BELOrii: A group of lacr-ies attending Leeture Club Lurcheon. (staff photos) at the Speakerrs Table cf the T,**ture Luneheon held recent)--1" ai t]"i*. Chapei- H11,1 County Ci u?:, i*ft t,o Rigl:t : I,,{rs" F. 0, }, lk's. 1nfu, Wit't,23 n:'.'d R*be::"hs, i,trs. John -riarese, Lfu'e . I,*F.o;.r ?hose l Olsenr and litrs.. .Qoberi Eegk. ?40{ee DaqnEM? AT - /err, ?7onaro WEEK-EilD D!ffitfil ffiT*APET* ucgbuRy, ILLINOIS Friday and. Saturday from 6 Ir.M. Sundays from 1 P.M. Dinner Menu lnclides G Hiltt COUI{TRY CI.UB of Food Facilities Available for A F[ne serection steaks, chops, Fow! and sea weddings' club Parlies and Bowling Banquets PHoNE EV 5-2040 CELEBRATE THE IRISH HOLIDAY SATURDAY, MARCH 12 - CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE DINNER