{it mum. Dr. M n. hind. DENTISTS_ nun. L Hlahlnno Put Trust A Savmn Bunk Bldt “obi... .78 HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS Bub Bunk 3M1 DR. C. C. CHADWICK DENTIST Our Lemp‘orary quarters are smalln-but you will be paid fOr your Visit here- -the charming new merchandise- the at- tractive new prices-- are sure to interest you. Complete New StoCk in Every Department Chambray Rompers 65c Age< ‘2 to 6. vMade of good rcham- bray gingham. Belt. pocket and trimmed with white tape. ' 80c Men’s Silk Hose 69c Extra quality; 91,]: to 12; black. grey. brown. white and navy. 50c Men’s Lisle Hose 39c Wonderful quality in all colors; 9% to 12. 3 pair for $100 Phoenix Sex for Chil- dren 39c and 75c A complete assortment of sizes; roll tops. in cordovan, black and? white. Ladies’ Phoenix Hosiery Black, white and the new shades of silver, nude, biege. cordovan. : Hand Bags, Beads, Metal Girdles, Pins, Clasps, Boutonienes â€"- almost an endless variety of pretty new nov- elties. You must come and see them. The most complete line of these fa- mous silk and lisle hose We have ever shown. $1.20 $1.55 $2.10 Free Delivery New Novelties Telephone 75 ome See the New 3 pair for $2.00 Eklhld Put O... I... IOOOIOO. C... I TELEPBUNI: :51 : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ. Shendan Building. Highhnd Park rho-t H. P. 315 I1 St. John Anna. HIGHLAND PARK ILI DR. J._ _W_._§HEI)D DR.C. V. NICHOLS 'ozN’ns'r 05 NT [ST 36-in. Skinners Satin $2.75 yd.‘ ' A regulax: $3.95 (nullity: black only. Fast color, ï¬ne grade of percale â€"â€" ' Wilson Brothers’ make; 14 to 17. 40-in. Crepe de Chine $2. 00 yd. , 36-in. Beach Cloth 50c Black and navy blue. for dresses. ~ 36 inches wide; comics in wide range of new spring colors. 40-in. Canton Crepe s3.25 ‘ Men’s Shirts $1.65 Dainty pink and white for under- wear. Splendid quality at this price. Here's a fabric so scarce last year. A complete line of new spring shades. Curtain Scrilns 19c yd' 25c 6-01. Bottle ’ Peroxidel7c Regular quarter site 6-ounce bottle Katine suiting 75c yd. 36-inch curtain scrim; white ivory Bring us your Hemstitching Phone H. P. 110 lLl.l\tu|.~ Ilhnoi: Excellent 36-inch Linen Suiting, in full new acolor range. V . Tom Sawyer â€" guaranteed fast co|~ or; $1.25 and $1.60 blouses and shirts in ages 6 to 14. .1 Boys’ Blouses 95¢ Charming NoVelties in. Neckwear 50c to $1.95 Pretty callus and sets in Kim, organï¬y, 1m and combinations. to wear with the new spring dresses or suits. 9-4 Bleached Sheeting 69c yd. 9-4 soft blanched sheeting; a buy at this low price. Colored Crepe de Chine $2.25 $2.50 , 40 inches wide; in new spring col- Linen'Suiting $1.19 yd. mï¬iï¬iiim A. Helm.“ Lislefloae Ilium: owners of estates who nrrnnz-‘ eqi albums full of views of their castles 1 . and grounds. and it was from these ; ontlined and tinted'monoehromes thnt 1 'llurner and Girtin evolved the begin- angs of wnter color pnintihg. Today i i can hold its own with uny'nied-i ium. it is permanent and relinble; while a pnintinz in oil is bound to ‘ deteriorate because of the natural 1 chemical decomposition of the oil. It libs qnnlities of transparency and“ brilliancy which cannot be surpusded.l iIn the coming show the jury tori tire award of prizes' consists of the? following artists: John W. Norton,: Edmund s. Campbell, Willi-m Pu Welsh; and Frederick V. Poole. 'I‘lieli ptrizes to be given this year include; the Bernnfd A. Eckhart Prizé of Two; Hundred and may Dollars, the ML: liam H. Tulhill Prize of One Hun-' dred Dollnrs, and the Brown andv Bigeldw Prize of Five Hundred Dol-j lirs for a water color pinintingto be: purchased ‘fyr lthe Art Institute. This 1* Inst prize is Qu- largest ever oï¬ered: for water :color work in the country,i and in given by a ï¬rm of lithograph-t ers in St. Paul. Minnesota. ' : hkbmon which will open at the Chi- ago Art lnlt‘t‘ltn- April l6 will in- clude \uter édors‘ from Ergnch. English, Gen-mun, Ruuian, Japanese. Boheminn ï¬nd American â€tints. The show ii 0! especinl signiï¬cance 'be- use it isnn outgrowth of the inter t in water color painting whi§h ha n duracterintic of the put in: ndred years in the history of "t. fore the beginning of the 19th cen- t ry, wnter color plintinq u we know it; toduy did not, exist. A- certain type of tinted drawing wu invoguc In the list of English artists who will be represented nearly every nnme is internationally known. Englnndi's the mtive lmd of ‘wnter color pnint. ing and the art still flourishes more vigorously: there than in .any other country. Charles John Oollings’ spit-4 itual landmpes, in which even the most faded critic ï¬nds freshness and chum. Gerqld Moira’l powerful c01- or harmonies. W. Lee Hanke‘y's broad aénd conï¬dent brush-work. and Arthur Rickhlm'a fertile lmaï¬nation «all contribute 00 the beauty of the ex- hibition. Besides these there are ex. ample 'of {the work of Menard Rich- mond. W.,Ruuell Flint. J. Enrnght Moon: nnd Charle: MarKintosh. w wwmmmm Kai Nidisen is Daninh‘by birth And Take Satoiis Japlneoe. but both claim London as, their city of adoption md have co‘ntflibuted paintings-from that iddreo‘s. Among the German. the hestï¬nown'nunu are 9! Hana von Butch. [Min Corinth. and Hans von Blyecbe. 3The French'flist in made up of Inch name: 3: Men Simon. Andn SUM‘ 1nd L aneoia Aub- min. Nehtly every Mean water cplori'n oï¬ not: will Rimmed. o *3: AWM. CounLS' Superintendent of Schools is a candidate {of ,the Republican nom- ination for the me 03369 n the pri- mnry election, pril 11. 1922. Lut Mly the exhibit was trad {or the annual ‘eeting of the ll inoit Conncil of Pa tit-Teacher Assad.â€" tions held at lesburg. The pud- dent of the as' iation, Mrs. Young. vrote to Mr. S pson as follows: “I wish to expresd my appreciation of the photographi‘c exhibit you cent from Lake Counï¬y to' our arinunl mt- ing in Galesburlz. It Was one of the most interesting that was shownlnd war; so graphic; in its pictorial mes- sage that it excited much interest ï¬nd will. I am sure. pxert h wholesome in- fluence in theimpmvement in 'the physical conditibns and surroundings of many a schodl in the stalk." Lake County’ Rural School exhlbit was awarded be highest premium for the past 1w? years at the Illinois State Flir. ahoube,bn€ithkup certain flown of lovemLfl oodtomakeahomeoutd 1‘1. The 1‘;1¢h chewed! codwenrdsellingisahon; builder. Magma-11.5. UR maderful confec-i tions bring a lot of': joy into 'the Springtime. Where met you are going take a be of our candies with you. Ewryone likes the kind of ca y we mnke. Each mane! of eetness that we sell is a re 1 reason for com- ing here A tin. Thaw that. to â€dill are My reason I think S‘pn'ng tlw sweet- cu! "you. SIMPSON