:X VL‘ lor all BS â€Ã©â€ Ol' Windes Marsh Civil Engineers and Surveyors 598 Birch Street W innetka. Illinois Phones Winnelka 332 Hiéhland Park 1251 EEEEEEEEBEEEI- , v «wwe-e».«>g.WW-w Eflï¬ï¬‚ï¬mï¬ï¬‚flflflfl DANIEL A. FAY The Electric Grill Tu r 'nnre nf these oper- 21th:» an be done at the same tzmeâ€"right upon the damn! mum table. Without «mung the table linen or oz‘t‘vring with your table You can toast, Public Service Co. a mi stew, bake pan- make tea or 93‘ P H.\ '7 l \ r , V Psti’h'RHANL INC AND xx ~ 'v IR mwm r151; M uur Display Rooms “penned from any and ~“N‘ z'tvrmg pdrh And easily )F NORTHERN ILLINOIS .mdhcent 538 Skoiic Avenue Highhnd Puk. lllinoil Guaran'ccdâ€" Te'e-phnne 1349 "um" lamp socket all its kept clean nun lx‘r'fmshad 1 <PEL‘IALT} s t 091 as “'0 Ti,“ Uf (1 lions im: l [wars jecvsa % 3 1200135 E} th) 11‘ @ : doirfu. ‘ tiful E contrl Springï¬eld. Ill. â€" The program of events for the various days at the liâ€" linois State Fair. August 1927. has been announced by the management. The Illinois Firemen‘s tournament will begin at the fair grounds on Thursday. August 18, the day before the opening of the state fair. and continue over Friday, August 19, the ï¬rst day of the fair. The tourna- ment will consist of spectacular life saving and other feats performed by expert ï¬remen from all parts of the State. In addition to the tournament‘ 3 hand concert will be given and the usual attractions of the fair will be offered to the public. The principal featune uf Sunday. August 21, will be a cuncert by the famous Thavin hand, an popular last yeari This band has a mmplete or- ganization. including: upora singers and instrumental snlulh‘ts. On Monday. which will by child rvn's day, will begin thv Judging of live stuck In [hr main unlisuuni and the shwp and swine- cnlisvums; the attrai'tions of Julinny Jones Expw sitinn t‘unipany in Happy Holhm, consisting of 20 ShUW'S and fuur rides; the speed pmgram on the track; the circus in frunt of the grand stand each owning and the soviety horse show in (hr culiseuni each cvvning. All uf thvse attrac- tions will be given daily up 00 and including Friday, August 26 The fair grounds at: night will be unusually attractive this year. Three big night shows will be offered in- cluding Happy Hollow attractions, 3 three-hours circus in front of the grand stand and a society horse show at the Coliseum. There will be a free rate each evening. The charge at the gate during the day this year will be ï¬fty cents, the same as it has been in the past. On Saturday, August 20. automobil» races will be given some uf the best driVers in the country participating. Tuesday will be Springtidld day and (‘uunty Fair day. Wednesday will he Vat-runs day and Peoria day. A lance (~rowd of I’euria people Wili bv on hand that day and veterans of ail wars will be admitted to thv :ruuiid.~ frer nf charge. A spovial program has: hcen prepared for the veterans at which the State (‘ommanders «If the G. A R. the S. W. V. and the American 1.07 :iuii will he present. Thursday will he Illinois. Unver- nnr'a and State Ofï¬curr's day. Gov- ernor Small and all 01 the State Of- titers, “ill go to the grounds where special vxenises will be held The feature of Friday, August 26. will he the million dollar live stock parade in which all the prize-win- ning stock will participate. Motion pictures, will be made (if this par ade. The fair will end on Saturday. Aum ust 27, with another series of aut0» mobile races run by speed kings of America. ious PROGRAM ANNOUNCED 5 FOR THE STATE FAIRE LLAh Wu... The schedule of these bands has been arranged so that plenty of muâ€" sic will be furnished for the Fair amumk even; day of' the fair. 51c wm De 1mm: Grounds every day Illinois Firemen's A Feature of On GIGANTIC I-‘EATIi’RE IS ADDED TO BIG CIRCUS Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Program Includes Wild Animal: Show With Eurupe's biggest trained ani- mal show as one of many splendid features. the Ringling Brothers and Barnum $2 Bailey Combined Shows will exhibit afternoon and night at Chicago from Saturdï¬)‘. July 3:0 to Sunday night, Augustt H. This marvel circus nt' l‘JL’l utters the greatest congress at attractions in history. Without eliminating any of the thousand thrillw produced by hundreds of the must skillful men and wumen pei't‘nrnierts, the Ringling Brothers have added. \vith‘uut addi- tional eharge, the most wusatinnal of wild beast displays. Nut unly will ' ‘ ...... 5L.» as well. Tigers riding pcm‘vuhly n1; [hr back ‘ African of elephants. Huck-manual liuns springing: Lu and {mm gallop- lm: ho ‘05. pron! tmupcs uf polar lwars walking ropes nr playing at sewsaw. leopard) jumping: through lumps nf ï¬re H :hcse arr some uf the marwluus things tihm tllUSt' won. tlrrful ammals (l0. \Vljilv th'SQ‘ beau- tiful creatures are under absolute control, they are prefrmul only in great art-nus Hf Stt-t‘ll' P:l~a'\\hâ€'e 1!‘ you see the artists “U three rings, ï¬ve stages; pmh‘vmc track and the in the tent top. but‘ steel arenas ï¬lled wit SPRINGFIELD Automobile R Scheduled men's Tournament 0‘ Opening Day: tists who mumy tht stages, [h1- meat hip‘ and the 21111211 r1:'111g p. but four spacinus led with wild beasts and Barnum AUG the main tent you will performing much aher the {asmnn of horses â€"â€" an act never bofon- pro- sentod anywhere. There are {In- tmupei of trained seals, wholv Imvuw of remarkable dogs. nmnkvya pig» and pigeons. Twcmyrsix (-lvphnnts will perform at um- timu. Others “‘11! do tricks at the top of hmh pom-stub and others circle the cntin- tom. kick- mg. footballs as they go. Splendid groups of trained stallions. Stu-112mm and menaze horses form another {my ture. Aside from the dumb Hx'tul‘x are fully 600 men and women Guns. and nearly 100 clowns A uorueuu> tournament opens the program The nwnaeerie. which is vntin-ly svparatv 010d Sage and saber minnlmi pwph. um fmm an nutllmk 0f rrzh‘nnul lelu~« Phy View all [hr affair: nf l'f“ “uh calm detachment, «an nut 111.111 ,m derstaml the rush of sweet wrkmu crowds to the summer 5min fuuntnn: They see all thou- fnlks. lung-5y 2h. younger element. crawling up :u zl: marble rail or ~wa>hmu \lnu"; xnv sarrharinr >tufl‘ wll-u' :ln» mm'vv THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS,‘HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS tournament opens the pr menagerie, which is vntix from the animals used i performance, is the biggo THE Ll'RE OF THE SUIH FOI'NTAIN nt you will see camels much afï¬er the {ashmn an act never bofon- pro- hem. Therc are {In- ained seals, whulv Imvuw 19 dogs. mnnkvya pig» TwenIysiV (-lvphnnts at um- timu. Others “‘11! WH EN BETT ER A UTOMOBILES 0/1 nnouncing The New Buick “Four†22 Cut '7'I'u Stu-Jan] [yup-in! :- 11/ M04 Su ('1 for synï¬run-I all chm D“: in the ‘inu~ pst evrr trm - -35 -30 .H Twu Pa»cngcr Roadster 8 “‘5 hu- Pancngcr Towing - (475 Three Passenger Coupe - 1475 Five Passenger Sedan - - 1650 All Print F. 0 I? Hm, [Muhl'al Stu-Jan] [yup-in! :- 11/ Model; Prices ._A Thoroughbrtd Four, Completing the Famed Buick Line ‘The ‘L’uick Valve- in-Htad Engine A ‘Power “Plan! That Has Proved Itself. tables. Thvy look at H as one of the minor examples nf human folly. dam- aging digestion and squamh-ring a great aggregate of munvy. Yet human naturv rmws sum;- nut- let. If it can be ‘inllsï¬t‘d With the M‘m't deliflhu (If the «will fountain «it-mi in: ('n'am jmnt. II has vu'upQ-d fur worm- porils. Mllhmu of pupplt‘ “hm suelu-r undm’ u imrrhmg (‘li mule. gel relwf {rum Ihmr fu-lmgs by nmlilu: I‘UnCOK’HhH‘. Mn! («-1 n hr: mun- rhcuful Ihn “'vulhvr. Sn [hr ~'min hlfl't' to he lunsidrlwl American Instituhun. : pvrfmmx u very awful Vortin: :1 lot nf pamph- SUlt 0f h0uh'h. . ‘ 00W“ wkw‘mï¬-c‘" A G red! Car, Prices Make It An rm Greater Value Highland Park, Ill. 29 S. Second St. Tel. Highland Park 496 NORTH SHORE BUICK CO. uth â€11‘ hu‘ fuunmm “I“ .‘I ix'mumnlt- .lm um- that Minn-\- m d'i‘ {rum Hw pur- .94..- The ncu Four-Cylinder Buick. here announced. is. a thoroughbredâ€"a pedigreed var “ell Worthy uf its namc‘ [)(HVH to the vcr) last detail, this new model pOthcx cvcry qualin uf enduring srrviceahility, cumplrlc comfort, and distinctive appearance that have always charartcrizrd Blllk’k aumnmhilq. The advent of this new Hunr makes the Buuk WI: line complete. It uï¬crs to purchasers of a (If of this size all the quality and service that go to make up the name " Buick." The engine. 'uf course. is of the time-tested Buick Valve-in-Head type. The year-after-year cuncentra- tiun of Buick's engineering skill and experience in building Valve-in-llead mutnri assures the highest standard of performance ulitainahle today. livery other unit is (if a quality equal to the pms er plant. The whole assembly constitutes a perfectly balanced chassiswhich is nfti‘pical Buick construdiun. The equipment of Curd Tires is merely evidence of the quality which characterizes the entire car. Two opcn and two closed lmdy types mnunlcd on the Hunt 6111/! r/mm: comprise the new scrum Even the most casual inspection of the dctailsnf design and workmanship will reveal that full measure nfqual- itvwhich motoristshavc lcarncd massoclarcwith Buick. Obviously a hi h grade automobileâ€"a genuine Buick productionâ€"tï¬e prices listed below make this great Four even greater.‘A value such as this is possible only because of the combination of Buick engineer- ing skill devoted to the one ideal of quality. Buick production facilities developed over nearly a quarter of a century. and Buick's nation-wide distribution and service organization. The Buick Motor Company ll proud of the Buick Four. It has the faith of long experience in this ncuest addition to its line. It place: upon it unre- \L‘H‘Cdly the Buick guarantee carried by every Buick automobile produced. That its conï¬dence is well placed is manifested not only by the keen interest with which motorists have awaited this announce- ment, but also the advance ordln's plued by distri- butors. dealen, and the general public. ARE BUILTâ€"BUICK WILL BUILD '1'th mivrd In addition to the transportation of freight and um between Highland Park and Chtcaxo we are pleased to anâ€" nounce that we are now prepared to do long distance mom of house hold goods and furniture. Tel. Highland Park 2277 VALVE - I N JHEï¬AWD Is auto-Pneumatic The Q Pasqnesi Bros. Motor Express Co. “LES OfflC'rZ. LAKE FOREST. ll.l.l\fllS WE MOVE ANYTHING ANYWHERE MATTRESS NOTICE Chicago Tel. Fri-Uh: 124 'es tone 1â€?" " Vï¬u‘i"5‘*§iԤ r PAGE