So! it .szu. PAGE -.-_"II|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" IIIIF. Henry K. Coale Son $3000 w $8500 and up. Smeral nice modern homes. $15,000 to $30,000. EDISON Photographs. Idiot records. both db: 3nd cylindcr. phnoo. phyer phnoo, md flue piano roll: for uk. Om mint! b O p. In. IOY‘S. 109 3. Gem It, Wluka- an. Ill. ‘7 ‘1 FOR SALE Brown reed baby carrilge. Laundn-yrtte washing muhine. Tel. 776J. 25!! FOR SALE , Hana ahd furniture. Fort She'ridan. Tel. ‘3.“ 26 pd FOR SALE « Opportunity. l Antique wfa, 860.00, luflpulanlifr foldipg bod £25100, 1 mahognny Weber Player piano, including bench. cabinet. and 75 rolls‘ “50.00, Also rlmpcrigu. All practically new‘ (Phone in the af'rrnoonn Tekvhune 10H Highlnnd Purk‘ FUR SALE » Oakland touring car. muipped with bumperi. spare tire Ind spot- iuznt. Inquxre at 390 Nurth Ave. or can H l‘ T ' ‘36 Dd EUR SALE One gm rangel lawn mower nth basket. new uh silver. small kitchen fahk', "hall cultivator. Tel H. P. â€SLM Iwm, mfm, FOR SALE | FOR SALE A ï¬ne fresh ch'n cow anh c-lfl can be seen It my barn. O. H MHTKIH 238 No. Sheridan ï¬nal. 26 l‘UR SALE We have in your vicinity I Nightly used piano, which we will sell to party completing the monthly payments. l'abk- Piano Facwrles. 301 So Wabash. Chi- mug“, lll 26-27 FOR SALE A man: lotv Exmoor ~ub- dubion Tel. H P. 1593. ‘26 COALE SON '7 In Electric Road waiting room. Call and see our Mr. ML-Veity regardâ€" ing the many bargains we have in “khland Park. Houses. Bungalow: and vacant. (‘an plnce your ï¬re insurance in best companies at lowest rates. 1.151 wnh us for sale or rent yuur prupenies for quick action. List Your [’rnpert) \Vith Prompt Results alllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllNIH|IllIIIIlllllIllfllllIlllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiT‘: Murray Terry’s REAL ESTATE OFFICE BA RU A I N S [N LOTS s the time to buy vacant whih‘ priyw My luw Headquarters for Highland Park Property HOI'SES FOR SA LE Houses tn Frvum ()x't. I FIRE INSURANCE Wooded lot. with view of lakei Opposite city Park. Belle Ave. Nearly one atre. Bargain. ORVILLE BREWER \SH ( l SI'OMERS FOR SALE Also Also ,RK 116 RBI)! 5 Auditorium Bldg. Chicago May FOR SALE for 26 i on RENT Th rm» room furniâ€"he-d Ingmrtnu-n‘, e-k-ctrir light und gas Inquire 11.! Wmdvnsin an) Lulu- Lake Fwd-st. 331- To mix r man or #lvrk. 30‘ Onkwpod aw, FUR RENT {rant air); room mm nil-:N'I‘ K Yurwt ‘Il Tvl 2ï¬ Lamar {rum room. [immense I’rivuu- family References. Tel 13M}. Furnished 176 Lnun-l K rw‘mu "07 bvdruoml In rye .4 w- '3 “pd {mnishwi \lw ‘ WANTED TO RENT l"«lur or vi lhuuse. by: family of three Will pay i or $35.00munthuly F K Frets ofllcc 'WANTED â€" T0 RENT ._ TO BUY SITUAhON WANTED A Yt-ung well rdur .cubed reliable girl wants position M Dunn- ‘maid. Ahswer A M Frees Ofï¬ce 16 pd | > WANTED Would Im a vlncv for the “inter u housekeeper Twu buy! going m 'h'uzh school ago-s I?» and l~ can work ufh-r school. {‘an givc M! u! reforrnvo Ermina Smith, Hake Bluï¬. L"; ma MINT Reservation for September 15, 1831, :1 '1: room nymph-(My furnished bumm- luw at. (Ilencoe. Hot wnwr heat Addn-rh H. S. M. 530x 21‘ Highlnnd Pnrk '2th FOR KENT *7 Large outside airy room (1»: " Running water Board optional. [‘4- ‘{ iGZWYHQJ purchn) and lawn, Phone H P 25“ 1'(\ï¬ A WANTED TO RENT Sept. 1.3m Two ur three;small unfurnished rooms, (or two permns‘ [Addrese Box 1911. Highl-nd Park. FUR RENT l‘ urmshul. (no -~r thrvv rw-n: mm [nu-ht», {rum Sept. 1-1 tn May 1â€"! 1:» SH 1‘ r<t Slrvvl or m.†H. P 330 rUR Rk‘N'I - High grade furnished houw< fur win!» months Mr‘ R M Jamm H] but Cen ml me 26rd .u.‘ 'Hu‘w room furniâ€"he-d FOR RENT ihn bath C1090 h) N “'6 high «Hub: .‘ (Bennie-n ‘ 1:; N Gnvn buy Rand Ronni run RENT W ANTED One room with d'muppe‘ariml but and priuwe bath or Who rooms with privnu- bath. ureleruhly unfurniuhai Telv .1. : ‘16 I"! Ls [H WANTED TO RENT 4 u not Ln (-tceewl 330.00 Phone .‘tlAlJ‘LHELP W'ANTED - Strung yuung man (u 'mulu- hirmelf uwful in Dry Clean- Ing Plum. Apply Ermixw t‘leuners, HlKhA “and. 12:, as. FLOO MANAGER The llrgwt women: nml chi ren'n specialty \hlr? in Northern lllino'u u an opening for a floor mung" thirty tu furty years of awe. preferlbly mar- ried. who can do tome plain window trim» ming Inna card writing to win regular dis- play nmhauI-r Apply by later Kl\inK “X- perience.» nlar) and all net-canary informa- tum w Alex Hein C0 Wnukegan Hi. '16 WANm-m (ompelc-nl «and maid, Tel, H Pk. ?'~3 26 pd “'AN'X'IED W'nrk h) the dry W'ill do huumlï¬ming XYZ PM: Oflice; 26 pd WAX [TED Laundry work .1 homo ren- wnab'e rue. nn family wuhinxs Mr! Der- ment. â€l’ki Nu Hr»! 8! Tel 1'7“ 26 pd WAN'l‘gll-ZD (in? In do nice hand wwlnz Call Tul; l“" 26 pd W .-\.\ BED mnab'e run. an ment. â€"1; N0 F WANï¬I-zn Fol'bib 7 A bruwn “'uler Spaniel. {rmnlr in Rxnium Womb Sululiv'uiun Cull Mr Hudv-u H P H35. 2' urni FOR NE} SITUATION WANTED \\\ HELP WANTED FOR RENT K rw‘mu {mnishui \lw rI-nm fm' light house-keeping: ~‘ AH' 'l‘t’L 797‘} L36“! ‘1 furnighml room July-innâ€? Wcswrn. Electric line Ind (Bennie-men pn-fnrrwl Inquin- y Rand. ZGpd HIERY‘. FOUND 1. Uukwmnl A «‘H 116 l)" .nmul h 1m: rnum n1 Maple >mmv, lne mum 26rd rni.h¢~i Hf (h:- Huh-'5 nluthvl‘ and her grand- En‘l,‘;ifl" mnthvr. Mr“, Stuyvmmt [A' Roy. 2.; Mn Williams" ï¬rxt wife died Jan lmmess 2"). 192 H $30.00 26 pd \\ Rem. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. mom MEDICAL STAFF AT HOSPITAL INCREASED FEST“ A,L SEPT. 16 AT ' I AKE BI 1 PF ORPH AN AGE New Laboratory Equipment 3 Hospital Records Installed at Local Hospital Thv mmhcal stuIT 0! Park hospital. gvnvrnus instivall)‘ summnm! by Ronni HIM the “with! u‘ tho: hospital. has lvm-n l durum thn- [um 1w» mun! which when wvnwlvwd. w lm-u] inflilntxun 1n (hv mnk> uf Anwrlczm huspx Thr Laboratory. L m previom Issue. |~‘ shortly m-w cquipmrm \Ahlvh wil staff to carry nut ant‘SIij nrdhmrxly n-fvrn-d t'lSL' rcsithrm physlrian - sud dulled ,_ \HH fulhll :I v must of the rnmmumty \ {u m‘ull thomscinx of “ht-n u phynvmn “'H-K n ly m mu-mlmm-. Anuthcr hi): >h'p furwn Ihm- InstuIlulinn 4.1 thc \ furm «If hnspllul rwol‘dï¬. thus cun- furmmu (u (hr Huntlanh‘ laid down by the ,\lll!'l‘l\2fl\ (01101.» of Surm-uns, and In tzrnvrul Innkim: for hjph «lus‘ prufrssional Work With thy futurr nf the hmpitnl 1n r {- II§.t!l'x\ .‘lei I‘Hll‘nim .“l>> Jullil .xtnli Yum-4.. dunglflw nf Any-4 l‘Lhk I‘m-1:3“ and Ml'.‘ I‘uuhnv IA' RU); Fn-nch. “1h mun-in! Int Thur.“ (a) Jr'h-rnuun m .\'.~\\'purt. Ru [., :u‘< vurdlmr tn :1 nvw.~ dbputrh from that tit}; tn Mr. Hnwurd T. Willi'mh. a llmtun â€hunum- nun and sun uf Mr. and )1!‘~.Th\l1111|.\‘“ \ViHian of High. land Park. Thv \wddlng (wk plan in the draw. 1m: l‘nunl nf .‘Izwlr Shmlv, the humu Friday, SQ-ptemlwr mm, Is the «lay so! fur the Annual Hurn'st llunm l‘osmul at Lulu- Bluff ()rplmnagv. l‘mm- “ith yum friends antl make that day a happy MW fur tlu- 165 (lulliu-n The «hillln-n will give a mv-urnm ultvr luml1.lumh Will be :mvwl :n nmm hut hft) (cm: a plutv. LOST â€" Somewhere Mwun the Morning hvu-l and Klninm 'luadny M'vnlnx n flexi- blr dinmund phtinum hrnwlfl Find" pk‘q rr-lurn to Mn Percy Ik-uL-ch. Mur-ine Haul. Hwhlnnd l‘nrk mu! n-rrne llln‘rl] row-rd 2694 I,U.\I Him“. n1 l‘onrl Theutrr 1, Hum, Mornino HOWARD WILLIAMS MARRIED IN NEWPORT ALL KIND OF HOUSEHOLD BBL? OF ALL NATIONALITIM Cooks, chamber with. renal! mun, at. emu-s, govern-m. nnna. pnedcd nut-ta. chnuï¬eun, mchinbu, mach-Mal when", janiton, porun. house-men, “tun. uh.» LUS] GM un hack t-‘tu ShvrMnn Run Nr“nrd _Sezml coup'a ‘nh be“ "fennel- up» table of him; any kind 0! housework, new on! zood men {or 311 mm! mi. Tel. Evnnuou 6889 J E. JOHNSON. chflropodi-g in lib!» land Plrk. Wain-day And Thumb ‘ Don’t {argt‘t u» letve your order- I( Hasn’t. _- .A n ‘ “hmher ) nu urr I mrmln'l n! the churc. «u nut. did it Her occur w you mu the churches stand fur the thing: which maid uur cinliulion paumw Nu mum! H'uzhL-nd Pnrk. "girdle†of his indlflmnot tn raliuiuu; mutmn would kup hi child". here If the influence u! thr (‘hurch wnï¬ wiped out Ynu Irv invited to study the Bible with (hr Hixhland P-rk Bible C_ r\rry Sunday I! the Presbytrri-n church." DIRT IN EXCHANflE FUR (‘INDERS Who wants dirt fur ï¬llinxln III ready hnu] immedia‘cl) 6'."- I.uurr1nu-.T¢-l 736 in ( Hull Mun? ("m-Iv. '1‘wa mvthxhw M' (hr uI< 1n folIu\\'.~ Highland Park .I. :1. linpu Dr F -\ Buiqld Dr. F. I I I‘ FllzLqu‘J'r ..I I 1.. Q. (â€MI III II .\, 1'. Harlan-HIM III WAYNE “PLO"KNT AGENCY In. C. I" IcElm, yr. l thy futurr nf the hmpitnl 1n numlwr uf physu-iuns of rim: rummumllus hu‘w lwvn In â€W ~!..rT. Un- mivununrvs M- Hu- instituliun Ihu~ hung Ih‘ IISCELLANEOUB pl'l 5 I l.xlwrl\ \ [Ho uh- lx‘vllnuu SIM Highwood wry-1 “IKL‘h. murmur-m E. VP. 3 (‘o-mrn' Aw. and ‘3. No. ' [011k placr in the drawn hlzwlr Shmlv, the home â€lufl‘wl‘ and her grand< lk‘i'fht‘hl 1'1 7:6 TLiEi 7...], 72.: , i. 2:. 1.4.4 Ehrei LOST «AT. flu- insmul inn .hqnmul t Hula» l'm'h husny vnuuxu {\v» months on Work m- «m, un Auxunl Rrwur‘l Rn-(urn m “1'“! mm .rrl “H \\ } t ï¬nlllllllllllllllllIIllIllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIW to see the set complete, make comparisons. and Shore. Many parents have heard of the Book of ask questions. sition is especially planned for the convenience of the parents of school children on the North of Knowledge and they have been disappointed. thing else believing they were getting the Book The Book of Knowledge comes in twenty volumes set if they wish, at the rate of one volume per month. If you have the good fortune to be a par- The Grolier Society of New York cordially invites ine a set. As a result they have purchased some- and no abridgment has ever been made. During the exposition parents may arrange to buy the ent you cannot afford to miss this opportunity you to attend the Book of Knowledge Exposition at the (‘ommunity Shop, Central Avenue, High- land Park, the week of August 29th. This expo- Knowledge but have not had a chance to exam- i "For! Shuridan for 1Qiubk-d holdu-h ] the man; bum Juhfl Lia“ muu'h from ,‘ourtH-n mmutm % 8am \‘urro, and ‘ .611: Run†gnu fl Ntions WI» »L:-1w program for I\ Ran'mm “I†{ Tonight "Mndam .hna Fitzlu. Mn.» ¢ Mothers r Fndn ï¬ghl "Zu hula Mix» (hunk krdo. ï¬tnulan and Monday ahvmoo phk‘lgo Synxphtmy ; Monday mgh‘l 'l *asqmleâ€. Am Iâ€; V Mann and Mill“ I'm ï¬rst I. with Fright-e. . Saturda) mgm T1 â€he from “Rumou Kin Sundehus. H: “the“, and Paolo Ileï¬l Ruslu'ana " w Chtmlee, Pram. and Md the third um 14 “in Fltzlu. â€mm-u ! Saturday at lvrImO‘ ’hony on‘hvrha In 4 Sundn) aftvrnuun: Chunky“ Symphony 1 Sunday mum "‘ ï¬rms Fllzm. Mm ( “arr, D'Amrvln and (“mu-h Iv) Kiln-tutu! L. Rude 0! I!» \nh-yri Ka-uun-ln‘. lu J. GRE BK WRI‘IS‘ AT F0] MRS JOHN P DIE] \ Mrs .lnhn )‘ S 53301119 hm night at. "Men in for the pni hwing an operatic ' Mrs. Srml war 5‘ 3“! been a vwll I only a to“ ‘ i8 Opera t rup ï¬u ((DF ‘41 deparh‘d V H eflm‘l U "‘j“n 'yUl fummvm x M. 5"!" [minim â€pun: vvrq bohenrnh." flu .hut my “‘1‘dhl‘nlih} mg] Ravmiu hm mm. 1‘ fl' yean Hun .« rmi m cities an» hymn“ bwcvex‘ knnm. wil pin unlqut fur 1. mm *9 . goon hm!) yq k physu'al sunmmdi rm um â€my (mm N over the M‘nhun‘: Wit pram»! 1h. ' r sensor; «11 ‘51 . kind next summer mil Ifu’rntmL Hm n'n T'hurmin) Mm In! In- ynm. 'I‘m‘ I {OIIUWp Thr (inwk llhmp flum'd threw vu‘c-su} mined memh-r f" the pan {WI-ht '_ luv†to :0 rr- Gum and Wm N scrvites Will be 150011 u the Epiw '1 “e. u 3 o’dm-l Blue at Ruhfurd, he! home ,â€" REQI Eli'l I (onduvhu Al 11.. Buy Hv-nlfrd kn-«luo-Ilh' I" J!" Ania-h tun-hu- IMunl‘w' M J For-I Mum.» tro- mkï¬wwuq; In kwh‘ Proï¬t! la- Hum-cl n! Good 1"“! A!“ few Ni w‘rin" “I“ 1 Again Sn! ï¬rst TNI' HI TTEK': H} [h Jullh HI Ahruiyn' nm‘ ' JI-vn \ m V lwm T0 CU “$me (.Hllbhhy UH: â€1