth-ndnm-v L~ necessary M m (IIN‘FRIIHH i.~ nmst Horde-d in undvr- taking: this plN‘O of vivic Work. NORTH SHORE TRUST N DMPA NY (rn Surplm .. lndhidod Prom.- 1nd» Dem-it- Reservr Cult.) suni Hm h TM liruce Lulu- Thv (hrl Rt'svrvm- camping at l’ruvr Lakn- returned Tuesday with [hr I'\’(‘¢‘pUuH u! Muruurm Andomon and Harvard Siljrs‘rum, \l'hu n~ gun“! fur unuthrr wm-k T)“. "ink Due from Bank», Cub, Exâ€" change: Cheeh A Collection. . N. S. M. MAY RUN TRAINS TO SOUTH SIDE and .111 z! Pvrnnzh! h: me Thr “thllhd I'mk Iil'lrxuh", INDP vans nn-E (‘Inrn Holland gun- ~NHMH1 I'rpurh at â€W â€with! 5!“!- Im: TUrMiH)‘ mummy, Irvm lurinmm: tank a Iruphy which 5hr \Kun m an rurinu the mm! pumh In mniinnhml daily ('unu‘ats. Lonn- and Disco-mu l' S Government lnvnuncnu flanking Huuu. Furniture Ind Huun-n 0000030000“ QOOC‘ch’OOOOOOC’OOOOQOOO-QOOO h MM. “114‘". 1 mvuuu hmpnnl, .\1r~ I" Kvmn-lh Mxkunn- um .\[r~ W Hrmhhnw Hymn 'xll «Inn-1' inâ€: u! lurniufl m tun hfh-rl. tufllmk Suturdny afternoon. Mn K. M. I'mlvm‘ 1! HVahstnL u'nh rtuzm-d {hr nwnfl-rr~ of the 34‘“ .ng Jul. u" Hm mm M :finm‘r Tue-II mf “r1 Eh Mrs. J, (I Mnrrlsun hm: gmw to Hnlhmun‘. Md..~fur 1: short tune and My“ Hmnlwlh linyntun has gum- u: u mung» In murthrrn “‘mwnsin. Mm Katherinr R Md'urmn-k fur mm h'mhl-I m H.1~ at) n Hauling: {I'H'Hd~ hr“; Mr Jmk â€3km x~ \hHH)" hm par «uh MI and Mn (' H Hakrr1f 1‘qu Rat-urn. Sunday night lup n at the Y will be discontinued fo the time being. However chicken dinner: on Sand!) 1 are us p<pullr as ever. i i A‘mu. l'urk week Mrs H. PI. Kile who has been spend- nm the wxntt-r in Lujullu. Calif, spent u (my duys this Vu-ok With her truth- «-r. 1.. J. Rice and family. She is en» rnutv In her humv in I‘rm'xdt-nce. R I. Dr. and Mrs. Bapyo u! Norm (‘aru A’mu. fnxmn-r residuum uf Highland Park, nl'v vism'm frn-nds here this OFFICIAL Pl'BLlCATION Report of the Condition of The Luther League 0f lhv Zion Ev- “mu-Hull Church will give a beach puny this evening. \hx\ Messrs. Arthur Md'affrey and Wil- hnm Harrison are vnjuying a week's ï¬shing trip at Trout Luke. Win. er. Ashton Smith 0! Minneapolis. Minn, is spending two weeks with her parents Mr. and Mn. George M. Seward. HP A. I. Ion-1mm: undmt at operation for appmdlcitll at the Highland Pork hocplnl Sunday avo- ning. He is gelatin; along flicdy. Mn. Elonao Tyner who baa been living at'the Moraine hotel for unr- al weeks is leaving today for Alaaka. I'Hl‘ur “\n'. Mary luvuh‘r (hunt h «prndmx (m.- wk 1n Milwaukr-r m (In Kurt! (If \u “:pph' Marlo ('hnmlc-c. anxmu park M)» x~ 1hr pn-ud {nthrr uf a mu}, Th!- .-m “n‘ burn Mundn)‘ mght at a «'IL'H hmpnnl hum hI‘L’Hrt'! Mljrs‘rum, \l'hu n~ fur unuthrr wwk. The High Girl Rosun'w are using the Minms «'nttflyc thls WH-k. Svniur (‘lulm will [he 1! later «'1! ( umnmw and It. nit-lurid: 1hr IN-ur} Luke hwh MM»- ‘1 fr n nu .rrlmrm: Frnin '. W. C A. NOTFS uAmLmts RESOURCE E q. Gigqn'ï¬i. cum“ (‘l feterin (‘nnfrn-nrr club picnic will be Park. Thursday, July suppers at the disvontlnucd as ‘( wurrantrd the their {ammo} , uf (â€lurk 51.. hsmny trip :11 Mr. Nun, Jr. 1.~ w: In] (ht-mum}: in lawn cnuyiny d9 ooknns â€0-,“! 5n MEHZJ! “hum...†mimmm. â€n.4,†“nan-4.5! -.6MVM 69,055.“ 597.“ 52,070 ‘7 I: Y c n'mw Friday THOR â€" SIMPLEX â€"â€" A.B.C. VACUUM CLEANERSâ€"- OHIO â€" EUREKA â€" ROYAL EASY PAYMENTS FREE TRIAL Phone 201 Authorized Agents for WASHING MACHINESâ€" THOR â€" EDEN â€"â€" A.B.C. â€" WESTERN JUDD â€"â€" POLLYANNA â€"â€" NIAGARA lRONlNG MACHINESâ€" EXPERT REPAIRING Liberal Allowance on Ydur Old Machine 393 Central Ave. Telephone 331 I'hrn i. Mi.†mad: :3 rcndx r N'( I r! {CR â€rm :nl WIHN \cars intcrxcnc and the springboard takcs the plmc ()1 (Inc sand} lwmh, turn the pages ut your Kndnk album. l‘hrrr shc 1 White Polo Shirts Prompt Service Work Guaranteed PHONE FOR A TRIAL PACKAGE 0!" SOAP A Fun 8.†m cm s $2.00 and $2.50 Genuine Bridle Leather Belts DECKER HUBER Ort Earl W. Gsell (all \ THE. IDEAL WASHING IACIHNI SOAP for all types of WASHING MACHINES IRONING MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS Gents' Furnishings 389 Central Avenue Telephone 23 Collar Attached Finest Quality KODAK 1w A. W. EVANS y rnuuyi, ‘ ‘ 1 Amy $1.00 h(’J\:( Du WITH L a: but John A venue unwh 1r rm UUY hr 1’th “U?†(‘1 10! N. 280 N.