.3 â€lendid side of the custom is « K we: people think of the H, of others. During moot yenr people go driving wad r own aï¬airs, never thinking of the welfare and the hnp- .J of others. But once a your, 11,3FChï¬5tmés comes along and tells 100k to quit thls self centered life, ‘0‘ think a bit on what they can do othel‘S- The world needs more of . lrit not less. ‘ @‘iving 5? ' 3' watches. Clocks and . M1qllkC‘GU-‘ “HM ronnirpd : Sewing Machmes Repaxred. Called : ' (or M Delivered. Highland Park 0 9 o O Wwwmxywww Palace Cash Market Watchmaker and Jeweler smea- Years at Schneider's 364 Central Avenue Greenslade Electric Shop Leaf Lard, bell shaped ........ 1: Choice Pot Roast, special ....... Brookï¬eld Fancy Brick Butter . . . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 386 Central Avenue THOR WASHERS APEX CLEANERS GEORGE G. ROCK, PHONES 1560-1561 533-! FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Jones’ famous Sausage Meat . . . Round Steak, from native beef . Choice Sirloin Steak ........... Porterhouse or Minute Steaks. Legs of Young Mutton. fancy. Bacon by the strip,4 4-6 lbs ..... Regular Hams, sugar cured†1 H \ERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 MZDAVE%STREET EVANSTOX.HJL 5‘ CHILTMEU 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE Waterhouse Ul OI Highland Plrk watches. clocks and r4 called repaired i lehvered ESTABLISHED 1854 About twenty-five members of the Boy's Community Club, attended 3 Boxing Tournament at Ft. Sheridan last Friday evening. The boys Club itself is active in the promotion of sports and at the present time are forming a basket ball team which will meet all comers in their Weight on the North Shore. The Dramatic section of the club is also at work on a boy’s play call- ed “Ding-aLing" which will be pro- duced at:an early date, in Highland Park. Every Wednesday night is “Boy's Club Night" and their parents and the public in general are invited to come to the Community ("enter and observe the work that is being done for the boys in Highland Park. The Community Center will he closed over the coming week end for repairs and renovation. The Center will be re-papered and ro-dccorated and win he put in gz-ne'ral order for the coming year. Amcricanizatiun classes at the Cum- munity (‘vnter air» now working on a (‘hristmas play which will be givâ€" e-n sumo time aruund the holidays. The play is called "A Vhri<tmas ('arnl" being an mluptutiun of Dick- ens Story by that name. Attentiun of the public is again called to the {art that there is still a srrvat deal uf unemployment in Highland Park and vvt-ry one must du their hit inward relieving the sit- uatinn. At the Community Center, we haw on tilv chauffeurs, gardem ers. general house workers, omks. hutlt-rs. (l'UL'h driven. paintvn. lziun- dry workwn :uul gi-ncrul labor. This is the scum-n of the year when (W'vl‘y- one is having their lawns ï¬xed anti \tnrm \\illil"\\> put up and if you nved any Work of that kind dom- pleasv cull Community ('cntcr :md wv will send 3'6u n rr-linlih- mun. Attentiun «If the pulilii' is «'nllml tn :1 Yuuni: “mph-K- l‘luy Night tn lw hvltl ut the (‘unimiinity \‘vntvr nn \\'.-(lni~sd;i_\‘ vn-ninu, lh-v. lith‘ zit \ p. m. ' All mvmlmx uf thk' Vummunity lio_\"~ clu‘n with their <i§tors and frlt‘llil> lll‘l’ invitwl tn cmnu and play guinw under tho'dirm'tinn of .\li.<~l Ziimru lllumcnfeld nf Niitionnl l'nm- niunity Svrviw. lnv.. <tatl'. Misr lllumrnfrll 1‘ an trxgwrt in run-2L tinnz-i‘. gliy fur young: nude and \ht zirsurcs the lmy< and girls at :ir Tl‘n‘ I‘quH‘L' (hut tht' WU.“ purrnts :u'munpxmymg Lln‘u unnuu. and playing: wuh them. Dam-mg um !‘rf'x‘v<hnlvnt:< will be the order Hf the- vwnim: after the mum-x (‘nmmunity Buy 5 Gym classes held an Saturday murning at the High Schml un- prm‘ing: tn be quite suc- cv<>fu1. The \‘lassv< are \Vrll attend- ed and are prm'ing tn be of .1 great deal of “malt to thy physit-ul lives of thv buys. Attentinn 1s cu lht‘ yuungvr buy< building bcfnrv § COMMUNITY SERVICE ‘3. and thc')‘ way until Buys frum tyn t0 1 vumv at ‘J a. m. and h 124 should (-nmv at 10:] are frev In all buys 124 should (-nmv in are free In all Shields Township 533-533 Central Ave. FOR 67 YEARS PHONE EVANSTON PHONE RANDOLPH 1346 x Mgr. J C x is called tn the (ad that " lmy< should not enter (hv 'fnrv nine in_the murning hould remain in the hull- thv dirm'tnr appears. »m tyn tn thirteen should a. m: and boys frnm H to nmv at 10:13 The clussw 1- -.l] huV“ of l’t‘t’x‘ï¬cld- 1- HT thy «\whim: “'11! he g-nb of the rhi'uh‘vn an- nwnwzmy them and (ml-u- } w'.‘ thv games. A grunt new» domnds upnn I)“ unpunying thvir childn-n \nth them. Dam-mg and will be the Hl‘dt‘r Hf the' ‘r thv mum->2 \leYIK an vxwrt 1n run-2L young: nude and \ht' up and girls uf :m ninrk untm'tuinnwm‘ :' thv Vommunity their <i§tors and tn mum and play dirm'tiun of .\H.<~l nf NAtionnl l'nm- 11".. <taï¬'. .‘1'.\'.~ Ining will be rhi'uh‘vn an- cm and (uln- u-xy ‘\ CIT?“ . .296 .25c .29c .35c . .25c 2.5c 271/2c 13l/éc .15c 48c HS) 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m. Trinity Church School. . 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion and ‘Sermon (1st Sunday), Morning ‘Prayer and Sermon (remaining Sun-i ; days). 3 5:00 p. m. Vespers. l ; The Rev. Leonard c. Wolcott will: lbe advanced to the secred Priesthoodi ’by the Rt. Rev. Sheldon M. Griswold} ,D.D., Suï¬ragan Bishop of Chicago.l ‘in the (‘hurch of Atonement, Ken- more and Ardmore. Chicago. oni :Thursduy. Dec. 15. at 10:30 a, m. ; i The (‘hurch of ()ur Saviour invites: this congregation of this church t0! witness the pageant “The Battle of: Armegeddon". to he gin-n in theï¬ church. 530 Fullerton Parkway, (‘hi-1 cago, Wednesday evening, Dee l-I.i The pageant is written about the lifef and experiences of Bishop Tuttle.t who Will be present himself and upâ€"‘ pear in the last episode. The Rev. P. C. Wolcott. D.D., Rector The Rev. Walter (3. 3mm, Assistant Minister Services Sundaysâ€" At the faculty meeting on WedU nesday November 31), it was decided‘, by a majnrity vote of the teachers to clwse school for the Christmas holi- days nn Friday, December ‘23. The \‘(vtv was taken after a discussion following 1: request by the grammar school to cummenn- the holidays un Wednesday. December 2l, and to open them on Wednesday, January 4. The teachers felt that these two half \n-vks. preceding and l'nlluulng the tww weeks' vacation. wuuld be largely wasted; besides there would nut he time to prepare for the ('hrist- mm nlm’. unles.‘ the play could he nut 1w timz- tn propan- mus play. unles: the an as lutv as thv -ard. mus p as Into palm} ha \x'nrk wus zmd oral an are #01118 0 Thrift ‘11 H1 “lUlliil‘. Tht‘ I)\‘\‘rï¬\'i(i Sammy Bank be rourgnnizvd in the near futu‘ Home Session day the (‘nunc addressvd their particular Sow making a plea for scholarship. Hun- you pin-dun! tn buy an nun]? Have yuu paid fur your mml'.‘ "Beth-r late than nvver" nunl‘.’ Haw _\'1Iu pa nual'.’ "Beth-r late 1 "Eventually why 11m The ' third meeting (‘luh tmk plan- a \n The Mihjm't fur 1h!- “Frum'o's Gn-ut Mvn speechef wvrv "1A leram1"b\ ('nnstz “Artistidv Briand". ther; “(wner :11 PM ui by. and "Lunn Bnu Rogers. 'u’u . ..’ . 1"1‘1‘] n ..... Editor-in-chief, Paul B] As<istant Editors, RA (‘hristmas \mrk is bein all the classes in Elm P}: Inn-1y (‘hristmns carols an hearsvd for uur ('hristmn: The 81h grmlv lmys and busy with thz- annual Chm: mas >turu-s. Inv) nu“ V TOO!“ and windnws vrry nicely with Christmas nrnumvnlx‘. They hzn‘v made a model of Suntu ('lzms in 1h- sand tnhln. Thvy, also. made A mndc-l of him gning duwn (hr chimm-y in the doll house thry haw in their The lA's nrq- making: Fhrist- of clay. Somv of (hem are very inn-resting. Mi<s Floishchauer's pupils dyvd clmh. They, too. are making (‘hriflmas presents. The girls are making doll ‘ 77â€".1 mm huvs an- mak- room. mas presents nut lllh‘iltiwn bed spn-ads. and ing marble bags. arv making (‘hrir [‘L' J15 They, too, uu- ..........z, The girls are making doll l the buys arr mak- Joncs' lA's presents. bed spn-ads. am ing marble bags. Miss arv making (‘hristmas posh-rs. The 78's rvceiu-d the prize of um dullars fur huvim.y ihc- lung-:1 lli'r- continue of mothwrs 2n the last I’ T. Al nit-fling. They flil\\‘ lhi' mum-y [u the library fund. A Highland l’ui‘k man lrwught some ï¬nv sugar mm din-rt from in Louisiana plantation. .\li,~< Quin-j.- told About it (n (lu- nature A t'l;l><t‘~ l mu. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Georg" 1‘" dvrwvm an n last wm-k. \ bat-k mm us 1K hzn' i' ('hrhlm‘h‘ ‘33. Th!“ K‘ H and r: (art um: hmm‘n. w rvlnr} “f ‘ 2| _\k‘dr \HH idatun‘. The 18's ELM PLACE SCHOOL '1' hr ‘.\>an. Saving within th‘ me’ Studt-nh m Wiw lnvmtnu-nt: Thrif‘y mm; of Thrift in thu u» timc. VHF" i Thrift Hf Advuntum wwk the annua1 Thrift (‘am- has hwn in prum‘ws The ms curried nn by the English , It L‘un~1~tm1 of distussiuns 211 and writtvn thvmm. â€er (If (11" tnpxw: Mu} \\ .111 1n .\ .‘xmwn UH} n‘w vatutiun n 'w ('hriï¬mah’ p Thuh‘duy ufu punk-d in th- rr thz- huh-m “111 be >ung (v n -.~Irnu‘.1 “1“. «‘1 :9 “(Thu 1 an upt-r .,-k_ \Vt‘ gun'rnvl 'Brmnd' m Mimn-d \\ vrul Pvt uin" John (] [mun Buurfmiilj", I} I 1 {hr an v a \n-vk ugu \x‘ Yhn- mwm AI MW) of Tm IH ('nnstzmcv CHURCH 'm n !~‘1|~'A Szn'mp‘ Bank win huymL’ HR! “(‘flhh. vf Sl’curing a N1\'\' and Klrb un- 111211 (hrxatmns pin). \nnrkmg «>11 1hr1<t- hc}. (iunmtul (ht- :5 \rr} nicely wlth 1111(~'.Th1\ huw 81mm (Inns in ihc 111111111 :1 mndc-l wn (hr «himmx in :h1yh11w in their un- making 1 1111‘:- (1! (111}. \Vmw of ir1turvsting..\11<s upils (13M dmh making (hriflmas irls are making 110111 1 the buys an- mak- . Miss Jonvs 12: stmas posh-rs. Vld the pnzo of MN) m: 1hc-I1rg1wt w râ€" ‘rs m the 1:15! I’ 'I gnu» Thv mum-x 81>“ my n11. 1111111 )rwught d1r1-rt {rum u .\h>< (IUHIM (hc- nature 1'1;1><1 ~ 2.11 \A 1111111! Inr .1;11«-1'1d111ti~ hr '1 ’1" n. Uâ€â€" M11171 hupq' “a “1.1 'x'ldml (1‘ (ULâ€"1‘ fur Yb- :1th on Fridzn' “01‘ 111» 11121} “1H 19 gn- 21(311n1n111.h1-«.32. (hr t‘H'hlh}! 1-f Xhu‘ m-ï¬l Hf mluhï¬. ung (le Fnduy , «‘L1\~4' iaY murn- \11‘. 11mm, 11f “h'hl: 11‘ 111131-15 ~‘1|~'A!"' I‘ . . .1†111141" . 14‘ " %z‘>1zy.“Mzamxmxm Y’i‘i i Th1 ' not mm' (h s and girls an 1 (‘hrxatmns play. rkmg nn 1‘hri<t- (im‘nrflh-d (ht- wry nicely with lx‘. Thvy have n... (‘lnus in ihc M mg H f lht‘ 'hurm-Ivr. f the nutw â€(1202' [W sidt‘nt Mil Williams Iutun-. ( (\unk‘ ilnr< . annvh‘ 1‘: ‘ r it hip at“; 6 an un- ~ _\nur unâ€" rwve'r' hUI nu h“ Frvnch _ 9 ï¬t? 3. Monday, tum. \"M‘ â€Lâ€- " Th0 ’ «322%. Order % .7‘ mil} future 'num'il 'hut % 'rvnch _ ' mduy, m \\'n~ w " 'I‘ho‘ : , 1 Mil- -" ! Hams; 1‘; (bud Hun h)!" ul mmunmmmmlmnmlmuam ï¬wm wmmwm :2: illlllllllllllllIlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIIHIlllllllI|||||llIll|IIIIIllIIIHIlIIIIIIIHIIHM ROBT. W. PHASE 125 North St. Johns Avenue, Highland Park Telephone Highland Park 388 For Christmas They will be made up when you want them October 1,1921, there was 5%, 117,000 more STUDE 139%! BAKER CARS in use fl" than there were on October -- 1,1919. Notwithstanding this large increase in number of Studebaker Cars in operation, our sales of REPAIR PARTS for the ï¬rst nine months of 1921 were 6% less than the same period in 1919. THIS PROVES CONCLUSIVELY that Studebaker Cars are standing up in service and keeping out of the repair shop. Buy a Studebaker and you will always be satisï¬ed with your investment. DEALERS AND SERVICE STATION a Studebaker AND IN .1 "X'MAFHPLI! t ANDY l ALL NORTH SHORE TOWNS FOR SALE PA HU-MLARH ruck Mi B’JLï¬ MM 92;"; EARL w. GSELL z LX‘N’IS 4‘1