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Highland Park Press (1912), 28 Jul 1921, p. 3

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Call bone 54 BC? ICI'IOI' ”It les .x‘ w \Ve Keep 0111' C11s1ome1's Heppy Goodâ€"Segace N0 M31191 How Lon§ The Line. ' 1111‘ K_\'()\\ 111: 11111 ene you well af ter li~1tcning [11 thv good things which our 1 prvwnt 1‘u~t11m1~r.~ 521) of us. Ask any man or v111man who patronizos this garage. nu“. “111 “-11 um that first of all WE 1 (wry Palace CashMarket Grocdry “”30“,!” PHONES 1560-1561 533-535 Central Ave. Brookfie (‘alves' Chhh‘k PL am ha~ Da \ 0m mosquito bites' Scratching makb‘ them itch all the haidei. Usé N 0L5 \ ELV ET SKIN. It soothes m it mm .mri nhn<p§ aan the mosquitos bites and chases away S, w m) I i Fancy ‘ Roast m-n's Fam< Mn 'l‘hoy will tell you that first of all WE hEFl’ ()l R \\ ()Rl) REI lGlOl'SLY 1119} will n) \V E KNOW ()l R Bl. SINESS 'l‘ht-y will tutih ti. our l’l{(l.\ll’T.\ESS. They will «\presa their sati>fmtinn with uur REASON- \lil. H CHAR“ ES. “'9 are in this business to make money In (in that we knuw wt mu.~t «‘ne you well and keep you happyâ€"and these things we are prepared to do. ('onsull us on an} subject ('0 (he satisfm'mr) operation of your is free. Service is immediate. cnmplt-to \uhanizing department lull line of good actosaories. M , w!‘ Manur Home (‘ofl'ev vlurshmalluwx larg‘v size Emrn's Famuus Orange Pekoe Tea \rmuur (‘ofs finest, lb. and ans. <pwial at mt native my Brick Butter Breads, white as snow _\' Back Hx. Frr pour con‘venience fancy 37%c 37%c 38%c Zlic 4 SK YOUR DRUGGIST 18c \vurld is married he .1 if he does- yum-ems want when Specials: an} subject connected with NatiVe Veal Breast for dressing ‘ _,_ Fancy Lamb or Veal Shoulder Roasts Lamb Breasts for stew Fresh Ground Ham burger Steak Boston Butts make finv mu we maintain a vet) lrtment and carr)’ a NU ft'lll' ed b." H“ tion to 5-!“ tennis in Why d‘ Nu hair of hot Wdamor is ed by the girls thdt LIN in (ion to 5.1m out with the bow tennis in the broilinzg sun Why don‘t educafinrs tear ladies and gentlcnmyi that mt not grow on treesi'i car. Advice Jsfe NICH- iéritating 28§c Zfiic 390 15c , 68¢ 15: $1. 08 i18c 15c 20c 49¢ only Innhx’)‘ dues )1 young: Mr. and Mn. E. J. mums, Kr. Arthur E' r end Mrs. Amelie Pyle motored t the Dell: of Wimonsin lut week. Miss Mfirgnret Carolnn is mending her vacation at Twin leel, Mich. Mrs. W; B. Carr had as her guest: Thursdty her sister, Mrs. Oleson Ind son of Chicago. 7311';ng §. Reeds entertained the Young Motrons' club It her home on Deer-field avenue Thursday afternoon. will teach in Highwood this yegr. . Mrs. Fred Cluvey will entertnin the August meeting of the Ladies' Aid society of St. Paul's Evangwlical church next Thursday afternoon, Au- gust 4 Miss Clara [finder was hostess to the Altar and Rosary society at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mra. Perle Butson and baby of Letts, 18., are visiting Mrs. Butson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Plugge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Supple and three children motored to 1)(‘t'rfi(‘ld from Texas whvrv they are VlsitmL' Mr. Supph-‘slnmthor. Mrs, R. I). Sup- p194 1‘1. ,n, “is: EH! I’tttls rcturmd [(1 “(IM- \an Manda) after a two Weeks' visit at the homv uf her father ( \\ [’01- tl‘. Mr: S. 1). 53-150an Highwwxxl \‘iS- itud in Doorfield Wednesday. Mr Nelson #111 spend the n-mnindrr n1 the sumhwr in California Mr, and Mrs. A. H. .‘Iuhlkx- hm! m their gursts Friday Mr. and .\lr~ ('lurunca L0 (31er of (‘hicagu Mrs. “C H‘ Neville vntvrtaim-d {in ('zl1r1-1111a I11 (11ar 11f ( h11ag11. Mrs. W. H ,\'1-\1ll1 1nt1-rta1n1-1i 1111 Woman: Missionarx 5111-11!) 11f 1hr Pwshyteriun 1hur1h Thursdzn Mr.an1l \Il> RM Gun1k1-l 11nd >011 Mr. and )Il‘>. Ray UuncKol zmu Nil: LoRay. 0f ('hicugn, \n-rt- (hq- guwt nf Mr, and Mrs. IL I). eri» Sundny Miss Emily Bush uf ('hicugu wu ”11' \\'(‘(‘k (‘Hd L'Ul"! Hf “5‘5 l'x-arl [K [vrsmL i< S p.311. duynmx will be u vurnivz a hruis‘ hand uf by thtqum-n nf t a hru$ hand uf :33 pin-vs. Inlln\\w by thufluwn nf the carnival and fair ins and prim-tax AmLh'c-mvnt.~~ 1m rt‘frvshmvnb of all kind~i Vulnv :m haw a good time. Hiram Spuil’urd Rllliilills, imrii reix l“. lSliS, (it immil‘fl. lludfle enmity, “is. fit the age nf 21 married to Mi» Jennie lluwie. .‘lx‘. Rnliliirw entered 1i! <e'r\'iee oi’ the Milwaukee railrnnd at the age Hf '11. He was Sixth pruâ€" ninted and hi\ death “in nne inf the muted and at the limo uf llh death he was one of the Oldest engineers in point of service on the system. He passed suddenly away at his home in 3Deerfield on the evening of July 1‘), " 1921. hziving lived 53 years 5 months and 1 day. His widow and four chilâ€" dren survive him, two children havâ€" 3ing passed away in infancy. Dre 1(‘yeorge Hiram Rubhins of Madison. 1Wis., John Holden Rohhins and Miw iGrace_Robbins of Deerfield and Mrs. iJohn Archer of Omahn, Neit. are the lsurviving children. The deceased was a member of the which l‘nlln lll't- iweuu~ in their (h them. Tm when- the pu\\er. It i piun- h ( him.~elf in into his 0' lilx-rule e that he de mere lu'l'lt premedilai one remm Iii who wi ”Bt‘ltl‘l \thm \«\'l 'l‘hun (ill ln ’ ______ Survnm; ”unnun The deceasvd was a member of {ht- !_ Brotherhqnd of Locomotive Engineers. .the Masonic order. and a ruling older 1in the Pres‘byteriun vhurch of Deer- 5 ROY. 3!.11‘ U i Our church ar Iceived a seven- dcath of our h< Robbins last Tu Mr. Robbins had Lthan a year. hr 1 |tn every heart h itiun. kindness of l‘ piety. He was g ‘entire congregm jgreatly missed a] 3 nessflof his charm lhy the tributv p: field Jun“. To know Mr‘ Robbins was tn Im‘r him. He was a man of deep piMy. great affection and a most genial dis- position. Hundreds of friends mourn his departure. lll’fio‘u- ..-~ by the trihuh' paid [an his munnry li)‘ friends who came frnm ('hiixgir :uml Yarlilllr‘ villages and hamlets of llh‘ uni: to be present a! his funeral. H is, estimated that over um- huniln-d railroad men alone werv present Our hearts go out in loving sympathy to Mrs. Robbins and the children. \\'c are glad (hm they an- to make :hvir home in Deerfit-ld “hcrv vu- may ("ill‘ tinuv to hn'v'n- thvn. nrnr 11>. Thr- wu- tur and Dr. Broker nl‘rtnrwl i~ Mil. waukee on Friday to mum! (hr fur» eral which was hrld in St l‘aul'.‘ Methodist Episrupzil ('hlerh of “huh ’ 77 _l. , l .nnyn. tor anu nu. .,.\._., \vaukee on Frlduy to mum! (hr fur“ era! which was ht'hl in St Paul's Methodist Episrupnl vhurch of “hhh' our late brothr-r “as furnn-rl) u mo-nv her. The funrral thvrr “m marl) m4 large as the St'l‘Vix‘t' in hwrmm. The Phi Alpha Beta (’L‘l>\ «\f younfi women gave a must ~11cw<<ful ‘uvc [)eerfield n Spadfurd Rubbins, hum Fle ‘8, at Immil‘fl. hudflv munly, :tlw ago Hf 31 marriwl to “iv Unwiv. Mr. Rnhhirw ('nh'l't-d vim- of [h- Milwuukm- railrnml ago Hf '11. 1h- “’us‘ Smln pruâ€" uml hi\ dvuth \\n.~ nm- uf thv and at the lime uf hh nlvuth ; one of the Oldest engineers xt of service on the system. Hr ammunlv awav at his home in (I SCYDH‘ Nun n of our bulm‘t-d 5 last Tuvsdny M. l.‘ Thomas. Pastor. church and entire villng a chvrc shock at th- SL i. If. Wyzmt whn i<«xm1)py» .-ivhv1t. Sr. flat. has just rum :1 twn “wok“ VP” at dich. Her dauphin-r. Hi1- Munduy fur (hv (‘ump Firt‘ :1 m-ur Suuth Huwn. ()lH'l‘l .\R\ Presbyterian (‘hurch hmidvd Ivy 5' followed m- Hf ”1" h]\ n‘o‘uth engineers nivalgon the lawful the Community mwmamu Nearly entaThIIclludymwo-nnh about the limt.{ormbttion whkh we have mutated in none time. Comb min. girls: it was fine! The most populir hub, in Deer-field proved to be “Billy" Clout. who led 111 “It rest with [173 votes. Next Sunday morning Mr. Williun Wilson, an engineer on the St. Paul rond, will have chhrgc of the morning service. Mr. Wflson hu been with the St. Pnul road over thirty yearn Ind wu I coâ€"worker with the late Hiram Robbins for a long while. Hi- subject is “C-n 3 Mn be I Rnilmd- er And be A Christian?" We ought to fill the church for this brother. He has many interesting experience: to‘ rel-te. Be sure to hear him. ‘ Harmless Fire (By Rev. M. L. Thom-n These twu Words sound like contra- dictions. In moet cases there is no such thing as harmless fire By its very nature fire is the con~umption of elements. If . perpon touches fire. there In pain; the flesh is singed. the body consumed. Yet we have on rec- ord one instance where fire WM Ib- solutely harmless though it enveloped the bodies of three men. Daniel 3:27 "The fire had no power upon their bodies. nor Win the hair (If their head singed. neither were their hootn changed, nor had the smell of fire passed over them " The three Jews faced the red hut furnace because of their ('Un\h'tl(m. They felt that it were lietter tn hurn than tn how he- tnre the idnl. Huw this mnxictiun is needed individually and cullwtn'ely twin)" There are idulx of gold tuday that “e are commanded to bow hefure Just in there \H'rt' year:- ugu Aim-ri- run> are fast drifting tn the point when- they lwlieie nnthing suthciently tn litirn t'ui it Thi- Puritans felt it \\(’h' hotter tn fun- an uncharted sea. that \u- nn- commanded to bow hefure nus! an thvn- \u'n' _\'vur.\ ugu Aim-ri- run> nrr hm drlflmg to We point uhvn- they kn‘lww nnlhmg sufficiently In burn {HI I! Thr Puritans felt 1! \\(’h' ll'ttk'r tn fuu- an uncharted son. an unknnwn world. than in give up lhl‘ll' mnnrtmm nf (End; the «'arly ,\mrrlwm cummunwrnlth fr]! that H m-n- h‘llrr m div huhting than tn ul. law tho-Ir llln‘rtiw us free mrn [n In- ~natvhmi from them Lmuuhl was WINK”): In rlsk (hr l‘mon upon the mnnrtiun tha! “All mm un- m‘cryâ€" whrrl- burn frun" Hr won. Hu- Purl- tun< mm and all wxll wm \rhu nre ~1mll2n'l} mmllwtvd. Thr Jaw wvro “1“an (0 risk lhvll‘ Aim for thn-ir mnm lvl)l'l'~. they m-n [ht-1r mnwwnvw :md mm a ngdnm ll'sldt", 0114' of Anu-rh'u'~ groan-J llL-lx toâ€" :md mm a ngdnm ll'sldt", 0114' of Anu-rh'u'~ groan-J llL-lx toâ€" dn) l.\ thy fmhlun-nmngvra nf l'unw :md .\'\-w York. A few mun and wo- men “ithm (hv’e' (“n mtitw muml the harp, dulrlnwr nml Mu'kliui and de‘ mam! that Amt-hum WUHH'H full dmsn and wurshxp the goddess of dre-ss and furhiun Thu scrxptun-s dm-lurv that \xomrn should lr (in-«rd m "Inuit-st; ummn-l ('lnchw are mndv In run-r" Ihl' rnlil‘v lmdy nut half nf n. Thr Idol uf Fu~hlnll dawn-0.x that wmm-n'sl‘ I1fi‘\:§l'< ~'huuld tn- ru! duwnwurd tn“ the m-ck and upward u. the Inn-es; that um- (hlrd uf (hr bod) should he do] Hf Fu~hmn dawn-0.x that wmm-n's'l 1!?th ~'huuld tn- rut duwnwurd tn“ the Ht‘t‘k and upward to the human. that um- thtrd ut’ (ht' bod) should ho' “mum-«l fur the public nu- uf men ! if. mudmt WHmQ-H t'UUlli hut knuw what I tut-«int mrn thmk nt' sut‘h nudit} (th thv lmdy thr)’ “mu! 1 I lthh with shamta‘ In tht- wt'ond pluw. thv Jmu wont IlHu thv futnuu- and thr on!) thing: that wan burnt-d \H-rt- the {fitters which hound thrm They t‘nlt'l‘t‘d thv t'm- twt'uuw of ”tn-1r tru<t lllldqlfli‘h‘ m (ht-1r (Sud whv was ahlv tn drhvrri the-m. Thrrt' ix nm- spot m thH World} \"ht‘l‘t‘ the fin' hn~ furl-Vt-r Imt its pu\\vr. It hm burnt-«1 Itwlf nut; that plm‘t- h ('ulvnr} Wv twhnld (30d hlllht'lf taking the tire uf Judglm-ntl into his own hn-ztst. It was a de-| “PK-rate Choice of the Sun of God that he died there. Hts death was no men- m't-ith-nt. but It n-prt-sonted the prmm-ditated and dohtwratu act of cm n-mumer the sting of (truth for 11] who will submit themsulvcs to Him. “Brttt-r he with the (it'fld. Whom “'l', to gain uur poucv. have sent to prawn 'l‘hun on the torture of the mind to Ho In restless ecstasy" Tel. 410 9:} =§Memfimwa . Smith JUNK Dealer in ILLINOIS BU T'I'ERnE 230 N. St. Johns Ave. lunulned by first Churcn or L CHURCH SERVICES: Sunday a medluely followInx; Wednesday E and at yuur sc- take a contract anything oxcept and When you an- n'xd) u-lcphuh? us (‘oal of all kinds, including the fa- mous C ARBO Coal, which is smokeless and can be used in stove, furnace or boiler. PAUL BORCHARDT Nit-COMB 8: KEARNEY k ’aintcrs and PapcrhangeN ls Auto-Pneumgtjg We're in The Public Fines! Quality CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING BOOK FAimaln Furnished 1...»... n. r. m SALES OFFICE. that your service “'9 You are Cordiully Invited to make use of the privileges of the B. HANSEN, Proprietor First Church of ”\UV Shore Creamery to yet "112‘ 387 Central Avenue Hours 9am. to 6p.m. Sunday: 2 to 6 p. In. st Church of Chrill. Scientist. oi Hixhlwd Purl DB: Sunday a. m. M. 10.06. Wedneodly Bveninx Tutimoninl Sonic; a 8:00 ,. for n]()\'i"g EGGS--MARGARINES 685 Central Avenue tht (-arxh xtwlf. HIGHLAND PARK TRANSFER C0. 320 (emu? » .o-uu. “so health in \ew um} ‘ywmd Hand fuynnuw Home Dressed Poultry Tdephmr H mun-ai- madam DENTIS'I‘SW. A Highlnnd Park, Telephone 67 73.71:- ‘l’rult h ILLIQOB

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