id A good show ‘Purk That" ucd ‘nmdewle 1:!) run large mus playerg 3Ist ly'u Vnudevi'. _higbeat db). 2 Night: 25: 9. IS: dPark ml Ave. lle Auocigu'n .deville BK." .000 levring. Typo- Iud Comtmo ’| in Enginocr‘ Comtrufliol. [AEF ER .ING ROA ‘- .-\.\T mun» F-esL Tel 534-. \CS co :4 n (ed n‘urmes bv 'h» fawn-ml! BA \ K ussell of lamp 'eyor PHILLIPS it St. * Bette" 'orazed winder, uty '0 ref" ï¬m' ‘\ c‘<{ \ .C' c. ea 7‘ RAN. Lvans m"; rn LIc Office‘a ....,‘,_. ‘YT‘W an JCSTM‘K‘F heat f Irst "n 5‘ Station mod. Suite! W. W'. Kimball Company 2-0-5“ in? Southwest Corner Wabash Avenue and Jacluon Boulevard v U Khulna! Pinnooâ€"Kimbnfl Player Piano. Here you have the choicest of designs and a large and com- plele stock from which to selectâ€"instruments to suit every- One. Also a new and very complete stock of Musw Rolls for all Sdnote player pianos; Victor and Columbia Talking Machmes and Records. These are sold accordmg to the best standards of merchandising. It is_ a sign that he has tested their values at the hands of the buymz public. Kimball Pianos have received the verdict of 250.000 purchasers. among whom are hundreds of’s Went lights and guides in all, yha; pgrgqins to music. E] JOHN E. CONRAD D moms fl. GAIL When a manufacturer marks his wares in plain ï¬gurés which show. just the price at_which the can bq had-mo more, no lessr~then his conï¬dence in the M RIT of hxs goods is put to the for Commissnoner of Highways L D‘stnct 3 A telephone itinerary, pre ared before starting on a journey, also will ena le those at home to reach the traveler quickly should occasion demand. .. Bad news flies fast and is mag- nified by distance. Reports of accidents cause apprehension at home when some member of the family is traveling. ~ Much worry may be saved those left be- hind if the traveler will telephone home frequently, particularly when there is any disturbance of public order where he happens to be. For Justrce of Peace For Assessor For Town Collcctor For Assistant Superv isor Fur Assistant Supervisor Supreme Conï¬dence in Kimball Pianos 1015 SL Johns Ave Highland Park. “I 122 McGovern St. Highland Park. Ill [\M n Ck rk UsethelpngDistanceLhnec Bell By Pention Chicago Telephone Company C. '1‘. Ford, Manager SUPREME TEST Deerï¬e‘ld ToWuship, Lake County, Illinois Election April 7, 1914 Telephone 9903 '1 SPECIMEN BALLOT I] MISS um Doom For Commissioner of Highways District 3 For Justice of Peace For Assessor For Town Collector For Town Clerk For Assistant Supervisor For Assistant Supervisor 36N.Second$t System By Petition Highland Park. [II has been booked to speak of the larger Illinois cities "wet" and "dry“ question voted upon next month. AI'RORA, ILL. â€"â€" -Attorney Clarence Darrow or l‘hicago has been secured by the "wets" for an address In the Aurora Opera house on the evening of Wednesday. March ‘15. He llllnolu Leads in Zinc Smoltlng. WASHINGTON. â€"~ lllinois led in the smelting of. zinc in the year 19L? with an output of 106,654 tons, according to an announce- ment by the geological survey. Okla.- i'oma was second with 83,214 tons. and Kansas third with 74, 106 tons. The output in l9l3 was the greatest in the. history of the industry. “I see some of the senators laugh- ed while the clerk was reading." said the South (‘arolina senator. "I'll bury you fellows yet" 4 Mater Tillman Makes Exclamation In Elatlon Over Hi. Health. WASHINGTON. - Senator Tillman had read to the senate A mag- azine article he had written on the mtouuon of his health. President of Shipbuiiding Concern Ex. plains $5 000 Lobby Fee. i i 1 “ASHINGTON â€"â€" F. T. gBowies president of the Pure Rixer iShipbuii ding com; an). “110 “as irimtographed ix W ashinztm after he {had appeared before the senate lobby 'imestigatk n committee. admitted that he had engaged (‘larence W. De Knight to work {or him against nil- road owned ship exclusion in the pen- } dency of the Panama canal not before i the senate committee and that he had ix‘nid $1,000 to De Knight. ‘I‘LL BURY YOU FELLOWS YET" Looney alleged he was injured when beaten in the city hall by Schriver two yeus: ago. Looney had attacked the mayor in his paper. There was rioting at the time, which caused the ringing of state troops to Rock 1:- 11nd. Alleged to Have Beaten Newspaper Editor in Rock Inland. ROCK ISLAND. ILL. -â€"â€" Mayor H. M. Schriver and six members of the police force were made defend- ants in a suit lur 8100.000 damages by John Looney, former publisher of me Weekly New; A continua! tee of 84,000 was not paid or demanded. he said because the exclusion clause ï¬nally was Incor- porated In the act. MAYOR IS SUED F08 $00,000 BIG END WAS CONTINGENT [:1 mm B. nmm E] GEORGE "mum D Hagan E. WINTERS [j [3 JAMES C. 30mm [Z] JAMES H. DUFFY [:1 JAMES M. 31mm rm: HIGHLAND pmpm mcmui D GEORGE 3. name [j LOUIS N. 3mm: Darrow Qo Stump for "Wen." For Commissioner of Highways District 3 For Justice of Peace For For Town Collector For Town Clerk For Assistant Supervisor For Assistant Supervisor Sheridan Road and Park Ave. Highland Park. Ill Deer ï¬eld Township Waukegan Ave. Highland Park, Ill 121 St. Johns Ave. Highland Park. Ill 133 S. Green Bay Road Highland Park, Ill. Northwestern Ave. Highwood, [ll 330 N. First St. Highland Park. Ill By Petition NON-PARISH PARTY in several where ths will be Conant. Nth Tel-rho" ‘3 [3 MM MING D mm) s’cnuzmi 7.1mm 794.1. I] Aminw J. WALSH Eugofc. "xxx. Box No. “4 “ island Purl: mason natal-“Eran mar-3 E] mam mmmm, Automobile Taiyuan» Rubbers A SEECIALTY Drop' me a postal card or telephone .e and ' I will ca 4 for J; Smnth For Commissiqner of Highways 2' District 3 Emma Steffen Wanikehibederi- ilroh E. 'E. FARMER For Justice of Peacé For Thwn Collector For TWQ Clerk For flaunt Supervisor For Aflstant Supervisor Creep Bay Road 2.31 Glenview Ave. , Highland Patk. HI 4? S. Sheridan Road , Highland Park, I“ N Green Bay Road 23‘ Highland Park. Ill some; Papeg, etc. Rubbfl 111 N. St. Jo'hns Awe. " Highland Park. m fx’rairie Ave. Highwood, lll‘ By Petition Town.†Chrk FARRW Euimteo Furnuhcd ield wanship H9 MIC A". Mails close as follows: 7:13 a. m. {or all points north; 8:48 a. m. for all points‘except local north; 11:49 a. m. for all point: north: 1235 p. m. for all points except local north; 2:13 p. m. for all points south. and Highwood.‘ 3:01 p m for all palm: nonh except High- wood; 5:42p. m. for all points: 6:30p. m for all points Sunday: 5:46 p. m. for all points. Park District...: ‘ Dated, March 26 1914. ; Hmm Moon, Secretary of The Highland Park East: The polling pl§ce for said election will be at F B Greel'a'sstore. comer of No Sheridan Road ï¬nd 5. Central Ave. in 5 The Highland Park East Park District. in l the City of Highknd Park. , One commissioner for the lull ï¬ve (5) years. Public notice is hereby given tht the annual election :0! the Highland Park East Park District of the City of High- land Park. Lake County. Illinois. will be held in the Iaigl The Highland Park Eat, Park District on Tueeday, the eeventh (7th) day of April. A. D. 1914. between the hours of -aeven (7) o'clock in the morning and ï¬ve (5) o‘clock in the after- noon of said dey,.lot the purpose of electing the {ollqwing ofï¬cers of the said The Highland Pirk'East Park District. to-wit: One commissioner for a term (4) years Noï¬cgofakcï¬on HIGHLAND PARK EAST PARK DAVID M. ERSKINB, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Mary R. Hammond. deceased. E. S. GAu, Attorney for the Estate. 4 You are hereby notiï¬ed that the under- signed will on Monday, the 27th day of April A. D. 1914. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, 0', as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard. present to the aid court his ï¬nal account and report as ex- ecutor of the Last Will and Testament of Mary R. Hammond. deceased. and ask that the same be approved and said ee- tate be declared settled and closed. Datedthis 23rd day of March A D 1914. To Anna Rhees Seclye, Annie M. Rhees, Chauncey L. S. Hammond. James A. Morgan. Ida V. Hummond, Rush Rhees. Lillie St. John and Rosehillu Cemetery Company, heirs at law or deviates of the said Mary R. Hammond. deceased. STATE OF ILLINOIS In the County Court of LAKE C OUNTY Lake County in Probate In the matter of the Estaxe of Mary K Hammond, deceased. wrmmsm Tokphm Lake Forâ€! 017 and 339 Large Eu ...... Small Eu ....... Range or Stove.. Nutn ............ Pea ............. Buckwheat ...... Solvay Egg Coke Solvay Nut Coke There will be In advance of to and including September. per ton higher than above. Buyvmcunnwrormwmasmm semen _ "mm": -. ANTHRACI'II Prices on domestic fâ€"vwâ€"p-w It’s a réal pleasure and satisfacthn to do business with FURNITURE STORE Antique Furniture Repaired and Reï¬nished fit!!! in your Ilene , “ There are Reasons †FRANK L. SlUESTROM 148 sizes Anthracite Cot! for April deiivsry will be a: follm ..... ..... (C....................... :e of 10 cent: per ton on the 5 er. making the price next M of {our term of LAKE F CREST , ILLINOIS LIMA"... snagsmdasmmm tug-m nan-Mu; Telephone H. P. 18 m an... W. Central Ave. Highland Park Tohplo'u 783-!â€" mum-Inna ma+¢m anumt hund- MYWgflitevuytimeloo. Our bread never ainppomu. Try itto-dayandyou an M» m of Ketï¬ncitiuu as good tomorrow Ind even day. ~ n “I" biker! you win combim (ion of the ï¬nett fl .xhe moot skilful mixing and ma thuYouAnH-hddA [.0010thth PM“ W WA! (and. In. Fresh Butter, Em nnd Poultry ‘33: law Au... ‘ J. RSI'EFFEN Gallant John Tabb . WATSON mm mm an n. MUZIK