HOP [hr 4(1)an S15â€1\‘I.“ aner vwvm ()XB "vetk n Sunday: Honda» North Shore Trust Company WEDNESI) \x, H18. gut 3r #povo Admzwu Qihxren -‘ 0.. I From » u slur}- Nat. 1:! Huh. 3 V‘ daptr ’athe 1' ‘uxm '.m Jam-x 2m hint .3 Palace Cash Market GEORGE G. ROCK, Mgr. PHONES 1560-1561 533-535 Central Ave. J ones†Link Sausages ......... Legs of YOung Mutton ........ Round Steak, center cut ....... Beef Tongues, fresh or pickled Pork Shoulders, whole ........ Smoked Hams, half or whole . . . Fresh Pigs’ Feet ............. Leaf Lard, bell shaped ........ Bacon~ by the strip, 1-6 lbs. . . . . Choice Pot Roast ............. THE Ll’l'llJ-I MINISTER Valentines H'VERAL DIRECTORS FOR 68 YEARS 613 DAVIS STREET PHONE E\'.~\.\'5'I‘()A\'. ILL. EV’ANSTON 4-19 PHONE 'uncmm 161 N. MMHIGAX AVE. 1 RANDOLPH 1346 1347 Business is always good at the Palace. Why? We Cut the Prices. M General Checking, Deposit and :unms Nlr-Mhan i1 ("\I‘I'Y KICKS" Sheridan Road and Central Avenue '/. ,- (w ~ m Mdchv‘ (l'R'lWlN “We...†Luxe Theatre 15:13:: If“ Ayn“ Frnm .KSY‘A‘ u' d “W Commercial Business JORï¬Kï¬'KCOMPANY :On. dé-H Iapital and Surplus ll! $150,000 \\' A X' \\' Al I “it 'itl' 211M)†IA State Bank) 1n ESTABLISHED 1854 (Hy 5m p.m (.‘H 1 tax L. TN) DavM H‘S (‘hiMx'x-n um“ A farce mnn the play M I‘mhc wa FRIDAY. FEB Admissim‘ ('lmhirvn S.\'I‘l'l{l).\\‘ Admissu (‘hxhircn .\ Maxwvll Muck Sumwt: ( Muzim-o Hap-g that mannL'v- thv t‘harley Hui: the dances. My and 311$“ (‘urtvr De THE (GIRL I,\' THE Adults 23w; war {a undvr 1:1: lih'; war I; Bert Lyn-11 in TRIP TO PARA DISH" .mder -\«lults nhn'h“. 11Ҡ[0 [gm iy «ago sum r Stanislaus Strunm 7 I'Rvmmiy FEB “’1': Stationer Rumor I'rmiuvtinn 'umwly. "Thur Nix} Under m H he H \Kill' 30c \Vill \\' 7:30 p. war tax war In)»; a!' tax H H“ ll l‘ 1Q \Xl :m p.m I;|\‘ 3k {in 30 pm Mx lil‘w't TU!“ r .30 WOMAN'S CLUB EVENING MEETING GREAT SUCCESS Tm» yuung mvn of with-[y varymg (ah-nu (-nu-rtmnwi the husbands and frivnds of thv Highland Park Wu- mim's ('luh hut Tuvsduy vwnmg m 1hr lwtun- mum uf the Prvshytcrmn ('hurrh. Ralph Lou, whn nppcun-d at th« win! rum-ting nf the 03'an and \VnmnnK t‘lulvs m lhwmnlwr camo- {or :1 rum-um! hrnrmg on thv mxhtum drxnund wI- lhx- many whn wvn- Delightful Program Rendered Tuesday Evening in Presby- terian Lecture Room drxnund wI- lhx- many “'hn wvn- «'hurmmi “1th hh munnvr. hl" url. and hzx \vlm‘llnrh, 11ml I‘I'qllt‘>lt'ti un nmmrturmy for {hp mrn In shurv 1n thwn‘ [rln-Lnurv. upuin :lcnmnstruu-d his Mull!) [u vuptn‘ntv, Hu- sung hum.v wngs, ~hm'l MHHI“. light and hvavy numbcw. dlalt'l't and Italian wnh ulna} Lnnul purity and dIstimt q-nunâ€" vmtiun. ll. o-uq‘ythlm: hv did hv tank hls hvarrrx intu rumun-x and mudv xu-rwnul {Ho-rub Hf \‘m'h :mli vn-ry hls hvarrrx pq-rwnul {r \‘Ht' 1:: Mn- .\[r\ Hm lmnK :u'vnln 2| shut" um \‘nf' H‘. the uudienua .\[r\ lihmheth Heath supplied Mr Leu'x newummniumenh. \xhu'h i> uni); 2| shuri and deei~ive way of saying thev Wern- beautiful mid line in every \nn She has pluved many time>~ in I'm Highland Park gaiherimb and ahxny> \ch great >Ukt|>§v Alexander Hurfnrd appeared fur the ï¬rst time in Highland Park fur the seennd time in the States. in fact. He gives. impersonations With true dramatic ï¬re and instinct. His churâ€" nt'tei‘izatiuns of l'riul Heep. \Vilkins Mimiwher. Mr. Squeers and the rest were very tine. Mr. Harford is qunte ynung, gifted in n manner peculiarly hh‘ (mn and tnptund his audience entire in the furtl‘ of the thing: he dmm. In thnh‘ hefure m infurmnl ii gathering us he had Tuesday night and immediately I-<tnMi<h ntmnx- phen- \‘lliiit'n'lii tn Have the suhtle vhariicter (if Sidney (‘urtnn dearly and indeliMy is nu mini! 1H‘hievv- \\ith equzil ~ki11 and raw. It was k'it'lli' that he had 2| ‘I’ii‘kenK‘ uudi~ eme' m keen “m the untieiputinn and ~H i‘vzniy [ht i't‘\[)UH~i‘ [-v the Tim- "ll. :1! Lh'N'!‘ 1h“ >\ ln;mL'~ (GIRL SCOI'TS WILL GIVE l’l..\Y TOMORROW (;l\ E l'l..\l llLHUquru . Www "The l’lu) Room†to be l’resenl- G l' e e n S I a d 8 ed at Episcopal Parish House . By Troop ()ne EleCtrlc Shop Ann n_¥‘__. ‘___ ('hit-ugn um Mum lmw by mvmboh unu :u-t, play vn RnnnL" Miss (22“ (-r uf lh‘kllllfltlk'S n (-uzu'hm): thv play ’1“? n: . H PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH v v. v .5 fl «1... v o v v. w J o.no.¢o(.‘ ‘1‘ . v R o v u ‘0‘... ..;.. v w n . ‘9'. . 9. Q. + . ob. . v.ct. . o Re". }l;mk [Ht um um [uln‘ )Icasuu- uf thu Nam“ u! 11‘. I mi 1 h‘ri<t.' Mul'nin: warship :It 1] n'rln On Monday. FM. 13‘». Ihv tun-«tin: and ymhn- ~t'I‘ViH'S \Vumzm‘s Misdumn‘j‘ uninn \H at 2:30 at the hnmr nf Mn. Smith 191 Belle nwnm- '1 mun of the ufl‘uoh and mm “ill be presenn-d and the vlu u o v ....f. u v n u' ’ "' . . . .....;..i.. o f o 9 o ‘0 o v v o... . . .«n o â€ï¬‚it-01's will take Stvimxwtz. who 1< tiunal hmmi in .‘ spvuk. 1m mwrtinu un Monday, I‘M! ww «m zixtivlos fur thv ~ulea I will ‘nv sm‘vwi um} UH’ mm’ ZI- H juurnml vzu'ly in urdrr Thv \Vm‘tmir‘..~tm' Guild v 'I‘uwduv .lzm. 11.:1t 12:1“. at 1 w?- MYV, M‘nnk 11H. 11:â€- PM" On \lelw~«lu_\’ M‘ruing. I7», Mi» Marin“ Hzmlhnnn «ivpxu'tmcm of H-ligimh mlw Northwvstern university. will \‘i!)\{ n'clm'k ix: Ihv Twinn- NW “mi? Sw' t‘ullm‘ THE HIGHLAND Thq- nvxt mm n'k \Vnmun'k Hn Tuesday. \\'wlnvs<i:1_\' 11ml Thurs- A1112; of next \vvek thcn- will he a Pn-v hytvrizm vxpmitiun at tho Buona Mumn'inl (huh-h to which all I‘m-shy u-rium are invited. Thu minietrr wiH bv ulzul tn gin- any furthvr in- will }u- ulzui tn furnmtim «le-sin The Pump I’m will xm-‘t 5mm the P:ll'>‘h Ii1l"‘.\l 1m Thu 3â€"6 p. m 1“.me San-lay Discus of the Eye. liar. Sou Ind 'I'hroul. oniy Phone 23“ : WS‘QWN-W O‘D‘W' K°>@‘9*?'§©¢>ԤP AT "HME DR. CHARLES â€(HIRE ROBERTSUN .520 NH Sheridan Rand tulk Ul‘. lull HU-h mk FIN API‘OIN 1'.“ EN I Mu St'hflnl will mvot at 9:30. l' L. Smith will 1:ch (m il- tulk Ul‘. "Abraham Lim'nln." 1111 “U-Iv 4‘1““ will M' led by ...L- If.†nu thw tumng "Thy \\'ix llli'] u y Hr} \l SITH m., \\ Ih‘Uxu ('m; ark. 9 (mg uf thv Hmhlmnl Huh \\111 he MI th 11., “hr†311%. M. H. NH], 1â€! out nï¬'lH m itlmi le- Hathaway «t â€11* I) S, :H'Hmv, The rv- -r~' and mmmith-n and the vlmtinn uf pinto. Mi,“ Faye attached In the nut» (-w York ('ity, will uni [Hut E7 3. :EZEE ...;2.7..:::2: Tr 2.75.. h: 2:. T7 9: :12..i.::r‘ “:4555: 25:77 23:; 12:37.. 7.4 .32..,?:. Cm 3; PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS [WK I! uruLny, SA! ('H (iirl Tht h w l’HHHl vn in- Hwnnu" lsrwhn-rt‘ i! ï¬n Fulm annual â€f “w If Uh' SCUUK and u 11mm} I‘luy UH mm; hmm Hh‘t luu Ink II‘. fluid-ll rm DR. C. C. CHADWICK DENTIST Telephone 275 IIANI 1. nm Pr-H-I Save Money Unless you do. many opportunities will pass you by. for you are over- looking the most logical means of preparing your future. A saving account is a start in the right direction. In the steady accu- mulation of moneyâ€"in self respect acquiredâ€"will'you have your reward. We will help you make the start. The Bong of Saving. Dope-Mon J. I. mm. Come to Fell Bros. Shoe Shop : Receive the Greatest Values in Shoes and Hosiery We are in a position to give you the best of merchandise. for our footwear is made for us by America's foremost shoe manufacturers. Our makes. such as Queen Quality, Florsheim and Educator Shoes, are known all over as the best. You'll ï¬nd our prices very reasonable. TRADE AT HIGHLAND l’ARK’S LEADING SHOE SHOP Phone 456 Last Week of Our Semi-Annual Here's your opportunity to secure Hiéhlnnd Park's [int-st footwear aléreafly reduced prices Short lines all rcduud b Rasmussen Brothers 12 Nonh Shrridan Road. Highland Park. Ill. mayâ€; $3. 85 to $5 85 V: pqus $13 (I, FELL BROS. SMART SHOPS FOR ALI. "7, off on all Children's Shoes 509 Central Ave. Highland Park, Ill. c. I. cum Shop and PAGE SEVEN