’stra >2“ '2 H :xidrvn : new they le- lirxv on mmnmmmlï¬ â€œ.0 or $3 and I with Guar- "Oh NG furâ€" nty Sl RE TS ‘ks mmummmg ea: 3 ent .ting Fords. enuei V V H H in play )uld‘ by wet ï¬rm \V memtz“ "Dun quuulr" drvw a 131.39 @qu at Ravinia Park last week end t'ml bn-L-zes inlicutcd that the approach wf autumn and the close of Ravinm werv none to far away. Trevlsan. nthGTW'iSL‘ Don Pasquale, is The 1:021 wasun \xiH be concluded Monday mw-nnm. Sept‘ 5 with a dou- bk hi}! xnrluriing "I Paulina-i" and "L3 Buhvmc †The program for the tummy: ww‘x x as fulluwï¬i Thi< aM-rzwmn tThurmiay) , Whil- drvnÂ¥ ,trtw’n mm vazun- M} Mr and er MAM W‘wrmi rrt'm‘. rmluwt mm- . superb ar'h‘t Mt acting old men of the danmil mmix «)per a perind momma .\Ia~wt'n “as Nurina of the mn‘wrmxuu- "hurhw Huckett was perfvrnl. IANY FEATURES [N PROGRAM AT RAVINIA mzx' SATI'RDAY NIGHT “Don Pasquale" Was Big Attrac- tion Last Week End; 1921 Opera Season Ends September 5 .\[ \l ‘r [rum-‘1. ' Prviud Requew 3Amiun! Reqm 4- "nrvst 1|“ Jul! Hnlméw‘ Smirh Fur the M-nvï¬t of thnsc \\'hu arc m .the‘ huhiI of takingfthv 14>! 1min out Hf Chicago 1“ night, the ('hitug‘n and MO‘E INITRTEI) ‘XUTIhVVQ'SU'XH railmml wmpuny has issued a new suburban timetable. The “ONLAY EVENING; . . . _ . . tram leavmg Chicago at 1220:) ((yhn- - â€f“. , icagu Daylight Saving Time» has 230 '19!“me Attended. Big A been taken 0- the Schedule. Now the Ming: PM to Bunld {last train leaves Chicago at 11:30 1 (Chicago time). 7,,_, , . ,__,, Tempk Here Tht’itiutlnn mcing Monday eveâ€" ning, M Euththyal Order of Mmse whwh 33‘) 1“." members were :akvnt.) 1hr Orrr. was further endenuf t.«- rap growth of th" IucaI 3-. And thtinitiatinn cere- muny ich was respndcnt in many ways u the gn-a work done by the dt‘r «MY, \irilzeam and band wf Gr" "Mum“ Lod make- : particulu n‘ epvx‘han» m [hr Hal Land P Lvdgv. «int Land P Lvdgv. Sam M. Hustim and Thomas F. “3-. maynh Ipcctively of High'u Park :uhi ighwood rep- resent} {Hc- candida; upheld the dignity‘ thi> commity by re- markahlnv addrvsa Speakers frum (mm. mcludin District Su- pervisu', Lee Provohmvinced all mvmbct‘nut â€W Lu] Order of Moose , fraternity Uiuch magni- mvmbct‘nut â€W Lu] Order of Moose- , fraternity Uiuch magni- tude thaw-r1: cztizon nulrl cherish a mvm~l1;;\ thrrein. An vï¬uw uuvnddnmf ~mme 250 memN-z’wlmlmg \l\‘r_< slightly handn~a-l the- \wrk' the drill team areirwhmom omittee. As 300m as- lmlg‘t' rem-hm member- ship (If) it is plannem build in this Cit Ivmplv that w he a Cre- dit hot; Highland Pr and the thsev Anotinlliaunn of curd-ates will 5“ heldahhy mmninmeptemher 26. ML ‘5' ClzzthQ-th (erndnrft' »:' :thzdkyriw H'ugnr uwtmihy Jami-s Hchr [ntrmission Tm Butvrï¬y's Ball" lv' Jul! Hulmo: Smirh r-ï¬ :‘y .Lmv hutherlann v‘ “:xntdhilv Txrhm'lmlt'xk 5'“! by Jean Hvllvr .“U‘YHUF\ frum "Sicgfried Wayne M H ‘hivugnLodge helped articulu meeting an H Y V Program 11‘ I] UM 3mg] .\I Sympb in Ha M mi rlhx‘l‘s. n, Sept. 1 --L‘hi§- hr the dirnctiun ‘\' Ohcrndurfer. that day will bv L' r d 1nd wt} 'Mtn'Yli: \li M. ‘ < ' igblanh Park Press ( l'lrich 1 Runner 1 Mandevill «nd (;Ti‘tr‘l Hump; [din/‘1; Sutherland Twhazlmuwky lxlti‘ JH~ H‘Ul nh‘n Thr ‘ and H} H \.\. 1' High lx‘l‘ 31116 5".th \rzt an In it‘r‘n'~ H wit H The action With regaro LU â€.5“, ' land Park and l.ake;Fon-st was taken {this week and noticés have been sent ftn ï¬fty or more residents of those ci- gties to be present at a hearing to l»- Iheld in Waukegan August 29â€"30. ‘ Just what thc pv‘r n-nt of increase :in each town will be «‘annut be de- 'cided upon until after the hearing. the board is seekâ€" ! _ . AID taking this step 4 'tiun of thv lmurd 1 ing to validate the at g {of review in 1919. At 9 Board ‘ Park P‘ Library LIBRARY 3913} Lake- an'at and: Highland Park are included in thé plans nf the Lake County board; uf review tn in. the assessed valuation of the various town> all gover thr county. The board has sent out nntlces to voters in all of thé inland citivs to be pmsent at hearinks tn lu- hcld Augâ€" ust 29-30 at which time the mattrr of putting the increase into cï¬'ect will be taken up and debided upon. ' ' ‘ A llLvL (' r0330 BOARD SENDS? NOTICE OF TAX INCREASE Plan Blanket Raise for Highland Park and Lake Forest This Year Last Train Nowjlï¬aves Chicago ‘ Mond at 11:30 (Chicago Daylight , “W V5 .2 v. .9 .rm C957.â€" .I; m‘faflmflpm Bmz z-rul members Glade-r, 215515! the cxlvm u Rudolph and Elmer Thvrrn-n. pm-h 1m: fur the Ynung Monk ('luly lnsl Sundzly applied 21 jgoml tlnvk cum of whitewash [u the Wilmette pustlmvl's -sw)re‘ 12.). t0 0. Thvrricn <[urtul fur {ho locals to 3'qu "Rurltly" fur {hr «more‘ 12 t0 0. '[hvrrlcn <[urtvd fur {ho locals to save "Ruddy" fur {hr game» with the ijs yvstvnluy. and Elmvr k’UUll! have hrwzmi alum: 111] the end in the same shutout form. but Captain L2msl$ thuught it advis- able [0 lat “Ruddy" pitch 3 fr“ in» nings, more as a_work-out, m Rmt dy worked the last four frames. Knox. the rodo'ubtable moist hall hurler for Wilmdtte. met with an avalanche uf base: knwka and after {oiling for an inning and a half hr was (lo-x‘rlvkml in femur ul' llsmam, who met with :1 lib t'atv Thr lug-ah hull their hlttirm Clothes an :mtl were smashing the pill, Lu all wrnors nf thv int. As a result the batting 2n- Lx‘uscs lmvz- lu-cn.f1-1ttunmi fur srv (OP \ IC'I‘ORY FROM ! WILMET’I‘E 12 m 0i mph BRITISH-X31 [£le AN “ATP“ AT BUB ()‘HNK Duncan - Mitchell - Evans - )1ch Dunald (‘ontest “in he Big Ewen! M. C. Boys Trounce Visitors: Therrien GiVen Chance in Pitcher‘s Box Fuu‘ vf IN in»! knuwn play '1' all timv Dizkt :11 !!:i\ Hit. 2.11.1 allvry i» curtain in im umbuwll) ,. .mll Witnuxinhiv Thv Hrilh'n» n‘u tnurin: Ariwrhu main; whi- n mutchvs. and are makin : emiâ€" X‘t‘CA>I’d>. NH :hettvr L‘Ullliwtititm i be arranged for them than the who are carded for this match ï¬rst mum! lwgéinF the svmml at 22:2: tight nclmk :[his of Directors of Public Libranj wil Ihin H wh ['h HILJL‘U Saving 'Time) M-nvï¬t of thnsv \\'hu arc in l)‘UI U11 :{I‘iéiaï¬ 10-31033 ï¬mr mu ‘m- Mr I): 1min: A ,‘\f( UH") in! 1 'und cham; pplitun ,Lu all wrnors n plt the batting 2n .fz-lttumu.‘ fur srv the team. â€con: 1", Im- <luurhtvr b if ,hi_~' evening the of tho Highlzlnti will meet at th- 1? 1000 ll hm} m hum m Mayor T. E, \\'cl- Highwaod. Thnmzh 1 Patrick Mammy. C} family. and NM! G mutnrt‘d t0 Mu-whr: Tht‘y nth-mini thy “0058118811 flwh-nb MmsPheart mam-m EMAYOR CHAIRMAN OF BUDGET COMMITTEE 'I‘hc- Amrrxum lh-hwry Ami Tram-- {pr mmpmy unrmum-vs lhv npemng of 1m nflicu in Recktvnwnld‘s shoc stung (.‘vntxa! uwnur. Thv mmpany Mil handlv Inca! (ransfrr and bag- gage. M. E. and T L. Kupp. bruth- crs, are thr' [aruprtctnrx Thcir adver- tm‘nn-nt :UHK';|T~ 1r; nnnllm-r part of gage. M. H. and crs, are (hr. pruprzct tm‘nu-nt :UIIK'£|T~ u this puprr. SEVERAL \‘ISITED MOOSEHEART SI'NDAY day. Doughs )It-Iman 1n ' uLc"; Satuniay. I‘uuhm- Joseph KiIK in "Sulm Matiner at !\\'u Hzirty S; TRANSFER COMPANY OPENS OFFICE HERE Will Handle Transfer and Bug gage in Highland Park: Brothers Proprietors in ‘(‘\'vi' Liv Wire"; Sunday. Lewis S. Stone and Wallau- Berry in "The Golden Snare"; Monday. William S. Hart in "“olvcs of the Rail"; Tues- day and Wednesday. “The Foolish Matrons" fraturing lluhart Busworth and Doris May; Thursday. Earli- Williams ii “The Silver Var"; Fri- 'l‘ultighl. Punimr I’m-dmn'k m “Salr :ML" LJKA'â€; Flhtl). Vinlu Dunn In “Life'sï¬lal Darn Funm"; Smurday. Alu-v Lake Jnh Thl' {01 It“ . y SOUND-ti ll. 1 “Ixzuih um‘ I;('â€â€˜IUL{“~'H St Fill)“. NEXT WEEKS PROGRAM .‘.T PEARL THEATRE Stunln Yuma! mm (b. H SEEK NATIONAL E(‘().\'().\I\ ‘\\']"‘.\ufl Hon. Samuel M. Hastings Heads Local Branch of National (‘ommittem Works for Tax Reduction rmtmg rt HUI} Sumuri M Hushâ€): :l' Hmhlund l’m‘k. hm mm 11â€!th n uf 1hr Nutiunul HHI'VHHH- (n ~vr‘u‘ as humor: «\1 :h ‘21. (hr Im‘ul Hulnllw!‘ “hiv, H onda). William 5. Hart “\Volu‘s of the Rail". “8 union Nell" Saturdu) \nn HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS 'I‘IIL'RSIIAY. AI'GPST 25. I921 1H“ IIH 1\\'«- and f Yht' ‘. till" _\' H Hm Hudm‘l “H'le'x :1 \.1! .M: ulnn-vmt-nt H tr! numb-Hum w '1 ’Ilh'l' \\lUl£'\<c‘d Mal 1. Fun! Run-Mun thr-rl [u mun 1- ('thrr!\ Hf 1;! :u‘r :It 7 ‘ 1!) WWW m: -f mnmdml. m ‘ H‘xwuuh call If!“ at r nn-nt uf I): “as nmd. Hu“('. «1in “‘S‘} \(‘ as HUHUY' cummlttm v If â€It 1‘ vb. J rm. n mmittm n IAIN! A)’, 1)) tiwr. \Vzllmm H L I’Hl’kvr, R. (' ,Vurhurp \hmny Strung. Stunh-y Snrur {Iudm't V IN after d a wry in‘ in†ï¬de. \\ ('Ft ‘1} nyur “1H 2)“fo 3;.†i Leslie and Goodrich Schaufl‘ler SITAQrï¬-‘ulrni L9“ '4“ Week: Announce- m _\'.-l]_“' ments an; Made "\t “cc 1‘ m a nu pulnr <up (‘hnrlw (E It :~, Mayor «mu-d the Budgvt zi'y v'huir- f thy 1' that or >!.An«'4' (If \Hwk b w X, Men lqu-Anv 4. HM. Irv-vnlv nimtinr â€1!.1Y‘J(f H] :hl'l! i'th IF m LU JI' {h )IH ‘m The Highwood baseball team won the North; Show Suburban league- ;rv-nnant thb year This gives them ":8 league up and a $100 anxh prim Sunday lb 3: won 1hr inst fame «J the seasonffrrm Shermerville by an x m 3 ware. T Shannm pitched Thu Nerd!) Shore ‘11"? baseball Learn deft-mm! {hr Metropolitan Ehn'atvd team R tn it) In a fast ganu- on the. North Shun» diamond lhh “wk A :o‘aturo uf the uamr was a hnnu- run by “Paddy" Whm- Th0 NurtP‘ Shun- h-am Is now 1n fn‘s' pinu- (-4 the prize- cup. ‘ NORTH $HORE LINE TEAM DEFEA'I‘S "3'! LEAGUE I’ENNANT ES 'm H“ The Hig‘wood baseball Urovnwirhh (‘unn . “1 Goodrirh Shaufl'h'r “I “herr his «inngmm-nt In Boston “‘1" lu- :mnum uiwnd‘ rl-I' mu (mm umr aumul w'vl-xk Fnkh) ugh! H “:13 ~(rmk ivy Iiuhtmhx. I’aumgv wm Jum. whirh “I†«'tlr' $1.90†In rvpxir' Thv \mmnv) um w‘urtlrally (II-strayvd. Hu- rlutric mum \H‘r!‘ rlmwd uut by 1hr P-«IZ, land fur .' UHâ€. '. .v' budding “Ha m utzrr «Laban» an )1 an: dun u huh uf lightning ~Irux~k (hr Mllht‘ rhnmm); \lulng dun: nm- at $‘..’_IIIU 'l‘vn yn-ars ugn a um- :lar tml! 81d $000 dumngv. Supt. Juhn ()‘chfv rvmmmendod :hc Instal- lation 0f :1 system of lightning rod.-. hut thv insurancv company dld nu! faVur â€11! plan. BROTHERS ENGAGED T0 EASTERN GIRLS ('Hl‘iNK\ STRl'k k 3RD TIME BY LIGHTNING Damage Dune is Estimated at SL900: Electric Wires Severed by Bolt" 3-DAY CARNIVAL WILL START TODAY “1H m PI-L: n! Nun Ihv :Auspu‘c» Hf ( unn Thru- Pig flu) mgh dun. m}: ' mm mm mar 1m- Mndwa} \nH 9w uttrml lbmuunda hr “I†[w [hr 1 tho Mm‘mm-t‘ A {NIX nh'hr In pfny IV)! I hthi {I'Hln ‘ each mum. luau! npt'n «A! part Hf (hr ‘ :1; 1h" "pink plwhurr (xf Im-n' ~t.mll~ Ihv :Auspu‘c» Hf (ummumly Srrnu Thru- Pig flu) mghtx" dmnlui Iu dunnnx'mm my many splendun uf 1m- Mndwa} \nH 9w (hr magnrt h- uttrm‘l lbnumn‘da hr thh natural bran!) ~pnt «m. liw \Arsh'l'h nine uf {own Thrlr “â€1 be th usun) Kuhn} uf' dulls, lumps, buskrts (If grum-rn-r- and llkn- arm-Ira to M wrru-d homr My [hr 1m k)‘ patrom u‘hllv fi~h punrh, striknw machmn. Kan.†nf skill. and â€(he-r court-Mums W1“ hum {UHh ‘1“ Chi‘ Mlliï¬'fly Thrn. YIN), UH rl’ Hiuhlund i'drk Hm: Hun) Many Attractions Offered at (‘ommunity Service Affair in Sunset Park H 'Hv im'gv \hnmw)‘ ui Man's hunu- 1.~ Start†r 1hr \.\\ ILRRHRS (HST ELKS Sl‘Nl) \\ '5' t; \\H â€U! H) Sr â€A ‘ Yumghz :AL-I '(-~‘, Hf Thr \Am‘k ’I-l<: n! Nmu-t \ u‘cw Hf ( ummur; fl "J|'_\ Inghhh mm mm mam' 5 (hr Am >111: m» N-en enunrmi w durum “hum vull lw HI [I mm. mm! muimth Thr fhmr Li Hall)! the Jam‘- pavnlmn m this wuntry and Uni! l-a kept †uf :‘wndltltm {m {hr w mrrty mvrvulm. An v shuw {Hr [hr klddim n S 'N) HIGHWOOD HH- ( (mu-5| \\ l'l (11‘ M tht' {mi (-udvntl)‘ "hum i tlmr Muuut ‘ ('T,‘ :1} HH )H\l‘7 )ln_1;xMu ll‘ “H In lhxxwfl. Hwh“ A ('hrHHH H H) mum Hushâ€: %;:*;ir;" BIGGEST AFFAIR or m KIND 5mm IN THIS cm Ihh (HT I! "Th - public spurned manifntutmn ‘in Hu- “Ity of Highland Park hdny mark: I: new epoch in what xv knnun u Highland Park DI)‘. and I run» gralulnto the “nuns «.f Highland Park in hivinz organization: such a, “Th1: gathering |~ n wundrrful .u-nmmlrntmn uf mmmumn interâ€! am! mmmumn 9pm: S(\(n of our puHh ‘pnriu’d nrgnmzuhunn. through lhur ru'pnsemanuw («Mr and urrnnm-d fur this (oh-bra- umi on ln-hnlf uf (hmu- orgtniznâ€" (lulu 'lwm and of lht- (‘ity of Highland Park. I welcome you 11. this gnthor- my mm to this any n! fc-Mn'uunn "Thr Busmr» Mrlfs Asmu mhm; n ktrrhng ~hnny nrgumzahun, up H-rrmnu: all of the hm» «if huh» m.“ m [ur In; hm Mar. uunJrrr snl an and tho' Mn. N; Shot Put -â€" Mdlwain, 1n; 2nd. '.’ Watermelon Contact â€" ancis Rum-e Buy! Obstacle R‘ce m Du‘ky Mar Herman Leuer (:lri.‘ ()hsucle Race ,- Emc- Grim ‘ mn. Myflvry Mun â€"- Mn. Nah Olson‘ Mysu-ry “'omtn «4 Sunny Smith. A‘ fuur n'dock the publk- dime started Brmum'g ('hicnko orchestra {unmhrd unusualy good munir. and Hu- dunce pmw-d to be one 0‘! (hr M‘untmurd on P-ge 7» ‘ M ’lJ‘Il’.L" :.ddn‘~~m1 Hm vrqu 'Lw'v Hm in.†phulfurm at >1m~vt y“ >44! [in- \1.t.\ul ~14“! ’Hw Mayor'» 5'th "In â€115 lmnuhfu} sp- ‘ LL Hm nun. m rful morning, w:- lmu- gnthvrrd a» a community m melt-brink- In a spun! u! good will and frivndahip and u neighbors and friends , Highland Park Day l in!» (XVII-Ix“ Kn-l\u‘t‘h 7.01M! :xrui MLUM‘ prnph', H uu- â€(imam-(L )ulrrdzx) nuvnda‘d H)" groan-H "Highland Pink DI)" mm mm hI-n [Ham 1h.- vurl) hnuv .,~{ Hu- “at“ hauh- urm! â€)4- orches- (In pinyml "Huh“; Fuw‘l Humv" ll xmdh'mht, 1hr Inrgr «run! was ran-r :\,r near) but nf rnlrrh‘lnnwnt mi!"- “1 h} the Min-duh"! mrnlx II ~n‘mrd Hm! . \n) fmr I\l’l \n-n .‘hth-nd Park unx “gram rnvoun~ Entire Dny Crowded With Interesting Things. Mm)! Saw Fut Bell Game Between Young Men’s Club and Elks; Parnde, Wane: Fight, Conlesu end Dance: Other Features. THOUSANDS ATTENDED HIGHLAND PARK DAY EVENTS YESTERDAY H hnve mentioned n. talu- ihr Ie-ad m n}. 1U HM Yr M 1 nl‘hf) my ;.u.-nd..rm n um ~(mlmi from â€N rurm'Y' Pull!» Rm.“ Boy, ,- Dirk! erun 1n and “'t JUL!» :W'nuvr «1 Lam†Nui! Driving (untrntâ€"-Mn .k A! rh-nh 4.1]an Mnyvr AIM-n Imrwm. Pauline Candi. mm.y~ :.ddn~~~m â€w “TU“‘d WU Yard Dash â€"â€"â€" Will-or Mell- i.n.n phulfurm M >1mki“ wum. IN; G l‘mc-wr, 2nd 1hr “.0“! ï¬nd 3le Yard Dash fur GIN: , Mur- mi N hunk H' 'mk >anah After an m “hll‘h sum" uf UH :Im‘uirhIHILV sprink. “gram rnvoun~ (L uf â€14‘ {HIV A11 urn Ind :1. Mn lhrnng ll» rum-5's the this H \1 v â€fun 1r). 1~ any han’I‘HH“ - nh-r tight HM Emu} \u I “as I’M 1:. .Iuhn and Trunk IIL â€murm' After an mn' Hf UH- Iy sprink- W and the Sm.- uni Walter HumarIM-vm Thur Logged Harv. Ml‘h “PHIH'MIHHI, (I Mnsterson‘ v H. Sat-Ix Raw, Mm - (Thax‘ Mann-rum. Smk Raw, Girls -_ Efï¬e Crimson. .‘mk Rare Girl: ~ Edith Mont, Knmt'r). Exx Ran-r. Girls ~ Helen Lever, Eur Ran. Glrh - - Eleanor Rankin. Wm-t-Hunrmu Ran-e. Boys Booth and Jvfl Holland, Dick y 1H) mllnhl Lflllnnd hrmhwi ‘ .. 1 ~«en iï¬wqmâ€"mgn quWwav‘W’: , ‘ L! Hm m: YH Aw) ur Handnlph Fruwr pund away Munday. Aug. 22. 3! the Pro!» byurian hmpzul, Chiu‘o. u the rr- nult of dial-«tn, In illness from which hr had been sufloflng for 1hr put {MK yeah Mr, Frau-r. {or the pan ï¬Vr )‘enrs. ind her". In charge of the chorus, yinâ€" (luéw and orchestra And had mum‘n. harmony I! (he Doerï¬eld- Shields hlxh school. He Iva lino omnnt and chairman" It the Gram Epitcupll church in 018 Park. Ho- “‘1†l'wld Il'l hi‘h â€tall. by an uh" km-w him ï¬nd will be (real)! mi-srd Jurll' Hum. Isl; Efï¬e Grimmm. 2nd. l'nlo \'nul( A. C. Green. ht; R. lingers, 2nd. Broad Jump â€"W. McIIwuin, 15!; Thompson. 2nd. High Jump -â€"- Mdlwnin, lat; Ly- man Gurney, 2nd. Shot Put -â€" Mdlwain, 1n; 2nd. '.’ Watermelon Contact â€" ancis Rouse, Former Teacher at W- Shields High School Dh- at Presbyterian Hamill] ARTHUR R; FRAZER PASSES AWAY MONDAY easily Hm 10513 T)». u n \r lhr’u «9‘1ka m mystery man ..-u~'. ~tmtw; mni INT-Maw ht'Kah dummy “and: VHIL L1» nriphh‘r in \n-k~ Nisan. 1625 S. 5! Johns mum. “my. the [\TI71 by gum-snug Ruhr: Puma the mystvry mm; Mn Rum-n l'vhs‘r was th mystery Woman SM \nh rut-859d by “Sammy Smith" "nv. of Jm Smflh, Nun}! Fir“ SUK‘Q" At 31:10 1hr comedy even†begun There wvrr many Amusing ronu‘sh fur ui‘ 3st Wallace lelwan; was easily Hu- and of the mummy mm \ .. all (hm-r yum Lhmgu fur uur city “\\‘¢> must develop the thingr that mil xuukr our city more beautiful. mun- uttractno and we mun throw mhu our war]. that feeling of broth ml) lunl and good will an: vnll be helpful u, (Very member u! out (1)")munily." T‘ht Baa-bull 05.0 A1 1 RH the big bunch.“ game be lu‘m'n {ht YUUM Men's (‘luL Ind Hmhhmd Park lodxe. Nu 1362. B P. H 1-; may starlnd The (mwd hum bun-n; u-wrni zhouund. and every quaint†van nmtim: luntil)‘ fur his {3“er :«um during the entire rune Tm (mull ('Hdl‘ti 2 m 1 In fnvor (If 1hr \ M. f Bulh trams in their car wm-m :.~ My, .unmulu-d .MWI‘Y‘h} er- ! y~ (uh; 1M mull» Hump lhv ;’.H‘ . uh- a 1.: .-\ muuy 1!; Nu (rub Lym, um :, hr pha'urxx :uHmm ul- ‘.r:l )vinL)‘ h L'q' [AH rah) H). Fur-1 HH- Ho way hurled at Knlumuoo, Mich" “ humr YUV'YX \\ (‘ll “HI!!!" hwy“: Race. Buy: “and: VHH ~ ()imm. 1‘ any. the p ). m i 1 vi ' [AH rah) H 'mm Ir. UM } Hk- maxi) [1m waikud (“u mm and Hos LAM hm wort mmir I») (.mkm amilhwrvr Glad L UN :1“ H1100! EH (l|’('l.‘|ul VOLUME 11 In nut- }m all (up-1 Hit ( 7 â€ll van: HP