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Highland Park Press (1912), 13 Oct 1921, p. 7

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.. - «.VVumwa-atmbg ‘ THE HIGIILAI‘JD PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS -. North Shore Trust Company A Sure Bank: Capital and Surplus $100,000.50 General Checking, Deposit and Commercial Business Sheridan Road and Central Avenue I Palace Cash Market GEORGE G. ROCK, Mgr. PHONES 1560-1561 533-535 Central Ave. "How Much More Are You Paying?” Jones’ Dairy Farm Sausage ...... 30c _ Fancy Spare Ribs ............ 1.5l/éc '5 Pork Tenderloin ........... ~ ..... 49c Legs of Young Mutton .......... 28c % Cally Hams .................. 151/2c J Ceresota Flour, by the barrel . . $9.59 FREE DELIVERY L': .- â€"â€" â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"- .â€" .â€" â€"- â€" â€" â€" _. .â€" _ â€". .â€" â€" - .â€" ~â€" .â€" .â€" â€"â€" .â€" â€"- _- â€" .â€" .â€" _ â€" â€"â€"- .â€" â€"-â€" â€"â€" â€"_ .u. â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" _â€" â€"â€" â€"- â€"â€" r.â€" ...-- .â€" _â€" .â€" â€"â€" .â€" â€"â€" .â€" â€" .â€" .â€" â€"â€" â€"-. â€"â€" â€"â€" _â€" _â€" _- .- â€"â€" .â€" .â€" _â€" â€"- .â€" â€"- â€" .â€" .- â€"â€" _â€" â€"- â€"- .â€" â€" _â€" â€"â€" .â€" __ .â€" .â€" â€"â€" _ â€"â€" - â€"- . .- _â€" â€" _â€"-n .â€" .â€" ~â€" _â€"- __ â€"- â€"â€" â€"â€" ..â€" â€" u.â€" â€"â€" II Ell % ! l A Box of ‘0 ' (Hburnlatt dream is Sure to Please. Packed in Half. One and Two-Pound Boxes of Assorted Creams and Half-Pound Peppermints FOR SALE BY R. W. Pease E, W. Gsell and in North Shore Towns SCIIITMACHER CANDY CO. \M: l'it‘ ‘iriwrated' lllmlillltllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fillllllllllitllllIIIIIllllllllllllllllilllllIlllIIllllllllllllilllillIllllllIillllillllillllllllllllll 7 7 "l " W " awuununiummwflinitiated 75 F. O. B. Flint Touring Ca Roadster $5.25 125 North St. Johns Ave. Telephone Highland Park 388 liklibiiieiri-ia’ei ’ivisiw'bi'ibi‘imiat o..-'s\u\.sba..ar; . , .. 'flm‘gu‘SAWfiWs-mm Meagan» a”... ELM PLA (‘E SCHOOL (WWW-00 l‘ivlitor-in-t ‘hiet‘. Henry Boy d Assistant I'llitia‘“ -A l'l:is~ The kindergarten children lil'i' dressingr Jail and l<:il|el. their twu dolls. lli's ill“ making a imstvv iii their ‘rooni. illiJsti‘atiiig the story of the three hears. They are ill?” making thing's out of mood; all it “illi’l‘ .H'I their (it'lLfil'Ji 1<le:' The Zil‘»? and '1.\’s suit: in.» songs ""« :rt- mlvv i" . i'd "tiitolw-i'“ :.i t \lw'iâ€" day 'iil-llllii‘; 'l .is-ivmlifi. The ‘1li's :1! ‘ ~tzid):n: iiwnm r ill-V lhej.‘ drew: .‘l'll'ii's‘ last ueek The) are PM I l .meiin; 'hl' wed ..i.i i .tu ‘.\l1l(i1 it'llit’iis used The ll‘i‘ tl" tuuiyin: 'tw .\li‘l’.lli.i l{;i\iii--, .\liss l lzira \\ 1!.li‘ ’.:-it at .\li.~- liif ten, our for l‘ii“. tl"£l\\'ll‘.i: trio her. on 1' the “ex-it end .;t illicit-mi She :I- l torts that Miss liitlei ls ~-t:iti)ltlu hei \Hil‘h xery llllltl‘. next .lt‘tILlHtl to I li'dil post“! S Last Monday 'hru-e of the \\ boys the llllT‘tt'lil ltuun‘ and gave t'ire prevention talks. They giving the statisttes' of the tires in 19210. use of may and NHL Miss .lones' pupils are studying the line boy. when asked \\ hen to Use may and when can. said, ”I never use them. I say, ‘(iee. 1 wish l had some.' and i always get it." ,stration day. salesman for lust \yeek the .‘A's had .‘| demon- Hiei‘y person was a some article There “ere salesmen for l-Tvers'harp pencils. loose leat' note hooks'. paper “eights. medical hunk. liast- and a illlllt‘ll fountain pens. \sriting papei .‘lzlude lluhke Winder llust. man hnxlaks. to the interest by demonstrating Sav- oy llrand .lain, .Smith proved to he a wry ahle Ford salesnizi n end was brought in I») l'laii'e Biilke. :liirils and make a valiiahle addition . (‘larence Trut- -ue and greatest importance _ - ' merce and Business ‘ l’of West Englewood. To verify her stateâ€" ments almut the jam. she seru-d crackers and jam to the i’ltt.\'.\. Sam A coot that had met an untimely and furnished interesting material to the (‘laire had it mounted and stoned it at Assembly last Monday. Hur collection et mounted specimens of hirds‘ and other animals has been lately increased by a gift of eight .s'peciiriens' from the collection of Mr. Fred tireenslade. These include specimens of quail and other game science class. to the group of .speiiniens' previously donated by Mr. \Valter Carr. .-\ \ery peiteitl} mouizted sparrov. hunk was added last \veek. Evelyn liiister brought in a beautifully mount -d Ani- eiiiap lritti'rn. .â€" _... Hits lnv" lionners returned to her room on Monday after two w-eks of absence on account of illness. Miss [li'illill‘iil of th. ilenupi'e School at .\lil'-‘l‘.‘i. and six of the stall of the school together with Mrs. Frick. President of the Ileaiipre l’. T. A. spent Thursday at ”in Place, observing the \Mil‘h of the school. li.llilllt r. 82d Session of Rock Rher ('onl'erencc We are sure those \vhrLliave been reading- there notes “ill lw liltvt‘i‘sts ed in ;. ltl‘lt‘l- stutieient concerning this session of thl: great conference Uniy a wry brief outline of the many lllt' L'i'ni'i'nl i'rvu‘rzmi can i- gilt-l! here. Among the outstanding of these \\t'l‘i the addresses of our oun lilrllttl) Thunia“ Nicholson in his daily devotional ad- dresses; his sermon on Sunday morn- int: and memorial address Will lltVt‘r lie forgotten. The bishop ne\I'i' ap- pe.i.ed to greater advantage and nex- er so l!1l)‘t‘t‘.\~'t'tl tlii tent-mine Then the ihres aiiilri-s~is ni' l'i’oi'. ll.itt}' h Ward of him l‘ Theol- :nal Seiiiin'u'y on "The Future till the (Vlllllk'h 'Ii Mods ern Industry" (lt'llH‘t’i‘tl on Wednes- dgjt. Thursday and Friday zi' i'oiir 'viotli made a proi'oiinil litlt">~ R ‘ t‘i.l1|lls".~ :itspirin: features of H on ministers and li'l‘ hilmr ard indiistiy. lilzli the rare privilege of hearing him. The conference \vas unusually for~ ttinzite in hearing \liss Mayo, \\ti , knoun chautauiiua and lyceiim read- t't' and iiiipcrsoizator. gradual.» oi" Nihraska \\csle_\an l'iizit-rsity i~_lll;\\v'l‘. throughout tine U'Ulltt'} ”’l‘l‘ii' til'iil (iit'l ill lII'Ji lilt- vw ’ "l‘..ll;..it;: ' . ~- ~ llaiiitauliiia l.‘i!l!l\‘l' .i'id hie»- all \tho i i and il“ we UlLiI' Iiiisuiiaiieoiis sticiiinw i iii.“ i'lixwli. .‘lls.s Ain‘t" H.211“ '.i i!" la! ~' «1 the «unit rent-e l.)' .i se tin on Monday evening {twin r. 5.1m". .. She l’s a denim l'hri lint. still i de- \‘HtltiL‘ her lllll'.‘ and 7.:1‘31 to .r: Tllili'f‘, lit» ' Ti!'.i 'w' filasfi: It'li‘l" to t’l"\.ili' platform art! exalt lltl\ll't'>~ t'l of Theology. .siictessoi 'a liishop llir- now in (hum, to Ill! fur as a marvel of inteliect- l XIV} t ills: admission \v ual acumen and spin Wilson, head of the iozird of Temperance and Public Moral spoke on Monday evening to a crowded house and revealed not only the present status of this issue in the » i l‘, S. but gave a real glimpse of the " British attitude toward this reform, having just returned from the great Ecumenical Conference at London. And so throughout the conference there was something of unusual val- to the greatest people under the canopy of heaven. This is saying nothing of the Wonderful Weli'nme given the conference by the (‘haniber of (‘om- Men's Association Everywhere this welcome was in evidence. Of course you know this conference terminated the present pastorate. It is with a deep sense of gratitude to ‘i the dean ei' Huston Sihim ‘ tual insight. Dr.l l . i The Bank’s Vault ‘ Built and Equipped For the Public ‘ Are 'You Using It? Has it ever occurred to you that the greater portion of our vault is in use by the public for hundreds of safe- ty deposit boxes. and the storing of silver. trunks. etc.'.’ Our vault is a popular vault. because First. , It is built roomy and substantially; Second â€"--» It is protected by the most modern and reliable electric burglar alarm; Third â€"â€" The contents are covered by a burg- lary insurance policy of $50,000. The price of a safety deposit box in this vault ranks as a sensible and indispensable investment. Highland Park State Bank The Home of Saving. Dcpouitoru J I. APPII. c Vkv Pro-Mom PIANI J. BAKER l'mldont Koon’s Auto Sales FLOYD KOON, Proprietor 136 North First Street, Highland Park, Illinois If you are in the market for a new car, let us show you either the Studebaker,]ordan or Peerless JORDAN 5-Pass. Touring“ $2,400 2-Pass. Play Boy $2,400 4-Pass. Brougham$3,500 5-Pass. Sedan $3.500 PEERLESS Ik‘llVPH‘d l'riees 4-Pass. Roadster $3.190 7 -Pass. Touring $3,190 4-Pass. Coupe $3,835 5-Pass. Sedan $3,990 7-Pass. Sedan $4,135 7-Pass. Sedan Lim- ousine $4,415 STUDEBAKER l)eli\ cred l’riees . Light Six Touring-$1,235 Light Six Sedan $1,990 Light Six Coupe $1.650 Special 6 Touring $1,755 $2,645 $2.745 $2,125 $3,030 $3,130 Special 6 Coupe Special 6 Sedan Big 6 Touring i Big 6 Coupe | Big 6 Sedan For Demonstration or Appointment Phone 612 or 286 .\liiiight_\' (ind and the good people of the tonimunity that We conu- to this time. One of the greatest compensa- tions of n minister's- life are the nu. lationships and ties too Wonderful ;and beautiful for Words, that are- »formed during such a period. This is simply to express to all who have been association with this church in any way, our sincere appreciation for ‘such cooperation as has been gin-n {and to ask that our successor, lir, ; William E. Gru- may enjoy the same lfine respon- from the people. Dr :Grose comes from Bowen Church. LChicago. He has had a rich exper- ience in the ministry and come.- equip- ped with all those qualifications nec- essary for a successful pastorate. He will make his first appearance next. Sunday morning and evening. 5. S. at 9:30; morning Worship I! 10:45: Epworth League at 6:30 Ind evening service It 7:30. ‘ I am openln‘ the Full Su- non with reduced mines. My services a cunt fitter with Miu Margaret u Iklrt fitter have been mdend to you while with S. Sven-min and (To. in the put. Our Joint effort: will be to [in satisfaction. Early Inspectio- Invited ....g..,-,i~..tw.fi _ ._ . . . ‘. .' . -x.»

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