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Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Dec 1922, p. 3

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I'S =29 ” ,:I l“; 4“."g' VVVVV T be Higblmm Park A :" With Its Addition Efficiency of Fire Department Greatly Increased; Standard Equipment L'RY'Y‘I‘JS nur-im-h mains will be replaced by "ht-rs of larger diameter, as neces- sity arises. it is predicted. The nrw [llnh’ is the last word in fire engine apparatus of this type. It aanics all newssary accessories for fire fightinrr and is passed by the Fire Fuller-writers association as high grazlc. l: was purchased by the city list Alizmt. at a cost of $8,200 and :1 {PW \Vz't‘hi was given a thorough test lwre. .-\1 that time it threw :1. solid \r‘i‘f'll. 1‘ Vi water over the city stand I'ipo- a; ' rntral awnue. It wa< than FLUIHHJ {n Konosha for the final Dulvillll: and varnishing and the at»- 'i«:l~.mr-n: of the equipment which it increases Fire Protection It ix heliexed that with the added «flitivnu made possible by the pur- (hilSL‘ 0f this truck the Highland Park fire department is fully equipped to take care of any emergency. The only disadvantage suggested by those interested is that.when attached to four-inch mains the new pumper taxes the capacity of these mains to the utmvst, using: a greater volume of water thaniordinarily is carried in this sized pipe. This does not pre- vent its use on these mains, but might lessen the size of the stream pun‘tpml. However. all four-inch mains are nn side streets, where the full capacity nf the big pumper is nut likely to he needed in ordinary .‘ii‘t‘~‘. and in the business district and \Q‘L‘Ilvns more solidly built up larger muin~~ atl'urd plenty of water for the full capm‘ity of the pump. In time The test was made at the High- land Park club. Lake and Central avenues, and the new pumper worked m a manner entirely satisfactory to the city officials. hurling a solid stream of water higher than any huilding in the city. The firemen are well pie-axed with the performance of the new truck, wlfich is one of the finest and most powerful in this re- ginn. Highland Park's new 750-gallun Packard tirettruck. with Peter Prisch .5; Sons equipment. purchased by the \in l£l\t August. was delivered Sat- urday and on Sunday was given an rxhamtiw test in‘ the presence of Mayor S. )1. Hastings and the city vmnmissiumrs. The test was entirely ~atisfact0ry and the city now has rne of the best fire fighting equip- monts along the North Shore. NEW FIRE TRUCK DELIVERED HERE Thr committee which had charge of .irrzmge-xm-nts {or the anniversary en- tertainment spared (in efforts in proâ€" ‘x'itl‘in': for the comfort, and entertain- nu-nt of their guests and merit the hearty commendation expressed gen- vruliy iiurini: the evening for the suc- uf their planet 4 . IS l’OWERFl'L APPARATUS Refre’shments consisting of cake. m- cream and coffee were served. and frappc was generously provided dur- ing the dancing. The affair was greatly enjoyed by all present and the Business Men's assnciation begins a new year under ml‘st favorable ausâ€" was Dancing was the chief entertain- ment feature. the Elks six-piece or- vhestra furnishing delightful music and eliciting general commendation. A male quartet composed of Dr. Grant H. Lanphere, William Bowden, Henry Hanson and Dudley Edwards: sang several selections in a most pleasing manner and were received with manifest appreciation by the 2m: or more persons in the party. Large attendance and a delightful warning's entertainment marked the '\\'clf1h anniversary of the organiza- tion of the Highland ParkBusiness .‘lvn's association Tuesday evening, 1!; \V'itten's hall. The regular monthly business meet- .ng was first held, and as only routine business was considered, this wu. soon dispensed with and attention was turned to the social side of the evening's. proceedings. BUSINES MEN HAVE ANNIVERSARY PARTY NUMBER 41 ORGANIZED FOR 12 YEARS .arge Quartet Sings a] A blazing claimney on the residence of C. N. Kimball. North Green Bay road caused an alarm of fire» \lene‘i- (lay evening. Nov. 29. and the fire de- purtmvnt and a goodly crowd of citi- zuu‘ were soon at the scene. Thy Nau- wns quivkly nut, however. without musing any damage, but the prumpt arrival of the firemen was evidence that they \n-ro on the- jnlv and always ready tu make respond to calls for assistance in their line. A meeting for the presentation of this timely topic. “The New Constitu- tivn~Pru and fun," by Mrs. Maurici- Lieber. well-known educator, parli- menmriun mid lecturer, will he held Thursday evening. December 7th, at 5% o'clock, in the l.inculn school. This has been arranged by the Pan-nt- Teacher association. and all the in- turested mm and Women in tho di<~ trict arr cordially invited to attend this free lecture. The ‘question before the voter De- cember 12th will be: “Shnll the pro- posed New Constitution be Adopted?" It must be accepted or rejected. The Voter must answer yes or no. Which shall it be? Many meetings on the subject where both sides of the question are presented are being held in (‘hicago by the various city clubs and public organizations. for the pur- pose of helping people to formulate opinion and cast an intelligent vote. BLAZING CHIMNEY CAUSES FIRE ALARM Questions of Interest to be Dis: cussed Tonight ('I‘hurs.) day at Lincoln School MRS. LIEBER T0 SPEAK ON “NEW CONSTITUTION” The White Feast for the King. a Christmas service. is to he gin-n in the Presbyterian church at 5:00 [Huck on Sunday afternoon. Decem- ‘4‘ lTih. The servim' is founded on the legend, "The White Gifts for the. King." which tells of the celebration of a king’s birthday in olden time when all of his subjects. both rich and poor. young ahd old. brought gifts in loyalty and love. The pr0< gram will consist of a series of table- aux depicting the Christmas message; the shepherds upon the h‘lls. the visit of the angels. the manger Scene. the arrival of the shepherds. and the Wise bringing gifts. A special chorus “illusing descriptive music and carols its the tableaux are given. After the lust ~xeene, that of the Wise Men bringing gifts. the gifts of mod, toys. lnthing. and money which are being prepared by the Sunday school and various organizations of the church. will be placed in the manger. as "White Gifts for the King." "The White Feast for the King" to be Given Sunday, Dec. 17, at 5 c’Clock Mr. Appol has been notably suc- ct'ssful in his management of the banks in which he is interested. The Highland Park bank. in the eight yuurs he has been connected with it, hm grown in deposits from half a million to a million and a half, and the total deposits of this and the Wilmvttc bank is two and a half million lif dollars. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TO HAVE CHRISTMAS SERVICE The new Broadway National bank will be the strongest in capital and surplus in that regiun, having a cap- ital of $200,000 and surplus of $50,â€" 000 and stock fully subscribed. It 0c- cupies a corner site, 45 feet etch way. with a large vault nnd safety deposit department in the basement. which is the full site of the site. The prospects for the businefl‘ success 01' the bunk are exceptionally bright. it is understood. Mr. Appel. also is vice-president of the First National bank of Wilmette. which he organized fiw yeam mm and is chairman of Group -I of the Illi- mis Bankers association. the largâ€" est' group in the association, includ- ing Chicago. Mr. Dooley also is well *known here. having been postmaster in Highland Park for eight year: un- der the Wilson administration. Mr. Dooley has had wide experience in the banking business. having been caahicr of the Highland Park State bank for a. number of years and is eminently equipped (for his position in the new bank. .L NI. APPEL HEADS .1 NEW CHICAGO B\.\K ‘ President Broadway ~Nalional; W. M. Dooley. Highland Park. Cashier school and: The Women's Missionary l'nion of he churchrith“ Presbyterian church will have n anger. aslspocial Christmas program It the '." lmeeting on Monday. December llth, [M2130 o'clock, atuthc home of Mrs. "AK :R. J. Beatty. Ravine Drive. Mrs. ‘ ” Bcatty, who in the chairman for the FUTION tutu-moon. has planned a series of .. ‘h‘ng pictures. copies of muster- 0 be Dls' [ pieces from nacrct art. The program |urs.) :will be in twu parts. the first con- Iool ssisting of seven pictures from Old iTt‘SUHflént history. and the second of voter De-i.se\-crul pictures giving the Christ- ‘11 the proâ€" ' mas Story, and closing with the Na- Adopted?” a tlvity scene. cted. Thei Miss Dorothy Wright, of Cleveland. ,0. Whichl ()hio. will [rive three army»; of mm on theisongs. and several descriptive selec- s of the L tions during the showing of the. pic- being held I tun-s. Mrs. Otis Beardsley will givo city clubs‘fi" introduction before each scene. ,r the puruv Mrs. (‘nrlton Moseley. the- President formulate > of the Union. will preside int the “MTV ent vote. zing. and Mrs. Stewart Reed Brown ' is to have charge of the devotions. "Outinn nf': Wi!) you gi-‘L‘ .1 l’hristmu w 1 prr H-rwd a! 6:30 u'von‘k. the ladie- lltHu Child? L“f (‘nmth ('hnpu-r (1E. S. he‘ll. Fill a #tex'kmx. Putting mate inolm'vhnrm- Au-nuhto'dock the degree we. mark thh an of child Ind;\\a§ mm'rrn-d nn umber group 0' wh‘ther a Luv 0." mrl. Send on 0!:candldntvr. Srvenl via-itch .from lu-f-m- Ik-cember wu-nficenth to him! Waukcgan uezr pn-wnt a! thin meet- Hl-my s. Vail, 22.3 Laurel Iva-nut. 'mzv HELP A LITTLE CHILD t ENJOY CHRISTMAS, STOCKHOLDERS“ ANNUAL MEETING HELD DEC. 11 uf diru'tnrs has set Midr as n drin- wwk for funds tn carry this vw'rk «in for the next )ear. and whether you hau- participated in any of the uti- \ities or not. )uu are urged to nt- member ‘them m-xt week with a good substantial check. {or they an- doing much tn make Highland Park a bet- ter place to liw in. Woman's Missionary Union of Presb) terian‘_ Church to Have Program LIVING PICTURES m TELL XMAS STORY Every man and every wumzm has I hubby. maybe it's music. or «lramutics, ur uthlcticx or anything in fact. and they have longed to sham their hip- piness with uthl-rs. knowing that a real hubby is [All pru‘iuus tn hu-p to om'st-lf‘ («immunity Servin- wants to give all a chance to dm-rliip thvir bubbles. The old llvlvn'w smu- dc. clnrvd that "wisdom t-mm-th from the uppurtunity (‘f lt-isurv." Booklet Tells About It (‘u‘inmunity Servin- nf Highland Park have printed a little booklet out- lining th- unit that has been dom- in Highly. (l Park. and i( yuu don't :rvt one. i 'ill pay yuu to obtain one at the (‘ ntcr. Next week the board The mission u! (‘ommunity Son-ice at Highland Park is tn make ht-ttor vitin-nsi The boy nf today is the man u! tomorrow. so we must know what he is duing with his leisure time, we mu‘t teach him how to play {or play (ltvolips individual physical fit- m-ss. nwntal ale-rtnq-sx. sportsmanship. i-nurto-ay and mum. of mlmner in his mntm-t with others, and he is the man that will run Highland Park in years to «Linux Twu million young people Ire reaching the In of 21 every year. and‘thcy are not prepared {or the duties thlt {all upon them as voters. so with the thought in mind that pre- serving the youth will be udv-ncinx the country. more than 400 cities in the l'niti-d States hu-e urguniud lo- rul (‘ummunity Serving “The pernon who uku .dvanua of his leisure time and plays. inland of letting others play {or him. in makin‘ himself I better cilia-n." Highlnnd Park Community Service nut wmk man-n the annual. canvnu («.r 'funds In maintain 1hr work dur- inz: the year. Th4: mun- in the wurthy um- lwcnun in first "Mt-rt I! that of making better “the!!! u! uur boys and mrlx, affording them upporlun- itivs to cultivntr Ihvir Ink-nu and giving them I chance :1. healthful re- creation. FINDS FOR YEAR’S WORK‘GIVEN HERE ON DEC. l7 AID COMMUNITY 'SIEONI) CONCERT OF ‘SERVICE DRIVE ORCIIE’I'RAL SERIB HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS 'I‘IIURSAY. DECEMBER 7, 1m ER. A. M. osssn‘vn PAST . HIGH I’RIES'I’S NIGHT ‘ Dr, Karl h. l-‘runh whé bu been :n‘wu'mtni wnh Dr. B, A. Hamilton in thn prufmsinn uf «h-ntistry for du- [”01 right mm! :1 half yrars has putr- I«!..u «d I!“ drnt‘xl mm” of Dr C y' hmlwiuk and “.H pn Milly ink! poo- ”onion on Monday. Pm! High Priest's Nixht was ob- ~cru~d at ”ixhlpnd Pith Chum-r; Ruyal Arrh Mnmn'n lasLSltnrdlyJ, The wrrk Pvt-Kan at 3:30 o'Notk. Withi the conferring of the roynl arch db: :n-e- un ('nndld'n-n, fullowrd by I sup-i prr se-ned a! 6:30 u'viox‘k. {ht ladie- ..{ ("hmphll ('hnmrr 0. E. S. being m’n'hnrm- Al (-Iuhl o'dock the degree; “as mm'rrn-d un umber group of candldntvr. Srvenl visitors from? Pnst High Priest's «run! at ”ixhlpnd Ruyal Arrh Mnmn'n The wrrk PI-Kan (It 3 (‘bnu’nued inter-eat in manifuted in the lymum atria under tho unpla- uf the Community Servim craniu- tion. Thane who “traded the first onion-lament! two weak: :1!) are still talking about it and looking for- ward to the next. which will be Jan. l7, when "(Priuly” Smith. {Imam western hunk-r and Boy Scout in- structor. will he hen- in hell some of his marvelous experience. in the fur mat. This promise: to he an instruc- tive as well u n nuubly unique num- ber. and I llrgx‘ Itwndwce in ex- pected. Launnt. the magician‘ will be the attracticn Feb. 27. In lddl- lion thru- entertainment. by home talent an- hoim: plnnmd during the u-umn. and [Pu-s.- prnnum (o be equal- ly wuflh while DR. FRITSIH MOV ES '10 NE“ Ql AR’I‘EBS‘ Popular Community Service Plan Promises Big Success; More Fatah“ LYCEUM SERIES [8 GROWING IN. FAVOR Fulluwim: 1‘ the program to b!- m'wn by thin: orchestra here Sunday .{tcrnmm DH. 17. st 3:15 o'rlurk: The Progn- 1. Ray Blanflvert‘rv Mendelssohn '3. Th ”(‘l’d (iirh'fl’Fenm. ldyl A. Labiuk)’ The Chk'lgu Bunneu Men's or- chatru. which uppun her! Doc. 17. comprism 60 memben. I number 0! whom uu- residents or well known In Hizhhnd Park Many o! the-e pct- for-men are u! the first unhlfiav- my: bn-en formerly of profvuionnl or- chestras and hue given up art, ex- am! an a vocation. {or bullineu ca- cwnn. Othen hue mainu‘lned n strict amateur rnhnx. Only those who hnw known the joy: of perform- mg concern-d music can rah-t with what A I'vlcome the nrglnil’tion of this. urchfllu wu worked by it: IIHnlht'll and vnlh whn vnthtkinm the work hu been carried on under (\‘ndurtor Eunn' ardent leademhfp. The final mum-rt of ll]. uric. will be given February 16, at 8:15 p. BL. uhen the Northwestern Uniwru'ty ,nhmtn Humld Knapp. condurtor uill b1 the uttrution. Both that mnccru are given by musics! organ- Iutiom of high artistic standard Ind noubk reputation. and the people of thin eummittu- hun- to thunk tho com- mitw in charge a! an arrangement: for the Mcndid opportunities to h“? gu‘d music at numinll prim. Sun; Thu pro-inn to he I I.- xkal event of run churn And in- utut. and I large numbne- in arc The ma! mm"! of the union in uuuulued ly the Deerblddihk Tuwnship Orchenlu! committee UH hr given in the auditorium of the lkvrfield‘shicldu high «boo! on De- wmber 17. at 3:15 o'clock m (be nflunovn. The future guru-dun um he thc (‘hiagn Blaine-I Men’- orchestra «MW-w Clam hutch-ska a. Intermezzo Pinon-nae ,Kocinl h. Melodie in E Tnhnikmky \‘iulin ()bliguo. Hum Muonu-r l‘wr Gym Sun: . Grieg a‘ Anilra'n Dance b. In the Hall of the Mountain King Blue Danube Will: Strauss Viulin ()bllguli by Hum Murmur ('oncertmuu-r. Rt-nnelt Griffin Assihunt (‘onc n-rlmastrr th Smyphonn ‘Tuchaikokay Second Mon-men!â€" ~And1ntc Cun- labile I’mlude , Jinn-felt The “Moving pictures will be shown at Pearl 1‘th next week: ‘ Sunday-Tom Mix in “Do 1nd Dare", Monday and Tue-day, Wu]- lac: Reid in his latest And wonderful comedy "(The Ghoul Bmhr" mp- porttd by Lila Lee Ind Wnlter Bier-I; Wednud-y and Thur-«lay. “The Dun- gerous An." one of use biaut of the John N. Sail pmdudjom pn- nntrd by Louis 3. layer; Friday. Shirley Union in “Shirley of the Cir- CHI” ; Saturday. William Furnum in “Moonshine Vllloy," I thrilling story of u'mnn'l mud-ration. Maurice at 2:30 Saturday. See program on back pure of this paper. A figure will be given \\ «dmwdny tuning, Ileremhor 13. At Wi flan hall under the Iuipl‘i‘fi of die North Amw. on’cm Union. Good manic u prom- i-ud. The public is invited to attend. Martha Walters, RN'. Secretary. Ella Srhar. Financial Secretary. Rune Marsha". Treuum. Ida H. Barber. Deputy. Ida Roberts. Emma Melville, Jen- nie Hill, Georg!- Manhall. Edward J uhnnd. m. N. A. [7. TO GIVE DANCE DECEMBER 13 A such! hour was enéoyed follow- ing the meeting n (m Mnnduy owning, December uh, Sheridnn Rebeknh Lads! No. 80], held ”wir annual (-h-dion of Oman and gm- {quuninx MTV-«n- wn- elected {or 194- «Amumu yu-nr: ('Inru lI-u-ndurf. Nnhh- Grand. Edna Watkins. Vim- Grund‘ REBEKAH LODGE HOLDS " ELECTION OF OFFICERS A mini hour {allowed the meeting. The next meeting will be the annual (‘hxinmu puny, Dec. 9. WILLIAM FARNUM SAT. IN ‘MOONQHINE VALLEY' Wdhcekcflhmemnu With her (ration; per-nomlity uni her gm of paler! expmion. sh. held her audience so completely that it reminded one of “The skin below (‘hriflmu when all throuch tht houw, not a cream!!- was Itirfiu, hut uh. Uw firk 0/ the, clock." (HIV 0! the most shun-hill; d pron-m: was pron-nerd It the re:- ullr mofling of the Highland Pnrk Woman:- club Tueod-y afternoon wnh the reading. “Lady Windemem Fun." by Ina. Rhine IcKendry. Mrs. flcKeudry while still very yuung has nccomplinhod Milly filings. huu'nu been admitted to the but. u graduate of Northwestern Luv school, .1... a graduate of Northwest» em Univenity and Northmn School of SN. “Lady Windmm'l Fan” De- lightfully Given at Woman's Club Meeting Ir. Huang: pounded tho keynote ofthemcedu'lnnn oddnuontht “abject. “A Million by In: First." The stockholder- and 0-13an pledged their (so-operation tn mm tho amount mount, to inc-nut flu depuiu to one million dollars by that due ' Highland Park mm! the community in finer-I served In this bunkin‘ i» rtituuon learn- with ratification ol it. but")! and one“: bod. m fur continued prosperity. IRMA BLAINE MCKINDRY GIVES READING WIS. l Shanta And Ir. Samuel H. B.- an“. Kr. lot-ton I. flavor, 9nd- dent othe bank. and u mum- TRUST AND SAVINGS , BANK MARY Celebrated by Blunt Walnu- dgy 3W8 W Gd Extra Div“ Breaker” Monday and The new busines‘a and bowie” directories have been distributed throughout Highland Park Highwood and Ruinh and are [Inning a mat time saur am! umwnivnce. , x.‘ ,. I h If anyone hm nut received I copy all It Purdy's Hardware atom cu" “lemma: '2. H. l'urdy and the} will naive a copy. ’ - This in 1 mod worthy cause. Andi! all who can should 1mm! tnd how the“ volunteers Me a anneal. of? this “hit. - J The Hirhwovd fin mum-mtg; will hold their thihd nnnunl 6.1100,: Thundly owning. December 7, (toâ€"2!, night) u M30 o'clock n the Decrfield', Shield: high wheel. 5h HOUSEHOLD DIRECTORIES ARE NOW DISTRIBUTED; the W “(I acted “1‘ he held this n; at fight a ‘ Nat only mink-”a! tho bu: all notion aad tatter- ol M school pupils an hilt-d to M1 Th‘aubjed o! the “an. In “CM? actor Building.” and abort talh diam-eat plan; of m. whine: be given by apaakin mm in work. ' ‘A question box hill follow the ”‘1 in: and the faculty and P. T. .1 invite din-union and criticism. node“ onl on up "abject of the .evanlngfi bu on all matters pertaining tn] school problems which confront wen-j denu. parents or teachers. a manwoon FIRE DEPT: ANNUAL DANCE leGH‘ HIGH SCHOOL P. 'l‘. A. ‘ m___ MEET IONIC “Cthuln he! (or m Um amuuAm-d for ~monthlnml will Id m- ' months «6 tn 00" W M .chool board by input: of (out o! m “sending about. who In M 1:3an in Highland Pu-k, ‘0 ‘ tribute “In", tho auditorium on torium "I 0! month! M I ”the may {All “mint! filofuudlevldontlywonldhll complain the nomad “and MIMMh-fiom don. Butlr. lac-low the prune building would» WANT $75MFOI§ FOR ELM PLACE auditorium hu_ but: a

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