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Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Dec 1922, p. 9

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0 F 1c Shop ‘39 just [h yuur .er W3? rial rms 'UN' UK M GARA BRIOR St NE!“ [,7 _\I f? MIDI) PTUN 77 me 15!) Avenue UHIH ‘:\K H North Shore Trust Company 51 N“ \X, DEV. 1U \H).\l),\\. DEL. H ’H 1‘.Sl’\\, l)ii(‘. ‘.I \1 \m fin; m: Rudfli“ r‘]|("‘« 'x‘Ln nlunyx 5 m: ndm-iu- d0 314nm“: rum \un 'L rnhmm ar-han Von 3‘.eran rum“. Mr! A 1 Makes Loans on North Shore Real Estate at Current Rates PALACE MARKET FANCY GROCERIm AND FRUITS nmnnnn F Dnt‘Y Mannwnr N1‘n\\' Svlznick Nsws \IOND\\' Puma Review Tl'ESDAY Pathe Comedy â€".).) ‘ Long Island Ducks ........... 38c Fresh Dressed Chickens ....... 1 3c (thix'e P01 RLHISI. I" 3,43". Green Trading. Stamps Pork tunderln ahvays fresh 49¢ Mixed Nuts, new StOI the 1h. Seeded Raisins, Del Monte, ii pkzs. for Manor House Coffee .‘i ll). um Jonathan, Russet o Greening Apples. 4 ()rangc Marmalade lame jars, 3 for pvr lb HE PRI'IUXH: ()I‘ \~; mxr \‘ths \. Sheridan Road and Central Avenue Cudahy’s Peacock Ham’s ..... 25c Swift’s Premium Hams ....... 25c Hind Quarter Spring Lamb. . .30c Prime Rib Roast Beef ........ 30c Short Cut Beef Tongues ...... 30c Sugar Cured Bacon Strip. . .29Vzc Pork Loins, Special Whole. . . .20c Milk Fed Veal Legs Whole. . . .22c f H We Save You 5c to 15c per lb. 911 anlity Meats. Free Deilvery 635 Central Ave. [ Hunnr‘. A- b ‘1 Mun-aim McUrfifur Edward 1 ‘Ah Lam The ndapmtion “’In V U Mar: and the photography by Sausage Meat \X 1x \ \f and Piékurtk. mud sum», Rahert Edmon ”Mm-u. Ramon Nnxnrro .‘lusculm .‘Icurfifur, Edwnn H “A new stock ______________â€"r FANCY GROCERIm AND FRUITS GEORGE G. ROCK. Mapager mam! 14c LAKE )F ZEN” \ \U (”\HHC‘ L?! I‘ Stun‘ Lev- us Stom- .\hcr Terr) Rohvr' Edesun ‘l‘ S'nnri “wink" Rama" Vanmrru Barbara L:- “Arr Malrolm “Hiram" Edvard (‘onnrlly [’I'VVNH" "" 25c 48c $1.15 hi. 29c 59c 5‘ 28¢ ~u Lh- HMW M' Ru Legs young muttun Fresh ground Hmhg. steak (A ” Xx- FOREST, ILLINOIS an! FOR \';:1\“I‘ H lil-‘A’ 'm 'M p.m DJ“ -,).m “KHXFSH \\. “KL M Monarch Coffee 3 1b. can Smiall Ivory Soap 10 bars for White Naptha Pl} Soap, 10 bars {or Seidel's Famous Lady- fingurs, doz. Fancy Florida Oranges per dozen (‘rism or Snuwdrift I). “L“. for FRIDAL DEV. 13 S \'l l'RDAY. DEL .\nn'.is~mn: Adultx ' w-n unit-r l2: HH DISH \\, [HR “THE KENTH'KY DERBY" Starring Reginald Denny From the hmoul sun play ”The Suburb-n by Chu. T. DIM. Alan Ik'n Turpin ir "Homwmuk Mud!" n' Hr.‘ r i‘.’ Eu; “Ar tu\". Ill! t()\\li(>\ \.\II THE |,\|)\ \Ltk \i ‘«' 1- ‘ M'v :«rnvtni 25c 15c \‘ryv truth-w m mp ."\-Y mu!» win" zuwnti'“I twn-rw-I Comedy Phones: 1560-1561 ”uni Tulmmlm- in E 1 THE I’VK.\()\\ N" ,I.(‘1 . . t . {1‘ “1"“! [Nut x-~.unrrmrnl. Full I “h Ems until-n. (hrrv u n «rung? \V m.~ ~iI‘Yt-rv‘n! {mm lhl! hu-r'tu- - ), (‘vntcr rut rnund steak Prime sirloin steak \\ )1 7:30 p.m. 6 7:30 pm. 33?; war lax ."u‘ 13%: war tax 2c 7 :30 p.m \\:|!‘ tax " \\;n‘ tux wm-mhr Yuil 1' -.11 um", \mlv “oil hvh' il Is 89c 69c 55c 20c 48c 25c “111' mmafiflmrwmmflnm nnd mum's! I!" :0.“ l (Iln MARY McDOWELL TALKS . .BEFORE OSSOLI CLUB The last regular meeting of tbei Ossoli was held on Tuesday afternoon. November 28th at the Highland Park! club house. Mrs. Alex 0 Mason in her current topit. KIVQ a most inter-i esting account of present conditionai in Italy and told of the origin, the work and the aim of the “I"acisti' the most powerful organization in italy,i composed of exâ€" soldiers who organ-i iu-d for the purpose of auppresaingt rmolution ananhy and hringingl Italy back to a normal condition.i Miss Mary MCDUWell was the speak; er of the afternoon and instead of the! subjut pn-Huusi) announced for her ‘rlectures, talked on "The Hopeful‘ Spots In Europe" which ahe thinks! are Bohemia and Great Britain l 4 Miss McDoWeli was in Europe the: greater part of last year studying !conditions in the diiYerent countries. ,She was a delegate to the “Interna-I tional (‘H'onfirtnu- of Settlement! \\ orkers in Lundon~ was for some Etime the guest of Pres. Masark of (ZCLhO Slmakia was at the confer- ence in Frame and Switzerland and ihad most unusual opportunities for l'obsenatiqn and first hand informa- ‘tion .“isit \lcllowell held the (lone rattent n of the audience {or owr ,an hou and her hearers would have been glad of another hour. She ‘strongly emphasized the need {or II 'leuzuo of natiom and «aid i-I-uropt needed America sadly~ not so much Iour money, but our moral backing without which there vould he no hope for any of the counIrIes. ‘ The Ossoli's annual dramatic per- formance Will he on Satufi‘lay eve- ning. Dec. 9th at eight o'clock and Is in charge of the Junior Auxiliary. “Two Hopefd Spots In Europe" Topic at Last Tuesday: Meeting A watch lost mori- than 10 years ago liy u Highland Park resident hu just been found by the (‘hicago po- lice in a paunshop in that city. and Hwy arr seeking the man who lost it. Hi< name was George Folos. nccord- ing to a lette'r received by (‘hief of :l’olice )lnroney. dated Nov. 28 from (‘hiv-f «f lk-tecllyes Michael Hughes 'of Chicago. ‘ The letter stun-s that the watch iwus located hcld in n pawnahop for fSIS. an dlhnt the writ" is informed ,tha! sinn» its loss was reported Polo:- ihml (llwl ll-mim: a wife and two !childrrn. and if the Widow will up. iply at Hughes otlim», she will he an- >i<u~d in n-covrring tlw watch fr“- of charm). ('lm-f Marom'y hlL‘ I‘m-n unable to [find anyone here who knows of the ffumily in quostion and La desirous illlilt anybody who rendi this and iknuws of them will call him. The (-hivf sap" kthis H >imply om- in- ~tzum~ of tho rnrrful 4-inch made by tho ('hirago drtn-ctiw- liurrau in vvc-ry ‘insiumw. their llw'lrrtla being mm! 'complctv and (‘Xhfluflht' on nll mat- ite-rs n-porh-d to them, he says, The next regular meeting uf the Ossoli and the unly‘une tn he held in December will he Tuesday afternoon, Dec. lilth. when the elulv “ill have the groin prinleuv- ..f hearing Ed- ward Howard “run.“ whom the club was most fortunate to secure while on a lecture tuur in the West LOCATE WATCH LOST OVER 10 YEARS AGO ’l‘imepieCe Reported Miseing i 1912 by Highland Park Man Is Found The annual meeting and t-lwtiun of ”Mm-H uf ('ulnphflll (‘hulvtvr NH. 7123. U, E. >1 “1'“ lu-ld last owning in MA- wnic hail and the following nmm-rs m-n- rim-1m! fur thc cnraumg )‘t'lr. \\'~r!h Matron, Mrs, Jvnme ('han- EASTERN STAR HOLDS ELECTION OF OFFICERS A~<vmuh \\'h|h-. \\ nrth)‘ ‘ tr_\‘ :nn‘. wzx, {Aim}. nu. A... ., _ Hr. nhl Mb "winmhrth u! thy «no» Sunnlu}. Mr» Edna Truu lmm- and .\h_ [.m' \Vq-nD-l Hf thv “Vt-HRH Mrn‘nn- [H.- mnnpany \wrr murnrd by H\-\_ \\'. J. Ryan Thursday m mm.“ Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. \Vhltmg of [rung Park frrt‘ the Kurds of Mr.’ .md er. L. Putin Sunday. Mr. :md Mr- J. H. thh u! Sn- pulxxa‘, “Mm. “ho han‘ hu-n Hurling Mr. um! Mr-x B. H. RN“ {or the past wu-k h-ft for Faun». N 1)., Find-)2; Mia Maruurvl Kn.»- wn- the cunt: of Miss Hut End?! Hf “hicngo Sun- day. l Th \Knrthy I'u!n»x:, Mr. E. E. (Ernhnm. <1'I10‘HH'}, Ml“. (uthcrirw Irvin. I'x'mun r. Mr Hc-nry F. ('lnw l"»ll1\]\l‘ll'\'.-\. Mr» Murh- Schncith-r. Asswiuh- (U-IMurtn-w. Mn. thlv! I‘h. H nh‘ulla IL.- nu, I”! II Mntrun mv-rtidu m January ~ ut' (.‘umpknll (‘hupn-r Mrs. I’nullm- 1 :u'! H \u‘zl Ink. “H1 Mr. William Osttrmnn of (‘hicngo in erecting I bungalow in the Outer- man lubdivision. Mr. Ind Mn moved mm the Stnrt‘. sun ~ . Mr. Ind Mrs. Roy Humhiwn And Mrs. Fletcher of Chicago were the guests cl Mr. and Mn. R. 1'. Reed: Sunday. â€"- A n 771,)- I'll-luau, . Mr. and Mn. Robert Gmndlde, Mrs. AKIN-n Duffy and son. Emmett of Highland Plrk, were the guests of Mn. F). J. Knickerbocker Friday. Mr and Mn. (‘Irl Lang enur- uined It dinner {or the anchor: of St. Pnuln Ev-nurliul Sund-y pchool Sunday. A special Thnnknziving wrvim was held in 8!. Pull: church Sunday. Next Sund-y, December 10. ”Mean will be in Germ-n. Sundly school It {0:30 and church service: 10:30. Miu Elnnor Meyer of Burn], 1”,. spent the werk4nd with he! pur- vnts. Mr. and Mn. F. H. Meyer. Miss Barhau Huchl flaked her si‘u-r. Mrs. Simpson of Chlcigo. Fri- day Minn-s Rather and Barbara Hut-bl Mtrndcd ‘he minatrel nhow.m'wn by flu» Limnry Ind Orphnnl clubs of Hmhurat colloge Int Fridny evening. ITIV‘Vt-IVA‘vSm'ml tin!» of Even“ will give u yard party Ind dance at St, Pl!- ”(Ln hull Thursday evening. Mm Margan-t (‘nrolnn u] (‘hic-go ~prm the Work-0nd at her home in l‘Ixrrrll, Mrs, (Hu- 0!! of Waterloo. lawn. n nsmnx ih s broth-n. John and Ed- uard Willmln‘ Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lahlhn hid u‘ Ihrlr guests Thinksriving Mr. and Mn. George Lahnhn and daughter, lgmu u! Evansu-n. Mr. and Mn James Daugherty and him daughter: Wilma and Muruan't uf (bingo. Mendames All-x \\'1|lmnn. Elmer Flaw-y. Rohrrt Urn-nnl-de. Ray Rank and Ray Gunckrl wwv- (he cursh u! Mrs, Almvn Pun-vn of Ir- L'ursh u! Mrs, Almvn I'uwvn m u- \m;: l‘mk Tuvsdny Mus In‘nv {‘x‘ku‘uuk uf Llnxink. Mnkignn. Hut”! :1! Hm hnnH' uf her {Min-r, (‘n-urgv Rm krnlum L. hut wen-IL Mr and Mn. Munlnhm w-rr clued ’tn (Hm Thuruiny l-vcnuu- U! the «hath ‘1‘ Mn» {mum-n gnu-r \lr, mu! Mrs “111mm Murm- had .n lh-zr \h-rkwnd mint-A Mr. ind Hr» P (inym mu! Mila- «hughbrr of The h-mhvn and “mm-n of the l‘rn’gxhxum xlaurrh thhl L'.\‘l‘ a «inuuhh‘. Thmviu dny Mn Rnhrra Mum-1 q-rm nun- .h)‘ In (‘hiugo‘ Jnmri Frihx‘h and Atthrn Memr Hutu! thh Frxlwh of Nnflhfltld. \ mu '1 J Thundn) Thv llurrzu Nauru h-nun .hurrh \MH .3 day I'M-lung, [In ’1 mumly Haunt. Thr 1n hin- A but"?! and he nu-d m (urnmhmg Mr- gr“! é!‘ '1 ‘1' x_ "» Kuw', 1-11 and n' '\ kw -x m»! dnuuhltr Ind ‘ Uh 171.1” “1-“le and r ‘ f H" vmrn uh mom ..~. .u! Hm Anhur Kua! home. (Hr..- Amirrum rnln-ruuwd {1 um UF- kfirhi. “1 ufi Sun- Iurrzu NI‘IH)‘ 0‘ [hr l’rt‘lhy- hurrh \Mll gnr - lam-r Pri- mng, Ii“ ’1. In! the Com- Hnuw. Thr church uhuoi il n rm”: and the pmau-du will m furnmhmg lhnr roomu, Howurd Gibb: have flnt over the drug (I! Mrrnc-I qwm Sun- [Hui ‘11:.“th on t un.munily 4 Lvu‘l)‘ Pn- Lnnnh (If Y LU ‘pflk' \u-vk-A-nd Profits?“ by Gowmor 5”" Am That All (own-rats wma Legion In A proclamation mun-d from the uxwuuw ofl‘we Gowrnur Sm." of Im- mm uh manual oboervunoe of Edu- rnuun “wk, “H 3 tn ‘J. wring thin I" palrmlu. (IVH. n-hzmu- and fru- u-mnl orxunnaxmm, vluvnu urnrr ally and pawnu p-mrulnfly, m the sum of lllmou. H‘r-opt-r-lc with the Amman-m Communion of the Amoflcuhlmon in making um I work fullAq! maplinhmnt in ma- EDUCATION WEEK IS NOW BEING OBSERVED l ‘A L B E RT LPA'ISIS 0 N Jain "'pu"'m " Eliza 5m; pemzrthe {filmy (knee are features of our varied xfimém . Christmas Greeting Cards and Books vv \. u-v u-v__‘___ 7-, - {glidgfited satin or. leather for men. {FELL BROTHERS Highland Park’s‘LeadingShoe Shop , 509 Central Avenue Telephone 456 Hymn-Rm. um wfll Ion: u-rs «ducalixmnl TM gun-mar cum- mvnds 1M pew-ph- nf Hlmnis th “cm-fin to he da-nwd from thr- can-- ful study, during Hun "cl-k. of (am varied rduculimm! pmbh-mi and rug- whu that (-(mudvruum hr- tiven tn the desirgbimy uf trmmng our child- n-n in hum-m- warm-u, "for the child so {rune-d "I”, in Iflrr life. b? Lust nnd (-umpnmionuw not only WV}- ud definition animal info but taw- nrd all human kind." UNION SERVICE WAS VERY WELL ATTENDED The Union Thinkwwmg wfi'ia-s 1'. Trinity church wow very we” .1- bended. lot Monday mornfing.‘ Th! urviot In. u very beautiful one. and Oxidrds for street and travelinlâ€"gracgfgyy Christmas Stationer he rémrmbored

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