n The mid timers used to sing: the ~wget 0111 song: “Maxwellton's banks are bonnie". but nowadays people Would want to know whether they would lend mnnvy freely" 30%†Green Trading Stamps ' Compare the Prices, of the Advertisements in this Paperu-We Under Sell Them All Norfh Shore Trust Company Sumer msausage. reg. 651-. Special at (ally hams, (‘udahy's 1 best at «- Fancy roasting chickens Bamn squares (‘mlahy's ï¬nest 1.01.15 of young mutton whole. 26(‘; cut Hmdquartrr of lamb thoiw. the lb. Loaf lard. our hQ'H <hapeni Spareri‘ns. 1mm and mcaty, the H). at Bert" tongues Short cut, lb. Fancy calvcs' liver tender. special Sirloin steak, vats likv butter, lb. \v..{ «Ir lamh shouldvr mast, special Lung Island dUl'KS fresh dressed Round or flank steak at Boneless rib roast rolled. ï¬ne Natiw veal leg whole. at , (‘hoice pot roast native hoof. lb. Prime rib roast, our very best . Peacock sugar cured hams. m I-‘um-y lean pork shoulder, whole 533-535 Central Ave. PAEéELflABKET Sheridan Road and Central Avenue Island ducks Makes Loans on North - Shore Real Estate at Current ’ Rates â€HUUS NCY GROCEle AND FRUï¬â€˜S GEORGE G. ROCK. Manmr 33c 39c 25c 28c (A State Bulk) Mrs. Jennie Chantry, Associate Mn- tron of Campbell Chapter, 0. E. S.. will participate in “Associate Ma- trun's Night" at Waukexln Chapter. this evening. 'Cra(’k('l‘> Liptun'ï¬ ten peer «If all Munur “HUSH vnfl'ec. vac uum pm'kwl Multan-h cuff-('9, we a]- \\';1_\:~' set thu price, 3 lbs ‘ ht!.~'v-h\‘;"«11hnln s hulk (offer, :‘I â€1.x for Mnnzux-hfuhupv lgv but new stock, 2 fur Silr‘H'IJ'Q‘ the ï¬nest IIrthink. hulth- m 0M Manse syrup qt. bottles only Sweet potatoes, 8 real bargain, 6 lbs. for Brooms. a phenomenal bargain. only Fresh ground ham- burger steak, at Pork 10in roast whole, at cider. gallon Imported Swiss cheese special, tho: 1h. Sunmaid raisins, seedless or seeded. .‘l pkgs. Fancy Santa (‘laru prunes. 3; lbs. for Anza coffee. famous for its aroma. lb. F FISH Hm. y ruham or Krispy nl‘ Snowdrif! Phones: 1560-1561 U T .49c 60c 59c “55c 59c 85c 43c @93c 99c 65c t'39c 37c y45c 45c 75c 25c 69c 18c 22ic Also a “Memorial Flow-er Fund" and a “Happy Day Fund" were de- cided upon. When one loses - friend it is enstonury to send flowers and such quantities are often received that there is liter-lly nothing to do with them but throw them out. The “Memorial Flower Fund" mean: till! one wishing to send I remembrance to'n bereaved hmil)’ can send ii check to this hospital "Memoriol Flower Fund." a curd will he sent the (1:21in telling of the gift and the money can be applied {or some worthy case which needs core. The "Happy Day Fund" is to be applied the same wny except th-t some joy instead of I sorrow I! to he commemorated. such It! In anniver- sary. birthday. a wedding. a birth, etc. l! we remeniher these two funds much good will come from them All Women in Highland Pork should belong to the Hospital Auxi- liary. There an- three member- ship, I regular membership which which costs ten dollars. In Aluminu- membership at ï¬ve, and a eontrihut- in): membership at in dollar l year This money is spent for supplies and the tint“ of Women and children The next meeting Will he held Jim- iiury IT at ten o'clock «t Trinit) l'nr- ish llouw A luneheun {or “huh there i~ lhv t'hflrL’I‘ “Ill be M'r\r(l Reiiieinlier it great niliiy Workers both for wiring and howitul Alï¬",\lllfl uh' needed. All mmen and girl~ are tilted to !IԤ('l"ut‘ tlii~ dn_\ niid imme and help An unmounwment uill he made in the l’r.-~.~ in rail your ttllrn- [ion to it the Week before Miss Taylur had charge u! all the; war work done by the Y. W. V. A. in. France and is well known {or (ht: splendid piece of work aha pemnally >upervis¢~d during thune critical days.) Y. W. C. A. Insulin!» ' A wry splendid Y. W. L‘. A meet-' in: was held in Waukcnn. lut Wed- nesday and Thurnday. Seventeen member: of the Highland Park Y. W. (‘. A. amended and brought home a ("It deal of impin- tion. Mlu Harllrl Tu)lur n MUN} {rum Nn-w York guwx u! [hr Y w r A afternoon High School Girl Rntrrn The ()ldc-r Girl Regen?! mt! Wrd- m-sdny nftrrnoon and mniu-d by olecting otï¬cen and plnnninx lhcir work {or the coming Winn-L Mrs. Leslie Sch-uh!" hu accepted the lt‘ldel’lhip of this group of girl; and they start uut with the brightest prospects. The Bluebell club compu-ed of Bell Telephnm- Operator! met Tuesday awning with a very enthusiutlc oin- look. they will mom one ultrrnoon I week for sowing and hncy work and Iwirv a nmnlh m the evening {or a «(rial time. 1 A scwmg muchlm- I! gmltly needed ut the Y. “'. V. A headquarun. .{nyune hnving un- 11 their disposal will can!" a hruldt'ast {Ivor by lonn‘ ing 1! tn the Isun‘lution. Hymn-nin- There is still mom {or a few more registulions in the Frid-y night gymnnxium (has under Min Frlnm Brown. Tï¬e membership I- open In uny girl who i- mtcrvntvd m Y. W, C. A. work Y. W. F. A. 5'91““- A claw In suns! dlncing will ht- hlnrtl‘d «n Monday evening at the u- sminnun prm‘iding there i! l lum- cient number enrolling, this is for girls and young women who IR ani- ious lo lurn In dance under pruper aurmundinp. The class will nun at 8 p. "1,. under the instruction of Mrs. Juhn Scott At noon 3 delicious luncheon wu served by Mrs. G. A. MIN)", her co- chairman. Mrs. l-Iix-nsurdl. and a committee. Then a business meeting was held. Mrs. Gel'nrd Van Schlick, chairman of the Women's Auxiliary, presiding. Mini. Van Schnick In- nounees ï¬ve new directors {or the Ho:- piul Auxiliary. She spoke of I poor woman needing care It the hospital and it was voted to pay all expennes in connetlion with the use. The sewing In charge 0! Mrsi Mc- Whinney is in new! of workers too. Sixty abdominal banning" were mnde Ind thirty surgical (mu-ls were hrm- med. There is machine sewing to he done, also a largr amount of hunting and all women are urgvd to help. Mrs. Sampsell. chairman u! the surgical dressings for the hmpital announced that enuugh dressings hld been made to list tw0 Wt‘t’kfl. Mrs. Campbell asked that all women nmke I spu'iul \‘l’Yurt to he pn-wnt at the next Hh‘t‘llnfl. lf thirty or forty 0L the Wonu-n who uned tn work fur the Red (run during the war would give one day a month the hulpital rould be kept supplied with thr necessary gauze dressing. Thv war is over but these supplies nrc constantly needed right hem in Highland Park and surely the work is Wurth while. ' This country nill says “In God We Trust." but it does not new to In willing to loan any more money to Wednesday of last week the Wom- an's Auxialilry of the Highland Park Hospital held a meeting at Trinilx Parish House. By ten o’clock I lum- numlwr of Women Were at Work 1nd before nuon forty-four \u-n- luur‘)’ making dressings and :u-wing. More Workers Needed; Plan a “Memorial Flower Fund" H0§PML .‘AUXIIZIARY ‘ HAS ALL DAY MEETING Opp-O'II' .a“¢n Y. W. (X A. NOTES m HIGHLAND Pm PM new PARK. ILLINOIS Hfl‘lllnll M'(' ('1!) \uu a all Monday On this special occasion we have made generous reductions on every coat and dress in our complete stock They are all well designed, in the latest mode, and ï¬nished with the moat expert workmanship. * ‘ - The frocks are of tricotine. Poiret twill, and Canton crepe. There are also some satin-back cantons. duVela, and chinchilla satins. Some have hematitch- ing and draped panel effectsâ€"all have the long waistline. Some have short sleevesâ€"others long. There are a few with beaded trimming. Others have braid or satin‘trimming or are ï¬nished with materials of-a contrasting color. The coats are equally as attractive as the dresses. Most of them are made of delightfully pleasing mixtures and varations of pole cloth. A few are fur Q trimmed. We haw an ample and varied stock from which to choose, but there is not a duplicate in the lot. These exceptional frocks and coats are now very’spe- cially priced at Baby Blankets Now is the time and this is the place to buy blankets. We have a large and attractive amortmeht of pink and blue baby blankets. i'I'bey have woven-in animal border; and designs. Very specially priced at are correspondingly reduced to‘ This is just the weather for tunnel- ette night gowns. Our full size gar. ments come in pink and bllIe stripm They are real bargains at GARN ETTS Phone 3. P. 11d By cultivating the habit of saving money other good h bits will result. Thrift, efï¬ciency, pro€r1essâ€"follow in its wake. You make no , istake in starting a sav- ings account With us and thus develop- ing the habit o saving. Determine, T y’s the Day, However Small the Sta . Perseverence will see you through. Highland ark Siam Bank FRANK J. BAKER Frauen Habit govemsithe life of all. ight Gowns $1.25 89c w of Our Sï¬ecia, ()ï¬â€˜eringrsg Thanksgiving H- t Wm l $15.95 mfldhmm JHIAPPIL rcsacs and Coats and up We have a new and unusually lt- tractive line of creton, china, ,and tapestry draperies. They" are just the thing for curtains, upholstery, or pillow covers to! {re especially .29.“ Corsets Of course we carry the famous Goeurd Corsets. ‘They bee in from." We have an experienced cor- setiere In charge which further ‘in- euros you: perfect corset comfort G'mald ngupChriatmu' ti’The yrices are most wannabe Bmoiercs We have ngny styles uhd gage; 0t: 35c $2.00 am! up Draperies . to $1.50 C. F. GIANT Free Delivery