Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press (1912), 1 Dec 1921, p. 2

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,uf for PAGE TWO The nurriuqe wf' Miss Alma M. Ann-nu daughter mi Mr. and Mrs \\ l‘ Ahrem to Mr‘ Herman Mm‘l- lz-r MI (‘hieawn tunk plum- Wednes- ilzzy eremng of last week at seven u'rl-x-k at the St. Johns Evangelival Lutheran (hurl-h. the Rev. F. Hollie, nrlieiatingi The bride wnre a gown uf white satin trimmed in lace. and a tulle veil with satin train. She carried a shower bouquet of white ruse<, lillies uf the valley and orange blossoms. Miss Edith Ahrens, a sis- ter (If the bride served as maid of hnnor and wore an apricot. crepe dc chine dress and carried a bouquet of tea ruses. The bridesmaids were Miss Eleanor Wheremaster who wore green crepe de chine and carried yellow roses; Miss Pauline Glass who was attired in pink crepe de chine and carried pink roses and Miss May Douville who wore blue crepe de chine and carried white roses. Mr. ("larvnce Pfister acted as best man and the ushers were Messrs. Arnold Werhane. C. J. Mahler and Robert Robinson. Following the ceremony a dinner was served to seventyâ€"five guests. Decoratiuns were in pink and white. Mr. and Mrs. Mot-Her arc residing in (‘hicagzm Mrs. Luui< Shotzley will be hust- ess In the wa Hundred club at her hnmc- this aftvrnmm. BADLY BURNED WHEN 7 OIL CAN EXPLODES {NJl'RY PERHAPS FATAL Harry Nvdeif. 233 ymrs ’ ulu‘. 1M Krnnard strcet. \Vuukmran. was prnh- ahly fatally burned Sunday morning about ten U'viiwk whun hv poured k"!‘\l.<(‘nv’ nut of n galinn can int.) 2| kitchen ran:.- in an effort to make a firu <turt quickly. Thy «an exploded, dro-mhmg tho victim with oil. A sve- nnJ inn-r hi< body hwamu a flaming tori-h. Nedvrfk screams brought sevâ€" eral neighbuh to his assistance. but his clothinghad burned from his body before they Could aid him. Several gallons of liquor and a still were seized by the Waukcgan police Saturday night shortly before eleven o'clock {x'hen they cnnducted a raid onra house at 1331) Adams street. Two people were plaCed under arrest. Gottlieb Heimervinger, a former resident of Lake county for sixty years died at his hume in San Diego. '(‘alifn last Week. Death occurred on M's 89th birthday. For sixty years Mr. Heiemervinger lived in Barring- Lon. where he ran a harness shop. A Kenosha taxi driver was called Sunda§ exening to take two men from that city to Russell Arrived at the destination. he discovered that one of the men had died on the trip and that the other was hopelessly drunk. A bottle of moonshine was found in the cab. William J. Bull. city treasurer of Zion. Saturday was made defendant in a suit tiled by a taxpayer who charges him with failure to file and puhlish his rep-)rts. Attempt to Hurry Kitchen Range Disastrous; Other Items of Lake County News Rex‘eptinm nrv now being given to the successful football players. but the prize winnmz students are mostâ€" ly sitting up in their rooms alone. [.aundereh' [)rv (leaners and UV Hixhland Park and libertnille H. l‘. Phones: 173-179 Lilwrtnille Phone HTâ€"R THE REHABLE LA['NI)RY SUt'IAL At'TIVITY l! RELIABLE H TRY OUR sLE DAMP WASH SERVICE 25 Pounds for $1.25 ASK US ABOUT IT .\1 and DE?” h l n t1 GOVERNOR ENDORSES GIFT GRAIN DRIVE ('().\l_\ll'l"l‘l‘IES ORGANIZING (‘umpzlig‘n to Sel‘ure Food fur Bible Land Widows and Orphans to Start nthvr ~I.‘|lt'~ [n the starving nrphum :mi \Hdn\\'~ Hf thv Bihlv lamb. In a h-Hvr (he «:mnrnnr “run- In Frank 1 Mann M' Gilmnn. 111., [hp chairman Hf thn- lllmuis Agrlvdluurtul cum. mittm- of thv Nvar East vaivf. ho said tht (hv pitiuhlc mnditiun uf the \wmm1 and rhildn-n of the Near East is such that the grain campaign in this state would meet with success. “The Man of your committee to “The plan of your committee to suliuit donations of surplus grain in lllinnis tn fwd these starving pm»- plv has my hearty approval" wrote Gun-mar Small. "We, in this coun- try. know little of starvatiun, and we cannot easily realizv what it'mvuns [1) see women and children sufirring and dying for want of food. 211' 51111 12111 bring this terrible situation in the Near East \i\'idl_\ tn the attun- tiun of our people, I haw no doubt «1f a ready and gvnurous response by them tnlyuur appeal." Mr. 0. I). Cantor. formerly a mom- her (if tht‘ faculty 0f tht‘ Folk-g1- 0f Aurit'ulturo of thv University of Illiâ€" nois and more recently the farm ad- viser with the McLean (‘ounty Farm Bureau has been engaged by the Ag- ricultural ('ommittm- of the Near East Relivf M enlifit the intm‘OSt nf the farnlvrsxfiuroughnut the mm- in the gift gram campaign. “Practically all [hr elvvaturs will n-u-ive and lfl'dll this grain frw". said Mr. l‘ontt-r. “the mills will grind it for log than cost, the railmails will haul i tt tnhsaoonheofo-u mt haul it In th(‘ sealmrd fn-o of all casts and the NJ-zir Hint vaicf \Vlllt'l‘l ha> lwun incurpm'zitml by the l'nit- ml Stan-s ('unm‘uss will truiispurl and (listriliutz- {lu- fund. Knnwim: the furnwrs nf lllinui> :h‘ l «ln. l l»-â€" lik'Vc that thvy will L'H'U lilwrully In this Unusu" i‘nmmittu-s are he-mu all counties to ('onduvt campaign amum: farm: the lawns mush wmtrihu in}: Sl'“('i[('kl. months otl', The l’ubllv Library has pustwl a list of books and urticlrs to help youngr ossuyists. who will have to realize at once that 230 Words is not sufficient for a biography of Washingtotnewhy. the Tribune used twire that many in describing: the contest! Now. what must be done is to discuss a single phase of that great life and read to find out about that one Side of \Vashinzton. Take the titles of the books about Washington to be had at the Public Library. There are six called just "Life". these are by Bancroft. Hale. Irving; Lodge, Marshall, Wilson. Then we find. “Washington the Sol- dier." “George Washington. Farmer." “Youth of Washington," and “Seven ages of Washington." A few books contain short chapters on Washing- ton. of such as Amy Steed‘man's “When they were children.” A small volume “Pieces and plays for Wash- ington's Birthday" contains most. of the devotion inspired by the Father of his country. among his country- men. What a good starting point for an essay on “Washington and Pat- riotism." However. it is not to be supposed that a digest (if any one of these books will prove to be an essay. Alas. no! Bits must be gleaned from many books. and magazines. If you choose to wriu- on the childhood of Wash- ington. turn from “When they were (‘hildren" to Si. Nicholas' articles on Washinztun. and read “New Leaf ”mum: (‘I’H Jud frnm thr furmn-r.~ urn-{inn “1th [hum Soon iav'nn-r: nt rihuti |l Hut Ml ul- It‘I‘l-~t in (hr <58_\' t'HntINt. s fur mu- :rr midnight Hill "curly 51 urgnmzud 1n thv grain r,‘ whilv in i~vn.~ .‘u'v he- :lTIHI'Y'5 < Huinrswl "um and from Washington's Life", next take Halt-s "Life of Washington" and note the letters exchangvd between the buy and Richard Henry Lee; look nw-r chapter two of Wister's Sex'vn Agvs. and 50 on as far as you like. ' ‘1 " .__AL...LIu Agvs. and 50 on as an‘lrow Wilson': gin-s the best 519 Washington'.~ early Fkku's hi~turicul c Ih!‘\’l t k \1 HY‘KMHIIQ‘ mlttw .‘ {03! u n-x Thc- vnthusimni and Hih‘rt‘.~t dia- pluyvd by thaw young wunwn prom- isos 2m «tYivii-nt helpful addition to the other gruups of young Women who arr doing their share in making the Y. W. ('. A, an active potvnt in- fiuvnt'c in the community. The fol- lowing ufiicvrs wvrc riveted: Prvside-nt: Martha \Vt-tu-li \‘ict- Prc'sidcnt: Edith Ralph. Socrotary: Hrlen ('wisvri Treasurer: Mary Lvucr. The mvnibcrs of the program com. mittw are Mrs. Auit and Miss Bon- .\l('ll]l'i'l I‘plpphum' ‘1' {\H'HI} ,-\ runnw (m Social ('nmmium-z Mn. Sawh. Isu- bcllo Koch-r and Mrs. Auh‘ Serx'iu- (‘nmmittuw The Misses I’fistvr, Ingm-rsul, Ruusv. Mnrun and Toth. The bUSiness mwting was follow- ml with a social time and the serving of light refrt-shiiwnts. The Y. W. (X Al is always open. cum-r and friendly 10 all groups of young anvn whn will make use of thv opportunities nth-rod and whn will uphuld the principles for which t'm- assm‘iutinn stands. A must cordial wvlrunw is extend- ml In this nmv (-luh uf enthusiastic girls. TM] .1”! GRACE M. E. CHURCH )u-zu'mm' mu. >11 L'rrnl [‘le-nsun- H1 an The-y hm!- v\u-Hrnt numhv The Ladies Aid Society i! very active in getting ready for their bazaar and supper to take place Dec. H. Remember thv date. Full par- ticulars m-xt wwk. ThOSQ‘ “’vdncsda)‘ Waning mfl‘tings are growing in interest. Thou- who attend. and they are nut a few, seem much intt-rvsu‘d in the studies in the Gospel nf .Iuhn‘ , Near $7000 Mark. Entire Com munity Service Board Meets Next Monday Evening CONTINUE DRIVE UNTIL Ql'OTA [S REACHED At a meeting of the Community Service Drive Committee held last Monday evening at the Center it was announced thnt the Drive wu near- ing the $7000 mark, and it wu decid- ed to go right on with the Drive un- til the quota is reached. There are many yearly contributors who hnve not yet sent in their subscription Ind they are asked to send them in at once to the Community Center so that the Drive muy he ended. K1 Special attention is called to I meeting of the entire Board of Di- \lx l’hq- M Lin at I v n n a 5 3M! Y. W. (I .\. NOTES [h (-nml ‘erl'li n B’s“ H h-Im: “11'! M «lul ti [1‘ 1H \lulhvr‘I‘ Y" \H ( luh l’urmwl thn- Wiluhlumi I’m‘k 'hnngv In the number mei at the Y. W l' Mummy (-wmnx and 11). With u senicv mm- nf (ht prunnm-m J1 .'luh 1m rectors of Community Service on next Monday evening at 8:00 p. m.. at the Community Center. There are many matters to be disposed of at that time and a full attend-nee is required. nl'lh' pun-d mlmt ('G‘IVt‘t IN-rrfirH-ShH-Ms Ulrlr mmh- their initial awn-u )uu' undvr (hr din-Mum h-rt ('nnuwr and >21“): {ul number.» lhnn ('unn ”and“. [mm-«i mum-rm “ML thvlr Itulmn fnlkn Hum-H1 1» u gunarht :‘M‘My uni Ml. (‘urmn 1~ u du-vxdmi 'n-nnmg tn Hm HUNT {wuturr that \kzu ,,. nut-:1 “11> 1hr Mn)”; h n by n «MM. hmi Pawn .wt lu mun ml newrnwnmnn-nt by Mrs A R whu played fur Mus Hurdmg nmsl Jam-s, ‘ {h r'mnhrl “in mm Hf W:- |'\ ’l‘hv m-u mmflwr uf 1hr l,_\ 'v-um .‘nurw \nll hr gnvn I'm l‘Jth. at “huh Umr “buddy" Grnllwkvr'r S\\1>> Yqu-n. “1H lw [hr nttrmtmn .0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . Telephone 275. : Eagles“, Throat MOTOR EXPRESS SERVICE fl “PERT ' ----- [C All!) IAMAGE I normâ€"o lo 5 \qm Tht Franklin 0. Carter, I. D. 120 8.8“!!! St. Chi“!!! “hit h If you intend to do any- thing toward beautifying your grounds next year, now is the time to take the matter up with me. A phone call places me at your ser- .w.» 2--.; . 113 I p! 1 - i Li; 3.) « ‘ 1.37 kg H It Your! 0- n“ It. Cro- Eyes S‘fflch“ encd b! if?! 0"“ 399' all meihodi Tomi]- removed by Twilight Sleep. Gin” u) HIKVHH MI“ .I twin/tr no 6 n \l ur~ mu” E =1'Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllll Now ’3 the Time! BU TTERnIfGGSuMARGA RINES Tdophone 57 Highland Park Fuel Company Building Material 102 N. In St. mm um hm Icahn-33$ Finest Quality Home Dressed Poultry That we are doing such an enormom business this season? and you will find out when you order a suit or overcoat from us. We give you QUALITY and SERVICE. dollar for dollar. Verchant Tailors b North Sheridan Road MOLDANER HUMER 1 Coal Solvay Coke ANY bulbs have to stay in the ground thru the winter to bloom in the summer. Now is the time to plant them. @LAMJSCAPE GARDEN-2R {3' my ‘Jn m WE CAN ANSWER I'l‘ Trips Daily to all Points Between Waukegan and Chicago c. B. HANSEN, Prot'prietor Why Is It Shore Creame: TIUNK‘ AND IAGGAGE Burn-noon u: 685 Central Avenue Hi‘hhnd Park. mi Telephone 54 lllllllllllllllllfllllll {IIIHNHIIIIIIIIII‘ Knowll «rm hyt H 1 Chica 'l Tr; M Di» \V! tRk Mow Nme I}

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