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Highland Park Press (1912), 4 May 1922, p. 4

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pfica FOUR Ar two weeks and published as re- ired by law, was unanimously pted. V ’ECOMMENDATION OF THE i COUNCIL OF THE (‘ITY OF i_HIGIILAND PARK. LAKE COCK. TY. ILLINOIS. I'D THE MAYOR AND (’().\l)ll.\‘~ PSIONERS OF THE (‘l'l‘Y OF E, HIGHLAND PARK. LAKE (‘UL'N‘ i TY. ILLINOIS. IN ('OUNFll. AS» It Sl-ZMBLED: gentlenn-n: . i \Vk’ hen-with submit an nnhnanu- uvidins: that SHERIDAN ROAD, ttur nthvr with lands to hc (-nnulvmnwl art-for and cam-moms prmidtul erofni‘. in the city of Highland Park. alinnis. be improved. from and (‘nnv Melting “ith the pn-svnt k‘i‘lll‘l't‘ll' Haw-im-nt alum: thv t‘flSIt‘l‘ly lllit‘ nf ‘heridan Road as. extonilwl from (lu- ~'(.rth at the inu’rxc-(‘tinn \\'lUl (‘mlin‘ Vt'llut'. tn the South (‘nrpni'zih- limp Is of SilllI ('ity of Highland Park. in {finding thv street returns at ('mlar fivenuc. (,‘ary Avenue, Roger Williams ‘I Venue and Lambert Trev Avenuc. as :iar back as the street lines of said heridan Road extended. and the reet connections at the said South «)rpm‘ato Limits with the present wdwziy, by condemning the fullmu flu: (IQSK'I'IIX‘II lands: RACT I. All that part. of the S. “C ‘i of the ‘ . W. ‘4 of section 31. Fractmnai T. North. Range 13 8., of the 3d 1’. -I. described as follows: Beginnim: t the intersection of the Northeastern ' line of Sheridan Road with the 'orth line of Lot 4 of Carolyn. a sub- . ivision of part of S. W. ‘4. S. W. 1.. ~ ection 3!. Fractional T. 4:: .\'.. - nsre 13 East, 3rd P. M., as Tt‘COnll‘t in Book “H" of Plats. pain- ST: thence North 32’-44â€"‘~';' West along the Northeasterly line of Sheridan ad 33.3 feet to when: said line rns Northerly: thence North "2 21-L2' East on the East line of Sher- -itlan Road 68.5 feet; thence Souther- alonsz a curved line having a radius éf 217 feet. convex Southeastorly, n tfistanco of 97.3 feet to the said North line of Lot. 4; thence South 48" 31-‘4' West along the North lino of said Lot 4, 3.7 feet to the point of beginning. l“.’\k l -I ‘ ‘Also. that part of Lot 4 of ('arolyn. a subdivision of part of the S. W. ‘4 of the S. W. 56. of Section 31. Town- ship 43 North, Range 13 East of the 3d P. M.. as recorded in Book “H" of ‘Plats, page 57, described as follows: Beginning at 1: int on the North line of Sheridan and 33 feet North of the South line of Section 31. Frac- Jional Township 43 North. Range 13 East of the 3d P. 11.. and 109.3 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence West along the North '.line of Sheridan Road 91.2 feet to .where said line turn Northwesterly; thence North 32544-59 West along the Northeasterly line of Sheridan “Road 91.2 feet; thence Southeasterly along a curved line having a radius of 167 feet, convex Southeasterly a ‘di‘stan’ce of 167 feet to the point of be- ginning. é’I'RAC'l‘ 4. . .‘ ‘V,._.AL 1...]: 'l ALI a. n ; Also, that part of the North ‘2 of the N. W. K of the S. W. ‘4 of Sec- tion 31. Fractional Towuship 43 -. North. Range 13, East of the 3d I‘. ,s, 31., described as follows: Beginning at :53 point on the Westerly line of Sherâ€" idan Road as nov lnid out 216.5 feet orth of the intersection of said line "with the South line of North Lg. NorthWest 3‘, Southwest 56. Section 7:1, Fractional T. 43 North. Range 13 ,7,Enst of the 3d P. M. thence North 8’ 9545‘ East along said Westerly line e Sheridan Road 45.4 feet to where :3 said line turns Northwesterly; 'ithence North 109'-40' West along ;_;the' Westerly line of Sheridan Road “jag. now laid out 378.8 feet to a point 33 feet South of the North line of the '-Southwest ‘14 of Section 31; thence g West elong a line 33 feet South of nun» '4 u. m... _.. _ [Township 43 North, Range 13, East Of the 3d P. M, as. recorded in Book ”H" of Plats. page 57, described as 'follows: Beginning at the intersmn ,tion of the Northeasterly line of Sheri- dan Road with the North line of said Lot 4; thence South 32‘44-‘2' East ‘ n the Northeasterly line of Sheridan oad 35.2 feet; thence Northerly 910m: a curved line having a radius :9f 21? feet. convex Northwestoriy. a fiistance of 35.6 feet to the Said North fine of said Lot 4; thence S. 48)-:HJ.’ West on the said North line of said Lot 4. 3.7 feet to the point of heL'in- e following ordinance having been ented to the Council at its regu- meeting. Fridl , April 28, 1922. referred by ." Council to the 5 uncil as a Committee of the whole. .‘Thereupon the Council as a (‘ommit- of the whole recommended the ssag‘e of the ordinance. V A resolution directing that the or- hiance be filed for .public inspection II:|L I _. 1 Also. that part of Lot 4 of Carolyn. 4 subdivision of part of the South- j‘est ‘1 of thefi. W. ‘5’: of Section 31. " 1n 13..-; gnu-u. n '1 . Also, that part of the North half ’of the N. W. M of the S. W. ‘1; of :Section 31. Fmtioml Township 43 North. Range 13 East of the 3d P. M., ;described as follow: Beginning at ‘the intersection'of the West line of Sheridan Rand with the South line fof North #3, N. W. M. S. W. 1/3, Sec- .tion 31. Fractional T. 43 North. Range-13 East of the 3d P. M.. thence North 8°-45’ East on the Westerly 1ine of Sheridan Road as now laid out 216.5 feet; thence North 48°-02’ West 43.7 feet; thence South 0°-05' West :2432 feet to the point of beginning. .the last course being the West line {01 Sheridan Road South of the point {of beginning extended Northerly. “TRACT 5. - .. ‘V,AAL I A: him: hum 3 said line turns NoflnWeSleny, thence North 109'-40' West along} All that part of Lot 69. South 31.. described as 1 the’ Westeriy line of Sheridan Road ; Highland Addition to Highland Park. , at the intersection as now laid out 378.8 feet to a point! Illinois, as recorded in Book “A" of , ly line of Sheridol 33 feet South of the North line of the } Plats. page 101. described as follows: ‘ North line of Lot ‘ Southwest 14 of Section 31; thence i Beginning at a point 254 feet Northvdiviuion of part of West along a I'm 33 feet South offof the North line of Cary Avenue ex-fSection‘ 31. Free the'said North line of the Southwestitended. measured along the East line ‘ Ron e 13 Best. 3r 1,3 of said Section 31, 142.1 feet;iof Sheridan Road. thence Southeaster-l'in goat “H" of thence Southeuterly dong a curved i ly 85 feet to I point on the South line “hence North 32' line having I ndius of 167 feet" con- 10' Lot 69; thence Westerly 40 feet I the N heuterly vex Northensterly. n distance of 270.3?along said South line of Lot 69 to a ‘ Road I .3 feet tr feet; thence South 0'-05' West. 214.5‘point on the East line of Sheridan turns Northerly: 'feet. this course being the West linelRoad. thence Northerly along said ‘1‘ East on the 1-2 of Sheridan Road as locoted in thegfiast line 1 Sheridan Road 80 feet.Road 58.5 feet: South Mg, Northwest 1‘. Southwest L3,;to point of eginning. All in South- [along n curved 1i of said Section 31 extended Northervfeast 1... Section 25. Towmhip 48jof 217 feet. ConVl 1y: thence South 48'-02’ 'East 43.7iNorth, Range 12. East of the 3d P.'distance of 97.3 {e feet to the point of beginning. {51. ‘- line of Lot 4; the! TRACT " {TRACT ”- 'West don: the Ni V l "0 South 4. 3.7 feet to the . u A . ,: n:_,L! All that nnrt nf [fit I . Also. tin pm of Lot 4. of Birch and Willinms Edition of the North- east MLof 805902.363 Township 43 ILL- a.) n can v.. --, v , _ North, Range 12. But of the 3d P. 11., described ll follows: Beginning nt. 1 point 38 feet North of the South line of the Northeut 56. Section 36. Township 43 North. Bin 9 12. Eat of the 3d P. M., and 727 eet West of the Eat line of said Section 36. being the point where the North and East lines of Sheridan Road intersect; thence North along the East line of Sheridan Road 81 feet; thence South easterly along a curved line having a radius of 81.0 feet. convex Southwext- erly. a distance of 127.8 feet to I point on the North line of Sheridan Road; thence West along the North line of Sheridan Road; H feet to the point of beginning. TRACT 7 l\.\\ n ' AIS“. that par! of Lut 4. of Birch and William‘s I’urtitinn of the North- east H. uf Section 36. Township 43 Nurth. Range 12. East of the :hl P. Mt. described as fulluws Beginning at a point on the [Cast line of Shernlun Rom! 727 feet West uf the Hihl lune of Seetinn ma, Township 4?: Nnrth, {amu- l‘..’, East of the SM 1‘. )l.. and 23-7 feet North 0f the Snuth “Me of the Nurthezmt H of sand Seetiull Jill, being the pnint where the (‘Vl‘llllLf Kant hne uI' Sheridan ltmnl begins tn eurVe Westerly; then 0 Xurth on u llne purullel tn the East hne «If Hull. Settmn I'M, 4.30 feet tn the pmnt “here (he exi‘tnw Hus! line of Sheridan ltuzul again jnins the llllt' parallel te and 7157 feet West ml the 1"th line mt mill Section rill; thence .wutherl). .‘In‘\ln\' Smxtlm‘estex‘l‘.‘ :uul thenee Iv and .'._’A h-Ul “vs uf said Suction 22$; rumim: Sunthxn-sh Suutiwustrrly “Ion: linu of Sheridan Run plan: Q! beginning. Aisu. that part of Lot I, «if Las- kcr's Resuhiivision «if part of Soc- tiun 36. Township {3 North, Range 1‘}. East of iht' 2M 1“ 3L. and part uf Srctiun :11. Frai‘tiunui Tuwnship 431 an'th. “LIHKK‘ i3; Bust 01. the 1M 1’. M.. dosi-riiwii as follows Beginning at a point on the East line nf Sheridan Kund SH“ {00! South nf the Nurth line South 1:. Northeast. 1.. Section 36, Township 43 North. Range 13. East of the 3d P. .\I.. thence Nurthcasterly alum: a curved line having a radius of 624 fflt‘t. uchX Nui'thwvsti-rly u distance of 132 feet; thence North 12 10' East 7:3 feet to u puint un the existing East line of Shi-riiian Road; thi-nu- suuth\\'g-storly and southerly alum: the prim-m Eilfit him (if Shcri dan Road a distance of 210 feet to th- point 0f beginning. being that part of Lntl of Laski-r's ih--:xulxiivision of Part of Section 36. vanship 411 North Rama- 1:! East M" the 3d 1'. M.. and part of Sm-tiun 5H. Frui-tiunai Town- ship 43: North. Runny 1:; East of the TRAV'F K M 3d 1’. TRACT \l North line of said Lot 4. ”IK‘IXL'? South 48°-lil“;' West on said North line of Lot-L 29 {wt mort- or low (0 the point of beginning. TRACT 10. Beginning at a point on the South- west line of Sheridan Road 40 feet Northwest of the intersection of said line with the North lim- nf Lot 4. Carolyn Subdivision of part of South- west u. Southwest 1., Section :11, Fractional Township 4;; North. Range 13. East of the rid P. M. extended; thence South 123 -15~‘.’ Wat. 4:3 feet. thence South 32‘44â€"‘2' East, ‘20 feet, thence North 87-15-‘7’ East. 363% feet more or less tn the Southwest line of Sheridan Road. them-(- North 323444." West alung said lim- of Sheridan Road 70.2 feet morv or loss to the point of beginning. TRACT H. â€" ,-_ .. . L Irtliu I II. All that part of Lot 67. South Highland Addition to Highland Park, Illinois. as recorded in Book ‘_‘.~\" of Plats, page 101. described as follows: Beginning at a point 94 feet North of the North line of (‘ary Avenue. measured alum: the West line of Sheridan Road; thence North- erly along said West line of Sheridan Road 80 feet to the North line of OM 67. thence Northwesterly along said North line of Lot 6'." 303 feet, thence Southeasterly along. a straight. line 90 feet to point of beginning; All in Southeast ‘q. Section 25. Town- shixr)l 43 North. Range 12. East of the . M. 3d TRACT 12. Plats. Page 10], described as follows: Beginning at a point 384 feet North of the North line of Cary avenue, measured along the West line of Sher- idan Road. thence‘ Southorly along said Westerly line of Sheridan Road, 200 foot. to the South line of Lot 65. them-e Northwest along said South line of said Lot 65, 86 feet, thence Northerly along a straight line 202 feet. to point of beginning. All in Southeast *4. Section 25. Township 43 North, Range 12. East of the 3d 1‘. M. TRACT 13. ll‘tux I n . All that part of Lot 85, South Highland Addition to Highland Park. Illinois. as recorded in Book “A" of Plats. Page 101, dqscribed as follows: A ‘V. .4]. I uvl‘y . . .. All that art of Lot 70. South Highland A dition to Hi hlmd Park. Illinois, as recorded in k “A" of Plats. page 101. described as follow:: Beginning at a point 95 feet North of the North line of Cary Avenue Ex- tended. measured along the But line Ihrm'r ‘X‘lj.’ 2” Nu- pm ”l 464) ‘ ~l‘mu {inll 3' (‘Vl‘lill‘l begins [ht of Sheridln 'm an foot North .1qu n_i_d _ _t_ side _of_ 8350:1- ‘1"..- m... ___._ v.._V dun Road to North line of Lot 70. thence euterly lion: uki North line of hot 70. 40 fret. thence mum's-ur- ly 93 [at to point of beginning. All in southeast 5.. Section 26, Township 43 North. Remn- 12 En! of the 3d P. I III!‘ . .... All that part uf Lot. ‘ of Birch und Williams Partition of the Northeut ‘. of Sun-dun 36. Township ‘3 North. Range 12. Ha“! of the 3d P. M.. dcscrilml us fullnwn: Beginning at I point. on the East. line: of Sheridun Ruad. 727 {wt Wq-st of the East hm- nf Sectiun 36. Township 433 North, Range l‘.’ East of the 3d l'. 51.. and 41'." feet Nurth of the South lim- of the Nurlhvast H uf and Sutton 1H3, :hvnu- Northwutvrl)’ In a straight hnu 01-! (wt. tan a pumt thirty 13“) Hr! rust of u lmv 7‘27 {not Rust nf and pundit-I wtth the East line of sun! .L .. 1.. ,n THAN :5 hnu 01-! (wt. In a pumt thirty 13") Hr! rust of u lmv 7‘27 {not Ens! nf and purullcl With Me Hus! line of sun! Swtiun 1:"), thvnu- Nurthwwtrrly xn u .xhaught Inn» 1m: {m-t to NW Mun- said I-Iusu-rly lmr of Shvrnian Rumd. Hh-nm- Suuthrrl} Mun}: mud Huxtrri) line of Shvrnluu Ron-I along a hm- T‘lT I'm-1 \Vrsl of nnd purullvl With Hu- I‘ZIISY lllu: hf and Su'Hun 3"). H3 {01“ t.» tm- mm nf lwgnmmk; nnd that said SIu-ruinn llunai. murmur wnh 14mm {H h mndwmm-d thu-n-{ur and l-ufit‘lnvldh wnvulmi men-fol. m heri-ml-vl‘nn- tlvu'nhrd, ln- unwmml by purmg “uh u-mfurwll (‘Uhxn‘lr n twenty-four I‘lh {not mutiwuy. ox ' ‘ - , 7â€".1 i-aifl'ltichtb pinVided then-fol. ii: liei‘I-iiil-el'ori- cieu'iiln-d, ln- inipioxed liy pining “llll ieinfurced (‘Untn‘tk‘ ii twenty-four I‘lti {out roadway. ex rcpt at said street returns and mi street cninncctioiw where the proposed roadway paving shall be widened to {mini suitalile curved connectionn; nlr ~o except iicrim the bridge herein after provided for. when; said road wny shall lie paved With creosoted Wood llltl'k“; excavating and grading for the proposed paving. purkwuys. walks, and curb und gutter; excavat- ing for wing-walls. piers. nhutments. headwnlb iind culvert extensionsm earth tlllinx; draining; louveringr present cast iron water miiinii; mov-: ing and resetting present tire hy- drants; extending present culverts and Wing-walls; constructing rcin-' fllrccd "cuntilevermt walk" on both; nitles of present concrete arch bridge, including ornamental wrought ironh painted hand railing; constructing combined curl: and gutter; construct- ing head and wing-walls. except for: new bridge herein provided for; re-l cupping wing~walliu adjusting presentl manhole covers and present conch-tel walk approaches; constructing outlet. diains; constructing: concrete cum-l liined walk and protect'mn curbing at approaches to and pier culverts and concrete arch bridge; constructing' concrete guard [mi-ts; furnishing and! setting new HUI iron manhole co\'crs;' filling abandoned catch basins and closing outlets thereof; adjusting present pawment connections: ML, lusting the meter vault It the south corporate limits: preparing the sub- grmle to receive the proposed concrete paving and curb and gutter; curing.‘ ,protectim: und cleaning the proposed pavmg and curb and gutter: con- structing a new bridge of structural steel deck girder span with reinforcedl cnoerete slab and apprmches, with l‘t‘flthfly surt‘ute of creoiuited woodl blocks; supported iipim reinforced' concreto piers, nhutinentn and wing" walls with hand rniling of ornament-E 2.! iron on bridge and curved hailux- trade> of hri-k and cut Hone on bridge alprtiflt'lll'\. including (‘lndl'r filling; illuminated by clulters of eletu tric lights on ornamental irun stnndâ€"i ‘ards, including paintint of exposed ‘irunâ€"Work; removing the present ‘bridgc and all surplus materials u! all kinds. includim: all testing: ofi materials provided to be used in this. Vimpmvenient. engineering and super- ’ , » l â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Munonintinn I“ l-bor_ ‘nu: HIGHLAND mm nus. m Put. {TRACT 2. Also. (hut pun of Lot 4 0! Cum! {a subdivision “£9“ of the Son [west Ki of the S. . K of Section 81. t'I‘urvmship ‘3 North. 18. East Io!the3dl’.l..u inBook llll Il‘l‘clllx xu. \ "â€" vision during construction. all labor, materials and other expenses. nave». nry to mnstruct Mild propoaod im-1 provement. exclusn'e of the coat of; the land» taken and damaged. all in‘ the (‘ity of Highland Park. Lake‘ County, lllinois. together with an 09-1 tim . the mat of said improve~i nient. mixed to the extent that We‘ deem nocéswry. duly signed by the} President of the ('ouncil, and '9‘ recommend the pasaagw of said ordifi nance and the making of the ini- provoment contemplated therein. Respwtfully submitted. Samuel M. Hastings - Ward W. Williu l-Idw. G. Huber Frank L. ('heney Arthur G. Brown (‘ount‘il of the (‘ity of Highland Park. Dated at Highland Park thia 28th day of_April,. A. l). 1922‘ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING that SHERIDAN ROAD. together With land: to be condemned then-for and easements rovided therefor. in the ('ity of iighland Park. Illinois. be improved. from null connecting with the present concrctt- pavement along the euttrly line ot'nN‘heridan Road as extended from the North and the intenection with l‘odar Avenue. to the South (‘or- porate Limits of said (‘ity of High- land Park. including the street return: at (‘ednr Avenue. Cary Avenue. Roger Williams Avenue and Lambert Tree At‘enue. as far back aa the street lines of said Sheridan Road extended. and the street connections at the aid South ('orpornte' Limits with the pron-mt. roadway. by condemning the following dem'rihed lands: TRA(‘ 1. All t at part of the S. W. R of the S. W. of Section 31, Fractional T. 13 No h. Range 13 3.. of the 3d P. 31.. described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Northeaatpr- ly line of Sheridan Road with the North line of Lot 4 of Carolyn. a aub- diviuion of part of S. W. ‘5, S. W. is. Section 31. Fractional T. 43 N.. Ran e 13 East. 3rd P. M.. as recorded “in oak “H" bf Plata, Page 57; 1thence North 32'-«-H' “out along the N heuterly line of Sheridan Road 1 .3 feet to where said line turns Northorly; thence North 2‘-2| 11‘ East on the East line of Sheridan Road 58.5 feet: thence Southerly ,along a curved line having a radius jof 217 feet, convex Southmurly, a 'distance of 97.3 feet to the aaid North line of Lot 4; thence South ‘8'-31-%' .Weat along the North line of aid Lot 4. 3.7 feet to the point of beginning. J‘V' lhfll l ‘L "‘" Alla. that pnrt of Lot 4. of Burch nd- and William Partition of th: North. “’d'eut a. a! Season 36. Township «3 l"“‘North. Rlnflt 2. But of the 3d P. . ' :1 follow": Bearinnin of A at . point 33 ran North of the Son mum. of thv Northcut a. Section as. "'"Township ‘3 North. Range 12. But Mr . n! the 3d P. 31.. and 727 feet West of "'gthc But line of said Section 36. b0. m“;ing the point where the North and one.“ am. of Shel-kiln Road mm. m sea; thence North ulonxltho Rut line Ike“)! Sheridan Road 31‘ feet; thence "'ESoutheuu-rly lion: a curved line "P j having - ndius o 81.0 feet. convex "{Southwnterly, 1 distance of 127.3 ”'95!th to smut on the North line of '9 ; Sheridan d; thence West along the 3h- » North line of Sheridan Road; ax (m 'm‘ ‘tn the in of Winning. :TRAC 7. II .1 Al Iii-Al 3“!" d Ill-u, am 9!: .......,...... ,.... ._ of ”w .\. “I ‘. (if [ht S “‘ 'g (If ‘Sc-cliun 1H. l-‘rnrtumfl Tuwnnhl t3 Nurth. Range 13 East of the 3d . IL. described .9 {olluwlz Beginning at the mu-rm-(ion o! the West line of Shondan Road fit}: the South (line 'rRM‘T 4 igfin‘f‘vkent 43.7 feet; the-na- South 0305‘ West 243.2 feet to the point of ‘L_ beginning. the lat cnurw being the! West line of Sheridan Road South of] the point uf tut-grinning extendedl Nurthcrly. ' 1 TRAt‘T S. Ala-o. thut part of the North M of the N. W. ‘v. of the S. W. M of Sec- tion 31. l-‘roctional Township 48 North. Range 13. East of the 34 l’. 31.. described .3 follows: Bezinnin at I point on the Westerly line of 8 ed- dun Road u now luid out 216.5 feet North of the intersection of aid line with the South line of North ‘5. Northwest k. Southwnt la. Section 31. Faction-l T. ‘3 North. Range 13 lint of the 3d 1". M.. thence North 8‘-46' Rut along said Waterly line of Sheridnn Reed 45.‘ feet to where “id line turns Northwuterly; thence North 109'40’ Wat along the West» crly line of Sheridan Bond n now I.“ out STRfi feet to a point 3.1 feet South of the North line of the Southwest ‘4 of Section ill; thence West nlon: n line 33 feet South of the ”id North tion 81.H2.l feet; thence south» line of the Southwut'k of aid Sec- tion 31. ”2.1 feet: thence oouth easterly along a curved line huVin‘ ‘I rudius of 167 feet. oonvex North» easterly. I distance of 70.3 feet; thence South 0‘-05' Welt. 214.5 feet. “his (“t-unit- being the “'eit line of 'Shi-ridan Rmd u loo-ted In the South , A, .. . .1 Emu of the 841 P. IL. and of ISect'wn 3]. leionul Turning ‘8 fiNorth. Bulge 13 East of the 3d . IL. {described A: {ollowtz Be an!" A! in pom! on “to But. line Sheridan ,Road M0 feet South of the Noflh flim- Somh ‘1. Nor‘heu! M.‘ M‘on 36. Town-hip ‘3 North. Rang 12. marl a distance of 182 (at; thence 0rd! I!'-10' But 75 {on w .n point on an fitting But line a! ISh-fidnn Road: than: South“ UH! ('uullu‘ l7‘lll. ShA-ridan Rmd u loo-ted In the Soulh ‘1. Nonhwen H. SOUU‘IW”! k. (I! said Section 31 exunded Northerl)’; thence South 48"-02' East 63.? {wt to the point of beginning. TRAFT 6i Alla. that pnrt of Lol 4. of Birch and Williams Partition of Un- North- east 5'. of 80790136. Township ‘3 1 .L- 0.] D lflAl I Also. that par! of Lot 6. 0! Bird! nud “illum' I Pqniuon of the North on“. Tomhip ‘PS the Norman M of aid Section u. being {he in! where the editing Eu! line offs‘hendnn Ron! begin. curve Watt-fly; thence North on I line par-11d lo the Eu! line of “M Section 36. 450 feet to “it It when the existing Eu! “no of lur- idnn Rond ngnin join- the Hm paral- lel w And 72] {get You of the But It I in! on the Eu! line a Shet- idan old 727 feet West of the East line of Section 36, Township 68 New Rama- 12. En! u! the (M P. I" 235 in! North 0! the South line 0! the Norman! u o! uid Section u. 4L _ -_l_oé-. IQI w Inu u.- .w. u... v- -7” line of said Set-don 36; than! South- erly. curving Souuhmuriy thence South“!!! . don: the ex- isting Rut line of ‘ hefldan Rood no feet to the plum» o! bednnlnx. ' TRACT 8. Also. Lhn pan of Lot 1. of Lu ker's Resubdivision of part of Sec tion 36‘. Townnhjphw _Noflh, Raw 1 *1 __.‘ L ‘U‘I|-I" ' ., the 3d Ir. u~ warm at Seed». :1. Pmtiond Tatum?) ‘3 North. Ram 13, End of the 3d . H. mm 9. _ . x . . um"??? 34"" m' "4" 'c'inislyu Bub- dimion of put of South" South? 86. Sax-non 31 Fm Wax? “'8'on W ‘3.” with an Noni-uteri um mo! sharia-u uni-ah: 3:: :44 “an of Noni WW wwofm.m \.1\ I Alm,lhnt part of thr Noni: half . . n .. . , 15‘ n! the inurgccupn at!!! 'u' 257%" mManmE . Rd“! wwwmhu Irv." ------ n â€"~ ~ . want “no of Sheridan Road 40 feet Nonhvmt of the interaction of aid line with the North line of hm t. (‘Amlyn Subdivision of put of South- wul K. Southweu k, Seclion 3}. Friction-l Towmhip (3 North. Range 41:4. But of the 3d 1‘. BL. encoded; :1henm- South 12315-‘4' West, 45 feel, 'lhoncc Bomb III-“'5‘ East. 20 feet, jlhcm Nuflh 87‘-lb~\1' Hun, 366.8 .feol mm or Inn m the Southwa :line of Sheridan Rand. thence Nonh '.'i2‘-“-l1' We" along said line of ZShA-ridln Road 70.2 {Nl'morr or lens “0 the in! o! lwgmninm TRA( ll. ‘ . A "0 0A.”). 1....“ . , All that er! of Lot 69. South 'Highlnnd A dition to Hithlnnd Park. xlllinoie. u recorded in Book "A" o! :Plnu, page 10]. described an follows: aBetirm‘m I! a point 254 (1-1" Nonh o! the orth line of (‘ary Avenue Intended. measured along {he Belt him of Shem-n Road. thence South- |mum-fly 86 («A no a point on the iSouth ”hf 0! Lot 69; thence Westerly .40 feet dong Mid South line of Lot 69 to I point on ‘he But line of Sher- ’idln Rood. thence Norther! along finid Emu line of Sheridan 'd 80 .{eel to rain! 0! herinning. All in South“: k. Sedion 25. Township H8 North, Range 12. En! of the 3d 155\ I II. A" "II! art of Lot 67. South ihon to ll: hI-nd l’nrk, llltnoiu. u moi-dad in k "A" of Plat-r. pun 101, descrflyed u follow-z Baku“? at - potnt 94 foot North of thc on]: line of (‘Ary Avenue. mnwnd Al the Wat line 0! Sher- idnn Bond; 1 not Northerl' along nid Wat line of Sherid-n d m he! to tho North line of Lot 6'7. thence Northwestern along said North lint of Lot 67, 36 feet. thence Southmtcrly nlonx - straight line 90 feet to point of beginning; all in Soothe.“ is. Section 26. 1‘0me 68‘ North. Run" 12, East of the 3d . I. TRACT 12. AlLtht part of Lot 65. South Highland Addition to H hlnnd Park. Illinois. I: recorded in “A" of Plum. me 101. deathbed It follows: Borinnirg at I point 386 feet North of the 0rd: line of Cary Avenue, menurod ulong the West line of Sher» idnn Rood. thence Southerly Along paid Watedy line of Sheridnn Ron 1200 feet. lathe South line of Lot 65. TRA (‘T 14 Innx highland A million. u recorded Plan. page 101. All um‘sziry (.r 1.“: 70 South I tended. measured along the Eu! line of Sheridan Rand thence so {set North am said hm side of Sheri- dan Road to North line of Lot 70, thence utterly along ma North line of Lot 70. 60 feet. thence South- mterly 98 feet to point of begin- ning. All in Southeast ‘5. Section 25. Town-hip ‘3 North. Range 12 But of the 34 P. M. TRACT 15. Iflflvl In. All that of Lot 4 o! Birch and William "him of the Nonheut k’ of Section 38. Township 63 North. Ram 1!. Eu! of an M P. 14.. doucr‘ihod u foilovn: beginning at .- int on the Eu! line a! Sheridul d. 727 feet We“ .1 the Eat line of Section 86. Tmuhip «3 North. Range 12 En! of the M P. IL. and m foot km of the South line of the Norther! ‘q’ of said Section 36. thence Noflheutefly in a “night line OO'INQ. tout point thin! (80: _.-.A. nu -V. , _ foot can of a line 727 feet But of‘ and HQ! with the Eat line of aid ion 38. thence Norfllwuwly; In a straight line 100 {vet to the‘ flora-a“ Easterly line of Sheridan Road. thence Southurly along uid Easter! line of Sheridan Road al a line feet West of and par-alk- vith th- Eut HM of aid Section 38, ‘ 145 foot on the point 0! beginning; and flu! nah] Sheridan Road. together with lam: to be condemned therefor and mm. provided under, an “inflow deacflbed. be improved by paving with ninforcod comma a Nautylour 120 foot Way. ex‘: up! at said um! ”(13:1- and at‘ “not mmortinna where e roadway paving ahall be vi ed form suitable cunmd mnnocdom; al. AI l,.."... L-â€"‘--« to except urn-II the Drug! nan-In- sflrr mvidod for. when» said road- way ll hr pavrd with emanated wood Moth; urn-tin; and grading for the proposed paving. parkwnya, wullu. and curb Ind "1m; excu- “ting for win .wulh. Mon. chub mu. hudwul I and culvert aun- dom; firth filling: draining; lower- ing pmm cut iron wane: mains; In; bud and wing-wt“- except for m bridge herein (or; n- mwing-wnlln; «mun; proton! «wen uni pun!!! com-M1 wdk macho; con-tart!“ on» M (In III“. con-(Mina concrete con- Nncd wulk und proonn curbing at whet to Ind our culvert: god m art-h bridge; eon-true“ W‘mfll my; {guiding .3 , A_L-|_ “u, 1mm hon on bridge and 'balustnda of brick md cut ”mm 3 matches. including filling; fl laminated by dust: of tric lights on ommenul I: :uds. including painting of ex iron-work; removillf - 3: bridge and all lurp us mark .1! kindl. including I“ testing ‘mntcrinla pmvidod to be used inf .improvement. engineering and a ‘ vision during construction. .11 a mater-ill: And other famous“ n. wood blocks: fomd commit “an, nbutm wingâ€"WI VIM) ‘ ... nry to construct said propocod‘h pmvement. exclusive of the co the lands taken dnmured. a“ mfgt (‘ny of Highland Park. Lake (‘ofi1 lllinoin. . .-..... r“. .n..« I... .Illlll‘llr. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE «1 COUNCIL OF THE (‘ITY 0F “'6! LAND PARK, LAKE (‘OI'NTY. IL? INOIS: SECTION 1‘ uuo‘. . . v. . That I local Impruvomvm be . the same I: hereby ("fiend land. ‘he (‘ity of Hilrhhmd Park. Cour” Lake. md Sun- of “linohm‘ 1 nature. churn-tar, ~lacuna». . ‘ scn’puon of which Improvement follovu: ‘- Thlt SHERIDAN ROAD. Itog'pd with land: to be cards-med M the City of Highland Put. [lulu be improved. {ram and councd with the present concrete paw Alon: the auterly line of Sm Road u extruded from the N the intersection with Cedar A to the South Corral-it: Limit "I City of "£3th Plrk. includi i street returns at Cod" Avenue; Avenue. Roger Williams Awmfl I Lambert Tree Ann us far but the street line: of an“ Sherihn BA extended. and the street calm ut the aid South Cement: fix: with the present mdvny.” by? c damning the following [dean-i1 lands: nuu‘uvv‘ n... . ... . Tee! to {he Mid North lme of o f ' thence South «tax-W Wefl'll , the North hm- of said Lot 4. 3.?! ' - to the pom! of beginning. " TRACT 2. ‘ . . Alw, that put of Lot 4 of Ciro ,- I subdivision of part of the i. . ‘wesl ‘1. of the S. W. M of Secthn 1. Township 43 North, Run 9 18, i" t ‘ofthotld P. M..ureco ‘ ~ “H" 01 Plans. page 57 deltri Jollown: Boxinn'mx u the im ‘ ‘; them South SZ'M-M' Eat ,Nonhouurly line a! Sheridui ? 135.2 he}: thence Norther” 'a HFTFIHZLE pure 57; thence n ”Nu-‘1' We“ dong the Nora: erly line uf S_ht_-ridan Road '31:!- ‘Y. ('lly llll" u. u.u. to when» said line mm! Norfie thence North 2'-21-1a’ East on But line of Sheridtn Road 65 f thence Southorly along a rurvo‘ hnving a radius of 217 feet. don Southwenu'rly. aiding-nee of 1 v-v "Alummtpmormuhfafl 1 , a lubdivinon of put of nuns w to (Sectional. 0 ship a; Nonh Ram 13 W ' 3008‘ 3d FR M. a wooded m 01“.“ W57 doufibeduhn‘ Bainnin 0“ the N‘ line of S‘mfldn; m §3 fact I: u VI Il‘v â€" - V.,, of the South line of Section ’81.‘ tionul Town-h ‘3 North. Ba But of the P. I. and 1” Eu‘ of the Sagghwut‘ come: c nIonx the Nunhenterly line of dm Road 91.2 feet; W easterly dong I curved line ndiuu of 187 feet. convex watérl a distance of 1667 {seq int 0 beginning. _j RACT 4. ' ‘ Mao am pm 0! the Noni of the N. W. 5‘ of the 8. WE: Season 31. Fin-flout! Town-w North. Ram 13 But of the 841 . described .0 follows: Beginning; t. intfl'lodion of the West line 2% din Bond with (he South line Va. N. W. ‘h. S. W. ‘16. 80cm Fraction-l T. 48 North, 1 to the point of beginning. t course being the West line of '4 Mn Bud South of the point . [ham eandnd Nonherly. . TRACT 5. - AI v-4utu But of the 3d P. ll“ thcm'.‘ 8'46' Int llOfl‘ aid Wetter]: of 'dnn Road 45.4 feet to ‘ ly‘linool swan Ron I: n Sud-W ! com: No a W .7370: M: m (Won Put "’5: ”Kt”

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