P! PAGE SIX T be Highlanb WEE???†:s-Téwies Published Weekly by JOHN L. UDELL and PAL‘L 1.. 1' Lake County. Illinois Entered as second class matter March 1, 1311, as land Park, Illinois. under the Act of March 3, 187‘.) NUMBER ‘11; A After the Dee‘rï¬eld road has been closed for several weeks word comes that on account of the shortage of cement the Work may not be completed until next year. Thus, residents of Deer- ï¬eld and Highland Park face the possibility of having to make 2i seven-mile detour each time they make the trip lietvveen the [W0 cities until next summer. Another mssihility is that the old I'mul will be reopened as soon as the bridge over the Skokie is mm- pleted, and that it will he used until next summer, when opera- tions can he resumed hy the Contractors. Neither plan is de- sirable. __i J.‘ .. A..\..o..£.. nurl'unttltu‘ siraoie. The state has enough cement to complete a certain percentage of the paving work in each county. and the Division of Highways has asked the Lake county board of supervisors to compile a list of roads under construction or about to he built, indicating those which should have ï¬rst claim to materials. The road lietiveen Highland Park and DeertEeld is entitled to a place on the priority list, and residents of the tm) communities are (‘\lK't'iill)’ the su- pervisors to recognize their claims and disprove the zilleiratiniis. often Voiced. that the playingr of petty politics always results .i: the “plums" goingr to other par's ot‘ Lake count} despite the comparatiVe merit of the claims. Tests made recently by otliciuls of the Burlington twine in two grade crossings on its main line in this state disclose no no- palling carelessness and disregard for the value of life :ind llnlli hi the drivers of uutomohiles. These tests were made at l’lzllm. lll,. Where the ("iiviizonlmll Trail crosses the Burlington. and :it u country road crossing near Montgomery. Ill. Both of these ci'ossitigs‘were protected lyv the standard crossing signal. and. in addition. dne of them \vu» :il~o guarded hv an electric alarm hell. During eight hours. 772 vehicles passed over these crossings. Only 17 driversâ€"less than one out of every 15â€"â€"stom‘>ed to muke sure whether a'train was upprhuching the trucks: 182 looked in one direction: 381 looked both ways: hot. 192 failed to look at all and sped across the truck without taking any precaution whittâ€" soever to make sure that it was safe to cross. Such a “don‘t care" attitude explains the int-reusing frequen- cy ot' the appearance of such startling headlines 1h “Train Crashes Into Auto at R. R. Crossing." If such recklessness t'Hll~ tinues to increase. it soon will he proper to change the headline recording crossing accidents to read. “Auto (‘rashes lnto Train " The records of the Burlington show that during it recent )‘enl' 20 per cent of all such grade crossing accidents Were caused hy the automobiles deliberately crashing into the trninwthe truin having beaten the auto to the crossing. Admittedly. the train has the right of way, but all the signals. bells. and whistles in the world will not prevent accidents its long as the drivers of autmomhiles fail to heed their warning One of the driest parts 01 the Papago country. a region in southwestern Arizona, :50 AMERICAN DESERT SCENERY One of the driest parts of the United States is what is called the Papago country. a region including about 13,000 square miles in southwestern Arizona, :so called because it was long ago in- habited by the Papago Indians. The broad expanse of desert country, which lies between Gila river and the Mexican boundary. contains many groups of volcanic and other mountains separated by a broad alluvial basin, which. though the rainfall is small and the temperature is high, sustain a scant growth of desert plants, including orchard-like groups of strange trees. Here the bold slopes of the mountains‘ the general absence of watering places and the peculiar forms of the vegetation.- impress the traveler strongly with the majesty and mystery of the desert. and excite his wonder as to the origin and history of the natural features. A report of this region by Kirk Bryan has just been published by the United States Geological Survey. Department of the In- terior. as Bulletin 730-8. under the title “Erosion and Sedimenta- tion in the Papago Country. Arizona." The report describes the geology briefly as a setting for a consideration of the agencies that have produced the forms of the land and resents detailed conclusions as to the mode of origin of ' sert landscape. The paper is illustrated with diagramrr ‘iews.and maps, and should he of interest to all student; of topography and physiography. particularly those «him are endeavoring to solve problems of erosian by wintï¬and water in desert regions. The Relationship HIGHLAND PARK TRUST 8C SAVINGS BANK Morton R. Mzwur l'reflidem which we wish to establish with every citizen in this community is one of help- f ulness. The ideal'we have set for ourselves is that every man or woman who honors us with his or her patronage shall ad- vance further along the road to suecess as a result of this association. Discussion of any business problem without obligation is cordially invited. “THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE" PAVE DEERHELI) HIGHWAY GAMBLING WITH » mode of nrigin Wh‘duaw "The with diagruwr ew< and map< and ~huuld 1 studenï¬ n: topograpm and phx siographx â€of,“ F, (:oodnmh \'ice-l're~idcnt Wu... mum“: ‘lv-UDNH . »â€" ...._...â€" THl’RSDAY. SEPTEMBER H. 11".": if the Rurlmmnn Itnutv at in this state disvlnsv 2m up- rho \‘uluv nf “13- and lint}: M HI"? _7va_‘ â€M -77 \n um! Mn Hurry I'nrkms “Ii! UDELL. at Highland Park, n-lmn Suturdn} {rum l’t-nwuu-r, erh. “hrn- thr)‘ qu-nt 1hr summer. 3“ â€W pus! â€me" “'- H‘Kh‘ Mhuw 1'uruhm- and â€uh-n “‘IHVL \lu-nding ln-n day m Thrw Lab's. H“ b All‘ Hart} Paul ('ashivr n mukv km! in 1|)l‘k :1'. 1 what- at Mr. and Mn (‘. (I Hopkxn: wno spent the past summer In the out! and In ('an-da on an extended may" trip â€1- at the [-meer ('«numry club Ind wxll upon lb“? hnmr un Lincoln AVr . \rxthlh n few day- Mr.» E. A.Pa1nu~r uf(‘uba 1.»: VI)“- in; her sister Mn. Frank Lung 0! (anview ave.. for several weeks Mhs Gertrude- Sunllvn uf (’hncnxv. \Hh (hr “11* rm! guwt hf hl'r mumu. Mx; “Illmm (Euyut. Mus Sunllen ii a student In tho Howdy “lhh' Inâ€! tun». (‘hwnmn and when she mm- ph-h-s her \Vurk thvrv “1111:“ hi Kun-u us a mhsmnur} thk “ulkmg H1 hc-r hmk yu 1m Friday. Mrs Mar} Hhrvm ft“ .md hruko hvr \uh! Mrs. \S E Brand l.~ spemhng A Rock \ulh hrr daughter Dr L. 5 Hum.“ m Snuguturk. Mich The Fwd Juhrrnd family hau- Inuw'd Ln!†lht‘H’ nI-w n-Mdrnu' nn \Vushingtnn SL. Highw‘u-d Mr and MN lawln- Schaumrr and .\h- blwm (hlruy haw rviurnml {I‘m a vmnplng trip 1:: \sznmsm. Mr and MN lawln- Schaumrr and .\h- blwm (hlruy haw rviurnml {I‘m a 0â€lean trip 1:: \Vnsnmsm. Mr. Hrnr)’ PI (law, Mr. Thm‘ Kmmk hf lkn-rï¬t-M. Mr Richurd Bnckncll and Mr. Sislin of “luke- gnn un- nth-min»): lhv Vunvluve nf [ht' Kmuh! Trmplar: n! l'vnrlu flu- \u-vk. ML“~ ('urm-llu Luff uf (in “M uniu In x1 “u. '11:“! vi Miss “Alvll Hour \\ N \u-t'k: \\I(h MD szrl awnuv. .HY‘ T \V. \lenlm: mu! tun (th- (ln-n n'lmm-d Mulhin) {rum Mnrhlw hrun' Hmlnn. wht-n- 1hr) qwnt the ~umnwr alsltmu rrlnlnnw .\h~~ Turpin and .\lx~~ \\ ho-rlwk nf Mir I'Ihn I‘lun- School 4an un- Ma; ‘11:: at 1hr V l. Bvrr} rondrm-r Ml<> (hurlulh- \‘I' “‘1’! Tm‘Mifl) l'mr n \u-vk'~ Han H. Nvu Y‘ 1k .\h~~ Turpi Mir Eh?! l'lm J11: in 'Ihl' N‘l‘r \l . u'l'. 03' ‘ â€mum-L I “‘ h THE HIGHLAND PARK r spending ln-n x-(unqn \lr and .‘~lr~ [Ahnllld \ym‘d: Mn Jennie (‘hantry, Ann-mate Ma- trun of k'ampbell Chapter. 0 F. S “in «he an Marshal at Wllmettc ('hnptn-r Mnnday evening. Mrs W. R. Tapper and daughter- mll leave the blur part of thn month (or a mp abroad. Mrs. A. L. Renning and Mn. Lenin- Brand and daughter Jeanne returned Monday from the east vhere they spent the put ï¬ve weeks. Mrev Jacob Kline who fell down the stair‘ in her residence last Tues- day and iniured her knee is able to be around again. l..\\u “hm-n \h' Mr Jmmw Yin] Mr and Mrs. A. ()flltrgnlrd uh» have 'R‘fn thread {or the put lhn-m months hum returned home - .\-v F. l) lribbg who undemn“ Md Park nu .1an Hmpnul last wn-L u "pom-4 I! um: alum: nicely. Jl Mr. and Mn. Wm. Dooley rnjnyui n gt! motor trip to Den-nit. chh. 11151 T“ Week. ht: Tukhrl‘ M's (Ivujgr ‘.\' 1 h \xm'k U] N:-\\ M“ and Mr» 5L. FM [UL]!- Rd an x Huk Park: \\I‘-- 'm fnRJnh mm: Ililx‘6h ! thh w ' l.1'.\lflill"\l .1 M In- ‘ HIIK' ~ \r-. {h “Jina- md Mrs; H U “My rrlurnw! \ p.1rt of tm~ um-k {rum Thrm' \\1 wdxm “m. 1hr) Hum! llll â€'1 l' ‘(LH‘YI' In; Y‘. JnLL \\. Mnmn pf ‘11: an sprmhng 1 fr“ (‘. (‘, Hopklnu Whtf n11 \\ lu-rv ~ha Krngh 10f! Sunni“) HIIY~ ‘Hlukt A†I“ U! h-wxg- (irnlu- and 1 Fruit)‘ rn-nu'g 'n-Iu\\n,\\1ic~nn‘.n Th») \inh-d MP‘ ' A‘kh‘)‘. In“. and ‘l :r. Amiâ€. va h1M~ ;- sxnndxrg anlk :nm'. P'dvanh n1 '.«'..\;HK Hm up L‘ . 1h.) \nfl main “mu-r Ha) -\ \I‘SH‘ m hi1 1‘! an m uni Fund 1 hm l'z Bruwh ul- nllrd :Hm â€h I. 0‘ Huh nr'h Mh! U L. Hnrkrr. Lllkr rum! ‘1 .101 1 nun.- Mun- Wlmhrd Lew". nursr. Oak t 'Y‘vrrmr Mhoul. Highwuod 5115‘ .h-mm- JuhnsoqY nuru Elm f] l'lnm- H‘houl. Hurhlnnd T’nrk ' Mis- Murxrl H Smith. nuru- Deer ru-M Shh-Mrs high M‘hnnl _\ Mm \‘m; .h- Mark. nun-«- M N» inunu! Emu-‘mpr ¢ 0, “huh-gnu \llu Mar) Mnmh, nunw, «Hy ‘(hh1u‘, “nub-gun “r A J Mnlklry. of Hrhldrrt. of 1hr stale hard t-f hrullh “an. prey x cm and ("HRH-d 1n the manna-nun. Hr h-ld 1hr [:n-JI! nmnum of gum! d that (In be nn'umphphml \I'hvn all k â€\r vursuw In “in Inh- 14‘“ uni h tI‘YH "nm. - m! H-- pm Mm! um H;- mm.) ‘ uux- .xv “in L Hus ran hr dum- .m syn! Sunday in Manna Pm vumng friend: and rel-um, Lmle Barbara Small i: mnï¬ned to hc-r hume wnh whoopin‘ rough. Albert F. M Loner, non uf Mr. and Mn. Albert Low-r of Roux! William :vrnur. left Sundny to em" 1hr“ nmulh mllego. Mm MINI Grebe of Burnnxtun “as the gun! at the Flu] Gm." home 1:31 week lnnlt‘ld of Mun: I)II'IQ'M John m wan sunud 111 last week's "has Mr“ J. H (In! and hur d-uuhlrr. Mm 1 uthcrim- (1rd and Hm I". \rlyn P0010 haw n- -turm-d from Europe “Mn Hwy upon! the I-ummrr. Mn: Mary (‘IM remmm-d m I'nrin‘ Mr: M M Kuurr lb on a hunmeu Hip w DH Molnos, In Mr. (Emrgv Mlllnni III undrryuuw an uprrntmr. at th- Highland P-rk huspiul today Mr Elishn Mmynn. whu hurt hum hmm- on a nm for the pull {ow Work!‘ lefl 1m Saturday for Vuln- l~. \\'mh1nmun NI'RSES ORGANIZE Mel Tuesday in Waukexln; Will Work for (‘looer (‘o- openllon Nhuo! and mdustrinl nunwu u! Laiu- munl)‘ mvt m Wnukrg-n Tues- day for (M punmm- u! org-mung I cuunly such-l) Thc- urgnniuhun wn pcrfu‘lrd and Miss M-ry Mlmch. M houl nunv Hf Wnukvzan. wan rlect' ed prt’llldt‘lfl. Mn. A. Br-un. nune at â€w North Shore- hanivure foundry wan ell-Hui pm mung, The mu-tmx “‘8.- hrM m the umce of T. A. Simp- sun, rounly suywnnlrndent of «hm-It. Thaw prmu-nt wrrr: Ella D. Noâ€. mhonl drnln-l I! Luke FUI’Y‘I n hm»! nunv. Mrs. A. “nun. nunv M North (‘hl- «uro hnniwnn- foundry" Mu H. "when, nun-q- fur Nurth Show nilmd “:13‘ hlmun pnh- unuwn In the- 2.000 Murgvnlhuu (‘ullhnfl {or Hw ln-n my my nr wrnhun on Hu- Nrur flu-t hive gust hum unnuunmd lv\' F J Mbt‘hdml vxu-uhu- m-crvur) of (heN our Eur! HI']H'(. 1'3 5 Ln Sulh- Sin-u. ( hie-Ru .lww It “uric-5, uf l‘wnlumcn. vmn the ï¬n! prnv. (Mu-en dull-rm. umh hu- ¢'~-n_\ on "The- Four Hurwmrn 1n Annrm- ' Thu I‘FPM)’ u III-n n-nh’rvd :1' (hr Nulluhul "unit-fl held fur Shh‘ ;n"_‘:- \Hnnrh (h: in»! pnu fur “hll'h 1~ 1.3-0“, Prun- umm-rp m 1h» (“oh- (ul “112 ht- unnuumv‘d IhurH). Hunc- (n1 ..{ \hmhcltrr rum. wound with "Aunt-nu." and M|s~ lit-1n: (i l'hrlpp of Juksunnlk wmx (mm M1142 Min- l'hrlpn look I! Mr ~u'v‘mL â€Sun has! Rc-llrf 1hr â€upr \,\'.\'()l .\( E “INNERb I‘\ $2.000 (DNTEST Judmw 1m 1m â€mun! urn Willi-m H ann i-Hln‘ipul hf the ('h)(‘“() NAIYnml ( *Hrgl Pill! T UH!!!“ "{ the ¢ may.» Ewmnx Pun. and Im Mlnthn J kyh- of 1b! English d!!- purtnu-m. l mwnny u! llhnou. Tm Murxrmh-u umu-sl, Ihlt‘h (I‘m-d July 1. “u 0;!" U) Juniur and Mmur high uhm) student: unly. To he entitled to rampant fur the primes. lhr urllion ur any mun ndunlly hue horn dun-cred or nu! It I rumnwnvrmrm urrriu, or-Uon con- lnl. ur W uthtr pubhc human. uurh In A church, club 0! community meeting. Th: Judy" pruned an only; on- lrred by llhnuu nude-nu. nyin‘ they wrn- all M In unnIu-lly Nth order Ind u an diï¬x‘ull to I.“ (b [M third w-u ~u'ymL †of Arnnm Judmw H ann mnnen. (Hhrr conic-um.- when any: ranked high ‘1'" .- followl; J, B. Aunhn. Decatur; Helvm Pinncr. Nor- mun Pear-on. Mm [bout Priodm-n. Bnuvu; Will-rd Newton Huck‘duy. 03k Park; And Mm Ethel Nelum. (Sulvn, We Wilh to thank our fnondl and nlnllvm {or the" kindneu thovn during our recent bereavement. The John Probe" funny Barker} Superï¬ne Flu’orl In Simply dfllfloun {or flavoring Fakes. Frosting» and Syrupl All: your nun-x. »-Ad\ PUK _ YUI‘R (.‘UNVENIEN! In. nr-ngx-mrnt- have bum nude u. on on Suturdlyr Buy Aid Re! the FIGHT PAGE ('OMIC SEV- box. .11 in run color. Hunkr. Hwhlnndl'ulk rny ('ARD 0F THANKS (‘Ol'NTY mum {gr Hnrkrr. Lnko- F Wanke- 29-30-3142 NOtlce Umbrella Shop. Repairmg an Re- !fyou needan umbrella, call at C?!†covering. 101 North Genesee Street Waukega Ill. Quality n the only thing that run pouuuy (ll'u’rllunr u...“ ulue und we know enough [bout drug :0 give you the but. A: - matter of fut nothing Ina than the best is stocked by us at any time. for any use. Mike this your drug week, when you Mock up on your home medicinal equipment. buy drum for your private mipea, equip yourself with an emergency oulï¬t and roplenhh all your bottles and boxes that may contain drtvn‘oraled pmducn. School Bags Soda Bicarbonate Epsom Saltï¬ (‘arbolic Solution Peroxide Sulphur Rants and Herbs Telephone 23 EARL W. GSELL ALBERT LARSON same, Cole Storage Batteries This well known line of battedes in now marketed through a new selling system at the following attractive prices: 6 volt ll plate 6 volt 13 plate 12 volt 7 plate CONTRACTING WIRING APPLIANCES REPAIRS FOR A Washing Machines EIGHT LEADING MAKES $5 'PlacesOnein ' . Your Home Do u ‘uhlnl with it. Find out through ndunl not just what It in. H for IR! rum it does not meet with your nppmul and it hack nu! try another. In no other way run you obtain the machine rally suited w your re- quire-mu. "mulchAn. $17.35 $18.45 $21.80 HUBER ELECTRIC SHOP SEE THEM ALL UNDER ONE ROOF EXPERT REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES DECKER HUBER To Give You the Well Made and Substantial GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS Aromatic Ammonia W Park. [Ill-oh Phat-Inuit! and $1.00 Eath M “I Boric Acid Cream of Tartar Witch Hazel Paragoric Castor Oil Antiseptic Solution possibly determine drug 1’ to give you the but. han the best is stocked ,ke this your drug week, 389 Central Avenue summon; NIAGARA? L'P'PON J UDD Iâ€