Hi1 (1 NY a'ked a; w“ 7» [vl‘ pin! 0 i o M ‘1‘ PU! â€If 7 . ___.. Immune t'.‘ M rs II. DTQDZSBQ‘I’SG AA__ In addition to the transportation of freight and express between Highland Park and Chicago we are pleamd to an- nounce that we are now prepared to do long distance moving of house hold _goods and furniture. Aï¬PLE§ Buy your Thanksgiving Apple‘s now while price is reasonable 501' Central Avenue. Phone 547. Extra Fancy J ona‘than’s ~Telephone 1593 H. LEUER NOTICE OME restaul' ants have th¢ same menu day it and day out. week after week. At M1s Tipton' ~i you ’11 aluaxs ï¬mf suah a big choicQ offmed that the1é is always some- thing ne wto try! Eat here once! 'Tel. Frafnum 124 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS colim m am my NEW ROADS PLANS ARE CONSIDERED Representatives From Spring- ï¬eld Make Investigation of Highways Here Accord- ing to Report Illinois' division 01' highways in the department of public works and buildings. according lo reports from Spfingï¬cld. is preparing an extens- ive road-building prugraim for Lake county, Reprusvntaliws of the state. the rvpurt has it, have been busy in the rural districts of Luke vounty gath- ering information mnwrning the roads. They have talked with many farmers and land owners and have sought adviu- as to the most trav- eled wads uml thuse on whirh «an» mum-y (-ould best he spent. “'th the pruizrnm now under mn- xidvratinn is carrird out. it is said. a mmdly part nf tho first cxpendllunw nut of the St‘MJlmLUOO mad-building fund will hau- been spell! in Lake «'nunty Jobs to Hundreds Jul» will have been giwn to hun- dreds of men. Merchants will have l’r‘tï¬u‘d by furnishing supplies and, farmers and other team owners will; haVI’ received good pay for the use. of their horses and mules â€1 the haul-Ii ing, grading and other Work "(’CQ’S'K sary to road building, I Luke (‘ounty l18> been somewhat heel-(ward in road building, It is one‘ of the most attractive counties in the‘ state for motorists, but its roads have been heart-breaking as Well as spring- hreaking. lt various lakes have been hard to reach, because of the condi- tion of all but a few of its highways, Road Building Long Delayed It is only in the last few months that Sheridan road has become pass- able throughout the county. Zion City held it up a9 long as it could. Other citizens of the county told adâ€" vocates of good roads that they Weren't going to pay the expense of 'building highways for Chicago niil‘ lionaires who have summer homes out that way to ride on or for the use of C ieago motorists. Zion City parâ€" tieu arly objected to making smooth highways for Chicago joy-riders. But the people of Lake county who; heretofore have objected to hard- road building are now experiencing 3‘ change of heart, it is said. They? don't object to having the roads if the I state pays for them. . County Gets $268,417 Retund The county it appears. has spent some money on roads, as the legisla- ture in its last session appropriate‘fl\ as a refund to Lake county $143,681 in om- hill, and $111,736 as a refund‘ for money spent on roads. This total‘: of $268,417 was a part of $6,76R,6811l trml lwglm M wxsv ours haw b gnvm'nor's trial v uftvx' the primary lt‘EIMnne rxpvrh-ncwl advance. \muld hard!) thc May term liix'm-<tigatm< hmv lN't'll u~ far: north as Antlm'li. haw loulunl (in-r thv roads near Lake Villa and Loon lakv. Tht-y haw ttlel auto spring“ on the higthy» urnunil Fox and Grass Lakes uml l.akv Zurit'h. and are ounvmu-(l that some Work is m-c- usury around \Vaurnnda. Thr road Plum: the ritual training atutiun has been worked sum:- rm‘ently and other stretches in that vicinity are to he mmlv smooth. it is said Automobiles arc to he frt-cly used by persons gnâ€" im: to the governor's trial. . Hunt Aids Defense “Nick" Hunt, former inspm-tor of thv ('hicagu pulice department. ac- cording t0 reports rcceivml by the prusucution. has taken charge Hf 1hr dofcnse's segrt-t service form-s. They have been working iridustriuusly gath- ering inforniation {or the lawyers (-x'br since Lulu- munty Wu“ nun-pt- ed '35 the place for the trial “Nick" Hl thv Chicago cording 10 ' prosecution. GOVERNMENT PLANS CUT AT STATION Recruits to be $01“ Stations: Trade Virtual nhandonmen men: activities at the Naval Training station by Secretary Denhy to ('ormick of Illinois. “The policy uf concentrating re- cruit training at Hampton Roads 1nd San Pram-ism has been adopted to economiu both in money and men," Mr. Denhy writes. Sailor'x Place on Shipu “The number of recruits at present being enlisted is 300 a veek and of those 200 are sent (0 Hampton Roads and 100 to San Pram-hm. nhandonment of govern- ; Trade Schools Remain N“ I(‘ Great Lake; m is announced to Senator Mc- (In to Coast PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given worn-1th†the Suhncriber. Exec-uni: of the Lake; l Last Will Ind Testament of John G. unced'Brown, decenud will attend the r Mc-lCounty Court of Luke County. a! I item thereof to be holden I! use 2 re-lCourt flow in Waukegnn. in said Is 1nd , County. on the ï¬rst Mood-y of Jun- ,ed to ; nary. next 1922. when and when all men,".p¢nons Inï¬ll: claims- against uid Lestnte lrt' notiï¬ed and requested m iprcscnt the all: to mid (‘ourt {or resent adj udkflion. :- n,-__ “Owing to this [pull number 0‘ re- cruiu required uh deperhnent con- sider: ant, it in m mks! to concentrate them at these two cant tnining nations. ' where there are ample flcilities for? handling them. By minuining (>qu than two train- ing sutions for recruits. there will be eble for duty efloet imtructorl end other men otherwise required for training and other purpoxm- at the other stations. To Keep Trude Schools "The trade schools now mainuim ed at Great Lakes will be continued. but their activities will be are-fly curtailed. as the navy is now nuing back to a permanent basis nfler the ill eme-ts u! demobilizing I large part of its trained petty oï¬'icers 3nd the {rude schools will l‘l‘ mainunied only to make up luau-s dm- (0 nurmnl dis- charm-s.†lt I3 nu crime to burn the surn- le-ards in Ziun City. for under the intalutv they cannot be construed as ~p0rsonal property. Thin was the rul- ‘ ing of Circuit Judge Edwards Satur- iday in sustaining the motion to squash the indictments returned against six- itu-n Independent resident: of Zion iwhu werv charged with having des- ltn-yed Vuliva's signbonrds. The deâ€" ‘ft-ndnnts wvre dismissed, ‘ Attorneys ('oukv, Pope and Pnpe. :rvprewnting the defendants. in argu- ‘ ing tn have the indictmm-ts squashed. Mr Dcnhy's letter WM 1" response tu prutt-sts made b) thu public af- fairs mmmittee of tho- l'niun lA-ngue club at Chicago against. curtailment of activities at thv Great Lakvs sta- tiun, SIGN BL'RNERS FREED BY JUDGE EDWARDS Men Who Destroyed Voliva‘s'f Bulletins are Released; (‘om- ' mined no Crime pointed out that there is nothing in‘ the statutes of Illinois covering an offense such as the sixteen men Were‘ charged with. The destruction of pub- lis signboards is punishable. but there is nothing to punish one who destroys a private sign such as those belonging to Voliva. The attorneys {or Voliva sought to prove that the signs were personal property and that their destruction was illegal on this ground. but in reply to this it was pointed out that the signs are set in concreted and they are constructed as a part of the ground which prevents them from be- ing classed as personal property. As the situation stands now the lnde- pendenta may burn Voliva'n signs to their heart's content without fear iof punishment under the state law. ‘The Voliva people may do the same with the independent signs. A gen- eral “housecleaninu†may take place. Thousands Will Gather at Cham- paign: Game With Chicago Main Feature 1}“ “Hinds-(Wilt will {raturv (he 1 mmim: 0f 20.000 I'nivn-rsily uf “hr and [frlmnm Nun- «uminu i> an ann trhdrd M nlumnl N‘nlh'rt'd am uu-r thv wmld. Tu annummmintc the Influx. A-qunl in rule In the ordmury pnpulxlmn uf ('humpuign. (hnumnds uf CD‘S-WI†be plan-«l m rooming and {uh-rnny houses and all rmlruads wxll rnrr)‘ special trains. ‘ I ‘â€" 0|.“ Dentists say It Mum teeth have 11 wisdom. no doubt >,n\.u. .._‘.. ('laszu-s Will ln- ~uspvnclul (m thv afternoon Hf Non-mln‘r lllh. nlthuuuh it suldum occurs. and (he fulluwmg mnrning students Will xlurt (u rn- u-rtuin the n-turning lllini, The fn-then and sophomores will sing? their traditional clan ï¬ght the wn‘ inrs dressed as holxrs. will m-rrh in parade, thv R. 0. T. ('. lvrigndv of the l'niverx-‘ity. numbering 3,000 men, will lw rvvivwed. ihe womrn students will hold a carnival fur thv â€old boys" and Mink and llnuhle. the- student (in-mane soviet)" will present a play. I - __:.., --."L '. OF I. HOMECOMING SATl'RDAY. NOV. 12 IR’Fl|-\ .- .... inns. then- will be re-unions by chu- es and by collegu. and smokers for each group. Each vullegl- of the l'nivcnsily will give a luncheon to its alumni. Beuidos inns. the" The merchant: of both Chumpaign and Urban: lre contributing to the fund necessary to swing the celebra- tiun Highly colored drnwn Work hand kérchiefn are going to be much m ovi ‘lt-nce as (‘hriltmu presents. Watch-Inn. 111.. Oct. 19 lllinnls-("hnngn flmthnll gamo' laturv (he llth annual hum»- : 0f 20.000 gruduatw to the '5in uf Xllinms at ('humpmgn rlmnn, Nnvrmh-r l'lth. Hume- : i> an annual n-lohratmn atâ€" M nlumnl N‘nlh'rt'd “H mm \DJ l’DlCATION NOTICE !he usual fraternny reun- Wilhelmina D. Brown. Finanrix 7' that most folks wis ’e to COHH‘ out Luk of MANY .\.\' ()PTIMISTIC nick nun ‘ho knew he vu on (h In) In hukh hu- hegun Ili- journey I! the enunnrew plum-r). EV") nun Ind mu in thin roman-in know the stock of good: we I!" in thoroughly depend-He ()ur requb‘im are quite Worth your money ROBERT W. PEASE, Pharmacist GEORGE G. ROCK, Mu. PHONES 1560-1561 533-535 Central Ave. Compare prices and see what you save Native Sirloin Steak. Bacon Squares, lb. FANCY Spare Ribs, lb Mome-made Sausage Meat. lb. Rib Roast of Beef, lb ........... Veal or Pork Shoulder Roast, lb Fancy Spring Chickens, lb . . Pork Tenderloin, lb .......... Choice Pot Roast Native Beef, lb Vitaâ€"1| Breast for stufï¬ng, Saturday Specials I. _I. MINI-IS. Embalnm Dodne Brothers Motor Cars HAVE hired a ï¬rsmlass watchmaker who will take are of all watches, clocks and jewelry. French and hall clocks a specialty. Will call for and deliver. All work guaranteed. Telephone 62†xpel’t Donn-Surgeons The Rexall $10" A. G. McPherson Son Slure und Chapel. 517 Elm Place Othcc and Residence, 101 Walnut Street Highland Park. Illinois ANNOUNCEMENT J. J MINES SON Cigq‘X AflSWCTu Ah’ Optimist) \S A S\CKW\Y\ 4 who Knows that he \ s \\ Ogomq to qe‘t we“ Samuel Levin HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS Funeral Directors Ettablilbed 1890 :Hmmmm- 121 ‘ho Imeu M van on the "I, journey I! the emanate to this in thin roman-in known that Telephone! 14436} Free Delivery Lady Assistant rlrphnnf H P H†, C c c c c c C 93803575 .2223511