PAGE TEN Special for __Christmas, Gift Suggestions We carry a complete li est prices on our goods at t where for $2.00. We are carrying the best brands of merchandise made â€"â€" ing no rent, and it is this arrangement that enables us to sel ne of general merchandise and sho he time people need them. When bu Felt slippers. sold everywhere tor «I‘L-MJ‘ our price . 92c Ladies' sweater coats, in all wool. up from $3.85 Silk hose, pure silk. Bear‘liraml, special 95c Wool hose, special the pair. up from $1.00 Heavy flannelette night. gowns 95c Bath robes, excellent value $6.85 Tricolette Waists, in all colors $4.45 Georgette Waists, in all colors $4.85 Lallics' Tuxedo sWeaters. in wool $5.45 Ladies' Tuxedo sweaters. in silk V$8A5 Toilet sets. in several styles. up from $3.25 Handkerchiefs. in gift boxes. three in a box V . . . .V . 50¢ and 75¢ Silk corset covers, up from $1.00 Wool sleveless dresses, in all colors. as! I: 125 N. St. Johns Ave. nu \1\r. Ev. vv Wool sleveless dresses, in all colors. regular $8.50 values, this sale Jersey blouses. in wool Silk gloves. all colors, pair Kid gloves, very good bargains, pr. Woolen gauntlet gloves. imported $2.00 values at .. quay Overshoes, 4-buck1e, black or brown $4.25 ()vershoes, 6-buckle, black or brown $4.85 Hundreds of other articles. which make val- uable and useful gifts, too numerous to mention in our limited space. are on sale at attractive prices. MEN H uuncu auullylyh on . -y. special. at ,.$1.25 Work boxes, up from . . $1.50 Silk and mercerized union suits $2.25 Hand bags in a large variety of CulOI‘S and designs; $6 values at V “$4.45 Sateen bloomers. in a variety of colors: $9.4m values at .. $1.29 Studebaker Car Dress shirts, special for Christmas, in a wide CHARLES GLASS, When buying rubber footwear, Every year we distribute free Touring Car ........................ -.‘$1755.00 Coupe . ; ............................. $2640.00 Sedan ............................... $2745.00 Phone Highland Park 388 for demonstration 5. sold everywhere for $1.50 LADIES will make an appropriate Prices délivered at Highland Park: fl! MI 506 and 75¢ $1.00 Mom. 119 $5.45 $5.45 $1.25 5, pr. ..$2.85 A Special Six (Day or Evening) think of the famous Converse Brand which will outwear three pairs of to our patrons beautiful calendars -â€"â€" the ï¬nest calendars made. selection of patterns Silk shirts, of heavy silk colors and designs at Men's neckuear at 50c. Knit ties Kid gloves, the pair Sweater mats. in all 5!} from L'nion suits. cotton. ï¬ne L'nion suits. cotton. tine quality. $2.25 value at $1.75 Woolen unionsuits, from $3.45 to $6.45 Socks, of heavy Wool, sold everywhere for 75c and $1; our price . 49“ Silk socks. special for (‘hristmas 50c 75¢ lleavy flannel shirts $1.95 Woolen shirts, in all colors $3.45 Silk Mufflers. a variety of colors $2.45 Nightshirts, in heavy flannelette $1.85 Bathrobes, an excellent quality $8.45 Pajamas, heavy tlannel $3.45 Lunch boxes. with thermos l>ottle included. at $3.85 ()vercoats, all wool, with or without fur col- lars at $17.5M28.50 Heavy blue serge suits. special for Christ- mas. regular $35.00 value at , $28.50 Sheepskin coats . $11.75 Others at . $11.75 $15.45 Mackinaws of heavy wool. in all colors on ‘K at Sheepskin vests at ()vershoes, 1 buckle 4 buckle Converse brand at . $4.45 SHOESâ€"Men's high grade shoes, sold last year at $10.00 to $12.00 will be sold special for Christmas at , $5.85 These shoes are all solid leather and are in all styles. in brown and black. Handkerchiefs, Arrow brand. special for Christmas 10¢ .wvv-“flmuh in heavy flannelcttc de â€" goods made by nation to sell at prices lower than all styles and colors. at Highland Park HIGHLAND {2.5mm . $28.50 . $11.75 $11.75 $15.45 wool, in all colors $9.45 $4.25 $2.75 brand at -. $4.745 from which you can make a selecuun w m... 1g merchandise from our store you can purc pods made by nationally advertised concerns. c nrit‘pfl lower than elsewhere. 95¢~$L95 in a ï¬ne varigty 0f $5.45 $7.50 75c, $1 $1.25 75¢ $1.00 $2.85 $3.45 $1.25 m.310.45 PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND Umbrellas, up from Ram (hats. up from Jersey sweaters Sweaters in all kinds and styles, in all Woul. all colors. up from $3.25 Gingham dresses, from ages 2 to 6 $1.50 Gingham dresses. from ages 6 to 14 $1.85 Stm‘kings. Bear brand. in all sizes and eul- nrs, special, the pair 25¢ Felt slippers. leather soles, pair $1.39 Bloomers, sateen, from , 50¢ tn $1.29 Tam o'shanters, in all Colors $1.39 Fleischers' yarn, all eolurs, large hanks 69¢ \leen gauntlet gloves. pair $1.25 Work boxes. up from $1.50 Mindy blouses from $1.25 to $5.45 Toilet sets. large seleetiuns up from $2.00 Mirrors, up from 250: Ivory manicuring sets, up from 503‘ Flannel nightguwns. each 50¢ ()vershnes. 6 huekle, pair $3.85 (‘hildren's 5 buckle (wershoes $3.45 Suits. in all Wool, with latest styles. special Mackinaw mats. in all at Overt-oats. latest styles Blouses at Bnys' caps, up from SHOESâ€"all solid leather sizes from 812m 11 sizes from 11": to 2 sizes from 212m 6 Boots. up from ()wrshnes. 4 buckle, (‘nn at (‘hrixtmu Party The Annual (‘hristmns purty {or the juniors of the Y. W. (‘. A. will he held Monday evening, Dec. 19th, at 7:30 p. m. in the gymnasium The invitation is the name Is in other years. All the Girl Reserves, with the members of the dancing classes and their mothers are cordial- ly invited to enjoy the tree and candy. The dancing classes will be held the snme as usual this week, reg-rdleu of the Christmas Party. Be Square (‘lub Monday evening Min Marion Mose- ley gave a most interesting talk be- fore the Be Square (‘luh on “(‘our- tesy". The program committee chose their own subject and Miss Moseley hand. led it in her nwn original charming maner. She lirnught in many ex; perienees that demonstrated her point that courtesy i.- unly another name for kindness to one unother. The whole day can he spoiled or gladdened by the spirit in which we greet each nther. A little thought- fulness here and there will [to a long way toward making wim- people happy and each has it in their pow- er to xpread sunshine as the dnyx go by. v. qu‘ ‘rected by Miss BlumenIt-ld of the National (‘ummumty Service rtnfl. A short program of song! was mvrn by Dino ('orina. (‘harles Tinglr. and others. Thu was {ol‘lowed by dnnc- ing, the music being furniahn-d by the 'Young Men! club orchvstrn The party was also In thr nnture of a ’house wnrming n.- this is the ï¬rst ‘nflnir held in the (k-nu’r since the renovating and rrde-(‘nrating w“ mm- make a selection to suit every our store you can purchase t1 These talks to diï¬erent club.- will be held throughout the winter and are under the direction of the Educ:- tional committee of the Y. W. (L A. Board Light refreshment:- nnd a [mud time follhwed. Girl Rmrve Supper Thursday «wning (hi (iirl Re- serves sue a supper it six-thirty in the mmnuium planning their ( hrist- mli\’ltl(\. The mmmunily play night hrld It the (‘ummumty Cenu'r lust Wednes- day evening under the luflplCH of (he (‘ommunny Boys club was A very The girls prepared 0w auppt‘r which shuwod a zrvat deal 0! vulin- nry skill on Iht‘ll’ part as wu-ll as good healthy awn-Utes. PLAY NIGHT OBSERVED AT CENTER WEDNESDAY plenum a-nd enjoy-hie occasion. A program u! games. ï¬n! {or the boy! and girlx.‘ and ‘hen for 0w older folks was flu- {euure of the ï¬n! part of the program. The games were di- rected by Miss BlumenIt-ld of the National (‘ummumty Service an“. A short program of song! was mvrn Y. W. C. A. NOTES PARK. ILLINOIS buckle. (‘nnvorse brand GIRLS BOYS Wm .1 various colon}, 2 pair pants. in the fur Xmas $9.25 any other $1.95 $2.85 153-45 50c to We are buying 0“? in all won]. Notice is hereby given that public{ hvnrinx will be held in the Council (‘hamber in the (‘ity Hall in the Ci‘y: of Highland Park, lllinoh. on Thurs-l dny, the 5th day of Jlnulry. 1922.. at 7:30 o'clock p. m., which said pub- . lic hearing will be conducud by the? undersigned, Highland Pnrk Zoning: Commission. upon its unutive report and proposed zoning ordinnnce here-‘ ufu'r mentioned. Said undersigned zoning commis- sion was duly authorized and estab- lished by ordinance duly passed and by the appointment of the member! thereof by the Mayor and duly conâ€" ï¬rmed by the Council of the (‘ity of Highland Park on September 10th. 1921. to investigate and make recommendations concerning the nih- ject matter of a proposed ordinance under the authority and requiremente of an Act of the General Assembly of the saw of Illinois. entitled. "An Act to confer certain additional pov- erii upon city councils in citiea and presidents and board!‘ of trusts" in villages and incorporated (“Vulcan- cerning budding: and strut-tum. the intensity of une of lot areas. the classification of trades. industries. building: and ximctum, With respect to location and regulation, the crea- tion of districts of diï¬crent classes. and the establishment of regulations and reatrictiona applicable thereto." approved June 23. 1921. and to call. hold. conduct. adjourn and reconvene public hearings for the purpose of affording an opportunity to all perâ€" sons interested within the City of Highland Park, to be heard in rela- tion then-to Thv Mid zumng n-mmiuiun has prepared I te-nutn‘v report and I pro. pun-d tuning unhnanrr fur the «Min- (‘It)' 0! Highl-nd Park, comm: of which ordinnm-r WIN 1* accessible for c-xlnnn-tiun by mun-111m! punws m the Mice of the (My (Work of said (‘ny uf Highland Park. ARTHl'R G. BROWN, W. (T SHIPNES. MRS‘ 0. L. OLESEN. MRS. FRANK R. (‘A1N. (EEO R. JONES, Zoning Commission. huh-d at Highland Pnrk. thuin. â€up 13!}. day of Dmmhvr A. 1).. 1921 42-43-44 = 01 It. Join- Ave... ; : IIOILAID rul ILLIlou : OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOIOOO0...... (‘ITY OI" HIGHLAND PARK NOTICE $7.45 $11. 45 0 $1. 00 $1. 25 $2.75 s4. 25 $2. 25 make. $3.85 DB. J._ 1L§HEDD Youth" 4 buckle overshoes Stockings. in cotton, all sizes in wool, all sizes Sweaters. up from We have in stock a large St‘ld‘lltixl u. mun- kets, in cotton at $1.45 $1.75 (‘ntton and wool blankets in check and plain colors, 3 very ï¬ne quality, $4.50 Values at ~ ' $2.94 (‘nmfurtvrx at $3.45 Quilt:~ in heavy sateen, of the ï¬nest grade; regular $8.50 value at $5.85 (‘utton felt mattresses. of the ï¬nest grade, with extra long ticking. in full or 3-4 size; sold at furniture stores for $12350 our price $8. Bed spreads up from $2.50 Bed shoots, 81x90 $1.45 We have a big variety of infants' wear, such as sweawrs, shoes, slippers. rubbers, nvershmï¬, hath robes, blankets and the knit ted woo] suits. corduroy suits, rompers, sleeping garmenm, bathrobes and woolen hose, Mnnets and numerous other articles. A full line always on hand. SEE ()L'R TOY DEPARTMENT BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Sleeping dolls, the ï¬nest in the market -â€" V '7“ up from Furniture Teddy Bears Hand Bags Telephone 1216 goods for three stores and pay, ., HOUSEHOLD stock a large 3919‘"Ai2â€,"f_l_’13_"_‘ INFANTS TOYS M usical Toys, Mechanicai Toys ianos $2.25 BUTTE Finest C [1 rs gift COT! gen H31