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Highland Park Press (1912), 26 Mar 1914, p. 14

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Iva l3 Sworn to and Mind before me this 5:11 day 0’! March 1914. Mm Doom, _ NWT! Public. JOHN L. UDSU. Owner. Highland Park. Ill. Known bondholders. norm and other security holders. holding l per cent or more of total amount of bonds.N mortgages. or other securities: one N011. -"I'his statement is to be made in duplicate. both copies to be de- livered by the publisher to the postumster. who will send one copy to the Third Assistant Postmaster General (Division of Classification), Washing- ton. D. C., and retain the other in the files of the post office. Editor. W. M. Lomun. Highland Park. Ill. Murcia: Editor. W. M. Lowmz. Highland Park. Ill. Buaineae Manager. JOHN L. UDIu. Highlandvfark. lll. Publisher. IOHN L. UDBLL. Highland Parhlll. 0m (It a corporation. give name- and addreaeen of stockholders hold- ing 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock.) STATEIENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MIAMI", CIRCULATION. ETC. of THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS published weekly at Highland Park, 111., required by the Act of August 24, 1912. A Good Thing Will Stand Repetition New f Gals All the Time: Wedo a big business, you know that. Consequently" ourj stocks are always moving-"turning over several times a year. And as fast as we sell merchandise, we replace it. So our stock is always new, always fresh, always clean and always desirable. Low prices on high class goods enables us to keep stock moving all the time. And that’s why you shOuld trade here. What do you need right now? We have it. Try us. “When you want Hardware, think of HARDER, they go together ” Phone Public Service Campany OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS You Can Buy F o r So We’re Going to Tell You Again Something About the Variety of Electric Service It will pay this Company for sufficient electricity to operate a 16-candle pow- er carbon lamp for two hours, or a 20 candle power Tungsten lamp for four hours. It will run a sewing machine motor one hour, or a vacuum cleaner 45 minutes, or a washing machine 30 minutes, or an automobile tire .pump 30 minutes. It will keep a 6pound flat iron hot 15 minutes, or make four cups of coffee in an electric percolator. or boil a quart of water or heat baby’s milk twice, or keep a heating pad hot two hours, or cook a welsh rarebit in an electric chafing dish, or heat an electric curling iron 15 minutes a day for one week, or toast 20 slices of bread. :2? One Cent Harder’s Hardware 180 15 YOUR House Wired? (My commission expires May 3, 1914. ) when you order here. Then. too. we give you fair weights, courteous ser- vice and reasonable prices. Try us. Out expferts understand meats. so you are m of mm we offer youâ€"fresh. sweet, juicy and tender. Sanitary methods, cleanliness and an up-todale equipment make this the best place to buy. THE BEST MEATS Sobey’s Sanitary Shop I’m 431-433 CHOICE CUTS JOHN L. Unm. c. N. Kimbgm and wt to A. G. Brbm: lot at N. E. cor Fairview and C Am, Highland Park. W. D. $10. 'rPubiic I tiiities ( ‘onmulssion hid: been ',very well mrinced 11mm shun.“ merited its attention the hearint wag: ipostponed for two weeks. pending ‘the submission of more definite data; from uach municipality interested: John Hart Jr. and wt to W. W. Bart-~ lettandwi, partlot70. W. D. $2300.00. LILLondandwitoW. w. Bartlett, quand 7, blk 2, Lloyd: Re-Sub nigh- wood. W...D$330.00 G. T. Odellandwf to C. S.Raymd. 10:4 m 37. Highland Park. Q c3100. A. L. Gail m Gustave Cariaon mi wt, part iot ll, Highwood. W. D. 310.” Gustave Carlson and wf to T. H. QQiI. lots 46 and 49, hi]: 2 Hayt' s Resub lil‘h wood. W. D. 310(1). . 1 _ Sm «mm \\ \NTEDâ€"For April 1 by expenenced gardener; can run Cadillac :car; best referemvs a. ._ places in 14 years; ,marned; no children; North Shore pre- . ferred; age 36‘ Cornelius Barry, East End Belle Ava, Highland Park, Ill. 4 pd 3 _ SITUATION WANTED -â€" A young man would like to havea position as chaufleur. Has had 4 years experience in driving Iand repairing cars. and is not afraid of 5 work. Has good habits and has a chauf- {eurs state license Age 22 years. Tel. 5753-L. 315-911 5 Posmon WANTED~ ~By young man who 5 deu’res position as chauffeur and is will- 5 ing to do odd jobs around the house. Ad- 5dress F. W. R. Press office. 3-6 pd. it was also understood that (inner; towns served by the North Shoré Gas (‘0. wished to join in the complaint and the delay of twu weeks will xive‘i lhpm the opportunity to do so. J. K. ()rvls of Waukegan, Village President:Shem1an M. (lnble of Win- naka and Alderman Joseph L. Rear- lng of Highland Park. were present; as \\ 91‘? also the officers and attornei for North Shore Gas (‘0 After a great deal of diacussun. and after th'e At a hearing before the Public l'tilities (‘ommittee of the State of Hlinois, held in (‘hicagu on Tuesday aftprnoon. March 24th. Commissioner Adjudication Notice Public notice is hereby given [hag the Subscriber Administrator of the Estate of Sarah A. Patchen, deceased, will at- tend the Countv Court of Lake County. at aterm thereof to be holden I! the Court House in Waukegan. in said Coun- ty,on the first Mondav of April next, 1914. when and where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to preoent the same to said Court for adjudication Hearing Started Tueul-y is Poatponod Two Weeks \VANTHI A lHN'rIuNâ€"As chaufieun um? x> “111mg 10 do uther wnrk. Aiddres< J M. L Press wfiix‘c. ‘ 4p“ NH Minx WANIH: ()qxrdvm-r and grncrul man. know: Ilw any of clectrit car. Mnrriod. ago 15.). Bcht Nurth Shun rcrcrcncc-s. Address (Llrdcnrr, 412 W. Central Ave” Highland Park. 4 pd Edward W. McDermott ( Administrator FOR SALE -First class National'cah register in good condition. Will all for $20 for quick sale. Burrill's 5 and 10 cent store. Tel. 390. 51-52-pd Waukegan, Illinois, Feb. 9th, 1914. 50.5}: Fm .\1) Between railroad tracks and Fm! 5L, part nf guld much 10!). Find?! may have same by Culling {at I’m-5S offiq- ml? paying for HHS ad 4 GAS UP TO UTILITIES COIIISSION ..:~‘ 1 LOCAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS SITUATIONS WAN TED FOUND ’IIWMRMWEIIF i FOR SALE 1 SAL‘RIFIL‘E SALEâ€"Cottage, 5 rooms. 0:15! bide near lake. large Int. trees and barn, ; bargain for some one wanting home and warden. or space to bunld another house '. ;which w1H eusnly rent. Tel‘ «381 4 -; FOR SALE â€"»China closet. Address 416 in Central Ave. 11-1. 114. 4 pd (1 FOR SALEâ€" Arrow lHOtUrk‘yClt‘. jus’l ., hwn n‘n'rhdult'd and is m first rims con- T ) rhhnn Apph' B M. Hrrtnms. Mncksmilh. AfNu Yum St, ’I'vl, shnp 331; 1":kath 751-)! L. 4 pd n T FOR Rum HUUM'S, \nuunt, mun $35 ,6 1 m SEAL aim illrnlxhtd‘ houses. long and «Mn h-rms from $633 up tu $601) monthly. Reh'rrnt'rs required. N. A. Aldrxdgc, d lirskmv Bank Bldg. 1-5 pd d â€"lf you are looking for a good man to do your lawn and garden work call on Axel Peterson. 1010 Lake St., Evanston. 'Tel. 3172-R. 4~8 pd WAmn ro EXCHANGEâ€"An 88 acre Arkansas tam improved with new eight ‘.room house and fenced with woven wire Lto exchange for Highland Park property. Tel. ‘36. 3-4-5 Improve and protect your property mth an ornamental fence. Benedict and p’Neil, Waultegan. “L, 417 Phone 119‘ J. ; LOST ' Losrâ€" Brindle Bull pun no white. Finder return to 440 St. Johns Place and ivceive reward, or telephone 148. WANTEDâ€"5 room cottage or flat un- finished, from April 15th to Sept. 15th. Address W. Speckin, 6202 Lakewood Ave.. Chicago. stating price and conveniences WANTEDâ€"Sewing bv the day. Address Mrs. Very, Highland Park, [1]., Een. Del. WANTEDâ€"House to rent for four or five months. Address Press A. I. 4 Dd EMPLOYMENT AGENCYâ€"First class help received for all household posilions. Em- ployment of all kinds for women and girls. Mrs. T. Walsh, 238 N. First St. nsar Elm Place. Tel. 700M-3. 41-pd-tf â€"EMPLOYME.NT AGENCYâ€" Women de- siringezgrk, should r ister. with me. If van :1 help addr Mrs. Geo. Smith Jr., over Schumacher's drug store. Tel. 320. tf FUR SALEâ€"Gable! piano. square, good condition. mahogany case. Address XX Highland Park Press. 3 Fou SALEâ€"$700 mahonganv player piano; will sell for $325 and give $25 worth of music rolls, 88 nole. Address C. H. Press office. 3-4-pd For: SALB on RENTâ€"Groom house. 3 rooms down stairs; modern. $25.00 per month. Will lease or sell on easy terms. will be ready May the first Joseph Delhaye. Chicago and North Green Bay Rd‘, telephone 33.3. H Licenud Employment Agency ' WANTEDâ€"All kinds of. female help: American and foreign. Wages $7 to $10 a week. Also first class help furnished on short notice. Apply 111 N. St. Johns Ava. telephone 263. Mrs. J. M. Donsing. FOR SALEâ€"China closet. Address 416 E. Ccntial Ave. Tel. 483. 4 FOR khanâ€"Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 203 W. Central Ave. Tel. 37.- 4 pd Fox RENTâ€"Rooms with or withom lighx housekeeping privilege. 338 W. Cen- tral Ave. Tel 798 W. 4 pd link Sui»: lam lviuwl in part with my home, «H8 (llcmor Ave. and Will sell same for SRCMJM). There are 12 rooms, two bathrooms. hardwood flours, steam heat.clectrit lights, gas {or cooking. 3 fireplaces, one half acre ground with beautiful lawn and garden. small fruit, shrub trees and vines. The house could not be duplicated under len :housand dollars. Will give possession September 15!. Nellie A. Aldridge. 4 pd FOR SALE-Building suitable for chic- ken house. Call tel. 483. 3 FOR RENT~D¢sirable 6 room fiat. 208 E. Central Ave. S‘eam heat Sobey'a market. 210 E. Central Ave. tf FOR RENTâ€" â€"-7room flat; all modern conveniences. Apply 52 N. Second St., or of Ray w. Schneider, 13 5:. 10th Ave n FOR SALE-6 hole coal range with water bag, in good condition. Tel. 774-]. Fox RENTâ€"Nicely furnished front room, furnace heat, use of telephone, etc. 235 W. Vine Ave.. telephone Highland Park 405. Lady or gentleman employed preferred. If FOR RENTâ€" 4- -room flat at 130 On-wen Lsia Ave. near Exmoor golf grounds. In- quire next door east. If \VANTED T0 RENTâ€"6 or 7 room houn- in good 'condmon. Best references given State price wanted. Address A. H. High- land Park Press. 14 pd ANY BOY anxious to earn money can secure a position with us. Good pay, easy hours. Also prizes â€"-everything from tops to Shetland pony outfits. The work is easy and need not interfere with other dutié. Apply to Albert Larson, 7 St. Johns Ave. Willard Holmes, Glencoe, lll. MALE HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BUY t! KITCHEN '- SLJobAveI'c Unlimited quanti- in! ' ii tiesâ€"at all hours. and not a file in the houseâ€"- no light to strike \otliing to turn unâ€"nothing to turn offâ€" but the f1!llCCt.Llll(5~ )021 are right uptu tlw minutein mntlvru mum-- hold couwnir-nces, this. sI-cms mystify- ingâ€"yt-t simple as‘ tho twist of u wrist. It is dune by the silvnt. unobserved tucked away in the comer of the cellar â€"â€"uncompluiningâ€"â€"r uiriug no atlcn- ‘ r tion, but always rea y to serve you. Scrub and clean to your heart’s Contentâ€"the hot water is always there at a turn of the faucet. Start your stews and porridges with fresh hot water, for the Ruud beats it as you need itâ€"direct floor the water mainâ€"purer and freer from bacteria than your cold water supply. Closing the faucet shuts off the gas and your fur-l expense. Write toâ€"day for complete details or see the Ruud operated at our showroom. Ruud Automatic Gas Water Heater Maintained by First Church of cum. Scientist. of Highland pug; We now have a complete and up-to- date line of spring caps at 50c, 65c and $1.00, also everything in gents’ furnishings including the newest ties and the best $1.00 and $1.50 shirts on the market todayâ€"Arrow Brand, guaranteed by the manufacturer as to durability and fit. - Our Jewelry is of fthe best. If you desire a small Easter gift, come in and see if we have? what you want. Repair work guaranteed. ' ; 119 East Central Avenue Hours9t012a.m§;1to‘5p.m. , 7:30 to 9 p. m. except Wedbadays and Sundays 3 i“: ‘F v.5 ‘i , WATERMAN Fountam Pens § SWAN m Shore Gas Company Youmdadnnymmd tqmakeuseotfllepnvdegesofthe R.W.Schneider ALBERT LARSON Candy. Stationer (HIGHLAND LINEN ( LOUISINE {BERKSHIRE K CON KLIN WUESTS Thine 33.1 -1; : //¢é\\\ ‘1 us h The move' 1 2: star! Bletsch at the Elm Plac um weeks ago has beet young men 0! the city thax the Elm I‘tace Pia} (ion has been turmed a: paxgn for add :wnal su mg made. L'p to date nu 31-.‘X‘ than half the am. 4:: mg scribed and at us believed like methods brag pm in chute will br‘m; we order. Suhscnprzm cm sued and n is (he duryq of the assodahcm 20 ml pea! 20 from twenty to‘ of the district. W113! t is m have every tapil} which will benefit Hard of the playground p: something towarg on they ate not overly p. amount. large and and come. ‘ Pavmenu of scribed are asked for half or mom on or be! babe: on or before M Smith is chairman and treasurer of the need Ill. mm FRO! NEARBY NEWS OF LOCI Chlriel Old: gt were explained last ‘ policeman caught CH daughtzr. Phyllis. nu kiwben steps, and the had set all the when. Information was gin week that the fines d in the cues of the Vol of rail hding. were ten tion of State‘s Attornet women convicted mu each to ply as cost; Will Rain fro- A Followirig the “vial Judge Chxrlel Whimq fire from the Appelhh has med lot neady 1 been appointed m h in; to his plans now 11 send in his raignatiot opinion: before the ca will still retain his 1 The populatim d ‘ in: to fix-nu «valid the new Nonh Shani perms. Owing (he {an thl and Chairman of the mine: Schumnnn seen nuke any headway in sun from the owners appenred for a I'M Men's Club would be one of the fauna thaw but a: a mecnnl decided to go ahead I and to Mr‘ Leash: vii nations for the b can mouon picture. 01 Catherine Among of the North Short” The scenario tor fl Yo... “03'. Club rady been wmten a familiar animals sew: him which wa requi: all women Acoordi Plan! the picture will and will be shown It the minute! perfon planed to publish PEI. some time be” which will be given a The nine fires whi sch have much 0.. Vul- W00 nhod. Girl on P50. Phygrou PREPARING BIC Rani Vole Wt Work of ‘ ‘htr Sub:

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