SEM I.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NEWSLETTER ftAI{ITUT,T Tt] OPEN SOON l'he building occupied by the George R. Justen anrr Son trurniture has been conpletel;y rebuilt on the inside-:and soon .,rri-11 have a n.-rr front across the build1ng, includi-ng the drug store, of the latest rnodernistic design. The i::side is corapletely nevr with the latest of lighting effects anc vrall decoratron, and is being stocked w'ith the latest flrnj-ture. The business will open soon, and rry-ill be }.nown as Justen Ftrrniture. lTatch for this opening, e.nrl see the grea.t irrprovement that is taking place on Green Street in tkis buildi:tg. Congratulations and the best of success in ;'rour new_I?nqre. _. IE.ANI( TAFISL, of JUSTIJ}J t i U : L{i .I ft .) i t BIAilK SUBSCNf,PETON IETTER 5 MoilrHS. IS 10 $2.OO P}T,R YEAR THE PIGIORLAT-EHSOR $1.I5 FOR aDDRESS MeHINRY, IILINOIS. - P.os nx 57, .....o................. Nr{UE...... BOX N0. ......... c.BOU?E I0.i..o....... CT[Y. ......o... ......STAIE. ........ . .. I,IAKE CHECK OR 1;E!1I TAONEjY ORDER PAT{BIA 10 SLTflTL]R PUBI,I $IERS " ATICE MARIE BEAUYY SHOP pER#l&ruBS? ryAVEg - Y$$*Y{$S(} -- S?YLB**G FG&}{ES ffiY&&tr Scl{actry. ilSinois B&:t 38. &trra,**ido Oriv* A1-gonquin bn iItil"Y 31 and Car.-f Road was host to Senator PauI Taffelrs ldoiel in EV.5-S890 Douglas, after lir' Douglast speech at Cardunal Junlor Cha,n- ber of Ccngnerce. ffiEHW m!0BEffiru HQUIpffiEH'r Rcsidcmtial amd Gomsmercial SEaealtrag Gomp!ctely Enclosed I McHenry Disposal Service ll5 Errr Third Stroel WILLIAM DEVRIES McHenry EV. 5.2221 I