*k, Illinois 'k 350 “(His wlur 'trv ’QI'IOI‘ ;\ v[:19 ery LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS PROGRAM FOR NEXT WEEK Sl'NDAY, SEPT. I 6:30 P. M. Wednesday MONDAY, SEPT. 5 7:30 P. M. , . V ' Atllhi‘quni Adults LTv; war tax Sc I‘HleILA‘. : 123, 13¢ war tax 2c Admission: Ad Children: under Davi ‘H'tll‘if‘vr‘. under Yew“ L. l‘asky presents Wallace Reid in De Luxe Theatre Mnmiay ’H'I‘ZSHAY, SEPT. 6 1:50 r. \\ EDNESDAY. SEPT. 7 7:30 P. Admisflnn' Adults 27c; war tax (Kl-:rcn under 1'2, 13c war tax Adoiph Zukor presenta "LIFE" A Paramount picture, a ï¬ne story and a big cast Also Sunday â€" Movie Star screen snap shots. Selznick News Mnnday '- The Gumps. Pathe Review A Wizham A, Brady production with a hut cast, including Nita Naldi, Rod La Rocque and Arline Pretty Also Tuesdav â€"â€" Pathe Comedy Tuesday FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS 61‘2 DAVIS STREET PHONE hVANSTON, ILL. EVANSTON 449 CHICAGO PHDNE RANDOLPH: 1346 1347 164 N‘. MICHIGAN AVE. [00 H [CH SPEED" far! spe< staff of inspectors at our own e) pense. whose duty it is to inspect th production of our milk. Bowman Dairy Co 7 :30 story Based on the famdus novel Hamilton 'l‘Hl'RSDAY. SEP’I‘. S 7:30 P. Admission: Adults- :ZTc; war tax Children: under 12, 13c war tax FRIDAY. SEPT. é 7:30 I’. M. SATURDAY. SEPT. 10 7:30 p. 31. Admission: Adults 271-; war tax 3c Children under 13, li‘lc war tax 2c William :5. Hart in v “THE WH ISTLE" The tale of a bu: man's ï¬ght fur justice. Of a great sacriï¬ce that ed blind hate :inw understanding turn and terrible revenlzc into forgivvness Also Friday â€"- Sunshine medy Saturday â€"â€" “The Sky Ranger" David Powell in “THE PRINCESS’OF NEW YORK" only by those r own rigid in- ) those of the 7e maintain a Also Pathe Ne Mutt and Jeff by Fusmn :30 P. M ‘rxwwmwwmr L «a: Qfl-WQWW', ml: HIGHLAND Pm rum. mam PARK. mom iBUIlJVJING WITHOUT ' PERMIT MBIDDEN In the last four years the Ilinsion of Waterways has been requested ti investigate all sorts of conditions re sulting in overflow damage, destrucâ€" tion of streams by pollution, so as to deprive people of their legitimate and lawful use, or by structures or bridges that obstruct flood water dis- posal or interfere with navigation. In almost every case damage could have been avoided, it .it; asserted, had had there been knowlwlge of {acts and of water floflw. The law requiring submission of plans to the Division of Waterways gives opportunity to investigate and determine whether damage will re- sult or not. The people are given valuable engineering assistance and saved the heavy expenSe of eniployv ing technical men. If the proposed Work is found of a character that will not be harmful, a permit is given. If investigation shows it will result ii. damage and a change in plan will avoid it, state engineers indicate the changes to be made and let the wor' proceed. lf damage will follow. the proposed work is not permitted. lf work is done without complying with the law and results in damage the state requires its removal. whether it be a pier, wall. earth or other sort of ï¬ll, Nvither shuuld yuu vonstruct any Short wall>. nnr «lump garbage or re- fuw ulung any dream or lake in the State whocr it “'1“ wash into the stream or lake \luran ï¬tmtl stages, Any perm-n. llx‘nl. corporation or municipality pollanL' a stream or lulu- in the State \‘iolzitcs [hr law and is suliju't to 21 penalty. [’nllutiun of streams in the Sum- Ly discharge of unlrcated >9Wflflt‘ and industrial wash- matters is um- of the existing vvil> i‘vsulting in serious nuisances in varinus part «if tl'u- state because of lavk of suï¬icient water during dry pci'imls In dilute “Nil and carry it away" For years drainage districts in the State have been organized and constructed. Many discharge into watercourses and rivers of the state. The latter have either not been imr proved or enlarged at all. or fur an inadequate distance. with the result the added run 011' of water cannot be handled. \Vhile those whose lands are drained may haVe pruï¬ted, uthers have been damage. of ï¬n, The 52nd General Assenflfly passed and Governor Small approved more constructive waterway legislation than :Uly prvvious adnï¬lnstraï¬un in the state, If you fail to do this, the Division of Waterways warns in a statement iszauwl recently. yuu violate a law which provides a penalty of a ï¬ne nut onewling $5,000 and imprison men! in the cuunty jail not exceeding tvm years. Plans rvf .111 drainage districts of the \‘Kait‘, whcrr >trvums arr to be i-hangvd iii any way must. under the law, be >uhmitlwl for approval w the Division nf Wutvr»\ays uf the De- pai'tmi-nt of l‘uhliv Works 5; Buildâ€" ing‘s of 2hr Slab“ By this method, thy stair, having ('nmpivh' infurma- tiun nt' WHU'I' H0\V3 uf various <ti‘vmn> um! WHU‘X‘ <h0tis nf thv state. van dotmmim- \xhvthci' thc plans are LARGE PENALTY PROVIDED Don't encroach upon or ï¬ll into any of the streams or lakes of Illinois without you ï¬rst submit plans of your prnposed work to the Division of Waterways of the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State. at Springï¬eld. and gei a per- mit for it. Springï¬eld, Ill.,â€"Don't build a pier, dock, bulkhead or anything else in the water of any stream or lake in Illinois in connection with your prop- erty. adequate for the use: pruponui. re~ quin- (-urh ‘Iistrirt ‘m- a unit that will «'mmm-t with another district in the same water shod and prevent uxclcw exponm- and. damage from uxclew (*Xpil'nM' and. damage from avoidable ï¬n0(l\'. Thl‘ new law by act of the 32nd (lion- {‘l'lll Assembly. gives broader power of euporvision than heretofore, in- t'luding parks and drainage districts. but under â€10 law 8‘ it has lit‘t‘n in force for tom yvnrs. the Division of \Jiv'atvrway.< has xavvd municipalities grvat expense in ('llnnt" tion With sown age tri‘ntmeiit >)‘Stt‘ln.~_ ln-causv no sewer >y~'tvm nut lt‘l ran now he leg» ally Ciiiif‘tructed into any ~~‘trwnn or lake without thv plans being first sub- mitted to the division. Thes» plans are checked by expert vnginm-rs, as are plans for all other Work in the waters of the state. One municipal- ity of the state was saved several thousands of dollars in faulty con- struction and probably the loss of many lives by having its plans check- ed by the state under this law and farmers in many parts of the state have been saved damage that would have resulted from improper ot'ln- etYoctive construction in connection with various enterprises. By the amended law. in force July 1. the state reserved to through its dcpartment of Public Works. Division of Waterways, direct cupcrvismii and control of all sub- iiieryml lands in Lake Michigan. stead of this supervision and control being vested in park boards of (â€hi- cago as trustees of the State. itle., in»~ Lieut. (Ioniniander J. H. Holt is in charge of the radio station at (irrnt Lakes. which Will «ontinue in npl'ru- tion after? that (late. Each of tho station: to he t'loaml is in thqrgt- of {nut luvllti »rr\'i.v men. NOTlt‘E l'llblic Bridge lxtlinx Notice I: hereby given that scfllt'll proposals will be received at the of flce of the County Superintendent of Highway}: in Waukegan. “L. at 11:30 o‘clock. A. M. (Daylight Savmg Time) A02. 29th, l921, fur the con- atruction [of a reinforced concrete bridge, in the Town of Deerfield. about onehal’! aaile west of the Village at Highwbod in accordance with plan- and speciï¬cations prepared by the Co. Supt. pf Highways. which may be seen at his otï¬ee or that of the under- signed. A certiï¬ed check equal to at least 10% of the amount of bid ahall accompany each bid Right it reserved to rrjcvht any or all bide. V, Dated at Waukexan, lll.. thi< 15th. day of Abxult. A. D. 1921. thn Freberx. (‘nmmiuioner Albert Larson, Clerk. ' Town of Doerfield. Highland Park. Ill. Chas. E. lRunell. . (‘0. S- t. of Highways. V low: at venous <h4-«is nf thv state, 'lhcl' thc plans are use: prupofled. re~ t ‘m- a unit that another district in ;Mmy Pn‘eantiom Take- Io Pro- tect Life and howdy; Ac- RED CROSS AIDING DISABLED SOLDIERS Disabled soldiers, numbering 4.600 a month and their hmilieaI (Approxi matel' IGWO individuals) are being serv by the American Red Cross, Chicago (Yhn ter. Many of these men, whose p ynieal condition seemed of minor Importance in their eager» ness to return to civil life, did not take into account that wh-t seemed a slight liability might uflect their whole life. After two or three years of hard work, the effects of exposure while in â€service, are now being felt. In some cases the lungs are nfleeted and T. B. is very likely to develop; in other cues, there is a merited ec- tion on the blood veggie]: and the heart. or the nervous system In gas cases the different action is due no the dilflerent kinds of chemicals in the gas. ~Then many are suï¬ering from old wounds nnd nervous break- downs, making them unï¬t for respon» aible position held before the war Claims for compensation are just beâ€" being ï¬led by many of these men. The Red Cross. must help carry this man after he has ï¬led his pnperi The money wlich you contributed tn the Red Crossilqst {all is helping to solVe the rent ueetion for these men and their fami ice and, in many cues. it is paying the entire grocery billend providing clothing and medical aid “It is our desire to cultivuc [ht safely Work on this mud to a point where every accident of an ax'uiiluble charm-(er will be eliminated. and we hope Lhat'yuu will in ume discontin ue walking»' on these tracks so that the chances of your being injured or killed will he done avi'ny with. “Yours truly. â€l'hii-agu, Nurth Shore and Mli wnukee Railroad" This in pnly a part of the "safety ï¬rst" work whirli the eleciriv inn-r7 urban duets among its empluyes nnd with the public. with a result that while during the lust ï¬n- yean the road has increased iis number of passengers carried 100 per cent, and its car mileage the same amount. has reduced its {and accidents T? per cent and decreased its avcidentz- cash- to less than unethinl u! the average {or all electriv railways n! the mun. try. N A VY Radio (‘nnipass \‘tatiunr till the Great lakes’npornted l\ lht' navy department will be AluFQd So‘phmlwr 1. it was Minoumml last wwk at lhi Great Lalqes Naval Training Station where one of the radio stations is l0 vuted. “it three stations that mll l: closed are located at Manisleu Lud- ington. and Frankfurt, Mivh. Thu have beenloperated in mum-cum \\:'.h public shipping \esseh as mll .n navy \9ssfls and are being ulnamlm. ed because of retremhment in {he navy depu'tmont the pi rsonnel whnh has been iluluied to 3:3 poi (on! of its former site. “Don't you realize there is serious danger m anyone walking these tracks. owing to the fact that our cars are run at high speed? If 1hr mutorman should fail to see you In bad weather, or while rounding a curve, or (or some other reason. yw. would be placed in imminent dangm of being killed ur injurrd. SAFET‘NFIRST 0N om SHORE LINE Approximately 4,600 a Month are Being Taken Care of: Money Wisely Spent Highway}: in W-ukeg-n. “L. n! 11:30 o‘clock. A. M. (Daylight Snvmg Time) A02. 29"“ 1921, fur the con- struction [of I reinfursed canon-{c bridge, in the Town of Deerfield. nbuul (mend! ï¬aile west of the Village 0! Highwbod in accordnnce with plan- und speculations prepared by the Co. Supt. pf Highways. which may be seen at his olï¬ee or that of the under- signed. A certiï¬ed check equal to at let“ 10% of the amount of bid Ihall «company each bid Right it reserved In rrjcvht nny or all bids. V, Dated Qt Wnukex-n, lll.. thh lbth, dny of Aéuxult. A. D. 1921. NOTlt‘E l'llblic Bridge lxtlinx Notice I: hereby given (hut scfllt'd proposals will be received at the UL ï¬ce of the County Superifltendent of I Qt Wnukegun, 1H,. thh lbth About. A. D. 1921. thn Fnberx. (‘nmmiuioner Atbefl Larson, Clerk. ' Town of Durï¬eld. Highiwd Pnrk. HI. Electric Irons 94v WHAT DO YOU KNOW Public Service Co. If you have any doubt the Elec- tric Iron is one of the greatest of all appliances with respect to convenience, efï¬ciency and economy, ask any friend who oyms one about it. Monthly Payments Of Northern Illinois About hullneu ru-dure? Do you underuund balling. Mrnuï¬np . typcvnung, â€Mir“! work? The hunncn word :- ng-uyhln‘hfor ygnnc men a II‘ .......... am: \wmeh who understand that ’0‘â€. Every year '\ gn-nt many date their mum to the MI min- mg "Mum-d, her? “man Sapu- tuber I. EVANSTON Bum come: \M H. Call... PM. “4 lhvh and - â€a1- wwigsmfzwm , not can‘t-'3