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Highland Park Press (1912), 9 Mar 1922, p. 1

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I: first Stray? le SLY-R Fodern "hinerx ‘er .mv F. \Iur by ‘ IST\ Eiy kn tn High- (1 Park If Suib .07 h"! 1N SELL PROPERTY but \jnlden All mod. ~.-â€"~->~»~+->mm DA Y sz<em9n SCUI'TS I’mgr 1m: 0. Ralph in the 50168, 31.“) l( [V Laiz ”'1- 3.16. piQCe impr v- ‘0 he .un-nvled thé (king Aid. rk 7': DUI uv-‘xrk. :ne Girl F'Hbruary v"-t' 0m- u) Ark-Ck 8 d8 Baseball House use ‘ Highland Park’s team is newmnd “inexperienced, but its members enter {he contest with No things in their favor: first, they are good sportsmen himd will play the game for all it is '1 worth; and second. the entire lodge is ' " cking them by good attendance 5 and cunfidence in-their ability. fihe much coveted third rank banner. find on Friday evening, March 10. L‘I‘Highland Park and Highwood lodges €30 to Lake Forest to compete with {each other. The judges will attend .glboth contests and will announce their .. deciaion of the ranking of the four steams, according to the qualitypf the g’performances, titer all {our teams ‘ihnve competed. ) E‘CARRIES OFF HONORS AT PALM BEACH s‘NlGHTS 0F PYTHIAS .- BIG CONTEST IS ON i This evening, Thursday. thu- 31mm and Lake Forest Knightg of :Pythias lodges will come to Highland ‘quk to contest with each other for MéVE T0 RECLAIM 3mm MARSH LAND ”I {£11852}? 2 DKâ€"UN AGE CONTRACT LET (‘a‘znal to be Dug Thro‘ugh Val- : Iey West of This City: 9 Golf Courses Bene- fitted A 11w :1111l «1m- lmlf mile erip «1f nfl’rshland111thc-Sknkiv\allogfmml Fort Shtrnlun south [0 the (Utiunty “8*' will be rvclaimed this summerfl (@traut fur the construction of thej E§st Skukie Drainage canal was; aiarded Saturday at a meeting here: to; Nelson J. (1111-. of G'reneville. OJ. use bid fur uxrzu‘atinn was 10 3â€"4? :15 per cubic yard. J. L. Frye’ Lake Fares t “as. thv highest of the? {@rteen hidden. His bid was 39 34‘ cuts Ten of the bids were under 2‘ wants The 111c1wt1>fui bid was low- at thnn any that have been received iii this tummy. o-wn «luring prewar tfi'ncs. it 11:11 1t;1!1:1l lvy Atturnoy Mar-,1 t Baker. The drainage L'fllléll will he about 21ml nnv half miles lung. and ixmt MHJHNI yuhic yards of earth will have- {u ‘w cxmu'uzrd. awarding at; an e-stinmu‘ of Charles E. Russell, County supm-inu-ndeirt of highways and munty angina-t.- The ditch will almut sewn {wt Adm-p. eight feet de at the bottom. and-almut fnur- wen feet Wide at the top. '3 The d‘gzpnugv canal will transform gilt the swamp lzmil wust of this city 0 good ground, and will make good 8 land purchased same time ago for ) municipal gulf cuurs“. Golf clubs, §gure than anticipated, the tax pay- 3:3 will be given a substantial rebate from the amount specified. Tht rwiuimud ground will‘ be an fideai gardi n spot bee ause of the ric h- Hess 0f the hit‘m-itu unusued soil " [‘he expense «if cnmtructing the nail wiii he paid for by the owners f the prmpvrty hem-finial in ten an- ual installmentm The first install- ent is due now, and may be paid to reasurer Hart) Paul. Because the contract was let at a much Iuwer 1 , will lbs. lx- nefitted Exmoor, Bob I ink Old Elm and \‘oxthmoor each n'wn land that is no“ um marshy for ‘38. Elizabeth Sedgwick. 13 ,year old daughter of: Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sedgwick. 854 Sheridan road, won the primal girl’s swimming dnd diving contest last week at the Brenkers Casino, Palm Beach. Florida, accord- ing to information received by rela- tives. Many of the best girl swim- mers from all sections of the country participated in the contest. Miss Sodgwick's father is president of the Chicago Hardware Foundry at North Elizabeth Sedgwick of This City ' Wins Swimming Con- ‘ test in Florida - Chicago GARBAGE COLLECTOR FOR THE CITY OF HIGHWOOD The Business Men’s Association of Highwood is getting together with the Health Department. of, that city for the purpose of having a systemaâ€" tic collection of gurbage. 1 Lu xuu“.~-vu -- .w-7 v This important step has been neglected for years. Ind the business men redhe that in order to have a clean city. {me from disease; it is necessary to have a systematic coiled- tion of gum. therefore they are pushing this movement and hope for the co~operation of all the citizens of Highwood. ’ will Teams to Compete for B: ner. Tonight Here. Tomor- row at Lake Forest _ mR AMATIC READER ‘ ‘1 ; HERE MARCH 15th; I Selma Lenhart to Appear on Community Lyceum pourse Wednesday Evening Selma Lqenhalt noted dramatic reader, whu produces a complete play; in an evening. will appear here on' the nommunit) Lyceum course next! Wednesday evening; March 15.1 Special notice of season ticket holders is called to the change in date whichi was necessitated by the recent illness" of Miss Lenhart. { Miss Lenhart is an experienced en- tertainer with exceptional ability. In presenting an entire cast of widely different characters, Miss Lenhart hits the dignity necesaary for the heavier parts. and. at the same time. is sur- prisingly competent in simulating lighter (-haract’ers. ‘ Her presentation of “Erstwhile; Susan" has beenone of her most pop-7' ulal sucwsses It is the play whieh! she will present here on next Wed 1 nesday owning. Many critics whq§ have heard the platform' 3 most fum- uus monologists \enture the strong; assertion that she excells her contem-‘l poraries in the matter of difl'erentiâ€"‘ sting her characters.. The program will begin promptly at 8:15 p. m. Firemen. whether it be in the large city or small town. have duties that are genuinely public. If they succeed. it is taken as a matter of fact; if they fail, an avalanche of criticism is heaped upon them. Probably it should be so, but wouldn't it be well to think now and then, what the organization stands for? Suppose you were to go to bed tonight, knowmg that there was to be no'yfire protection. other than what you yourulf. could give: would it not be an evquing of unrest even tho no acciden had occurred heretofore? Keep thiin mind when you are asked to buy ticket to the Highwood firming ball to be held tomorrow evening in the Oak Terrace school Benefit Affair to be Given Fri- day Evening in Oak Terrace School Auditorium HIGHWOOD FIREMEN - GIVE DANCE TOMORROW It is the policy of the school board. not to permit any organization to use the school'auditorium unless it be for educational purposes. The fact that exception is made in fine case of the firemen prm es the estimate which i1 placed upuon that organization.’ The following prognm will be pre- sented at Pearl chum next week; Sunday» Tom Mix in his latest west- ern comedy “Chasing? the Moon:" Monday. Conway Tea e in “Shadows of the Sea " a romance of a soldier of fortune; Tuesday 1nd Wednesday, “The Conquering Power," 3 Rex ln- gnm production. dimmr of the “Four Horsemen of ”’9 Apocalfiisef , based on Balzac’s story “Eugenie Grandet. featuring Rudolph Valenâ€" tino, Alice Terry, Rnlph Lewis and Edwnni Connelly. Thursday, Charles Jones in "Pardon My Nerve;” Friday, Colleen Mooré, Rhlph Graves in “Come on Oven” Saturday, Charles Ray in his latest production, “R. S.-V. P." Matinee at. 2:30 Saturday. See.pro- gram on back page of this paper. NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM AT PEARL? THEATRE Tuesday and Wednesday. if‘The The local polic: rtment‘ has issued a ' to all those who have id their l92‘2 city \‘ehicl " s «declared that finesx‘will be levied ,; n deljnquents. DELINQUEN'is ARE WARNED BY POLICE Conqilering Power”. Sm Charles Bay in “RS."J’." ... tnAfitoN EDUtATdR Frail: D. Slutz Outlines Present Day Problems in ,iLecture A! Lincol/n Séhool Last »Week ‘PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION’ 'l‘hb galaxy of educators tllat illum- ined Chicago last week at the N. E. A. ebnvemiun drapped a meteor up- on Highland Purll‘. last Thursday eve- ning; or so felt the electrified audi- encemli Lincoln ‘achool as it listened to at: address by Frank I). Slutz of Dayton, Ohio. His subject was "Eduâ€" catitin and the Times." 1b the rapid adjustments that are gm Ih forward now. education has d. " he said in substances. Let me 'ilkeuh some of the new” demands up our S(h00li$ that the changed Tim 5 are calling for:«â€" l. o Amharity u!‘ Constancy. that must In! mm‘ with mun: science ‘1. no preparuuun W rightly ufed leisure lune, This speaker is the loading educat- urmt Moraine Park school, a few miles rum Dayton. The school‘has bvisweo two and: three hundred pupils and is' V? yedt‘s old._ It was con- wi‘yed ngd fnurided by practicai mén ofi affair” who Espired to place their own 50mm in a school environment wharo initiativfl and "vital orderli- ncfi. not Qead conformity" were the urgbr of (fig da‘t. and Mr. Slutz was A; LL- 4.:_‘_ A! “Tr. Sjuti deii‘fiered ahother flirting Map-95$ on the afternoon of the flame (12‘3" at Ravinial school. Its subject wag “Progressive Education.” I ""many‘projem up real “(center- ”$95 and would indicate an organiz- ed community rather than a school. Pd} Mic, there are in it- a bank, " (Continued on Page 7) Mrs. John Mooney, resid'ent of this city for the ”at thirtyaight years dined last Thursday afternoon at fourâ€" thirty o'clock “a the result of heart; tfimble. gShe was born November 29 1858 11mm of Aherlon, County Tippe- iris-y, Ireland and cdme to this county 1880 settling in Highland Pork. an June 4,1884 she was married to J§hn Mooney ,_.___.A LA!) _L CL Emil) SEWER} oi? ces were h 1d $unday at her home with burial N9rthflelé‘ cemetery. 9 Miss Gas eld Wu an aunt oLMim Emmam E alypds and Mrs. wn- {Jiam H. Tho ”[of ‘this city n to its Mead At the time of Tea” this school. he was serv- ing as superintendem of public schools infl’ueblo. Colorado. gFuneral senfices were held at St. 1 mes Church; Highwood, Sunday omiug at qleve‘n I thirty o’clock. 8] took pl 8 in Immaculate Con- upnon cemet y ' Mrs. Moone is $urvived by- her sband 'and/ one son, Alexander ooney, a gist,“ Mrs. Ellen Morris- -' r. Shit; calls the new ' Moraine P "k school a laboratory in,education. mas. JOHN : MOONEY PASSED AWAY. THURS. ,3 . :fâ€" \ theral Services Held Sunday at .81. James Church. Interment 2, St. Mary’s Cemetery . Miss Carol} ayears, onejof ‘Lsfilicinity, pus Wax-afield I. SHERIDAN ROAD JOB I “'1‘" nblic Heading Held Last Fri- day; (bunpil Doécidcs to Pre- pare Ngc’bssary Ordinance , y unit! a b ther. ”ohn Peters. Mrs. Moone was h member of the oma‘n‘a Cat ic Order of Foresters AKE MOVETOWARD ”it“ neceuury [iv the tendency to rodu'oe 1 working him”: of each day become of the mph! multip‘llcnfion ‘of. labor saving mil-us. (er 'phydcul «nation to insure main“ e h-rriflc uervu xcrnin of today. (tor knowledge? of neighborimr‘nnd other dom- ‘hat lmi functlo Inst at the prel- 1 time. u Jtp‘un and hing. rather thin ciem Guam- 1' Bnbylun. ' '1 "gr mchl ( film: with a view to cit- } nnhip. flu- \‘e breath of demm-ncy. maidentlon (3’ Spiriqul Signlfiuncieu and lqterpreu‘thns. ~ GHLAND AR ILLINOIS -7T1161'léDAY. MARCH 9, 1922 GIVES TALK HERE e stfield, as“ eight); the Met sculpts a! this ed a ay at urbane in at Friday morning; Ser- ORTHFIELD DIES CORPS AREA TOURNEY AT FORT NEXT WEEK The Sixth Corps Area champion- ship bouts that will determine the boxing and wrestling championships of the soldiers on the posts through- out the mid-West will be um 08‘ at For! Sheridan, March 13, 14. 15, 16, and 17‘. In this tourney will be re- presentatives from Fort Sheridan, (Temp Grant, Brady. Scott and Cha- nute Field. Marines from Great Lakes Naval Training station will also compete. MANY BOUTS SCHEDULED Men From Other Posts in Mid- West to Gather Here for ' Championship Conâ€"v tests, 161h-17th Capt. Albro and Sgt. Hale. who are arranging the meet, state that the winnem of these bouts virill meet with the Fifth and Third Corps Area, and the winners of these. meets then go to New York City to fight for the army championship in Madison Square gaiden. During the last two months the soldiers lave been holding elimination meets at the -fort, and they have developed a. mighty corps of Sluggers. i i On the first day of the tourney there will be an even dozen bouts. The second day will he the prelim- inary for the wrestling and the bus- ketball tourney On the third day there will be six bouts; The fourth day the final wrestling und\buk¢t- ball games will be held; and on the last day the final boxing bouts that will determine the Corps Ar}: cham- pionship will he staged “The Life? of Christ in Religious Art," is the subject of the Lenten series of atereopticon locturee to be given at the Ebeneler church. corner Laurel and Second street, on Sunday evenings, at 7:30, beginning Inch 12. Special music in keepinmwith the Lenten season will be e' feeture of these services. It has eleo infringed to have a series of illuuntbd songs, some of which will he slid!!! ench Sunday night. ' ’ 1 Hitch 12â€"The Holy Le . .' March 19â€"â€"â€"The Ministry f Christ. March 26-â€"'I‘he Conspiracy ngeinst and Arms: of Jesus. April .‘2â€"â€"T’hc Triafl and Condemnv (ion of Jesus. ’ . April 9â€"The Cfucifixion of Oui- Lord. , April 16â€"1'1‘he Resurrection angi Aacealsion. , Frankie Prieakopp will ‘acrap 4t 120 pounds, Carney at 115, Ear) Mc- Cauley at 133, Jimmy Flynn at 149, and Jim Lacey in the heavyweight division All of these men are capablefinitt flingen. and will xive‘ any of the post men in the country in all classes. "v a food run. In wrestling the fort has Samansky and Sanday to hold' honors. Lieut. Samansky, conch of wrest- ling at Northwestern univerfity. will. coach‘thé fort boys for the bouts. He is champion of the Olympic games in the welterwaight division. Besides the“ regula- uthletie cur. hival there will be various h: 'other forms of entertainment during the tourney. Stereoptioon Lectures in k Giv- en Sunday Evgnlul. Spec- ial Hummus”! LENTEN SER ICES AT EBE ZER CHURCH FRANK P. HAWKINS '10 i ERECT NEW BUILDING Mr. Frank P‘. Hawkine'hu como‘ pieted plans for the'cofietmetim. at a one story building complain; three! émall stores to be emudgon’his prop} erty on St. Johns and? Laurel awe-.4 the building to be completed by 1,":an first. The Public Service Co.. bu {I y ready leased one of the room: for 1 display room. The. Store new oc+ cupied by George H. Keenan: heed leased to the North Siam cu cm: for a display room" Mr. Koonfeonf templates erecting : new sex-deg m4 tion and ‘salenoom, the button a! which wm prawn; humid-ed f1; A committee of Mines: Ind! of Highwood, consisting q! A. Chas. VGlm, J. 339”, Oil... George Frgemdn And Guy Vifi on John Liferguon, Genoa] P ” ,. gei agent of “10.6 3‘ N. W.' succeeded in built“ lb: more “ stop 41in at Highwud., This" that city a much ngede'd bath!" vice (o Chiuko. . next Week’s issue. HIGHWQOD 'm HAVE : (moan TRAINS mum The 'fort will have good fighters WOMAN’S CLUB HAS - zINTERESTING PROGRAM Mr. Jesse‘lx. Smith and: Mri. Arthur Byfidd are Heard ‘ in Joint Program It would be diflcult to image a moi‘é exquisite program than thnt listkned w by the Woman’s Club Tuesday afternoon, when Jesse L. Smith showeci his unusual lantern slides of the heron-bouts. Mrs. Arthur Byfield, with MR. Elizabeth Heath at. the piano,‘ established an wonderful art. ‘ Mr. Smith and Mrs. Byfield hive often been heard here (that is why so mlny were out Tue!!- da‘y to he“ them again) but they havie never ‘before been heard in a: joint prognm. Etch lent something intangible altho distinctly felt to the other and so both seer/tied better than ever before. Nee them in her songs, and hear her Ppngs in looking at item: Mrs. Ruth Wu paid tribute by Mrs. Byiield w’ho explained how she wfimn tho mmpaniment to a ongeswhich she had played but twice :nd mwhich Ind been mini-id; It~wu (fine of the essential ones in the pm and only proved whim the further p 1 were not neededâ€"w the musical albi Ity and understanding of the popular \oca! pianist and mom- 7 Mr. Smith is a poet snd a prophet, but he is so practicsband persuasive that if the real estate agents, the gait anchitects. as mtmtars and builders could But hut him his dmeun of a pmmed hndsqpe con~ {ginning to God’s idea could and would be a realization. He made his hearers feel keenly the utter descen- tion which proceeds every clay because at an unthinking 'cjvilization.’ The pictures were lovely ‘ with 8 ml soil-inn! benuty. presented with a foeling of reverence;- and received with an evident Appreciation which must have been gratifying to Mr. Smith. ‘ o ,Mrs, Byfield has smoke of tender beauty, pure velvet in qnslity..treâ€" mendous power and ‘a'rsngg to meet eyery requirement. Her diction is without {luvâ€"she tells the story of ,her.songs ss distinctly as speech it, self and ,her personality is most ap- pealing. She has the'chsrm which Mr. Barrie tells of in “What Every Woman ’Knows" when Msggie says “fit“ one has it nothing' else miners. and if one hasn’t it it doesn't matter what else one has.” Esch number ,of her groups was chosen with the purpose of fitting into the pictures 9n Mrs‘Snfith's curtain. One could Shields, meld nae-day am .2- the 1 high school building. Even- ‘eton 88.8. “30” Roéen-vo third in the 100 yeah. Ml took third in the 100 yards. beck stroke, md “ohm; old contestant won third m, (0 . free style. {Women took wand in the tency diving doubt. end {ewes _Sendwick_ r .â€" h In a_ mining meet between Evan- mp0 “on b behool 3nd Den-fidd- Wt- Shields, held mutiny nftemoon at Th! the 1 high school building. Even- I“ ,1 Mon 88.8. “30” Roien- not: to w thin! in the 100 yank. Ml tqok what: panist WFIELDJDSES Evmgon 'Hizh‘ Captures N ‘ [clown in 0|?th M” ; thy Aim Wnfifidfiat mos-mm.» stroke; Steak “other third for Doe in :1:- NW Most f the when of the ma:- ming u! are underdutmen. and Coach imam: expects tp develop a stronp team next yen. * .Lg MANu-‘Es'r INTEREST IN .cmzmsmp CLASSES me LAW at First Class “and”. Hold Four The- flat citimtixip elm, um the afiapkes of thn .Hig 1;vach Woman' :7 club was bold My. March 2nd, at the Community Center. In. Iauriec Lieber Conducted the ch53. Th'e uttgndance, and the it» temt n by 93m Finest Pm“! tint '3'.“ «'2 amine run-i feet the need of civic instruction. und are interested in Wing wrthy citi- um. Then will be I more of than M, hold com ve Thun- Watching: in lurch at the Com- munitx Cents. at to o'cl‘oek} MMmMflefi inc, The next mam my Ma The uhodhubeeupostpmdnn minti'l'hm damluchmnmthirwxo'clock. In: Spit!) will hgve plans at tbs md wjo Magnum“ a: lame!- mâ€" Mafmym§13fl mind-o: ishopoddw BLMPLACE 9.1: A. * ’ rm MEET MARCH 23 "z MonChsaes SWIMMING MEET "but out for commissioner nu, um ‘R‘fitjxem’ Ticket" vi nd Put opposed for min! the 0th it? Cent”. A. w. Venue; miltnnt I [acted the Em Eichlcr. uni-um s‘ CANDIDATES LINE UP” FOR PRIMARY EDIE NO ONE OPPOSES HENDEE Conlparatively Small Numbqr Competlpg This Year; T, J. : Stahl Withdraws in Ahl- ; stroni’s Favor -' The Lake county primary marathw is under way. An unqgually mall group of candidates got wny to"_a flying start at 5 o’clock last lunacy afternoon, the find hour for mu}; petitions. The primnry election date ~the end of the race in realityâ€"4| April 11. While the significant texture of the coming election will be the llck‘of, competition for two omcbs, the ab- sence of any serious Wk in the: republican nah, the nod will gm. red but for several and” be! day rolls around to to to ill! polls. 1 The democnts Hue concede! coun- ty control to the G. 0. P. Ind :ppgr-l emly did not figure it worth w to groom a ticket for the race. Not democrat has filed for 015%, means of courseflbat the wilmenis the primary will be tug eventual win ners. ’ How “my UL Uh A review of the list'mvenls the ‘ol loin'ng lineup: ’ . 2 County Judgevâ€"P. L. Persons for election. .; Probate Judge, a néw oflioe’ :- Charles B. Jack, Wsukegnn; Mum Decker, North Chicngo. 1nd Jame G. Wélch Waukegm. ' County Clerk-Lew Hendee for re election I ‘ County Treasurerâ€"In E. Pea Waukegan; Wilk’am J. Obee, 11" land Park. ' , Sheriffâ€"Ed Ahlstrom, ‘Wa Ind Elvin Grimm Wuhan. ; County Superintendent of Alice E. Smith. Lake Villa, md‘ '1“. Simpson, Wauke‘can, , Probate Clerk, a new ofl‘ceâ€"J‘ Bullock, Wuukegan. MARCH 17 DATE FOR " 7 ' me DAN Ire, many. Tickets have men I to the midenta a! this city and, blamed tint :11 will halo m gen in this enterprise. In as,” 4. TWO cmmmm no} 301m. column} Up to the pm?“ that is tion for only and“ Elfin my election to ‘be hid we :5 John Ember: and Funk Lain; M out for commissioner of _ HWM~W£G§1 Amman- St. Patrick’s Night 1 pupa-c of the, “ace I: new equipment Ruth: 3 s A, W. Venue; miltnnt s Em Eichkr. assistant 5 ' Angular-son, .derk and June. m iiiQo. “a had-e b not pied up”; It ism, wmnmmwr u. nppatendn nothing m the. mamas mm m 4: BENEFIT PHILANTM ition Airfl’m , The needs of our Inc-I Two 11;: Highland put Vim. Kave no W i_I_ Ebe- :nd flute will he no 1 (Continued on Pm 6) Two Encl- Una-w VOLUXE'IZ

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