Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Jan 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Grand Opera \ You may hear it in your own living room by wireless telephone as loud as the ordinary Vic- trola. Sets are easy to operate and instruction will be given as long as needed. The possibilities for pleasure are unlimited. Besides the voices of our own Chicago Opera Company. you may attend a piano recital in Pittsburgh. a prize fight. or go to Church Sunday evenings. It is also possible to hear music from New York and New Jersey. An ideal Christmas gift for your home â€"â€" for further details and demonstration call High- land l’ark 237. If a"llllllllIIllllIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllIIHIIIHIIIIHIIHIWllfllllllHllllllIllllllIIlIIIIIHI; Building Material 'Exlllllll|IllIllIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIlillllllflllIIIllllllllllIIIHIHIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllIIHf Highland Padilla! COP}??? 102 W“ W North Shore Merchants Express (‘0. D N. Is! St. HERMAN DENZEL, President Telephone J. H. MORAN Highland Park. Ill. Um msmunz TO SELL MERYON ETCHINGS 335 Wllll | ’ r (we THE: HIGHLAND PARK Wrenn [nu-hluh \hlpnu-nh 1hr _\'var H (he l‘hivng \hl[\11\t'h(~ \\~‘!'v' [WHEN-dd (hr {UNI 1hr _\'var HI. u-rxum vnmmndmvs (he l‘hivngn and North Western Rt-ductmm run npprnxmmtrly fulluws: \Vhrut and {ruin prod! (Mum: “hm! rntw, )3. [WI u-m. ‘ | , A I UHI‘. l \tru“. ”h tis‘ that tht- ~ pnrtl rtulc dvhn tht'rl >Hh‘ «*-~:‘..~\m‘.}|11wh Dairy Ilrmhnl~ n at “)H uni ("m t' ~tutv ratw m" ~rt1unutr :1 ‘umun My >hipnu-nh " ESTABLISH (lunch Genius “ill (in To J( Memorial: The ‘ Menun Was \\ gram nm- run ‘IHUUIIH burlr) 1H!!!“ Ul‘t 'l‘u Juhn h Thrn' hzh 1,! vn Hau Hr ”1| ‘m-ul Lulu \h It: H‘ prmlw I~ (flung (rm; hny und lhvm Fl'ND A!" ‘U t“ “W 1“" ~:m\\n il‘ mm" and ‘n “115 wgl‘ux- -l'\ "l {'4‘ |\ HAYNES CARS muss. HIGHLAND PARK. ”it J\lt d hr U .( nr :1 lel' attvrl)‘ It hm ’Hy Hm" mm" m Uh- \u-st .unt} {arm- Mt-r 4);:er \a-hvs hrmnhng U1 I} u) h" l~ «hum 2U: “VHF T‘ prmhlt'ls‘ ll \I r’r HY llll Knm- In H' {MM nh-r of ILLINOIS AUTO EchIAIIcI-E 21 Bank Lane Open Sundays. Chiéfiéo North Shore and Mflyapkpg R. R Ii\‘vâ€"pussmmvr two-1 )zxssengor Hun} mssvng'w 1h I‘ve-1 )zxssvnm- {MIPPH' {Wuâ€"pus I'le-pus sM'vH-P \(‘VUH‘I’ assenger Station (‘H Highland Park Ticket Office 5 N. St. Johns Ave. Lake Izflectiz'e January Haynes 55 Six-Cylin Haynes When you step amount a North Shore Train the 1'esp<)nsihilit_\' for your safety. your comfort and, to a certain extent. the keep- ing of your appointments rests with the train-ere“: * It is essential that men upon whom so mneh Holidays and heninés until Mil-inch wheel base :h‘sellg'el‘ 'l‘um'ing' «enger 'l‘nm'isun' :semrel‘ Speeiul Speedster :seng‘el' [wimug‘hum mswnyer Sedan uhsene'e!‘ Suburban ()0!me Distributors and SM? 21-inch wheel base ’1} .11 rim! St-(iim 1' ('muwk 75 Six-Cylinder Models {HI stm Phone Te|ephune Lake forest 1134‘ nine. ‘z'ice Station Lake Forest, Illinois Highland Park 140 '1395 NH.) -09." ) 229;) ‘43).95 " ’ :) _,:). 2595 3).! >95 {395 SATI? In addi itel gm- 1‘ :m 3W- Hm 3m Nut gm Apr 55c Kin! 313.9508 navy $1.00 0 $1.50 I FRI all $1.50 all $1.50 $4M» ‘5“) Thi sav? {ere lect 1113 1'0 Su it

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